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A capacitor is an electrical device which is used to store electrical energy in the same
way that a bucket is a container for storing water or a tank is a container for storing gas.
Each of these devices has fixed capacity which does not depend on the quantity to be
A system consisting of two conductors of any shape, called plates placed at some
separation constitutes a capacitor. When a capacitor is charged, its plates have equal
and opposite charges of +Q and –Q. The charge of capacitor means the charge on
positive plate. (Note that Q is not the net charge on the capacitor, which is zero). The
symbol that we use to represent a capacitor is .
Fig. 2.1 Capacitor
Fig. 2.1 shows a capacitor which consists of two conductors, isolated electrically from
each other having charges +Q and – Q.

We know that the potential of a charged conductor is proportional to the charge given to
it. Thus for any capacitor we can write
Q = CV
or C = Q/V
The proportionality constant C is called the capacitance of the capacitor. Its value
depends only on the shape and size of the conductors not on the charge or potential
difference. The SI unit of capacitance is coulomb/volt (C/V). It is called 1 farad (1F), a
unit in honour of Michael Faraday.
Why plates with opposite charges?
When a plate B is brought near a charged plate A, the near face of B will have an induce
charge (negative) and far face a positive charge. This negative charge tends to lower the
potential of A and the positive charge on B tends to raise it. The effect of these charges
on A nearly counteract each other, but the negative charge has little greater influence as
it is nearer to the plate A, thus lowers the potential of A. If the plate B is now earthed, the
positive charge on B disappears and negative charge does not go to the earth as it is
attracted by the positive charge on the plate A. Hence the potential of plate A is much
lowered due to the presence of the negative charge on plate B. Thus the potential of an
insulated charged plate be considerably decreased and hence its capacitance can be
(a) considerably increased when an earthed plate is brought near it.

1. By making such an arrangement of plates, the entire electric field and hence electric
potential energy resides only between the plates. This is the prime requirement of
the capacitor.
2. The plate B need not necessarily be earthed. The only requirement is that B must
have an equal and opposite charge.
3. Each isolated conductor has capacity, but it is not a capacitor.
(b) Uses of capacitors
Fig. 2.2 1. As we know that capacitor can be used for storing electrical energy. Energy
stored in a large capacitor is used to accelerate the electrons in a cyclotron.
2. Capacitors are very useful to reduce voltage fluctuations in electronic power
supplies, to transmit signals, to detect electro-magnetic oscillations at radio
frequencies and to other important electronic circuits.

Take a capacitor and connect it in an electric circuit with a battery. The energy provided
by the battery pulls the electrons from the plate A and send them to plate B of the
capacitor. Due to which positive charge on the plate A and negative charge on plate B
start increasing. As the plates become oppositely charged, the potential difference
between them increases until it equals the potential difference V between the terminals
of the battery. Then plate A and the positive terminal of the battery are at the same
potential, and there is no longer an electric field in the connecting wires. Similarly, plate
B and the negative terminal reach the same potential and there is then no electric field in
the wire between them. Thus, with the field zero, there is no further drive of electrons in Fig. 2.3
the connecting wires. The capacitor is then said to be fully charged, with a potential
difference V and charge Q.

Displacement current
During the charging process of the capacitor, there is an electric current through the
connecting wire due to the movement of electrons. This current is called conduction
current. According to Maxwell, there must be an equal amount of current between the
plates of the capacitor. This current which is due to changing electric field between the
plates of capacitor, is called displacement current (id). If is the charge density on the
plates of the capacitor, then the electric field between them is given by

E =

= 0 E
If A be the area of each plate, then charge on the plate,
q = A = 0 EA .

The displacement current, id =

d( 0 EA)

= 0 A

d e
= 0

dE d e
Thus id = 0 A 0 .
dt dt


Step I : First propose any charge Q on one of the plates of the capacitor.

Step II : Find potential difference between the plates of the capacitor, keeping
other plate earthed.

Step III : To find capacitance, use

C =
Capacitance of isolated spherical conductor
Consider a spherical conductor of radius R. It is given charge Q. The potential of its
1 Q
V =
4 0 R

Capacity C = =
V 1 Q
4 0 R
Fig. 2.4
or C = 4 0 R.
Radius of 1F isolated conductor
Putting C = 1F in above formula, we have
1 = 4 0 R

or R =
4 0
= 9 × 109 m.
This size is more than 1000 times the radius of the earth. Thus a capacitance of 1F in
practice is not possible.
Redistribution of charges
If a conductor of capacitance C1 at potential V1 be connected to another conductor of
capacitance C2 at potential V2, the charge flows from the conductor of higher potential
towards the conductor at lower potential until their potentials become equal. Thus common
Total charge
V =
total capacity
Q1 Q2
= C1 C2

C1V1 C2V2
or V = … (1)
C1 C2
Fig. 2.5
If Q '1 and Q '2 are the final charges on them, then
Q '1 = C1V and Q '2 = C2V

Q '1 C1
Q '2 = … (2)
Also Q '1 Q '2 = Q1 + Q2 … (3)
In the process of flowing of charge, there becomes loss of some electrical energy due to
the resistance of the flowing medium (wire) which will convert into heat and light. Thus:
Loss of electrical energy = Ui – Uf
1 1 1
or UL = C1V12 C2V22 C1 C2 V 2
2 2 2

C1C2 (V1 V2 )2
UL = … (4)
2(C1 C2 )
If a conductor of capacitance C1 and charge Q is connected to an uncharged conductor
of capacitance C2, then

V = ,
(C1 C2 )

Q 2 C2
and UL =
C1 (C1 C2 )
Analogy with mechanical device
When two containers having different levels of water are connected by a pipe, water
flows from the container having higher level towards the container having water at lower
level, until levels in both the containers become equal.
After redistribution, the container of larger capacity will have large amount of water.
Here also some part of mechanical energy will convert into heat by the friction (resistance)
of the connecting pipe.

Fig. 2.6
Ex. 1 Two conductors carrying equal and opposite charges Sol. The potential difference between the conductors is given by
produce a non-uniform electric field as shown in fig. 2.7. What is
the capacitance of the capacitor if the electric field along y-axis
varies as V = VA – VB = E dy
E = (1 by 2 ) d
0A Q
= (1 by 2 )dy
where b is a constant. The separation between conductors along 0 0 A
y-axis is d.
Q by 3
= y
0 A 3 0

Q bd 3
= d
0 A 3

Qd bd 2
= 1
0 A 3

Q 0 A
The capacitance C = = . Ans.
V 2
d 1 bd
Fig. 2.7 3


It consists of two metallic plates of any shape but of equal size and placed at some
separation. This constitutes a parallel plate capacitor. Suppose a charge Q is given to
plate A; it will induce a charge – Q to the other plate B, which is earthed. If d is the
separation between the plate, then potential difference between the plates
V = E d.
Here E = . If A is the area of each plate, then = .
0 A
(Q / A)d
V =

Capacitance C =
0 A Fig. 2.8
or C = . … (1)
Effect of dielectric
Above obtained expression for the capacitance holds only when the plates are in vacuum
or air. Michael Faraday, first investigated and found that, when a conductor is charged in
the presence of dielectric, the charge on the conductor
[Q]in dielectric medium = k[Q]air, keeping V constant.

Thus [C]in dielectric medium = k[C]air … (2)

If there are n identical plates at equal distances from each other and the alternate plates
are connected together, then the capacitance of the arrangement will be C = (n – 1)

0 A
Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor with a compound
On introduction of dielectric in the space between the plates of a capacitor, there is
decrease in the potential difference between the plates. The potential difference between
the plates
V = Vair + Vmed
= Eair (d – t) + E med t

= (d t) t
0 k 0

Capacity C = =
V t
(d t)
0 k 0

0 A
or C =
(d t )
Fig. 2.9 Other cases :
A 0
1. If a metal slab is introduced, then k = and C = .
(d t )
2. On introducing the dielectric slab, the potential difference between the plates
falls and the capacity is increased. Hence to have the same capacity as before, we
must increase the distance between the plates by
k 1
x = t.
3. If there are two dielectrics k1 and k2 of thickness t1 and t2 respectively, then
0 A
C =
t1 t2
d (t1 t2 )
k1 k2
4. If dielectrics k1, k2, .... of thickness t1, t2, .... respectively are filled the space
between the plates, then

0 A
C =
t1 t2 tn
k1 k2 kn
5. If unequal charges are placed on the plates, then charge on the right face of the
plate A
Q1 Q2
QA =
VAB = Ed

= d

(Q A / A)
= d
0 Fig. 2.10
Q1 Q2
or VAB = d
2 0 A
Capacitance does not depend on the charges, and so it remains constant.
Leakage current
Dielectric is not a perfectly insulating material. So when the space between the plates is
completely filled with a dielectric, there flows some charge through the dielectric medium.
The flow of charge per unit time through a dielectric medium is called leakage current.
Consider a dielectric of constant k and resistivity . The capacitance
k 0 A
C =
and resistance R =
If V is the potential difference between the plates of capacitor, then current
i =
R Fig. 2.11
= d d

V k 0 A VC
k 0 d k 0

or i =
k 0

When we stretch the spring, the elastic potential energy will store in the spring. On the
similar way, when we charge the capacitor, an electric potential energy stores in it. This
energy can be recovered if the capacitor is allowed to discharge. If the charging is done
by a battery, the electrical energy is stored at the expense of chemical energy of the
battery. In charging the capacitor the work is done by the external agent against the
repulsion of the charge which has already gone to the capacitor. This work done will
store in terms of electrical potential energy.
Suppose at any time t, charge q has gone to the capacitor. If C is the capacitance, then
v = .
If dq amount of charge is brought against the repulsion, then work done
dW = vdq = dq
Total work done in charging the capacitor to a charge Q
W = dW dq
or W =
Q2 1 1 Q
Energy stored in the capacitor U = QV CV 2 V ....(1)
2C 2 2 C
This relation is analogous to the elastic potential energy stored in the spring i.e.,
1 2
U kx .
Consider a parallel plate capacitor of area A and plate separation d. The electric field is
uniform in the region between the plates and the fringing effects are neglected. Energy
stored in the capacitor
U = CV 2
1 A
2 d
1 V
= 0 Ad
2 d
or U = 0 E 2 × volume ...(2)
U 1
or = 0 E2
volume 2
or u = 0 E E ...(3)
If the capacitor is filled with a dielectric of constant k, then
u = k 0 E2 ...(4)

1. Above relations are derived for a parallel plate capacitor, but they are true for
others also. If electric field E is not uniform in the total volume, then we can write

U = k 0 E 2 d vol
2. If a battery is used to charge the capacitor, and Q is the charge delivered by it,
then work done by the battery
W = VQ.
But the energy stored in the capacitor
U = QV Fig. 2.12
1 1
The remaining energy = VQ QV QV is lost as heat and light. Thus we
2 2
can write
Wexternal source = 2 U.


Method I :Consider a parallel plate capacitor with plate area A. Suppose a charge Q is
given to one plate and –Q to the other plate. The force on plate B due to plate A (or vice-
The electric field at the position of plate B due to the plate A is

EA =
2 0 2 0 A
Fig. 2.13
2 0 A

or FBA = FAB = F ...(1)
2 0 A

If E is the electric field between the plates, then

E =
0 0 A

F = 0 E2 A ...(2)
Method II :The expression for the force can also be derived by energy method. Suppose
F is the force of attraction between the plates. If x is the separation between the plates,
U = 0 E 2 ( Ax)
dU 1
and = 0 E2 A
dx 2
By the definition F =
Fig. 2.14
1 2
= 0 E A

1. For isolated capacitor with constant charge, F = . This force does not
2 0 A
depend on the separation between the plates, and so the constant amount of force
is needed.
2. For a capacitor having constant p.d. across the plates, the force
2 2
CV 0 A V2 1 V2
F = 0 A
2 0 A d 2 0 A 2 d2
In this case force depends on the separation (d) between the plates. Thus if we
change the separation now, the variable force is needed.
Ex. 2 A capacitor has square plates, each of side a making an Sol.
angle with each other as shown in fig. 2.15. Show that for small , Method I : Charge on the smaller sphere
the capacitance C is given by
Q1 = 4 R2 4 R2
0a2 a
C = 1 . Charge of the bigger sphere
d 2d
Q2 = 4 2R 16 R 2

If Q '1 and Q '2 are the charges after connected them, then
Q '1 + Q '2 = Q1 + Q2
= 4 R2 + 16 R2
or Q '1 + Q '2 = 20 R2 ...(i)
There potential becomes equal, and so

1 Q '1 1 Q '2
4 R = 4 2R
0 0

or Q'2 = 2Q'1 ...(ii)

Fig. 2.15 Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get
20 2
The given capacitor may be supposed to be made up of large number of Q '1 = R
differential capacitors. Consider one such capacitor of width dx at a 3
distance x from O. The area of the element capacitor dA = adx. If d' is the
40 2
separation between the plates at the position of element, then and Q '2 = R
d' = d x tan d x
The capacitance of the element Surface density of bigger sphere

0 dA 0 adx 40 2
dC = R
d' d x Q '2 3
'2 = 2 2
4 2R 4 2R
0 adx
dC =
x 5
d 1
d = Ans.
1 Method II :After connection, the common potential
0 x
= adx 1
d d Q1 Q2
V = C1 C2
0 x
= adx 1
d d 20 R 2
= 4 R 4 2R
0 0
0 x
The total capacitance C = adx 1
d d 5 R
3 0
0 a x2
= x The new charge on bigger sphere
d d 2
Q '2 = C2V 4 2R
0 a a2 0
3 0
= a
d 2d
40 2
= R . Ans.
= 0a2 a . 3
d 2d
Ex. 4 Two parallel plate condensers A and B having capacitances
Ex. 3 Two isolated metallic solid spheres of radii R and 2R are of 1 F and 5 F are charged separately to the same potential of
charged such that both of these have same charge density . The 100V. Now the positive plate of A is connected to the negative plate
spheres are located far away from each other, and connected by a of B and negative plate of A to the positive plate of B. Find the final
thin conducting wire. Find the new charge density on the bigger charge on each condenser and total loss of electrical energy in the
sphere. condensers.
Sol. Ex. 5 A conductor is charged from an electrophorous by repeated
The charge on condenser A, contacts with a plate which after each contact is recharged with a
Q1 = C1V 1 10 6
100 quantity Q of electricity from the electrophorous. If q1 is the charge
of the conductor after the first operation, calculate the ultimate
= 6
100 10 C charge.
The charge on condenser B,
6 Sol.
Q2 = C2V 5 10 100
Method I :Suppose C1 and C2 are the capacitances of conductor and
= 500 10 6 C electrophorous respectively. On the first contact, the charge taken by the
conductor is q, and the charge left on electrophorous plate is Q – q1.
Since in contact, the potentials become equal, so

Q q1 q1
C2 = C1
Fig. 2.16
If V is the common potential of the plates, then QC1
or q1 =
Q1 Q2 C1 C2
V = C1 C2
In the second contact, let q2 be the charge taken up by the conductor,
100 10 6
500 100 6 then q1 + q2 becomes the total charge over the conductor and the charge
= 6 6 left over C2 is Q – q2. Again
1 10 5 10
200 Q q2 q1 q2
or |V| = V =
3 C2 C1
If Q '1 and Q '2 are the charges after connection, then
200 q12
Q '1 = C1V 1 10 6
q1 C12
3 or q2 =
C1 C2
2 Q
= C
6 200 Similarly the charge on the conductor on the third contact is and so
and Q '2 = 5 10 Q
on. Hence the ultimate charge
= C Ans.
q12 q13
Initial energy on the condensers qmax = q1 ........
1 1
Ui = C1V12 C2V22
2 2
1 1 = . Ans.
= 10 6
100 2
5 10 6
100 2 Q q1
2 2
= 0.03 J
q1 C1
1 Method II :We have got =
Final energy Uf = C1 C2 V 2 Q q1 C2
2 Let qmax be the maximum charge which can be given to the conductor.
1 6 6 200
= 10 5 10 When potential of conductor becomes equal to the potential of the
2 3
electrophorous plate, thereafter no charge flows between them, so
0.04 VPlate = VConductor
= J
0.04 Q qmax
Loss in electrical energy = 0.03 C2 = C1

= J. Ans. C1 q1Q
3 qmax = Q . Ans.
C2 Q q

In some circuits, there are many capacitors connected together, we can sometimes replace
that combination with an equivalent capacitor. Here we are discussing two basic
combinations of capacitors.

Capacitors in series
Fig. 2.17 shows three capacitors connected in series with a battery. In series means that
the capacitors are connected by a wire and there is no other way of flowing of charge.
When a potential V is applied across them, the same amount Q of charge will appear on
each of the capacitor. The sum of the potential differences across all the capacitors is
equal to the applied potential difference V. Thus, if V1, V2 and V3 are the potential
differences across the capacitors C1, C2 and C3 respectively, then

V = V1 + V2 + V3.

Here V1 , V2 and V3 . If Ceq is the equivalent capacitance, then
Fig. 2.17 C1 C2 C3
V = Q/C.

