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SY 2021-2022

A Qualitative Research Presented to

The Faculty of Calaca Senior High School

Madalunot, Calaca, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for


Submitted by:
Casanova, Edyzon T.
HUMSS 1104

Submitted to:
Mrs. Maida Ilagan
Practical Research 1

JUNE 2022



TITLE PAGE…........................................................................i

TABLE OF CONTENTS…......................................................ii



Background of the Study….........................................1

Statement of the Problem...........................................6

Significance of the Problem.......................................7

Scope, Limitation and Delimitation............................8


Related Literature...............................................9

Research Literature…........................................17



Research Design......................................................30

Research Environment….........................................31

Respondents of the Study….....................................31

Data Gathering Instrument.......................................31

Data Gathering Procedure.......................................32


Procedures (CVARS)…............................................33









Chapter I


This chapter contains the background of the study, and statement

of the problem. Likewise, it includes significance of the study, and scope

and limitations of the study which serve as guide for the researchers in

conducting the study.

Background of the Study

Face to face learning engagement of students and teachers

within the school has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This pandemic has paved the way to the implementation of Modular

Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure continuity of

education. The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new

normal form of education at present, and continuous innovations of

educators and active involvement of other stakeholders are the driving

force for its success.

The Coronavirus outbreak started the year 2019, the government

and the DepEd decided to declare the new normal system- the online

class. Everyone needed to do adjustments because of the sudden

change in education system. Physical contacts between the process

participants completely stopped, paper document management

operations and most operations related to the transmission of analog

information in the form of written and oral speech disappeared. The

volume of information exchange in electronic digital form has increased:

email, messengers, social networks, special communication and

educational platforms: zoom, teams, moodle, skype, etc. Due to the

isolation regime, the ways of information exchange in the education

system were redistributed. As the government prepared for the return of

limited face to face classes, education secretary Leonor Briones said

that the children were more likely to contract COVID-19 at home than in

school due for experts, it was still too early to tell if this would be the


It is relevant to consider the advantages and disadvantages

of the program, both on the part of teachers and students. At the same

time, teachers, especially those of the older generation, were often less

prepared to switch to distance learning than students, belonging to the

so-called “Z generation because we know all that for some time,

students and teachers may interact each other through electronic


According to the Department of Education (DepEd), parents and

guardians perform the various roles in Modular Learning such as

Module-ator, Bundy-clock, and as Home Innovator. As a Module-ator,

they are the ones to get and submit the printed Self-Learning Modules

(SLMs) from and to schools or barangay halls at the beginning and end

of the week, depending on the agreement between the parents and the

school. As a Bundy-clock, they must check their child's schedule or

workweek plan. Because of the number of subjects or activities to be

done, they must see that it is being followed accordingly to avoid

cramming or delays in submission, which may affect the child's

performance. Lastly, as a Home Innovator, they must provide their child

with a productive learning environment to help them focus more on

Learning. It must be a well-lighted and well-ventilated space in the

house, with little or no distraction.

Due to the situation the researcher chooses to conduct a study

entitled, “Students perspective: Pros and cons of modular distance

learning to the HUMSS 1104 amidst pandemic in Calaca Senior High

School SY 2021-2022. This study shows the different point of views of

learners about this new learning system. This research shows the

benefit and the good points as well as the disadvantages and difficulties

of the learners regarding the new normal education. The researcher

determines the root problem of the study with the use of qualitative

method where the researcher distribute surveys that identifies the

perspective of the students and gives recommendation to somehow

solves the problem.

Statement of the Problem

This study is to determine the students perspective: pros and

cons of modular distance learning to the HUMSS 1104 amidst

pandemic in Calaca Senior High School SY: 2021-2022.

In accordance, this study sought to answer the following


1. What are the pros of the modular learning to the learners?

2. What are the cons of the modular learning to the learners?

3. What are the solutions for these disadvantages regarding new

learning method?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what recommendation may be


Significance of the Study

In various ways, every study has it own importance and

implication. Pursuing this study will serve and give the readers a

number of purposes. The researchers believe that this study expected

to be beneficial and provide information to the following:

To the principal- the principal will have the idea on what are the

adjustments the teachers and the school system needed to be done.

To the teachers: The educators will identify the perspective of

the learners and will help them to know what are the adjustments

needed to be done.

