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 DNA - it is the ultimate director for cells and it codes for your traits.
 DNA replication, process of making more DNA.

 With a molecule that has a function like that, it makes sense that when you make
cell---like in cell division---you would also need to get more DNA into the new daughter

Where and When

 First where---well if it’s in a eukaryotic cell, it occurs in the nucleus. However, not all
cells have a nucleus. Such as prokaryotic cells. They don’t have a nucleus. Still both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells do DNA replication but there’s some differences
between the two.
 Next, when---Well a cell is going to need to do this before it divides so that the new
daughter cell can also get a copy of DNA. To get specific, in a eukaryotic cell, that’s
going to be before mitosis or meiosis in a time known as interphase.

Key players in DNA replication

 Many of the key players are enzymes.
 In biology, when you see something end in –ase, you might want to check as it’s very
possible that it’s an enzyme.
 Enzymes have the ability to speed up reactions and build up or break down the items
they act on.
 the key players/enzymes:
1. Helicase- the unzipping enzyme. If you recall that DNA has 2 strands, you can think of
helicase unzipping the two strands of DNA. Helicase doesn’t have a hard time doing
that. When unzipping, it breaks through the hydrogen bonds that hold the DNA bases
2. DNA Polymerase- the builder. This enzyme replicates DNA molecules to actually build
a new strand of DNA.
3. Primase- The initializer. With as great as DNA polymerase is, DNA polymerase can’t
figure out where to get started without something called a primer. Primase makes the
primer so that DNA polymerase can figure out where to go to start to work. The primer is
actually made of RNA.
4. Ligase- the gluer. It helps glue DNA fragments together.

1. DNA replication starts at a certain part called the origin. Usually, this part is identified by
certain DNA sequences.
2. At the origin, helicase (the unzipping enzyme) comes in and unwinds the DNA.
3. Here’s the thing though: you don’t want these strands to come back together. So SSB
Proteins (which stands for single stranded binding proteins) bind to the DNA strands to
keep them separated.
4. And topoisomerase ---keeps the DNA from supercoiling. Supercoiling might sound
super and it can be when you’re trying to compact DNA, but it’s something that needs to
be controlled during DNA replication. Supercoiling can involve an over-winding of the
DNA, and you need the DNA strands to be separated for the next steps.
5. Primase comes in and makes RNA primers on both strands. This is really important
because otherwise DNA polymerase won’t know where to start.
6. In comes DNA Polymerase.
5’ to 3’ AND 3’ to 5’ EXPLANATION
 Ok, before we go on, remember how we said DNA has two strands? They’re not
identical; they complement each other.
 The N-bases pair together with hydrogen bonds. The base adenine goes with base
thymine and the base guanine goes with the base cytosine.
 These strands are also anti-parallel so they don’t go in the same direction.
 What do we mean by direction? Well, with DNA, we don’t say North or South.
 We say DNA either goes 5’ to 3’ or 3’ to 5’.
 Well, the sugar of DNA is part of the backbone of DNA. It has carbons.
 The carbons on the sugar are numbered right after the oxygen in a clockwise direction.
1’, 2’, 3’, 4’ and 5.’ The 5’ carbon is actually outside of this ring structure.
 Now you do the same thing for the other side but keep in mind DNA strands are anti-
parallel to each other. So, let’s count these---again, clockwise after the oxygen. 1’, 2’ 3’,
4’ 5’. And the 5’ is out of this ring.
 This strand on the left runs 5’ to 3’ and the strand here on the right here runs 3’ to 5’.
 We’ll explain why all that matters in a moment. So let’s take that knowledge there and
look at DNA replication here.

 In this image, I labeled the top original strand 3’ to 5’.

 I labeled this bottom original strand 5’ to 3’. That’s the original DNA that is going to be
 DNA is unwinding here thanks to helicase. In this example, it will keep unwinding in this
 Primase places primers.
 DNA polymerase is building the new strands.
 Now the thing about DNA polymerase is, when it’s building a new strand, it can only
build the new strand in the 5’ to 3’ direction, meaning it adds new bases to the 3’ end on
the new strand.
 See how it’s being built in the 5’ to 3’ direction? This one is called the leading strand.
 But, take a look down here. So, DNA polymerase once again is building a new strand in
the 5’ to 3’ direction.
 But there’s a bit of a problem here. See, as DNA unwinds, because DNA polymerase
can only build the new strand in the 5’ to 3’ direction, it has to keep racing up here next
to where this unwinding is happening.
 You can see why then this new strand is known as the lagging strand. On this lagging
strand, primers have to keep being placed in order for DNA polymerase to build.

 These fragments that result are known as Okazaki fragments.

 Primers have to get replaced with DNA bases since the primers were made of RNA.
 Ligase, the gluing enzyme, has to take care of the gaps between the Okazaki fragments,
sealing them together.
 At the end of this replicating, you have two identical double helix DNA molecules from
your one original double helix DNA molecule. We call it semi-conservative because the
two copies each contain one old original strand and one newly made one.
 One last thing. Surely you have had to proofread your work before to catch errors?
 In this process, you don’t want DNA polymerase to make errors.
 If it matches the wrong DNA bases, then you could have an incorrectly coded gene…
 could ultimately end up in an incorrect protein---or no protein.
 DNA polymerase has proofreading ability. Meaning, it so rarely makes a mistake. Which
is a good thing.

The detailed understanding of DNA replication has led to some lifesaving medical treatments
that can stop DNA replication in harmful cells including pathogenic bacteria or human cancer

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