Oscillation S

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oO ATi -——_ Fesiodic_motion = Any marion trahmepeabs tbs wv dd lover qgain.ak xpgular jokervala of dime ts Calbed | Periodic. or _ harmonic mohso The &maltext_intcrvel of Which the mohon is repeated {A Catlesl ibs dime Period [The Hime _fexcind 1s deookest hy T and tts ST unit js Secood — [Oscittadory moboo—J4 a body moves batk aod fostis rqpeak: led§y_abouk ika_m eon Posibon. gk moben is dald iphe Ose/— latory oF Vibwalnry or harmoo'e_m« =|Distinchoo_betiseen Pertadic and Ac Peobsoo | Every odcitehaey aboot Dy” Periodic. because 1S bounded abowk one mes, x 2. uk every fest ‘od. mobion ik 1s repeated ab oegula race ey ft bh need Nok be oArcitaln: Or a cai paiag gf emeininpi xepenks iksel al regular ogg tala ie engi ledunchon- fit and gtr) a Cosdeh l ne_Aine_and_Cosiae dunchions.¢ axe. Ceriodic Loria Pertod T._ dic. guachoa_tohich Can be. represented by a Aine. __ Jor Canine Curve ane. Cabted harmooi cdunchon. AL Acemoni'c. idunchons axe_e _Cesiodic bub alt ferlodic funch'ons lave_ not harmonic. The Pemioclic. duachand Lohich Cannot be refreneoked by Bingle dine. or Cosine Juncbons are Called Non harmonic Juncbiond « Fourier: theorem — Tit theorem Staten drat any arbitsgy — 1 unchon FUN Loin ferlod T Can be. expressed as the unlaue (Combinabion 9} Sine_and Cosine qunchon fat) and g,(b) Laid! uikable CoeHicvenbs Ik Con_be ex prersed ad Pur) = Cos@at yah Gar _—— PUP) = bo +) Cod. at 4, by Coss eo - 4 ba Conk are st Qi Nin@ht 4 qQuynyat pga win bitsy... T Tt T ‘Us AN dhen- T FU) — bot) Coatar + by Cok aca 2a QA tab +a, ningior + Getigbtorg -~—--- The. Coepicienk G03 Gaj-== epicieak There. Coes Kar a_mathemahcal —___loler_all dhe fours; FU) = a ik. A a _Kped cl Festodic mohon Caltesl Aimple _ Lay ic_mobion ( $1.9.) ___—||Simé¢] yon — A Farhi y aid Inexecube Bimple Aacmon'c mabon_{y It moved te cad fro ahouk a men ———|fosiien under dre_achoo ty amrestoring force 1Shith is diteokfy Proponbanal to _ikd alisPlacemenk frondre_mean Aaibon and — |b alvocys direched Inward dhe_mean stron ___ a __Redkocicy force x didflacement- oe F x. or Fa -kx- —_____|Thi's equoehon_define Gt. here Kis a fosihive. Constante Called force Consent or Apring goctor The ST: valk py ke ss. Mr. Tne _negabue Ignpt_the eyualion Abas that the xesroriog— [fore F eteeys acta to-dne—apesaiscliesstinn i bae-aipleney po Novo_accordigg te Mewohen's Second lav of mobioo. __ Fama to Ma n-kx. —— — a--k x fe Qe x 7 IL re — ___L |The mobi £4.51 be 0sciMalpyy_mahien 4 Alenpl Rarricle odcitabe back and fordin_abouk i —__3. RReakoriag doste Aching 00 the fax, kan 2p) ibuct And_ reg uencsy pr; equchion of 3-H. | INS Hem., ereatorieg force_achiy-00_tne fertile Pengostiona) hy ibs divelacemenk, dows. Fe-roe. [Oy necsinn's Recand laws Pome - 1m. ee Are dhen. me dx _ doo . : co oe Hea ie A = HR ____ fuk © =p ti Px, = = poroc. Kats co: AR, Lhe: sty at Px 20 ot 0 [Thi rs the. difereabial eguaboo_of SH: 9. Nee 49.5 toe la gular drequency._ches rly, > Ahad be Buch a eon desivahbue js €¢ Yon_ iba naa ain « a_nggokve. Cenblenh So a feasible pslubon of €4.. be xs A lodC tot + bo) —___|_ then $= = 091 Aa: +d) and ae == 1A Odliakteh) == 2 Ad = : or Pete 9 d Hence the holubioo ¢ Of ee. Ds xs A Gwe _ Time Peniod oy $09 = jo_eq-@ we gee wot +90 +0] Qh + ho) A lord (Lat tthe ) e+ fe} DK eHene “Cectoa — tiie Ta oe of tote F ial fam mm. = je. — an [nechia gacor i J Stig dochr. —Btohich gf Ine_dollaaing funchions § Of _dime_rreprerent @ fexicdie._ fred 6 _non= Bricdic marian Give tne foriact Jor each Codec} — Rerind ic Moh; su o 1! Siovot + Costop 0 Sjn ak + lod Quah + SinYusr au) eer av) fog Cot) = And IpHese. xb) = Sintot + Codtab mulkfy and_divide by Ja. = of Wd ds C cok] — -pl Aint Coak s Sink cosor] a> din tes) Moreover. aC 4+ 20) 202 dn(F4 OU +2BY) = d2din (FH pror +a) | = fe Sin (| Fy tor) os 2b) - Hence. Alin st: + Cod vor 1 a Perak ecthino tojtn thee - wo! Ob + AiDYuod- Slo Lob Is a few ochoo atts Period: CoA Qiop SA unchon wit Periods [ = 7 Py ____ Bin Periodic qunchoo trite Certod — __ _ ao = FF - ere mo 4 ___ (I) Clearly dhe entire duocboo xb) acpeals Giese A minimum. ty me—Ta fe, Hence the _gunchao_is fextodic Mhe_funchon EF decrease nacoolna ically _tozero ah toa S_tb_an_exPponenhial dunchdn oidtn.anegabve exponenk ye. lohere_€. = 09 +7/09@ . Je Never we Peak /h-s Vesue,So jt non Foriodic. - MIN) fie function fag(io) jocressed monvolcally vith biere. IAS Foe J. gto t) oo ib never repeals jh Value ,S0 fh Is Non =feriodi Bante gee loutieg dnd 5p tine epee Simple __ | ic \B) Periodic “buk nok S-HF and (¢) non= Cecio ie mab Gri wf Ge. W1Sie ot = CoAwol: uw Sio3oF __UD| 800s ( Aly = 20) WW) CoA or + ConSiah + J cy) exe Carat) WD J 4 vor + ro®b% = Te Arn (vo (4445) ~F) ay ai Ain (ar + an~ 4/0) au Arn (vor =Ayu) = xr) moon vaste T= aor and Phase ag =f one UW) oe) fae 7 ___|3x 2 rapa hae nfo Sunpie baton ne ie doi ee _T- Period of & Bin tap = 2m t Rerjod gy F315 are Bo Ss. 6 * had tne mininen tine gjter thi the. Cormbine. duachion - pepeahd SA T= 2e as. ce hole Simple harmso fe ___ Mt) = 3b (lu Diet) | = Cod P=C2rar- alu J = 8 @d( dot ~Ajy) CI Sb vepresenk S&S H-9_Loith dime fenod a. ~k. | Ce$3.0b rePreseots SH Loita Broo! = aad zr CodSioh xe predeoh_S'H1?- Loja Rried= gee a The miajmuns bere. after | ths value IS T. The given puccki ____lgot (oe xh = exe ut 2 __ == | Some _‘Im@orjend temas Connected atta Sofa ___ A Hasmoni COxMamr= A faxhicle execuh'ng Dimple chexcoie. iso's Calleat harmonic. re. [Displacement —Fae distance gf dnc Oscitiabing fr Hem rom _ibs mean fostiion , Soestank js Calbed thb tpplocemenh Sk 1 clenated oe jro_amptibude. Skis denoted by A. Thus Rigg A+ > [Orci Mabon or Cycle — One Complete pate. ond tra mohen 9 ke fasicle Shark -and_endi'oy ak the, Aame..'s Point is Palled a ¢ycle or OSciUaboo or Vibeabion . [hme feriod — Phebe tate ty a facheJete Complete coe pdcilahoa ss Called fea dime. Period os, Ib id tre bmallest_ tee, forexval after Which Ineo y Qr fs denoted by Freq ts oy SEIS depined 24 the. umber gy osc labions —_ Irernpteted fer oni time by a Farbede Tk enoted_ by — LY Crud. Prequengy 15 epuial ho Ane, pe lexiod Tine Unik ¥ grequeng Cicenl Lor herb: (hz) Trg ular frequency = Jt. allyl. _____|} reg uensy OW by a decker ef 26 - i ae aie gf yt nn (e| Lerner! 