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The TACFIT26 Daily Journal

TACFIT® Tactical Fitness Systems

The TACFIT26 Daily Journal Level 4

Scott Sonnon, Chief Operations Officer

Copyright 2013 by RMAX International
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
For information address:
RMAX International
P.O. Box 501388
Atlanta, GA 31150
Email comments and questions to:
TACFIT® is a registered trademark of Sconik International LLC.

The information in this book is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed. Since we have no control over physical
conditions surrounding the application of information in this book the author and publisher disclaim any liability for untoward results including
(but not limited) any injuries or damages arising out of any person's attempt to rely upon any information herein contained. The exercises
described in this book are for information purposes, and may be too strenuous or even dangerous for some people. The reader should consult a
physician before starting TACFIT® or any other exercise programs.


When purchasing equipment, or any other products from RMAX International, the purchaser understands the risks associated with using this
kind of equipment and/or other products, and the purchaser understands and assumes any and all the risks associated with following
instructions from other products, and agrees not to hold RMAX International, as well as any officers, members, employees, assistants,
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injuries, maintenance, and/or supervision.


Nothing within this information intends to constitute an explanation of the use of any product, or the carrying out of any procedure, or the  
process introduced by, or within any material. This site, and its officers and employees accept no responsibility for any injuries, or damages
arising out of any person's attempt to rely upon any information contained herein. Consult your doctor before using this, or any other exercise
device. Do not use if you have an injury, or are experiencing pain or inflammation in parts of your body without first consulting your doctor. Use
this product at your own risk. Failure to follow instructions, and/or using this product in any way other than its intended use could result in


Please be sure to thoroughly read the instructions in this book, paying particular attention to all cautions and warnings shown for TACFIT to
ensure their proper and safe use.
1. T H E 2 0 / 1 0 X 8 + 6 0 W O R K O U T : E A C H E X E R C I S E P E R F O R M E D F O R 8 S E T S O F 2 0
TA K E A 1 M I N U T E R E C O V E RY A F T E R E A C H 4 M I N U T E S O F A N E X E R C I S E .

2. T H E 4 / 1 X 4 W O R K O U T : 4 E X E R C I S E S ; P E R F O R M E A C H E X E R C I S E F O R O N E
R O U N D 4 M I N U T E S I N D U R AT I O N . TA K E 1 M I N U T E R E C O V E RY I N B E T W E E N

3. T H E E M O T M W O R K O U T : T W E N T Y T O T A L , 1 M I N U T E R O U N D S . B E G I N O V E R
M I N U T E . C O M P L E T E A L L I N T I M E A N D G E T O N E P O I N T. I F Y O U D O N ʼ T, T H E N
Y O U R E C E I V E N O P O I N T.

4. T H E A M R A P W O R K O U T : C O M P L E T E T H E C I R C U I T A S M A N Y T I M E S A S

5. T H E [ 9 0 / 3 0 X 5 ] 2 W O R K O U T : 5 E X E R C I S E S ; P E R F O R M E A C H F O R 9 0 S E C O N D S
F O L L O W E D B Y 3 0 S E C O N D S R E C O V E R Y. A F T E R Y O U C O M P L E T E A L L 5

6. T H E A F A P / T W O R K O U T : C O M P L E T E A L L O F T H E R E P E T I T I O N S A S F A S T A S





Program Level Total Score Heart Rate Program Level Total Score Heart Rate

Qual November

Alpha Oscar

Bravo Papa

Charlie Quebec

Delta Romeo

Echo Sierra

Foxtrot Tango

Golf Uniform

Hotel Victor

India Whiskey

Juliet Xray

Kilo Yankee

Lima Zulu

Mike Qual
No Intensity Low Intensity Moderate Intensity High Intensity

Day 1 mobility Day 2 Compensation Day 3 Qual Day 4 Qual

Day 5 mobility Day 6 Compensation Day 7 Alpha Day 8 Alpha

Day 9 mobility Day 10 Compensation Day 11 Bravo Day 12 Bravo

Day 13 mobility Day 14 Compensation Day 15 Charlie Day 16 Charlie

Day 17 mobility Day 18 Compensation Day 19 Delta Day 20 Delta

Day 21 mobility Day 22 Compensation Day 23 Echo Day 24 Echo

Day 25 mobility Day 26 Compensation Day 26 Foxtrot Day 28 Foxtrot

Day 29 mobility Day 30 Compensation Day 31 Golf Day 32 Golf

Day 33 mobility Day 34 Compensation Day 35 Hotel Day 36 Hotel

Day 37 mobility Day 38 Compensation Day 39 India Day 40 India

Day 41 mobility Day 42 Compensation Day 43 Juliet Day 44 Juliet

Day 45 mobility Day 46 Compensation Day 47 Kilo Day 48 Kilo

Day 49 mobility Day 50 Compensation Day 51 Lima Day 52 Lima

Day 53 mobility Day 54 Compensation Day 55 Mike Day 56 Mike

Day 57 mobility Day 58 Compensation Day 59 November Day 60 November

Day 61 mobility Day 62 Compensation Day 63 Oscar Day 64 Oscar

Day 65 mobility Day 66 Compensation Day 67 Papa Day 68 Papa

Day 69 mobility Day 70 Compensation Day 71 Quebec Day 72 Quebec

Day 73 mobility Day 74 Compensation Day 75 Romeo Day 76 Romeo

Day 77 mobility Day 78 Compensation Day 79 Sierra Day 80 Sierra

Day 81 mobility Day 82 Compensation Day 83 Tango Day 84 Tango

Day 85 mobility Day 86 Compensation Day 87 Uniform Day 88 Uniform

Day 89 mobility Day 90 Compensation Day 91 Victor Day 92 Victor

Day 93 mobility Day 94 Compensation Day 95 Whiskey Day 96 Whiskey

Day 97 mobility Day 98 Compensation Day 99 Xray Day 100 Xray

Day 101 mobility Day 102 Compensation Day 103 yankee Day 104 yankee

Day 105 mobility Day 106 Compensation Day 107 zulu Day 108 zulu
DAY 1 : Q U A L M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
knee circle
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility P15
times total).
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility P04
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
hip hurdle
listed on this page. Mobility P11

Mobility P12

Mobility P08

spinal rotation
Mobility P29
DAY 2 : Q U A L C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. pigeon
compensation P15
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). downward facing dog
compensation P06
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
forearm frog
Compensation manual as long as you perform at compensation P12
minimum the drills listed on this page.
drill bit hold
compensation P07

shoulder bridge
compensation P20

standing sidebend
compensation P26
DAY 3 : Q U A L
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Rear lunge
qual p19

plank pull
qual p20

sit thru
qual p21

Screwing pushup
qual p22

spinal rock Pike

qual p23

tripod Overhead
qual p24

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on
your mobility day of this cycle.
knee circle pigeon
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds of exercise Mobility P15 compensation P15
with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write down your score for each set
in the “SETS SCORED” section above. backstroke downward facing
Mobility P04 dog
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take your heart compensation P06
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as your
Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that much at hip hurdle
forearm frog
the beginning, you MUST at least record and write down your heart Mobility P11
compensation P12
hitchhiker drill bit hold
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your Mobility P12
compensation of this cycle compensation P07

When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it
gunslinger shoulder bridge
recorded above then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest set of Mobility P08 compensation P20
each of the exercises together for your Score, and find the average
heart rate to check that over the entire program your average was spinal rotation standing sidebend
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort Mobility P29 compensation P26
DAY 4 : Q U A L
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Rear lunge
qual p19

plank pull
qual p20

sit thru
qual p21

Screwing pushup
qual p22

spinal rock Pike

qual p23

tripod Overhead
qual p24

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on
your mobility day of this cycle.
knee circle pigeon
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds of exercise Mobility P15 compensation P15
with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write down your score for each set
in the “SETS SCORED” section above. backstroke downward facing
Mobility P04 dog
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take your heart compensation P06
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as your
Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that much at hip hurdle
forearm frog
the beginning, you MUST at least record and write down your heart Mobility P11
compensation P12
hitchhiker drill bit hold
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your Mobility P12
compensation of this cycle compensation P07

When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it
gunslinger shoulder bridge
recorded above then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest set of Mobility P08 compensation P20
each of the exercises together for your Score, and find the average
heart rate to check that over the entire program your average was spinal rotation standing sidebend
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort Mobility P29 compensation P26
DAY 5 : A L P H A M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility P12
times total).
Twisting Lunge
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility P32
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
listed on this page. Mobility P04

Knee to Chest Push Kick

Mobility P16
DAY 6 : A L P H A C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Seal
compensation P16
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Twisted Lunge
compensation P29
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
downward facing dog
Compensation manual as long as you perform at compensation P06
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Upward Facing Dog
compensation P30
DAY 7 : A L P H A
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Clubbell Two
Handed Swipe
Exercise p05

Exercise p14

Exercise p80

Box Hop-Over
Parallel Squat
Exercise p27

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Hitchhiker Seal
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds Mobility P12 compensation P16
of exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write
down your score for each set in the “SETS SCORED” Twisted Lunge
section above.
Twisting Lunge compensation P29
Mobility P32
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, downward facing
take your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART Backstroke dog
RATE” as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort Mobility P04
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you
compensation P06
MUST at least record and write down your heart rate.
Knee to Chest Upward Facing
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will Push Kick Dog
perform on your compensation of this cycle Mobility P16 compensation P30
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart
rate and have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the
totals. Add your lowest set of each of the exercises
together for your Score, and find the average heart rate
to check that over the entire program your average was
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and
Discomfort averages.
DAY 8 : A L P H A
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Clubbell Two
Handed Swipe
Exercise p05

