HRM301 Group 5 Term Paper

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A Cumulative Analysis into the Role of HR in building a

Competitive Organization in the present and Interviews

A Cumulative Analysis into the Role of HR in building a
Competitive Organization in the present and Interviews
Course Code: - HRM301

Section: - 1

Submitted To:
Mr. Omar Faruq
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
East West University

Submitted By: -
Group 5
Department of Business Administration
Name ID
Anika Bushra 2019-1-10-066
Foysal Mahmud Niloy 2019-1-10-065
Nishe Akther Raisa 2019-2-10-076
Farial Anjum Sujana 2018-3-10-116
Tasnif - Ul - Alam 2019-2-10-191

Date of Submission: 14th January, 2022

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Origin of the Report: ........................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Objective of the Study: ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Methodology of the Study: ............................................................................................................... 1

1.4 Limitation of the Study: ................................................................................................................... 1

2. HR’s role today in building a Competitive Organization.................................................................... 2

3.0 Interviews taken by the Group Members ........................................................................................... 5

3.1 Interview taken by Anika Bushra regarding Training and Development ................................... 5

3.2 Interview taken by Foysal Mahmud Niloy regarding Recruiting Job Candidates ..................... 7

3.3 Interview taken by Nishe Akther Raisa regarding the Incentives and Benefits........................ 10

3.4 Interview taken by Farial Anjum Sujana regarding Performance Appraisal .......................... 12

3.5 Interview taken by Tasnif Ul Alam regarding Labor Relations ................................................. 15

4. References .............................................................................................................................................. 18
1. Introduction
1.1 Origin of the Report:
The report was given to us as a part of the partial requirement of the course “Human Resources
Management” from HRM301, of Bachelors of Business Administration program of East West
University. Our course instructor Mr. Omar Faruq, Assistant Professor, Department of Business
Administration, East West University has assigned us this group report as a part of this course
work. He will oversee the work in this group project, which she has constructed us to accomplish.

1.2 Objective of the Study:

The core objective of this study is to examine and inspect the workings and aspects Human
Resources and what role they are playing in an Organization/Company in creating a competitive
Organization. And, to analyze the different aspects that have been gathered by our team mates with
regards to how different companies/organization have been implementing these different Human
Resources Policies in the recurring years.

1.3 Methodology of the Study:

For our Primary Sources, we have conducted interviews with some of the prestigious people in the
Private Corporate Sector who are in a managerial role or in the human resources department.

For this study, we dived into Secondary Sources of data such as Research Papers, Websites and
Journal Articles to compile the information necessary for our group project. We then analyzed the
data rigorously in order to incorporate the suitable information into our project.

1.4 Limitation of the Study:

Collecting Data physically has also been limited for Covid-19 related restriction. The data
collected from the internet might not be completely accurate. Resources, Articles and Information
regarding some of the topics of discussion are not all available in the internet.

2. HR’s role today in building a Competitive Organization
Human Resources are critical to a contemporary organization's long-term viability. Without HR
assistance, equipment sits idle, raw materials pile up, money becomes tangled, and other parts of
the business crumble. Training is almost never based on a Training Needs Assessment (TNA).
Despite the fact that the corporations conduct frequent local and overseas training, there is no
official training policy in place. The organizations have a systematic promotion policy, but it is
not being successfully applied due to the delayed implementation process and corruptions in the
workplace. The performance assessment method is outdated and the benefits and other packages
are in accordance with government regulations, but substantially below market standards. We can
say from this series of interviews, that HR has a very important impact and role in building a
competitive organization. The role of HR can maximize employee satisfaction and thereby
minimize employee resistance to change and growth. Companies having a proper HR dept. or even
proper HR knowledge can sustain in the long run. Without having a proper HR knowledge or dept.
the company might end up in trouble. The scenario indicated that HR professionals in Bangladesh
displayed all nine capabilities of the HRCS model. In the context of private and public enterprises,
there was minor change in terms of competency levels. HR capabilities influenced company
performance favorably, and only the maturity and development stages of a business's life cycle
tempered this link. Here are some of the Key takeaways we learned whilst conducting this
cumulative analysis into the role which HR is playing in building a competitive organization:

 Human Resource Management has flourished into one of the biggest highlighting points in
the development and efficiency within our Private and Public Sector in the last decade.
One study showed that 75 percent of its respondents said their organizations have
structured mechanisms in place to manage employee grievances and obtain feedback (Star
Business Report, 2014).