1) an ja Vibrabag farhele ak day intin Ino. Rurbicle OA regards Ita foxihion and Mobon_ab_thak iodhok AS ids -equchion 6 represcoted bey __ |__N x= A Cod Coat ty) then Phar -y tne article's oh = tor + the _ _ Inibial Phase or epoch — The Phase. gf a Vibrabes fark Commenpandiog m me t=0 16 Called joikial Phe se orepoch Uniform Cire lar mobion. and_& PAI a a NConsides_a article P- Wrovigg alos A circle 94 radius A) Lite Unijorm— _ angular Velocity oo. Leb Ab 20: 3 the_ferpendiculer drat, » dhe faint Pty the diemeter po! Then NIA Called the Brycohbo of P on dine dlometec.— 8 ” Ad? mover along dre Cireu mpfereore a ouk_tne_gne Point 0 along tre Pe Nieves to.anddro 1 {_ _____|fe—in | ______ me —____Idlameber ocx! Tne mehion gf A! 4 i lo rs Catted tp be §-H. Hence SH-m™ _ rs dad tne Prpecboo. form RiacwWer cohen vfon @ dia meker 4 a Circle. Tre Rarkcle ie ic illed xejercoce fa rhile_and dhe Circle along rhich the ___Rarbile 0 revolves 1% Called Circle oy TYerence—___ =| Displacement 10 8:4: ~ a ¥ ____lconsidex a farnicte movigg io anb' —— —__aryular velocity V0 _aleng.a_ ciel ~ feadiuds A_and Center O.. Suppo: ee. E/ : ___t=0 the reestace. Ra fink A ‘Clockuailse direction Lith niger NA : tide neces ths ang hee. tidne a farkcle wcachesthe Pdr P Auchdhab (Pons Loh _ON _x%! | ___Cos (Lot +-sho) =O = oh — H Mnen os A Cos luah cho) 7 ais - then B= 1 miat (Ahr) Tne._}oke!_vaoxt doa e1o_movigg dine tbody drm mean Position mao tp clisflacement x fs non [dd = + fina = td a Sa a Tax’ voore. dene is Ainred a4 tne fblential energy tne fernicle Us Lket= 1 rpohx fiw | tors a a atm Areas? (vot +h) 7 tangy Akaey diflacemect x, ees Ninoy 9 |Acrmonic Pacitla a gh G bopy 1A given by. Baku tklaot) et nT lairecty. Gogo zone! _to_the ASuare of ibs Areqiren dire Propor dional He sneas 107.94 the Perbide. ——tuldtzecn's Grofortione! ty dine AQuare of [bs Vibrabing Amplitude... 9: |Shotnaka frkicle io Sinear SH tne. 2. vere fered y Ode i(Mahon equal& the auerye. foteottes en ergy over pe bame. Period: — __Ao._| Suppose. a_fasticle ef mans. executes S41 9 Period T iMe.disPlecemeat of tne farhicte ab any [obkank } 1% Ye AAIniot - ‘veloci ges = ht = LOA Cobtab. —_ Co aame yee bmah ay Bipryat —____Overyye FE. c aioe Sse ele bas ———— — Kav ot + kf = +: mt At to at. dd-* J ! sasctas F Lo eosaiot ate 2T = coe + Sina se = de T+ bin LT ey (vols 26) deol rant gee _ emia ‘: Syn =O fou =e a RS mata | 1s tobasat d = mista® f= Sinaer |? UT 2u Jo 4 Ce be mast [tz ee a) ometaft-o] . | mo A> uD UT £ ‘} u then Kav> Cp JOAciMabend& Due to Afriqg. Considers a. maoslers APF lying ona chiobers horizontal Hable Shs one. end 1 etlechet haa yyid Auppork.d. tye —§ Other_end toc body of mad 19,94 tne body ts Pullect trcnecld — right dnragn 4 bmeall distame and released ib AteobkA Dacillabies bate and gosta. about ths equilitarivem Position ander. —_____jtre_acion the meatmring dorce oy eladbci -——___ ! __Fe-kx. (ohese. is Mae force Canblenk of tne si. Tae nggakve [Ajyn—inditabes. drab bee. Jooce. in clleectect _oppoN cyto o¢-—___ ____t | —YaeX 1 hoe _ceceterbion oj te.