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Spirits: The New Era Chapter XXXII: Polar Opposites

Chapter XXXII: Polar Opposites

Why are we here again? The question rolled off Locke's tongue as he watched Dash tugging his sleeves up to his elbow and taking off his numerous bracelets into the cabinet. Next, the golden-haired male grabbed a black apron and wore them over his violet shirt. Today, he was wearing black leather pants and boots to match his apron. At last, Dash was done as he leaned his weight against the counter and smirked at Locke. Yeah? What are we doing here? Well, Dash said, widening his smirk. I work here. Locke frowned and noticed the wine bottles behind Dash. You're... a bartender? Occasionally, Dash answered smoothly, pouring a glass of wine and pushing it toward Locke. It's on me. No thank you, Locke said politely. The hours are flexible here, Dash continued and moved the glass back toward him. And the pay is good. Locke sighed at the obvious glint of excitement in Dash's eyes at the talk of money. However, Locke recalled that Dash was working as a spy for Kaia and the pay must be higher since the job was riskier as well. This led Locke to wonder why in the world Dash would want to work part-time here at all. When Locke questioned Dash about this, Dash jumped and covered Locke's mouth with one quick motion. Lower your voice, Locke, Dash said through gritted teeth. Locke pulled Dash's hand off him to speak. Why? You can't go around announcing I'm a spy! Huh? Oh. Makes sense. Get some common sense, will you? I don't understand, Locke admitted. Why would you need to work parttime when you're making so much off being a spy? Dash shook his head, as if chastising Locke. Brothels are the best place for gossip. What's a brothel? asked clueless Locke. Er, Dash said, never having to actually explain the place before. Locke had the most curious look on his face. Dash glanced away. It's where we are right now? Oh, said Locke, looking around at the crowds of people chatting with each other. It's like a bar... Locke noticed the decorations. With lots of velvet and... Locke wrinkled his nose at the tiny white particles that he had no idea what to call. And... Glitter, Dash said in a serious voice. And lace?

Yes, Dash agreed. Lace. Anyways, said Locke awkwardly, not liking this 'brothel' all of a sudden. He was never too fond of gaudy decorations. What do people do here? Dash's left eye twitched before he said, You know... men pay a certain amount of money to be with a girl for a night... To chat? Yes, Locke, said Dash sarcastically. To chat. People have strange hobbies in the city. Obviously, Locke had failed to catch Dash's sarcasm. Dash drowned down the glass of wine he offered Locke earlier and then, put it away to clean later. He usually never drank a drop of alchohol on the job, but being with Locke was taking its toll on Dash's body and mind. Yes... we're the strange ones... Dash said, snickering to himself. It's a thriving business at least, Locke observed. Obviously, said Dash. These girls get paid a lot. Locke nodded in understanding. Human beings do tend to pay the most for such ridiculous past times. Hey Locke, Dash said, catching Locke slightly off guard at how deep Dash's voice became just now. How much do you think it takes to buy one of these ladies? Hm, Locke said, thinking. If it takes a lot of gold to pay for one night, it must take a fortune to buy one permanently. Dash had a wide smirk on his face. You can marry one of the girls here. Really? Yeah. You just have to buy an expensive marriage contact. Dash, who are you planning to buy? Flushing bright red, Dash grabbed a clean glass quickly and dried it with a towel with shaking hands. Someone. Do you like her? asked Locke innocently. Dash turned a darker red and said quickly, No! I'm saving her! Locke's eyes widened in surprised. Dash glanced away and rubbed the rim of the glass with his towel. You have no idea how fucked up it is to live here... Locke frowned. These girls are human, too! Why must they submit themselves to such a messed up job? Dash put the glass and towel down. When you grow up with no money and no family, what else are you supposed to do? You can't go to school. You can't even live. You have no choice but to sell your body... Dash bit his lower lip. These girls are good people, too, Locke. They don't deserve any of this. If only they were born into a more well-to-do family... Dash picked his eyes off the counter and noticed the surprised look on Locke's face. What? Why are you looking at me like that? You sound so serious, Locke said in awe. Dash glared at Locke. That's because I am serious! Locke lifted a brow in disagreement so Dash quickly added, At least, this one time. I never knew such a lifestyle exist, Locke said softly, as if ashamed of himself. I cannot imagine what it must be like to sell one's own body to a complete stranger... Men do it, too, Dash said, shaking his head. Besides, we're near Luxem, the capital city of Limeon. It probably has more brothels than all the other cities

