Portfolio ADVANCED 10

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Name: Joel oscco

Teacher: Fernando Vega
Course: Advanced 10


What is one special talento or ability that you have? When did you first
become aware of it? Did it come naturally, or did you have to practice a
long time to perfect it? Explain. (You may instead answer these
questions about someone you know who has a talent or ability.)
-As a first example is that my teacher Marco has a good memory , before going blind he was a
professor and was

one of the best professors at the UNMSM, his students were always fascinated with such retention

everything his students said , he remembered. Also at the time that the studio had a photographic

that it didn't even need to study. The last thing is that when he was blinded by a traffic accident he
had to

learn to type only by learning the position of the letters on the keyboard and clearly he had to
learn it little

by little, it cost him but he was finally able to develop that skill

What obstacles have you faced in your life? How have you tried
overcome them?
-I am not sure if it would be an obstacle but I did not have very good retention
as a child with respect to memorizing things and for me it was an obstacle since
I could not memorize learning important things for school at the time. My father
helped me solve it by writing several times what I did not know and teaching
other people what I had to learn. In conclusión of those two ways was how I was
able to solve my retention problem and it worked very well for me.

Do you think medical treatment could be more effective if doctors had
genetic information about their patients?
-Yes, because if the media knew the genetics of each patient, it would help us in
their treatments depending on the disease to be treated. As a first example
would be if a pregnant woman were to have a genetic test done and it turned
out that her baby could have congenital scoliosis, at that time the doctors could
give her the appropriate vitamins so that the baby can have a better chance of
being born without this disease. Another reason in which it would help to know
the genetics of a patient would be in cases of types of cancer, because that way

they could learn to have an adequate diet, constant annual check-ups and thus

be able to counteract the evil in time. In conclusion, it would help us to have a

better chance of life in some patients.

Unit 1: mean , synonymous, antonyms
Compensate: To compensate is to pay someone for services performed, to
repay someone for some wrong or that something positive exists to make
up for something negative, synonym: recompense: antonyms:lose
Estimate: verb: roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or
extent of, noun: an approximate calculation or judgment of the value,
number, quantity, or extent of something ,synonym: approximate , antonym:
Retain: verb: continue to have (something); keep possession of, Synonym:
keep, antonym: lose
Anxious: adjective: experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically
about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
Synonym: afraid antonym: composed
Disabled: adjective: (of a person) having a physical or mental condition that
limits movements, senses, or activities. Synonym: handicapped antonym:
Flexible: adjective: Which can be easily bent without breaking, synonym:
malleable, antonym: obstinate
Predictable: adjective: able to be predicted, synonym : expected,
antonym :uncertain.
Benefit: noun: an advantage or profit gained from something . Verb: receive an
advantage; profit., synonym: aid, antonym blockage
Image: noun : a representation of external form of a person or thing in art, verb :
make a representation of the external form of, synonym: appearance, antonym:
Interaction: noun : reciprocal action or influence, synonym : communication,
antonym: discontinue
Savant: noun: a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist, synonym:
academic, antonym: amateur
Sum: noun: a particular amount of money, verb: find the sum of(two or more
amounts), synonym: amount, antonym: abstract
Assimilate: verb:. take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully,
synonym: absorption, antonym: ignore
Transform: verb: make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or
a character of, synonym: change, antonym: preserve
Expertise: noun: expert skill or knowledge in a particular field, synonym: mastery,
antonym: incompetence
Emerging: adjective: becoming apparent or prominent, synonym: appear, antonym:
Persistence: noun: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of
difficulty or opposition, synonym: perseverance antonym: uselesness

Unit 2: Abandonment : the action or fact of abandoning or being abandoned
synonym: desertion antonym : protection
Meager: adjective: of something provided or available lacking in quantity or
quality , synonym : insufficient antonym : adequate
Yearned for :verb: have an intense feeling of longing for something,typically
something that one has lost or been separate from , synonym : craved
antonym: disliked
Tormented: adjective: experiencing or characterized by severe physical or
mental suffering, synonym: agitated antonym: balanced
Dilapidated: adjective: of a building or object in a state of disrepair or ruin as
a result of age or neglect, synonym: battered antonym: repaired
Poverty : noun: the state of being extremely poor, synonym : famine
antonym: abundance
Hopelessness: noun: a feeling or state of despair ,lack of hope ,synonym :
desperation antonym: contentment
Shame : noun: a painful feeling of humiliation or distress, synonym: confusion
antonym : approval
Sordid : adjective : involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral
distaste and contempt. Synonym: disreputable antonym: clean
Defeated: adjective: having been beaten in a battle or other contest.
Synonym: conquered antonym: conserved
Misery: noun: a state or feeling of great distress or discomfort of mind or
body. Synonym: agony antonym: calmness
Laborious: adjective : (especially of a task, process, or journey) requiring
considerable effort and time. Synonym: arduous antonym: easy
Struggle: verb: make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or
constriction, noun: a forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint or resist
attack synonym: fight, brawl antonym : break
Gives up: verb: cease making an effort; resign oneself to failure synonym:
surrender antonym: stand up to
Accountable: adjective: (of a person, organization, or institution) required or
expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible, synonym: responsible
antonym : unaccountable
Confused : adjective : (of a person) unable to think clearly; bewildered,
synonym: demented, antonym: lucid
Darkest: adjective: with little or no light, synonym : black antonym : bright
Paradise : noun: (in some religions) heaven as the ultimate abode of the just
synonym: heaven antonym: misery
Inquisitiveness: noun given to examination or investigation, synonym:
curious; antonym : apathetic