Exercise p14

Exercise p80

Box Hop-Over
Parallel Squat
Exercise p27

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Hitchhiker Seal
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds Mobility P12 compensation P16
of exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write
down your score for each set in the “SETS SCORED” Twisted Lunge
section above.
Twisting Lunge compensation P29
Mobility P32
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, downward facing
take your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART Backstroke dog
RATE” as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort Mobility P04
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you
compensation P06
MUST at least record and write down your heart rate.
Knee to Chest Upward Facing
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will Push Kick Dog
perform on your compensation of this cycle Mobility P16 compensation P30
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart
rate and have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the
totals. Add your lowest set of each of the exercises
together for your Score, and find the average heart rate
to check that over the entire program your average was
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and
Discomfort averages.
DAY 9 : B R AV O M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Rolling Shoulder Blade
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p23
times total).
Inside Shoulder Circle
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p14
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Leg Swing
listed on this page. Mobility p17

Prayer Shoulder Plyo

Mobility p20
DAY 1 0 : B R AV O C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Sleeping Warrior
Compensation p21
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Locust
Compensation p14
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
King Dancer Basic
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p13
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Standing Backbend
Compensation p24
DAY 1 1 : B R AV O

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Repetitions Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

kettlebell Goblet
Exercise p40

Swing Plank
Exercise p32

Exercise p48

Clubbell Gama
cast (45lbs)
Exercise p06

Score: Average 4 Repetition Totals Average Average Average Average

Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Rolling Sleeping Warrior
Shoulder Compensation
Then perform one continuous four-minute round of each
exercise. Go as slow as you can continue without taking any
Blade p21
pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and with very Mobility p23
good technique. Write down your score for each set of your total Locust
repetitions in the “REPETITIONS SCORED” section above. Inside Compensation
Shoulder p14
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take Circle
your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well Mobility p14 King Dancer
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do Basic
that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write
down your heart rate.
Leg Swing Compensation
Mobility p17 p13
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and
have it recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down Prayer Standing
which you will perform on your compensation of this cycle.. Shoulder Backbend
Plyo Compensation
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your four numbers from Mobility p20 p24
Repetitions Scores, and divide by 4 to get your Score, and find
the average heart rate to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort
and Discomfort averages.
DAY 1 2 : B R AV O

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Repetitions Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

kettlebell Goblet
Exercise p40

Swing Plank
Exercise p32

Exercise p48

Clubbell Gama
cast (45lbs)
Exercise p06

Score: Average 4 Repetition Totals Average Average Average Average

Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Rolling Sleeping Warrior
Shoulder Compensation
Then perform one continuous four-minute round of each
exercise. Go as slow as you can continue without taking any
Blade p21
pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and with very Mobility p23
good technique. Write down your score for each set of your total Locust
repetitions in the “REPETITIONS SCORED” section above. Inside Compensation
Shoulder p14
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take Circle
your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well Mobility p14 King Dancer
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do Basic
that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write
down your heart rate.
Leg Swing Compensation
Mobility p17 p13
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and
have it recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down Prayer Standing
which you will perform on your compensation of this cycle.. Shoulder Backbend
Plyo Compensation
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your four numbers from Mobility p20 p24
Repetitions Scores, and divide by 4 to get your Score, and find
the average heart rate to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort
and Discomfort averages.
DAY 1 3 : C H A R L I E M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Hindu Push-up
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p10
times total).
Sit-thru Stretch
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p28
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Side Shoulder Cast
listed on this page. Mobility p27
DAY 1 4 : C H A R L I E C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Upward Facing Dog
Compensation p30
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Dying Warrior
Compensation p08
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p04
minimum the drills listed on this page.
DAY 1 5 : C H A R L I E

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Clubbell Shoulder Park Squat (45lbs) Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

reps: 5 right / 5 left
Exercise p07
Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18
Base Switch Alternating reps: 5 right /
5 left
Exercise p52 Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19
Ring/Strap Roll Out reps: 5
Exercise p18 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total Rounds you completed Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in under 60 seconds Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Hindu Push-up Upward Facing Dog
Mobility p10 Compensation p30
Then perform one circuit (all of the repetitions of all the
exercise) in less than one minute; give yourself one point in Sit-thru Stretch Dying Warrior
the “ROUND” box of the minute you successfully Mobility p28 Compensation p08
completed (1-20). If you don’t complete them in less than
one minute, start over at the beginning of the following Camel
Side Shoulder Cast
minute; and leave that “ROUND” box blank, as you do not
get a point for not completing it. Mobility p27 Compensation p04

When you finish, with your final round (20), then take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform

on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique
(maximum 20).
DAY 1 6 : C H A R L I E

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Clubbell Shoulder Park Squat (45lbs) Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

reps: 5 right / 5 left
Exercise p07
Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18
Base Switch Alternating reps: 5 right /
5 left
Exercise p52 Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19
Ring/Strap Roll Out reps: 5
Exercise p18 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total Rounds you completed Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in under 60 seconds Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Hindu Push-up Upward Facing Dog
Mobility p10 Compensation p30
Then perform one circuit (all of the repetitions of all the
exercise) in less than one minute; give yourself one point in Sit-thru Stretch Dying Warrior
the “ROUND” box of the minute you successfully Mobility p28 Compensation p08
completed (1-20). If you don’t complete them in less than
one minute, start over at the beginning of the following Camel
Side Shoulder Cast
minute; and leave that “ROUND” box blank, as you do not
get a point for not completing it. Mobility p27 Compensation p04

When you finish, with your final round (20), then take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform

on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique
(maximum 20).
DAY 1 7 : D E LTA M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Rocking Shin Lunge
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p22
times total).
Hollow Body Crunch
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p13
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Frog Leg Swim
listed on this page. Mobility p07

Windshield Wiper
Mobility p33
DAY 1 8 : D E LTA C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Shin Lunge
Compensation p19
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Shoulder Bridge
Compensation p20
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Wind Removing
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p31
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Seated Spinal Twist
Compensation p17
DAY 1 9 : D E LTA

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Airborne Lunge 21 reps Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

Exercise p75

Spinal Rock Knee Drop 13 reps Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p56

Quad Sprawl 8 reps Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

Exercise p60

Kettlebell Figure Eight (32kgs) 5 reps Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Exercise p41

Score: Total number of circuits you Final Final Final Final

completed in under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Rocking Shin Lunge Shin Lunge
Mobility p22 Compensation p19
Then perform the exercises in circuit-style completing all of
the repetitions of all of the exercises for one “ROUND”
point. Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty
Hollow Body Shoulder Bridge
minutes. Go as slow as you can continue without taking Crunch Compensation p20
any pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and Mobility p13
with very good technique.
Frog Leg Swim Wind Removing
When you finish all twenty minutes, then take your heart Mobility p07 Compensation p31
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot Windshield Wiper Seated Spinal Twist
do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Compensation p17
and write down your heart rate.
Mobility p33

Perform 1 round of the 6 minute cool-down you performed

on your Low Intensity Day for this cycle (using the
compensation drills for this workout.)

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique. Only
20 possible round points are listed on this sheet, but as it
takes a minimum of approximately 90 seconds to complete
a round with good form, this form will suffice your needs.
DAY 2 0 : D E LTA

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Airborne Lunge 21 reps Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

Exercise p75

Spinal Rock Knee Drop 13 reps Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p56

Quad Sprawl 8 reps Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

Exercise p60

Kettlebell Figure Eight (32kgs) 5 reps Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Exercise p41

Score: Total number of circuits you Final Final Final Final

completed in under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Rocking Shin Lunge Shin Lunge
Mobility p22 Compensation p19
Then perform the exercises in circuit-style completing all of
the repetitions of all of the exercises for one “ROUND”
point. Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty
Hollow Body Shoulder Bridge
minutes. Go as slow as you can continue without taking Crunch Compensation p20
any pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and Mobility p13
with very good technique.
Frog Leg Swim Wind Removing
When you finish all twenty minutes, then take your heart Mobility p07 Compensation p31
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot Windshield Wiper Seated Spinal Twist
do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Compensation p17
and write down your heart rate.
Mobility p33

Perform 1 round of the 6 minute cool-down you performed

on your Low Intensity Day for this cycle (using the
compensation drills for this workout.)

