Instructional Operating Budget Proposal

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Instructional Operating Budget


Midsouth Elementary School

FY 2022-2023
Budget Summary
Midsouth Elementary School is Proposing the following budget for the 2022-2023
School Year, utilizing $100,000.00 in additional funds.

Midsouth Elementary currently has 600 students enrolled, with 40 teachers, 4

Instructional Aides, and one Administrative Assistant. The proposed budget aims
to adjust these numbers to better meet the needs of students within the school.

The following proposed budget also includes increases to instructional resources

or materials for students and professional development for educators.
Budget Summary
Budget Summary
The Budget for Midsouth Elementary for the 2021-2022 school year was: $2,732,880.00.
With the increased revenue of $100,000.00 for the upcoming school year, the proposed budget for Midsouth
Elementary for 2022-2023 is $2,832,880.00.
This budget includes a requested 2% raise for all staff members of Midsouth Elementary.
Budget Increases impacted the following areas:
● Salaries: FICA, VRS, GLI, Retiree Healthcare Credit
● Substitute Funding
● Homebound Instruction
● Professional Development
● Travel Expenses
● ESL Resources
● Instructional Materials and Resources
Salary Increases
Salaries for Midsouth Elementary Employees will increase by 2% as follows:

-An additional Teacher Position will be added to the budget including a 2% increase
in pay for Teacher Positions bringing the budget up by $43,200 to $1,643,200.
-An Instructional Aide Position will be added to the budget along with the 2% salary
increase bringing the budget cost up $27,000 to $127,000.
-The budget cost for substitute teachers increased, in addition to the salaries for
Homebound Instructors, adding an additional $5,150 in budget use.
Prioritized Challenges (Areas of Need)

● Addition of one Teacher position at Midsouth Elementary

● Addition of one Instructional Aide position at Midsouth
● Increased Travel pay and instructional resources for substitute
● Professional Development for new and current staff
● Instructional resources and materials for students (including
ESL resources)
Increased Areas of Budget
Budget Increases impacted the following areas at Midsouth Elementary:
● Salaries: FICA, VRS, GLI, Retiree Healthcare Credit
● Substitute Funding
● Homebound Instruction
● Professional Development
● Travel Expenses
● ESL Resources
● Instructional Materials and Resources
Instructional Positions
The first increased budget area of need for Midsouth Elementary is in Instructional

-One Teacher Position will be added to the budget including a 2% increase in pay
for Teacher Positions bringing the budget up by $43,200 to $1,643,200.

-One Instructional Aide Position will be added to the budget along with the 2%
salary increase bringing the budget cost up $27,000 to $127,000.
Rationale (Teacher Position) -Strategic and
Tactical Challenges
Adding a Teacher position at Midsouth Elementary was of the utmost importance, as
the cost of substitute teachers will be increasing this year, and the enrollment sizes of
the elective classes at Midsouth Elementary are currently too high.
The addition of the teacher position would allow for a reduction in the elective class
sizes, as well as an additional licensed teacher to effectively impact student
As an operational change, we would be able to decrease our elective class sizes by
five students each to allocate to a new teacher.
Teacher credibility has a 0.90 effect size (Hattie, pg. 1), therefore, increasing the
number of highly qualified teachers within Midsouth Elementary will benefit the
Rationale (Instructional Aide Position) -
Strategic and Tactical Challenges
Adding an Instructional Aide position at Midsouth Elementary was of the utmost
importance, as the cost of substitute teachers will be increasing this year, and the
enrollment sizes of the elective classes at Midsouth Elementary are currently too
The addition of the Instructional Aide position will allow for more classroom
support to ensure that class size issues are mitigated and that teachers receive
more hands on support in their classrooms to support their instruction.
According to Visible Learning effect sizes, class size has a small impact on
student achievement at 0.9-0.10 (Evidence for Learning, pg. 1). However, there
are currently complaints about elective class sizes, that must be addressed, and
teachers must feel supported in their instruction.
Rationale (Instructional Positions) -Strategic
and Tactical Challenges
If qualified teachers and instructional aides are not added to our staff, this can
result in class crowding, which will have a direct correlation and impact on student
achievement if there are too many students in one elective class for students to
get the individualized help that they need.

This result can also directly impact teacher strain, as the classes may be
overcrowded with insufficient resources. This will place excess strain on teachers
and will not allow them to be as effective as possible. Crowding classrooms will
also result in a higher teacher turnover rate. For these reasons, we believe it is
essential that these positions are added to Midsouth Elementary this year.
Professional Development
In order for the decrease in class sizes to be effective, teachers must also modify
their practices accordingly to ensure they are teaching in the most effective way
possible (Hattie, pg. 1).