-body ) —— c __ [5Prigy Connects! io Reralted ge ____llteb Ip and Ico be the ir Shy Conddank. Too dai Connerkedin farnttel._| Lek be the extention Arduceol_ja each btrs be. Fie erg and Fre =leag Tole Keatariny force 1 Reh eh, => Ueto) —kpy. : | rohere est es ois — | Frequency qt Vibrabeo 34 tne Gerallel Combioahioa 1s. Ne = ore ages Ne. arf a ary. — WD Siimgs Connected ja Aecied | Bn i ___ ber x, and x», be the exten son Perducect jo Hn haa _Afrigyd The. restoring force F achig 10 ty i pace ts Anme. ene Ry ees Ey ke. frequents of Orci Mabon ¢ the semen Combinahon fA. _ Where Ks + Ven ke f ks t Ney te—————_———. A ft TA — Morey Fie) 8. Teo masses —m_and_m_are. Auafindect Ingetner lay. ne tng ad dors Copdinnke—-tshee dngy ase 10 2 quit iss POAIBON,.M)_I4 Jeohly reerovesl__C wate he ek _— angular freq and dhs eael inde gf onsitiaben gf o> leek f theses shen ban ete, and 972 Gre, Auafendec|' tne) 20 . fz Cr tm.)g = ky. — 3 = Grjtm) & Ox E. _ j - let extention be! woken my i memoved Ym, e0- rags ky! oy yl = 2d ) Caltray wag re ee Ka 2. Yin ais at » hetttaben» |__Armp-ude A So — _ = — Angular pregs enc oa |. Ant foreach APdng P= —Ky, 0) vohere F = redlaring fore, Kx Shdeydavor Gad ___| Y= diettacement qj Hoe beige der the mans m Produce a _cdisllacement Y jo each sts lund F be. dhe. restord: » fore_in kach She. df Ky be toe dPsie5 Jator Y dre, Combined Aystem ofthe. Af= ly or Feo y =O On Comparing O_« nd B+ KseK or bys 2k. i 21 . TJS yj AS tn GY dnc Afsing I cloulble tne dis Placement y)_ ta be tne. Sfries Jacko G1 dine Combined Ayssern . theo, Fo -, Coy) ~—9by —@:- 1p Comparing Dand@. Drak Ox Icy = « - up The mars «1 Abreached de Pfr Asi and Compscnd tne Howser A0rig each Pogo. el ee F yo the —__| oc Slee B00 Ke Dede MOG gacior af ee Mamhined — akeen. tren - 2£=—fay or 2 —ke ¥ Cte - Ibn computing Dnnd @- NN ka ake - - tohak [4 the maximum extenhon ing_ jo dvag Rader. ws Jf the mas inl a) and the Hac maaser job) _ re. teleased ace. LShak 14 the feriod of ode/ taboo io re maximum extension fa each Cade pe no | | | [Sn Case (2) the, Cexiod. of oscislabion ‘A. =e BE | mm _ _ an Ceseth) the Alig Can be Considercel bo bee dividest ip dio equal halves and hs Cenker Can be. be qixed aaj b doesnot moves . lee I be orce __| nO Of Each half and 1! be tne extend et : : 5 . Toke! _extenddon- 22.2%! S f= EF Hence. ane Peri E we, oe _ _ night tata. to Cadelbd WA Le anf Or ET 96 FEE iden Ped APsingd Gh Aboot 14 igure — — A 42x ais 77_1& /susPaneles|_by tae oy vahen the tany JA Greased Blighty and - releqaed Sk excubes Sh-m. tail 4 L_tahak i Lox AHN oO: 4 a bloc 94 meas Mts Placestoo_th roy dhe Perio dot Sip.m.change bo! , tahab t's tne mars 9} bloc. __fop | les _c_be the gorce_Conabank 9 Cath Afsog, AS tne. 20 Pigs. are. _Coonected in Parallel Ao tne fosce Coostank Of tre Combinah'oo1a- eee _ kis kpig 2 Qh a 23 . UR [Novo Ts 6 J or els Te | lichen the lace. mens £71 laced! fo: the. fray dre ___| Feeiod gf ode) Habion bec n_becomes ls &n [Fm ve Shen at = [Em oe Meo (T= Jom m7 oT. (LOeight egg. ge Prachice, we joe coat bas leas brxing treo + z [=m fey] | Simple fend funn — Ao ides! KienP anise ipa Riek -mace Ausf Ioan. AAmple eadulum 1 0, —icepine ak any fosieok durigy 0tciabion «tne bab Jie ab —____fobition Athen is dis@lacemenk 1s perry pee ___logax_and