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique. Only
20 possible round points are listed on this sheet, but as it
takes a minimum of approximately 90 seconds to complete
a round with good form, this form will suffice your needs.
DAY 2 1 : E C H O M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Lifting Camel
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p18
times total).
Shirt Ripping
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p25
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Twisting Lunge
listed on this page. Mobility p32

Prayer Shoulder Plyo

Mobility p20

Leg Swing
Mobility p17
DAY 2 2 : E C H O C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Standing Forward Fold
Compensation p25
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Floor Bow Pull
Compensation p09
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Twisted Lunge
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p29
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Standing Backbend
Compensation p24

King Dancer Basic

Compensation p13
DAY 2 3 : E C H O
[90/30X5]2 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Flight 1 Flight 2 Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Medicine Ball Jump

Exercise p85

Quad Press
Exercise p63

Exercise p14

Clubbell Gama
Cast (45lbs)
Exercise p06

Exercise p48

Score: Add together the lowest set Average Average Average Average
for each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on your
mobility day of this cycle.
Lifting Camel Standing Forward
You will perform the above circuit TWICE, in two “flights.” You will be trying to score Mobility p18 Fold
as close to the same, if not more repetitions on “Flight 2” as on “Flight 1” because Compensation p25
you only get to keep the lower scored attempt.
Shirt Ripping
Mobility p25 Floor Bow Pull
Perform one continuous round of 90 seconds of one exercise, with 30 seconds of
quick recovery.
Compensation p09
Twisting Lunge
During the 30 seconds recovery in between each exercise, take your heart rate, and Twisted Lunge
Mobility p32
write it down under as your Repetitions (Under “Flight 1” or “Flight 2”), then your Compensation p29
Heart Rate, Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that much at
the beginning, you MUST at least record and write down your repetitions and heart Prayer Standing
rate. Shoulder Plyo Backbend
Mobility p20 Compensation p24
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it recorded
above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle. Leg Swing King Dancer Basic
Mobility p17 Compensation p13
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest of the attempts from the exercises
between Flight 1 and 2 for your Score, and find the average heart rate (add the 10
total heart rates, then divide by 10) to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort
DAY 2 4 : E C H O
[90/30X5]2 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Flight 1 Flight 2 Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Medicine Ball Jump

Exercise p85

Quad Press
Exercise p63

Exercise p14

Clubbell Gama
Cast (45lbs)
Exercise p06

Exercise p48

Score: Add together the lowest set Average Average Average Average
for each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on your
mobility day of this cycle.
Lifting Camel Standing Forward
You will perform the above circuit TWICE, in two “flights.” You will be trying to score Mobility p18 Fold
as close to the same, if not more repetitions on “Flight 2” as on “Flight 1” because Compensation p25
you only get to keep the lower scored attempt.
Shirt Ripping
Mobility p25 Floor Bow Pull
Perform one continuous round of 90 seconds of one exercise, with 30 seconds of
quick recovery.
Compensation p09
Twisting Lunge
During the 30 seconds recovery in between each exercise, take your heart rate, and Twisted Lunge
Mobility p32
write it down under as your Repetitions (Under “Flight 1” or “Flight 2”), then your Compensation p29
Heart Rate, Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that much at
the beginning, you MUST at least record and write down your repetitions and heart Prayer Standing
rate. Shoulder Plyo Backbend
Mobility p20 Compensation p24
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it recorded
above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle. Leg Swing King Dancer Basic
Mobility p17 Compensation p13
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest of the attempts from the exercises
between Flight 1 and 2 for your Score, and find the average heart rate (add the 10
total heart rates, then divide by 10) to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort
DAY 2 5 : F O X T R O T M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p04
times total).
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p09
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Knee to Chest Push Kick
listed on this page. Mobility p16

Windshield Wiper
Mobility p33
DAY 2 6 : F O X T R O T C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Downward Facing Dog
Compensation p06
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Clasped Hand Forward Fold
Compensation p05
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Upward Facing Dog
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p30
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Compensation p28
DAY 2 7 : F O X T R O T

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Pull-Up 50 reps
Exercise p80

Kettlebell Push Press (32kgs) reps: 25 right / 25

Exercise p42

Box Hop-Over Parallel Squat 50 reps

Exercise p27

Clubbell Clockwork Squat (45lbs) reps: 50 right /

50 left
Exercise p08

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Backstroke Downward Facing
Mobility p04 Dog
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each Compensation p06
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no Handcuff
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue
Mobility p09 Clasped Hand
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between Forward Fold
repetitions, and with very good technique. Compensation p05
Knee to Chest
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take Push Kick Upward Facing Dog
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Mobility p16
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you Compensation p30
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate. Windshield Wiper Triangle
Mobility p33 Compensation p28
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle.
DAY 2 8 : F O X T R O T

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Pull-Up 50 reps
Exercise p80

Kettlebell Push Press (32kgs) reps: 25 right / 25

Exercise p42

Box Hop-Over Parallel Squat 50 reps

Exercise p27

Clubbell Clockwork Squat (45lbs) reps: 50 right /

50 left
Exercise p08

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Backstroke Downward Facing
Mobility p04 Dog
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each Compensation p06
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no Handcuff
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue
Mobility p09 Clasped Hand
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between Forward Fold
repetitions, and with very good technique. Compensation p05
Knee to Chest
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take Push Kick Upward Facing Dog
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Mobility p16
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you Compensation p30
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate. Windshield Wiper Triangle
Mobility p33 Compensation p28
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle.
DAY 2 9 : G O L F M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Windshield Wiper
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p33
times total).
Tripod Overhead
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p31
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
hollow Body Crunch
listed on this page. Mobility p13

Sit-Thru Stretch
Mobility p28
DAY 3 0 : G O L F C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Seated Spinal Twist
Compensation p17
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Shin Dancer Bridge
Compensation p18
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Shoulder Bridge
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p20
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Dying Warrior
Compensation p08
DAY 3 1 : G O L F
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Kettlebell Figure
Eigth (32kgs)
Exercise p41

Exercise p22

Spinal Rock Knee

Exercise p56

Base Switch
Exercise p52

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Windshield Wiper Seated Spinal Twist
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds of
Mobility p33 Compensation p17
exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write down your score
for each set in the “SETS SCORED” section above. Tripod Overhead Shin Dancer Bridge
Mobility p31 Compensation p18
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as your
Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that much hollow Body
at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write down your Crunch Shoulder Bridge
heart rate. Mobility p13 Compensation p20
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle Sit-Thru Stretch Dying Warrior
Mobility p28 Compensation p08
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and
have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your
lowest set of each of the exercises together for your Score, and
find the average heart rate to check that over the entire program
your average was within the target. Do the same for Technique,
Effort and Discomfort averages.
DAY 3 2 : G O L F
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Kettlebell Figure
Eigth (32kgs)
Exercise p41

Exercise p22

Spinal Rock Knee

Exercise p56

Base Switch
Exercise p52

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Windshield Wiper Seated Spinal Twist
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds of
Mobility p33 Compensation p17
exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write down your score
for each set in the “SETS SCORED” section above. Tripod Overhead Shin Dancer Bridge
Mobility p31 Compensation p18
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as your
Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that much hollow Body
at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write down your Crunch Shoulder Bridge
heart rate. Mobility p13 Compensation p20
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle Sit-Thru Stretch Dying Warrior
Mobility p28 Compensation p08
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and
have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your
lowest set of each of the exercises together for your Score, and
find the average heart rate to check that over the entire program
your average was within the target. Do the same for Technique,
Effort and Discomfort averages.
DAY 3 3 : H O T E L M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Folding Shinbox Twist
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p06
times total).
Twisting Lunge
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p32
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Hindu Push-up
listed on this page. Mobility p10

Leg Swing
Mobility p17
DAY 3 4 : H O T E L C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. pigeon
compensation P15
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Twisted Lunge
Compensation p29
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Upward Facing Dog
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p30
minimum the drills listed on this page.
King Dancer Basic
Compensation p13
DAY 3 5 : H O T E L

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Repetitions Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

One Leg Squat

Spinal Rock
Exercise p67

Exercise p14

Shoulder Park
Squat (45lbs)
Exercise p07

Exercise p48

Score: Average 4 Repetition Totals Average Average Average Average

Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warm-Up Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Folding pigeon
Then perform one continuous four-minute round of each Shinbox Twist compensation P15
exercise. Go as slow as you can continue without taking any Mobility p06
pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and with very Twisted Lunge
good technique. Write down your score for each set of your total
repetitions in the “REPETITIONS SCORED” section above. Twisting Lunge Compensation p29
Mobility p32
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take your Upward Facing
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as Hindu Push-up Dog
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that
much at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write down
Mobility p10 Compensation p30
your heart rate.
Leg Swing King Dancer Basic
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and Mobility p17 Compensation p13
have it recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down
which you will perform on your compensation of this cycle..

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your four numbers from
Repetitions Scores, and divide by 4 to get your Score, and find
the average heart rate to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort
and Discomfort averages.
DAY 3 6 : H O T E L

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Repetitions Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

One Leg Squat

Spinal Rock
Exercise p67

Exercise p14

Shoulder Park
Squat (45lbs)
Exercise p07

Exercise p48

Score: Average 4 Repetition Totals Average Average Average Average

Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warm-Up Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Folding pigeon
Then perform one continuous four-minute round of each Shinbox Twist compensation P15
exercise. Go as slow as you can continue without taking any Mobility p06
pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and with very Twisted Lunge
good technique. Write down your score for each set of your total
repetitions in the “REPETITIONS SCORED” section above. Twisting Lunge Compensation p29
Mobility p32
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take your Upward Facing
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as Hindu Push-up Dog
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that
much at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write down
Mobility p10 Compensation p30
your heart rate.
Leg Swing King Dancer Basic
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and Mobility p17 Compensation p13
have it recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down
which you will perform on your compensation of this cycle..