= C1 C2 C3

1 1 1 1
or Ceq = C1 C2 C3 ...(1)

For n-capacitors, we can write

1 1
= Ci ...(2)
Ceq i 1

Capacitors in parallel
Fig. 2.18 shows three capacitors are connected in parallel with a battery. In parallel
connection, one plate of all the capacitors are connected to the wire through the positive
terminal of the battery and similarly second plates are connected together through negative
terminal of the battery. Thus, each capacitor in parallel has the same potential difference
V, which produces charge on the capacitor. If Q1, Q2 and Q3 are the charges on the
capacitors C1, C2 and C2 respectively, then
Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3.
Here Q1 = C1V, Q2 = C2V and Q3 = C3V. If Ceq is the equivalent capacitance, then total
charge Q = Ceq V.
or Ceq V = C1V + C2V + C3V
Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3 ...(3)
Fig. 2.18
For n-capacitors, we can write Ceq = Ci ...(4)
i 1
Ex. 6 Calculate the capacitance of a parallel plate condenser, The capacitance C of a condenser without dielectric is
with plate area A and distance between plates d, when filled with a 0 A
C' =
dielectric whose dielectric constant varies as : d
d According to the given condition
(x) = 0 + x 0< x< C = 2 C'
1 1
d or =
C 2C '
(x) = 0 + d– x , < x <d.
For what value of would the capacity of the condenser twice that 0 d
2 2
when it is without any dielectric ? or n =
A 2 A
Sol. 0 0

4 0
or = 0 n 2 . Ans.
d 0

Ex. 7 Calculate the capacitance of a capacitor filled with two

dielectrics of same dimensions but of dielectric constant k1 and k2

Fig. 2.19
The given capacitor is equivalent to two condensers in series. If C1 and
C2 are their capacities, then

1 1 Fig. 2.20
= dC1 dC2 ...(i) Sol.
Take an element of width dx at a distance x from the left plate. Its (a) The arrangement can be assumed as two capacitors in parallel. If d
is the separation and A is the area of each plate, then each capacitor
0 x A will occupy area . If C1 and C2 are the respective capacitances,
dC1 = x d /2 2
d x A d C = C1 + C2
and dC2 = x d
dx 2 A A
0 k1 0 k2
Substituting these values in equation (i), we have 2 2
d d
1 2 d
1 dx dx k1 k2 A
= 0
C A x d x = . Ans.
0 0 d 0 2d
(b) This arrangement can be assumed as two capacitors in series. Each
d d d
1 capacitor will be of area A and separation . If C1 and C2 are their
= n 0 x 2 n 0 d x d 2
A 0
respective capacitances, then
1 d d 1 1 1
= A n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 =
2 2 C C1 C2

2 d d d
= n 0 n 0 2 2
A 2 =
0 k1 A 0 k2 A
2 0
2 2 0 A k1k2
= n Ans. or C =
A 0 d k1 k 2 . Ans.
Ex. 8 A capacitor is formed by two square metal-plates of edge
a 2 k1k2 a a
a, separated by a distance d. Dielectrics of dielectric constant k 1 = ln ln
d k1 k2 k2 k1
and k2 are filled in the gap shown in fig. 2.21. Find the capacitance.

0a 2 k1k2 k1
= n Ans.
d k1 k2 k2

Ex. 9 A parallel plate capacitor is constructed using three

different dielectric materials as shown in fig. 2.22. The parallel
plates across which a potential difference is applied are of area A
and are separated by a distance d. Find the capacitance across A
and B.

Fig. 2.21
Take a small element of the plate of length dx at a distance x from the left
end of the plate. If t1 and t2 are the thicknesses of the dielectrics of k1 and
k2 respectively, then
Fig. 2.22
d a x xd
t1 =
and t2
a Sol.
If C1, C2 and C3 are the capacitances of the parts with dielectrics 2k, 4k
The capacitance of element capacitor and k respectively, then
0 dA A
dC = 2k
t1 t2 0
2 2k 0 A
C1 = C
k1 k2 d d
0 adx
= A
d a x xd 4k 0
2 4k 0 A
k1a k2 a C2 = 2C
d d
0 a2 dx
= k A 2k A
d a x x 0 0
and C3 = C
d d
k1 k2
Here C1 and C2 are in parallel and C3 in series with them, so
0a2 dx
The total capacitance C = 1 1 1
d a x x =
0 C AB C1 C2 C3
k1 k2
1 C1 C2 C3
a C AB = C1 C 2 C3
0a dx
d a k1 k2 C 2C C 4C
x =
k1 k1k 2 C 2C C 3C 2

a =
a k k 3C
n x 1 2
0 a2 k1 k1k 2
3 3 2k 0 A
= d k1 k 2 or C AB = C
4 4 d
k1k 2
0 3 k 0 A
= Ans.
2 d
0a 2 k1k2 a k1 k2 a Ex. 10 Find the capacitance of the following combinations
= n a n
d k1 k2 k1 k1k2 k1 between A and B. Area of the each plate is A and separation between
nearest two plates is d.
(a) A and B are connected to the positive and negative terminals of the
battery. The charge appear on the plates are shown in figure. The
equivalent arrangement of the plates is shown in figure (a). There
forms three capacitors.

Fig. 2.23
Sol. Fig. 2.27
When A and B are connected to the positive and negative terminals of the If C is the capacitance of the each capacitor then
battery respectively, the charges will appear on them as :
2C C 2C
C AB =
2C C 3

2 0 A
3 d
(b) The equivalent arrangement of the plates is shown in figure (b).
There forms three capacitors. If C is the capacitance of each
capacitor, then

C 3C
C AB = C
2 2

Fig. 2.24 3 0 A
= Ans.
(a) It is clear from the figure that there forms two capacitors which are 2 d

0 A Ex. 12 Five identical conducting plates 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are fixed

in parallel. Thus CAB= 2C = 2
d parallel to and equidistant from each other as shown in fig. 2.28.
Plates 2 and 5 are connected by a conductor while 1 and 3 are joined
by another conductor. The junction of 1 and 3 and the plate 4 are
connected to a source of constant emf V0. Find :
(i) The effective capacity of the system between the terminals of
the source.
(ii) The charge on plates 3 and 5.
Given d = distance between any two successive plates and A =
area of either face of each plate.
Fig. 2.25

0 A
(b) There are three capacitors in parallel. Thus CAB = 3C = 3
Ex. 11Four identical metal plates are located in air at equal
distance d from one another. The area of each plate is equal to A.
Find the capacitance of the system between points A and B if the
Fig. 2.28
plates are interconnected as shown in fig. 2.26.

Note: In solving this type of problem, first mark the charges on the
plates. It should be remembered that :
(i) The plate/plates connected to the positive terminal of the battery
will have net positive charge and similarly for the negative terminal.
(ii) The plate/plates which are not connected to any terminal of the
battery will have induced charge. The net induced charge of the
Fig. 2.26
plates together must be zero.
Sol. The charge on plate 4 : Q 4 = – (Q34 + Q54)

The equivalent arrangement of the plates is shown in Fig. 2.29. From 2CV0
= – CV0
these five plates, there forms four identical capacitors. These are C12, 3

0A 5CV0 5 AV0
C32, C34 and C54. The capacitance of each capacitor C = . = – – 0
d 3 3d
The charge on plate 5 : Q 5 = + Q54
2CV0 2 0 AV0
= Ans.
3 3d
Ex. 13 The distance between the parallel plates of a charged
condenser is d = 5 cm and the intensity of the field E = 300 V/cm. A
slab of dielectric constant k = 5 and 1 cm wide is inserted parallel to
the plates. Determine the potential difference between the plates,
before and after the slab is inserted. If the slab is replaced by a
metal plates so th at the final potential difference remains
Fig. 2.29
unchanged, what be the thickness of the plate ?
Capacitors C12 and C32 are in parallel and so their capacitance becomes
2C. Now 2C is in series with capacitor C54, and so equivalent capacitance Sol.
Potential difference across the plates of condenser without slab
becomes . And this now is in parallel with C34. Thus effective V = Ed = 300 5 1500 V
capacitance between the terminals becomes A
0 0 A
and C =
2C 5C d 0.05
C eq = C
3 3 After the slab is inserted, the capacitance

0 A
C' = t
d t

0 A 0 A
= 0.01 0.042
0.05 0.01
If V' is the p.d. now, then for isolated condenser
C V = C' V'
Fig. 2.30
Charge on the capacitor C34 : 0 A 1500
Q 34 = CV0. CV 0.05
V' =
Charge on the capacitors C54, C12 and C32 : C' 0 A
Q 54 = V0
3 = 1260 V Ans.
This charge equally divided on to C12 and C32, so Let x be the thickness of the metal plate. Now the capacitance

CV0 0 A
Q 12 = Q32 = Q C '' =
3 0.05 x

CV0 If V" is the p.d. now, across the condenser, then

The charge on plate 1 : Q 1 = + Q12 = + C'' V '' = C V
The charge on plate 2 : Q 2 = – (Q12 + Q32)
0 A
CV0 AV0 CV 0.05
= 2 2 0 V '' =
3 3d C '' 0 A
0.05 x
The charge on plate 3 : Q 3 = + (Q32 + Q34) = CV0
3 0.05 x
or 1260 = 1500
4 4 0 AV0
= CV0 After simplifying, we get x = 0.8 cm Ans.
3 3 d
It consists of two concentric conducting shells. Let a and b are the radii of the shells
(b > a). If charge Q is given to the inner shell, an induce charge-Q will appear on the inner
surface of the outer shell. Its outer surface is earthed. We know that the electric field
inside the inner shell is zero and between the shells it is due to the charge of inner shell.
Thus electric field at a distance r from the centre of the shells,
1 Q
E = ( a < r < b)
4 0 r2
The p.d. between inner and outer shells,
V = Va Vb Edr Fig. 2.31
b b
= Q dr
4 0 a r2

Q 1 1
= 4 a b

Capacitance C =
Q 1 1
4 0 a b

or C = 4 0 .
b a
Capacity of an earthed sphere enclosed by a concentric
spherical shell
Let a is the radius of the sphere and b and c are the inner and outer radius of the shell.
Suppose the charge Q is given to the outer shell B and the induced charge on the inner
sphere is –Q1. Thus + Q1 charge will appear on the inner face of the shell B and remaining
charge Q – Q1 will appear on its outer surface. In this way the system works as the
combination of two capacitors :
(i) that between sphere A and the inner surface of shell B, with capacitance
C1 = 4 0
b a
(ii) and between outer surface of shell B and infinity, with capacitance
C2 = 4 0 c
Total capacity C = C1 + C2
Fig. 2.32
= 4 0 c
b a
Special cases :
ab b2
1. For thin shell c b, C= 4 0 b 4
b a 0
b a
2. As sphere A is earthed, so VA = 0,
1 Q1 Q
or 4 a b = 0

Q1 = Q.
Ex. 14Three concentric thin spherical shells are of radii a, b,
c (a < b < c). The first and third are connected by a fine wire through
a small hole in the second and the second is connected to earth
through a small hole in the third. Show that the capacity of the

ab c2
condensers so formed is 4 0
b a c b

If charge Q is given to the outer most shell C, then some of the charge will Fig. 2.34
go to the outer surface of the shell A because they are connected together The given capacitor is equivalent to two capacitors of capacitances
by a wire. The charge Q1 on the inner shell will induce a charge – Q1 on C1 and C2 in series, where
the inner surface of the shell B and + Q1 on its outer surface. Shell C also ac
induces the shell B, so net charge on its outer surface becomes different C1 = 4 0 k
c a
from Q1, let it becomes + Q2. Thus charge on inner surface of shell C
becomes – Q2. In this way three condensers are formed, one by the outer bc
surface of A and inner surface of B, second by the outer surface B and and C2 = 4 0
b c
inner surface of C and the third by the outer surface of C and infinity. If If C is the total capacitance, then
C1, C2 and C3 are their respective capacities, then
1 1 1
C C1 C2
or C =
C1 C2
On substituting and simplifying, we get

k abc
C = . Ans.
ka b c b c a
Ex. 16 If half the space between two concentric conducting
spheres be filled with dielectric of dielectric constant k and the rest
Fig. 2.33 is filled with air. Show that the capacitance of the capacitor thus
ab formed will be same as if the whole part is filled with the dielectric
C1 = 4 0 ,
b a 1
of dielectric constant 1 k .

C2 = 4 0
bc Sol.
c b Suppose is the charge density on the inner sphere and air in between
the spheres of radii a and b. The p.d. between them
and C3 = 4 0 c
The total capacity C = C1 + C2 + C3

ab bc
= 4 0 c
b a c b

ab c2
= 4 0
b a c b

Ex. 15 (a) Find the capacitance of spherical capacitor having

concentric shells of radii a and b (b > a). The space between the
shells is completely filled by a dielectric of constant k. Fig. 2.35
(b) If dielectric is filled upto radius c (a < c < b) between the
Q 1 1
sh e l ls . V = Va Vb
4 a b
Sol. 0

(a) When the space between the shells is completely filled by a 4 a2 1 1 a2 1 1

dielectric, its capacitance =
4 0 a b 0 a b
C = 4 0 k
b a Q ab
Capacitance C = 4 0
V b a
and half with air then in order to maintain the same potential difference
1 between the spheres, the surface charge density over one half of the inner
When the medium is filled with dielectric of constant 1 k , its
2 sphere will become k and over the other half remains . Thus
capacitance becomes
C '' = Total charge 2 a2 k 2 a2
1 k ab p.d. a2 1 1
C' = 4 0
2 b a 0 a b

1 k ab 1 k ab
4 = 4 0
= 0 2 b a
2 b a
= C '.
Now if half the space is filled with dielectric of dielectric constant k


It consists of two co-axial long cylindrical conductors. Let a and b be the radii of inner
and outer cylinders respectively.
If charge Q is given to the inner cylinder, an induced charge –Q will appear on the inner
surface of the outer cylinder. The outer cylinder is earthed. Suppose length of the cylinder
which is obviously be the length of the capacitor is . The electric field between the
cylinders is due to the charge of the inner cylinder. If is the charge per unit length of
the cylinder, then electric field at a radial distance r from the axis of the cylinder is

E = 2 r
Potential difference between the cylinders

V = Va – Vb = – Edr
b Fig. 2.36

= Edr
2 0 r

= n
2 0 a
The capacitance C =

2 0 a

2 0
or C = .
Capacitance between two long parallel conductors
Let be the charge per unit length on each conductor. Thus for a conductor of length ,
charge Q = . Consider a point P at a distance x from the axis of conductor A. Electric
field at P
E = EA + EB

= 2 x 2 d x
0 0 Fig. 2.37

1 1
= 2 x d x
Potential difference between the conductors
d r

V = VA – VB = Edx

d r
1 1
= dx
2 0 x d x

d r
= nx n d x
2 r

= n d r nr nr n d r
2 0

d r
= n
0 r

Capacitance C =
V d r

or C =
d r

Work done in inserting a dielectric slab between the plates of

the capacitor
Consider a capacitor of capacitance C and charged to a potential V. The charge on the
capacitor is Q = CV. The energy stored U CV 2 . Let V , Q and U are the corresponding
values when dielectric is inserted between the plates.
Case 1 :After charging the capacitor, battery is disconnected and dielectric is inserted
between the plates, then
Q = Q
C = kC Fig. 2.38
Q' Q V
V =
C' kC k
1 1 V 1 CV 2
U = C 'V '2 kC
2 2 k 2 k
Fig. 2.39
Thus work done W = U f Ui U' U

1 CV 2 1
= CV 2
2 k 2

1 1
= CV 2 1
2 k
1 k 1
CV 2
2 k
Case 2 :After charging the capacitor, if battery remain connected, then
V = V
C = kC
Q = C V = kCV = kQ
1 1
U = C 'V '2 kC V 2
2 2
= kU
The work done W = U f Ui U' U
= CV 2 k 1
Ex. 17A capacitor consists of two stationary plates shaped as a dU d 1
= CV 2
semicircle of radius R and a movable plate made of dielectric with d d 2
relative permittivity and capable of rotating about an axis O
between the stationary plates (figure). The thickness of the movable V 2 dC
plate is equal to d which is practically the separation between the =
2 d
stationary plates. A potential difference V is applied to the capacitor.
Find the magnitude of the moment of forces relative to the axis O V2 d R2 R2
0 0
acting on the movable plate in the position shown in the figure. =
2 d 2d 2d
The area of dielectric which is out of plates is V2 R2 1 R2
0 0
R R R 2 2d 2d
= (Assuming a triangle of small )
2 2
1 0 R 2V 2
= . Ans.
Ex. 18 The gap between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor
is filled with isotropic dielectric whose permittivity varies linearly
from 1 to 2 2 1 in the direction perpendicular to the plates.
Fig. 2.40
The area of each plate is equal to S, the separation between the
The area of dielectric inside the plates is
plates is equal to d. Find the capacitance of the capacitor.

R2 R2 R2 Sol.
2 2 2 The value of permittivity of the medium at a distance x from left plate
The capacitance of the system 2 1
x 1 x . The potential difference between the plates
C = C1 + C2 d

R2 d
0 V = E dr
2 0 R2
= d 2d
Because of charges on the plates of capacitor, the charge will induce on d
the dielectric. Due to which it experience a force towards the plates dx
which constitutes a torque about O. Let this torque rotates the dielectric =
0 x
by d , the work done by the field
dW = –dU = d d
dU 2 1
= 0
1 x
d d

1 d
where U = C V2 n 2
2 = Fig. 2.41
0 2 1 1
Q Sol.
Therefore capacitance C =
In series connection, the charge across each capacitor is equal, and so if
S V1, V2 and V3 are their potentials then
d 2 C1V1 = C2V2 ...(i)
0 2 1 1 C2V2 = C3V3 ...(ii)

2 1 0 S and V1 + V2 + V3 = 11000 ...(iii)

= . Ans.
d n 2 Substituting and solving above equations, we get
V1 = 6000 V,
Ex. 19 Find the capacitance of a system of two identical metal V2 = 3000 V
balls of radius a if the distance between their centres is equal to b,
with b>>a. The system is located in a uniform dielectric with and V3 = 2000 V
permittivity . So, it is not possible to give 11000 V without puncture of any of the
Sol. capacitors, because V1 > 4000V.
Suppose the charges q and – q are imparted to the balls. Then
Ex. 21Fig. 2.43 given below shows two identical parallel plate
capacitors connected to a battery with switch S closed. The switch is
now opened and the free space between the plates of capacitors is
filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant 3. What will be the
ratio of total electrostatic energy stored in both capacitors before
and after the introduction of the dielectric.

