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Technology’s Impact on Social Issues

CST 462S: Race, Class, and Gender in the Digital World

Chris Flores

Jordan Guzman

Larry Chiem

California State University Monterey Bay

Professor Brian Robertson

Professor Cassandra Eccles

Fall 2021


The topic of interest is Technology’s Impact on Social Issues. Technology has been the

catalyst for business globalization. What is unclear is how much of an impact technology has

made on organizations that are non-profit. Research will be conducted to find how technology

has affected these nonprofit organizations (NPOs), as well as the people and causes they serve.

Also based on research findings, gaps will be filled by interviewing on how specific non-profits

support their communities/missions.

Literature Review

According to “Strategic use of technology by nonprofit organizations,” nonprofits are

devoting greater resources to their websites. In 2001, 77% of nonprofits had a website (Hackler

D. & Saxton G., 2007). Also, the research says 86 percent of nonprofits who have earned less

than a million rely on volunteers for website maintenance (Hackler D. & Saxton G., 2007).

According to a survey made by Gifts in Kind, the use of volunteers to develop a website for the

organization implies nonprofits may view websites as an unimportant resource (Gifts In Kind

International, 2001). This research provides that organizations utilize websites, but what is

missing is data on income to state how important the website really is to an organization’s cause.

The second social issue to be addressed is that of environmental justice. In the research

article, “Renewable energy for whom? A global systematic review of the environmental justice

implications of renewable energy technologies,” the authors conduct their own literature review

on articles pertaining to renewable energy technologies and their implications for people who are

most vulnerable to climate change (Behrsin et. al., 2021). They focus on ten renewable energy

technologies adding to the environmental injustices that marginalized communities face: 1)

Wind; 2) Solar PV; 3) Municipal Solid Waste; 4) Landfill Gas; 5) Hydro Electric; 6) Geothermal

Electric; 7) Biomass; 8) Biogas; 9) Biodiesel; and 10) Anaerobic Digestion (Behrsin et al, 2021).

A theme this paper follows is compartmentalizing environmental justice into two categories:

distributive justice, defined as “The way in which the major social institutions distribute

fundamental rights and duties and determine the division of advantages” (Behrsin et al, 2021);

and procedural justice, defined as “The ways in which individuals and groups are included in

decision-making activities and processes. Affected communities are able to influence the

decision-making process” (Behrsin et al, 2021) . The injustices reside in the lack of distributive

and procedural justice according to the authors. Although this article highlights the injustices to

marginalized communities caused by renewable energy technologies, there is a gap in any data or

information regarding proposed solutions to this issue.

The third social issue to be addressed is what is being done now with the thought of the

future generations with social issues, along with social justice. In the book: “Why posterity

matters: environmental policies and future generations” (De-Shalit, A., 2005). The book

emphasizes on the point of making sure that we in society today should look forward towards

future generations as policies that we set today in society. A social issue that is affecting children

would be the lack of STEM in poorer parts of America. A study was conducted and it states, “It

could be a powerful addition to provide tutorial services in STEM fields in centers such as this in

communities where STEM is not being adequately addressed in schools.” (Koch, J., 2017) This

is not always possible, as shown with more rural/poorer parts of the country. “... boys faced

higher pressure of joining the labor market during adolescence as they were expected to shoulder

the responsibility of earning for the family, therefore, had less interest in continuing their

education” (Ho, M., 2020). The focus on making sure that children have an equal chance in

STEM related majors is key to society's success.


Research Question

For this paper, the research question asked is: "How does technology impact the ability of

nonprofits to address social issues in their communities?” This question encompasses a broad

scope of technology solutions that nonprofits use to provide more specific solutions based on the

sites chosen for this research paper.

Interview Questions

● How are Non Profits currently using technology?

● How do nonprofits use technology to help them achieve their mission?

● What are the barriers that technology presents in the work of the non-profit organization?

● Which social issue, or issues, are non-profits trying to solve?

