Learning Journal Unit 6: Setting Goals and Objectives

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Learning Journal Unit 6: Setting Goals and Objectives

University of the People

BUS1101 Principles of Business Management

Johnnie Johnson, Instructor

March 11, 2021


Learning Journal Unit 6: Setting Goals and Objectives

Today I am really pleased to have the opportunity to talk about goals and

objectives in order to practice what I learnt from this week's unit.

One of the most used frameworks in business management, that

encompasses the key functions of managers is the P-O-L-C framework. This

acronym stands for PlaningPlanning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling which are

four key functions of a manager. The Planning function includes two elements that

are critical for an organization. They are goals and objectives. Drucker P. coined a

framework that allows organizations to set really effective goals or objectives; this

framework is known as the S-M-A-R-T framework which stands for Specific,

Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Bound (Carpenter, et al., 2012). While

S-M-A-R-T goals and objectives are ideal for organizations, they are also really

effective in one's personal life. In this perspective, I am going to present some

personal S-M-A-R-T goals and objectives and show how they relate to the Strategy

Diamond framework, and to personal mission and vision.

The first goal I want to discuss in this work is that I want to be a good

Business manager. The matching S-M-A-R-T objective is within four years, I want to

earn a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at University of the People in

order toto gain the necessary skills to work as a professional manager and then have

my own business. This objective relates to the Diamond Strategy by the fact that all

the aspects of the Strategy are un-clearly expressed within it. First of all, the arena

that I want to engage in is Business Administration.

Learning Journal Unit 6: Setting Goals and Objectives


Secondly, as UoPeople the University of the People is the institution that is

educating me in the field of Business Administration, it is considered as the main

vehicle that is helping me reach my goal. In third position, working as a professional

manager will allow me to gain confidence and experience for building up my own

firm. So, my previous experience(s) as a manager will be considered as the staging

process. Next, as the owner of a form, I will obviously bring my touch to the market

as my core values and those of my organization will be different from other CEOs'.

Finally, being owner of an organization will allow me to earn money as the

organization will be completely lucrative.

The second goal I want to discuss is: I want to improve my fitness. The

matching S-M-A-R-T objective for this goal is that I want to do three series of 30

crunches, and run one kilometer from Shada everyday in order to have a flat belly,

and lose one lb pound of fat within four months. This objective relates to the Strategy

Diamond by identifying sport as the field in which I will be engaged for the next four

months. To measure my weight, I will need the help of a nurse. Also, I will check

some youtubeYouTube videos in order to see the correct way of doing crunches.

The internet and the nurse will serve as vehicles to help me reach my goal. While

many people focus on body-build when engaging in doing sport, my training will aim

at fat loss and fitness, this can be considered as a big difference. Finally, being in

perfect shape will also allow me to earn money by helping people to make

accomplishments similar to what I will have done. These five aspects demonstrate

that my objective is related to the Strategy Diamond framework.

My next goal for this work is: I want to manage my time more effectively. The

matching S-M-A-R-T objective for this goal is : since the first day of the upcoming

month, I will strive to wake up earlier, to write daily to-do lists, and build an effective

schedule in order to use

Learning Journal Unit 6: Setting Goals and Objectives

my time more effectively so that I can stop wasting my time, do more

important things each day and learn more. Here, the topic of my new journey or

challenge is time management, which represents my atena[area?]. As everyone

knows that time is money, it is obvious that stopping wasting my time will significantly

increase my income. For instance, by learning more, I will gain new skills that will

allow me to make money. As making big changes is always a difficult process,

maybe I will struggle before obtaining my goal, and this will be considered as the

staging process. In addition to that, not everyone has such mastery over the use of

their time, this means this change will differ me from a lot of people. Finally, the

vehicles that will help me reach my goal can be represented as the materials from

which I will have learned time management principles. The existence of these five

aspects allow me to state that my goal is related to the Strategy Diamond framework.

The last goal I am going to discuss is : I would like to be a good pianist. .

Making my idea meet the aspects of the S-M-A-R-T technique would lead to such an

objective:Iobjective will start taking piano lessons from the internet next month in

order to be able to play at the church by December. This S-M-A-R-T goal will allow

me to gain money from my church which will pay me for the task I will be performing,

use the internet/ internet teachers as vehicles reach my goal, be someone important

for the worship services, and finally grow through different levels of performance

which represent the staging aspect. Hence, the Strategy Diamond perfectly fits my


Now, we know that any strategy creation has two inputs which are mission

and vision and strategic analysis (EPM, 2017). According to this, we can say that

the Diamond strategy is

Learning Journal Unit 6: Setting Goals and Objectives

related to both mission and vision which are one input of the strategy creation

(EPM, 2017). In addition to that as the goals are related to the diamond Strategy,

they are also related to mission and vision by analogy.



EPM. (November 6, 2017). How to create a business strategy: Strategy diamond.


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