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your four numbers from
Repetitions Scores, and divide by 4 to get your Score, and find
the average heart rate to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort
and Discomfort averages.
DAY 3 7 : I N D I A M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Shinbox Switch
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p24
times total).
Shirt Ripping
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p25
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
listed on this page. Mobility p04
DAY 3 8 : I N D I A C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Sphinx
Compensation p22
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Floor Bow Pull
Compensation p09
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Downward Facing Dog
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p06
minimum the drills listed on this page.
DAY 3 9 : I N D I A

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Jump Squat 15 reps Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

Exercise p71

Quad Press Clapping 10 reps Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p63

Pull-up 5 reps Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

Exercise p80
Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total Rounds you completed Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in under 60 seconds Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Shinbox Switch Sphinx
Mobility p24 Compensation p22
Then perform one circuit (all of the repetitions of all the
exercise) in less than one minute; give yourself one point in Floor Bow Pull
the “ROUND” box of the minute you successfully
Shirt Ripping
Compensation p09
completed (1-20). If you don’t complete them in less than Mobility p25
one minute, start over at the beginning of the following Downward Facing
minute; and leave that “ROUND” box blank, as you do not Backstroke
get a point for not completing it.
Mobility p04 Compensation p06
When you finish, with your final round (20), then take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform

on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique
(maximum 20).
DAY 4 0 : I N D I A

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Jump Squat 15 reps Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

Exercise p71

Quad Press Clapping 10 reps Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p63

Pull-up 5 reps Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

Exercise p80
Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total Rounds you completed Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in under 60 seconds Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Shinbox Switch Sphinx
Mobility p24 Compensation p22
Then perform one circuit (all of the repetitions of all the
exercise) in less than one minute; give yourself one point in Floor Bow Pull
the “ROUND” box of the minute you successfully
Shirt Ripping
Compensation p09
completed (1-20). If you don’t complete them in less than Mobility p25
one minute, start over at the beginning of the following Downward Facing
minute; and leave that “ROUND” box blank, as you do not Backstroke
get a point for not completing it.
Mobility p04 Compensation p06
When you finish, with your final round (20), then take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform

on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique
(maximum 20).
DAY 4 1 : J U L I E T M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Shinbox Switch
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p24
times total).
Hollow Body Crunch
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p13
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Side Shoulder Cast
listed on this page. Mobility p27

Sit-Thru Stretch
Mobility p28
DAY 4 2 : J U L I E T C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Sphinx
Compensation p22
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Shoulder Bridge
Compensation p20
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p04
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Dying Warrior
Compensation p08
DAY 4 3 : J U L I E T

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Base Switch Alternating 21 reps Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

Exercise p52

Jump Squat 13 reps Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p71

Ring/Strap Roll Out 8 reps Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

Exercise p18

Spinal Rock Knee Drop 5 reps Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Exercise p56

Score: Total number of circuits you Final Final Final Final

completed in under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Shinbox Switch Sphinx
Mobility p24 Compensation p22
Then perform the exercises in circuit-style completing all of
the repetitions of all of the exercises for one “ROUND”
point. Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty
Hollow Body Shoulder Bridge
minutes. Go as slow as you can continue without taking Crunch Compensation p20
any pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and Mobility p13
with very good technique.
Side Shoulder Camel
When you finish all twenty minutes, then take your heart Cast Compensation p04
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as Mobility p27
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot Dying Warrior
do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Compensation p08
and write down your heart rate.
Sit-Thru Stretch
Mobility p28
Perform 1 round of the 6 minute cool-down you performed
on your Low Intensity Day for this cycle (using the
compensation drills for this workout.)

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique. Only
20 possible round points are listed on this sheet, but as it
takes a minimum of approximately 90 seconds to complete
a round with good form, this form will suffice your needs.
DAY 4 4 : J U L I E T

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Base Switch Alternating 21 reps Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

Exercise p52

Jump Squat 13 reps Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p71

Ring/Strap Roll Out 8 reps Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

Exercise p18

Spinal Rock Knee Drop 5 reps Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Exercise p56

Score: Total number of circuits you Final Final Final Final

completed in under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Shinbox Switch Sphinx
Mobility p24 Compensation p22
Then perform the exercises in circuit-style completing all of
the repetitions of all of the exercises for one “ROUND”
point. Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty
Hollow Body Shoulder Bridge
minutes. Go as slow as you can continue without taking Crunch Compensation p20
any pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and Mobility p13
with very good technique.
Side Shoulder Camel
When you finish all twenty minutes, then take your heart Cast Compensation p04
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as Mobility p27
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot Dying Warrior
do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Compensation p08
and write down your heart rate.
Sit-Thru Stretch
Mobility p28
Perform 1 round of the 6 minute cool-down you performed
on your Low Intensity Day for this cycle (using the
compensation drills for this workout.)

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique. Only
20 possible round points are listed on this sheet, but as it
takes a minimum of approximately 90 seconds to complete
a round with good form, this form will suffice your needs.
DAY 4 5 : K I L O M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Lifting Table
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p19
times total).
Windshield Wiper
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p33
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Floor Hip Worm
listed on this page. Mobility p05

Inside Shoulder Circle

Mobility p14

Folding Shinbox Twist

Mobility p06
DAY 4 6 : K I L O C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Standing Backbend Clasped
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X Compensation p23
(three times total).
Spend more time in General if you need it on your Compensation p28
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Flying Locust
minimum the drills listed on this page. Compensation p11

Compensation p14

Compensation p15
DAY 4 7 : K I L O
[90/30X5]2 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Flight 1 Flight 2 Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Kettlebell Two-
Handed Swing (32kgs)
Exercise p43

Clubbell Clockwork
Squat (45lbs)
Exercise p08

Sandbag Thruster
Exercise p90

Parallette/Box Swing
Exercise p32

One Leg Squat Spinal

Exercise p67

Score: Add together the lowest set Average Average Average Average
for each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on
your mobility day of this cycle.
Lifting Table Standing
You will perform the above circuit TWICE, in two “flights.” You will be Mobility p19 Backbend Clasped
trying to score as close to the same, if not more repetitions on “Flight 2” Hand
as on “Flight 1” because you only get to keep the lower scored attempt.
Windshield Compensation p23
Perform one continuous round of 90 seconds of one exercise, with 30
Mobility p33 Triangle
seconds of quick recovery.
Compensation p28
During the 30 seconds recovery in between each exercise, take your Floor Hip
heart rate, and write it down under as your Repetitions (Under “Flight 1” Worm Flying Locust
or “Flight 2”), then your Heart Rate, Technique, Effort and Discomfort
Mobility p05 Compensation p11
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your repetitions and heart rate.
Inside Locust
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it Shoulder Compensation p14
recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will
perform on your compensation of this cycle.
Circle Pigeon
Mobility p14 Compensation p15
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest of the attempts from
the exercises between Flight 1 and 2 for your Score, and find the Folding
average heart rate (add the 10 total heart rates, then divide by 10) to Shinbox Twist
check that over the entire program your average was within the target.
Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort averages.
Mobility p06
DAY 4 8 : K I L O
[90/30X5]2 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Flight 1 Flight 2 Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Kettlebell Two-
Handed Swing (32kgs)
Exercise p43

Clubbell Clockwork
Squat (45lbs)
Exercise p08

Sandbag Thruster
Exercise p90

Parallette/Box Swing
Exercise p32

One Leg Squat Spinal

Exercise p67

Score: Add together the lowest set Average Average Average Average
for each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on
your mobility day of this cycle.
Lifting Table Standing
You will perform the above circuit TWICE, in two “flights.” You will be Mobility p19 Backbend Clasped
trying to score as close to the same, if not more repetitions on “Flight 2” Hand
as on “Flight 1” because you only get to keep the lower scored attempt.
Windshield Compensation p23
Perform one continuous round of 90 seconds of one exercise, with 30
Mobility p33 Triangle
seconds of quick recovery.
Compensation p28
During the 30 seconds recovery in between each exercise, take your Floor Hip
heart rate, and write it down under as your Repetitions (Under “Flight 1” Worm Flying Locust
or “Flight 2”), then your Heart Rate, Technique, Effort and Discomfort
Mobility p05 Compensation p11
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your repetitions and heart rate.
Inside Locust
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it Shoulder Compensation p14
recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will
perform on your compensation of this cycle.
Circle Pigeon
Mobility p14 Compensation p15
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest of the attempts from
the exercises between Flight 1 and 2 for your Score, and find the Folding
average heart rate (add the 10 total heart rates, then divide by 10) to Shinbox Twist
check that over the entire program your average was within the target.
Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort averages.
Mobility p06
DAY 4 9 : L I M A M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Frog Leg Swim
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p07
times total).
Lifting Camel
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p18
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
listed on this page. Mobility p12
DAY 5 0 : L I M A C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Wind Removing
Compensation p31
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Standing Forward Fold
Compensation p25
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p16
minimum the drills listed on this page.
DAY 5 1 : L I M A

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Quad Hop Sprawl 100 reps

Exercise p60

Medicine Ball Jump Throw 100 reps

Exercise p85
Clubbell Two-Handed Swipe (45lbs) 100
Exercise p05

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Wind Removing
Frog Leg Swim
Mobility p07 Compensation p31
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue Lifting Camel Standing Forward
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between Mobility p18 Fold
repetitions, and with very good technique. Compensation p25
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take Seal
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Mobility p12
Compensation p16
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your

compensation of this cycle.
DAY 5 2 : L I M A

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Quad Hop Sprawl 100 reps

Exercise p60

Medicine Ball Jump Throw 100 reps

Exercise p85
Clubbell Two-Handed Swipe (45lbs) 100
Exercise p05

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Frog Leg Swim Wind Removing
Mobility p07 Compensation p31
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no
Lifting Camel Standing Forward
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue Fold
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between Mobility p18
Compensation p25
repetitions, and with very good technique.
Hitchhiker Seal
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take Mobility p12
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Compensation p16
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your

compensation of this cycle.
DAY 5 3 : M I K E M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Knee to chest Push Kick
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p16
times total).
Lifting Camel
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p18
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Twisting Lunge
listed on this page. Mobility p32