To ensure this is taking place, we have added $1,000.00 to the budget for
Professional Development of the new and current teachers as well as instructional

We will be holding in depth professional development in the areas of Reading and

Mathematics Instruction, STEM Learning and Social Studies Integration.
Rationale (Professional Development) -
Strategic and Tactical Challenges
Professional development is of growing need and growing importance, as a
teacher shortage and substitute teacher shortage is occurring (Garcia & Weiss,
pg. 1). This is without a doubt impacting Midsouth Elementary, and we want to
ensure that we are preparing our teachers to the best of our ability.

This comes with the knowledge that many teachers, instructional aides, begin their
positions at a school with varying levels of knowledge in the areas of Elementary
Education such as Reading and Math Instruction, Behavior Management, STEM
Learning, Social Studies integrated learning etc. Our goal and vision is to fully
utilize our professional development budget to prepare teachers to be the most
effective they can be for our students, by supporting them in areas they need.
Rationale (Professional Development) -
Strategic and Tactical Challenges
If this need for professional development is not addressed within the budget, this
can result in a lack of effective practices being used collectively as a school. This
can also result in teachers receiving a lack of support in the areas of instruction or
best practices that they need, in order to be the most effective for their students.
This has a direct impact on student achievement and learning. The effect size for
collective teacher efficacy is 1.57 (Hattie, pg. 1). This is an extremely high effect
size that impacts student achievement and learning if not properly addressed.
Teachers and instructional staff all have to be invested in a shared mission, vision
and goal for the students, and have to be reflective learners, for students to get
the best they can from our schools. For these reasons, we firmly believe that
professional development must be a component of our addressed budget for the
upcoming school year.
Instructional Resources and Materials
To support his effort to improve professional development practices and teacher
learning at Midsouth Elementary, and to give as much as possible to our students,
we have increased the budget for instructional materials and resources by:
$4,100.00 this year, to $13,600.00.

This budget increase will go directly to student materials for instruction and
learning needs.
Rationale (Instructional Materials) -Strategic
and Tactical Challenges

The need for materials and resources for all instruction at Midsouth Elementary,
including ESL materials, is essential to ensuring that the teachers and instructional
aides participating in professional development have the resources they need to
carry out these instructional practices.
Rationale (Instructional Materials) -Strategic
and Tactical Challenges
The need for instructional materials for all classes and students is not
addressed, students cannot receive the most effective learning experiences
for the curriculum they are learning from, and teachers will not have the
appropriate tools and resources to carry out best practices instruction.
There must be a collective responsibility on the leadership of our schools to
ensure that resources are being used to directly impact students and that
the resources and materials being purchased are those that can be used
most effectively in the classroom. For this reason, we believe that
Instructional materials and resources must be a component of the proposed
budget to accompany the professional development that will be provided as
Other Areas of Increase
The final areas of budget increase for Midsouth Elementary were in the areas of:

● Travel Expenses
● ESL Resources

Travel expenses were taken into account with the increased cost for substitutes. Midsouth
elementary would like to be able to offer substitutes cost incentive to travel to the school for their
time. The budget was increased for travel by $165.08.

ESL resources were also added with an increase of $100.00, in order to ensure that a proper
language acquisition program is being utilized and implemented to assist students with their
transition to school.
Rationale (Travel and ESL Resources) -
Strategic and Tactical Challenges
It is vital that Midsouth Elementary accounts for the travel expenses of substitute
teachers. If this area of need is not addressed, a lack of substitutes could result in
a lack of adequate coverage for classes in the event that a teacher is absent.
There must be an advantageous substitute onboarding benefits that allows them
to see the benefit of taking positions at our schools.

In addition, it is vitally important that ESL resources and materials are increased.
If this material and resources are not updated and improved, students will not
have access to all the resources they need to acclimate to a new language to be
successful with the district curriculum and learning targets.
Total Budget Increase and Use

The total budget increase for Midsouth Elementary is for the

amount of $100,000.00. This will increase the budget from 2021-
2022 of $2,732,880.00, to $2,832,880.00 for the 2022-2023 school
Hattie, J. & Waack, S. (n.d.). Hattie Effect Size List - 256 influences related to achievement . VISIBLE LEARNING. Retrieved

April 11, 2022, from

Reducing class size. Reducing class size | Evidence for Learning | We help great education practice become common practice. (n.d.).

Retrieved April 11, 2022, from


Report • By Emma García and Elaine Weiss • March 26. (n.d.). The teacher shortage is real, large and growing, and worse than we thought: The

first report in 'The perfect storm in the teacher labor market' series. Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved April 11, 2022, from

Instructional Operating Budget

PEDU 625
Taryn Coullier
Longwood University

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