 The biggest takeaway that we learned is that HR played an immense role during the Covid-
19 in managing the employees in working from home. They have splendidly made the
impossible and herculean task of organizing, creating platforms through which employees
can perform their tasks and communicate as well as maintaining a competitive edge

amongst all the competition through maintaining the flow of work. Factories and
Establishments really needed to work hard in order to mesh and tackle with flaws that
Covid-19 has created to maintain a competitive age throughout its organization (Miah,

 Human Resources Departments in Bangladesh analyzes the issues and gaps in their current
workforce. Here, the various companies and organizations within Bangladesh are currently
amping up their level of Training and Employee Development programs through
formulating and conducting Training Modules with regards to what their organizational
needs are and Human Resources Departments are the Key figures who are the ones looking
into these Organizational and Employee Needs that needs to be fulfilled through training
and assist in formulating these processes.

 Turnover Rate in Bangladesh had been a factor that was plaguing the Private Sector in
Bangladesh, because the employees were either dissatisfied with their jobs or not being
able to connect with the core message of the Company/Organization. Nevertheless, the
subsequent development of the Human Resources Department in most Organizations in
Bangladesh dropping, thanks to proper detection of Employee turmoil’s, sorting out these
issues and providing valuable incentives that are needed for the employees to feel more
attached to the company and remove their dissatisfaction by filling their basic needs.

 The most unimpressive side of HRM practices of the public sector enterprises of
Bangladesh is inadequate compensation package for the employees (Absar1, et al., 2010).
Nevertheless, Bangladesh is also seeing notable changes in its Compensation policies as
well. From Structured Payment Schedule, Yearly Increments with accordance to inflation,
and Paid Paternity Leaves; both the private and public sector of Bangladesh have been
raging on with their quest to make sure their organizations feel motivated to come to the
job and being productive. In the times of Covid, this maintenance of compensation policy
is especially important and Human Resources Departments can bridge the gaps that have
been created through lay offs and pay cuts by being more flexible with their pay programs.

 Bridging the gap between Departments and Branches is another crucial role that Human
Resources Department can make more proficient. Bangladesh used to have a more toxic
work culture before where conflicts, inter-departmental collusion, backlog in absence of
proper communication channels were pretty much rampant. However, recent development
and utilization Human Resource Departments in Organizations have sparked a new hope
for better Inter-Departmental Relationship, Constructing Better and more modern
communication channel to streamline productivity are being implemented and Its thanks
to Human Resources Departments who are laying the foundation for making this happen.

 Human Resources Departments are also helping in hiring more capable and efficient
employees based on the organizational or departmental needs. They help Departments in
the recruitment process and In Bangladesh, Human Resource Departments are coming up
with more and more creative solutions to acquire the cream of the crop of employees from
the Bangladesh Labor Force. Giant Corporations like Uniliver, British American Tobacco
Bangladesh, IPDC Finance are creating Business Case Based Competitions to procure
more talented individuals from the best educational institutions in Bangladesh.