Mobility p04
DAY 5 4 : M I K E C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Upward Facing Dog
Compensation p30
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Standing Forward Fold
Compensation p25
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Twisted Lunge
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p29
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Downward Facing Dog
Compensation p06
DAY 5 5 : M I K E
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Box Hop-Over
Parallel Squat
Exercise p27

Medicine Ball
Jump Throw
Exercise p85

Exercise p14

Exercise p80

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Knee to chest Upward Facing
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds Push Kick Dog
of exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write Mobility p16 Compensation p30
down your score for each set in the “SETS SCORED”
section above.
Lifting Camel Standing Forward
Mobility p18 Fold
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, Compensation p25
take your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART
RATE” as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort Twisting Lunge Twisted Lunge
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you Mobility p32
MUST at least record and write down your heart rate. Compensation p29

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will

Backstroke Downward Facing
perform on your compensation of this cycle Mobility p04 Dog
Compensation p06
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart
rate and have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the
totals. Add your lowest set of each of the exercises
together for your Score, and find the average heart rate
to check that over the entire program your average was
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and
Discomfort averages.
DAY 5 6 : M I K E
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Box Hop-Over
Parallel Squat
Exercise p27

Medicine Ball
Jump Throw
Exercise p85

Exercise p14

Exercise p80

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Knee to chest Upward Facing
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds Push Kick Dog
of exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write Mobility p16 Compensation p30
down your score for each set in the “SETS SCORED”
section above.
Lifting Camel Standing Forward
Mobility p18 Fold
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, Compensation p25
take your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART
RATE” as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort Twisting Lunge Twisted Lunge
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you Mobility p32
MUST at least record and write down your heart rate. Compensation p29

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will

Backstroke Downward Facing
perform on your compensation of this cycle Mobility p04 Dog
Compensation p06
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart
rate and have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the
totals. Add your lowest set of each of the exercises
together for your Score, and find the average heart rate
to check that over the entire program your average was
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and
Discomfort averages.
DAY 5 7 : N O V E M B E R M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Lifting Camel
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p18
times total).
Inside Shoulder Circle
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p14
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Windshield Wiper
listed on this page. Mobility p33

Mobility p09
DAY 5 8 : N O V E M B E R C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Standing Forward Fold
Compensation p25
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Locust
Compensation p14
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p28
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Clasped Hand Forward Fold
Compensation p05
DAY 5 9 : N O V E M B E R

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Repetitions Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Medicine Ball Jump

Exercise p85

Swing Plank
Exercise p32

Clubbell Clockwork
Squat (45lbs)
Exercise p08

Kettlebell Push
Press (32kgs)
Exercise p42

Score: Average 4 Repetition Totals Average Average Average Average

Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Lifting Camel Standing
Mobility p18 Forward Fold
Then perform one continuous four-minute round of each
exercise. Go as slow as you can continue without taking any
pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and with very
Inside p25
good technique. Write down your score for each set of your total Shoulder
repetitions in the “REPETITIONS SCORED” section above. Circle Locust
Mobility p14 Compensation
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take p14
your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well Windshield
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do Wiper Triangle
that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write
down your heart rate.
Mobility p33 Compensation
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and Handcuff
have it recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down Mobility p09 Clasped Hand
which you will perform on your compensation of this cycle.. Forward Fold
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your four numbers from p05
Repetitions Scores, and divide by 4 to get your Score, and find
the average heart rate to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort
and Discomfort averages.
DAY 6 0 : N O V E M B E R

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Repetitions Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Medicine Ball Jump

Exercise p85

Swing Plank
Exercise p32

Clubbell Clockwork
Squat (45lbs)
Exercise p08

Kettlebell Push
Press (32kgs)
Exercise p42

Score: Average 4 Repetition Totals Average Average Average Average

Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Lifting Camel Standing
Mobility p18 Forward Fold
Then perform one continuous four-minute round of each
exercise. Go as slow as you can continue without taking any
pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and with very
Inside p25
good technique. Write down your score for each set of your total Shoulder
repetitions in the “REPETITIONS SCORED” section above. Circle Locust
Mobility p14 Compensation
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take p14
your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well Windshield
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do Wiper Triangle
that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write
down your heart rate.
Mobility p33 Compensation
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and Handcuff
have it recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down Mobility p09 Clasped Hand
which you will perform on your compensation of this cycle.. Forward Fold
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your four numbers from p05
Repetitions Scores, and divide by 4 to get your Score, and find
the average heart rate to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort
and Discomfort averages.
DAY 6 1 : O S C A R M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Prone Shoulder Circle
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p21
times total).
Tripod Overhead
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p31
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Lifting Table
listed on this page. Mobility p19
DAY 6 2 : O S C A R C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Three Leg Down Dog
Compensation p27
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Shin Dancer Bridge
Compensation p18
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Standing Backbend Clasped
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Hand
minimum the drills listed on this page. Compensation p23
DAY 6 3 : O S C A R

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Clubbell Two-Hand Head Cast (45lbs) Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

reps: 5
Exercise p09
Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18
Ring/Strap Skinner reps: 5
Exercise p22
Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19
Kettlebell Two-Handed Swing (32kgs)
reps: 5
Exercise p43 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total Rounds you completed Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in under 60 seconds Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Prone Shoulder Three Leg Down Dog
Circle Compensation p27
Then perform one circuit (all of the repetitions of all the Mobility p21
exercise) in less than one minute; give yourself one point in Shin Dancer Bridge
the “ROUND” box of the minute you successfully Tripod Overhead Compensation p18
completed (1-20). If you don’t complete them in less than Mobility p31
one minute, start over at the beginning of the following Standing Backbend
minute; and leave that “ROUND” box blank, as you do not
get a point for not completing it. Lifting Table Clasped Hand
Mobility p19 Compensation p23
When you finish, with your final round (20), then take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform

on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique
(maximum 20).
DAY 6 4 : O S C A R

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Clubbell Two-Hand Head Cast (45lbs) Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

reps: 5
Exercise p09
Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18
Ring/Strap Skinner reps: 5
Exercise p22
Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19
Kettlebell Two-Handed Swing (32kgs)
reps: 5
Exercise p43 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total Rounds you completed Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in under 60 seconds Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Prone Shoulder Three Leg Down Dog
Circle Compensation p27
Then perform one circuit (all of the repetitions of all the Mobility p21
exercise) in less than one minute; give yourself one point in Shin Dancer Bridge
the “ROUND” box of the minute you successfully Tripod Overhead Compensation p18
completed (1-20). If you don’t complete them in less than Mobility p31
one minute, start over at the beginning of the following Standing Backbend
minute; and leave that “ROUND” box blank, as you do not
get a point for not completing it. Lifting Table Clasped Hand
Mobility p19 Compensation p23
When you finish, with your final round (20), then take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform

on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique
(maximum 20).
DAY 6 5 : PA PA M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Lifting Table
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p19
times total).
Shoulder Screw
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p26
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Prayer Shoulder Plyo
listed on this page. Mobility p20

Shirt Ripping
Mobility p25
DAY 6 6 : PA PA C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Standing Backbend Clasped
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X Compensation p23
(three times total).
Floor Scorpion
Spend more time in General if you need it on your Compensation p10
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Standing Backbend
minimum the drills listed on this page. Compensation p24

Floor Bow Pull

Compensation p09
DAY 6 7 : PA PA

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Kettlebell Two-Handed Swing (32kgs) reps:

21 Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17
Exercise p43

Parallette/Box Shoulder Press reps: 13 Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p35

Clubbell Gama Cast (45lbs) reps: 8 Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

Exercise p06

Quad Press Clapping reps: 5 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Exercise p63

Score: Total number of circuits you Final Final Final Final

completed in under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Lifting Table Standing Backbend
Mobility p19 Clasped Hand
Then perform the exercises in circuit-style completing all of
the repetitions of all of the exercises for one “ROUND” Compensation p23
point. Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty
Shoulder Screw
minutes. Go as slow as you can continue without taking Mobility p26 Floor Scorpion
any pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and Compensation p10
with very good technique. Prayer Shoulder
Plyo Standing Backbend
When you finish all twenty minutes, then take your heart Mobility p20
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as Compensation p24
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot Shirt Ripping
do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record
Mobility p25 Floor Bow Pull
and write down your heart rate. Compensation p09
Perform 1 round of the 6 minute cool-down you performed
on your Low Intensity Day for this cycle (using the
compensation drills for this workout.)