To the parents: The guardians will identify the perspective of the

learners about modular that will help them to know how to guide their


To the students - the learners will identify the point of views of

their fellow learners and will get a recommendation from the researcher

to lessen their hardships about the modular method.

To the future researcher: This will serve as a guide for whoever

will take the same topic to their study.

To the readers- the readers will determine the perspective of the

students about the modular.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is limited to determine the pros and cons of modular

learning to the students. This study includes the Grade 11 Humss 1104

students of Calaca Senior High School.

The researcher made an open-ended question that was utilized

and answered by the respondents. The study conducts during the

second semester academic year 2021-2022.

In order to gather information, the researchers were confined

essentially to the answers of the respondents to the questions provided.

The result of the study was limited only to those data and information

from the survey questionnaires that were distributed.

The five (5) respondents of this study as taken from HUMSS 1104

students of Calaca Senior High School. Each participant will answer the

open-ended questions to avoid bias and manipulation data.


Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after

thorough and in-depth search done by the researchers. Those that

were included in this section helped in familiarizing information that

relevant to the study.


This part of the study discusses the important components of the

study. It gives a clear view about the subject of the study through

various researchers such as books and other reading materials.

Pros and cons of modular distance learning to students

According to Korolkov, Germanov, Langueva, Shevyakova, and

Poskrebysheva (2020) they tried to formalize various aspects of

distance education in the form of speculative validity indicators based

on calculating the relative frequency of students and teachers opinions.

Methods of survey, questioning, systematization of information from

open sources in electronic catalogs and publications on the Internet

were used. The systematized nominal information was classified

according to the selected dichotomous bases. There are 10 reasons

(factors) for evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of distance

learning. 26 aspects-variables of distance education were identified.

Promising areas for further research are outlined. As a result of the


conducted research, it was found that distance learning (DL) has many

advantages and disadvantages that relate to each other in

approximately equal proportions. For this reason, DL cannot be the only

and final form of training. According to students and teachers opinion,

the main drawback of DL is the lack of social contact between

participants in the educational process. It is necessary to ensure the

educational component of the pedagogical system. That’s why, distance

learning is only suitable for students with a high degree of motivation to

learn. A significant disadvantage of DL is the inability to conduct

practical classes under the direct supervision of a teacher. It negatively

affects the development of practical skills in practice-oriented academic

disciplines, including medicine and physical education. Thus, this form

can only be considered as an additional useful tool in the system of

teaching physical culture. Distance learning can be recommended for

use when conducting theoretical classes with senior students and

undergraduates who have already mastered practical skills in physical

education and for students with limited mobility in space.

According to Bijeesh (2021), students often have apprehensions

over opting for higher education via distance learning, as they lack

clarity about the pros and cons of this mode of education. It's a good

idea to understand the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing a

degree through distance education before you decide if you want to go

for this mode. According to her, the advantages of distance learning are

as follows: it can pursue a job along with studies, it can save money, it

save time, it can learn at your own pace, it can study whenever,

wherever, and it gaining recognition among employers. On the other

hand, the disadvantages are: chances of distraction high, hidden costs,

complicated technology, quality of faculty compromised, questionable

credibility of degrees, and lose out on networking. Despite these

perceived drawbacks, distance learning is gaining popularity among

students like never before, with many students satisfied with their

learning experience. With further advances in technology and more

training to adapt teachers to this new mode of learning, the

disadvantages in distance learning can soon be sorted out.

According to scholarship position (2014), distance learning is basically a

way of disseminating knowledge, where the educators and students are

separated in distance or time or even both. Undoubtedly, distance

learning offers wide variety of opportunities to students to attain higher

education, but it is not all about benefits and advantages indeed. The

distance mode of education offers students the flexibility to decide, what

they want to learn, when they want to learn, at what pace they want to

learn and what they would like to learn. So, with such flexibility, distance

learning is soon becoming the most favored choice and open learning

method for students today, especially for working professionals. It is

understood and well researched that not all students tend to learn via

same technique of open learning and there is no particular technique


that facilitate learning in everyone. There are several factors that affect

student’s capacity to study. Applied learning, interaction, prior

knowledge, analytical skills and motivations are some of the factors.