Fig. 2.42
V1 = Vball – V = V

V2 = Vball – V = – V
The potential difference between the balls
V1 – V2 = 2 V Fig. 2.43
b a Sol.
= 2 Edr Both the capacitors are in parallel across the source. Therefore p.d.
across each is V.
= 2
1 1
b a Ui = CV 2 CV 2
1 q q 1 1 2 2
dr = = CV2
4 0 r2 2 0 a b a
When switch is opened and dielectric is inserted between the plates of
capacitors, the capacitance of each is increased to kC while their potentials
q b 2a
= V
2 0 a b a become V and .
Hence, the required capacitance is
q q 1 1 V
C = Uf = kC V 2 kC
V1 V2 q b 2a 2 2 k
2 0 a b a k 1
= CV 2
2 2k
2 0 a b a
= 1 1
b 2a Ui
Now =
Uf k 1 3 1
For b > > a, we can write
2 2k 2 2 3
C 2 0 a. Ans.
Ex. 20Three capacitors of capacitances 0.002, 0.004 and 0.006 = . Ans.
F are connected in series. 5
Can a potential of 11,000 V be applied to this battery ? What voltage Ex. 22 Find the steady state charge on the capacitor in the
will be received by each capacitor in the battery. The puncture circuit shown in fig. 2.44.
voltage of each capacitor is 4000 V.
Suppose charge on left face of B is q1, then right face has charge
Q – q1. The charges on other plates are shown in figure. The
plates A and C are connected each other, and so the net induced
charge on them will be zero.
(q2 – q1) + q3 – (Q – q1)= 0
or q2 + q3 = Q ...(i)
Fig. 2.44 Since A and C are at same potential
Sol. Capacitor after charging stops the current. Therefore there VB – VA = VB – VC
is no current in the arm of capacitor. The entire current will pass or E1 a = E2 b
through resistor R1. Q q1
a = b
A 0 A 0
i =
R1 r
Since there is no current in R2, therefore no p.d. across it. The p.d. or q1 = ...(ii)
a b
across capacitor is equal to p.d. across R1. i.e.,
Electric field due to all the charges inside any plate (say C) is zero.
V = iR1 = R1 Therefore
R1 r
q2 q1 q1 Q q1 q1 Q q3
C R1 2 0 A 2 0 A 2 0 A 2 0 A 2 0 A 2 0 A
Charge on capacitor q = CV = Ans.
R1 r After simplifying, we get
q2 = q3 ...(iii)
Ex. 23 Three identical metallic plates are kept parallel to Solving equations (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
one another at a separation of a and b. The outer plates are
connected by a thin conducting wire and a charge Q is placed on q1 = Qb
the central plate. Find final charges on all the six plate's surfaces. a b

q2 =
q3 =
The charges on all the six faces of the plates are as :

(a) (b)
Fig. 2.45

Fig. 2.46

(a) Polar dielectrics :
Molecule of dielectric material has permanent dipole moment ( P ) in the absence
of electric field,is known as polar dielectric molecules. But the dipole moments of
molecules of substance are randomly oriented, and in the absence of field their (a)
net dipole moment is zero. Example : H2O, NH3, HCl etc.
(b) Non-Polar dielectrics :
Molecule of dielectric has zero dipole moment in its normal state is called non-
polar dielectric. Example : O2, N2 etc.
Polarisation of dielectrics (b)
When a dielectrics is placed in an electric field, dipole moment induces in each part of it. Fig. 2.47

This is called polarisation. The polarisation P is defined as the dipole moment per unit
volume. Figure shows a dielectric placed in uniform field. Because of it, an induced
charge will appear on the faces of the dielectric, which constitute a dipole moment.
dipole moment
P =
Q' Q'
= '
Dielectric strength and dielectric breakdown
If high electric field is applied across a dielectric, then electrons get separate from
molecules and dielectric behaves like a conductor. This is known as dielectric breakdown.
The maximum value of electric field that a material can withstand without breakdown is
(b) called dielectric strength. Its SI unit is V/m.
Fig. 2.48 Dielectric strength of air is E0 = 3 106 V / m at one atmosphere.
The maximum charge the sphere of radius 1m can have
1 Qmax
E0 = 4 0 R2
or 3 106 = 9 109
1 3
which gives Qmax = 10 C 0.33 mC .


Consider a parallel plate capacitor with charge Q on its positive plate and – Q charge on
its other plate. The electric field between the plates E0 .
0 A 0
When dielectric is placed between the plates it gets polarised and charge is induced on
its faces as shown in fig. 2.49. Let induced charge is Q in magnitude. Due to the induced
charge the electric field induces inside the dielectric, which opposes the external field.
The electric field due to induced charge
Fig. 2.49 ' Q'
E =
0 A 0
The net electric field inside dielectric is
E med = E E'
or Emed = E0 – E

Since Emed =
k 0 Ak 0

Q Q Q'
Ak = A 0 A 0

o Q = Q 1 .
An alternating form of Gauss's law
Let us consider a parallel-plate capacitor filled with a dielectric slab of dielectric constant
k. The charge on the capacitor is Q. Let us take a close surface (by dotted lines) as
shown in figure. The charge enclosed by surface is (Q – Q ). From Gauss's law
E dA =

Q Q'

Q Q 1
= Fig. 2.50

k 0
or kE d A =

' P
Displacement vector : The field due to polarisation E ' .
0 0

As P is the polarisation (dipole moment per unit volume) which is opposite to the field E .
E' =

The net field inside dielectric E = E0 E'

= E0 –

or 0 E P = 0 E0
Fig. 2.51
The quantity 0 E P = D , is known as the displacement vector..

D = 0 E0

or D dA = 0 E0 d A

Since E0 d A =

or 0 E0 d A = Qfree

D dA = Qfree

This is the another form of Gauss's law.

Invariance of Gauss's law : From the generalization of experimental results, the Gauss's
law E dA is valid not only for fixed charges but for moving charges also. In the
latter case, the surface integral must be taken for a definite instant of time in a given
reference system. Gauss's law is valid for all inertial systems of reference.
High voltage breakdown or corona or point discharge
A glowing region of the air near a conductor when the electric field near it exceeds the
dielectric strength (E0 = 3 × 106 V/m) of air. It is called by ionization of the air and may be
accompanied by hissing sounds. Corona discharge occurs at sharp points where the
charge density is high
Let us consider two conducting spheres A and B, connected by a conducting wire. A
charge Q is given to the system. This charge will share by them in such a way that their
potentials become equal. Let q1 and q2 be the charges on them. Thus
1 q1 1 q2
or 4 0 R = 4 0 r
q1 R
or q2 =
Fig. 2.52
1 4 R2 r2 q1
and = q2 2 q2
2 R
4 r
1 r2 R r
or = 2
2 R r R
or we can say 1 .
It shows that the field is higher at the surface of small sphere. The same can be explained
with a conductor having sharp end. It can be shown by simple knowledge of lines of
Fig. 2.53 force that field around this sharp end is much higher than the field in the other regions.
Due to this very high field at the sharp ends of the conductor, the air near these points
breakdown, and conductor starts discharging. This is known as corona discharge.
Force on a dielectric slab
When a dielectric is placed partially inside a capacitor, it experiences a force towards the
plates. If dielectric is left free, it will move into the capacitor. The reason is that, because
of charges of plates, the opposite charges are induced on the opposite faces of the
dielectric. Because of attraction between opposite charges, a net force acts on the
(a) dielectric towards the capacitor.
(a) When capacitor is kept at constant potential (Mathematical method) :
Consider a parallel-plate capacitor with plate area ( b) and separation between
the plates is d, this is practically the thickness of dielectric slab. The capacitor is
connected to a battery of emf V. Let x length of the dielectric is inside the plates,
then capacitance
C = C1 + C2

(b) 0 b x 0 k bx
Fig. 2.54 d d
Let the dielectric displaces by dx due to the electrostatic force F exerted by the
capacitor (field produced by capacitor) the work done,
dW = – dU = F dx

or F = dU . ...(i)

Note: This formula we have already studied in mechanics.

Since, U = CV 2

d CV 2
dU 2
F =
dx dx

V 2 dU
= [As V is constant]
2 dx

V2 d 0 b( – x ) 0 kbx
or =
2 dx d d

V2 0 b 0 kb
= 1
2 d d

0 bV 2
= k 1

0 bV 2 k 1
Thus, the electric field attract the dielectric with a force , which is
independent of x.
(b) When capacitor has constant charge :

For constant charge U =

From equation (i), we have F = dU


d Q2
dx 2C

Q2 d 1
= [As Q is constant]
2 dx C

Q2 d 1
2 dx 0 b x 0 kbx
d d

Q2 d d 1
2 0 b dx x k 1

Q2 d 1
= 1 k 1
2 0b x k 1

Q2 d k 1 1
2 0b x k 1

Note: This time force is a function of x.
Oscillations of dielectric slab between the plates of capacitor
Consider the situation shown in figure. The plates of a capacitor have plate area A and
are clamped in the laboratory. The dielectric slab is released from rest with a length a
inside the capacitor. Neglect any effect of friction or gravity, show that the slab execute
periodic motion and find its time period.
0 b
The force acting on the dielectric slab F = k 1 [As calculated earlier]
F 0 b k 1
and acceleration of slab a =
m 2 md
The time taken to travel distance ( – a)
( – a) = a ' t2
2 a
which gives t =
The time period to complete the oscillation
2 a
T = 4t 4

2 a 2md
= 4 2
0 b k 1
Fig. 2.55
a md
= 8 2
0 b k 1

As A = b b

a m d
Now T = 8 .
0 A 2 k 1

Ex. 24 A parallel-plate capacitor is placed in such a way that and mg = Ah g

its plates are horizontal and the lower plate is dipped into a liquid 1
of dielectric constant k and density . Each plate has area A. The Charge on lower plate = – Q + Q = – Q + Q 1
plates now connected to a battery which supplies a positive charge
of magnitude Q to the upper plate. Find the rise in the level of the Q
liquid in the space between the plates. =
Sol. The electric field due to both the plates of capacitor
E = 2 2
0 0

= 2 A 2k A
0 0

Q 1
Fig. 2.56 = 1
Because of the charges of the plates of capacitor, the charge will induce 2 0 A k
on the upper and lower layer (which in contact with negative plate of
capacitor) of the liquid. The force on upper layer of liquid is F = EQ in
upward direction. Because of this force liquid rises till force equal to
weight of liquid rises. Thus
F = EQ = mg
where Q = Q 1–
k Fig. 2.57
We have EQ = mg one plate and – Q on the other plate. With the polarity reversed, the
charge – Q appear on the first plate and Q on the other plate. Thus charge
Q 1 1 2 Q, flows through the battery. The work done by battery
1 Q 1 = Ah g
2 0 A k k W = Vq

= 2
2Q 2C
k 2 1 Q2
or h = . Ans.
2 A2 k 2 0 g 1 2
The energy stored in the capacitor in both the cases is C . Therefore
Ex. 25 A capacitor of capacitance C is charged by connecting it
by conservation of energy
to a battery of emf . The capacitor is now disconnected and Ui + W = Uf + heat generated
reconnected to the battery with the polarity reversed. Calculate heat generated = W
the heat developed in the connecting wire.
= 2. Ans.
Sol. 2C

When capacitor is connected to the battery, a charge Q = C appears on


Total energy of the system includes self energies (internal energy) of all the charges in
the system (Ui) and energy due to all possible mutual interactions (Ue).
Therefore, total energy of the system U = Ui + Ue
There are two methods of finding the total energy of the system.
Method I :By using energy density : We know the energy density u 0 E 2 , where E
is the electric field due to all the charges in the system, then total energy of the system
(including Ui & Ue)

U = u dV
Method II :By this method, we have to calculate Ui and Ue separately and sum of these
gives total energy of the system.
Fig. 2.58

Self energy Ui = Vdq

Energy due to mutual interaction, let for two charges q1 and q2
Ue = q1 (V12)
= q2 (V21)
where, V12 is the potential due to q2 at position of 1, V21 is the potential due to q1 at
position of 2
Now U = Ui + Ue.

Note: For an isolated charged body , Ue = 0, U = Ui.

Ex. 26 A spherical conducting thin shell of radius R given

charge q. Find its total energy.
Method 1 :The energy of shell resides in the space from r = R to r = ,
because field of charge on shell extend upto infinity. The field at a distance
1 q
r from the centre of shell ( r > R), E = and energy density
4 0 r2
Fig. 2.59
1 1 1 q
u = 0 E2 0
2 2 4 0 r2
The energy contained in small volume 2
q q2 1 q
dU = 2 = 0+ q
u 4 r dr 8 a 8 b 4 a
0 0 0

1 1 q 1 q 1 q
= 0 × 4 r2 dr q q
2 4 0 r2 4 b 4 b
0 0

q2 1 1
Total energy U = dU = .
8 0 a b

Ex. 27 Find total energy of the system having two thin

2 concentric shells with charges q1 and q2.
1 1 q
= 0 4 r 2 dr Sol.
2 4 0 r2

1 q dr
= 0 4
2 4 0 R r2

1 q 1
= 0 4
2 4 0 r R
U = U1 + U2 + U12 = U1 + U2 + q1(V12)

q2 q12 q22 1 q2
or U = . q1
8 0 R =
8 0 a 8 0 b 4 0 b
Method II :Let some charge is given to the shell, its corresponding
potential becomes v. The energy stored on it is equal to the work done, 1 q12 q22 q1q2
i.e., = 4 2a 2b b . Ans.
dU = vdq
Total energy of shell Ex. 28 A spherical shell of radius R1 with a uniform charge q
has a point charge q0 at its centre. Find the work performed by the
q electric forces during the shell expansion from radius R1 to radius
U = v dq R 2.
q The total energy of the system
1 q U initial = Ui + Ue = Us + q0V0
= dq Fig. 2.60
4 0 0
q2 q0 q
8 0 R1 4 0 R1
= .
8 0 R q
q 2
Method III :To understand easily, let suffix 1, 2, 3 are used for them as =
4 0 R1
shown in fig. 2.62.
and final energy Fig. 2.63

q 2
Ufinal =
4 0 R2
Workdone by electric force in expansion
W = U U initial U final
Fig. 2.61
U = U1 + U2 + U3 + U12 + U13 + U23 q q0
2 1 1
= . Ans.
= U1 + U2 + U3 + q1(V12) + q1 (V13) + q2 (V23) 0 R1 R2

It is an instrument which is used to produce very high voltage of the order of

million volt. If a charged conductor is brought in contact to the hollow conductor,
its entire charge will transfer to the hollow conductor no matter how high the
potential of the latter may be. It consist of hollow metallic conductor A mounted
on a stand and a belt made of non-conducting material which runs by means of a
high speed rotor over two pulleys. Because of the large electric field near the comb
D, air ionises and whose positive ions are repelled by the comb. These positive
ions attach to the surface of the moving belt and are carried by the belt to the
terminal where they are removed by the another corona discharge to the comb E.
This comb is connected with the inner surface of the hollow conductor mounted
on the insulating supports. The charge is thus transferred to the conductor and
increases its potential.
If the electric field just outside the conductor A is sufficient for dielectric breakdown
of air, no more charge can be transferred to it. For a conductor of radius R, the
electric field just outside it is E an d V . Thus
4 0 R2 4 0 R
V = ER.
Fig. 2.64
Dielectric strength of air E 3 106 V / m , and for R = 1m; V 3 106 1 3 106 V .

Thus, the potential of a conducting sphere of radius 1m can be raised to 3 106 V by

this method.


