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Basic English


Describe yourself, your place in the family. Talk

about your preferences in food, clothes, places, etc.
Use adjectives to help you.

Johanna Diaz Saldaña




Francisco Méndez

Nagua, Dom Rep.

16-02- 2022
2- Main objective: Talk about some of my preferences for places, foods, clothes, my
place in the family and other personal information.

In the present work I will talk about some personal information about me, such as
describing myself, talking about my place in the family, preferences about my
tastes in clothes, food, favorite places to visit and other relevant information
about my personal life.

1- Describe yourself, your place in the family. Talk about your preferences in food,
clothes, places, etc. Use adjectives to help you.

Describe yourself.

I describe myself as a kind, affectionate and helpful person. I am that type of person that
when something is proposed, I fight until I get the results, I don't like to give up.

My Place in the family.

In my family we are 10 people. My father and mother, 4 brothers and 6 sisters. My

place in the family is very important as I am always there when they need me.

Preferences food.

I like typical food, like fish, tostones, gray beans, gray chicken, white rice, green salad.


My favorite clothes are pink and blue blouses, shorts and dresses. the swimsuit. I don't
like jackets or high shoes.


My favorite place is the beach, I like to swim at the beach. I also like to know each
tourist destination in my country, Bávaro beach, Samaná beach, Saona island among

I would like to visit France especially the Eiffel Tower, always the dream to go and
enjoy that beautiful view.
5- Conclusion

The topic exposed in this final work seemed very important to me, because I was able to
group personal information about my personal life of the things that I like the most in
these topics.

This work, in addition to talking about some preferences and tastes, helped me to
reinforce my level of writing in English and learn new words that I did not know. This
work is very specific about my information since it describes the realities about me.
6- Bibliography.
Personal information
Link of Video

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