With distance education the energy and time of the students can be

saved and it is astronomical indeed. It enables the students to prevent

hectic commute and even the hassles of trying to reach the class on

time, thus keeping their mind free of anxiety and stress. Flexibility is

another primary advantage of distance education as it enables the

students to study at their own pace and perform their coursework at any

specific time which fits with their busy schedule. Students get the

opportunity to be the master of their own schedule with distance


Like students throughout California, students in the West Contra

Costa Unified school district headquartered in Richmond have been

grappling with distance learning instituted in response to the

coronavirus pandemic. It is possible or even likely that distance learning

will be a prominent part of the school landscape this fall as well. With

that in mind, we we are bringing you these students’ reflections on their

experiences with distance learning and being out of school generally —

what worked and what didn’t. Friday is officially the last day of school in

the district, but some of these interviews were conducted earlier this

semester. Students’ remarks have been edited in some instances for

clarity. According to Henriquez, she feel that she is not getting as much

work done and have fewer resources around her. It makes she feel

more stressed because teachers aren’t there and you have to wait for

their response which might take days because they have other students

to respond to as well. She also miss seeing her friends and meeting

new people at school (EdSource, 2021).

As there is a great improvement in technology, the demand for

innovative ways of delivering education is increasing and this has led to

changes in learning and teaching methods. Distance education, which

is so different from traditional education, consists of studying from home

where students and teachers are physically distant while classroom

learning is the type of education system in which the learners and the

teachers work under one roof. Electronic means are used to keep

students in touch with teachers, provide access to communication

between students and bridge the gap and distribute educational

material though distance learning programs. Both learning systems

have their own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing between

these two learning methods highly depends on learners’ requirements.

In this paper, the researcher aims to discuss history and theories of

distance learning, review literature on distant learning, state advantages

and disadvantages of distance learning, express implications of the

study to learners and teachers, and finally mention suggestions for

improving distance learning (Sadeghi 2019).


Many universities offer Distance Education (DE) courses and

programs to address the diverse educational needs of students and to

stay current with advancing technology. Some Institutions of Higher

Education (IHE) that do not offer DE find it difficult to navigate through

the steps that are needed to provide such courses and programs.

Investigating learners’ perceptions, attitudes and willingness to try DE

can provide guidance and recommendations for IHEs that are

considering expanding use of DE formats. A survey was distributed to

undergraduate students in Portugal, UAE and Ukraine. The results of

this pilot study showed that in all three countries, students’ major

concerns about such programs were time management, motivation, and

English language skills. Although students were somewhat

apprehensive many indicated they were interested in taking DE courses.

Six recommendations informed by interpretation of students’ responses

and the literature, are offered to assist institutions who want to offer DE

as part of their educational strategy ( Fidalgo, Thormann, Kulyk, and

Lencastre 2020).

According to Gautam (2020), online learning also has its own set

of positives and negatives. Decoding and understanding these positives

and negatives will help institutes in creating strategies for more efficient

delivery of the lessons, ensuring an uninterrupted learning journey for

the students. One of the most oft-used terms after the pandemic is the

term “new normal.” The new normal in education is the increased use of

online learning tools. The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered new ways

of learning. All around the world, educational institutions are looking

toward online learning platforms to continue with the process of

educating students. The new normal now is a transformed concept of

education with online learning at the core of this transformation. Today,

digital learning has emerged as a necessary resource for students and

schools all over the world. For many educational institutes, this is an

entirely new way of education that they have had to adopt. Online

learning is now applicable not just to learn academics but it also

extends to learning extracurricular activities for students as well. In

recent months, the demand for online learning has risen significantly,

and it will continue doing so in the future. As with most teaching

methods, online learning also has its own set of positives and negatives.

Decoding and understanding these positives and negatives will help

institutes in creating strategies for more efficiently delivering the lessons,

ensuring an uninterrupted learning journey for students. Some

advantages are: efficiency, accessibility of time and place, affordability,

and etc. Disadvantages are: inability to focus on screens, technology

issues, and etc.

Distance learning, often called distance education, is the process

where students utilize the internet to attend classes and complete

courses, without having to physically attend a school. Distance learning

is increasing in popularity as technology advances and more


opportunities arise for students to participate in quality distance

education. There are many reasons why students may want to pursue

distance education as opposed to traditional schooling. Similarly, there

are many pros and cons to this kind of learning, and as it gains

popularity, it’s important to research and learn if this kind of learning

could be a good fit for you. Some students may find that they will have

problems with distance learning or issues with online education. It may

not be the best fit for everyone. But other students will find major value

of online education and huge benefits of online learning. You simply

need to weigh the pros and cons and decide if it’s a good fit for you

personally (Western Governors University 2020).