Kirchhoff's laws are very useful in analysing multiloops circuits.He provided two laws.
These are :
Junction rule :
The algebraic sum of the charges or currents at any junction is zero.
For charge : q 0
At junction A as shown in fig. 2.66,
q1 + q2 + q3 = 0 Fig. 2.65
or q3 = – (q1 + q2).
For current : i = 0
At A, i1 + i2 + i3 = 0
or i3 = – (i1 + i2).
Loop rule:
The algebraic sum of the potential differences across all the circuit elements in a closed Fig. 2.66
loop including with emfs must equal to zero.
or V = 0.
(a) Circuit having resistors and cells, then
iR = 0
(b) Circuit having capacitors and cells, then
= 0
(c) Circuit having resistors, capacitors and cells, then
iR = 0.
The juction rule is an application of the principle of conservation of charge. The
loop rule is a consequence of conservation of energy.
For circuit analysis, the following procedures should be followed carefully.
First of all label all the known and unknown carefully, including an assumed sense
of direction for each unknown. Often one does not know in advance the actual
direction or sign of an unknown current, emf or charge, but this does not matter.
The solution is carried out using the assumed directions, and if the actual direction
of a particular quantity is opposite to the assumed direction, the value of the
quantity found with negative sign.
The following guidelines and sign conventions are useful in
analysing circuit problems.
1. One must remember that, the current in any resistor or charge on any capacitor is
the net response of all the sources present in the circuit. Don't think that only
nearest one is sending the current or charge.
2. Choose any closed loop in the network, and designate a direction (clockwise or
anticlockwise) to traverse the loop for loop rule.
3. Close loop may or may not have any cell, but one of the close loop must include
Fig. 2.67 the cell. For a circuit having only one cell, choose a close loop, which include this
4. (a) The p.d. across any resistor can be taken negative when moves along the
direction of current and positive for reverse direction of current.
(b) The p.d. across capacitor can be taken negative when moves from positive
plate of capacitor to negative plate and positive for reverse sense.
Fig. 2.68
Note: See the sign of charge of first coming plate of capacitor only..
(c) The emf of any cell/battery is taken as negative from its positive terminal to
negative terminal and positive for reverse sense.
5. It must be remembered that capacitor in steady state stop the direct current, and so
there will be no current in the branch in which capacitor is connected.
Fig. 2.69 6. If capacitors are connected in series with the sources as shown, the charge on
each capacitor will be same. It must be remembered that the net charge supply by
cell will be zero.
7. Finally, the number of equations obtained must always be equal to the number of
The R-C series circuit
(a) Charging
Consider the circuit as shown in fig. 2.73. If the capacitor is initially has no charge,
Fig. 2.70 then the initial p.d. across the capacitor is zero, and the entire emf appears across

resistor, causing an initial current i0 . As the capacitor charges, its potential

increases, and p.d. across resistor decreases, corresponding to a decrease in current.
After a long time when capacitor becomes fully charged, the entire potential will
occur across capacitor and the current becomes zero.
Let at any instant the current in the resistor is i, then by loop rule
– iR – = 0
Fig. 2.71
dq q
or R = 0
dt C
dq q
R =
dt C
dq dt
q R
Fig. 2.72 C
Integrating above expression, we have
q t
dq dt
= R
q 0
C t
or =
1 R

q t
or n n =
q t
or n 1 =
Substituting, C q0 , the maximum or steady state charge on the capacitor and
RC = , capacitive time constant
q t
n 1 =

or q = t/
q0 1 e

dq 1
Current : i = q0 e t/
q0 t/
= e
C t/
= e

or i = i0 e t / as i0
At t = 0, i = i0 e i0

and at t , i
= i0 e
= 0
It means initially capacitor offers no resistance in the circuit. But after charging
fully, it offers infinite resistance.
Potential of capacitor :
q q0 1 e
Potential, V =
or = V0 1 e
Energy stored :
U = CV 2
1 2
= C V0 1 e

1 2
= CV02 1 e t/
or U = U0 1 e t /

t/ t/ t/ t/
q q0 (1 e ); i i0 e ;V V0 (1 e );U U 0 (1 e )2
(a) Capacitive time constant ( ) :
At t = , q = q0 1 e

0, 64 q0
or at t = , = i0e–1 i
0.37 i0
Therefore time constant is the time in which charge on the capacitor grows to 0.64
times the maximum charge or current decreases to 0.37 times the maximum current.
(b) (b) Discharging
Fig. 2.73 After charging the capacitor, let now source is removed from the circuit.
The energy stored in capacitor now used to flow the current. At t = 0, we have

q = q0 and U = U0 = .
Again by loop rule,
– iR – = 0
Fig. 2.74 where q is the charge on capacitor at any time t
dq q
or R =
dt C
dq dt
or =
q RC
Integrating above expression, we get
q t
dq dt
q = RC
q0 0
q t
or nqq =
0 RC
q t
or n = [As RC = ]
or q = t/
q0 e
dq d t/
Current : i = q0 e
dt dt
t/ 1
= q0 e

C t/
= e

= i0 e t/ As i0

q q0 t/
Potential : V = e
= V0e
Energy : U = CV 2 (a)
1 2
= C V0 e
= CV02 e 2t /
= U0e 2t / .
Finding the time constant
If there are many resistors and capacitors are connected in the circuit, then time constant
can be obtained by using following steps;
(i) make short circuit at the place of battery. Fig. 2.75
(ii) Find equivalent capacitance, if there are many capacitors in the circuit. Assuming
equivalent capacitor is Cnet.
(iii) Find net resistance across the capacitor, say it is Rnet .
(iv) Finally net = Rnet Cnet.

Finding the potential difference between any two points in

a circuit
Let we have to find the potential difference between P and R in above circuit
Step 1 : Connect an imaginary battery between the points, let it is VPR.
Step 2 : Choose close loop including the imaginary battery.
Step 3 : Use loop rule to find VPR. Fig. 2.76
Choose close loop P – R – y – x – P and applying loop rule, we have
10 VPR = 0
or 10 VPR = 0
or VPR = 0.
Fig. 2.77
Heat generated
It can be obtained by using conservation of total energy of the system. That is
Initial energy stored in capacitors + work done by sources
= Final energy stored in capacitors + heat generated
or Ui + W = Uf + H
or H = (Ui – Uf) + W

Note: Work done will be positive if work is done by the sources and negative if
work is done on the sources.
(a) Positive work done by source :
If a capacitor C of potential V (V may be zero) is connected to a source of emf
( > V)

The work done by source will be = q

= qf qi

= C CV

= C V .

(b) Negative work done by source :

If a capacitor C of potential V is connected to a source of emf ( < V)
The work done by source will be = q
= (qf – qi)
= (C – CV)
= – C (V – ).
Case 1. If Uf = Ui, the heat generated H = W.
Case 2. If capacitors remain the part of same circuit then there always be a positive

Ex. 29 A capacitor of capacitance C is given a charge Q. At

t = 0, it is connected to an uncharged capacitor of equal capacitance n Q 2q t
through a resistance R. Find the charge on the second capacitor as 2 RC
a function of time.
Sol. or n Q 2q nQ =
Let at any instant the charge on the uncharged capacitor is q. The charge RC
on charged capacitor remains (Q – q).
Q 2q 2t
or n =

2q 2t
or n 1 =

Fig. 2.78 q = 1 e . Ans.
Now by loop rule,

q Q q
– iR – = 0
C C Note: In above case the time constant ' .
dq Q 2q
= 0 Ex. 30 There are two uncharged identical metallic spheres of
radius a, separated a distance d. A charged metallic sphere (charge
dq dt q) of same radius is brought and touches sphere 1. After some time
or Q 2q = it is moved away to a far off distance. After this, the sphere 2 is
earthed. Find the charge on sphere 2.
Integrating on both sides of above expression,we get
q t
dq dt When sphere with charge q touches metallic sphere 1, the charge on 1
Q 2q = RC
0 0 q
comes out to be . The potential due to sphere 1 at the surface of 2 is

Ex. 33 A circuit has a section AB as shown in fig. 2.82. The

emf of the source = 10 V, the capacitor capacitances are equal to

C 1 = 1.0 F, C 2 = 2.0 F, and the potential difference
VA – VB = 5.0 V. Find voltage across each capacitor.

Fig. 2.79

1 q1 1 q
V21 = =
4 0 d
4 0 2d
When sphere 2 is earthed, its potential becomes zero. Let induced charge Fig. 2.82
on it is q , then
1 q 1 q' Both the capacitors are in series, therefore they will have same charges.
V2 = 0 =
4 2
0 d 4 0 a Let charge on each is q. By loop rule,

which gives q =
qa . Ans.
q q
+5+ 10 = 0
2d 1 2
Ex. 31 Find the time constant of circuit shown in fig. 2.79. or q = – 10 C
Sol. Potential difference across 1 F, VP – VQ

After short circuit, the net resistance across capacitor 10

q Ans.
10 V
6R 6 R C 1
C = R = 4R
6R 6R and potential difference across 2 F,
Now c=Rnet C net = 4RC Ans.
Ex. 32 Find the time constant of the circuits shown in figure. VR – VS =
(a) = 5V Ans.
Ex. 34 Find the potential difference Va – Vb between the points
Fig. 2.80 a and b shown in fig. 2.84.

6 12
Rnet = 2 2 8
6 12
net = Rnet Cnet

= 8
= 4s

(a) (b)
Fig. 2.81 Fig. 2.83
C net = 0.5 + 0.5 = 1F
10 10
Rnet = 5 Suppose the charges on 1 F and 2 F are q 1 and q 2 respectively. By
10 10 junction rule the charge at junction b must be zero. Therefore the charge
net = Rnet Cnet on 4 F capacitor be (q1 + q2). The proposed charges are shown in figure.
= 5 1 We have introduced two unknowns and therefore we require two
= 5s equations, which can be obtained by loop rule.
In close loop aefba, we have After shortening of switch, let charges on them are as shown in fig.
q1 q2 q2
6 12 = 0
4 2
or q1 + 3q2 = 24 .... (i)
Now in close loop abcda ,

q2 q1
12 24 = 0
2 1
or 2q1 – q2 = 24 ...(ii) Fig. 2.86
Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get In close loop a b e f a, we have
q1 = 13.7 C and q2 = 3.4 C q2
To find Va – Vb, connect an imaginary battery between a and b, as shown = 0 ...(i)
in fig. 2.85.
Now in close loop abxya, we have and in close loop b c d e b

q1 q2
= 0 ...(ii)
C1 C2
Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get
q1 = 0 and q2 = C2

Flow of charge through section 1 :

Fig. 2.84
Initially charge of capacitors joining at b is = q – q = 0
q2 After shortening of switch the charge on them are
12 Va Vb = 0
= q1 q2 0 C 2 C 2
q2 Therefore flow of charge through section 1
or Va – Vb = 12
2 = final charge at junction b – initial charge at junction b
3.4 = (q1 + q2) – (q – q)
= 12
2 = C 2 0 C 2
= –10.3 V. Ans. Flow of charge through section 2 :
Finding flow of charges : This can be understand by
following example:
Ex. 35 What charges will flow after the shortening of the switch
Sw in the circuit illustrated in fig. 2.85 through sections 1 and 2 in
directions indicated by the arrows ?

(a) (b)
Fig. 2.87
(a) (b) It is clear from figure,
Fig. 2.85 the flow of charge through section 2.
Sol. =Final charge on capacitor C1
– initial charge on capacitor C1
Before shortening of switch both the capacitors are in series with the cell.
= – q1 – q
C1C2 = – (q1 + q)
Thus charge on each capacitor is q
C1 C2
Choose close loop a b c d e f a in figure (a),
= 0 q1
C1 C2 2 1 = 0
C1C2 or q1 = C 1 2 = C 1 C 2
= Ans.
C1 C2 Now choose close loop a b e f a in figure (b),

Ex. 36 What amount of heat will be generated in the circuit q2

= 0
shown in fig. 2.88 after the switch Sw is shifted from position 1 to C
position 2 ? or q2 = C 1
It is clear from above calculators that, the charge supplied by battery 1 is
as such while charge supplied by battery 2 is increased by
q2 = 0 C 2 C 2
Therefore work is done only by battery 2 , which is

= q2 2

= C 2 2

= 2
(a) (b) C 2
Fig. 2.88
C 22
Sol. Heat generated =
. Ans.
Let q1 and q2 are the charges on the capacitor in the positions of switch
1 and 2 respectively.

Short in series
Short ideally has zero resistance, and so potential difference across short will be
zero.When a short is used acrosse the capacitor the entire charge will pass through the
short; no charge comes on the capacitor connected with a short.
Consider the circuit shown in figure.
The charge on capacitor C1 = C1 .
The charge on capacitor C2 = 0
The equivalent capacitance Ceq = C1 Fig. 2.89
Finding equivalent capacitance :Wheat stone bridge type circuit
(a) Balanced circuit : CPQ = ?
C1 C3
If , the circuit is called balanced. This happens
C2 C4
when VA = VB.
The capacitor in arm AB will have no charge, and therefore it can be ignored in
finding CPQ.

C1C2 C3C4
C1 C2 C3 C4
Fig. 2.90
Ex. 37 Find equivalent capacitance between P and Q. (b) Unbalanced wheat stone bridges :
Sol. This type of problems can be solved by circuit analysis.
The method can be understand by the following example:

Ex. 39 Find the equivalent capacitance between the points P

(a) and Q as shown in fig. 2.97.

Fig. 2.91
The capacitance in dotted circle can be ignored.
C PQ = C
2 2


Fig. 2.97

Fig. 2.92 Sol.

Ex. 38 Find equivalent capacitance between points P and Q as
Method I : Let us connect a battery between P and Q. The charge
distribution is shown in fig. 2.98. The charge coming from positive terminal
shown in fig. 2.93.
is (q1 + q2). The same amount of charge comes from negative terminal of
the battery. Due to cross-symmetry, the charge on C1 in both arms will
be same. Similarly charge on C2 in both arms will be same.
The charge on capacitor C3 : Let q3 be the charge on capacitor C3. By
Fig. 2.93 junction rule
Sol. In the circuit VA = VB = VD. Therefore capacitors connected
q3 q1 q2 0 q3 q1 q2
between A & B and B & D have no charge. So they can be ignored. The
effective circuit is as follows : Let total charge drawn from the battery is q, then equivalent capacitance
between P and Q
q q1 q2
C = ...(i)
Fig. 2.94
Now we have to find the value of q1 & q2. Choose a close loop P A B P,
we have
q1 q1 q2 q2
= 0
C1 C3 C2
Fig. 2.95
q1 q1 q2 q2
(c) or C1 C3 C3 C2 = 0

Fig. 2.96
1 1 1 1
3C C 3 or q1 = q2 ...(ii)
Now CPQ = C Ans. C1 C3 C2 C3
3C C 4
Now in close loop P A Q R S P The equation (ii) can be written as

q1 q2 1 1 q
V = 0 VP – VQ = 2q
C1 C2 C1 C3 C3

q1 q2 C1C3 VP VQ C1q
or C1 C2 = V ...(iii) or = q1 ...(iv)
2 C1 C3 2 C1 C3
From equations (ii) and (iii), we get
Subtracting equation (iv) from (iii), we have
1 1 C1C2 C1C3 C1 C1
q1 VP VQ q
q1 C1 C3 =
= V C2 C1 2 C1 C3 C2 C1 2 C1 C3
C1 1 1
C2 C3 or VP Vq 2C1C2 C1 C3 C1C3 C 2 C1

1 C1 C3 = C1 2 C1 C3 C2 C1 q
or q1 = V
C1 C1 C2 C3
q 2C1C2 C1C3 C2C3
or C = .
VP VQ C1 C2 2C3
C1 C2 C3
or q1 = V ...(iv)
C1 C2 2C3
Note: Students are advised to use method 1.
C2 C1 C3
From equation (ii), q2 = ...(v)
C1 C2 2C3 Ex. 40 Find the equivalent capacitance of the combination
q1 q2 shown in fig. 2.98 between P and Q.
Equivalent capacitance C =

C1 C2 C3 C2 (C1 C3 )
C1 C2 2C3

2C1C2 C1C3 C2C3

or C = .
C1 C2 2C3
Method II : VP – VQ = (VP – VA) + (VA – VQ)
q1 q2
= C1 C2
Fig. 2.98
q1 q q1
= C1 C2 ...(i) Sol.
It is clear from charge distribution that, there is no exchange of charge
Also VP – VQ = (VP – VA) + (VA – VB) + (VB – VQ) between connected arms at the junction. Therefore they can be separated
q1 q1 q2 q1 as shown. The above circuit now reduces to
= C1 C3 C1

q1 2q1 q q1
= C1 C3 C1 ...(ii)

Eliminate q1 from above equations (i) and (iii) to get

C =
The equation (i) can be written as
Fig. 2.99
1 1 q 11
VP – VQ = q1
C1 C2 C2 For further treatment, go through previous problem answer F

C1C2 C1
or VP VQ = q1 q ...(iii)
C2 C1 C2 C1
Infinite ladder : In the ladder shown in fig. 2.101, there is repetation of capaci-
tance C1 and C2. The capacitors C1 and C2 connected in the figure fig. 2.102 constitute
a unit cell.
Assume the equivalent capacitance between given points is C. Since there are infinite
unit cells in the circuit, so we may add one more unit cell or deduct from the circuit, the
Fig. 2.100 equivalent of resulting circuit will remain same, i.e., C. Finally reduce the circuit to find C.
In above problem, we add one more unit cell as follows :
It is clear from above theory that CPQ=CP Q = C. The circuit now reduces to
Now equivalent capacitance C

1 1 1
= C1 C C2
Fig. 2.101 C

1 C1 C2 C
= C1 C C2
or C1C + C1C2 = CC1 + CC2 + C2
or C2 + CC2 – C1C2 = 0

– C2 C22 4 C1C2
Fig. 2.102 C =
Take positive value of C because it can not be negative

C2 C22 4C1C2
C = . Ans.
Fig. 2.103

Ex. 41 A finite ladder is constructed by connecting several

sections of 2 F and 4 µF capacitor combinations as shown in fig.
2.104. It is terminated by a capacitor of capacitance C. What value so on
should be chosen for C, such that the equivalent capacitance of the
ladder between the points A and B becomes independent of the
number of sections in between ? (III) C with two unit cells
Fig. 2.105
To get value of C, we may equate any two from above. But for simplicity
in calculation, we equate I and II.