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique. Only
20 possible round points are listed on this sheet, but as it
takes a minimum of approximately 90 seconds to complete
a round with good form, this form will suffice your needs.
DAY 6 8 : PA PA

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Kettlebell Two-Handed Swing (32kgs) reps:

21 Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17
Exercise p43

Parallette/Box Shoulder Press reps: 13 Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p35

Clubbell Gama Cast (45lbs) reps: 8 Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

Exercise p06

Quad Press Clapping reps: 5 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Exercise p63

Score: Total number of circuits you Final Final Final Final

completed in under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Lifting Table Standing Backbend
Mobility p19 Clasped Hand
Then perform the exercises in circuit-style completing all of
the repetitions of all of the exercises for one “ROUND” Compensation p23
point. Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty
Shoulder Screw
minutes. Go as slow as you can continue without taking Mobility p26 Floor Scorpion
any pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and Compensation p10
with very good technique. Prayer Shoulder
Plyo Standing Backbend
When you finish all twenty minutes, then take your heart Mobility p20
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as Compensation p24
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot Shirt Ripping
do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record
Mobility p25 Floor Bow Pull
and write down your heart rate. Compensation p09
Perform 1 round of the 6 minute cool-down you performed
on your Low Intensity Day for this cycle (using the
compensation drills for this workout.)

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique. Only
20 possible round points are listed on this sheet, but as it
takes a minimum of approximately 90 seconds to complete
a round with good form, this form will suffice your needs.
DAY 6 9 : Q U E B E C M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Folding Shinbox Twist
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p06
times total).
Side Shoulder Cast
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p27
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Hindu Push-up
listed on this page. Mobility p10

Hollow Body Crunch

Mobility p13

Sit-Thru Stretch
Mobility p28
DAY 7 0 : Q U E B E C C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Pigeon
Compensation p15
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Camel
Compensation p04
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Upward Facing Dog
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p30
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Shoulder Bridge
Compensation p20

Dying Warrior
Compensation p08
DAY 7 1 : Q U E B E C
[90/30X5]2 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Flight 1 Flight 2 Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

One Leg Squat Spinal

Exercise p67

Ring/Strap roll Out

Exercise p18

Clubbell Shoulder
Park Squat (45lbs)
Exercise p07

Spinal Rock Knee

Exercise p56

Base Switch
Exercise p52

Score: Add together the lowest set Average Average Average Average
for each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on
your mobility day of this cycle. Folding Pigeon
Shinbox Twist Compensation p15
You will perform the above circuit TWICE, in two “flights.” You will be
trying to score as close to the same, if not more repetitions on “Flight 2” Mobility p06
as on “Flight 1” because you only get to keep the lower scored attempt.
Side Shoulder Compensation p04
Perform one continuous round of 90 seconds of one exercise, with 30 Cast
seconds of quick recovery.
Mobility p27 Upward Facing
During the 30 seconds recovery in between each exercise, take your
heart rate, and write it down under as your Repetitions (Under “Flight 1” Hindu Push-up Compensation p30
or “Flight 2”), then your Heart Rate, Technique, Effort and Discomfort Mobility p10
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least Shoulder Bridge
record and write down your repetitions and heart rate.
Hollow Body Compensation p20
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it Crunch Dying Warrior
recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will Mobility p13 Compensation p08
perform on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest of the attempts from
the exercises between Flight 1 and 2 for your Score, and find the Stretch
average heart rate (add the 10 total heart rates, then divide by 10) to Mobility p28
check that over the entire program your average was within the target.
Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort averages.
DAY 7 2 : Q U E B E C
[90/30X5]2 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Flight 1 Flight 2 Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

One Leg Squat Spinal

Exercise p67

Ring/Strap roll Out

Exercise p18

Clubbell Shoulder
Park Squat (45lbs)
Exercise p07

Spinal Rock Knee

Exercise p56

Base Switch
Exercise p52

Score: Add together the lowest set Average Average Average Average
for each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on
your mobility day of this cycle. Folding Pigeon
Shinbox Twist Compensation p15
You will perform the above circuit TWICE, in two “flights.” You will be
trying to score as close to the same, if not more repetitions on “Flight 2” Mobility p06
as on “Flight 1” because you only get to keep the lower scored attempt.
Side Shoulder Compensation p04
Perform one continuous round of 90 seconds of one exercise, with 30 Cast
seconds of quick recovery.
Mobility p27 Upward Facing
During the 30 seconds recovery in between each exercise, take your
heart rate, and write it down under as your Repetitions (Under “Flight 1” Hindu Push-up Compensation p30
or “Flight 2”), then your Heart Rate, Technique, Effort and Discomfort Mobility p10
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least Shoulder Bridge
record and write down your repetitions and heart rate.
Hollow Body Compensation p20
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it Crunch Dying Warrior
recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will Mobility p13 Compensation p08
perform on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest of the attempts from
the exercises between Flight 1 and 2 for your Score, and find the Stretch
average heart rate (add the 10 total heart rates, then divide by 10) to Mobility p28
check that over the entire program your average was within the target.
Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort averages.
DAY 7 3 : R O M E O M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Twisting Lunge
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p32
times total).
Shinbox Switch
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p24
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Rolling Shoulder Blade
listed on this page. Mobility p23

Mobility p04
DAY 7 4 : R O M E O C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Twisted Lunge
Compensation p29
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Sphinx
Compensation p22
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Sleeping Warrior
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p21
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Downward Facing Dog
Compensation p06
DAY 7 5 : R O M E O

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Ring/Strap Extension 30 reps
Exercise p14

Jump Squat 50 reps

Exercise p71

Kettlebell Goblet Throw 50 reps

Exercise p40

Pull-up 30 reps
Exercise p80

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Twisting Lunge Twisted Lunge
Mobility p32 Compensation p29
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no Shinbox Switch Sphinx
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue
Mobility p24 Compensation p22
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between
repetitions, and with very good technique. Sleeping Warrior
Rolling Compensation p21
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take Shoulder Blade
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Mobility p23
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
Downward Facing
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Dog
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate. Backstroke Compensation p06
Mobility p04
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle.
DAY 7 6 : R O M E O

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Ring/Strap Extension 30 reps
Exercise p14

Jump Squat 50 reps

Exercise p71

Kettlebell Goblet Throw 50 reps

Exercise p40

Pull-up 30 reps
Exercise p80

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Twisting Lunge Twisted Lunge
Mobility p32 Compensation p29
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no Shinbox Switch Sphinx
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue Compensation p22
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between
Mobility p24
repetitions, and with very good technique. Sleeping Warrior
Compensation p21
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take Shoulder Blade
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Mobility p23
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
Downward Facing
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Dog
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate. Backstroke Compensation p06
Mobility p04
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle.
DAY 7 7 : S I E R R A M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Rocking shin Lunge
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p22
times total).
Shoulder Screw
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p26
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Hollow Body Crunch
listed on this page. Mobility p13

Frog Leg Swim

Mobility p07
DAY 7 8 : S I E R R A C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Shin Lunge
Compensation p19
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Floor Scorpion
Compensation p10
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Shoulder Bridge
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p20
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Wind Removing
Compensation p31
DAY 7 9 : S I E R R A
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Airborne Lunge
Exercise p75

Shoulder Press
Exercise p35

Spinal Rock Knee

Exercise p56

Quad Sprawl
Exercise p60

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Rocking shin Shin Lunge
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds Lunge Compensation p19
of exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write Mobility p22
down your score for each set in the “SETS SCORED” Floor Scorpion
section above.
Shoulder Screw Compensation p10
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise,
Mobility p26 Shoulder Bridge
take your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART Compensation p20
RATE” as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort Hollow Body
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you Crunch
MUST at least record and write down your heart rate.
Wind Removing
Mobility p13 Compensation p31
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will
Frog Leg Swim
perform on your compensation of this cycle
Mobility p07
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart
rate and have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the
totals. Add your lowest set of each of the exercises
together for your Score, and find the average heart rate
to check that over the entire program your average was
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and
Discomfort averages.
DAY 8 0 : S I E R R A
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Airborne Lunge
Exercise p75

Shoulder Press
Exercise p35

Spinal Rock Knee

Exercise p56

Quad Sprawl
Exercise p60

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Rocking shin Shin Lunge
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds Lunge Compensation p19
of exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write Mobility p22
down your score for each set in the “SETS SCORED” Floor Scorpion
section above.
Shoulder Screw Compensation p10
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise,
Mobility p26 Shoulder Bridge
take your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART Compensation p20
RATE” as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort Hollow Body
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you Crunch
MUST at least record and write down your heart rate.
Wind Removing
Mobility p13 Compensation p31
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will
Frog Leg Swim
perform on your compensation of this cycle
Mobility p07
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart
rate and have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the
totals. Add your lowest set of each of the exercises
together for your Score, and find the average heart rate
to check that over the entire program your average was
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and
Discomfort averages.
DAY 8 1 : TA N G O M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Prayer Shoulder Plyo
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p20
times total).
Tripod Overhead
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p31
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Floor Hip Worm
listed on this page. Mobility p05

Leg Swing
Mobility p17
DAY 8 2 : TA N G O C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Standing Backbend
Compensation p24
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Shin Dancer Bridge
Compensation p18
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Flying Locust
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p11
minimum the drills listed on this page.
King Dancer Basic
Compensation p13
DAY 8 3 : TA N G O

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Repetitions Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Clubbell Gama
Cast (45lbs)
Exercise p06

