Pledge of Commitment - Glyrine Punzalan

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July 27, 2022 - Wednesday

Nonong Casto, Lemery, Batangas

To whom it may concern,

I, Glyrine Calanog Punzalan 2nd year college student studying at Batangas State
University under the program of Bachelor of Science in Psychology, applying for a
scholarship in Christ Mercy Missions International Church (CMMIC).

I am determined to finish my education. I humbly attach in this letter my previous

grades, which are the products of my consistent studying habits and hard work in school.
However, despite my dedication, I may not be able to pursue college because of our financial
status. My parents are separated, so my mother being a housekeeper is only our income.

It would be a great help for me and my family to be blessed to be one of the CMMIC
scholars. I promise to give my studies my best.

Sincerely Yours,

Pastor Allan Lopez

Pastora Leanne De Leon
Pledge of Commitment
I, Glyrine Calanog Punzalan a Christian and firm believer of God, solemnly pledge
to devote myself to Jesus no matter what situation I will be in life. I will still acknowledge
Jesus as my benevolent Savior. As such I believe that He has plans and purpose for
everything in my life. I will patiently wait for the second coming of Christ. It is my duty as a
Christian to preach and spread the Word of God and salvation. I will become an instrument to
the people to be ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ our Savior. As a Christian, I

I pledge myself, upon my honor, to be loyal to God, to my Church (CMMIC), and to my


I pledge to myself, to live a clean and honest life and to fulfill all my duties and
responsibilities as a Christian.

I pledge myself, to spend time developing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through
prayer and reading of the Word of God.

I pledge myself, to take an active part in the spiritual life of my church by attending all
fellowships regularly on Sundays.

I pledge myself, to use my talents and gifts of God in his glory.

I pledge myself, to keep away my total being from all immoral and illegal acts and habits,
whether on or off the church, as I abide in Christ and He in me. I will not engage in behavior
that is a violation of this pledge. This includes participating in, supporting, condoning, or
promoting any form of sexual immorality that deviates from the biblical standard, such as
adultery, premarital sex, pornography, homosexual, bisexual or transgender behavior, or
disagreement with one’s biological sex (1Corinthians 6:9-10, 13, 18-19; Exodus 20:13;
Matthew 15:19; Romans 1:26-27)

And lastly, I pledge myself, to put God first in my life. (Matthew 6:33- But seek ye first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.)

Sincerely Yours,


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