C = 2
4 C

8 2C 4C
or C =
4 C
Fig. 2.104 or C2 – 2C – 8 = 0
C = 4 F. Ans.
Unit cell comprises 2 F and 4 F as in dotted box.
Ex. 42 Twelve capacitors, each having a capacitance C, are
connected to form a cube (fig. 2.106). Find the equivalent capacitance
We can add, zero unit cell with C or one unit cell with C or two unit cells
between diagonally opposite corners such as P and Q.
etc; the equivalent capacitance between A and B should be equal in each

(I) C with zero unit cell (II) C with one unit cell

Kirchhoff's loop rule, we have

Fig. 2.108
q q q
180 100 = 0
2 2 3
or q = 210 C
(b) The final charges on the capacitors are
Fig. 2.106 q A = CV – q
Sol. = 3 100 210 90 C
Let a battery is connected between P and Q. The circuit has symmetry qB = 2 180 210 150 C
about diagonal PQ. Therefore charge provided by battery say q at P
and qC = 0 + 210 = 210 C
equally distributed into three parts. Similarly the –q provided by negative
(ii) Initial electric potential energy
terminals at Q is equally distributed in three parts. Again at each junction
this charge divided into two equal parts. The charge distribution is shown 1 6 1
Ui = 3 10 100 2 2 10 6
180 2
in fig. 2.107(b). 2 2
= 47.4 mJ
The equivalent capacitance CPQ = .
V 6 2 6 2 6 2
1 90 10 1 150 10 1 210 10
Choose close loop P A B Q DE P, we have Uf = 2
3 10 6 2 2 10 6 2 2 10 6
q q q
3 6 3 = 18 mJ. Ans.
V = 0
C C C Ex. 44 Three capacitors C1, C2, C3 are connected as shown in
fig. 2.109. The potentials of P, Q and R are V1, V2, V3 respectively.
q 6C Find the potential VO at the junction O.
or =
V 5

or C PQ = 6C . Ans.
Ex. 43 Two capacitors A and B with capacities 3 F and 2 F
are charged to a potential difference of 100V and 180V respectively.
The plates of the capacitors are connected as shown in fig. 2.108 Fig. 2.109
with one wire from each capacitor free. The upper plate A is positive Sol.
and that of B is negative. Let q1, q2 and q 3 be the charges on the capacitors C1, C2 and C3
respectively. Then we have
V1 – VO = ,

VO – V2 = ,

Fig. 2.107 and VO – V3 = .
An uncharged 2 F capacitor C with lead wires falls on the free C3
ends to complete the circuit. Calculate: By Kirchhoff's I law at juction O
(i) The final charge on the three capacitors and q1 = q2 + q3
(ii) The amount of electrostatic energy stored in the system before or C1 (V1 – VO) = C2 (VO – V2) + C3 (VO – V3)
and after the completion of the circuit. After simplifying, we get
Sol. C1V1 C 2V2 C3V3
(i) Let q be the charge flowing during redistribution of charge. By VO = . Ans.
C1 C 2 C3
Ex. 45 In fig. 2.110, find the potential difference between the Thus equivalent capacitance between A and B is
points A and B and between the points B and C in the steady state. C C
CAB = C 2C Ans.
2 2
Ex. 47 Two small balls of mass m, bearing a charge q each,
are connected by a nonconducting thread of length 2 . At a certain
instant, the middle of the thread starts moving at a constant velocity
v perpendicular to the direction of the thread at the initial instant.
Determine the minimum distance d between the balls.
Sol. Initially the velocity of each ball will be v.
Fig. 2.110
The equivalent circuit can be drawn as in fig. 2.112. Fig. 2.114
The initial energy of the system

1 q2 1 2
Ui = 2 mv
4 0 2 2
If d is the minimum distance between the balls, then final energy is only
potential energy of the balls, and therefore

1 q2
Uf =
4 0 d
Fig. 2.111 By conservation of mechanical energy, we have
At steady state, there is no current in the resistors, so the potential Ui = Uf
difference of the battery will appear entirely across the capacitors.
The potential of point A is equal to A and that of C is equal to C . Thus 1 q2 1 2 1 q2
or 2 mv =
if V1 and V2 are the required potential difference, then 4 0 2 2 4 0 d
V1 + V2 = 100 ...(i)
After simplifying, we get
and 6V1 = 2V2 ...(ii)
Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get
2 q2
V1 = 25 V d = . Ans.
and V2 = 75 V. Ans. q2 8 0 mv 2
Ex. 46 What is the equivalent capacitance of the capacitor
Ex. 48 Two parallel-plate capacitors are arranged
network between A and B shown in the fig. 2.112. Each capacitor in
perpendicular to the common axis. The separation d between the
the network is of value C.
capacitor is much larger than the separation between their plates
and than their size. The capacitors are charged to q 1 and q 2
respectively (see fig. 2.115). Find the force F of interaction between
the capacitors.

Fig. 2.115
Fig. 2.112
Sol. Let us first take the case when the capacitor are placed so that the plates
The equivalent circuit can be drawn as : with like charges face each other.
From the symmetry considerations, the potentials of the points C and D
are equal, and so capacitor connected in arm CD remain uncharged, and
therefore can be ignored.

Fig. 2.116
The field produced by first capacitor on the axis at a distance x from the
positive plate is

q1 1 1 2q1
Ex = 4 x 2 2
4 x3 (x > > )
0 x 0
Fig. 2.113
The force acting on the second capacitor situated at a distance d from the Applying loop rule in A B C D A , we have
first is q1 q q2 q q3 q q4 q
= 0
C 2C 3C 4C
F = Ed q2 Ed q2 q2 Ed Ed
CV q 4CV q 9CV q 16CV q
or = 0
C 2C 3C 4C
2q1 2q1
= q2 24
4 0 d3 4 0 d
After simplifying, we get q = CV
Potential difference across the capacitors :
q1q2 1 1
= 4 0 d3 3 24
V1 q1 q 5
2 C C
3q1q2 . Ans. 19
2 0 d4 = V
In this case capacitors will repel-each other with a force F. A similar 24
analysis can be made for the case when capacitors are placed so that the q2 q 4CV CV
V2 = 5
plates with opposite charges face each other. Then the capacitors will
2C 2C
attract each other with the same amount of force.
= V
Ex. 49 Condensers with capacities C, 2C, 3C and 4C are 3
charged to the voltage V, 2V, 3V and 4V correspondingly. The circuit 24
is closed. Find the voltage on all condensers in the equilibrium. q3 q 9CV CV
V3 = 3C 3C
q4 q 16CV 24CV
and V4 = =
4C 4C
= . Ans.
Ex. 50 In fig. 2.119, all the capacitors have a capacitance of 6.0
F, and all the batteries have an emf 10 V. What is the charge on
Fig. 2.117 capacitor C ?
Sol. Sol.
The initial charges on the capacitors are shown in fig. 2.118 (a)
Suppose Q is the charge on the capacitor. Choose a close loop a b c d e
f g h i j k l m n a, and apply loop rule, we have
= 0,

which on solving gives
Fig. 2.118 Q = C
Suppose q amount of charge flows in the circuit after closing it. The net = 6 10 60 C . Ans.
charge on each capacitor is shown in figure (b).
Ex. 51 Three capacitors C1 = 3 F, C2 = 6 F and C3 = 6 F
q2 1 1 1
have equal charge q = 30 C each. C1 and C2 are connected in Ui = 2 C1 C2 C3
series as shown in fig. 2.120. If C3 is connected across the series
combination by connecting A with C and B with D and if resistance
302 1 1 1
of connecting wire is R = 10 , calculate initial current in the =
2 3 6 6
circuit and also heat generated.
= 300 J.
Let after connection the initial current in the circuit is i0. q12 q22 q32
Final energy Uf =
2C1 2C2 2C3

152 152 452

2 3 2 6 2 6
= 225 J
Heat generated = Ui – Uf
= 300 – 225 = 75 J. Ans.
Ex. 52 The capacitors shown in fig. 2.122 has been charged to
a potential difference of V volt so that it carries a charge CV with
both the switches S1 and S2 remaining open. Switch S1 is closed at
Fig. 2.120
t = 0. At t = R1C switch S1 is opened and S2 is closed. Find the charge
Applying loop rule in A C D B A, we have on the capacitor at t = (2R1C + R2C).
q q q
i0 R = 0
C1 C2 C3

30 30 30
or i0 10 = 0
3 6 6
i0 = 1A Ans.
Heat through the wire is generated till charge flows through it. After
getting steady state, no charge will flow. Let q' be the amount of charge Fig. 2.122
flows, then net charge on each capacitor is shown in fig. 2.121. By loop
rule, we have Sol.
When switch S1 is closed and S2 is open. The circuit is as shown in figure

Fig. 2.123
Fig. 2.121 The charge stored on the capacitor q0 = CV. Thus
q q' q q' q q' t
C1 C2 C3 = 0 q = q0e R1C

30 q ' 30 q ' 30 q' t

or = 0 or q = R1C
3 6 6 CVe
After simplifying, we get At t = R1C, the charge on the capacitor is
q = 15 C. CV
q1 = 1
The final charges on the capacitors are : CVe
q 1 = q – q = 30 –15 = 15 C
When switch S2 is closed and S1 is open the circuit is shown in figure (b).
q 2 = q – q = 30 –15 = 15 C
Applying loop rule in close loop a b c d a , we have
and q 3 = q + q = 30 +15 = 45 C
The initial energy stored on the capacitors q'
i R1 R2 = 0

C q' q
or i = or = iR
C R1 R2 C

dq ' C q' = iR ...(i)
or = C R1 R2 0 A
Here q and x are variables while , i and R, A are constants.
dq ' Differentiating equation (i) w.r.t. time we have
or =
C q' C R1 R2 q dx x dq
0 =
On integrating above equation, we have 0 A dt 0 A dt
q' t 2 R1C R2 C dq dx
dq ' dt Putting = i and = v, we get
= dt dt
CV C q' C R1 R2
e ix
q =
2 R1C R2 C
t dt
or n C q' CV = C R1 R2 Substituting the value of q in equation (i), we have
i x2
= iR
CV 2R1C R2C R1C dx
or n C q' n C = 0 A
e C R1 R2 dt

C q' i
or n = –1 dx
CV or = v= A 2
C 0
e dt
or C = e C q' i
dx 0 A
or = dt ...(ii)
1 CV x2 iR
q = C 1 . Ans.
e e2
Integrating equation (ii), we have
Ex. 53 In the following RC-circuit, the capacitor is in the x t
steady state. The initial separation of the capacitor plates is x0. If at dx i/ 0A
2 = dt
t = 0, the separation between the plates starts changing so that a x0 x 0
constant current flows through R. Find the velocity of the moving
plates as a function of time. The plate area is A. 1 1 i/ A
or = – 0 ...(iii)
x x0 iR
Again differentiating w.r.t. time

1 dx i/ 0A
= –
x2 dt iR

1 i/ 0A
or v = –
Fig. 2.124 x2 iR
For any separation x between the plates, the capacitance i/ 0 A 2
v = x ...(iv)
0 A
C = Substituting the value of x from equation (iii) in (iv), we get
Let q be the instantaneous charge on the capacitor when current i flows
i/ 0A 1
through the circuit, by Kirchhoff's law, we have v = 2
iR i/
q 0 A 1
iR = 0 iR x0
Ex. 54 The voltage applied across a capacitor having a dV
capacitance of 10 F is varies as shown in fig. 2.125. Calculate From 2 to 3 s = 0, i=0
(a) the charge and
6 0 600
(b) the energy stored in the capacitor when the terminal voltage From 3 to 8 s i = 10 10
is 600 V. 5
= –1.2 m A
The charging current is given by

dq d CV
(a) i =
dt dt
= C

Fig. 2.126
(a) Charge when a steady voltage of 600 V is applied
= CV = 10 10 600
= 6 10 C
1 1
Fig. 2.125 (b) Energy stored U = CV 2 10 10 6
6002 1.8 J
2 2
6 600 Ans.
From 0 to 2 s i = 10 10
= 3 m A.

Review of formulae & Important Points

1. Capacitor and capacitance : A capacitor is a device which is used
This energy is associated with the capacitor s electric field E
to store electrical energy. A capacitor consists of two isolated
between the plates. The energy density within an electric field of
conductors (plates) with equal and opposite charges +q and –q.
Its capacitance C is defined as : magnitude is given by

q 1
C = , u = 0 E2 (In vacuum)
V 2

where V is the potential difference between the plates. The SI unit 4. Redistribution of charges : When two charged conductors are
of capacitance is the farad. connected by a conducting wire, charge flows from the conductor
2. Capacitance with a dielectric : If the space between the plates of higher potential towards the conductor at lower potential, until
of a capacitor is completely filled with a dielectric material, the their potentials become equal. If q1 and q2 are the charges on the
capacitance C is increased by a factor k. Thus conductors of capacitances C1 and C2, then common potential
Cmed = k Cair.
q1 q2 C1V1 C2V2
In a region that is completely filled by a dielectric, all electrostatic V = =
C1 C2 C1 C2
equations containing 0 must be modified by replacing 0 with
If q1 and q2 are the final charges on them, then
k 0 .
q1 = C1V and q2 = C2V
3. Electric potential energy of the capacitor : The electric potential
Loss of energy = Ui – Uf
energy U of a charged capacitor is given by
1 1 1
q2 1 2 = C1V12 C2V22 C1 C2 V 2
U = = CV . 2 2 2
2C 2
5. Combinations of capacitors : (iv) Electric susceptibility

1 1 1
(i) In series : C .... P
C1 C2 = 1
E 0
(ii) In parallel : C = C1 + C2 + ...
11. Kirchhoff s laws for capacitors :
6. Capacitance of spherical conductor of radius R
(i) Junction rule : The algebraic sum of charges at any junction is
C = 4 0 R equal to zero i.e., q 0.

7. Parallel plate capacitor : (ii) Loop rule : The algebraic sum of the p.d. across all circuit
elements is equal to zero i.e.,
0 A
C = q
d = 0.
(Vacuum between the plates)

k 0 A
C = (iii) Sign conventions :

(When dielectric k is placed between the plates) 12. In unbalanced wheat stone bridge, the equivalent capacitance
If t is the thickness of the dielectric placed between the plates, between A and B
2C1C2 C2C3 C3C1
A C1 C2 2C3
C =
d t

Force between the plates of capacitor F = A.
2 0

8. Spherical capacitor :
13. Charging of a capacitor through resistor :
C = 4 0 ,
b a Charge q = q0 1 e t/

when outer shell is earthed

Current i = t/
i0e ,
C = 4 0 , where q0 = C and CR.
b a

when inner shell is earthed. t/

Potential V = 1 e
9. Cylindrical capacitor :
2 Energy U = U0 1 e
C = .
nb / a 14. Discharging of a capacitor :
10. Dielectrics : t/
Charge q = q0e ,
(i) Induced charge q = q 1 Current i = i0 e t/
Potential V = t/
Induced charge q
(ii) Polarisation P =
area A U 0e 2t /
Energy U =
(iii) Electric displacement

D = 0 E P

MCQ Type 1 Exercise 2.1

Level -1
Only one option correct (a) Q / 2V (b) Q / V
1. For each circuit in figure are in : (c) 2Q / V (d) none of these
5. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is C. If one of its
plates is removed, then capacitance of the isolated plate will be
(a) C (b) 2C
(c) Infinite (d) zero
6. The capacitance of the two identical capacitors placed in series is
2C. Their capacitance when they are placed in parallel is :
(a) (b) (c) (a) C (b) 2C
(a) series, series, parallel (b) series, parallel, parallel (c) 4C (d) 8C
(c) parallel, series, parallel (d) none 7. A parallel plate air capacitor is connected to a battery. After charging
2. Four ways of making a network of five capacitors of the same fully, the battery is disconnected and the plates are fulled further
apart. Which of the following statements is correct ?
value are shown here. Three out of four are identical. The one
(a) The electric field between the plates of capacitor decreases.
which is different is :
(b) The electric field between the plates of capacitor increases.
(c) The electric field between the plates of capacitor remains
(a) x y
(d) Potential difference between the plates remains the same.
8. Two identical capacitors A and B shown in the
given circuit are joined in series with a battery.
If a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K is
slipped between the plates of capacitor B and
(b) x y
battery remain connected, then the energy of
capacitor A will

(a) decrease (b) increase

(c) remain the same (d) becomes zero
(c) x y 9. The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is 5 F. When a glass
plate is placed between the plates of the conductor, its potential
becomes 1/8th of the original value. The value of dielectric constant
x will be
(a) 1.6 (b) 5
(c) 8 (d) 40
10. The insulated spheres of radii R1 and R2 having charges Q1 and Q2
respectively are connected to each other. There is
(d) (a) no change in the energy of the system
(b) an increase in the energy of the system
(c) always a decrease in the energy of the system
(d) a decrease in the energy of the system unless Q1R2 = Q2R1
11. In a charged capacitor, the energy resides
(a) the positive charges
3. Capacitors C1 and C2 (C1 > C2) are connected to a battery, first (b) both the positive and negative charges
individually, then in series. If q1, q2 and q3 are the charges stored (c) the field between the plates
on them, then (d) around the edge of the capacitor plates
(a) q1 = q2 = q3 (b) q1 = q2 < q3 12. Eight drops of mercury of equal radii possessing equal charges
(c) q1 > q2 = q3 (d) q1 > q2 > q3 combine to form a big drop. Then the capacitance of bigger drop
4. Two identical capacitors are connected in series with a source of compared to each individual small drop is
potential V. If Q is the charge on one of the capacitors, the (a) 8 times (b) 4 times
capacitance of each capacitor is (c) 2 times (d) 32 times