● Is there any future potential technology that you would like to see incorporated into the

organization that would be helpful? How do you think it would help?

● Are there any new or future potential technologies that you suspect may have a negative

impact on social issues? If so, which technologies are they and why do you think they

will have a negative impact?

Our team decided on conducting interviews via Google Forms for a few reasons. For

one, it allows us to keep a written record of the responses. Each member of the team will have

access to each response from interviewees regardless of the organization in which the

interviewee volunteers or works. Google Forms also make it simpler for both the interviewer

and the interviewee in regards to time constraints or conflicting schedules. It is an inconvenience

for both parties to decide on a time to speak on the phone or to meet in person. So, a simple

solution for that is the use of Google Forms. Lastly, it saves us time and spares us the potential

for error in transcribing the interview verbatim.

The target audience for this paper are non-profit organization members and founders.

They would be the right choice of audience because of their experience in working with a

non-profit that addresses particular social issues, such as animal extinction, environmental

justice, and disparities in STEM education between less affluent and highly affluent

neighborhoods and their knowledge of these issues.

Service Organizations

Chris’ learning site is Planet Rehab and it is located in Panama. Their mission is to spread

awareness about the environment and animals that are going extinct. Two of Planet Rehab’s

missions are reforestation and supporting low income communities in Panama(Just One Tree,

2020). Reforestation is the process of planting new trees where others may have been torn down.

Reforestation is supported by Planet Rehab’s Just One Tree Project which is a way for the

organization to plant new almendro trees (Just One Tree, 2020). Planet Rehab also takes

donations for Native Farm people of Ngabe. They use the donation money to plant/give new fruit

trees to these low income people (Native Farm Survival Kits, 2020). Chris is serving Planet

Rehab as a web developer. Chris’s service project relates to Technology’s Impact on Social

Issues because a website is one strategy Planet Rehab uses to gain donations for their missions.

Jordan’s learning site is San Diego 350. It is located in San Diego. As listed on their

website, their mission is to “build a movement to prevent the worst impacts of climate change

and climate injustice through education and outreach, public policy advocacy, and mobilizing

people to take action.” (Home, n.d.). This site is responsible for many climate protests in San

Diego and responsible for some national climate protests as well. Jordan’s service project uses

their website to inform the community about protests and to educate its users on social issues.

Larry’s learning site is Starbase Edwards, located in Starbase Edwards AFB. The non

profit organization emphasizes the fact of teaching STEM to young children (STARBASE

EDWARDS, n.d.). With STEM, students can tackle many problems that affect everyone today

and in the future. Teaching children about STEM can solve many social justice issues, and can

lead to new paths in solving complex issues that society has not solved yet. This is one of many

goals at Starbase Edwards, and strives to push for more with STEM and solving social related


Conduct Research

At the nonprofit Planet Rehab Chris interviewed Skye Rummer, Board member of the

organization. She was a good candidate for the interview responses because she has been with

Planet Rehab almost 5 years. Chris also had a short zoom meeting with the founder of Planet

Rehab Gary and he said that it’d be better to ask Skye since he felt he is the least technologically

savvy person.

At the nonprofit San Diego 350, Jordan interviews Laurie Sterling Durant, a volunteer

that works on the tech side of things for the organization. She has been heavily involved with

the San Diego 350 website. She was a good candidate for the interview due to her role within the

organization and due to her experience with tech.

At the nonprofit STARBASE Edwards, they were unable to comment about the questions

provided due to external circumstances, and in lieu of an interview, a research literature review

was used to support the questions asked for this academic paper.


Looking at our data for the first candidate Skye Rummer, she believes technology is a

good means for communication and to get funding for Planet Rehab. She expresses this opinion

in detail when she answers “We currently use technology to showcase videos of our

environmental campaigns, collect donations, as well as interact with our volunteers across the

globe” (S. Rummer, personal communication, October 2, 2021).