Free : adjective: not under the control or in the power of another; able to
act or be done as one wishes. Adverb: without cost or payment; verb :
release from captivity, confinement, or slavery. Synonym: loose, for
nothing, release antonym: captive,expensive,confine
Unit 3:
Risk: noun: a situation involving exposure to danger verb: expose
something or something valued synonym: danger antonym: guarantee
Factor : something that helps produce a result, synonym: factor antonym:
Impact : noun: the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with
another verb: come into forcible contact with another object synonym:
brunt antonym: indifference
Potential: adjective: having or showing the capacity to become or develop
into something in the future noun: the quantity determining the energy of
mass in a gravitational field or of charge in an electric field. Synonym:
capability antonym: impotence
Environment : the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is
surrounded, synonym: climate antonym: miss
Interaction : noun: reciprocal action or influence. Synonym: communication
antonym exchange
Aspects : noun: a particular part or feature of something. Verb: (of a planet)
form an aspect with (another celestial body). Synonym: attitude antonym:
Consensus: noun: a general agreement. Synonym: accord antonym: denial
Advocate: noun: a person who publicly supports or recommends a
particular cause or policy. Verb: publicly recommend or support. Synonym :
backer, antonym: opponent
Interpreting: verb: explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions).
Synonym: defining,distorning
Reliable: adjective: consistently good in quality or performance; able to be
trusted. Noun: a person or thing with trustworthy qualities synonym:
decent antonym: broken
Linked : verb: make, form, or suggest a connection with or between.
Synonym: associated antonym: separated
Revolutionized: verb: change (something) radically or fundamentally.
Synonym: transformed antonym: degenerated
Consult: verb: seek information or advice from (someone with expertise in
a particular area). Verb: an act of consulting a professional; a consultation.
Synonym: ask antonym: answer
Skeptical : adjective: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
Synonym: dubious antonym : certain
Alternative : adjective: (of one or more things) available as another
possibility. Noun: one of two or more available possibilities. Synonym:
different antonym: impossible
Consensus: noun: a general agreement, synonym: agreement antonym:
Conventional : adjective: based on or in accordance with what is generally
done or believed, synonym: accord, antonym : abnormal
Writing tasks :
Writing 1
Write a summary paragraph.