Exercise p22

Sandbag Thruster
Exercise p90

Exercise p48

Score: Average 4 Repetition Totals Average Average Average Average

Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Prayer Standing
Shoulder Backbend
Then perform one continuous four-minute round of each
exercise. Go as slow as you can continue without taking any
Plyo Compensation
pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and with very Mobility p20 p24
good technique. Write down your score for each set of your total
repetitions in the “REPETITIONS SCORED” section above. Tripod Shin Dancer
Overhead Bridge
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take Mobility p31 Compensation
your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well p18
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do Floor Hip
that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write
down your heart rate.
Worm Flying Locust
Mobility p05 Compensation
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and p11
have it recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down Leg Swing
which you will perform on your compensation of this cycle.. Mobility p17 King Dancer
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your four numbers from Compensation
Repetitions Scores, and divide by 4 to get your Score, and find
the average heart rate to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort
and Discomfort averages.
DAY 8 4 : TA N G O

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Repetitions Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Clubbell Gama
Cast (45lbs)
Exercise p06

Exercise p22

Sandbag Thruster
Exercise p90

Exercise p48

Score: Average 4 Repetition Totals Average Average Average Average

Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Prayer Standing
Shoulder Backbend
Then perform one continuous four-minute round of each
exercise. Go as slow as you can continue without taking any
Plyo Compensation
pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and with very Mobility p20 p24
good technique. Write down your score for each set of your total
repetitions in the “REPETITIONS SCORED” section above. Tripod Shin Dancer
Overhead Bridge
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise, take Mobility p31 Compensation
your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well p18
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do Floor Hip
that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record and write
down your heart rate.
Worm Flying Locust
Mobility p05 Compensation
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and p11
have it recorded above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down Leg Swing
which you will perform on your compensation of this cycle.. Mobility p17 King Dancer
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your four numbers from Compensation
Repetitions Scores, and divide by 4 to get your Score, and find
the average heart rate to check that over the entire program your
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort
and Discomfort averages.
DAY 8 5 : U N I F O R M M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Shinbox Switch
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p24
times total).
Inside Shoulder Circle
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p14
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Hindu Push-up
listed on this page. Mobility p10
DAY 8 6 : U N I F O R M C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Sphinx
Compensation p22
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Locust
Compensation p14
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Upward Facing Dog
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p30
minimum the drills listed on this page.
DAY 8 7 : U N I F O R M

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Jump Squat 8 reps Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

Exercise p71

Parallette/Box Swing Plank 5 reps Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p32

Clubbell Shoulder Park Squat Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

(45lbs) reps: 3 right / 3 left
Exercise p07 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total Rounds you completed Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in under 60 seconds Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Shinbox Switch Sphinx
Mobility p24 Compensation p22
Then perform one circuit (all of the repetitions of all the
exercise) in less than one minute; give yourself one point in Inside Shoulder Locust
the “ROUND” box of the minute you successfully Circle Compensation p14
completed (1-20). If you don’t complete them in less than Mobility p14
one minute, start over at the beginning of the following Upward Facing Dog
minute; and leave that “ROUND” box blank, as you do not
get a point for not completing it. Hindu Push-up Compensation p30
Mobility p10
When you finish, with your final round (20), then take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform

on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique
(maximum 20).
DAY 8 8 : U N I F O R M

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Jump Squat 8 reps Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

Exercise p71

Parallette/Box Swing Plank 5 reps Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18

Exercise p32

Clubbell Shoulder Park Squat Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19

(45lbs) reps: 3 right / 3 left
Exercise p07 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total Rounds you completed Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in under 60 seconds Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Shinbox Switch Sphinx
Mobility p24 Compensation p22
Then perform one circuit (all of the repetitions of all the
exercise) in less than one minute; give yourself one point in Inside Shoulder Locust
the “ROUND” box of the minute you successfully Circle Compensation p14
completed (1-20). If you don’t complete them in less than Mobility p14
one minute, start over at the beginning of the following Upward Facing Dog
minute; and leave that “ROUND” box blank, as you do not
get a point for not completing it. Hindu Push-up Compensation p30
Mobility p10
When you finish, with your final round (20), then take your
heart rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well
as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least
record and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform

on your compensation of this cycle.

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique
(maximum 20).
DAY 8 9 : V I C T O R M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Lifting Table
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p19
times total).
Prone Shoulder Circle
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p21
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Rocking Shin Lunge
listed on this page. Mobility p22
DAY 9 0 : V I C T O R C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Standing Backbend Clasped
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X Compensation p23
(three times total).
Three Leg Down Dog
Spend more time in General if you need it on your Compensation p27
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Shin Lunge
minimum the drills listed on this page. Compensation p19
DAY 9 1 : V I C T O R

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Kettlebell Two Handed Swing (32kgs) Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

reps: 8
Exercise p43
Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18
Clubbell Two-Handed Head Cast (45lbs)
reps: 13
Exercise p09 Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19
Airborne Lunge reps: 21
Exercise p75 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total number of circuits you Final Final Final Final

completed in under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Lifting Table Standing Backbend
Mobility p19 Clasped Hand
Then perform the exercises in circuit-style completing all of
the repetitions of all of the exercises for one “ROUND” Compensation p23
point. Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty
Prone Shoulder
minutes. Go as slow as you can continue without taking Circle Three Leg Down
any pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and Mobility p21 Dog
with very good technique. Compensation p27
Rocking Shin Lunge
When you finish all twenty minutes, then take your heart Mobility p22 Shin Lunge
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot
Compensation p19
do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record
and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the 6 minute cool-down you performed

on your Low Intensity Day for this cycle (using the
compensation drills for this workout.)

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique. Only
20 possible round points are listed on this sheet, but as it
takes a minimum of approximately 90 seconds to complete
a round with good form, this form will suffice your needs.
DAY 9 2 : V I C T O R

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Round 1 Round 6 Round 11 Round 16

Kettlebell Two Handed Swing (32kgs) Round 2 Round 7 Round 12 Round 17

reps: 8
Exercise p43
Round 3 Round 8 Round 13 Round 18
Clubbell Two-Handed Head Cast (45lbs)
reps: 13
Exercise p09 Round 4 Round 9 Round 14 Round 19
Airborne Lunge reps: 21
Exercise p75 Round 5 Round 10 Round 15 Round 20

Score: Total number of circuits you Final Final Final Final

completed in under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Lifting Table Standing Backbend
Mobility p19 Clasped Hand
Then perform the exercises in circuit-style completing all of
the repetitions of all of the exercises for one “ROUND” Compensation p23
point. Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty Prone Shoulder
minutes. Go as slow as you can continue without taking Circle Three Leg Down
any pauses, without stopping in between repetitions, and Mobility p21 Dog
with very good technique. Compensation p27
Rocking Shin Lunge
When you finish all twenty minutes, then take your heart Mobility p22 Shin Lunge
rate, and write it down under “HEART RATE” as well as
your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot
Compensation p19
do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record
and write down your heart rate.

Perform 1 round of the 6 minute cool-down you performed

on your Low Intensity Day for this cycle (using the
compensation drills for this workout.)

Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your points for all of
the rounds you completed with very good technique. Only
20 possible round points are listed on this sheet, but as it
takes a minimum of approximately 90 seconds to complete
a round with good form, this form will suffice your needs.
DAY 9 3 : W H I S K E Y M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Windshield Wiper
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p33
times total).
Lifting Camel
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p18
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Shoulder Screw
listed on this page. Mobility p26

Twisting Lunge
Mobility p32

Folding Shinbox Twist

Mobility p06
DAY 9 4 : W H I S K E Y C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Seated Spinal Twist
Compensation p17
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Standing Forward Fold
Compensation p25
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Floor Scorpion
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p10
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Twisted Lunge
Compensation p29

Compensation p15
DAY 9 5 : W H I S K E Y
[90/30X5]2 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Flight 1 Flight 2 Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Kettlebell Figure
Eight (32kgs)
Exercise p41

Medicine Ball Jump

Exercise p85

Shoulder Press
Exercise p35

Ring/Strap Extension
Exercise p14

One Leg Squat Spinal

Exercise p67

Score: Add together the lowest set Average Average Average Average
for each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on your mobility
day of this cycle.
Windshield Seated Spinal
You will perform the above circuit TWICE, in two “flights.” You will be trying to score Wiper Twist
as close to the same, if not more repetitions on “Flight 2” as on “Flight 1” because Mobility p33 Compensation p17
you only get to keep the lower scored attempt.

Lifting Camel Standing Forward

Perform one continuous round of 90 seconds of one exercise, with 30 seconds of
quick recovery. Mobility p18 Fold
Compensation p25
During the 30 seconds recovery in between each exercise, take your heart rate, and Shoulder
write it down under as your Repetitions (Under “Flight 1” or “Flight 2”), then your
Screw Floor Scorpion
Heart Rate, Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that much at the Compensation p10
beginning, you MUST at least record and write down your repetitions and heart rate. Mobility p26
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it recorded Twisting Lunge Twisted Lunge
above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your Mobility p32 Compensation p29
compensation of this cycle.
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest of the attempts from the exercises Compensation p15
between Flight 1 and 2 for your Score, and find the average heart rate (add the 10 Folding
total heart rates, then divide by 10) to check that over the entire program your Shinbox Twist
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort
averages. Mobility p06
DAY 9 6 : W H I S K E Y
[90/30X5]2 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Flight 1 Flight 2 Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Kettlebell Figure
Eight (32kgs)
Exercise p41

Medicine Ball Jump

Exercise p85

Shoulder Press
Exercise p35

Ring/Strap Extension
Exercise p14

One Leg Squat Spinal

Exercise p67

Score: Add together the lowest set Average Average Average Average
for each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already performed on your mobility
day of this cycle.
Windshield Seated Spinal
You will perform the above circuit TWICE, in two “flights.” You will be trying to score Wiper Twist
as close to the same, if not more repetitions on “Flight 2” as on “Flight 1” because Mobility p33 Compensation p17
you only get to keep the lower scored attempt.