Our second candidate, Laurie Sterling Durant, sees technology as a tool for

communication. She said “Our website and CRM are used primarily as tools for organizing

volunteers, events, and actions.” (L. Durant, personal communication, October 5, 2021)

There were 2 common themes in our interview data for Planet Rehab and San Diego 350.

The first is technology is a way to communicate for events/donations. They communicate events

to other volunteers and to visitors of their respective websites. The second is that technology

helps spread awareness of environmental issues for both organizations. They make a call to

action in this way. Relating back to the research question, technology impacts both non-profits

by providing a method of communication for their specific goals. The full transcripts are

available in the appendices.

As much as both interviewees seem to share similar views regarding technology, there are

some differences in their thoughts on the potential negative effects that future technologies may

have on social issues -- specifically on environmental issues.

When asked about these technologies, Skye Runner of Planet Rehab answered “As

technology advances it can either help or hurt the Earth. It is always our hope for people to be on

Earth's side but in the current state of things, it is easy to see that technology is constantly

creating easier ways to create plastics and pollution.” (S. Rummer, personal communication,

October 2nd, 2021) On the contrary, Laurie Sterling Durant of San Diego 350 answered “I tend

not to blame technologies themselves as they are just tools and the impact lies in the way they

are applied and distributed. Unequal access to technology is a problem.” (L. Durant, personal

communication, October 5, 2021) Although one sees potential problems with technology while

the other does not, they both agree that there is a potential for problems whether it be at the

hands of the user or due to the technology itself.

When conducting research for a literature review with non-profit organizations, there is

scarce information and studies about the impact of technologies within Non-profit organizations.

With limited sources on the questions asked, this literature review will have less than ideal valid

sources to work with.

To support the first question asked, “[Non-profit organizations are] using [Information

and Communication Technology] ICTs to research, access, and apply for funding” (Levine,

2008). Technologies such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM’s) software, and social

media help leverage the NPO to be more effective and successful in their overall goals.

With the second question asked, nonprofits use social media to boost engagement within

their organization. “[People] who engage with organizations via social media have a typically

high level of attachment to the brands with which they engage, and, therefore, can serve as

advocates for said organizations” (Milde, 2017).

The third question asked is about barriers to technology to achieve the organization's

goals. Barriers that nonprofits face are with the lack of funding, and back in 2001, it shows that.

“Study fieldworkers’ daily experience in small NPOs show how limited time, staff, and

technology combine to inhibit these organizations’ ability to function in the information age”

(Schneider, 2003).

The future is tough to predict with constant changes in technology, and is harder in scope

with nonprofits, but there are studies on how the needs of future technology can help with orgs.

Social issues that non profits solve are, “by using their human resources, local data and

their organizational capacity, even monitoring their activities” (Ciucescu, 2009).

Information Technology within organizations is what sets organizations apart, as it shows

on who is well funded or not, and thinking of the future. “Such planning is more of a concern for

nonprofits with budgets greater than $1 million, though nearly 40 percent of nonprofits with

budgets less than this mark intend to craft a long-term technology plan in the near future”

(Hackler D. & Saxton G., 2007). The last question with the future of technology, Information

Technology adoption with advances is low. “... IT has a positive effect on innovation but a

negative effect on adaptation...” (Jaskyte, 2011).


Beginning with the Literature Review, the first resource implied that nonprofits use

websites but do not see them as an important tool. As can be shown by our interviews with

Planet Rehab and San Diego 350, this is not the case (See Appendices A and B). This is shown

when both organizations answer how technology helps their specific missions. However, the

second resource was inconclusive. Neither Planet Rehab nor San Diego 350 addressed

marginalized communities and the effects felt by climate change and technology for renewable

energy. Appendix A and B show that the interviewees addressed environmental issues more than

the consequences of environmental issues on communities. The third resource was also

inconclusive. Neither interviewee discussed investing in our childrens’ education - primarily in a

STEM education - for the future of a successful society.