According to Shier (2020) in her book Student Success, as you

evaluate whether or not online learning is a good fit for you, it helps to

consider the pros and cons. Some of these pros and cons will be more

important to you than others, depending on your situation, so it’s

important to consider your own specific circumstances and your

learning strengths and weaknesses. Here are a few things to consider:

pros which includes schedule flexibility, location flexibility, multi-media,

classmates, course selection, financial and combination of online and

face-to-face. In contrast, cons includes time management, motivation,

weak readers, limited computer skills and the social aspects.


According to Oanca (2021), online education has a baby-history

compared to traditional-on campus education, but one thing is sure. It’s

here to stay and will continue to grow. This is confirmed by a number

of recent studies that look at online education developments every year.

For example, Mirasee world survey on online education providers

reveals that almost half of online students achieved their learning

objectives “to a great extent” and about 30% say they got their desired

results “to a great extent.” Another study on online education conducted

by Learning House and Aslanian Market Research confirms the hype

about online degree is very real – at least in the USA. According to the

study, 86% of online learners considered the value of their degree equal

to or greater than the cost they paid to pursue it. Among those who

have attended on-campus and online courses, 85% said that online

learning is as good as or better than attending courses on campus. In

fact, two-thirds of online college students reported that they'd achieved

the original goal that motivated them to enrol in their program. Graduate

students were more likely than undergraduates to feel that way (76% vs



This section consists of related studies such as thesis and

dissertations which are either unpublished or have bearing on this

research study. A research literature is undertaken to assist the

researchers to extend their knowledge in sustainable business practices.


Pros and cons of modular distance learning to students

According to Zounek and Sudický (2012) in his study “HEADS IN


their present paper deals with possible positive and negative

experiences of using online technologies in teaching and learning. Here,

the word possible is central as completely generally applicable issues

may hardly be traced. The aim of the paper is to highlight such

advantages and disadvantages of online learning that tend to recur

rather frequently in a number of pedagogical situations and contexts.

the issue of pros and cons of online technologies in education is quite

complex and not in any way black and white. Generally speaking, it is

always advisable to consider the main purpose of implementing any

technological solutions and the enhancements it should mean for the

learning situation. In addition, there is a number of other factors to be

assessed, such as the type of course, subject matter of instruction,

technical infrastructure, and technological and methodological support,

to name the major ones. Sometimes, it might be prudent to retain a

cautious attitude towards various new, emerging solutions and allow

enough time to evaluate their possible costs and benefits. In certain

cases, furthermore, the most efficient line of action might be to exclude

any e-learning application whatsoever. To sum up, it would seem best

to adopt a broad, open-minded view of education technology

implementation observing the overall social practices of using online


tools in real-life situations and reflecting the best practices in the

learning environment.

As studied by Elfirdoussi, Lachgar, Kabaili, Rochdi, Goujdami and El

Firdoussi (2020) in study, Assessing Distance Learning in Higher

Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the research surveyed 3037

students and 231 professors enrolled in different stages of higher

education programs. It aims to investigate the limitations of e-learning

platforms and how these activities take place at public and private

Moroccan universities during the coronavirus confinement. For this

purpose, two structured questionnaires were constructed by

researchers from different specialties, and the type of data was based

on the responses of students and professors from 15 universities. In this

paper, we have used three methods: descriptive analysis, regression

analysis, and qualitative response analysis. As a data analytics tool,

Microsoft Power BI was used to analyze data, visualize it, and draw

insights. In this study, both professors and students stated that online

learning is not more interesting than ordinary learning and professors

need to provide at least 50% of their teaching in face-to-face mode.

Recommendations at teaching and technical levels, such as the need

for technical support and training in the use of these tools, were

provided to enhance and promote distance education in Morocco. The

contribution of this paper comes as a result of data analysis obtained

from a survey conducted in some famous Moroccan universities.


As studied by Alshamrani (2019) in his study, An Investigation of the

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education, the study had the

primary objective of identifying the advantages and disadvantages of

online learning for a group of students studying in New Zealand. The

study was conducted using a survey and interviews to delve into an

understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of online education

from the student’s perspective. The intended audience for the research

are academics, instructors, and the designers of online course modules,

as well as those involved in the design of institutional educational

learning systems. It was seen that although research on the definition

and various facets of online learning is numerous, the literature

regarding the advantages and the disadvantages of online learning was

very limited. The study identified that the role of technical infrastructure

and internet connectivity is paramount in ensuring the success of the

online learning. Also, content and technology providers need to provide

portable, high quality, inter-operable solutions so that the same content

can be delivered across the different institutions and different

departments within the same institution. Further, the advantages can be

leveraged to increase the popularization of online education and inform

best practice in using online learning platforms.

