Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment

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Clean and

Ensuring Ecological Integrity,

Clean and Healthy Environment
The COVID-19 pandemic and the mobility restrictions that were imposed have redirected our
attention to the most basic needs of air, water, and food and how these relate to human health.
In fact, encroachment into natural habitats caused the transmission of zoonotic diseases,
such as COVID-19 from animals to humans, posing greater societal risk. The shift towards
sustainable development then becomes an urgent matter of survival.

Building on the reforms and accomplishments in the past three years of Plan implementation,
the government will continue to improve the state of the environment and natural resources
(ENR) and increase resilience of resource-dependent and vulnerable communities against the
converging risks arising from natural and biological hazards under a changing climate. The
sector’s goals and targets will be realized by addressing long-standing issues on governance
and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).

Assessment and Challenges

Assessment: For the first three years of Plan However, current experience on the COVID-19
implementation, stakeholders have increasingly pandemic and the consequent imposition of
been participating in transformative actions toward community quarantine resulted in both negative
bringing back the benefits that Filipinos enjoy from and positive impacts on the ENR sector, which
environment and natural resources while improving clearly manifested the interrelationship of
resilience to climate and disaster risks. The following environment and public health. On one hand, the
actions and reforms in the sector were put in place: restrictions on the movement of people during
(a) demonstration effect of rehabilitation efforts the quarantine and pandemic response measures
(e.g., Boracay and Manila Bay rehabilitation); (b) and protocols have (a) caused limited patrolling,
institutionalization of sector reforms through policing, and ground validation activities for
policy issuances and implementation (e.g., National wildlife and habitat protection, (b) generated more
Integrated Protected Areas System [NIPAS] Act, as waste from healthcare facilities and households, (c)
amended by Republic Act [RA] 11038), Guidelines increased pressure on resource extraction as raw
on Protected Area Suitability Assessment (PASA); materials for additional quarantine facilities, and
(c) formulation of the Philippine Action Plan (d) increased vulnerability of resource-dependent
for Sustainable Consumption and Production communities to the economic and social impacts
(PAP4SCP); and (d) development of local climate of the pandemic and natural hazards, especially
change adaptation and mitigation/disaster risk with the onset of rainy season, which may be
reduction and management (CCAM/DRRM) plans exacerbated by climate variability. On the other
and establishment of early warning systems. hand, the quarantine resulted in improvement in
urban air quality and allowed many ecotourism

Chapter 20 Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment | 351

sites to start to recover their pristine state, thus records and problems in land data capture
encouraging behavior towards preservation and pose challenges in: (a) achieving targets
ecological restoration. on issuance of residential free patents; (b)
facilitating forestry-related investments;
Challenges: In view of the new normal state and (c) supporting preferential access of
municipal fishers to coastal and marine
arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, managing
waters, among others. These zoning and
pollution and sustainable use of natural delineation issues stem primarily from
resources vis-a-vis addressing the threat of the lack of national land and sea use, and
future pandemics amid climate change become permanent forest limit policies.
even more challenging. In particular, poor waste
management and pollution control exacerbate - Weak and fragmented M&E system
decline in environmental quality. Inadequate in the sector prevents timely and
waste management facilities can increase the appropriate interventions. This stems
from the lack of an integrated M&E
volume of untreated healthcare wastes which pose framework and inadequate capacity for
a greater threat to public health. Also, with the the use of appropriate methodology,
digitalization of most economic activities, harmful particularly for the collection and robust
substances from unmanaged electronic wastes will analysis of up-to-date ENR data. In fact,
contaminate land, air, and water – aggravating concerns on insufficient data capture
pollution and health risks. A lack of air and from environmental monitoring stations
water pollution control measures can worsen the and limited habitat inventory make it
situation and even negate the environmental gains difficult to  evaluate the effectiveness
generated during the quarantine period. Further, of ENR management interventions.
ineffectual ENR governance and institutional Moreover, the methodologies being used
to generate, monitor, and report data/
arrangements undermine the effectiveness of information, are still inadequate, such as
protection, conservation, rehabilitation, and on (a) waste management (e.g., solid waste
resilience measures. The national and sub-national diversion rate, wastewater production vs.
governments have had limited capacity to manage treatment capacity), (b) livelihood and
multi-dimensional risks arising from natural and other economic opportunities provided
biological hazards, including climate change. This by ecosystems (e.g. ecotourism and
affects our response to mitigate the impacts and biodiversity-friendly enterprises), and
implement recovery measures. The low adoption (c) resilience to the impacts of climate
of innovative technologies for enforcement and change and disasters (e.g., risk resilience
monitoring of wildlife and habitats also limits index). Furthermore, existing review tools
do not yet capture whether or not local
efforts to keep biodiversity intact and minimize plans (i.e., Comprehensive Development
zoonotic disease risks. Compounding these are the Plans [CDPs], Comprehensive Land Use
following long-standing challenges in the sector Plans [CLUPs], Local Climate Change
that need to be addressed: Action Plans [LCCAPs], and Local Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Plans
- Issues on zoning, boundary delineation, [LDDRMPs]) are risk-informed and/or
and overlapping claims constrain efforts on responsive to the vulnerability of a given
the rehabilitation of natural resources. The locality.
absence of zoning, unresolved boundary
conflicts in many LGUs, and outdated land

352 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

Assessment and Challenges
Table 20.1 presents the medium-term targets corresponding to each of the major outcomes, namely: (a)
biodiversity and ecosystem services sustained; (b) environmental quality improved; and (c) resilience of
resource-dependent and vulnerable communities increased.