How to write a summary paragraph its simple just follow these tips : A
summary needs to be clear and to someone who has not read,seen or
heard the original material,you have to include all of the essential
information that a person would need to understand without reading the
original source,include only the main points.You shouldn't go beyond the
main points,a summary should be as brief as possible.No specificics
details,dates,or figures unless esential,be concise no wordy.Maintain good
paragraph structure(topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding
sentences).It's important for the topic sentence of a summary to identify
itself as a summary,you should include the tittle or the author or the
speaker of the original material in your topic sentence and in the
supporting sentnces are the main points also it's important to follow the
same order that the information is presented in the original material. In a
summary,you should be paraphrasing,you should no be using direct quotes
from the original material and you should not be copying and pasting
sentences right from the original use your own words and last,it's
important for a good summary to be objective,meaning you should not
include your opinion in a summary be objective do not add your opinion.
Writing 2
Write a biographical paragraph.
Sandra Mamani is the most brave person that I aknowledge as the best
person and mom.She is my mom and i do admire her a lot because she was
really brave since a kid,since she was a kid she had to work every day from
5 am to 12 pm after that she went at school from 1 pm to 6pm after that do
homework and the routine was the same every day,my mom worked since
kid because my grandmother and grand father had no enough money
because also there were 4 brothers with my mom so every kid had to
work,my mom was the most brave there because she is older than my
uncles.In the work my mom used to sell food in a restaurant attending
people,etc.The job was very hard because every day wnet a lot of people
and for a kid in those times it was so hard.Fortunately her boss was a good
person who helped her many times after work she went at school and it
was hard for her because she has no a good vision on her eyes so she
couldn't see the board every day was so hard but that was not an
impediment for her to get a good grades,a friend of hers helped her by
dictating what was written on the board every day because there was no
money to buy some glasses for her,also she didnt have money for the
copies that were handed out every day at school.
Despite of these hardships she could get good grades every year,was the
best student in her school,she worked and studied at the same time.A few
months later she studied on academy because she wanted to studied at the
university called san marcos,my grandparents couldnt help her because
there was no money so the same routine never end,working and studying
at the same time but this time she worked in a house like a house wife at
the beggining was so stressful for her because her boss was a bad woman
who wanted all perfect,she resigned and other person called her and this
time the boss was a good woman who was an understandable person and
everything was better for my mom.
She managed to get into the university she wanted and she studied for 5
years her career but also at the same time working for college expenses it
was so hard but she could do it and now she is a professional and its very
amazing for me i admire her because she started with nothing and now she
has everything also a husband and children me and my sister.
Writing a letter to a friend
Dear friend,
I am very sorry for your loss. I understand what you are going through,
Remember that you can find the help and support you need from your
loved ones, I went through the same thing 1 year ago when I lost my
grandfather, I loved him very much and had even lived a part of my life
with him at his house on my vacations, when he passed away, I felt very
sad, but My family, especially my sister, helped me a lot with the subject,
since she, being older, told me many things about my grandfather, what he
had lived through and things he had told her, listening to many things
about him made me think that he would not want me to be sad, so I did my
part to feel better, you could do that, remember is not bad, You may think
of this as the darkest moment of your life, maybe it is, but that doesn't
mean that there are not going to be more obstacles as well as that you
can't defeat this hard moment. You must achieve your emotional
independence, you cannot depend on someone to be complete, I know that
you can find happiness. With love : Joel Oscco
Writing an opinion essay-Final draft
 Marijuana is one most vehement adversaries in the war on drugs by
Americans. And, given that alcohol and tobacco, two life-threatening
drugs, are legal, it's fair to wonder why medical marijuana is
prohibited. When taxpayers in America fill out their tax forms and
hear the government's hash argument against marijuana, they will
partially address this issue.
Marijuana, which is derived from Cannabis plants, is known by a variety of
names. Marijuana has a variety of nicknames, ranging from cannabis to
ganja to weed. Marijuana is made up of the leaves and flowers of the
Cannabis plant. 
THC, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary active ingredient in
marijuana. It enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain. This
substance induces a state of relaxation in the body.
There have been several debates on whether or not marijuana should be
legalized. Many people assume that this substance is toxic to the human
body, but there is hard evidence to the contrary. Marijuana has real
advantages that can outweigh the ostensibly negative consequences.
Arguments for drug legalization began in the United States of America. It
has been shown to have many medical benefits, including anxiety relief,
pain relief, nausea relief, and the reduction of epileptic seizures. A
significant number of states in the United States allow for the use of
marijuana on a prescription basis.
Medical Cannabis is commonly used to treat sleeping problems, appetite
deficiency, autism, and cancer therapies such as chemotherapy. Cannabis
can also be used to cure anorexia until it is approved. Emotion and mood
control are two immediate effects of cannabis for medicinal purposes.
Marijuana has been shown to have mild side effects when used in
controlled doses.
The legalization of marijuana is expected to improve the country's
economic development. If state officials vote to legalize marijuana, they
will save a lot of money for taxpayers. 
State officials spend a lot of money on the branches of law enforcement
that are in charge of enforcing drug prohibition laws. Every year, thousands
of people are prosecuted for either using or possessing marijuana, and
governments pay vast sums of money to keep them locked up. Legalizing
marijuana would save this money.
Marijuana has not caused any apparent harm in countries where cannabis
has been legalized. Marijuana users are thought to be abusive, according to
some stereotypes. However, there is no concrete evidence to back up this
claim to date. In the United States, several states have allowed marijuana
for both medicinal and recreational uses, with no harmful consequences. In
contrast, Colorado has seen a decline in marijuana-related property
destruction and crime.
Is Intelligence Based on Nature or Nurture? 
The hotly debated question between two rival camps. The first is the nature
group, who believe prodigies possess innate genetic brilliance. The second
group – the nurture camp – lean towards family environment, hard work,
practice, and social background as being bigger factors in producing these
precociously beautiful minds. 
How do the 19 children on SBS’s Child Genius do it? Is their startling
intelligence inherited or just a quirk of nature? 
It is tricky to establish. Take Peter – the chubby-faced boy wonder from
Darwin who skipped three grades in school and is now in Year 9 at age 11.
He not only spells pipistrelle right but sesquipedalian, achieving a perfect
five out of five in the spelling test. He runs wild through the mind-bendingly
difficult anagram challenge that knocked down others. (1) His father Henri
is a chemical engineer and has encouraged and exposed his son to all kinds
of enriching academic experiences from young. 
So, nature or nurture? 
Increasingly, researchers are taking a more fluid, less binary approach to
the question of intelligence. Researchers David Henry Feldman and Lynn
Goldsmith concluded that the prodigy phenomenon is the result of a lucky
“coincidence” of factors: a complex soup made up of everything from
healthy social/emotional development, birth order and gender, education,
and cultural support, to access to training resources and family support. 
Class and socio-economic background also play a part, as research from
Stanford University on the “lost Einsteins” of the US education system has
Hard work and practice – (2) Einstein’s famous maxim of “99 per cent
perspiration and 1 per cent inspiration” – comes up as a particularly potent
variable, backed by everyone from Malcolm Gladwell to psychologist
Angela Duckworth who says old-fashioned grit and perseverance often
counts for just as much as natural intelligence when it comes to success in
(3) As Larry Vandervelt has written, “whether they are child prodigies or
not, gymnasts must practice, pianists must practice, stone-tool makers (in
anthropology classes) must practice. Everybody must practice to get good
at anything, and the cerebellum is the key.” 
Still, this more organic model of intelligence has been disputed in recent
studies, including twin studies that have suggested that between 40 and 80
percent of the variance in IQ is linked to genetics. It suggests that genetics
may play a larger role than environmental factors in determining individual
Answer 1: Two ways to explain intelligence
Answer 2 : Henri
Answer 3 : prodigies are the result of many unexpected factors
Answer 4: people just need to work hard to be successful
Answer 5: larry vandelvelt
Reading quiz 2
Is a Celebrity’s Life Easy?