According to Pe Dangle, and Sumaoang (2020) in study, The

Implementation of Modular Distance Learning in the Philippine

Secondary Public Schools, face to face learning engagement of


students and teachers within the school has been suspended due to the

COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has paved the way to the

implementation of Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response to

ensure continuity of education. The Philippines is in the process of

adapting to the new normal form of education at present, and

continuous innovations of educators and active involvement of other

stakeholders are the driving force for its success. The key purpose of

this research is to find out the challenges encountered, opinions, and

recommendations of teachers, parents, and students in the

implementation of Modular Distance Learning in Balbalayang National

High School (BNHS) and Baguio City National High School (BCNHS)

during the School Year 2020-2021. These challenges, opinions and

recommendations were identified through a mixed quantitative and

qualitative approach by conducting surveys to the 37 participants in the

selected schools through quota and purposive sampling. Deductive

thematic analysis was used in the interpretation and coding of data. The

main challenges that emerged were lack of school fu in the production

and delivery of modules; students struggle with self studying, and

parents' lack of knowledge to academically guide their child/children. In

conclusion, the study was able to determine the prevailing challenges of

the participants in terms of resources, preparedness, and

communication. The result of this study may serve as a springboard for


the future improvements of the schools' existing programs and

guidelines on the implementation of modular distance learning.

According to the study of Paul Jasmine and Jefferson Felicia (2019), A

Comparative Analysis of Student Performance in an Online vs. Face-to-

Face Environmental Science Course From 2009 to 2016. A growing

number of students are now opting for online classes. They find the

traditional classroom modality restrictive, inflexible, and impractical. In

this age of technological advancement, schools can now provide

effective classroom teaching via the Web. This shift in pedagogical

medium is forcing academic institutions to rethink how they want to

deliver their course content. The overarching purpose of this research

was to determine which teaching method proved more effective over the

8-year period. The scores of 548 students, 401 traditional students and

147 online students, in an environmental science class were used to

determine which instructional modality generated better student

performance. In addition to the overarching objective, we also examined

score variabilities between genders and classifications to determine if

teaching modality had a greater impact on specific groups. No

significant difference in student performance between online and face-

to-face (F2F) learners overall, with respect to gender, or with respect to

class rank were found. These data demonstrate the ability to similarly

translate environmental encounter when taking online courses. The

second main area of the study is to determine whether or not


differences exist between students who want to take online classes and

those who do not want to take online classes. Answers to the first

research question were obtained by gathering and analyzing survey

responses. Multiple Mann-Whitney U Tests were conducted to answer

the second research question. The p-value was calculated in order to

determine whether a significant difference exists between groups at

p< .005. In addition, means and standard deviations were reported to

compare and contrast the results between groups of students.

Summarizing students’ concerns towards online education, interaction

and collaboration, as well as confusing layout/organization, were

reported as areas that cause barriers in online and hybrid environments.

The use of asynchronous, collaborative tools is recommended for

improvement of students’ motivation and attitudes towards online

learning. For mandatory online classes in which the majority of enrolled

students do not want to take an online class, the course organization

should be very simple. Email or text messaging should be used for

nearly each type of collaboration. In addition, the instructor should be

mindful of course layout and response time to student questions.

According to Dong Chuanmei et. al (2020) in study, “Young children’s

online learning during covid-19 pandemic: Chinese parents’ beliefs and

attitudes, online learning has been widely promoted to replace

traditional face-to-face learning during the COVID-19 pandemic to

maintain young children’s learning and play at home. This study


surveyed 3275 Chinese parents’ beliefs and attitudes around young

children’s online learning during the lockdown of the COVID-19

pandemic. Most parents (92.7%) in the study reported that their science

concepts for non-STEM majors in both traditional and online platforms

irrespective of gender or class rank. A potential exists for increasing the

number of non-STEM majors engaged in citizen science using the

flexibility of online learning to teach environmental science core


According to the study of Dunnick Roger Dale (2013) entitled,

“The effectiveness of distance education in a small rural high school: A

phenomenological study”, with the purpose of identifying the

predominant format, benefits and challenges of distance education at

the target school as perceived by multiple groups of stakeholders.