Answer Key
Sol. from page 201
13. Between the plates of a parallel plate condenser, a plate of thickness 19. If there are n capacitors in parallel connected to V volt source, then
t1 and dielectric constant k1 is placed. In the rest of the space, the energy stored is equal to
there is another plate of thickness t2 and dielectric constant k2.
The potential difference across the condenser will be (a) CV (b) nCV 2
Q t1 t2 0Q t1 t2
(a) A 0 k1 k2 (b) A k1 k2 (c) CV2 (d) CV 2
20. The work done in placing a charge of 8×10–18 coulomb on a
Q k1 k2 0Q
(c) (d) k1t1 k2t2 condenser of capacity 100 micro-farad is
A 0 t1 t2 A (a) 32×10–32 J (b) 16×10–32 J
14. There is an air filled 1pF parallel plate capacitor. When the plate (c) 3.1×10–26 J (d) 4×10–10 J
separation is doubled and the space is filled with wax, the 21. Two identical capacitors are joined in parallel, charged to a potential
capacitance increases to 2pF. The dielectric constant of wax is V and then separated and then connected in series i.e. the positive
(a) 2 (b) 4 plate of one is connected to negative of the other
(c) 6 (d) 8 (a) the charges on the free plates connected together are
15. A 6 F capacitor is charged from 10 volts to 20 volts. Increase in destroyed
energy will be (b) the charges on the free plates are enhanced
(a) 18×10–4 J (b) 9×10–4 J (c) the energy stored in the system increases
(c) 4.5×10 J –4 (d) 9×10–6 J (d) the potential difference in the free plates becomes 2V
16. A frictionless dielectric plate S is kept on a frictionless table T. A 22. Seven capacitors each of capacity 2 F are to be so connected to
charged parallel plate capacitance C (of which the plates are
frictionless) is kept near it. The plate S is between the plates. 10
have a total capacity F . Which will be the necessary figure as
When the plate S is left between the plate 11


(a) it will remain stationary on the table

(b) it is pulled by the capacitor and will pass on the other end
(c) it is pulled between the plates and start oscillating between
the plates
(d) all the above statements are false
17. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and the charging battery is
then disconnected. If the plates of the capacitor are moved further (b)
apart by means of insulating handles, then
(a) the charge on the capacitor increases
(b) the voltage across the plates decreases
(c) the capacitance increases
(d) the electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor increases.
18. Work done by an external agent in separating the parallel plate (c)
capacitor is

1 2
(a) CV (b) CV

1 (d)
(c) CV 2 (d) none of these

Answer Key 13 (a) 14 (b) 15 (b) 16 (c) 17 (d)

Sol. from page 201 18 (c) 19 (b) 20 (a) 21 (d) 22 (a)
23. In an adjoining figure are shown three capacitors C1, C2 and C3 27. The resultant capacitance of given circuit is
joined to a battery. The correct condition will be (symbols have
their usual meanings)

(a) 3C (b) 2C
(a) Q1 Q2 Q3 and V1 V2 V3 V C
(c) C (d)
(b) Q1 Q2 Q3 and V V1 V2 V3 3
28. In the circuit shown in figure, each capacitor has a capacity of 3 F.
(c) Q1 Q2 Q3 and V V1 V2
The equivalent capacity between A and B is
(d) Q2 Q3 and V2 V3
24. Four condensers are joined as shown in the adjoining figure. The
capacity of each is 8 F. The equivalent capacity between the
points A and B will be

(a) F (b) 3 F
(c) 6 F (d) 5 F
(a) 32 F (b) 2 F 29. Two identical capacitors, have the same capacitance C. One of
(c) 8 F (d) 16 F them is charged to potential V1 and the other to V2. The negative
25. In the following circuit, the resultant capacitance between A and B ends of the capacitors are connected together. When the positive
is 1 F. Then value of C is ends are also connected, the decrease in energy of the combined
system is
1 1
(a) C V12 V22 (b) C V12 V22
4 4

1 2 1 2
(c) C V1 V2 (d) C V1 V2
4 4
32 11 30. Consider the situation shown in the figure. The capacitor A has a
(a) F (b) F charge q on it whereas B is uncharged. The charge appearing on the
11 32
capacitor B a long time after the switch is closed is
23 32
(c) F (d) F
32 23
26. The effective capacitance between the points P and Q of the
arrangement shown in the figure is

(a) zero (b) q/2

(c) q (d) 2q
31 Two oppositely charged metal spheres of the same radius (R) are
(a) F (b) 1 F placed far apart. The capacitance of these two spheres is :
(a) 4 0R (b) 8 0R
(c) 2 F (d) 1.33 F
(c) 2 0R (d) 0R

Answer Key 23 (c) 24 (a) 25 (d) 26 (b) 27 (a )

Sol. from page 201 28 (d) 29 (c) 30 (a) 31 (c)
32. Two conducting shells of radius a and b are connected by conducting 36. Capacitors are used in electrical circuits where appliances need
wire as shown in figure. The capacity of system is : more
(a) current (b) voltage
a b (c) watt (d) resistance
37. Two spherical conductors each of capacity C are charged to
potentials V and – V. These are then connected by means of a fine
wire. The loss of energy will be

ab (a) zero (b) CV 2
(a) 4 0b a (b) 4 0 (a + b) 2

(c) zero (d) infinite (c) CV 2 (d) 2CV2

38. A 2 F capacitor is charged to 100 volt and then its plates are
33. A capacitor of capacitance F is initially charged to a potential connected by a conducting wire. The heat produced is
(a) 1J (b) 0.1 J
difference of 10 V, and then the switch S is closed.The potential
difference across the capacitor at t = 1 s is : (c) 0.01 J (d) 0.001 J
39. A 40 mF capacitor in a defibrillator is charged to 3000 V. The
energy stored in the capacitor is sent through the patient during a
pulse of duration 2ms. The power delivered to the patient is
10V 1/5F 6 3 (a) 45 kW (b) 90 kW
(c) 180 kW (d) 360 kW
40. In a given network the equivalent capacitance between A and B is
(a) 2.0 V (b) 4.0 V [C1 = C4 = 1 F, C2 = C3 = 2 F

(c) 8V (d) 0.4 V

34. A circuit element is placed in a black box. At t = 0, a switch is C1
closed and the current flowing through the circuit element and the C2
voltage across its terminals are recorded to have the wave shapes
shown in the figure here. The type of element and its magnitude
are :
v (t)
i (t)
1.0 4.0 (a) 3 F (b) 6 F
(c) 4.5 F (c) 2.5 F
41. In the figure a potential of + 1200 V is given to point A and point
t(s) t(s)
0 4 0 4 B is earthed, what is the potential at the point P
(a) inductance of 4 H (b) resistance of 4
(c) capacitance of 1 F (d) a voltage source of emf 4 V
4 F
35. A capacitor is charged by using a battery which is then disconnected.
A dielectric slab is then slipped between the plates, which results 3 F
in A
(a) reduction of charge on the plates and increase of potential
difference across the plates. 2 F
(b) increase in the potential difference across the plate, reduction
in stored energy; but no change in the charge on the plates.
(a) 100 V (b) 200 V
(c) decrease in the potential difference across the plates reduction
in the stored energy, but no change in the charge on the (c) 400 V (d) 600 V
(d) none of the above

A n sw er K ey 32 (c) 33 (c) 34 (c) 35 (a) 36 (a )

Sol. from page 201 37 (c) 38 (c) 39 (b) 40 (b) 41 (c)
42. A circuit consists of a current source of emf and internal resistance 43. Two parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C and 2C are connected
r, capacitors, each of capacitance C and resistors, each of value R. in parallel and charged to a potential difference V. The battery is
The voltage across either capacitor is : then disconnected and the region between the plates of the capacitor
C is completely filled with a material of dielectric constant k. The
potential difference across the capacitors now becomes :
2V 3V
(a) (b)
k k

3V 2V
(c) (d)
k 2 k 3
(a) 2 R r (b)
R r
R r
(c) (d) zero

Answer Key 42 (c) 43 (c)

Sol. from page 201

Level -2
Only one option correct (a) Reading of ammeter decreases
1. In circuit shown in the figure, what is potential of point A? (b) Capacitance of system increases
(c) Current in circuit is dependent on area of hole
C C 2C
(d) Current in circuit is inversely proportional to dielectric
A constant
3. Given R1 1 , R2 2 , C1 2 F and C2 4 F . The time
constant (in s) for the circuits I, II, III are respectively
(a) 2 V (b) 5 V
(c) 8 V (d) 4 V
2. Two long cylindrical metal tubes stand on insulating floor. A
dielectric oil is filled between plates. Two tubes are maintained
with potential difference V. A small hole is opened at bottom then

(a) 18, 8 / 9, 4 (b) 18, 4, 8 / 9

(c) 4, 8 / 9, 18 (d) 8 / 9, 18, 4

Answer Key 1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (d)

Sol. from page 203
4. Two plates of equal area A : one square of sides 2L × 2L and other
rectangular of sides 4L × L are used to construct a parallel plate (a) C1 C2 / C1 (b) C1 / C1 C2
capacitor with plates separation d. If C is the capacitance, then (c) C1 C2 (d) C1 / C2
0 A 0 A 8. The capacities and connection of five capacitors are shown in the
(a) (b) adjoining figure. The potential difference between the points A and
2d d
B is 60 volts. Then the equivalent capacity between A and B and
2 0 A
(c) (d) none of these the charge on 5 F capacitance will be respectively
5. The graph given below the variation of electric field E (in MV / m)
with time t (in s).

(a) 44 F; 300 C (b) 16 F; 150 C

(c) 15 F; 200 C (d) 4 F; 50 C
9. In the circuit shown here C1 = 6 F, C2 = 3 F and battery B = 20
V. The switch S1 is first closed. It is then opened and afterwards S2
is closed. What is the charge finally on C2

Consider the following statements :

1. The displacement current through a 1m2 region perpendicular
to the field during the time interval t =0 to t=4 s is 0.885 A
(given 12 SI unit)
0 8.85 10
2. The displacement current through 1 m2 region perpendicular
to the field during the time interval t =4 s to 8 s is zero.
(a) 120 C (b) 80 C
Which of the statements given above is/are correct
(c) 40 C (d) 20 C
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2. 10. Two condensers C1 and C2 in a circuit are joined as shown in
6. A parallel plate capacitor of plate area A and plate separation d is figure. The potential of point A is V1 and that of B is V2. The
charged to potential V and then the battery is disconnected. A slab potential of point D will be
of dielectric constant k is then inserted between the plates of the
capacitors so as to fill the space between the plates. If Q, E and W
denote respectively, the magnitude of charge on each plate, the
electric field between the plates (after the slab is inserted) and
1 C2V1 C1V2
work done on the system in question in the process of inserting (a) V1 V2 (b)
the slab, then state incorrect relation from the following 2 C1 C2

0 AV 0 AV C1V1 C2V2 C2V1 C1V2
(a) Q (b) W
d 2kd (c) C1 C2 (d) C1 C2
2 11. The charge on a capacitor of capacitance 10 F connected as shown
V 0 AV 1
(c) E (d) W 1
kd 2d k in the figure is
7. A capacitor of capacity C1 is charged to the potential of V0.On
disconnecting with the battery, it is connected with a capacitor of
capacity C2 as shown in the adjoining figure. The ratio of energies
before and after the connection of switch S will be

(a) 20 C (b) 15 C
(c) 10 C (d) zero

Answer Key 4 (a) 5 (c) 6 (b) 7 (a)

Sol. from page 203 8 (d) 9 (c) 10 (c) 11 (a)
12. Three plates A, B, C each of area 50 cm2 have separation 3mm 17. In the figure below, what is the potential difference between the
between A and B and 3mm between B and C. The energy stored point A and B and between B and C respectively in steady state
when the plates are fully charged is

(a) 1.6×10–9 J (b) 2.1×10–9 J

(c) 5×10–9 J (d) 7×10–9 J
13. In the circuit here, the steady state voltage across capacitor C is a
fraction of the battery e.m.f. The fraction is decided by

(a) VAB VBC 100V (b) VAB 75 V , VBC 25V

(c) VAB 25V , VBC 75V (d) VAB VBC 50V

18. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is connected to a battery
(a) R1 only (b) R1 and R2 only and is charged to a potential difference V. Another capacitor of
(c) R1 and R3 only (d) R1, R2 and R3 capacitance 2C is connected to another battery and is charged to
14. Two capacitors C1 and C2 = 2C1 are connected in a circuit with a potential difference 2V. The charging batteries are now disconnected
switch between them as shown in the figure. Initially the switch is and the capacitors are connected in parallel to each other in such a
open and C1 holds charge Q. The switch is closed. At steady state, way that the positive terminal of one is connected to the negative
the charge on each capacitor will be terminal of the other. The final energy of the configuration is

25CV 2
(a) zero (b)

3CV 2 9CV 2
(c) (d)
2 2
19. Condenser A has a capacity of 15 F when it is filled with a medium
(a) Q, 2Q (b) Q / 3, 2Q / 3 of dielectric constant 15. Another condenser B has a capacity of
(c) 3Q / 2, 3Q (d) 2Q / 3, 4Q / 3 1 F with air between the plates. Both are charged separately by a
15. To form a composite 16 µF, 1000 V capacitor from a supply of battery of 100 V. After charging, both are connected in parallel
identical capacitors marked 8µF, 250 V, we require a minimum without the battery and the dielectric medium being removed. The
number of n capacitors, where n is common potential now is
(a) 2 (b) 8 (a) 400 V (b) 800 V
(c) 16 (d) 32 (c) 1200 V (d) 1600 V
16. Five identical plates each of area A are joined as shown in the
20. In an isolated parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C, the four
figure. The distance between the plates is d. The plates are
connected to a potential difference of V volts. The charge on plates surface have charges Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 as shown. The potential
1 and 4 will be difference between the plates is

0 AV 0 AV 0 AV 2 0 AV
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q2 Q3
(a) . (b) . (a) (b)
d d d d 2C 2C

0 AV 2 0 AV 0 AV 2 0 AV Q2 Q3 Q1 Q4
(c) . (d) .
d d d d (c) (d)
2C 2C

Answer Key 12 (b) 13 (b) 14 (b) 15 (d) 16 (c)

Sol. from page 203 17 (c) 18 (c) 19 (b) 20 (c)
21. For the circuit shown, which of the following statements is true? (a) P (b) Q
(c) R (d) S
26. The given circuit consists of a capacitor and resistors. The time
constant of the circuit is :
1/2F 2 6

(a) With S1 closed, V1 = 15 V, V2 = 20 V

2 12
(b) With S3 closed, V1 = V2 = 25 V
(c) With S1 and S2 closed V1 = V2 = 0
(d) With S1 and S3 closed, V1 = 30 V, V2 = 20V
22. A fully charged capacitor has a capacitance C. It is discharged 1
(a) s (b) 4 s
through a small coil of resistance wire embedded in a thermally 4
insulated block of specific heat capacity s and mass m. If the (c) 2 s (d) 1 s
temperature of the block is raised by T, the potential difference V 27. When a dc voltage is applied to a capacitor, the voltage across its
across the capacitance is terminals is found to build up in accordance with Vc = 150 (1 – e–20t).
ms T 2ms T If the current is 1.14 mA after 0.05 s, the capacitance of the capacitor
(a) (b) is
(a) 3.01 F (b) 0.03 F
(c) 1.03 F (d) 10.3 F
2mC T mC T
(c) (d) 28. A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates has a
s s capacitance of 9 pF. The separation between the plates is ‘d’. The
23. A 4 F capacitor, a resistance of 2.5 M is in series with 12 V space between the plates is now filled with two dielectrics. One of
battery. Find the time after which the potential difference across the dielectric has dielectric constant k1 = 3 and thickness d/3 while
the capacitor is 3 times the potential difference across the resistor. the other one has dielectric constant k2 = 6 and thickness 2d/3.
[Given n(2) = 0.693] Capacitance of the capacitor is now
(a) 13.86 s (b) 6.93 s (a) 45 pF (b) 40.5 pF
(c) 7 s (d) 14 s (c) 20.25 pF (d) 1.8 pF
24. Figure (a) shows two capacitors connected in series and joined to 29. Seven capacitor, each of capacitance 1µF are connected as shown.
a battery. The graph in figure (b) shows the variation in potential The equivalent capacitance between A and B is :
as one moves from left to right on the branch containing the
capacitors. Then :

7 8
(a) F (b) F
8 7
(c) 7 µF (d) F
(a) C1 > C2 (b) C1 = C2
(c) C1 < C2 30. Plates of area A are arranged as shown. The distance between each
(d) the information is not sufficient to decide the relation between plate is d, the net capacitance is
C1 and C2 b
25. In an RC circuit while charging, the graph of log i versus time is as
shown by the dotted line in the figure, where i is the current. When
the value of the resistance is doubled, which of the solid curve best
represents the variation of log i versus time

0A 7 0A
(a) (b)
d d
6 0A 5 0A
(c) (d)
d d

Answer Key 21 (d) 22 (b) 23 (a) 24 (c) 25 (b)

Sol. from page 203 26 (b) 27 (c) 28 (b) 29 (a) 30 (a)
31. Six capacitors each of capacitance of 2 F are connected as shown (a) 0 (b) 54 C
in the figure. The effective capacitance between A and B is (c) 27 C (d) 81 C
C 35. What is equivalent capacitance of circuit between points A and B?