Table 20.1 Updated Plan Targets to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment


(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN

Chapter Outcome: Ecological integrity and socioeconomic resilience of resource-dependent communities improved

Subsector Outcome: Biodiversity and ecosystem services sustained

Forest cover increased (in million, hectares [ha]) 7.01 (2015) Increasing

Quality of coastal and marine habitats under NIPAS marine protected areas (MPAs) and other priority coastal and marine conservation areas

Percentage of hard coral cover (HCC) in MPAs (in number of MPAs):

No baseline data 2 (2018) 0 0 0 0

Poor (0-22%) 12 (2018) 14 9 6 6

Fair (>22%- 33%) 11 (2018) 11 10 12 12

Good (>33%-44%) 4 (2018) 4 10 10 10

Excellent (>44%) 7 (2018) 7 7 8 8

Percentage of seagrass cover in MPAs (in number of MPAs)

No baseline data 11 (2018) 0 0 0 0

Poor (0-25%) 11 (2018) 22 17 15 15

Fair (26-50%) 10 (2018) 10 12 11 11

Good (51-75%) 3 (2018) 3 5 7 7

Excellent (76-100%) 1 (2018) 1 2 3 3

Number of free patents issued 57,822 (2016) 62,000 67,000 72,000 360,000

Chapter 20 Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment | 353

(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN

Subsector Outcome: Environmental quality improved

Percentage of priority water bodies within water quality guidelines increased (e.g., Biochemical oxygen demand [BOD], dissolved oxygen [DO],
potential of hydrogen [pH], phosphorous [P], temperature, total suspended solids [TSS], fecal coliform)

Public water supply (%) 0 (2016) Increasing

Food production (%) 20 (2016) Increasing

Recreational (%) 87 (2016) Increasing

Percentage of highly urbanized and other major urban

centers within ambient air quality guideline value
55 (2016) Increasing
(i.e., Particulate Matter [PM] 10 and PM 2.5)
increased (%)

Metro Manila (MM): 48;

Solid waste diversion rate increased (%) Outside MM: 46 70 75 80 80

Percentage of healthcare waste managed (%) 66 (2016) 100 100 100 100

Area assessed and mapped for soil fertility status and 1,000,000
450,000 450,000 450,000 2,700,000
soil fertility management increased (ha) (2016)

Area of land degradation hotspots decreased 2,300,000

2,100,000 2,050,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
(ha, cumulative) (2016)

Subsector Outcome: Resilience of communities and their livelihood increased

CLUP: 34
CDP: 0 Increasing
Percentage of local government units (LGU) with (2016)
climate change and disaster risk-informed plans
increased (%) LDRRMP: 0 (2016) 100 100 100 100

LCCAP: 0 (2016) 74 75 100 100

Number of LGUs with operating early warning 1,180

systems (EWS) in place increased (2016)

Permanent: 775 (2016) Increasing

Number of fully-functional DRRM operations centers
Temporary: 810 (2016) Increasing

Employment from biodiversity-friendly enterprises and other sustainable resource-based industries increased (cumulative)

From NIPAS-PAs and ecotourism sites Increasing

From reforestation and non-timber/agroforestry

enterprises (i.e. National Greening Program [NGP], Increasing
Community-based Forest Management [CBFM])

354 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

Strategic Framework
For a healthy and resilient Philippines, the Innovative waste and pollution abatement measures
government will intensify the protection, will also be implemented to address the increasing
conservation, and rehabilitation of natural waste and other pollutants generated from
resources and accelerate the adoption of innovative COVID-19 response measures, among others. The
technologies for enforcement and monitoring resilience of resource-dependent communities and
of wildlife and habitat. Law enforcement will be their livelihood will be enhanced by strengthening
further strengthened to enhance compliance with capacities to undertake CCAM-DRRM actions and
environmental standards and safeguards and expanding sustainable economic opportunities
consequently improve environmental quality. from natural capital.

Figure 20.1. Strategic Framework to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment

Chapter 20 Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment | 355

To achieve the Plan’s targets, sector-specific and Terrestrial Ecosystems
cross-cutting strategies will be implemented.
Forest and critical watersheds including inland
wetlands and caves
Sustaining biodiversity and • Prioritize interventions and investments to
ecosystem services accelerate and improve forest protection and
reforestation activities in critical watersheds.
To sustain biodiversity and the provision of Integrated and science-based restoration
ecosystem services, demonstration effects from approaches, such as forest landscape restoration,
natural resources protection, conservation, and will be used to rehabilitate the remaining
rehabilitation efforts will be replicated and scaled unproductive, denuded, and degraded forest
up by building on the increased multi-stakeholder areas, including critical watersheds. The LGUs,
involvement and existing opportunities for inter- private sector, and communities will, once
agency convergence. Capacities and competencies more, be engaged in community-based forest
for data generation, assessment, and tracking of the and watershed management to ensure that the
state of natural resources, including its ecosystem remaining natural forests and reforested areas
services, will be enhanced. Complementing remain intact and protected. These strategies
these are the necessary investments for research are geared towards ensuring uninterrupted
and development (R&D), as well as innovative supply of water to meet the country’s demand
monitoring technologies that will support habitat for domestic, agricultural, health and sanitation,
and wildlife protection and help safeguard the and industrial uses, and other forest ecosystem
country from zoonotic diseases arising from services.
unsustainable and illegal wildlife consumption and
trade. • Enhance water conservation and efficiency
measures to avert water shortage. Nature-based
Intensify protection, conservation and solutions, aside from hard infrastructure, will
rehabilitation of natural resources. be pursued to enhance water use efficiency
and conservation. Support will be given for
Ecosystem-based actions and area-based the establishment of riparian buffer strips,
management will continue to be prioritized restoration of natural floodplains, and aquifer
to protect terrestrial and coastal and marine recharge.
ecosystems while supporting the natural and
assisted rehabilitation of degraded habitats. • Continue and scale up the conduct of
Conservation and sustainable use of natural comprehensive water resource assessment in
resources will also be strengthened to ensure groundwater critical areas and major river
continuous provision of essential ecosystem goods basins for sustainable water supply. This will
and services to optimize their contribution to the support evidence-based planning and guide
economy, food security, and overall well-being of sustainable allocation of water resources,
people. assessment, and simulation of current and
potential future scenarios for surface and
groundwater resources.

• Delineate production and protection forests.
The areas within forestland that will be made
available for development and private sector

356 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

investment (production zones) and those needs and natural behavior of wildlife species
reserved for protection and conservation will be pursued to inform development of
activities (protection zones) will be biodiversity corridors. The corridors intend
identified. This way, appropriate management to link terrestrial protected areas to ensure
arrangements in the forestlands can be uninterrupted areas of forest and other
established and protection and rehabilitation habitats, which support the entire life cycle of
efforts for protected areas and ancestral lands birds and other important wildlife species.
can be harmonized.
Land and Mineral Resources
• Optimize the implementation of the NIPAS
Act, as amended, to improve the management • Complete Rapid Land Tenure Appraisal
of terrestrial protected areas. Specifically, (RLTA) to identify patentable lands and
the Department of Environment and Natural facilitate issuance of free patents (i.e.,
Resources (DENR) will (a) conduct regular residential and agricultural). Partnership and
monitoring of protected area management coordination among land-related agencies and
to gauge effectiveness, and (b) implement the LGUs will be intensified and land titling
a biodiversity assessment and management processes will be streamlined. These will hasten
system starting with determining baseline land survey and titling activities and address
conditions of habitats and species (e.g., species concerns on idle private lands for optimal use,
richness and abundance). such as for agriculture and forestry purposes,
among others (see Chapter 8). The LGUs will
• Improve the management and sustainable also be encouraged to adopt their zoning
use of inland wetlands and their resources. ordinances based on best-use assessment of
The DENR will (a) conduct biophysical and land assets and enable implementation of their
sociocultural assessments of inland wetlands CLUPs.
to determine those for conservation and
rehabilitation; (b) strengthen enforcement • Pursue the mapping of Indigenous Cultural
of legal easement, hazard zones, and other Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs)
environmental regulations to ensure sustainable to facilitate the recognition of ancestral lands/
use of inland wetlands in coordination with domains. The country’s various ICCs/IPs will
LGUs; and (c) continue to utilize market-based be identified and mapped with the issuance of
instruments to promote conservation and Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT)
proper management of inland wetlands. and Certificate of Ancestral Land Title (CALT),
and provided with assistance in the preparation
• Scale up sustainable management of caves of their Ancestral Domain Sustainable
and cave systems. The DENR cave survey, Development and Protection Plan (ADSDPP).
assessment, and classification activities will This will help address overlaps, particularly
be scaled up to identify caves with high in forestlands, protected areas, and ancestral
conservation value for protection. Policies domains/lands.
to develop caves as ecotourism attractions
and monitor/manage visitor impact, while • Rationalize and enhance the free, prior,
ensuring compliance with safety and sanitation and informed consent (FPIC) process for
standards, will be formulated and implemented the protection of indigenous peoples’ rights
by the DENR, the Department of Tourism and interests in their ancestral domains.
(DOT), and the LGUs. The National Commission on Indigenous
Peoples (NCIP) will rationalize the process
• Conduct research on terrestrial ecological for issuance of FPIC clearances to promote
connectivity to support biodiversity corridors. genuine protection of the rights of IPs and
Research studies that examine the ecological ICCs, and ensure their active engagement in the