Important in identifying the above categories were gaining an

understanding of the reasons behind participant perceptions as well as

the reasons for the current format of distance education at the target

school. Additionally, the stakeholders were queried as to their beliefs as

to what would improve distance education at the school. Results from

this study included the participant’s perception that college

preparedness offered the greatest benefit, technology issues posed the

greatest challenge and, courses offered were predominantly

asynchronous in format and offered for college credit. Stakeholders

believed that distance education at the target school should be


expanded. Expansion of the program should include more high school

level courses according to participants.

According to Abramenka,Vladimir, "Students’ Motivations and Barriers

to Online Education"(2015). The study stems from the paradox between

the growing number of online classes and the decreasing retention rate

of students who take online classes. In order to understand the reasons

behind this decreasing retention rate the study is aimed at revealing

barriers students children had online learning experiences during the

pandemic, and many (84.6%) spent less than a half-hour each time.

The parents generally had negative beliefs about the values and

benefits of online learning and preferred traditional learning in early

childhood settings. They tended to resist and even reject online learning

for three key reasons: the shortcomings of online learning, young

children’s inadequate self-regulation, and their lack of time and

professional knowledge in supporting children’s online learning. Also,

the hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has made them

suffering, thus more resistant to online learning at home. The results

suggested that the implementation of online learning during the

pandemic has been problematic and challenging for families. The

Chinese parents were neither trained nor ready to embrace online

learning. The paper concluded with implications for policymakers and

teacher education.

According to Nwankwo (2015), in the study entitled, “Students'

Learning Experiences and Perceptions of Online Course Content and

Interactions”, the recent economic downturn has increased demand for

higher education. Because most post secondary schools offer online

courses, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of those offerings

and provide information that will assist colleges and universities in

meeting citizens’ educational needs. This qualitative case study was

used to examine the learning experiences and perceptions of students

in online courses at a university in the western United States. Moore’s

transactional distance learning theory was used to assess interactions

among students, instructors, and course content. Purposive sampling

was used to select 18 students from 3 university departments to

participate in the study. Research question focused on how participants

perceived their learning experiences in online courses and how they

described interactions with instructors and other students. Data

collection was multi modal. The interviews were conducted in face-to-

face format, electronic mail, and Skype. The questionnaires were

completed by electronic mail. Field notes were collected during the

interviews. Interview transcripts, field notes, and questionnaire data

were coded against the 4 interaction factors identified from Moore’s

theory. Results showed that participants rated interaction with course

material as most important, followed by interaction with the instructor.

Next in importance was the character of the learner, followed by


student-student interaction. This study contributes to social change by

informing the efforts of post secondary faculty and administrators to

review and modify online course content. Doing so will ensure that the

university is able to meet students’ needs by generating timely, positive,

and constructive, feedback; establishing a social communication

network to foster student-student interaction; and creating a more

student-friendly content material delivery method.

According to Hsiang-yu Wang (2014) study “Challenges for

Distance Education: A Cultural Analytic Perspective on Asynchronous

Online Courses in Sweden”, increasingly popular, distance education

has been researched from many angles, but studies done from a

cultural analytic perspective are rare. Most studies up to this point have

focused on the pedagogical perspective. This thesis aims to investigate

challenges faced by different stakeholders in distance education,

including online course promoters, teachers, and students, from a

cultural analytic perspective. According to empirical materials, I would

suggest that various gaps exist in asynchronous online courses which

go unnoticed, but which greatly impede student learning performance.

These gaps exist in all areas of distance education, including: the

sensory experience, online communication, between mind and body as

well as the assumptions and expectations for and knowledge of

distance education. If these gaps were reduced, distance education

would be more effective and appealing.



Relevant studies carried out to support the assessment of the

students perpective: pros and cons of modular distance learning to the

HUMSS 1105 amidst pandemic in Calaca Senior High School SY:

2020-2021 and helped the researchers for cross referencing. Thus,

these abovementioned studies are relevant to the realization of this


The study of Alshamrani discussed an investigation of the

advantages and disadvantages of online education. The study was

conducted using a survey and interviews to delve into an understanding

of the advantages and disadvantages of online education from the

student’s perspective. It was seen that although research on the

definition and various facets of online learning is numerous, the

literature regarding the advantages and the disadvantages of online

learning was very limited. The study identified that the role of technical

infrastructure and internet connectivity is paramount in ensuring the

success of the online learning.

