Final Study Guide (Science 7TH Grade)

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Subject: Science Grade: 7°

Name: Kenia Amaya Alvear Date: September 15th / 2020


 Cells, tissues, organs and systems.

 Life processes.
 Cells.
 Organ systems.

 Sexual reproduction in animals.

 Animal sexual reproduction.
2.- Activities:
1. Write the main function of each of life's processes.







2. Complete the table below.

Organelles Found in… What it’s for…



Cell Membrane

Cell Wall



3. Explain how the process of sexual reproduction in animals is?

Sexual reproduction is the production of a new organism from two parents

by making use of their sex cells or gametes. In this process male gametes
fuses with a female gamete to form a new cell called 'zygote'. This zygote
then grows and develops in to a new organism in due course of time
3. Questions.
Why is excretion an important life process?
a) It helps organism maintain their temperature.
b) It helps an organism break down food.
c) It removes wastes and toxins from an organism.
d) It allows organisms to produce energy.
2. If you accidentally touch a very hot radiator and pull your hand back quickly, you are
demonstrating which life process?
a) Sensitivity.
b) Growth.
c) Nutrition.
d) Respiration.
3. Which of these is NOT part of cell theory?
A. All living things are made up of cells.
B. Cells come only from other cells.
C. Cells are the smallest living unit of an organism.
D. All living things have blood cells.

4. This organ removes water from undigested food. The water moves to the blood and
the solid waste is removed from the body.
a) Stomach.
b) large intestines.
c) Small intestines.
d) Kidneys.
5. Is the jelly-like substance outside of the nucleus but inside the cell membrane.
a) Nucleus.
b) Cytoplasm.
c) Lysosome.
6. A female's eggs are produced in the _______________.
a) Uterus.
b) Ovaries.
c) fallopian tube.
d) Vagina.
7. A new offspring simply grows from the body of a mother animal, it breaks off and later
becomes independent.
a) Budding.
b) Regeneration.
c) Oviparous.
d) Fission or cell division.
8. The order of events leading up to the birth of a baby is:
a) Conception, ovulation, fertilisation, development of zygote and then embryo, birth.
b) Menstruation, foetus development, milk formation in mother, birth.
c) Ovulation, fertilisation, implantation of zygote, embryo formation, foetus development,

 Mixtures and separation.

 Solutions
 Evaporation.
 Chromatography.
 Distillation.
 The particle model.
 Particles
 Diffusion.
 Air pressure
2. - Activities:
1. Identify which components are the solutes and which are the solvents.

Solution Solute/s Solvent

Sea water
Soft drink

2. Complete the table below:

3. Write the name of process in each states of matter.
3. - Questions:
1. Evaporation occurs when a ________ changes into a_________.

A. Gas, Solid.
B. Solid, Gas.
C. Liquid, Solid.
D. Liquid, Gas.

2. Why does the Sahara Desert have very little evaporation?

A. It is too cold for evaporation to occur.

B. The water moves to fast for it to evaporate.
C. There is not much water to be evaporated.
D. None of the above.

3.  This is the part of a solution that dissolves:

A. Solute
B. Solvent
C. Solution
D. Mixture

4. Which of the following dissolves the fastest?

A. Sugar cubes in iced tea.

B. Granulated sugar in iced tea.
C. Sugar cubes in hot tea.
D. Granulated sugar in hot tea.

5. Which process can separate dissolved salt from water?

A. Filtration
B. Condensation
C. Evaporation
D. Centrifuging

6. What happens to air pressure as you move upward into the atmosphere?

A. Increases.
B. Decreases.
C. Stays the same.
D. None of the above.

7. Which kind of weather change will occur with an increase in air pressure?

A. Cooler and dryer

B. Colder and rainier
C. Hotter and stormier
D. Warmer and moister

8. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat?

A. Metal
B. Non-metal
C. Metalloid
D. None of the above

9. The one or two letters used to represent elements

A. Yield sign
B. Coefficient
C. Symbol
D. Subscript

 Atoms, elements and molecules.

 Metals and non-metals.

 Making compounds.
 Chemical reactions.

 Energy.

 Energy and changes.

 Energy from food.
 Other energy resources.

 Forces.

 Forces.
 Differents forces.

2. - Activities:
1. Each statement describes characteristics of the metals or non-metals, choose which
one corresponds to each one.
2. Complete the table below.
3. Complete the table below.
4. Write 5 examples of word equation of combination reactions.

5. write 5 examples of word equation of decomposition reactions.

6. Complete the blanks in each sentence.

7. Complete with the correct word.
3. - Questions:
1. I am an element that does NOT conduct electricity nor heat. Scientists refer to me as a
A. Metal.
B. Nonmetal.
C. Metalloid.
2. I am an element that conducts both electricity and heat. Scientists refer to me as a
A. Metal.
B. Nonmetal.
C. Metalloid.
3. When you tap me with a hammer I do NOT shatter. And I am easily drawn into wires.
Scientists refer to me as a _____.

A. Metal.
B. Nonmetal.
C. Metalloid.
4. I am an element that shatters when struck with a hammer. I make up for this because I
am a great conductor of electricity.  But when it comes to conducting heat, I am not the
element for the job. Scientists refer to me as a _____.

A. Metal.
B. Nonmetal.
C. Metalloid.
5. A chemical change.
A. Always can be reversed.
B. Never will change state.
C. Never can be reversed.
D. Cannot be reversed easily.
6. When salt is added to copper and left to react over time, the color of the copper
changes to green. This is an example of physical reaction.
A. True.
B. False.
7. When two substances react chemically to produce a new substance, what is TRUE of
the mass of the two substances compared to the mass of the new substance?
A. They have the same mass.
B. The mass of the two substances is less than the mass of the single substance.
C. The mass of the two substances is more than the mass of the single substance.
8. What is a process that produces chemical change?
A. Oxidation.
B. Acetic acid.
C. Chemical Reaction.
D. None of the above.
9. What is the ability to do work?
A. Energy.
B. Kinetic energy.
C. Potential energy.
D. Energy forms.

10. The average kinetic energy of the particles that make up a material is known as.

A. Heat.
B. Kinetic energy.
C. Temperature.
D. Thermal energy.

11. Energy can only be ____________.

A. Converted from one form of energy to another form of energy.

B. Electrical or mechanical.
C. Positive or negative.
D. Created and destroyed.

12. This is the form of energy an object has as it is moving.

A. Thermal energy.
B. Kinetic energy.
C. Potential energy.
D. Stored energy.

13. These two factors determine the strength of the force of friction.

A. Speed and light.

B. How fast the objects are going and on what planet.
C. How big the objects are and how hard you push them.
D. How hard the surfaces push together and the types of surfaces involved.

14. The strength of the force of gravity depends on

A. The masses of the objects and their speeds.

B. The masses of the objects and the distance between them.
C. The weight of the objects and their speeds.
D. The masses of the objects and their weights.
15. The speed of an object with a specific direction is known as.
A. Velocity.
B. Gravity.
C. Friction.
D. Speed.

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