Lifting Camel Standing Forward

Perform one continuous round of 90 seconds of one exercise, with 30 seconds of
quick recovery. Mobility p18 Fold
Compensation p25
During the 30 seconds recovery in between each exercise, take your heart rate, and Shoulder
write it down under as your Repetitions (Under “Flight 1” or “Flight 2”), then your
Screw Floor Scorpion
Heart Rate, Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you cannot do that much at the Compensation p10
beginning, you MUST at least record and write down your repetitions and heart rate. Mobility p26
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart rate and have it recorded Twisting Lunge Twisted Lunge
above, then perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your Mobility p32 Compensation p29
compensation of this cycle.
Then, it’s time to tally the totals. Add your lowest of the attempts from the exercises Compensation p15
between Flight 1 and 2 for your Score, and find the average heart rate (add the 10 Folding
total heart rates, then divide by 10) to check that over the entire program your Shinbox Twist
average was within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and Discomfort
averages. Mobility p06
DAY 9 7 : X R AY M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Knee to Chest Push Kick
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p16
times total).
Inside Shoulder Circle
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p14
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
Tripod Overhead
listed on this page. Mobility p31

Mobility p09
DAY 9 8 : X R AY C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Upward Facing Dog
Compensation p30
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Locust
Compensation p14
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Shin Dancer Bridge
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p18
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Clasped Hand Forward Fold
Compensation p05
DAY 9 9 : X R AY

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Box Hop-Over Parallel Squat 50 reps
Exercise p27

Parallette/Box Swing Plank 50 reps

Exercise p32

Ring/Strap Skinner 50 reps

Exercise p22

Kettlebell Push Press (32kgs) reps: 25 right / 25 left

Exercise p42

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Knee to Chest Upward Facing Dog
Push Kick Compensation p30
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each Mobility p16
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no Locust
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue Inside Shoulder Compensation p14
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between
repetitions, and with very good technique.
Mobility p14 Shin Dancer Bridge
Compensation p18
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Tripod Overhead
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you Mobility p31 Clasped Hand
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Forward Fold
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate. Handcuff Compensation p05
Mobility p09
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle.
DAY 1 0 0 : X R AY

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Box Hop-Over Parallel Squat 50 reps
Exercise p27

Parallette/Box Swing Plank 50 reps

Exercise p32

Ring/Strap Skinner 50 reps

Exercise p22

Kettlebell Push Press (32kgs) reps: 25 right / 25 left

Exercise p42

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Knee to Chest Upward Facing Dog
Push Kick Compensation p30
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each Mobility p16
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no Locust
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue Inside Shoulder Compensation p14
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between
repetitions, and with very good technique.
Mobility p14 Shin Dancer Bridge
Compensation p18
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Tripod Overhead
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you Mobility p31 Clasped Hand
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Forward Fold
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate. Handcuff Compensation p05
Mobility p09
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your
compensation of this cycle.
DAY 1 0 1 : YA N K E E M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
Prone Shoulder Circle
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p21
times total).
Floor hip Worm
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p05
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
listed on this page. Mobility p09

Frog Leg Swim

Mobility p07
DAY 1 0 2 : YA N K E E C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Three Leg Down Dog
Compensation p27
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Flying Locust
Compensation p11
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Clasped Hand Forward Fold
Compensation manual as long as you perform at Compensation p05
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Wind removing
Compensation p31
DAY 1 0 3 : YA N K E E
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Clubbell Two-
Handed Head Cast
Exercise p09

Sandbag Thruster
Exercise p90

Kettlebell Push
Press (32kgs)
Exercise p42

Quad Hop Sprawl

Exercise p60

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Prone Shoulder Three Leg Down
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds Circle Dog
of exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write Mobility p21 Compensation p27
down your score for each set in the “SETS SCORED”
section above.
Floor hip Worm Flying Locust
Mobility p05 Compensation p11
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise,
take your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART Clasped Hand
RATE” as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort Handcuff Forward Fold
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you Mobility p09
MUST at least record and write down your heart rate. Compensation p05

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will

Frog Leg Swim Wind removing
perform on your compensation of this cycle Mobility p07 Compensation p31
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart
rate and have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the
totals. Add your lowest set of each of the exercises
together for your Score, and find the average heart rate
to check that over the entire program your average was
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and
Discomfort averages.
DAY 1 0 4 : YA N K E E
20/10X8+60 WORKOUT

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Sets Scored Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

Clubbell Two-
Handed Head Cast
Exercise p09

Sandbag Thruster
Exercise p90

Kettlebell Push
Press (32kgs)
Exercise p42

Quad Hop Sprawl

Exercise p60

Score: Add the lowest of 8 sets Average Average Average Average

from each of the exercises Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle.
Prone Shoulder Three Leg Down
Then perform 8 sets in a row of an exercise: 20 seconds Circle Dog
of exercise with 10 seconds of quick recovery. Write Mobility p21 Compensation p27
down your score for each set in the “SETS SCORED”
section above.
Floor hip Worm Flying Locust
Mobility p05 Compensation p11
During the 1 minute recovery in between each exercise,
take your heart rate, and write it down under “HEART Clasped Hand
RATE” as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort Handcuff Forward Fold
level. If you cannot do that much at the beginning, you Mobility p09
MUST at least record and write down your heart rate. Compensation p05

Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will

Frog Leg Swim Wind removing
perform on your compensation of this cycle Mobility p07 Compensation p31
When you finish, with your final exercise and final heart
rate and have it recorded above then, it’s time to tally the
totals. Add your lowest set of each of the exercises
together for your Score, and find the average heart rate
to check that over the entire program your average was
within the target. Do the same for Technique, Effort and
Discomfort averages.
DAY 1 0 5 : Z U L U M O B I L I T Y

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum No Intensity Mobility

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 0-40% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, do not exceed 40% of your
heart rate maximum.
Mobility Drill
Perform the mobility drills in these blocks for the workout.
For your No Intensity Day, repeat the warm-up 3X (three
Mobility p12
times total).
Rolling Shoulder Blade
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
Mobility p23
mobility. You may also add other drills from the Mobility
manual as long as you perform at minimum the drills
listed on this page. Mobility p04

Knee to Chest Push Kick

Mobility p16
DAY 1 0 6 : Z U L U C O M P E N S AT I O N

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Low Intensity Compensation

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 40-60% Maximum

As this is a recovery day, maintain between 40-60% of
your heart rate maximum.
Compensation Drill
Perform the compensation drills in these blocks for the
workout. Seal
Compensation p16
For your Low Intensity Day, repeat the cool-down 3X
(three times total). Sleeping Warrior
Compensation p21
Spend more time in General if you need it on your
compensation. You may also add other drills from the
Downward Facing Dog
Compensation manual as long as you perform at compensation p06
minimum the drills listed on this page.
Upward Facing Dog
Compensation p30
DAY 1 0 7 : Z U L U

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum Moderate Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 60-80% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Clubbell Two-Handed Swipe (45lbs) reps: 50
Exercise p05

Kettlebell Goblet Throw reps: 50

Exercise p40

Pull-up reps: 50
Exercise p80

Box Hop-Over Parallel Squat reps: 50

Exercise p27

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Hitchhiker Seal
Mobility p12 Compensation p16
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no Rolling Sleeping Warrior
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue
Shoulder Blade Compensation p21
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between
repetitions, and with very good technique. Mobility p23 Downward Facing
Backstroke Dog
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Mobility p04 compensation p06
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Upward Facing Dog
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate. Compensation p30
Knee to Chest
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your Push Kick
compensation of this cycle. Mobility p16
DAY 1 0 8 : Z U L U

Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum High Intensity Workout

220-AGE Target Heart Rate 80-100% Maximum

Exercises Number of Repetitions to Perform

Clubbell Two-Handed Swipe (45lbs) reps: 50
Exercise p05

Kettlebell Goblet Throw reps: 50

Exercise p40

Pull-up reps: 50
Exercise p80

Box Hop-Over Parallel Squat reps: 50

Exercise p27

Total Time elapsed for completing Final Final Final Final

all repetitions in Under 20 minutes Heart Rate Technique Effort Discomfort

DIRECTIONS: Warmup Cooldown

Perform 1 round of the warm-up which you have already
performed on your mobility day of this cycle. Hitchhiker Seal
Mobility p12 Compensation p16
Then perform the prescribed number of repetitions for each
exercise as fast as possible with very good technique, but no Rolling Sleeping Warrior
longer than twenty minutes. Go as slow as you can continue
Shoulder Blade Compensation p21
without taking any pauses, without stopping in between
repetitions, and with very good technique. Mobility p23 Downward Facing
Backstroke Dog
When you finish all of the repetitions, check the clock, then take
your heart rate, and write your time elapsed, your final heart rate Mobility p04 compensation p06
as well as your Technique, Effort and Discomfort level. If you
cannot do that much at the beginning, you MUST at least record Upward Facing Dog
and write down your elapsed time and your heart rate. Compensation p30
Knee to Chest
Perform 1 round of the cool-down which you will perform on your Push Kick
compensation of this cycle. Mobility p16

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