On the other hand, the study conducted by Pe Dangle, and

Sumaoang, face to face learning engagement of students and teachers

within the school has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This pandemic has paved the way to the implementation of Modular

Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure continuity of

education. The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new


normal form of education at present, and continuous innovations of

educators and active involvement of other stakeholders are the driving

force for its success. According to them, The main challenges that

emerged were lack of school funding in the production and delivery of

modules; students struggle with self studying, and parents' lack of

knowledge to academically guide their child/children. In conclusion, the

study was able to determine the prevailing challenges of the participants

in terms of resources, preparedness, and communication.

Furthermore, according to Nwankwo study, the recent economic

downturn has increased demand for higher education. Most post

secondary schools offer online courses, it is necessary to assess the

effectiveness of those offerings and provide information that will assist

colleges and universities in meeting citizens’ educational needs.

Moore’s transactional distance learning theory was used to assess

interactions among students, instructors, and course content.

Hence, according to Hsiang-yu Wang, distance education has been

researched from many angles, but studies done from a cultural analytic

perspective are rare. Most studies up to this point have focused on the

pedagogical perspective. The gaps exist in all areas of distance

education, including: the sensory experience, online communication,

between mind and body as well as the assumptions and expectations

for and knowledge of distance education. If these gaps were reduced,

distance education would be more effective and appealing.


Chapter III


This chapter presents the methods and procedures that the

researchers will use in the study. This includes the research design,

research environment, respondents of the study, data gathering

instrument, and data gathering procedure which the researchers utilized

to accomplish the objectives of the study.

Research Design

This study aims to assess the students perspective: pros and

cons of modular distance learning to the HUMSS 1105 amidst

pandemic in Calaca Senior High School SY: 2020-2021. This study

used the descriptive research method to answer the research problems

indicated at the beginning of the study.

Descriptive research is an innovative tool for researchers. It

presents an opportunity to reconstruct the “what is” of a topic. The

survey method was utilized in this study. With the survey method, the

proponents studied the significant areas where they must focus (Murphy

2014). The researchers used this method to get some information from

the respondents to know their perceptions on the pros and cons of

modular distance learning. It also involves surveys and questionnaires

by asking people about themselves through filling out the

questionnaires. The data was gathered from the survey and


questionnaires that will served as a basis of the study.


This Descriptive research was used for the collection of data to

answer questions concerning the current status of the subjects of the

study. It is designed to gather information or conditions existing at a

particular period of time.

Research Environment

This study is supposed to be conducted in Calaca Senior High

School specifically the HUMSS 1104 but due to the risks brought by the

COVID 19, it will be done through online.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers will consider HUMSS 1104 who are the students

in Calaca Senior High School as respondents because they are capable

and competent to answer the questions and classifications the

researchers have. Also, they can give appropriate information regarding

the study.

More so, the five (5) respondents of this study as taken from

HUMSS 1104 students of Calaca Senior High School. Each participant

will answer the open ended questions to avoid bias and manipulation


Data Gathering Instrument

In order to attain more information needed and data correlated to


the study, the researchers will consider the following processes and


The construction of questionnaire is the main instrument and it

utilizes open ended questions to be answer by the given respondents.

The researchers will browse reliable websites on internet and read

some books about the pros and cons of modular distance learning.

They will also read some journal that is related to the subject in order to

gather different statements to be ask and additional information.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will allotted time, effort, and cooperation in

developing their questionnaire to serve its intended respondents. The

survey will be created using suitable questions regarding their topic.

The researchers will browse reliable online websites which will provide

additional information. The researcher will seek an approval from the

school principal before conducting the study. After the approval of the

questionnaire, we will make a letter to the corresponding respondents. It

will be indicated that respondents will be asked for their little time to

answer the questions, and they will be assured that the response they

give to will remain confidential and anonymous. The data gathered from

the research instruments will be tallied and analyze for the interpretation

of the answer by the respondents.



Construction of the Questionnaire. The construction of

questionnaire is the main instrument and it utilizes open ended

questions to be answer by the given respondents. The researchers will

browsed reliable websites on internet and read some books about the

pros and cons of modular distance learning. They will also read some

journal that is related to the subject in order to gather different

statements to be ask and additional information.