3.0 Interviews taken by the Group Members

3.1 Interview taken by Anika Bushra regarding Training and Development

As a part of Our assignment, I have conducted an interview session with MD. Arifur Rahman
who is currently working as an Area Manager in Unilever. From the interview session I came to
know various facts regarding his jobs, roles and responsibilities. He explained lots of things
extensively. How to target sales, how to manage salesforce, motivating employees, giving training
lots of topics were covered during the interview session. From the whole interview period, I
pointed out some important information regarding training and development process of the

By the conversation I figured out that MD Arifur Rahman

emphasized on the importance of training program. The face of any
organization is the sales force. Companies spend a considerable
amount of time and money on salesforce rather than on any other
promotional activity. However, the sales force is expensive and
companies are looking forward to managing them efficiently and
effectively. As an Area Manager, MD. Arifur Rahman has to perform
operational and financial responsibility for a defined region or territory. His duties
include providing training and development for staff, ensuring quality consistency across the
region, and increasing sales and profitability in their region. He firmly believes that for reaching
out to the target sales it is very important to get the work done by his whole sales team. According
to him, managing such a huge group of people is a challenging task for him, as he has to control
and organize the sales force to meet the monthly target. Sometimes, the subordinate needed to be
pushed up. For the betterment of the employee’s performance, training is the best solution. When
I asked him about the training process, he said that at first, he tries to find out the training need. If
the employees need training for the betterment of their service, then they arrange training program
which holds for weekly or monthly basis. Then when he finds out that training should be given
then he makes a plan how to give training. Then he finds out which steps should be taken for
developing the program for example where should he take the employee for giving training and
which would be the agenda of the training session. For example, he said that he takes his
subordinates to different territory for giving training. If he covers one territory in one week then
he takes his employees to another territory in the next training session. And based on the situation
he determines the agenda of the training session. After developing the training program plan then
he thinks that which training process would be beneficial for the employees. As we know that there
is different type of training methods for example, apprenticeship training, job instruction training,
on job training, videoconferencing, lectures, program learning etc. And MD. Arifur Rahman
mentioned that always he prefers giving On Job Training. Because in on job training process
employees can learn instantly while working. It helps them to understand the whole process in an
efficient way. Employees make mistake but at the same time they get the chance of correcting
themselves. In sales profession it is really very important to learn while working and by this
employee can generate idea regarding the market, sales volume, target easily. Basically, MD.
Arifur Rahman follows the most familiar on-the-job training which is the coaching or understudy
method. We all know that in this method a supervisor gives instructions to the employers and
according to that the workers follow and perform their job. At first, he maintains four step on-the-
job training approach and this puts great impact on the employees. MD. Arifur said at first, he
prepares the learner, for instance by putting the person at ease and explaining the job and why he
or she is being taught. Because the trainee must know the purpose of training. Second, he presents
the operation by going through it at a normal work pace and again more slowly to itemize key
points so that the trainee can cope up with the session. Third, he tries out the trainee by having the
person run through the job several times to enhance his or her skills and speed. Finally, he follows-
up by gradually decreasing supervision, correcting errors, and complimenting good job
performance. So, MD. Arifur Rahman believes that by following this training method employee
can learn more effectively than any others training methods. Then finally he evaluates the overall
course and tries to figure out the positive or negative outputs after the training session. He
measured the overall performance level of the employees, if they are able to fulfilling their target
then it indicates a positive result.

So, after my interview session with MD. Arifur Rahman I understood the effectiveness of training
program and the method which he follows is a beneficial method for the employees as well as the
organization also.

3.2 Interview taken by Foysal Mahmud Niloy regarding Recruiting Job Candidates
Recruitment Process is one of the most key elements of any organizations Human Resource
Department and its subsequent Management Process, as hiring the right or wrong employee will
have long term implication for any company/organization. This Recruitment process usually varies
from company to company and even one department to another. Human Resources Departments
were not prevalent back in the day, but are essential in the corporate sector of Bangladesh. Hence,
for our Topic of Discussion, we wanted to take a look at how some of the biggest
companies/organizations are following different processes of Human Resources.