Chapter 20 Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment | 357

governance of natural resources within their mining activities and ensure that operations
ancestral domain based on their own plans and are undertaken only under legitimate
priorities. contracts/permits and within legitimate/
  designated areas by:
• Improve compliance with environmental
and social safeguards for mineral resources - Revisiting the implementation of the
People's Small-scale Mining Act of 1991
development. The DENR will: (RA 7076) particularly the definition and
coverage of small-scale mining;
■ Strengthen regulatory enforcement, M&E,
and reporting mechanisms through the: - Easing the application requirement of
Minahang Bayan scheme; and
- Conduct of objective, science-based, and
fact-finding reviews of large- and small- - Increasing the penalty provisions to
scale mining operations, including mineral approximate the value of environmental
processing plants; and health damages and intensify the anti-
illegal mining efforts.
- Enhancement of the participation of the
mining industry in the Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiative to ensure greater Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
transparency and accountability in the
management of natural resources; and • Complete stocktaking of coastal and marine
- Development and adoption of a more habitats and species diversity. The extent and
stringent monitoring instrument (e.g., condition of the country’s coastal and marine
scorecard) for assessing compliance of habitats, such as coral reefs, mangroves, and
mines under exploration, production, and seagrass beds, will be determined to support
care and maintenance. a more effective planning and programming
for the sector. The species and genus diversity
■ Ensure that plans and programs for large- of these habitats will be assessed with the
scale mining operations (e.g., Safety and implementation of the Coastal and Marine
Health Program, Final Mine Rehabilitation Ecosystems Management Program (CMEMP)
and/or Decommissioning Plan, Social and the NIPAS Act, as amended, among others.
Development and Management Program and
Environmental Protection and Enhancement • Optimize the increased coverage of MPAs as
Program) and small-scale mining a habitat of biologically and economically
operations (e.g., Community Development important species through MPA networking.
and Management Plan and Potential In view of the declining performance of the
Environmental Impact Management Plan) fisheries sector (see Chapter 8), it is important to
are aligned with the local land use and ensure that appropriate management measures
development plans; are established in the country’s MPAs, based
■ Continue research and development to on ecological connectivity and biophysical
determine the appropriate strategies that assessments. To scale up MPA networking,
will address the mercury contamination of more ecological connectivity studies will be
Palawan Quicksilver Mine, Inc. as part of undertaken to effectively protect and conserve
the rehabilitation (i.e., bio-remediation), and the entire life cycle of fish and other marine
facilitate the smooth turnover of management species.
(i.e., protection and maintenance) to the LGU
at the end of the project; • Pilot-test existing innovative technologies for
rehabilitation of coastal habitats. Innovative
■ Strengthen the Minahang Bayan scheme technologies will be pilot-tested to fast-track
to avoid proliferation of illegal small-scale rehabilitation of degraded coastal and marine

358 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

habitats (e.g., massive coral larval reseeding), and finalized and adopted, to enhance regulatory
support replication and scaling-up. measures and facilitate sharing of economic
benefits from the use of genetic resources and
• Complete delineation of municipal waters. traditional knowledge. Permitting protocols
Continuous support and technical assistance on marine scientific research will also be
from the National Mapping and Resource strengthened.
Information Authority (NAMRIA) will be
provided to LGUs to fast-track municipal water • Develop a bioprospecting and biotechnology
delineation, while the guidelines for delineation program to facilitate discovery and
of municipal waters with offshore islands will development of novel compounds and
be finalized by the Department of Agriculture - derivatives for pharmaceutical purposes.
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA- Priority will be given to studies on zoonosis
BFAR). Spatial planning within the delineated in selected wildlife reservoirs and natural
municipal waters will also be pursued to resources with potential antibacterial/antiviral
determine the protection and multiple use properties and treatments that can be used for
zones. pharmaceutical applications.

• Enhance multi-stakeholder coordination and • Establish a clear mechanism for encouraging

capacity on coastal and marine resources private sector investment and civil society
management aligned with the country’s participation in biodiversity conservation and
international commitments and related sector sustainable use. The DENR will formulate clear
initiatives (e.g., coral triangle initiative on coral guidance and systems for facilitating private
reefs, fisheries, and food security). Program sector investment and promoting cohesive
convergence budgeting and cooperation among participation of civil society organizations
the DA, the DENR, and the Department of (CSOs), given their vital role in raising public
the Interior and Local Government (DILG), awareness on the benefits of keeping biodiversity
as well as between and among the LGUs, will intact.
be pursued to ensure complementary actions
within national and locally-managed marine Scale up adoption of innovative technologies
protected areas, fisheries management areas, for enforcement and monitoring of wildlife and
and fish sanctuaries within municipal waters, habitat integrity.
and support ecosystem approach to fisheries
management (EAFM) (see Chapter 8). Inventory • Strengthen law enforcement and intensify the
and monitoring of locally-managed MPAs use of technological innovations for improved
and other local coastal resource management surveillance activities to combat illegal
(CRM) interventions will be conducted through wildlife trade, and deter illegal, unreported,
the Fisheries Compliance Audit of the DILG. unregulated fishing (IUUF). The use of
innovative technologies (e.g., unmanned aerial
Biodiversity and Genetic Resources vehicles, Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer
Suite, satellite-based Vessel Monitoring System)
To sustainably harness the economic potential of will be intensified to help in patrolling and
terrestrial, coastal, and marine biodiversity, and policing to protect wildlife, prevent habitat
genetic resources, especially their medicinal and encroachment and emergence and spread
pharmaceutical properties for various zoonotic of zoonotic infectious diseases, and combat
diseases, the following strategies will be pursued: IUUF. This will be complemented with stricter
inspection protocols at checkpoints, airports,
• Develop a system for access and benefit sharing and seaports, to combat illegal wildlife trade.
(ABS) of wealth from genetic resources. The
national policy framework on ABS will be • Modernize habitat monitoring and impact