3 F 9 F 27 F
B Infinite section

3 F 9 F 27 F
(a) 12 µF (b) 8/3 µF 2 4
(c) 3 µF (d) 6 µF (a) F (b) F
3 3
32. The combination of capacitors with C1 = 3 F, C2 = 4 F and C3 =
2µF is charged by connecting AB to a battery. Consider the 1 3 F
(c) Infinite (d)
following statements.
I. Energy stored in C1 = energy stored in C2 + energy stored in 36. A parallel plate capacitor C with plates of unit area and separation
C3 d is filled with a liquid of dielectric constant = 2. The level of
II. Charge on C1 = charge on C2 + charge on C3
III. Potential drop across C1 = potential drop across C2 = liquid is initially. Suppose the liquid level decreases at a constant
potential drop across C3 3
speed v, the time constant as a function of time t is


Which of the following is/are correct

(a) I and II (b) II only
(c) I and III (d) III only 6 0 R 15d 9vt 0 R
(a) 5d 3vt (b)
33. In figure, there is a four way key at the middle. If key is shown 2d 2 3dvt 9v 2t 2
from situation BD to AD, then how much charge will flow through
point O ? 6 0 R 15d 9vt 0 R
(c) (d) 2 2 2
5d 3vt 2d 3dvt 9v t
37. Equivalent capacitance between A and B

4 F B 4 F

6V C C C
(a) 24 C (b) 36 C
(c) 72 C (d) 12 C
34. A circuit is connected as shown in the figure with the switch S
open. When the switch is closed, the total amount of charge that A
flows from y to x

4C 8C
(a) (b)
3 3

(c) 12 C (d)

Answer Key 31 (a) 32 (b) 33 (c) 34 (c)

Sol. from page 203 35 (b) 36 (a) 37 (b)

38. A parallel plate capacitor C carries a charge Q. The distance between 42. If key K1 is closed in circuit shown in figure and galvanometer
the plates is doubled by application of force. The work done by doesn’t give deflection at any time, then value of C is
force is


(a) zero (b) C

Q2 Q2
(c) (d)

C 4C 6
39. Diagram shows three capacitors with capacitance and breakdown
voltage mentioned. What should be maximum value of the external
emf of source such that no capacitor breaks down? K1

2 C, 2V (a) 3 F (b) 9 F
6 C, V (c) 4 F (d) 1 F
43. The circuit shown in figure is closed at t = 0. Calculate the total
C V amount of heat generated in R2 during the time capacitor gets fully

20 V

(a) 1 V (b) 2 V
(c) 1.5 V (d) 4 V
40. What is equivalent time constant of following RC circuit? 2
R2 2
2 R1 2 F
R C 200 400
R (a) J (b) J
3 3
(c) J (d) 400 J
(a) 1.5 RC (b) 3 RC 3
RC 44. In the circuit shown in figure if battery is ideal, then time after
(c) 2 RC (d)
2 1
41. In the circuit shown in figure, find the steady state charge on which current in R3 becomes time of maximum current through
capacitor C1. it is

C1 = 3 F R3 = 2

10 V
E 6 F
3 R2 = 2
8V 2

C2 = 6 F R1 = 2

(a) 2 C (b) 3 C (a) 18 s (b) 12 s

(c) 4 C (d) zero (c) 6 s (d) 2 s

Answer Key 38 (b) 39 (c) 40 (a) 41 (c)

Sol. from page 203 42 (d) 43 (a) 44 (a)
45. In the circuit show the capacitor of capacitance C charged to a
potential V. The current in the circuit just after the closing of
switch S is: 2
S R 3

C 4
0 0
(a) (b) 2
V d d
(a) (b) AV
3R R 0
(c) (d) zero
V 2d
(c) (d) zero 51. In the infinite grid consisting of capacitors each of capacitance C,
2R the equivalent capacitance between terminals A and B is :
46. A capacitor of capacity 6 F and initial charge 160 C is connected
with a switch S and resistors as shown in figure. If switch is closed
at t = 0, then the current through resistor of 4 at t = 16 s is :

8 4


10 20
(a) A (b) A
e 3e
(c) A (d) zero
3e C
(a) (b) C
47. In the given circuit the quantity of charge that flows to ground long 2
time after closing the switch is: 3C
(c) (d) 2 C
2 F 2
52. A 2µF capacitor is charged as shown in the figure. The percentage
of its stored energy dissipated after the switch S is turned to
S position 2 is
1 2
6V S

(a) 9 C (b) 12 C 2 F 8 F
(c) 15 C (d) zero
48. A capacitor of capacitance of 1 F is to a potential 12 V with a (a) 0% (b) 20%
battery. After charging the battery is disconnected and an additional (c) 75% (d) 80%
charge 10 C is given to the positive plate of the capacitor. The 53. For the arrangement shown in figure, identify the correct statement:
final potential difference across the capacitor is:
(a) 12 V (b) 17 V +20V
(c) 22 V (d) 27 V
49. A capacitor is filled with an insulator and a certain potential 10V
difference is applied to its plates. The energy stored in the capacitor
is U. Now the capacitor is disconnected from the source and the
insulator is pulled out of the capacitor. The work performed against 4µF B 12µF
the forces of electric field in pulling out the insulator is 4 U. The 10V
dielectric constant of the insulator is D C
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 7 (a) the charge on the 12µF capacitor is zero
50. Five metal plates are placed parallel to each other. The separation (b) the charge on the 12µF capacitor is 30µC
between neighbouring plates is d and area of each plate is A. The (c) the charge on the 4µF capacitor is 30µC
plated are connected as shown in figure. The charge on plate 1 is : (d) none of these

Answer Key 45 (a) 46 (b) 47 (d) 48 (b) 49 (c)

Sol. from page 203 50 (d) 51 (c) 52 (d) 53 (a)

MCQ Type 2 E xercise 2. 2

Multiple correct options 6. Figure shows three circuits, each consisting of a switch and two
1. A capacitor with no dielectric is connected to a battery at t =0. capacitors, initially charged as indicated. In which circuit the charge
Consider a point A in the connecting wires and a point B in between on the left hand capacitor will change after the closing of the
the plates. switch is :
(a) There is no current through A.
(b) There is displacement current through B till electric field
changes between the plates.
(c) There is a current through A as long as the charging is not
(d) The current always flows between the plates of capacitor.
2. A capacitor C1 of capacitance 1 F and a capacitor C2 of capacitance (a) 1 (b) 2
2 F are separately charged by a common battery for a long time. (c) 3 (d) All
7. A dielectric slab of thickness d is inserted in a parallel plate capacitor
The two capacitors are then separately discharged through equal whose negative plate is at x = 0 and positive plate is at x = 3d. The
resistors. Both the discharge circuits are connected at t=0. slab is equidistant from the plates. The capacitor is given some
(a) The current in each of the two discharging circuits is zero at charge. As one goes from 0 to 3d
t=0. (a) The magnitude of the electric field remains the same
(b) The currents in the two discharging circuits at t=0 are equal (b) The direction of the electric field remains the same
but not zero. (c) The electric potential increases continuously
(d) The electric potential increases at first, then decreases and
(c) The currents in the two discharging circuits at t=0 are unequal.
again increases
(d) C1 losses 50% of its initial charge sooner than C2 loses 50% 8. A leaky parallel plate capacitor is filled completely with a material
of its initial charge. having dielectric constant k, electrical conductivity . The charge
3. Each plate of a parallel plate capacitor has a charge q on it. The on the plate initially is q0 and the leakage current at time t is i. The
capacitor is now connected to a battery. Now time constant of the circuit is . Then
(a) the facing surfaces of the capacitor have equal and opposite 0k
(a) (b) i
charges. 0k
(b) the two plates of the capacitor have equal and opposite
charges. q0
(c) the battery supplies equal and opposite charges to the two (c) i i0e 0 (d) i0
plates. 9. In the circuit shown, the potential difference across the 3 F
(d) The outer surfaces of the plates have equal charges. capacitor is V1 and the equivalent capacitance between A and B is
4. The separation between the plates of a charged parallel plate C. Then
capacitor is increased. Which of the following quantities will change ?
(a) charge on the capacitor
(b) potential difference across the capacitor
6µF 3µF
(c) energy of the capacitor
(d) energy density between the plates of the capacitor. 2µF
5. Which one statement is correct ? A parallel plate air condenser is
connected with a battery. Its charge, potential, electric field and
energy are Qo, Vo, Eo and Uo respectively. In order to fill the
complete space between the plates a dielectric slab is inserted, the 60V
battery is still connected. Now the corresponding values Q, V, E
(a) C=4 F (b) C = 11 F
and U are in relation with the initially stated as (c) V = 20V (d) V = 40 V
(a) Q > Qo (b) V > Vo
(c) E > Eo (d) U > Uo

Answer Key 1 (b, c) 2 (b, d) 3 (a, c, d) 4 (b, c) 5 (a, d)

Sol. from page 208 6 (b, c) 7 (b, c) 8 (a, b) 9 (a, d)

Statement Questions E xercise 2. 3

Read the two statements carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below. Select the right choice.
(a) If both the statements are true and the Statement - 2 is the correct explanation of Statement - 1.
(b) If both the statements are true but Statement - 2 is not the correct explanation of the Statement - 1.
(c) If Statement - 1 true but Statement - 2 is false.
(d) If Statement - 1 is false but Statement - 2 is true.

1. Statement 1 7. Statement - 1
Second conductor in the capacitor increases its capacitance. Two metal plates having charges Q, –Q face each other at some
Statement - 2 separation and are dipped into an oil tank. If the oil is pumped out,
Second conductor decreases the potential difference between the the electric field between the plates increases.
conductors. Statement - 2
2. Statement - 1
Electric field between the plates,
The capacitance of a capacitor with charge Q on its one plate is C
Statement - 2 Eair
Emed .
The capacitance of a capacitor with charge 2Q on its one plate will
be 2C.
8. Statement - 1
3. Statement - 1
A charge Q1 is given to the one plate and a charge –Q2 to the other
Q plate of a capacitor. The charge on the capacitor is Q1–Q2.
Capacitance C ; it means C is proportional to Q.
V Statement - 2
Statement - 2 Q1 Q2
Charge Q = CV; it means charge on the capacitor is proportional to The charge on the capacitor is .
9. Statement - 1
4. Statement - 1
Electric energy resides out of the spherical isolated conductor. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor are given equal positive
charges. The charge on the facing surfaces of the plates are zero.
Statement - 2
Statement - 2
The electric field at any point inside the conductor is zero.
The potential difference between the plates is zero.
5. Statement - 1
The electric energy resides between the plates of a capacitor. 10. Statement - 1
Statement - 2 When a dielectric slab is gradually inserted between the plates of
an isolated parallel-plate capacitor, the energy of the system
The electric field at any point outside the plates is zero.
6. Statement - 1
Statement - 2
A parallel plate capacitor is connected across battery through a
key. A dielectric slab of dielectric constant k is introduced between The force between the plates decreases.
the plates. The energy stored becomes k times. 11. Statement - 1
Statement - 2 A dielectric is inserted between the plates of a battery connected
The surface density of charge on the plate remains constant. capacitor. The energy of the capacitor increases.
Statement - 2

U CV 2 .

Answer Key 1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5 (a) 6 (c)

Sol. from page 208
7 (a) 8 (d) 9 (d) 10 (c ) 11 (a)

Passage & Matrix E xercise 2. 4

4. The charge on the each capacitor before closing the switch is :

Passage for Q. No. 1 to Q. No. 3
A system consists of two concentric thin spherical shells of radii a and b 3C2
(b > a). (a) C1 C2 (b) C1

C1C2 2 C1C2
(c) C1 C2 (d) C1 C2

5. The switch S is now closed, the amount of charge flows through

the section 1:
1. Outer shell is earthed and inner shell is given charge Q, then charge
on the outer shell is : C1 C1 C2 C1C2
Q (a) C1 C2 (b) C C
1 2
(a) zero (b)
Qb C1 C1 2C2
(c) (d) –Q (c) (d) zero
a C1 C2
2. If inner shell is earthed and charge Q is given to the outer shell,
then charge on the inner shell is : 6. The amount of charge flows through section 2 :
(a) zero (b) C1 C1 C2 C2 C1 C2
b (a) (b)
C1 C2 C1 C2
(c) (d) none of these (c) zero (d) none of these
3. The capacitance of the system in second case :
ab Passage for Q. 7 to Q. 9
(a) 4 0 (b) 4 0 a b
b a A capacitor having a capacitance of 100 F is charged to a potential
difference of 24V. The charging battery is disconnected and the capacitor
b2 is connected to another battery of 12 V with the positive plate of the
(c) 4 0 b (d) 4 0
b a capacitor joined with the positive terminal of the battery.

Passage for Q. 4 to Q. 6 7. The charge flown through the 12 V battery.

In the circuit shown in the figure the emf of each battery is and capacitors (a) – 600 µC (b) – 1200 µC
of capacitances C1 and C2 are connected as shown.
(c) 600 µC (d) 1800 µC
8. The decrease in electrostatic field energy is.
(a) 21.6 mJ (b) 27.6 mJ
(c) 30 mJ (d) none of these
9. The heat developed during the flow of charge after reconnection.
(a) 21.6 mJ (b) 27.6 mJ
(c) 7.2 mJ (d) zero

Answer Key 1 (d) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 (d)

Sol. from page 209 5 (a) 6 (b) 7 (b) 8 (a)

Passage for Q. 10 to Q. 12 Passage for Q. 13 to Q. 15

In fig. the battery has a potential difference of 20V. :
6µF 8µF
C2 = 2µF a

4µF +28V
C3 = 4µF
J b
+ F E 12µF
20V – 4µF
13. What is the potential difference Vab?

I H G (a) 5V (b) 6V
C1 = 3µF
(c) 4V (d) 8V
14. Now the key S is closed. What is the potential of point a?
10. The equivalent capacitance of all the capacitors is (a) 9.2 V (b) 9.4 V
(a) 1µF (b) 2µF (c) 9.3 V (d) 7.8 V
(c) 3µF (d) 4µF 15. How much charge flowed through the switch when it was closed?
11. The charge stored on that equivalent capacitance is
(a) 3.70 C (b) 37.8 C
(a) 30 µC (b) 40µC
(c) 3.78 C (d) none of these
(c) 90µC (d) 60µC
12. The potential difference across C1 is
(a) 10 V (b) 20 V
(c) 30 V (d) 40 C

16. When a dielectric slab is inserted between the plates of one of the two identical capacitors shown in the figure then match the


Column-I Column -II

A. Charge on A (p) increases
B. Potential difference across A (q) decreases
C. Potential difference across B (r) remains constant
D. Charge on B (s) will change

Answer Key 9 (c) 10 (d) 11 (c) 12 (a) 13 (a) 14 (c)

Sol. from page 209 15 (b) 16
17. Column II gives certain systems undergoing a process. Column I suggests changes in some of the parameters related to the system.
Column-I Column -II
(A) The energy of the system is increased (p) System: A capacitor, initially uncharged
Process: It is connected to a battery
(B) Mechanical energy is provided to the system, which is (q) System: A gas in an adiabatic container fitted with an
converted into energy of random motion of its parts adiabatic piston
Process: The gas is compressed by pushing the piston
(C) Internal energy of the system is converted into its (r) System: A gas in a rigid container
mechanical energy Process: The gas gets cooled due to colder atmosphere
surrounding it
(D) Mass of the (s) system is decreased (s) System: A heavy nucleus, initially at rest
Process: The nucleus fissions into two fragments of nearly
equal masses and some neutrons are emitted
(t) System: A resistive wire loop
Process: The loop is placed in a time varying magnetic field
perpendicular to its plane
18. In the given circuit diagram, both capacitors are initially uncharged. The capacitance C1 = 2 F and C2 = 4F emf of battery A and B are 2V and
4V respectively.

C2 C1


Column - I Column - II
(Magnitude only)
A. On closing switch S1 with S2 open work done (p)
by battery A is
B. Switch S1 is open and S2 is closed, work (q) 4
done by battery B is
C. Charge on capacitor C2 is (after S1 open and S2 closed) (r) 8
D. Charge on C1 when both are closed (s)
(t) zero
19. A parallel plate capacitor with air between its plates is charged using a battery and then disconnected from the battery.
Column - I Column - II

A. Potential difference between the plates will decrease if (p) Separation between the plates is increased to K/2
times the initial value and space between the plates
after the separation has increased, is completely
filled with a dielectric (here K is the dielectric
B. Electric field strength between the plates will reduce if (q) Separation between the plates is increased
C. Electric energy stored in the capacitor will decrease if (r) A dielectric with K>1 is filled between the plates
of capacitor.
D. Electric energy density will decrease if (s) Separation between the plates is reduced
(t) None

Answer Key 17 A. -p, s ; B -p, s ; C-q, s ; D - p, s 18 A. -r ; B - p ; C. - s; D.- q

Sol. from page 209
19 A.-p, r, s ; B - p, r ; C- p , r, s ; D. - p, r

Subjective Integer Type E xercise 2. 5

Solution from page 211

5.0 F 6.0 F 5. Infinite number of identical capacitors (each of capacity 1 F)

1. Find the charged supplied by the
battery in the arrangement shown are connected as shown in figure. Find the equivalent capacitance
in figure. of system between the terminals shown in figure.
- C C

+ C C C C
Ans. 110 C.
2. The particle P shown in figure C C C C C C C C
has a mass of 10 mg and a charge
of - 0.01 C. Each plate has a
surface area 100 cm2 on one side. 0.04 F 16 Capacitors
What potential difference V 32 Capacitors

should be applied to the V - 0.04 F

combination to hold the particle Ans. 2 F.
P in equilibrium? 6. A finite ladder is constructed by connecting several sections of 2
F, 4 F capacitor combinations as shown in figure. It is terminated
Ans. 43 mV by a capacitor of capacitance C. What value should be chosen for
3. Take C1 = 4.0 F and C2 = 6.0 F in figure. Calculate the C, such that the equivalent capacitance of the ladder between the
equivalent capacitance of the combination between the points
indicated. points A and B becomes independent of the number of sections
C1 C1 in between?