Given the responses to the interview questions, our conclusion does not specifically

reflect principles of social justice. Environmental justice and activism is addressed. However,

the effects that environmental issues have on social justice issues were not addressed. Social

justice is embedded within environmental justice, but our interviewees did not explicitly state it.

When conducting research for auditing this academic paper, the research that was given

based on research shows that technology overall helps with organizations, but the problems with

technologies within organizations are the lack of funding of said technology, the unknown of the

technology in itself, and the repercussions in using said technology within the non-profit


Certain aspects of an organization, though having the same overall goal of Environmental

change for the better good, have fundamentally different approaches, and ideologies in achieving

this overall goal. There is not only one solution to this problem, and using different tools and

technologies to achieve the same outcome of ensuring that the planet overall is better is not bad

at all. It is beneficial to be different in seeing if there are any flaws in the approaches used in the

organization and could be a paradigm shift within.

In conclusion, nonprofits that address environmental issues benefit from the utilization of

websites. As can be seen in the Appendix, it helps with communication of their respective

missions, with fundraising initiatives, and with calling others to action. The principles of social

justice can still be applied to this paper by using equity, and access to resources for technology

needs with the need of ensuring that technologies are accessible for all, and the technology that

will benefit nonprofit organizations are doing so.



For Planet Rehab Chris identified the Youtube Nonprofit Program as a method the

organization can benefit. The Youtube nonprofit program helps teach sites how to monetize their

videos so they can increase their donations for their overall mission. It also shows strategies on

how to get more engagement for the site. There are also tutorials on how to choose the best

equipment for shooting videos.

Chris chose this because he talked to the organization's CEO Gary Mitchell

and asked why he hasn’t utilized YouTube. Gary replied he didn’t know anything about Youtube

ads. He was aware of Google Ads and has been utilizing a $10,000 grant. After talking to Gary

Chris looked into Youtube Ads and eventually came across the Youtube Nonprofit Program. (G.

Mitchell, personal communication, October 9, 2021)

For San Diego 350, Jordan noticed that communication was not very efficient. The

organization can benefit from a more centralized area of communication. Notion and Discord are

two applications that can help with more efficient and streamlined communication. Both apps

allow for different channels, or blocks, for users to be more organized. For instance, a non-profit

can make a channel (Discord) for protests and another for volunteers. Both volunteers and

employees can benefit from this more streamlined method of communication. There is

documentation and YouTube videos on how to use and navigate both apps.

For Non-Profit Organizations, Larry identified through his findings, non-profit

organizations without proper funding struggle through accomplishing their mission. Without a

clear pathway in making organizations successful, most nonprofits struggle to do more because

of inadequate funding. A solution to this problem is to build more programs to give to NPOs and

to have government stipends for them to strive in accomplishing their overall mission.


Behrsin I., Disano F. & Levanda A. (2021). Renewable energy for whom? A global systematic

review of the environmental justice implications of renewable energy technologies. Energy

Research & Social Science 71(101837).

Ciucescu, N. (2009). The role and importance of Non-Profit Organizations. Studies and

Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, (14).

De-Shalit, A. (2005). Why posterity matters: environmental policies and future generations.


Gifts In Kind International. (2001) Technology tracking study of the nonprofit sector. Gifts In

Kind International.

Hackler D. & Saxton G. (2007) The strategic use of Information technology by nonprofit

organizations: Increasing capacity and untapped potential. Retrieved from:


Ho, M. T., La, V. P., Nguyen, M. H., Pham, T. H., Vuong, T. T., Vuong, H. M., ... & Vuong, Q. H.

(2020). An analytical view on STEM education and outcomes: Examples of the social gap

and gender disparity in Vietnam. Children and Youth Services Review, 119, 105650.l

Home. (n.d.) Retrieved October 19, 2021, from


Jaskyte, K. (2011). Predictors of administrative and technological innovations in nonprofit

organizations. Public Administration Review, 71(1), 77-86.