Chapter 20 Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment | 359

evaluation of management interventions. • Upgrade air pollution control and emission
Available technologies and digital platforms regulatory systems
(e.g., satellite image-sharing platforms, remote
sensing, geospatial mapping) will be utilized ■ For mobile sources, prior to issuance of
for regular and real-time monitoring of Certificate of Conformity (COC) by the
terrestrial and coastal and marine habitats. This DENR, the actual inspection of new imported
will facilitate modernized data generation and motor vehicles will be strengthened to ensure
analysis for more efficient evaluation of impacts compliance with the EURO IV Emission
and assessment of effectiveness of various Limits requirement. The DENR, the
management interventions implemented. DOTr, and the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) will expedite the issuance
of procedural guidelines on the National
Improving environmental Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance
quality Program (NMVIMP) for public and
private vehicles, and implement the public
The government, private sector, businesses, and utility vehicle (PUV) modernization
individuals will be enjoined to take collective and program. The Civil Aviation Authority of
concrete actions to achieve a clean and healthy the Philippines (CAAP), in cooperation
environment. Strategies will focus on eliminating with the International Civil Aviation
the long-term impact of pollution on biodiversity, Organization (ICAO), will implement the
the ecosystem, and public health. Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme
for International Aviation (CORSIA).
Strengthen enforcement, regulation, and ■ For stationary sources, the DENR will review
monitoring of environmental compliance and the Emission Standards for Stationary Sources
management interventions. in attaining cleaner air quality in industrial
and commercial areas. Streamlining the stack
The enforcement, regulation, and monitoring emission testing, installation of Continuous
of compliance with existing environmental laws Emission Monitoring System (CEMS),
and regulations will be intensified to implement permitting and inspection of industries, will
the necessary operational mechanisms to address be reinforced through the implementation of
the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, rapid Industrial Emission Management Program
urbanization, and climate change on environmental (IEMP).
■ For area sources, the DENR will provide
Air Quality Management support to the LGUs to strengthen the
implementation of environmental local
The air quality compliance monitoring activities of ordinances (e.g., ban on smoking in public
the DENR will be complemented by more aggressive places and open burning or siga), especially
implementation of the vehicle emission-testing within designated airsheds.
program and no-contact apprehension policy of
the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and the • Modernize air quality monitoring systems of
Land Transportation Office (LTO). The DENR will the DENR-EMB
also designate attainment and non-attainment areas
in existing airsheds and implement necessary action ■ Develop a more stringent air quality index
plans to comply with the National Ambient Air for PM 2.5, standard for regulating and
Quality Guidelines Values. monitoring black carbon (i.e., PM1), and
ambient air quality standards/guideline values
for Hazardous Ambient Air Pollutants.

360 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

■ Repair, upgrade, and increase the number ■ Strengthening marine pollution regulations
of air quality monitoring stations and and expanding shore reception facilities
install backup systems to ensure adequate in seaports for the collection and disposal
data capture, including regular preventive services of wastes generated from ships
maintenance to lessen equipment breakdown. through collaboration among concerned
agencies (e.g., DOTr, Philippine Coast
■ Develop and utilize digital, modelling, Guard [PCG], Maritime Industry Authority
and remote sensing technologies for air [MARINA], Philippine Ports Authority
pollution monitoring in partnership with [PPA], and Cebu Port Authority [CPA]).
the Department of Science of Technology
(DOST). Accelerate the establishment of domestic
wastewater treatment facilities and its conveyance
■ Develop and/or utilize locally-available system. The DPWH, the DENR, and the DOH will
technologies for ambient and indoor air continue to enhance the institutional and technical
pollution control. capacities of LGUs, water districts, and concerned
entities to implement sewerage and septage
Water Quality Management projects under the National Sewerage and Septage
Management Program (NSSMP), and mobilize
Strengthen the regulation of point sources (e.g., other financial support on wastewater treatment.
discharges from industries and treatment plants)
and nonpoint sources (e.g., agricultural farms and • Modernize water quality monitoring systems
residential areas) of pollution by: by:

■ Expediting the nationwide inventory ■ Repairing, upgrading, and increasing the

and classification of waterbodies, and number of fully-operational ambient water
establishment of water management systems quality monitoring stations; and
in priority waterbodies; ■ Enhancing capacity for laboratory analysis
■ Refining and expanding the Environmental and exploring the use of advanced remote
User Fee System (EUFS) to cover all sensing and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
pollution sources (i.e., domestic, industrial, technologies in monitoring water quality.
commercial, and agricultural), and to
properly reflect the value of environmental Land Quality Management

■ Designating the non-attainment areas1 To manage the potential increase in volume of

for waterbodies where pollutants exceed infectious waste materials (e.g., disposable masks
the water quality guidelines to prevent and PPEs) and solid wastes from single-use
new sources of effluent concentration and packaging materials in households, health care
discharge from adversely affecting water facilities, and other establishments, the LGUs
quality; will need to prioritize the (a) approval and/or
implementation of their approved 10-year solid
■ Designating and operationalizing the waste management (SWM) plans; (b) closure of
required number of Water Quality dumpsites; and (c) clustering of waste management
Management Areas (WQMAs), including facilities through inter-LGU partnership.
updating of its Action Plans; and

  Pursuant to the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (RA 8749), the DENR in coordination with the LGUs, shall designate these non-attainment
areas of waterbodies where pollutants have exceeded water quality guidelines to prevent new effluent concentration and discharges.

