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Team Charter BUS 2200

Online Team Ran-B

Damaris Mingura, Parker Schmidt, Patrick McPhillips
Meeting held virtually via Facetime 2200 June 22, 2022

Objective: Plan and execute a campaign to encourage the general public to register
for a library card at their local branch. This is to be emphasized during school
breaks to reach the greatest number of people possible: young, old; all races and
ethnicities; any creed or sect. The ultimate goal is to cast as wide a net as possible
to bring people together at their local libraries in order to encourage literacy,
support marginalized communities, and build community.

Success Measures:
-Our work leaves us fulfilled and ready to read.
-Did local libraries see increased foot traffic, checkouts, and registrations?
-Were immigrant communities well represented among new library registrations?
-Circulation of a “Library Satisfaction Survey” to share data with local branches
that receives a >25% response rate.

Core Values:
-The dignity of hard work.
-The ability to maintain focus on the task at hand.
-Trusting in team members to do their part.
-Conducting ourselves with integrity, both in academia and the world.

Group Norms:
-Avoid meaningless corporate language, a strong focus on “getting to the point.”
-Always respectful of team members.
-Always flexible when working around team members’ schedules.
-Always listening when a team member has the floor.

Individual Strengths and Competencies:

Damaris: quick, efficient workflows; team player; project deadline discipline.
Parker: wastes no time in getting to the core of an issue; multimedia presentations;
final say when it comes to style and inflection.
Patrick: document drafting, composition, and editing; big picture goal orientation;
Microsoft Excel and data visualization.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Damaris: research and material compilation.
Parker: presentation development.
Patrick: document drafting and formatting.
Shared: brainstorming and settling on actionable steps.

Conflict Resolution Process:

-Openness in discussing potential conflicts, whether they be scheduling,
ideological, or personal.
-When in doubt, work it out TOGETHER.
-All hands meetings mean ALL HANDS. Whenever a time conflict arises, we will
make every effort to include all team members in the decision-making process.
-Communication tree: text message > phone call > Facetime
-In the event of insurmountable differences: call an all hands meeting with a
moderator present to maintain civility and respect.

Collaboration Systems, Resources and Processes:

-Google Drive.
-Text messaging.
-Weekly meetings held on Wednesdays, in person when possible, to establish goals
for the coming week.
Below: screenshot from all hands meeting dated June 22, 2022.

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