combined. I never knew any of this, Locke said. It's not really a fun topic to discuss. True. There's a young girl name Leah here, Dash said, moving his attention to a second glass now. She's young and new and, Dash paused. I hear she can heal. She's been keeping that secret skill away from Mama, though. Mama? The person in charge of this place. Oh. I want to help her, said Dash under his breath. While she's new, her marriage contact isn't too pricey yet. In two month's time, I should be able to save her out of this hell hole. I'll help, Locke insisted. Thanks, but no thanks, Dash said. If Leah finds out that I didn't buy her with my own abilities, she'll never agree to it. If you insist, Locke said, disappointed. I... Dash noticed a certain girl passing by Locke's back. I knew it. Knew what? I mean, said Dash, moving his eyes back to Locke before following a girl with long, purple curls up the stairs. I have to tell Mama that I'm back for work for the day! Locke gave Dash a puzzled look, but Dash laughed it off and winked. It'll only take a minute. Stay here, Locke. Don't wander off. All right. Running as fast as he could and dodging people along the way, Dash chased after the girl that caught his attention earlier. Because he had to tell Locke to sit still, he lost sight of her. However, he was pretty certain he knew where she was going so he went straight there. On the second floor, some of the girls were delighted to see him again and wanted to stop him for a chat. Since he was on a mission, Dash had to apologize and ask them to wait for a later time. The girls whined about him never being around, but Dash simply shrugged them off and kept moving. After a second corner, he found the door labeled Roxanne. Roxanne, said Dash, pounding on her door. Open up! Before he could scream any louder or try to unlock the door himself, the door swung open to reveal a woman dressed in a long, blue gown that showed a good amount of her cleavage. She was wearing a pair of diamond earrings and a surprised expression on her face. Dash looked around quickly to make sure no one was watching them before pushing his way inside and closing the door behind him. She locked it again and wrapped her arms across her chest. I've been looking all over the place for you, said Dash immediately. Oh really? she lifted a brow. So, this is where you're hiding. Very smooth, Rosy. Roxanne or in this case, Roseanna rolled her eyes at him. Sure, sure. Hey, Dash frowned. What's with that tone? Oh, nothing, said Roseanna, shrugging and throwing herself on top of her bed. She began taking off her heels. Dash watched at the obvious invitation, but chose to not risk it just in case that wasn't her intention at all. Just that you went straight to Kaia first.

Are you jealous? No, said Roseanna, playing with her curls. To be fair, Dash said. I knew exactly where she was. I had no idea where you were. I heard you disappeared from the capital and went into hiding. How was I supposed to report to you before Master Kaia? Roseanna dropped her hair and glared at him. If you heard I went missing, all the more reason to come looking for me! What am I? Your boyfriend?! Close enough, said Roseanna, sticking out her bottom lip. I am not falling for that again, Dash resolved and went over to her. Roseanna moved over so he could sit down on her bed. Anyways, the situation in Mizunam looks really bad right now. What's going on over there? asked Roseanna, acting more serious now. I heard Queen Nalani passed away. I checked on the situation, Dash continued. Someone poisoned her food. What a cowardly move, Roseanna muttered. I wonder who could have pulled that off... Someone close to her. And the Xieng Heirloom? Dash made a face at the mention of the necklace. You were spot on, Rosy. If Queen Nalani possessed the heirloom before she passed on, it's nowhere to be found now. Dash turned his head over to her curiously. If I had known sooner that she had it, I would have stolen it. As always, Roseanna said in dismissal. Completely useless. Hey, Dash cried at the insult. I risked my butt here for you. Roseanna glanced at his behind at the mention before she returned her attention to his face, Well, next time, risk your whole body! How unreasonable, said Dash, towering his body over her and facing her directly. How am I supposed to beat Master Rogelio? So you read my mind, Roseanna said, looking up at him fiercely. He must have done it. He has the resources. He is also one of the few people who knows the secret of the two heirlooms. Once again, he's one step ahead of you. Roseanna scowled. We have to retrieve the Roupeez Heirloom first, then. Easier said than done, said Dash, waving it off. We took too long on the Xieng Heirloom. Master Rogelio must have had his hands on the Roupeez Heirloom by now. I doubt it, Roseanna countered. He hasn't done anything yet. He might be waiting it out, Dash suggested. That doesn't seem like him, said Roseanna quickly. Well, you know him best. Unfortunately, Roseanna spat. She sat up straight and Dash managed to dodge in time before she bumped her head against his chin. You escorted Falina to the border right? You should be a spy yourself, said Dash, impressed. How do you know that?