Chapter 20 Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment | 361

Fast-track the implementation of waste healthcare wastes. Support will be given
management measures for solid, toxic, and to mobilize public-private investments
hazardous wastes, including electronic waste, in the construction and accreditation of
especially at the local level through: additional TSD facilities;
- Improving disposal of healthcare wastes at
■ Engagement among SWM regulators, the household or barangay level, especially
users, service providers, and intermediaries in areas with limited access and capacity to
to ensure that cities, municipalities, and transport to TSD facilities; and
barangays have fully-functional materials
recovery facilities (MRF) by conducting - Establishing partnerships between and
among LGUs and TSD-accredited facilities
regular onsite maintenance and operational
to ensure that untreated healthcare wastes
trainings; do not reach MRFs and sanitary land fills
■ Capacity development of the LGUs to (SLF).
implement a proper monitoring and • Promote sustainable land management (SLM)
reporting scheme on SWM, development to arrest land degradation.
of methodology for estimation of waste
diversion, and strengthening the monitoring ■ Integrate SLM practices into national and
and evaluation of effectiveness of SWM local development plans;
programs by the National Solid Waste
Management Commission (NSWMC); ■ Improve local capacities and skills for
planning and management of land resources,
■ Implementation of community-based and strengthen awareness and advocacy
composting of food wastes and other campaigns; and
biodegradable materials and linking
households to composting market/industry ■ Scale up and promote SLM in production
for commercial viability; landscapes and within multiple-use zones,
among others.
■ Formulation of a policy on the management
and monitoring of e-wastes and
institutionalization of extended producer Adopt and implement innovative pollution
responsibility (EPR); and abatement solutions.

■ Streamlining the management of health • Support reforms on mass transport system,

care and infectious wastes, especially at the including the expansion of ride-sharing
community and household levels by: services to reduce proliferation of vehicles,
- Ensuring compliance of healthcare and promote the production and utilization
facilities2 and 
treatment technologies3  of eco-friendly vehicles, as well as the use
with the standards for hazardous waste of non-motorized transport through the
management and handling new pathogens establishment of bicycle lanes and replication
or viruses; of local bike-sharing systems (see Chapter 19).
- Modernizing and increasing the number
• Encourage development of walkable cities and
of Treatment Storage and Disposal
(TSD) facilities for handling infectious major urban areas to improve built-up systems

  Based on the DOH Health Care Waste Management Manual and the DENR Revised Procedures and Standards for the Management of
Hazardous Wastes.
  New and existing technologies need to undergo Environmental Technology Verification of the DOST-Industrial Technology Development
Institute and comply with the applicable environmental standards and the DOH-required level of microbial destruction or inactivation to
eliminate bacteria/virus.

362 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

of urban environment, and expand green and Agreement commitments, the following strategies
open urban spaces and green infrastructure to will be implemented:
improve health and well-being of people and the
environment (e.g., reduce carbon emissions). • Enhance accessibility of climate and geospatial
information and services by:
• Support wastewater reclamation/recycling and
reuse for next intended use (e.g., indoor use and ■ Developing a data protocol to facilitate access
irrigation purposes) and promote other cleaner and sharing of available scientific researches
production techniques to control the discharge and studies, geospatial information, climate
of pollutants (e.g., use of organic fertilizers and trends and projections, risk estimation
biopesticides). models, gender-related variables, and
disaggregated loss and damage datasets on
• Strengthen public-private partnerships vulnerable and affected groups. Technical
(PPP) to create opportunities for low-cost support will be provided to LGUs on
pollution-control and treatment technologies. integrating these information in the local
Capacity development of the private sector and planning databases; and
promotion of available incentive mechanisms
to adopt cleaner technologies in its operations ■ Establishing integrated knowledge
(e.g., factories and power plants) will be management systems to serve as platforms
encouraged. for sharing, managing, and reporting climate
change/disaster risk reduction (CC/DRR)-
• Establish synergies with research and related information.
development institutions to undertake studies • Integrate CCAM-DRR considerations in public
on technological solutions and water pollution investment programming processes. The NEDA
abatement measures. and other concerned implementing agencies
will ensure that climate and disaster risk
parameters are mainstreamed in the design and
Increasing resilience of ex-ante evaluation of programs and projects
communities and their toward ensuring their long-term sustainability.
livelihood • Fast-track and prioritize the development of
guidelines and standard quality assurance
review tools and streamline local planning
Strengthen national and local capacities for
and review mechanisms (i.e., DILG for CDPs;
climate and disaster risk reduction and
Department of Human Settlements and
Urban Development [DHSUD] for CLUPs;
Office of Civil Defense - National Disaster
In partnership with research institutions and
Risk Reduction and Management Council
development organizations, the government
[OCD-NDRRMC] for Local DRRM Plans;
will prioritize the development and adoption of
and Climate Change Commission [CCC] for
appropriate baseline information and indicators to
measure resilience of ecosystems and communities
(i.e., resilience index), and set up a systematic
• Strengthen existing mechanisms to harmonize
database to regularly monitor sectoral emissions
the monitoring of CCAM and DRRM
reduction. To ensure the implementation and
expenditures at the national and local levels.
effectiveness of CCAM and DRRM initiatives vis-à-
The Department of Budget and Management
vis Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Sendai
(DBM), the CCC, and the OCD-NDRRMC
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and Paris
will prioritize and enhance climate budget

Chapter 20 Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment | 363

tagging to cover actual expenditures relevant agencies (e.g., DTI, Department of Social
and establish a similar budget-tagging Welfare and Development [DSWD]) to increase
arrangement for DRRM. their socioeconomic resilience.

