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Jy Rerusuicor rue pmturnives = = PHILIPPINE STATISTICS Al =p ll SG _Based on submissions as of 04 April 2022, Set. WATCH az GOAL 16, PROMOTE PEACEFUL AND INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, ‘= PROVIDE ACCESS T0 JUSTICE FOR ALL, AND BUILD EFFECTIVE, ACCOUNTABLE AND INCLUSIVE INSTITUTIONS AT ALLLEVELS Goals/Targets/Indicators tine | Latest | target’ | Data Source A (per 100,000 pc Hon) 2016 oat a 16st numberof mide ses me s = xmas, ur Pecentgeot enna at wars aicd aga bbe = a as Teton owpeol Sere on sss.ant_ grease never bys goverment el washes hey a a 3S putence tr eoratn Seneca oy yet sree ripen oes ote Ones 151014 hing eases, = s = 165.91. Pyro onter, inf et Sh pete 65.498. Aces to jie pe St ‘pertnce wth Corropton i = oe Phitippines, Office of the Ombudsman ae —_ = ‘Phitippines, Office of the "ombuusen ines Pinar gorermentexpendiires ana proporionofoiahal S15 - a toma Severs ae oon atone (ys, 96 persons with fe Popn poopie abe eons ont nicer, ncn ‘enlaces NEA oa Tne we ‘ees (50) (inden tao funda $06 106.8) Goals/Targets/Indicators Baseline | Latest | Target® | Data Source Agency need aes ene! ny aa 2 = oo, need tes ay cael oa = a ono, ed te emi Son Cae oe S ry eeu eel Rad = = vm, ‘mit rc coe 7 = a on Deter os 2 vm, ore Ss a = vm, ore rosa nat eens wera fee Andicator is also found in SOG ete tts Genel ety ei = Es wo, etd Nates ety Ca 22 a ono, tedster Ca = ay oo. om trl ey a = oo. 4 ‘ail bk Renn ol pet z aa oo. oe ‘erat rec rein = i eI cm, ‘se Ceconer = a 2 or ‘wat Tae geen a 7 eS cr Iroprn etchlrenuner yas ctape ote Sitn O07 750 1088 have been registered with a civil authority, by age” mbes it sap ad ingament 7 ue 12 qot,Depainet filma and vaana Combet err ernate Se 2 2 _ Szuinet t trmatn Potre n.penet ten! human Ht tere 4“ s -AcRONYHS om ror 1 rte cau satisfies the requrement ofthe eer 0 hese ‘Specal computation made by te PSA Teta! taf sng data rom CIRAS PP and 2018 base population projection rm PSA, >ecrdng tothe 2020 ropa by Und Hatin Economic and Sail Conc (UNECOSOC), he term ofthe Fillpinet snd on 31 Dacerber 2020. The 2024 rept ofthe ‘BneCOSOC snot yt srt apd eed to be eed fotoig the release ct he repo ‘The ata refer to the repitered Ive ths he eterence year an the rer pers preceding te reference year (1, 2020 da refers ote raster ve Dts tom Beiew 2020, Enacutive Order No 2 (E02) e he erablg ote for FO. £02 operationalize inthe Executive Branch the Feo’ Consol ght to information, EO 2 ale provides the State pales to pol dscesure sed anspurncy nthe publ aie 2's an mportane nating meeronzm to prometa arspreny i tha gaverets “mia proers.Phough FO, cizns are emporered to ake floral request fo get natin ha bythe gverer, baring can sensve an imperant {ot rented the ntons soc. FOL complements contaung proactive nermation aur flats where agencies ae duty Down to pubs floraton nthe Sp of Spevrers a taneporeny. ‘The PallopnesConstaton of 1987 (Ate Xt, Secon 1) creat CHK of the Pilpines ea independent fi wh a mandate to promote the pctecten, resect er ed emnrcunento aman ight The rie are onto he Commision are act tn Execute Ore Ne 163 (1967). I accordance wh the Pris Pree ‘hi eat, he Cho te Pppnes fe actrees uy emt to the Pars PEs. ace on the petrinary 2030 nana deterined numeral ages for he SOG tough the conducted consaton end vsti werkshops wth bath goverment and on'gavarnmartsakehies of NEDA ln preety PDS. ‘ude of Bxpedtresané Sources fFnansing ‘Commision on Haran Rights {me ntrmatonRepering ans Aras System Deparment of aude! ae Nonogerent Deporte of Foreign Aas Freedom of Intormation (lobe tance of atonal Human Rights instations ‘NEDA Ratna zene and Devdepment Athy (IDS Pipe Inu fer Dovelpman Stas PMP Pipe anal Peace PSA Pigpna Sais Atty ony (rod ons Cer ntraton! Orpen Digaty sane by sp be (ise Bri son

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