Just One Tree, (2020) Retrieved October 18, 2021, from


Koch, J., Carrier, S., & Walkowiak, T. A. (2017). Toward a theory of teacher education for

justice-oriented STEM. In Catalyst: A social justice forum (Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 5).

Native Farm Survival Kits , (2020). Planet Rehab. Retrieved October 18, 2021,

from https://planetrehab.org/native-farm-survival-kits.html

Levine, T. R., Weber, R., Hullett, C., Park, H. S., & Lindsey, L. L. M. (2008). A critical

assessment of null hypothesis significance testing in quantitative communication research.

Human Communication Research, 34(2), 171-187.

Milde, K., & Yawson, R. M. (2017). Strategies for social media use in nonprofits. Journal of

Management Policy and Practice, 18(1), 19-27.

Schneider, J. A. (2003). Small, minority‐based nonprofits in the information age. Nonprofit

Management and Leadership, 13(4), 383-399.

STARBASE Edwards. (n.d.). https://starbase-edwards.org/



Appendix A

Interview with Skye Rummer of Planet Rehab

This interview was conducted via Google Forms where she answered questions regarding

technology and how it helps or inhibits Planet Rehab.

How is your site currently using technology?

- We currently use technology to showcase videos of our environmental campaigns, collect

donations, as well as interact with our volunteers across the globe.

How is your use of the technology helping you in your mission?

- We are able to raise funds to further our campaigns as well as connect to larger audiences to

get them involved in the climate movement.

What are the barriers that technology presents in the work of your organization?

- Due to our main base being relocated to Panama, the internet and ability to share our

message has been difficult. As we continue to reforest Central American rainforest we see

that advertising it is not always easy in the jungle.

Which social issue, or issues, is your site trying to solve?

- We are trying to make people aware on the environmental crisis as well as raise funds for our

reforestation program and endangered species protection campaign.


Is there any future potential technology that you would like to see incorporated into the

organization that would be helpful?

- We would like to experiment with having a members only portion to raise funds and build a

community of environmental warriors.

How do you think it would help?

- It would help us connect with dedicated supporters as well as motivate them to volunteer

with us.

Are there any new or future potential technologies that you suspect may have a

negative impact on social issues?

- Yes

If so, which technologies are they and why do you think they will have a negative


- As technology advances it can either help or hurt the Earth. It is always our hope for people

to be on Earth's side but in the current state of things, it is easy to see that technology is

constantly creating easier ways to create plastics and pollution.


Appendix B

Interview with Laurie Sterling Durant of San Diego 350

This interview was conducted via Google Forms where she answered questions regarding

technology and how it helps or inhibits San Diego 350.

How is your site currently using technology?

- We use WordPress & CiviCRM. In addition to the organization's main site, we also set up

mini-sites for specific events and such. Our sites are integrated with various social media


How is your use of the technology helping you in your mission?

- Our website and CRM are used primarily as tools for organizing volunteers, events, and


What are the barriers that technology presents in the work of your organization?

- Can't think of anything. Bob and Masada may have additional insight.

Which social issue, or issues, is your site trying to solve?

- SanDiego350 is an inclusive volunteer organization building a movement to prevent the

worst impacts of climate change and climate injustice. We strive to create a future that

supports a livable planet and just society through education and outreach, public policy

advocacy, and mobilizing people to take action.


Is there any future potential technology that you would like to see incorporated into the

organization that would be helpful?

- I can't think of anything at the moment. We have made good use of open source tools and

volunteer labor to get things done and keep costs low.

How do you think it would help?

- N/A

Are there any new or future potential technologies that you suspect may have a

negative impact on social issues?

- I tend not to blame technologies themselves as they are just tools and the impact lies in the

way they are applied and distributed. Unequal access to technology is a problem.

If so, which technologies are they and why do you think they will have a negative


- N/A

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