Sometimes we are predisposed to believe that a lot of celebrities gained their

success at an easy price but that is hardly ever the case. We decided to dedicate
this week’s success story to a person who, despite being successful now, had a
very difficult childhood and struggled with different diseases for most of her life.
Selena Gomez did not have a particularly easy childhood. Her mother and father
got divorced when she was only 5 years old, and she lived with her mother in very
poor conditions. Her love for the entertainment industry started when she saw her
mother rehearsing her scripts.  Selena would later accept insignificant acting jobs
that eventually led to her career in the music industry. Selena was talented, but it
was her hard-working spirit and self-reliance that prevented her from giving up.
She often claims that her beliefs and positive attitude made her move up in the
However, that was not the end of the troubles for her; Selena had to continuously
fight with depression and anxiety in her life. In addition to all of this, Selena was
diagnosed with Lupus in 2015, which is an immune system disease. Her health
degenerated quickly, and Selena had to undergo a kidney transplant surgery
because of this. During the surgery, her body kicked back against the new kidney
and she broke one of her arteries. Her health condition worsened considerably at
first, the doctors thought it was a miracle that she came out of it alive.
She was not defeated by all these problems; she eventually registered for a time in
a psychiatric facility and has been improving ever since. Even though Selena
succeeded as an actress, she is not immune to physical and mental diseases of all
Her bravery in facing mental illness and actually asking for expert help has turned
Selena Gomez into an inspiration for all of us.  She might be a talented singer and
artist for most people, but she is also an example of perseverance. This was the
story of Selena Gomez, who had a difficult childhood and reached for success
despite her terrible condition.
Answer 1 : a young actress who faced advertisty
Answer 2: her mom was a great inspiration to her
Answer 3: she had been diagnosted with lupus
Answer 4: self reliance
Answer 5: illness
Papers reflection
In the first unit I learned a lot since it could be shown that geniuses are not only
born as they laugh in many cases, but also that you can learn along the way and
thus become one, very apart from the vocabulary and especially the Grammar
helps us to reinforce in order to understand more than what is spoken.
In the second unit we were able to appreciate through the readings that there
are so many people with various obstacles in their life but despite everything
that is presented to them they have been able to get ahead, in this way for me
they are a great example that everything is lost. achieving is only a matter of
In the third unit we learned to be decisive with the things that we should or not
do, they showed us how to be decisive before everything that is put in front of
Finally, of all the units, what I was able to learn is that I must continue to make an
effort, especially
in writing paragraphs, texts and more, continue studying to be able to learn how
unit two taught us

that despite the obstacles, if possible, only effort is required. and dedication




a summary paragraph
extracts the main idea of a
topic sentence controlling idea
text, all sumarry paragraphs

controls the content of the it is the idea you want to

rest of the paragraph,all the explain,ilustrate or describe
e.gmozart is considered a
sentences are related to it . in your next text. it makes
choose a topic and find a an speficic statement about
point of view or main idea topic



concluding sentence is the last
sentence in a paragraph. Its job is to
GIVE DETAILS OR EXAMPLES TO summarize the main idea of the
DEVELOP YOUR IDEAS ABOUT paragraph. If the paragraph is part of an
THE TOPIC essay, the concluding sentence also
transitions to the next paragraph. Topic
Sentences. The topic sentence is the
first sentence in a paragraph.:

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