Ignoring that question, Roseanna said, Falina has amazing tracking skills. He probably sent her there to retrieve the Roupeez Heirloom. I can't see no other reason for sending her there. So, you're saying it's somewhere in Kashia? Precisely, said Roseanna with a wide smile. We don't have to find the heirloom. We just have to find Falina. Dash sat up straight and snapped his fingers. Right! And use Riddle against her! That's my Dash, said Roseanna, patting him on the head. So fast to catch on. I should have caught on faster, Dash said, upset with himself. I could have escorted her somewhere I can find her easily afterwards. It's okay, Roseanna said, We have more important matters in Limeon to attend to. Oh, right, Dash said. About what you wanted to know about Luchia. Yes? I still have no idea where she's currently hiding, Dash admitted. Roseanna glared at him, but he smiled at her in return. But I know she has a strong and loyal bodyguard with her. He actually saved her life and helped her escape. She should be in safe hands. It must be Bruke Lindsey, Roseanna said. Dash blinked at her. You do know everything. I'm glad Lucy is all right, Roseanna said with a tender look on her face. At the expression, Dash dropped his head backwards and laid it on her shoulder. Hey, Rosy, what are you going to do? Are you going to help Luchia rescue her father or head to Kashia in search of Falina? The choice is obvious, Roseanna said in a deadly cold voice. We have to help Lucy. Jai Chan and others are already heading there to help out, Dash said in hopes to change her mind. If you want to beat your half-brother for once, you should leave for Kashia immediately. There's a chance we can still catch Falina in time. Roseanna shook her head. No, Dash, we're taking back the capital. Dash lifted his head off her and whirled on her with a stunned look. There's no point in saving the world if I can't even save my home country. But Jai Chan and- I only trust in my own abilities, Roseanna argued. I cannot leave the task of taking back my capital to a man who was easily defeated by my half-brother. Besides, Roseanna smirked and poked Dash in the chest. Don't you want to have a little fun with my half-brother? What kind of fun? asked Dash warily. Roseanna beamed and leaned toward him. He's sending bandits to the capital, isn't he? And he's searching for me, isn't he? Let's sneak right under his nose and take the capital back and foil his magnificent plan. We'll be discreet about it, too. What do you say? You're Rosy, said Dash, frowning. Your chest is so big that- Roseanna smacked him across the head in which he simply ended with, There's no way you can be discreet.

We're doing this, okay? Roseanna demanded, losing her patience. Dash lifted a brow. Just admit it, Rosy. You're doing this because you care for Luchia. At his words, Roseanna blushed and shook her head frantically. No, no! I'm doing this because I want to foil my half-brother's plans! I want to outsmart him for once! It has nothing to do with those weak, sentimental feelings! Sure, said Dash, rolling his eyes. Anyways! Roseanna pushed him off her bed and got back up on her feet. Our discussion is over. You will take me to the heart of the capital tomorrow. I can't do that, Dash said with a sigh and a rub to his backside. Roseanna glared at him. And why the hell not? I'm gathering information on the bandit. I'm here with someone right now. Under Kaia's orders? Dash threw her a weird look. Who else? I see how it is, said Roseanna, wearing a new pair of heels. She whirled on her feet and toward the door. She had no idea why she suddenly got mad, but she was too pissed off to care. Well, have fun! Obviously, since Kaia pays you, you'll listen to her! Wait, Rosy! Since Dash was a lot faster than Roseanna, he managed to block her way to the door in time. Despite this, Roseanna wasn't deterred as she simply removed her heels and held them in her left hand. Dash watched curiously to see what she was up to as Roseanna went over to the window instead and opened it. Before he could do anything, Roseanna jumped and disappeared. Yes, she was definitely upset at him for reasons he could not figure out. Even though Roseanna knew she escaped Dash for now, he would soon catch up to her. After all, he was the fastest person she had ever met. She hid behind some of the other girls working here to wear her heels again before she made a run for a shortcut from the back. Once she was outside with the evening cool air blowing against her hair, Roseanna realized that bandits were standing at the front door. They must be looking for her. She was sure of it. If they were going to play it that way, she had to think of a different plan altogher. Making up her mind, Roseanna retreated back inside the brothel. She noticed that the girls weren't walking around the hallways and checking on their make-up and hair like usual. Where did they all go? Roseanna frowned. It would look extremely out-of-place if everyone but her were supposed to be meeting up somewhere. Whatever her problem was with Dash, this was more important. Roseanna headed toward the stairs. Mama? asked Roseanna, noticing the crowd of girls at the top of the stairs. Roxanne, Leah said, recognizing her friend. You should leave. What's going on? Leah indicated at the bottom of the stairs. Leon is here. Leon? The leader of the bandits? Nodding, Lean said, He wants to take you away again. He doesn't give up, does he? asked Roseanna, amused. This wasn't the first time Leon had bothered their brothel in order to demand for her. Last time, she managed to trick him into believing that she was sick and couldn't leave with him for the mountains in her terrible condition.