For my part of analyzing the current role of Recruiting Job Candidates, I conducted an Interview
with Mr. AKM Matiur Rahman, Senior Assistant Vice-President of Southeast Bank, Bogura
Branch. Whilst conducting the interview, I asked him specific questions about their recruitment
process and he provided some very interesting takeaways as well. When I asked how Southeast
Bank does their Employment Planning and Forecasting, the method he described is as follows:

A) Manpower Requisition Request: The Head HR Department from the Main Branch asks
every single branch in their corporation to submit a report as to how much Manpower they
are going to be needing in the proceeding year by analyzing the data within the branches
to forecast the needs.
B) Branch Projections: Branches then analyze the data they have on their hand regarding the
number employees of employees within their branch, their performances, and other notable
facts and figures to determine the number of employees that are going to be needed, who
will be the people in line for promotions and who were unable to cope up with the
objectives/KPI that were given to them & needs to be relinquished.
C) Branch Productivity: Branches also analyze the performance and level of productivity of
the branch in itself. If the branch has increased their profits, as well as taken in new
businesses for them to offer their services to, they might request for more employees to

cope up with the rising demand. Whereas, if the branches are doing poorly and failing to
acquire new customers to offer their services to, they can ask the head branch to decrease
the number of employees in their branches, as its cost inefficient to hold onto employees
whose services are not being properly utilized.
D) Departmental Needs: Different Heads of the Departments also get to chime in to provide
important facts and figure and pointers to indicate what their departmental needs are going
to be, why they require more manpower and provide their justification to the Head HR
Team within the stipulated time period.

Furthermore, I asked him about which source Southeast Bank Limited currently utilizes in
order to recruit employees. Mr, AKM Matiur Rahman said that the Bank is currently utilizing
3 types of sources for their manpower needs. They are:

I. Internal Sources: As per the details provided by Mr. AKM Matiur Rahman, Southeast
Bank is currently heavily emphasizing on recruitment from their internal sources. The
recent Covid-19 pandemic has Severely impacted the entire Banking Industry as a
whole. Banks have downsized a lot of employees, as well as decreased pay by a
significant margin. Hence, it is not ideal for them to seek out employees outside the
organization currently as its very costly to acquire a new employee and training them.
On the other hand, their expansion of the corporation has not stopped, and due to this
they’re currently hiring more employees from internal recruitments through providing
promotions to people who have on the back log for a while now. They don’t require
much further training about the organization and are a more efficient option for them
in the current climate.
II. External Sources: Regardless of the current situation, Banks also hire employees from
external sources as per their needs as well. South East Bank mainly use two forms of
External Sources.
Fresh Recruitment is done to inject new blood into the company and bring in new and
fresh candidates and ideas that are going to shape the future of the Bank moving
forward. Usually, fresh graduates with strong educational and co-curricular activities
are selected for these roles such as Management Trainees, Internships or Probationary
Officers. Usually Written Tests and Viva’s are taken to select the candidates.

On the other hand, Experienced Recruitment is done through the Bank in order to
acquire experienced individuals in certain sectors who will be able to add value to the
roster of human resources that exists within the company. They are usually brought up
through by asking them to drop CVs for a particular position and acquiring them
through the Viva Board process, but no written exams are taken in this scenario.

Lastly, I asked Mr. AKM Matiur Rahman as to how the recruitment from external sources are
usually done, to which he answered that the Southeast Bank usually make use of the Company
Website to issue the circular, as well as post these circulars into many Print and Digital Media to
acquire candidates to apply. They also use websites such as, LinkedIn to further push
these circulars to candidates who are looking for jobs and are on par with the company policy.

Hence, we can see from the interview discussion and the findings of it is that Southeast Bank
Limited and its Human Resource Management follows a lot of the process that we have learned
throughout this course as a way of effective recruitment process and how important its role is in
the overall landscape of the Banks Human Resources needs

3.3 Interview taken by Nishe Akther Raisa regarding the Incentives and Benefits
I am Nishe Akther Raisa and I interviewed Mamun Akther from Padma Industrial Park about
the incentives and benefits of their company. He is currently employed as HR manager of the
company. I chose the topic incentives and benefits from among the given topics and focused my
interview towards that topic. Incentives and benefits are provided to the employees in order to
maintain individual equity. It is one of the important parts of direct financial payments.