• Enhance the capacity of the government to • Intensify agroforestry development

address the multidimensional risks arising from and establishment of commercial forest
natural hazard events, including biological plantations. Commercial forest plantations
hazards by: within integrated forest management agreement
■ Updating the local DRRM and LCCAPs to (IFMA), community-based forest management
include public health emergencies and climate agreements (CBFMAs), and applicable areas in
and disaster risk parameters to ensure better ancestral domains will be developed based on
preparedness and response to pandemics comparative advantage. There will be investment
while mitigating impacts of climate-related support packages to encourage diversification
disasters; especially towards fast-growing native species
that yield high-value timber. Community
■ Sustaining support to promote business and family-based agroforestry farms, and
and public service continuity planning and related biodiversity-friendly enterprises will
ensuring the development of climate and be established. Through these, traditional crop
disaster-resilient structures and designs varieties will be cultivated and products using
following established measures and standards; indigenous materials will be developed, such
■ Providing technical assistance to national as eco-friendly personal protective equipment
government agencies (NGAs), LGUs, private (PPE). To ensure sustainability and international
sector, and community organizations to: competitiveness of the country’s forest-based
(a) maximize access to CCAM and DRRM products, registry and forest certification systems
financing and risk transfer mechanisms; and will be institutionalized.
(b) implement ecosystem-based adaptation  
(EbA) measures that are risk-informed, • Pursue sustainable and resilient fish- and marine-
gender-responsive, and sensitive to the needs, based industries for blue economy development.
benefits, and priorities of men and women, Sustainable fish- and marine-based industries4
while taking into account indigenous knowledge will be developed and promoted using
systems; and innovative technologies and practices and with
proper sanitary and safety protocols. Climate-
■ Undertaking gender analysis to identify gender resilient post-harvest facilities will be provided
issues related to capacity of both men and to support value-adding activities in coastal
women, especially in vulnerable communities, communities. Existing community fish landing
to engage in decision-making processes, centers will be operationalized by the BFAR to
project development, implementation, and cater to the needs of coastal communities for
monitoring of CCAM and DRRM actions. cold storage and other related support services.
The overall economic contribution of the blue
Expand sustainable livelihood and economic economy will be accounted through the ocean
opportunities for resource-dependent and economy satellite accounts of the Philippine
vulnerable communities. Statistics Authority (PSA).

As upland and coastal communities remain among • Develop and promote ecotourism and cultural
the poorest sectors of society, the development of sites within ecological limits, and sanitary and
more sustainable livelihood and other economic safety standards. The following will be pursued: (a)
opportunities will be pursued in cooperation with replicate and scale up carrying capacity studies

  These industries include (a) sustainable fisheries and aquaculture; (b) ocean energy, offshore, and gas exploration; (c) shipping/marine
transportation and shipbuilding; (d) coastal tourism; and (e) marine biotechnology, among others.

364 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

to support the implementation of ecotourism data from both the national and local governments,
activities and development of new ecotourism including academic and research institutions; (b)
sites; (b) develop ecotourism facilities and facilitates informed decision-making of political
environment-friendly infrastructure, including leaders and local communities on conservation
ecotourism-related products and services to areas; (c) assesses trade-offs and provides better
support livelihood of communities following alternatives; (d) enables income and employment
proper safety and sanitation protocols; (c) generation in the rural areas and creates wealth
conduct risk assessment necessary for developing for the nation; and (e) provides incentives for the
health and safety plans and guidelines; and management of ENR (e.g., payments for ecosystem
(d) finalize the methodology to account for services).
employment generated from ecotourism.
Streamline green and climate finance in the
• Fast track adoption and implementation financial sector through the formulation of a
of green jobs assessment and certification sustainable finance framework and roadmap that
criteria/guidelines, green jobs human resource will support and accelerate the development of
development plan, and tools to monitor and a green and sustainable economy. This includes
account green jobs. the issuance of guidelines on green/climate finance
flows, including green finance taxonomy, and
protocol/processes for implementation, regulation,
Cross-cutting strategies transparency, and institutional arrangements.
Building capacities of regulators and market
Review, codify, and streamline existing ENR participants in the financial sector on internalizing
policies, rules, and regulations to improve environmental and climate and disaster risks in the
compliance, address conflicting provisions, and current government and private systems will also be
promote transparency and accountability. A prioritized.
comprehensive assessment and review of existing
ENR laws and policies, including governance Accelerate implementation of sustainable
arrangements, will be undertaken. This is deemed consumption and production. In the remaining
necessary to address the overlaps and conflict in Plan period, the PAP4SCP will be rolled out to guide
existing policies toward improving compliance, the government and stakeholders’ programmatic
transparency, and accountability across all levels of actions in the short term (2022-2023), medium term
governance. An institutional review and assessment (2023-2030), and long term (2030-2040). The goal
of the agencies' existing mandates vis-a-vis the is to influence behavioral change at the national,
human resources, as well as technical and financial community, and individual levels, especially in
capacity required, will be conducted. Findings consuming and producing more green goods and
from this assessment will help identify concrete services, and practicing more sustainable and
recommendations to improve environmental climate-smart lifestyles. The PAP4SCP5 calls for (a)
governance and better address challenges in the sector. the valuation of economic, social, and environmental
costs and benefits of production and consumption
Upscale natural capital accounting (NCA) processes by accounting the stock of natural
including valuation of ecosystem services in resources and flow of ecosystem services, and (b)
national and local planning and programming. a set of interventions, schemes, and innovative
The NCA provides important data and information technologies, as well as enhanced environmental
on the stock and status of the country’s ecosystems education, to ensure efficient use and equitable
and resources. It is a tool that (a) allows more allocation of natural resources.
systematic collection, monitoring, and reporting of

  Actions are categorized into the following: (a) policy and regulation; (b) research and development, innovation, and technology; (c) infrastructure;
and (d) promotion and education.