Validation of the Questionnaire. The researcher will seek an

approval from the school principal before conducting the study. After the

approval of the questionnaire, we will make a letter to the corresponding

respondents. It will be indicated that respondents will be asked for their

little time to answer the questions, and they will be assured that the

response they give to will remain confidential and anonymous.

Administration of the Questionnaire. The questionnaire will be

sent to the respective respondents thru their personal messenger as it

is the easiest way to administer the questions itself.

Retrieval of the Questionnaire. The respondents will be

requested to have a personal message to the researcher confirming that

they already answer the given questions found in the questionnaire with

the use of google form.


Scoring of the Responses. The data gathered from the

research instruments will be tallied and analyze for the interpretation of

the answer by the respondents.




1. What are the Pros of the Modular Learning to the learners?

* Students learn to value their time

P1. The students learn time management and scheduling. Many

students nowadays find it fulfilling management their time n doing the


P4. They have a lot of time to spend to answer their modules and

they have time to understand the lesson.

P5. The advantage about modular learning is i can do my

modules in what time i want to do it.

* Manageable and Flexibility

P2. It improve our manageability

P3. Students in term of their capacity to offer flexibility, choice,

access and mobility. It is also widely argued that modular structures

may be beneficial to universities to respond to the needs of students.

2. What are the cons of the Modular Learning to the learners?

* They did'nt do modules on themselves

P1. Students are now techie enough and they used if to their

advantage. They make group chats on their own as pass the answers

from one to another and copy it. This sounds very obvious because

even during face to face classes, students do it all the time.


P3. Many parents spoil their children by doing the modules all by

themselves. Parents are the ones who should inculcate the value of

patience to their children. Some of the parents hire tutors for their

children and the tutors answers all the modules.

* Difficult to understand

P5. For me the disadvantages in modular learning is that

sometimes i didn’t understand the lesson or topic.

P4. Lack of knowledge and lack of problem solving skills.

* Self-learning

P2. Having poor connection, lack of sleep and deadline of

modules. Which is stressing for some of us (students) who is self-

learning while doing house chores.

3. What are the solutions for these disadvantages regarding new normal


* Build Self Motivation

P1. Building strong self- motivation and disciplinary skills is key to

succeeding in a new learning method.

P3. Build a broad understanding and hardworking to succeed a

new learning method.

* Ask for help

P5. Ask your teachers about some help if you didn’t understand

those lesson because i know they will help and guide you. Also you can

do some research about anything else you didn’t understand.


* Students enhances learning

P4. Students develop a new perspective and enhance overall


* Saves Time

P2. To limit and get enough sleep



(Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation)


The purpose of this study was to determine the Pros and Cons of

Modular Learning to the HUMSS 1104 amidst Pandemic S.Y. 2021-


The method involves using descriptive research design. This

instrument supplied the information pertaining to student involvement in

Pros and Cons of Modular Learning. I conducted interview 5 students to

find the Pros and of Modular Learning to the students HUMSS 1104

amidst pandemic S.Y.2021-2022.


The study highlighted the essence of Pros and Cons of Modular

Learning to the students. In the first question which include "what are

the pros of the modular learning to the learners?" out of five

respondents two respondents answered that pros they have a lot of

time to spend the answer their modules. Another two out of five

respondents answered that pros it improve our manageability and one

of them answered that pros learn time management and scheduling

second question includes "what are the cons of the modular learning to

the learners?" out of five respondents two out of five respondents

answering that cons they didn’t do modules in themselves, and three of

five answered that cons difficult to understanding. The last question


include " what are the solutions for these disadvantages regarding new

learning method is build self motivation and two out of five answered

that solutions for these dis advantages regarding new learning method

build a broad understanding and hard-learning method.


In conclusion, with this Modular Distance Learning, students learn

more time management and scheduling, have a lot of time answering,

but at the same time because not all learners have access to the

internet, it became disadvantage to everyone who lacks resources,

especially that students need internet to search, review, and serves as

a guide to their lesson, regardless, this Modular Distance Learning is

still effective.


For the students, to lessen their hardship about the modular

learning. It is important to identify the Pros and Cons of Modular

Learning, to let them know what is essence of knowing it. To the

parents, so they will be the guide to their children whenever there's a

problem that would encounter. For the future researcher, who will

conduct the same or related research. It will guide them to continue the

study. For the whole, this research study wants to give some

information about the Pros and Cons it modular learning.



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