However, that was only a temporary solution. Knowing Leon, he would destory this brothel and everyone in it if she refused to leave with him. Other customers might pay for marriage contacts, but these were bandits they were dealing with. They weren't going to abide by such rules. Sure, she could take care of them with Dark Magic, but that was risky in itself. She was under the disguise of Roxanne after all. At the bottom of the stairs, Roseanna noticed Mama, a buxom woman in her thirties with heavy makeup and curly hair, talking with the bandits in question. She was trying to reason with them that she would lose lots of profit without Roxanne. There was no way that persuasion would work on Leon. He didn't give a damn about this place as long as he could take her with him. There must be a way to get out of this sticky situation without bringing any danger to the other women living under this roof. This was when Roseanna noticed Dash hiding behind the counter with a certain boy next to him... Mama, Roseanna called, pushing past the other girls and sitting on the railing of the stairs. Who are you talking to? Roxanne, said the woman in horror. Leon elevated his eyes and smirked at her. Well, if it isn't Roxanne. If you burn down this building, it will only bring attention to yourselves and the Limeon squad soldiers will arrive here in no time, Roseanna said in announcement. I came to buy you fair and square, Leon said, lofting a brow. Roseanna did not expect this as she eyed the chests by his legs. I do not wish to marry. Roseanna shifted her attention to Mama. Mama, I told you! I don't want to marry anyone! I want to stay here and work with you forever! Mama was torn. B-But Roxanne... he's paying twenty times the usual amount... Somehow, Roseanna knew this would happen. There was no way Mama would say no to such a huge amount of gold placed before her. Even if Roseanna believed she worth way more than that, she knew that Mama had no choice in the matter anyways. With one swing of his mace, Leon could kill the greedy woman. Roseanna eyed the pink purse in Mama's hands. She knew for certain that was where all the marriage contacts were at or at least, copies of them. Now, if only Dash could read her mind and help her out, it would be splendid. In other words, she just had to stall for time and communicate with her partner to steal them for her. It shouldn't be too hard. But Mama, Roseanna said in a whiny voice, sliding down the railings. She went up to the woman and squeezed her right hand. I've been so good to you. Because of me alone, you make twice the amount of profit you usually make. I'm your most precious worker. You can't just give me away. I love you, Mama. I know, Mama said, flattered. But this young man here is being so generous. You should run along with him now. Roseanna pulled away and wrapped her arms behind her back. Well, Mister Leon, quite frankly, Roseanna tossed curls with a a swing of her head. I don't believe you. Believe what? That you brought so much gold for little, old me. A proud man, Leon took her bait and lifted the lid of one of the chests.

Roseanna scanned the gold quickly before she made a mental note of what she saw. The gold looked too brand new. It was also stacked up quite nicely in its chest. There was no way these bandits stole them from innocent people and stuffed them in here. Although she had no solid proof, she was almost certain this was a bribery they received from her half-brother to attack the capital. There was probably more involved between the two sides, like how Rogelio would promise the bandits more territory in Limeon. She felt more disgusted at being bought by her half-brother's money than by any of these bandits. Oh my Goddess, Roseanna faked a response and crouched in front of a chest. I have never seen so much gold in my entire life! Leon used his free hand to pick up Roseanna's chin as he smiled smugly down at her. Never in my dreams would I imagine such a beautiful woman exist in a brothel of all places. Roseanna fluttered her eyes and pretended to be frightened at his touch. Let's go, Roxanne. I won't repeat myself twice. Roseanna gulped and shivered. Mister Leon, will you leave Mama and everyone else alone if I go with you? Her question caught Dash completely off-guard as he dropped his jaw and said in a whisper to Locke, What the hell is she doing? Dash noticed no response from Locke as he turned his eyes to his companion, only to notice Locke staring at Roseanna closely. Locke? I met her somewhere before, said Locke, thinking hard. What? Dash asked, confused. Locke frowned. I feel like I've known her before... like... I feel a connection with her. That's really clich, Locke, said Dash, patting his shoulder. What? asked Locke, confused. Lots of men use that line on Roxanne, Dash said, shaking his head. They call her their soulmates... saying they're connected to her by fate and all that nonsense. Dash noticed that Locke wasn't really listening. Locke, come on now. I know she's probably the prettiest girl you've ever met but you can't actually believe that there's some connection between you and her? You never even spoken to her! I want to talk to her, Locke said assertively. Why? What for? Locke nodded firmly. I want to get to know her. Dude, said Dash, feeling sorry for Locke all of a sudden. I've been trying for years, okay? I'm getting nowhere, okay? You can't just- Locke tried to stand up but Dash harshly pushed him down again. Okay, dude, you need to like get a grip on yourself! What are we waiting for? Locke demanded. We have to save her. She can save herself if she really wanted to, said Dash under his breath. What? Nothing, Dash said quickly. Dash watched as Roseanna continued to act all helpless and heartbroken about leaving the rest of her 'family' here. Anyways, we need to wait for the right moment, Locke. Don't be too hasty. Fine, Locke sighed. At last, Mama pulled Roseanna's marriage paper out of her pink purse. Roseanna liked how the paper was a purple color. Purple was her second favorite