During the initial stage of the interview, I questioned Mamun Akther about an experience he had
in his job related to incentives. He told me about an incentive program they planned in order to
improve productivity of their workplace environment. After a sudden drop in production and low
motivation in workplace, they planned to bring a production incentive bonus which they
introduced both weekly and monthly based on levels of employees to increase productivity. Their
incentive plan was to attract the right kind of employees with the right kind of incentive and
encouraging positive reinforcements. They paid weekly incentives based on the units produced in
worker level, and monthly incentives to mid-level managers. This incentive program increased
their productivity in production level and was a success. Such incentives can be introduced in all
workplaces and can always bring a positive outcome, as employees tend to perform better and
show more productivity when introduced to a performance-based incentive.

After finishing the initial stage, I questioned him about how the company motivates employee with
incentives to increase motivation and retention, and reduce absenteeism. He told me about their
company policy that they introduced an incentive based on attendance. This incentive was based
on lowering the absenteeism and providing employees benefits if they attend their workplaces
every day. This incentive lowered the absent days of the employee and they felt motivated and

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encouraged as they received benefits for coming to the workplace every day. This is a very good
incentive program to reduce absenteeism and encouraging employees to attend their job regularly,
and a good example of how incentives help employees get motivated and how it helps the

Apart from assigning short-term monetary incentives that helps the organization to fulfil its short-
term goals, there are also other long-term incentives as well. Before ending the interview, I asked
him about what long-term incentives are they providing to their employees in order to encourage
them to keep working for the company. He stated that, their company provides a yearly raise for
all the employees at the end of the year, and the percentage of the raise depends on the performance
of that year and also on which level is the employee currently employed. This method of incentive
lets each employee work for their own benefit, and creates a positive competition among the
employees letting them work more productively, and increases their motivation. He also
mentioned that long term incentives tend to work better for the executives rather than the lower-
level managers and employees. Their incentives include a health insurance policy for the labours,
and a retirement pension policy for the executives. Last year, the company provided free gift
products to employees from Unilever, when they came to do a campaign for their lifebuoy mini
pack handwash. And this year they are planning to provide free Hepatitis B vaccines to the kids of
the employees for their better health, and as a sign of love and care towards the employees.

Although the company has great financial incentives, not enough non-financial incentives are seen
in their incentives program. Alongside providing only financial incentives, they can also provide
non-financial incentives. For example- Each year based on their departments, managerial or
employee levels, they might arrange awards for the best performers of the year to create a sense of
recognition in their respective field. They can also arrange free trips for few days on various exotic
places of Bangladesh besides awards. This develops a sense of responsibility in them and they
even work hard for it. Even being a non-financial incentive, it can show a great outcome.

After finishing up my interview with Mamun Akther, and noting down all the key points of the
interview, I understood that in order to run a company with proper efficiency and productivity,
there is no alternative to incentives. Employees get motivated and encouraged greatly by both
financial and non-financial incentives. Incentives play a key role to their work performance and
also to their productivity level. The company which provides most appropriate incentive policies

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and plans to their employees has a higher chance of getting better outcome and paves their way in
the long run. Proper incentives and benefits can affect in workplace performance, and can increase
productivity and efficiency. So, a good incentives and benefits program is essential for every
company which was seen in Padma Industrial Park.

3.4 Interview taken by Farial Anjum Sujana regarding Performance Appraisal

“Performance Appraisal” systems began as simple methods of income justification. Appraisal
was used only to decide whether or not the salary or wage of an individual employee was justified.
Thus, if an employee’s performance was found to be less than ideal, there was a decrease in salary.
The general model of performance appraisal, as it is known today, began from that time.