tne dread makes aqeD- 1S =p Lolth the Varbie ev, Fne gore achgj 20} dhe hob axe. ¢ aa e bob doonward. Xe Kel ah asin 7y9_G-di td ] 1 loog fe. Abagy. ng mg bind ~ d the fore 9g had dino rachaggulas Comlonenk —___ 24 . —__| byt pe tcnajonT, oo Poe. Component PY CooP- akg ology the dhrcacl ts belaace — ance tll Fae tangenkal Com foneol 9941 nB(% the neh force aby. _ lon tne bob and tends tn brig jk beer fp tne mecn Foxion. —_____|Hus. ation dese 7 __ _- 2 ey ; >) ayo Bae oo ee dct Mobo. i at pp Dahan dn rte, force 215 b_frofostional in he_angularollsFlaceenert | However Jy 0 is do _dmall thak hs -hiyhee Cen be Yl is tne Denstn of Aienple Pendtal eR _ thus tne accelerapi of tne bole 14 Baportiooas to its displace. xa. ty fh. Hence Jor dmath Prcitlatocae Qh obo OF the bob yA Bidem. gt ree = LL Te aK ~ ah i = Frequenyy Y= t= | - _ A bienple. fend ula eae ej meas [1 i duspandent_ in a na Circular Re tre Penden —fn.— tine bebo} fendubum hed tise Gccelerahoas oy Centriperd Accelerahyn Ae => ach i Aor, zontally ay jaccelemabon due_to growipy =g—actias Wectically downvsards.. HPoen tne <4. ° a '* [Fee = [PE ae | time feriod T= a5 fi = oF AL, eecsnal ds Penduatueo_ts takeo joo Carriage . FY e ity an a e Cammioge moved Lite an_ acceleration rs or my Period _gf a fend udu + i x = (eo Ts aa fe G Fo Aecond. Geoduluce Tad ep? Gata _ ea a6 JE orn es, Tee W Lohen. ed doar a ac ft. 21 [oF gs PED tahen_dhe_Comrigge moven -horizeobalfy, both 9 arc @ ore _ a Trebstiom of a diP 0 a2 ahs aio.9f mars dee a ditite Qragy foc tne botfon ______lpsciate abauk the. dit. Deduce an_exfpression for the —_ ferlod of odci taboo 26 . Let tne 1 Cewhawa ef maa PT be ak fosisen ____| Rakany Insinat and / Ao 20 _|_—__\_w = _| Force achng 00 rick hers ah _ 1] Loe Mg ach dowdatcas ——Un|Fhe_ normal reece Ny tne Road asibon A || 97]gcas@ = Canbe xedslved oh d30 rachagylar Componcahs Ub M9 din8 = =F. 0. to =1yge Fos Smalt 0. ( Sn. OAR) = Sf ——ightse $= Be. Siod= @= ae naa : 8 Fs SPY Re y or Fy G Hence tne mots nie Riaanged YK Lol = foweConsbe nt XS kh. P18 oo ee. —_ lleme fenod T= ay = 26 [Ee _ __&_| lone end 9. 40 Ge, Contatnicg mencipy i Connected! be a , \d_the other ends Connected Ip the. alinosphere Ame demcace jh majntained betiacen tne dt90 _____ICalurons Shave tyedetohea the Auchan PumP j% removed, the Yautd_in te UO sube exeeaber Siem. a / Ax): SuPPohe, tre U- bube 94 dection 6) Conlained Liauid of deastiyy P veka -beyghr h __T_| Fra Facon_manso} Moe tiGuid [o_U- bebe, ____} pie x dents = Areaxheybl densi _ Axah xf 44 J ¢ Liiduid_to one are_ihelePrcased ly chidts ne. Nik ame_amounol jo dhe other aam . S<=—" & _ B. ‘ taut \ i Weighk = Maes Kg = pan erry _ Reshociag fore eee Fa vseigb s}. Aig Column of henry ee = AXAYX PJ == 2OfGy WWotube execube S:h:m. taitie dorce ConAlenh | k= 9Alg. __ | the Kime. Reriod i oo | sak fe. on [Meh og [ha Te JAAPG oe: bites clitogleg) te Alsat taltinl HGpA= ah _ OT. —__ ~ fe * - aE _.6 asin -vsere_c_homeye noe Sphere. gt radius Rand = LSE alge Aote_bor ough ths Cente, Shore thaka _ Ihady damped {obs IM execthe, 3:49 and ind is _ ____lime_fenioct- a Aa |liSuppose ads ms | L ___. rapped in nel and ik Wah | fair tia. belous tne durfac “| eae) b [nblenk, 5} 9! 