color after blue. But that wasn't important right now. Roseanna glanced over to where Dash was hiding with Locke. If he could read her mind, he would know that she wanted him desperately to use his speed to snatch the paper out of Mama's hands. But no, Dash couldn't read her mind. No man ever dared and no man ever would. I'm getting married after all, huh? asked Roseanna with a deep, hopeless frown. She watched in misery as the paper was passed over. I always thought I would marry that one boy who betrayed me at the age of ten instead. Roseanna sighed as Dash's sharp hearing picked up her hint at him. It's too bad that once the papers are signed, it's over. Shit, Dash said, readying himself at the edge of the counter. What are you doing? Locke demanded. It's her way of saying I should save her without actually saying, Dash answered Locke before he ran out into the open. Actually, Dash was so fast that none of the bandits or workers saw him snatch the marriage paper out of Leon's hands. Roseanna was the only one who smirked to herself as she watched him sped out of the room and out of sight. All everyone else saw was a blur of gold since that was Dash's prominent hair color. The whole room was in chaos now. No one except Roseanna and Locke knew what happened to the piece of paper that was there just seconds ago. However, Leon immediately grabbed Roseanna and held her captive to him. Paper or not, I'm not leaving without this witch, Leon said in a threatening voice. Roseanna raised her head up at him with an unimpressed look on her face before she switched it to fear, What's going on? Am I not getting married anymore? What am I then? Mama! Mama was dumbstuck. The poor woman had no idea what happened. Mama! Roseanna whined some more. Mama, I don't want to go! Please don't abandon me! Come, Leon said, dragging Roseanna by the arm. No, I don't want to! Roseanna cried, faking tears. Let's go, witch! But before Leon could take another step with Roseanna in his grasp, someone attacked his shoulder. Leon noticed though and dodged the slice. However, thanks to this, Roseanna was free from his grip. Roseanna pretended to fall on the ground and rubbed her back. Once she shifted her attention from her butt to her rescuer, her eyes widened in surprised. The boy who protected her had dark brown eyes and brown-reddish hair. Moreover, he looked exactly like... Can't you see she doesn't want to leave with you? asked Locke, still pointing the sword at Leon. Instead of forcing your will upon others, how about you duel me instead? If it's a duel you want, Leon said, motioning his men to stay back. He readied his mace. It's a duel you're going to get, you wannabe hero. Leave, Locke ordered to Roseanna. Who are you? Roseanna asked, frowning. Someone who can't stand by and watch you get taken away, Locke said with a friendly smile. Roseanna forced herself up to her feet, studying his face. Go on ahead, Miss Roxanne. I will catch up with you. Before Roseanna could say anything else, Locke ran toward Leon with his

sword raised. Roseanna still gaped at him. There was no doubt about it. His looks... his voice... even his presence... remind her of her Godfather. But why? Why was he here of all places? Shouldn't he be living back in Mizunam? Without warning, someone heaved Roseanna off the ground. In a flash, Roseanna was out of sight while Locke defended Leon's attacks. Locke noticed that Roseanna was safe immediately and released a sigh of relief when he was knocked back by a strong swing of the mace. Standing his ground though, Locke picked up his head fiercely and glared at the man opposite of him. There was no way Locke was going to allow this man touch someone as delicate as Roxanne. Even if he was going to die from this duel, he must make sure to buy her enough time to escape. In the meantime, Roseanna gawked at Dash in horror as he carried her out of the brothel. At first, she thought he was going to retrieve and move her out of harms way before he helped Locke out with Leon. By the looks of things though, Dash had no intentions of returning for the other male. Sicko! Roseanna screamed, almost causing Dash to drop her. Pervert! Idiot! Loser! What the hell, woman? Dash barked at her. Even the bandits will hear you at this rate! Put me down this instant, you coward! Coward? Dash cried with a red face. Roseanna indicated at the back door and started kicking her legs. He's your friend, isn't he? Why are you abandoning him? Shouldn't you go back and save him, too? Are you nuts? Dash asked in disbelief. He'll break my bones! Carry me back this instant! Locke can handle himself just fine! Leave him! Angry, Roseanna bit into Dash's arm, but caught her arms around his neck before he dropped her. Then, she lowered her own weight down to the ground. Once she was down, she ripped the hem of her dress before she opened the door and ran back inside. Dash gritted his teeth, muttered under his breath about how stubborn she was, and went back in with her. How do you think Leon became the king of all bandits? Roseanna demanded. Sitting around and playing with himself? Dash sighed, not liking this at all. We're saving that boy and that's final! You hear me? You'll get caught for sure, Dash grumbled. Stupid girl. Roseanna stopped in her tracks, whirled around, and kicked him with her left foot. Since Dash had quick reflexes, he managed to dodge the attack to his head just in time. But once he recovered from the dodge, Roseanna was already out of sight. Dash knew exactly where she was going though so he headed there anyways, hoping that she wasn't going to reveal herself in front of everyone. Everything she worked for... everything she had done to hide from Rogelio... everything she planned for her next move... would be for nothing. And for what? For this nave boy? Finally, Dash spotted Roseanna hiding behind a wall and watching the duel between Locke and Leon. Before he even reached her, he noticed that she created a fireball on the top of her hands. There was no doubt about it. She was planning to use Dark Magic and a powerful one at that. Immediately, Dash grabbed a hold