So, here I’ve selected Eastern Bank Limited, in an intention to

study on Human Resource Management regarding review of
performance appraisal system. So, here I’ll discuss about some
practical life experience of Eastern Bank Limited apprising
performance by the information which I gathered through by
interviewing the respectable Head of HR, Mr. Monjurul Alam.

With a vision to become the bank of choice and to be the most

valuable financial brand in Bangladesh, Eastern Bank Ltd. began its journey in 1922. Over the
years EBL has established itself as a leading private commercial bank in the country. The
management of Eastern Bank Ltd. is very serious about the current performance of the employees
and provides all necessary supports to them.

The methods they follow for performance appraisal are:

➢ The managers tend to overlook the employees’ traits and personal weaknesses on most
➢ The Eastern Bank Limited presently follows the rating system.
➢ They try to reward the employees to the basis of their performance.
➢ On the half year and the yearend, they are being reviewed by their reporting line managers.

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➢ There is no scope for the subordinates to appraise performance of their superiors.
➢ Eastern Bank Ltd. even does not allow any kind of self-appraisal by the employee himself.
➢ There is another deviation from theory is in their performance appraisal technique. Though
there are both individual and comparative evaluation systems but Eastern Bank Ltd. use
only the individual rating system. Among the different individual rating system, they use
mainly the graphics rating scales only.

The modern appraisal philosophy states that the managerial emphasis should be on the
performance of the employees and the future goals of the organization, rather than on the employee
traits, deficiencies and abilities. Eastern Bank Limited strictly believes in this philosophy. The
management of is very serious about the current performance of the employees and provides all
necessary supports to them. The managers tend to overlook the employees’ traits and personal
weaknesses on most occasion. Eastern Bank Ltd follows the following four steps

✓ Performance Orientation

The managers of Eastern Bank Ltd. are performance oriented. They evaluate employees by the
outcome profit, reputation and service that they generate.

✓ Focus on goals and objectives

The managers of Eastern Bank Ltd. facilitate a complete ‘learning session’ to educate the
employees on how to accomplish the task effectively and efficiently. Thus, the employees get to
know both the task and the possible ways to do that and can focus on the goals and objectives that
they are supposed to achieve currently and in future.

✓ Mutual goal settings

Both the employees and managers of Eastern Bank Ltd. Sit together and decide the future goals
for the bank. This meeting holds on the branch basis. Thus, each branch comes up with its own
goals. Then the branch managers again sit together and do the necessary corrections.

✓ Extensive feedback system

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The feedback is provided usually after the end of a task in Eastern Bank Ltd. Moreover, annual
feedback also is provided, which has the criteria such as outcome, time management, group
relationships and crisis management.

Finally, from the above analysis we can say, Eastern Bank Ltd. has an effective appraisal system
by which they are monitoring the contribution of the employees and taking necessary remedial
action to achieve the desired result. However, the Human Resource
Department is not employing new employees, which I think is necessary to appraise the

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3.5 Interview taken by Tasnif Ul Alam regarding Labor Relations
I interviewed Md. Zahid-ul-Alam from Target group about the labor relations of his company
for an assignment purpose. He is appointed as the Director of the company. I chose labor relations
from the chosen topics and kept my questions concentrated on that, and thoroughly noted down
the stories and points of his workplace and experience. Labor relations means the relationship that
exists between the management of a company and its workforce. It defines the relationship
between the employers and the employees.

I asked Md. Zahid-ul-Alam about his work and found out that
he spends most of his time in the factory rather than at the
corporate branch. He said, he likes to stay and work with the
direct labor force as they are the core employees of his
organization, and they are the ones who deliver the ultimate
effort and output. He also added that, his labor force are the
ones who make the actual difference in the organization. I
got to know about his company’s hr department as well but
he maintains the labor relations directly rather than
depending on the hr rep. He told me that maintaining face to face interaction with the labor force
give them the trust and assurance that the company acknowledges their hard work. It gives them
inspiration and motivation seeing their top-level managers alongside them acknowledging their
work. It gives them a sense of responsibility and they become more dedicated towards their work.
I think gaining a sense of recognition from the top tier managers can help you improve your
performance and increase your dedication and loyalty towards the company. It develops a better
connection among the employers and the employees, and maintains proper labor relation.

