Recissible Contracts Voidable Contracts Unenforceable Contracts Void Contracts What

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WHAT Contracts validly agreed upon may be Can be annulled even without causing damage Cannot be enforced. May be ratified Inexistent or void from the beginning
rescinded to another party.

Cause damage to another party Binding unless annulled by proper court.

Can be ratified.
PERIOD TO BRING Within 4 years Within 4 years period begins: Imprescriptible
In case of incapacitated – 4yrs start from From the VIU ceases
the termination of incapacity From discovery of FM
From the time guardianship ceases
In case of absence – 4yrs start until the
domicile is known
WHAT CAN BE 1. Those entered into by guardians 1. Those where one of the parties are 1. Entered into without authority or Those
whenever the ward suffer lesion for incapable of giving consent to a contract beyond the authority 1. Whose cause, object or purpose
more than ¼ of the value of the things 2. Those where consent is vitiated by 2. BOTH parties incapable of giving is contrary to law, moral, good
subject of the contract  Fraud consent customs, public order or public
EXC if approved by the court  Violence 3. Those that do not comply with the policy
 Intimidation STATUTE of FRAUD 2. Absolutely simulated or fictitious
2. Those entered in representation of an  Mistake Those that require to be in writing 3. Cause or object do not exist at
absentee, where absentee suffer lesion  Undue influence to be enforceable the time of the transaction
more than ¼ of the value of the things FIMVU The following: 4. Object is outside the commerce
subject of the contract a. Agreement that should not be of man
EXC if approved by the court performed within 1 yr from the 5. Contemplate impossible service
making thereof 6. Intention of the parties relative to
3. Taken in fraud of creditors b. Special promise to answer for debt, the object cannot be ascertained
4. Those which refer to things under default or miscarriage of another 7. Expressly voided by law as void
litigation entered into by the defendant c. Agreement made in consideration of
without knowledge and consent of the marriage
litigants or competent court d. Agreement for sale of goods at a
5. Payments made in a state of insolvency price NOT LESS THAN 500 with EXC
for obligations whose fulfillment the e. Lease agreement for a period of
debtor cannot be compelled at the time more than 1 yr
of the payment f. Sale of real property
6. All other contracts that are rescissible g. Representation as to the credit of a
under the law 3P

CAN BE RATIFIED? CANNOT Can be ratified (Express or implied) Ratify by: CANNOT be ratified
1. Receiving benefits under the
2. Failure to object the presentation of
oral evidence
3. Parents or guardian of the minor or
NATURE OF CONTRACT  Cannot be instituted EXC if the party Cannot be assailed BY 3P
suffering damage has no other legal
means to obtain reparation
 Subsidiary
 Only to the extent necessary to cover the
damage caused
 Provided that the party can return the
thing required to return
 If the thing is legally in possession of 3P,
pay for damages
WHEN TAKEN When the contract does not express the When person suffers damage from the contract Consent was vitiated by
true intent of the parties by reason of Mistake
Mistake Fraud
Fraud Inequitable conduct
Inequitable conduct Accident (FAMI)
Accident (FAMI)
Rescissible contracts Voidable contracts
EXCEPTION 1. simple donation inter vivos where
no condition is imposed
2. Wills
3. When the real agreement is void

WHO MAY BRING IF MUTUAL MISTAKE Injured party By All who are obliged Principally or Only parties
ACTION 1. Either party or his successor in subsidiarily


1. Injured party or his successor in
HOW Declaratory relief
EFFECTS If party demanding recission can return 1. Obligation to return the things If the act or object constitute an offense,
1. Obligation to return the things which which are objects of the contract 1. No action against each other if in pari
are objects of the contract 2. Return the fruits and the price with delicto
2. Return the fruits and the price with interest 2. Both shall be prosecuted
interest 3. For obligations to render service, 3. Disposal or effects or price will be
the value thereof is the basis for subject to law
damage 4. If one party is NOT guilty, may recover
4. If the defect is incapacity, the INCAP what he has given
is not obliged to make restitution
EXC in so far as he was benefitted If the act or object does NOT constitute
5. If the thing is LOST (through his an offense
fault), he should return the fruits, 1. Both is at fault, neither can
vale of the thing at time of the loss recover
and interest from the same date 2. Party not at fault can recover, ask

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