of her left hand, which made her stop her attack. What? Roseanna whispered fiercely. If you use that, Dash said, tightening his grip on her wrist. You'll get caught. Oh, come on! Dash shook his head sternly at her. How many people do you know who can unleash such a high level Dark Magic? Roseanna lowered her eyes, angry at herself for not thinking logically. How can a simple brothel girl control such magic? You'll have some explaining to do. Roseanna pointed at Locke, who was knocked to the ground. If I don't do something, your friend is going to die! Rosy, Dash said and pulled her toward him so their faces were inches apart. I respect you not because you're hot and stubborn as all hell. Roseanna flushed bright red. But because you can use your head. So... Dash shook her roughly. Use your head woman! When I say three, Roseanna said, calming down slightly. You run in, grab your friend, and escape through the front door. There should be a clearing. What? I have to run some more? One... I am not carrying a... a... dude! Two... Watching Roseanna create a chain of fireballs on the ground, Dash dropped his head in defeat and prepared to run for his life. You always get what you want, you know that? Three! In the span of half a minute, Dash had to run over, pick Locke up, and leave through the front door. Somehow, Dash thought he had a second to spend grabbing a handful of gold out of the chest with his free hand. Because Dash delayed himself for this, he was blasted out of the brothel with burns all over his back. Once Roseanna told him to run in and rescue Locke, he knew she was going to explode the whole brothel with her Dark Magic. There were enough alchohol and lace to use her chain of Dark Magic flames on. The flames would catch on and spread. The whole brothel would go in flames. Best of all, the other women were gone by now because of the fight between Locke and Leon and most of the bandits were still inside. All of this came to Dash without her having to say her plan out loud to him. There was no time anyways. Locke was dying from his duel with Leon. Somehow, he just knew what she was planning since it was something she would do. Rosy... Dash coughed. Hi, Roseanna smiled, crouching next to him and catching him completely off-guard. You were saying? You reckless woman, Dash said under his breath. Roseanna lifted Locke off Dash and carried him on her back instead. Dash had never been so thankful for Roseanna's strength before. With a playful smile on her face, Roseanna started walking away as bystanders stood around them and watched the building go up in flames. Let's go, Roseanna said, throwing a look over her shoulder. You can still

walk right? Not for long. It won't take long, Roseanna reassured. Great... I'll carry you, too, if you like. Dash flushed a bright red and said quickly, This is nothing for the great Dash Antonia! I'm only worried that you can't catch up with me with Locke on your back! Dash, Roseanna said sternly. Yeah? Shut up. Even though Dash couldn't remember when or where he fell asleep at, he didn't really care because when he woke up, he found Roseanna by his side. They seemed to be in the forest somewhere with only thick trees to surround them. There was a convenient stream running nearby. Right now, she was washing his burns with a wet cloth. He flinched at the touch of the fabric when she picked her eyes up at him. She had been wondering when he would finally regain consciousness. That really burns, Dash cried, pulling his arm away from her. You're such a baby, Roseanna said, grabbing his arm and forcing it back to her. Where's Locke? I left him somewhere with reliable healers. Dash frowned at her. Mind telling me where later? I sort of need to escort him. Sure, Roseanna said, leaning over to him and patting the cloth against his burned face instead. But you can do that later after some rest. You know, Dash said, watching her tend to his cheek. You're burned up, too. Glad to know. Dash lifted a brow at her. Your hair is back to pink. It's more red than pink, Roseanna said, pouting cutely. As much as I dig the purple look, natural is best after all. You're only saying that because you allowed your greediness to almost ruin our plans, said Roseanna, pinching his nose with the cloth on top of his face now. Dash quickly swatted both her hand and cloth away. And get yourself killed at the same time! And you're only scolding me because you have to put up with cleaning my burns. At his quick tongue, Roseanna glared at him and Dash glared back at her. Even though they both knew that the other person meant better than they voiced out loud, their tempers flared up defensively against the other person. However, a few seconds after this mental standoff, Roseanna started tearing up. She remembered how terrible she felt when she caught Dash risking his life for some money. If he had stayed a second longer, the flames would have eaten him up alive. It was like her parents' death all over again... their bodies on the ground as her entire world burned down around her. Dark Magic was powerful and dangerous. And... she was the one who started that fire that might have

potentially killed Dash off. Hey! Dash shouted, breaking through her thoughts. That's not fair! Roseanna turned her head away immediately. You can't cry! That's like cheating! Roseanna sniffed back the tears and tried to tune out his loud voice. You know how much I hate your fake cuteness so stop acting- Interrupted by a tight hug, Dash sighed and said, I'm fine. You're fine. Locke's fine. There's nothing worth crying about, right? Roseanna nodded against Dash's shoulder. Your plan worked! You should be happy! Roseanna picked up her head quickly and said with her bottom lip sticking out at him, You talk too much. With his hands firmly on her shoulder, Dash kissed one loose tear before he proceeded to kiss her on the lips. Roseanna's eyes widened but she didn't push him away. They shared one long, close-mouth kiss before Dash knocked her down on the grass. Wait! Roseanna said and raised her hand to stop him from continuing, I have to stay a virgin to retain the Goddesses' blessings. Remember? Shrugging, Dash took off his bracelets and dropped them to the ground. Honestly, he didn't give a damn about that, but of course, he knew that Roseanna could easily use her Dark Magic to burn his arm if he tried anything. Then again, he wasn't supposed to be disobedient to his master anyways. She was letting him have his way after all. I know your little rules, Rosy, Dash said, combing his golden hair with his hand. Now, be a good girl and don't fidget too much. *** On top of a cliff, Roseanna lifted the hem of her gown and stared down at the long drop if she were to jump off. Gulping, Roseanna felt her entire body shook with fear. No, she must not shiver! Roseanna Roupeez was not a coward! Even though she kept repeating this line, her legs refused to obey. The rocks next to the side of her feet rolled off the cliff and went all the way down. Since the dress belonged to the Chan family, Roseanna decided to take it off before she commited suicide. Once she was done, Roseanna closed her eyes and prepared herself mentally to jump. If she looked down now, she might be too scared to jump. Are you sure you want to take that step, little girl? At the question, Roseanna popped her eyes opened, wrapped her naked arms around her bare body, and turned around at the voice. On top of a tree branch, a single man with dark eyes and dark hair was playing with a leaf in his hand. He had a sword by his side, but judging by his face, he seemed like a peaceful person to Roseanna. Not long after, he began playing a simple melody with the leaf as his instrument. I have made up my mind, Roseanna said. So, how much thought have you put into this? The older man asked curiously. My whole life. What an unhappy young lady you are, The man said with a teasing smile. He was observing her closely with those piercing black eyes. You know what girls your age do? They go to school and play with dolls. I stopped going to school ever since my parents died, Roseanna said, picking up her dress to hide her naked body.

