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Welcome to the Quests Micro Expansion for Mini Rogue, a way to add additional variety to your

runs and a way to tweak the difficulty of the base game!

Quests expands upon the Kickstart-exclusive Quest Coaster that allowed players to roll one
six-sided die to determine a quest that they could complete for that run. Upon meeting the
requirements for that quest, a player would gain 4 experience. In this Micro Expansion, there
are now 36 quests spread across 6 Quest Cards, with the original Kickstarter 6 being the first
set. Quests also introduces a new rewards system for completing a quest, as well as a new
character built around completing quests, The Bounty Hunter.


There are a few ways to play a game of Mini Rogue with the Quests expansion, depending on
how much you’d like to tweak the difficulty, randomness, and if you are playing with The Bounty
Hunter. Overall, all rules for general gameplay remain the same, with the following additions
when starting a new game:

If you are playing with a character other than The Bounty Hunter:

1. Roll one 6-sided die to determine which Quest Card you’ll be questing on, then roll the
die one more time to determine which quest you will be targeting.
2. Roll two 6-sided dice at the same time; choose one die to represent which Quest Card
you’ll choose a quest from, and use the value of the remaining die to choose the quest
for the run.

The Bounty Hunter is unique in that all of their abilities grow as they complete quests, and to
support those abilities, they can claim one quest from each Quest Card. If you are playing as
The Bounty Hunter, you may either:

1. Roll one 6-sided die at a time per each Quest Card in order to choose which quests
you’ll be attempting to complete.
2. Roll six 6-sided dice all at once and distribute them at will across the six Quest Cards,
choosing one die per card to represent the selected quest for that card.


Included in the expansion are two supplemental cards; a rewards card that functions similarly to
the treasure card in the main game, and a Quest Tracker to help keep track of quests when
playing as The Bounty Hunter.

When you complete a quest you may either take 4 experience, or you may roll two dice in much
the same way as when encountering a treasure chest to determine your reward. However, when
rolling for a quest reward you will always receive something - passing the skill check will allow
you to modify the reward dice by 1 in either direction.

When playing as The Bounty Hunter, it can become a little difficult to keep track of which quests
you are focusing on and the progress on those quests. To help alleviate any memory issues with
attempting to complete multiple quests at once, a Quest Tracker is included which allows you to
place a 12mm six-sided die in a slot corresponding to each Quest Card, representing which
quest is active for each card. Below each of these slots are boxes that can be covered using
small wooden or plastic cubes to help keep track of any quests that require a specific number of
actions or events within a time period.
Mini Rogue Additional Quests V0.4 by AevumMessor
Mini Rogue Quests Microexpansion [Cardbacks V1] by AevumMessor

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