Md. Zahid-ul-Alam mentioned that he contacts the labor force on a daily basis, sometimes gaining
insights on their personal life as well as their workplace environment. He asks them on a daily
basis about how their life is, and if they are facing any trouble or not. He walks around the factory
every working day and welcomes any conversation by his employees. They sometimes exchange
greetings and share their problems or insights on their workplace and its environment. He opened
a complaint box just for the labor force to know about their problems if they are facing any, or any
kinds of discriminations or misbehaviours towards them. The complaint box helped him to remove

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few dissatisfactions in the labor force and it established a positive gesture and sign. He addresses
the young as his children and others as his brothers and sisters. This motivates the worker to work
hard and retain their relationship with the boss. They respect him for his good and respectful
behaviour and fear him for his personality. He once dismissed a labor for eve-teasing inside the
workplace and does not tolerate this kind of behaviour. He said that workplace is a sacred place
for work, although mistakes can happen but this kind of behaviour is strictly prohibited and won’t
be tolerated in the organization.

While conducting the interview, I asked him about what his plans are for the betterment of labor
force, what common concerns or problems that he had to face and what he did in response relating
to the labor force. He said that the most common problems were, salary and bonus issues, over-
time payment issues, politics in labor union etc. Furthermore, asking about the solutions he
explained them briefly. He maintains and categorized his salaries according to their levels of
employment, from bottom to top. The lowest level managers and employees get their salaries
within the first week of the month, and no payments or profits are assigned until the lower labor
force is paid fully. During their overtime, their shifts are monitored, and number of working hours
are noted properly by their supervisors so that payment can be given accordingly without any
hassle. They get their due overtime payment alongside their salaries. Their labor union was chosen
solely by their voting, with proper scrutiny and just judgement. All of their problems are addressed
and actions are taken accordingly without any delay. He arranged retirement pensions for workers
that worked for the company for more than 15 years, and everyone has a health insurance benefit
for them. Also, a short-term loan management is offered solely by Md. Zahid for the purpose of
serving his labor force.

Thus, to conclude, labor relations have immense significance for the foundation and growth of any
company which we can clearly witness from the interview of Md. Zahid. Harbouring better
connection with the workforce has helped Md. Zahid to pull off better production margins and a
healthy relationship among the involved employers and employees. To add, the labor force has
developed a sense of recognition, improved productivity, and a greater motivation which
contributed significantly in the production. Moreover, acknowledgement of the top-tier manager
has created made them more responsible which sometimes cannot be achieved even with monetary

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incentives. So, maintaining good labor relations could be the key to achieving organizational

Md. Zahid-ul-Alam quoted, “Work with your people, mend their mistakes, and encourage
them. That’s the road to being a good leader.”

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4. References
1. Absar1, M. M. N., Sikder2, Z. H. & Nimalathasan3, B., 2010. Employee Compensation
Practices in Industrial Enterprises of Bangladesh: A Public and Private Comparison.
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Economic Science Series, Volume LXII
(IV), pp. 52-60.

2. Miah, M. K., 2020. Dhaka Tribune. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 7 January 2020].

3. Star Business Report, 2014. The Daily Star. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 8 January 2022].

4. Islam, Abu Kaiser and Islam, Nazrul, Human Resource Management Practices in
Government Companies of Bangladesh: A Case Study (October 20, 2016). Australasian
Journal of Business, Social Science and Information Technology (AJBSSIT), Volume 2 •
Issue 4 • October 2016, Available at SSRN:
5. Bangladesh HR professionals’ competencies: Impact on firm performance and
moderating effects of organization life cycle | Emerald Insight.

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