You're an orphan too? The man grinned now. His voice was so full of life to Roseanna. I am, too! Join the club! I have a half-brother, Roseanna added. Me too! I have an older brother! Roseanna sighed. I hate him. Family issues, The man said with a nod of understanding. He jumped off the tree and went up to her. I lived in an orphanage. Back then, I always thought I would remain alone. Then, he laughed and scratched the back of his neck. But I made my own family. You can do the same. I have cursed blood, Roseanna stated. That sounds scary, he said even though there was no sign of fright in his tone. Everyone close to me dies. You actually believe that? Roseanna glared at him. What else am I supposed to believe? Everyone I know keeps dying... one by one... Let me get this straight, he said, walking back and forth in front of her. Without lifting a finger, you are able to kill people off? Roseanna gawked at him in surprise. That's some crazy abilities right there. And makes no sense whatsoever. It's true, Roseanna insisted. People pass away every day for different reasons, The man said before he went up to her. Don't be so arrogant, little one. Life is unpredictable. I'll control my death, then, Roseanna said before she moved her attention back to the cliff she was standing on. If I were to die today, no one else would be cursed. No one would have to carry my cursed blood. My children won't have to suffer. You don't know that for sure. I do, Roseanna said. You're not psychic. You can't predict the future. I'm not trying to! Roseanna shot back as tears formed in her eyes. I just don't want anyone else to die because of me! Hm, He said, rubbing his chin. People will miss you. No one will miss me. I'll miss you. Roseanna was so stunned that she took a step backwards and nearly fell off the cliff to her death. Thankfully, the man reached an arm out and grabbed her just in time. With one strong tug, he pulled her into his protective arms. Unable to stop her body from automatically pushing itself away from a man's touch, Roseanna escaped from him and landed on the ground with her dress covering her top. He laughed at her before he held a hand out to her. Still, Roseanna would not touch him, shaking from top to bottom. Why... would you miss me? Roseanna asked, scared of him now. Believe it or not, He said with a warm smile. You have a lot of potential. I can see it. You don't even know me... It's because you're not giving me that chance, He said with that booming laughter. Roseanna blushed bright red when he kept his hand out to her. With

those glittering and adventurous eyes gazing at her, Roseanna thought he looked lovely for someone much older than her. Are you really going to steal such an opportunity from me? You'll be cursed, Roseanna reminded. I'd take that chance, The man shrugged it off in a carefree manner. Back in my days, I had to run away with four governments on my tail. Roseanna's green eyes widened dramatically. I was a pirate you see and caused a lot of trouble. It happens. A pirate, Roseanna muttered in disbelief. After that, I was on the run because I stole something that the entire world wanted, The man said it in a carefree voice like it was nothing. All four Limeon Squad Leaders of the time would chase the world after me. It was quite fun. A Limeon Squad Leader like my father, Roseanna said in awe. Anyways, I'm a confident man, He said with a wide grin. I'm sure your family curse won't work on me. Interested in the man, Roseanna asked curiously, Who were the Limeon Squad Leaders back then? What were they like? Let's see, The man said, thinking back. Roseanna quickly wore her dress back on while he was lost in his thoughts. You probably know Leader Sergio... Yes! Roseanna said, excited. I'm living with his family. He was young back then, The man chuckled. Roseanna tried to imagine Leader Sergio... young. He was actually the most noble of the bunch. All the other Limeon Squad Leaders were different than the ones in place now. Who else were there? Roseanna demanded, interested. Limeon Squad Leader Grace Cherry was a persistent woman, The man continued, glancing over at Roseanna to see that she had momentarily forgotten about committing suicide. She kept following me all over the place. Roseanna giggled at the mental image. What a stunning woman, too. A part of me was flattered such an attractive woman would want to chase after me. What is she like? Roseanna asked, unable to contain her question. Sadistic, The man said, making a face. Very sadistic. What does 'sadistic' mean? At her innocent question, he smirked and said, And this is why, child, you should keep on living. There's still way too much for you to do and learn. In a friendly manner, he patted her on top of the head. Plus, you're adorable! Adorable little girls don't commit suicide! That's because they don't have the courage, said Roseanna sternly. You're stubborn like my wife, He accidentally let out his outrageous, long laugh. Roseanna pouted and glanced away, blushing. Well? No comebacks? You have no idea what I've been through, Roseanna said under her breath. You got me there, he laughed in a carefree manner. Give me some time to catch up, all right? I'll tell you my stories and you tell me yours? Deal? Rosesanna gave him a defensive, cautious look. Taking that positively, he strolled off with her eyes trailing after him. You live with Leader Sergio Chan right? I'll take you home. Roseanna stayed rooted to the spot. But... Are you afraid I'll die from walking you home? The man laughed again at the absurd thought. Roseanna glared at him. It's late little girl and everyone's