1% JJ 7 ~~ fitederahoo dus: tegrauligy ab then: -deat-+)-a | poe aelance 9 oe rom the Center gj be Sant ___ Rad2¥ 62g --—-_________ 7 ficce—actpy on buch obo 68 — f= - _ Peavy | mat ee y Om ____|p gyative Ayn shows dnok dre dorce £ achs In tneofloshe— 28 . Atreehton 94 disPlacement. 9b acts douncrdd tne mean fosidion aud tne body Lolll exerube SH:m- loiingeme Conatanh - - ks Ma __ a Tne. femiad gf odcitla hao of tre body coitt be ee t.anfe = 26 fF — Atylinderical Peace. %} Come. ¢ axea A_and th of bade aca A_and tepghrh floats joo liguid of dennis Tre Cork. (A cleg Stighbly and then aeleaded Shown drab jne Cosine Mate VP And_dowon Simple harmonically coith a Rey eae [hf Wre-29tiLibrium foaihoo_a Fe ~ 9h yy Nleuid Colueno of Aejght Y | we hg —Argy Lek the. Corie be Atightly deg ¥ xy: Henan Core execute the S:H:m. wit, farce Conddant- 2 Arg. then dime. feriod - _ ~ fro an JAPK _ on [PA Ts tn [= arg a An_aic chamber 5 Voluee eM hes a_necie of ares yf Cross — eohon f). jot which a ball of mane 2 Can mave Laidour Yrichion , Shao dhak when tne balt_Preasecl_clovan diroygin same Hitence and eleq red. dhe ballexccuke i. Adsume [Pressure Volume Varlah'ond gf me Qi he be | {eodherrraf wy) ad Jabab _ 29 : ' Gs . [Sythe ball is dePrersed by cllddance.Y dhen dhe decrease _ -- in Volume. of air Jo dhe Chamber js DV = AY. in = DV AY ____NModume_Abralin, 8Y 2 _ ____t fy Prensure P14 applied dp dhe ball. dren hydeodtabic Sica =e. _ —_—|-Bulemoduluso} cladicily of air: b-—€ Ble px P= -EA _ avy AY Restocieg force f= A = —E4*. . a _____ or. ee — Fe Ko a _ Hence the. ball execute, & ihn dorce Conk - — wD | oe QOrre incinecmal_inen EP. [= ax_[wav Vea WD A ane_adtiababic_twen €2¥0 Fan Fos Free oascittahon— Ya body Cafable. gf oderttabon 1s | 2l\jbhly , dlslacest dover itd Podinon.9f equi'tibnum_and Jeph ba thse Jk Stars ~oACi Mabry. ith.4 dmequcnapy SEA a0. Such odciabens are Called free oAcidtahoo. __ = _|| Damped oAc tab'on’ !- The. OAcrHahoné ja: cohith ne — —__lamPlitude deeseose® gradually toidn.dne faargje of dine tere. Catted Damped odevUahona 30 . — Maintained odcidMebieos — HY han, osc abs dem .eneagy ||! @onbouaudly Supp ti ‘col drom_oubside_ab | tre. Agme rate Rt tohich dhe eneagy 1 bork ky Jk, Inen ibs amplitude Len be __limaindelned Condtant Such “ON Mahood are. Called Imeindained oAcifabsns. ___—||Porrect orci ttabions shen a_hody oAcitades under doe ippluenc. of an_extesmall Peiodic Jorte. ok halle {ts 0190 naburad frepuenty.. xterna) ferledic. force -ibS_caciMabond.ate_Inid te be — ported o&dciab'oos, The extemal agent! chs foe fewlod. ie. T eaiiochva ts Padicgl he Arte’ 99 Ayeeero. under Comidderahsn rds Caled the dn: Reacngnt Xi Mabbos and =csonance Baacisctilek Cape A forces! odciklebaor jo chi ucosy. of dhe. drtus dhe Aci ttabsre Shselp and the. -cunplitsacte of Odcit rye. Such ofo'eabood (Are_Caec) redcnanpeO~rg Nah ‘094_and_Phenomensd_/ Calleof Mebane Coup. i" OS digeen glean Bede - ied a ay 1 ml ge BLeneegh thers 1s Called.a Couple Odcittalprs Tire AuiMabood of Auth a hurtena are Colles! Couple o%Xttlahions. 31 .

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