Chapter 20 Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment | 365

Legislative Agenda
Table 20.2 Legislative Agenda to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment


National Land Use Bill The bill aims to provide an institutional mechanism for integrating existing sector-
specific land use laws and institutionalize land use planning, as basis for the
rationalization, management, and development of the country's land resources.

Philippine Genetic The proposed measure aims to provide and institutionalize a policy framework on
Resources Access access and benefit sharing from the utilization of genetic resources aligned with the
and Benefit-Sharing country’s commitments to the Nagoya Protocol.

Integrated Coastal This seeks to adopt ICM as a national strategy to ensure the sustainable development
Management (ICM) Bill of the coastal and marine environment and establish supporting mechanisms for its

Amendment of the This aims to strengthen the protection of the country's wildlife resources by (a)
Wildlife Act increasing the fees and penalties for violators and (b) defining and implementing
sanitary and phytosanitary measures to address possible entry of zoonotic infectious
disease into the country (e.g., standards and protocols for crops, livestock, fisheries,
and wildlife).

Forest Limit Bill The proposed bill intends to delineate the specific limits of forestlands for the
conservation, protection, and development of the country’s forest resources.

Sustainable Forest This seeks to institutionalize the (a) development of sustainable forest management
Management Bill strategy based on the allocation of forestland uses (i.e., production and protection
zones), (b) enhancement of private sector participation, and (c) forest certification,
monitoring, assessment, and reporting system.

Maritime Zones Bill This bill intends to define the limits of the different maritime zones over which the
country can exercise sovereignty (i.e., territorial sea) and sovereign rights (i.e.,
exclusive economic zone). This will support the implementation of measures to
sustainably manage fisheries and other resources in these maritime zones.

Philippine Archipelagic This intends to define the limits of Archipelagic Sea Lanes. Foreign ships will have
Sea Lanes Bill to confine their navigation within the sea-lanes to ensure that vessels will not pass
through MPAs and marine habitats are protected from shipping-related activities.

Proper Management The proposed bill intends to institutionalize mechanisms and guidelines/standards for
of Electronic Wastes proper collection, handling/storage, and disposal of electronic wastes.
(E-Wastes) Bill

366 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022


Department of Disaster This bill aims to provide a clear operational framework to address the fragmented
Resilience Bill institutional functions and actions among concerned agencies on climate change
and disasters by establishing a Department that will serve as the primary agency
responsible for leading the coordination, implementation, monitoring, and reporting
on climate change and DRRM.

Philippine The proposed measure aims to ensure that possible environmental consequences of
Environmental policies, plans, and programs are fully accounted for at the earliest stage of decision-
Assessment System making consistent with economic and social considerations. This will also strengthen
to cover Strategic the use of the Environmental Impact Statement System, as a planning and monitoring
Environmental tool.
Assessment (SEA) Bill

Amendment of the The proposed legislation seeks to provide higher penalties and stringent measures for
Ecological Solid Waste environmental protection. It also intends to bridge the policy gap between municipal
Management Act, Clean waste management and health care waste management by streamlining protocols on
Water Act, Clean Air Act, the management of hazardous wastes, particularly infectious wastes, at the community
and Toxic Substances, and household levels. These bills will also contain better enforcement against mixed
Hazardous and Nuclear waste collection and biodegradables in landfills and incentives for home composting,
Wastes Control Act as well as LGU support for at-source segregation and composting.

Green Public This bill aims to strengthen green public procurement by enhancing compliance of
Procurement Bill procuring entities in integrating green criteria in the procurement guidelines, including
bidding documents and technical specifications, and in setting clear LGU involvement
based on market readiness.

Extended Producer This aims to enhance product stewardship among producers/manufacturers

Responsibility (EPR) Bill nationwide, who will be made responsible for the disposal and treatment of post-
consumer products and help minimize pollution, especially from packaging materials
of the food and beverage sector at source.

Safe Pathways Bill The proposed bill intends to provide safe and convenient pathways for pedestrians
and nonmotorized vehicles (e.g., walkways and bike lanes) and integrate these in
the infrastructure development agenda. The Bill intends to create a network of pop-
up bicycle lanes to connect users to essential destinations (e.g., medical facilities),
designate a network of people-oriented emergency pathways, and mandate the
provision of adequate parking spaces for bicycles and other non-motorized vehicles,
as far as practicable, among others.

Maritime Safety, This aims to provide a Maritime Code that will implement and enforce international
Security and Prevention maritime instruments, of which the country is a state-party. These include the
of Ship-Sourced International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, and its Protocols.
Pollution Bill

Chapter 20 Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment | 367

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