probably all worried about you. You don't want people to die from searching for you right? Following him, Roseanna spat, My name is Roseanna Roupeez, not little girl! That's too long, he whined, glancing at her over his shoulder. You're like... a rosebud... Rosy! Roseanna gawked at him in horror. She had never been given a nickname before. Your name will be Rosy! Nice right? It fits your hair color, too! And what is your name? Roseanna demanded. Lucas, he said, yawning loudly. Just a lazy, old man name Lucas. I will remember that, Roseanna decided as she suddenly picked up her pace and walked in front of him instead. You might have outlast four governments and Limeon Squad Leaders on your tail before but, Roseanna stopped and turned around to face him directly. You have never met anyone quite like me. And what are you? Lucas dared to ask. Someone who already died a long time ago, said Roseanna with empty eyes. Lucas had never seen such a young girl with no life left in her eyes. It was like she remembered something to revert her back to her regular self. Perhaps not physically... but mentally I died along with that burning house. Roseanna shared a weak, almost sad smile. I live for one sole purpose. Isn't that sad to you? That's not the sad part, Lucas muttered. The two continued on their way, not knowing that one day they would be as close as father and daughter. *** Waking up, Dash cursed himself as he sorted through his clothes and the note left behind. Roseanna wrote Locke's location on the back of the marriage certificate. Although part of Dash wondered where she went, he decided it was best to check up on Locke instead. There was no way Locke could have recovered from such heavy injuries, but Dash thought it was better to take care of this assignment rather than chase after Roseanna. Like she instructed, Dash managed to talk to the healers and insist that he was Locke's friend. After much persuasion, Dash entered the room and found Locke unconscious on the bed. Dash knew that the bandits must have went ahead and attacked the capital by now. After all, Roseanna blew up a whole place and probably their cover too. Great. There went Kaia's plan of gathering information and stopping the bandits before they reached the main building. As much as Dash liked to go on ahead to take care of important business, he could not leave Locke alone. It was his job to stay with Locke so he better stayed. After two more days of resting, Locke finally woke up and ate the meal the healers left him before Dash joined him at the table. Dash was so quick that Locke didn't even catch a glimpse of him. Picking up an orange, Dash began peeling it while Locke's eyes studied Dash. Slightly annoyed at the silent questions, Dash decided to speak first. You took three days to recover. The capital! Locke cried, shooting up to his feet. Now, now, Dash said, shaking his head. Jai Chan and the others should

have went on ahead so take it easy, will you? But- You haven't eaten anything for three days, Dash said sternly. Recover first. Giving up, Locke sat down and asked, What happened to the brothel? Oh, you mean Roxanne? Dash asked casually, making Locke flush slightly. She's gone. What do you mean 'gone'? She probably died in the fire, Dash said, shaking his head. Locke was stunned at the news. It's quite a shame. She was pretty, too. How unfortunate... Dash nodded. Yeah. Unfortunate for the human race. No, I mean, Locke said quickly. I never even got the chance to speak with her. You're still going on about that? Dash asked in disbelief. We were destined to meet, Locke said. Dash shrugged. Sure. At least, Locke said, retrieving the marriage contact and ripping it in pieces in front of Dash's eyes. Dash dropped his jaw. She's now a free woman. May Goddess Alika help her. Dash frowned. I was going to use that... Right outside of Locke's room, Roseanna sat against the wall next to window and overheard the whole conversation. She couldn't really trust Dash to return to Locke's side, though she was slightly more worried what he would do with the marriage contact with her information in his hands. She had no other way to write the information to Dash except that convenient piece of paper. But thanks to Locke, she had nothing to worry about. Speaking of Locke, he looked exactly like her Godfather, which brought back pleasant memories. One day, Locke was going to be as great a man as his father. Roseanna was sure of it. Until we meet again, Roseanna thought as she pulled her hat over her eyes. But next time as Roseanna Roupeez. The rosy-haired maiden left the area with Dash trying to figure out what to do with Locke from here on out.

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