4 F 4 F F
C1 C1 A
C2 C2
C1 C1

C2 C2 Ans. 4 F.
(a) 7. A capacitor stores 50 C charge when connected across a battery.
When the gap between the plates is filled with a dielectric, a
C2 C2 charge of 100 C flows through the battery. Find the dielectric
Ans. (a) 5 F, (b) 10 F. constant of the material inserted.
4. Four capacitors of equal capacitance are joined in series with a Ans. 3.
battery of 10 volts. The mid point B of these capacitors is earthed.
Calculate the potentials of A and C. 8. A battery of 10 V is connected to a capacitor of capacity 0.1 F.
The battery is now removed and this capacitor is connected to a

second uncharged capacitor. If the charge distributes equally on
these two capacitors, find the total energy stored in the two
capacitors. Further compare this energy with the initial energy
A C stored in the capacitors.
Ans. 5J, 1/2.
Ans. VA = + 5V and VC = – 5 V.

Subjective E xercise 2. 6
Solution from page 211
1. Take the potential of the point B in figure to be zero.
(a) Find the potentials at the points C and D. 2 F 4 F
2 F 4 F
(b) If a capacitor is connected between C and D, what charge F
will appear on this capacitor ? F F
4 F 8 F F F
A B 4 F
(a) 2 F F
D (b)

3 F 6 F
Ans. (a) 8 F, (b) 8 F.
50V 5. Find the potential difference Va – Vb between the points a and b
- shown in each part of the figure.

Ans. µV at each point (b) zero.
- +
3 4 F 4 F
2. In figure each capacitance C1 = 2 F and C2 = 3 F.
C2 C2 C2
a c
12 V 2V 2V
C2 - + a
C1 C1 - + - +
C2 d 2 F 4 F
C2 C2 2 F 2 F
a b
(a) Calculate equivalent capacitance of the network between
- + (c)
points a and b. 24 V
(b) Calculate the charge on each of capacitors nearest to a and b (b)
when p.d. across a and b,
Ans. (a) 12 / 11 V, (b) - 8 V, (c) zero .
Vab = 900 volt. 6. Find the potential difference Va – Vb between the points a and b
(c) With 900 volts across a and b, calculate the p.d. across c and shown in each part of the figure.
d [i.e.Vcd]
6V 4 F
Ans. (a) 1 F (b) 900 C (c) 100 V. - +
3. Find the equivalent capacitances of the combinations shown in
12V 2 F
figure between the indicated points. a - + b

24V 1 F
1 F 3 F 1 F 3 F - +

F F F Ans. – 10.3 V.
F 7. An infinite circuit is formed by the repetition of same link consisting
F of two identical capacitors, each of capacitance C. Calculate the
3 F 1 F effective capacitance between points x and y.
3 F (b) 1 F
(a) C C C C
11 11
Ans. (a) F, (b) F. C C C C
6 4
4. Find the equivalent capacitances of the combinations shown in y
figure between the indicated points. Ans. 0.618 C.
8. Find the equivalent capacitance of given network of capacitors 13. A radioactive source in the form of a metal sphere of diameter 10–3 m
between A and B. Each capacitor has capacitance C = 1 F. emits particles at a constant rate of 6.25 × 1010 particles per
second. If the source is electrically insulated, how long will it take
C C C for its potential to rise by 1.0 volt, assuming that 80% of emitted
A particles escape from the surface.
C C Ans. 6.95 s.
14. The capacitance of a variable radio capacitor can be changed from
B 50 pF to 950 pF by turning the dial from 00 to 1800. With the dial
C C C set at 1800, the capacitor is connected to a 400 V battery. After
charging, the capacitor is disconnected from the battery and the
Ans. 0.38 F. dial is turned at 00.
9. A metal sphere of radius R is charged to a potential V. (a) What is the potential difference across the capacitor when
(a) Find the electrostatic energy stored in the electric field within the dials reads 00 ?
a concentric sphere of radius 2 R. (b) How much work is required to turn the dial, if friction is
(b) Show that the electrostatic field energy stored outside the neglected ?
sphere of radius 2 R equals that stored within it. Ans. (a)7600 V (b) 1.368 × 10–3 J.
2. 15. Two square metallic plates of 1 m side are kept 0.01 m apart, like
Ans. (a) 0RV a parallel plate capacitor, in air in such a way that one of their
10. A parallel-plate capacitor having plate area 20 cm2 and separation edges is perpendicular to an oil surface in a tank filled with in an
between the plates 1.00 mm is connected to a battery of 12.0 V. insulating oil. The plates are connected to a battery of emf 500 V.
The plates are pulled apart to increase the separation to 2.0 mm. The plates are then lowered vertically into the oil at a speed of
(a) Calculate the charge flown through the circuit during the 0.001 m/s. Calculate the current drawn from the battery during the
process. process (dielectric constant of oil = 11, 0 = 8.85 × 10–12 C2/N–
(b) How much energy is absorbed by the battery during the
process ?
(c) Calculate the stored energy in the electric field before and + -
after the process.
(d) Using the expression for the force between the plates, find
the work done by the person pulling the plates apart. l
(e) Show and justify that no heat is produced during this transfer Ans. 4.425 × 10-9 A.
of charge as the separation is increased.
Ans. (a) 1.06 × 10–10 C (b) 12.7 × 10–10 J, (c) 12.7 × 10–10 J,
6.35 × 10–10 J, (d) 6.35 x 10–10 J.
11. Figure shows two parallel plate capacitors with fixed plates and 16. (a) Find the capacitance of a spherical capacitor, if the outer
connected to two batteries. The separation between the plates is sphere is charged and the inner sphere is earthed. Given
the same for the two capacitors. The plates are rectangular in radius of inner sphere = a, radius of outer sphere = b.
shape with width b and lengths l1 and l2. The left half of the (b) Two conducting spheres are placed concentrically. The inner
dielectric slab has a dielectric constant k1and the right half k2. sphere is earthed and the outer given a charge 30 nC. The
Neglecting any friction, find the ratio of the emf of the left battery radii of sphere are 8 cm and 10 cm. What is the charge on the
to that of the right battery for which the dielectric slab may remain inner sphere? Will there be any charge on the inner surface of
in equilibrium. the outer sphere ? Explain.

+ +

k2 1 + A +
Ans. k1 1 a

+ +
12. A 5.0 F capacitor is charged to 12 V. The positive plate of this +
capacitor is now connected to the negative terminal of a 12 V
battery and vice versa. Calculate the heat developed in the b2
Ans. (a) 4 0 , (b) –24 nC.
connecting wires. b a
Ans. 1.44 mJ.
21. In a circuit shown in figure find the potential difference between
17. The lower plate of a parallel plate capacitor lies on an insulating
the left and right plates of each capacitor.
plane. The upper plate is suspended from one end of a balance.
The two plates are joined together by a thin wire and subsequently
disconnected. The balance is achieved. A voltage V = 5000 V is
Ans. V1 ( 2 1) , V2 ( 1 2) .
applied between the plates, what additional weight should be placed
to maintain the balance? The separation between the plates d = 5 C1 C2
1 1
mm and the area of each plate, A = 100 cm2. C2 C1

22. Determine the potential difference VA – VB between points A and B

of the circuit shown in figure. Under what condition is it equal to
zero ?
+ + + + + + + Ans. 4.52 g. C1 C2 (C2C3 C1C4 )
d A
- - - - - - - Ans. VA – VB = (C C )(C C ) .
1 2 3 4
C3 C4
18. The two capacitors C1 and C2 are made of square plates of edge l. C1 C3
The separation between the plates of capacitors are d1 and d2 as In the case when C C4 .
shown in figure. A potential difference V is applied between the – +
points a and b. An electron is projected between the plates of the
upper capacitor along the central line. With what minimum speed
should the electron be projected so that it does not collide with 23. Find the potential difference VA – VB between points A and B of the
any plate. Consider the effect of only dielectric forces. circuit shown in figure.

C1 C2
C1 (C2 2 C1 1 ) C3
1/ 2 Ans. VA – VB =
eVl 2 (C1 C2 C3 ) 1 2
d2 Ans. – + B – +
md1 (d1 d2 )

24. Determine the potential at point 1 of the circuit shown in figure

b assuming the potential at the point O to be equal to zero. Using
19. Find the potential difference between points A and B of the system the symmetry of the formula obtained, write the expressions for
shown in figure. If emf is equal to = 110 V and the capacitance the potentials at point 2 and 3.
C2 Ans.
ratio 2.0 . 1
– +
2C2 3C3 1 (C2 C3 ) 1 C1
(C1 C2 C3 ) 2
– + O
Ans. 2
10V . 2 C2
(1 3 )
1C1 3C3 2 (C1 C2 ) 3
V2 ,
C1 C2 C3 – + 3 C3
20. A circuit has a section AB shown in figure. The emf of the source
= 10 V, the capacitor capacitances are equal to C1 = 1.0 F, C2 =
2.0 F, and the potential difference VA – VB = 5.0 V. Find the 1C1 2C2 3 (C1 C2 )
V3 .
voltage across each capacitor. C1 C2 C3

25. What charges will flow after the shorting of the switch S in the
A – + B circuit illustrated as shown in the figure through sections 1 and 2 in
C1 C2 the directions indicated by the arrows ?

q q
Ans. V1 10V , V2 5V , S
C1 C2 C1

– – Ans. q C1C2
(VA VB )C1C2 C2 1 C2 , q2
where q . (C1 C2 )
(C1 C2 ) 1 2
26. A conducting sphere S1 of radius r is attached to an insulating 28. Two parallel plate capacitors A and B have the same separation d
handle. Another conducting sphere S2 of radius R is mounted as an = 8.85 × 10–4 m between the plates. The plate areas of A and B
insulating stand, S2 is initially uncharged. S1 is given a charge Q, are 0.04 m2 and 0.02 m2 respectively. A slab of dielectric constant
brought into contact with S2 and removed. S1 is recharged such (relative permittivity) k = 9 has dimensions such that it can
that the charge on it is again Q and is again brought into contact exactly fill the space between the plates of capacitor B.
with S2 and removed. This procedure is repeated n times. (i) The same dielectric slab is now placed inside A as shown in
(a) Find the electrostatic energy of S2 after n such contacts with figure. A is then charged to a potential difference of 110 V.
S1 . Calculate the capacitance of A and the energy stored in it.
(b) What is the limiting value of this energy as n . (ii) The battery is disconnected and then the dielectric slab is
removed from A. Find the work done by the external agancy
qn2 QR R Q2 R is removing the slab from A.
Ans. (a) U n , qn 1 (b) .
8 0 R r R r 8 0r
2 (iii) The same dielectric slab is now placed inside B, filling it
completely. The two capacitors A and B are then connected
27. The circular plates A and B of a parallel plate air capacitor have a as shown in figure. Calculate the energy stored in the system.
diameter of 0.1 m and are 2 x 10-3 m apart. The plates C and D, of
a similar capacitor have a diameter of 0.12 m and are 3 x 10-3 m
apart. Plate A is earthed. Plates B and D are connected together. A B A B
Plate C is connected to the positive pole of a 120 V battery whose
negative is earthed. Calculate -

(a) the combined capacitance of the arrangement and 110V (a) (b)
(b) the energy stored in it.
Ans. (i) 2 × 10–9 F, 1.21 × 10–5 J (ii) 6.05 × 10–9 J, 4.84 ×
10–5 J (iii) 100 V, 1.1 × 10–5 J.

Ans. (a) 17 F, (b) 12.24 × 10-8 J.

S olutions Exercise 2.1Level -1

1. (b) 13.(a) V = E1 t1 + E2 t2
2. (d) The capacitance of each of (a), (b) and (c) is equal to C. The
7C = t1
capacitance of (d) is . k1 0 k2 0
Q t1 t2
C1C2 =
3. (d) q1 = C1V, q2 = C2V, and q3 V. A 0 k1 k2
C1 C2
As C1 > C2, q1 > q2 > q3. 0 A
14. (b) Given, C 1 pF
V d
4. (c) The p.d. across each capacitor, .
Now C 0 kA 2 pF .
Q 2Q (2d )
So capacitance, C .
V /2 V k = 4.
o A 1
5. (d) C ; when d ,C 0 15. (b) Increase in energy of capacitor C[V f2 – Vi2 ]
d 2
C 1
6. (d) If C is the capacitance of each capacitor, then 2C , 6 10–6[202 – 102 ] 9 10–4 J .
2 16. (c)
C = 4C.
17. (d) When capacitor in removed from the battery its change
Now in parallel, equivalent capacitance = 8C .
7. (c) For isolated capacitor, charge on it remains some and so Q 2 As C decreases with
becomes constant. Its energy U .
electric bulb between then, E remains constant.
0 increase in separation of plates and so U will increase.
8. (b) If V is the potential applied across the capacitor, then p.d. 1
across each capacitor will be V/2. Energy, 18. (c) Work done = energy stored CV 2 .
1 V 1
U C . When dielectric is inserted, then 19. (b) Energy stored n CV .
2 2 2
V1 + V2 = V ...(i)
and CV1 = k CV2 ....(ii) q2 (8 10–18 ) 2
20. (a) W U 32 10 –32 J
On solving above equations, we get 2C 2 100 10 –6

V kV 21. (d) P.d. across the capacitors in series.

V2 = , V1
k 1 k 1 + +
Now energy of the capacitor, A = V + V = 2V.
2 22. (a) The capacity of the capacitors in parallel is 10 F, and capacity
UA 1 k
CV12= CV 2 of two capacitors in series is 1 F. Thus equivalent capacitance
2 2 ( k 1) 2
It represents, that energy of capacitor A will increase. 1 10 10
C F.
V V 1 10 11
9. (c) V , k 8.
k 8 23. (c) As C2 and C3 are in parallel and so,
V2 = V3. Thus V = V1 + V2 = V1 + V3.
kQ1 Q Also Q1 = Q2 + Q3.
10. (d) For V1 = V2 or R k 2 or Q R = Q R , there is no flow
1 R2 1 2 2 1 24. (a) In the given circuit all the capacitors are in parallel, and so
of change between the spheres, and so no loss of electrical C = 4 × 8 = 32 F.
energy. 25. (d) The equivalent circuit is shown in figure. Then
11 .(c) The energy resides between the plates of capacitor. C 1µF C
12. (c) The capacitance of smaller drop of radius r, 32
C = 4 0r . A A F
8µF 8µF 8 8 9
The radius of bigger drop, F
4 3 4 3 4µF 3 9
R = 8 r R 2r
3 3
Thus C = 4 0(2r) = 2C.
Now, V = V0 (1 – e–t/ )
32 = 10 (1 – e–1/0.4) = 8V.
9 1, or C F
32 23 q 4
C 34. (c) q = it = 1 × 4 = 4C. So, C 1F .
9 V 4
C = 4 × 8 = 32 F. 35. (a) When dielectric is inserted between the plates, capacitance
26. (b) 5 F capacitor is ineffective, and so equivalent capacitance,
will be q
will increase and so V , will decrease (q constant).
CPQ= 1 F. C
2µF 36. (a)
2µF CV – CV
37. (c) The common potential, V 0.
2µF Q
2µF 1 1 1
2µF Thus loss of energy = CV CV 2 – (2C )(0) 2
2 2 2
27. (a) CPQ = 3C.
= CV 2
2C 1 1
38. (c) U CV 2 2 10 –6 (100) 2 0.01J .
2 2
2C 2C
C C So heat produced, = 0.01J.
2C 39. (b) Power delivered,
2C C C
Q 1 1
28. (d) CAB = 5 F. CV 2 40 10 –3 (3000)2
U 2 2
P .
t t 2 10 –3
3µF = 90 × 103 W.
40. (b) The equivalent circuit is shown in figure.
CAB = 3 F.

A 3µF B
1µF 1µF
6µF 2µF

CV1 CV2 V1 V2
29. (c) Common potential, V A
C C 2
41. (c) V1 + V2 = 1200
The decrease in energy of the system
and 3V1 = 6V2
= Ui – Uf
1 1 1 V1 V2
2 3µF 6µF
= CV12 CV22 – (C C) A B
2 2 2 2 P
v1 v2
1 1 1 V1 V2 On solving above equations, we have
= CV12 CV22 – (C C)
2 2 2 2 V1 = 800V and V2 = 400V
Now VP – VB = 400 ;
= C (V1 – V2 ) 2 As VB = 0, VP = 400 V
30. (a) These is no flow of charge between plates A and B because 42. (b) The current in the circuit, i . The p.d. across R,
positive plate attracts the negative plate. (R r)
31. (c) 1 q (– q ) q
V – . R
4 0 R R 2 0R V iR . This potential difference will equally
R r
q divided across the capacitors, and so potential difference
Now, C 2 0 R.
q across each capacitor, V .
32. (d) V = 0, and so C . 2( R r )
43. (c) The common potential,
6 3
33. (c) Req 2 . CV 2CV 3V
6 3 V .
kC 2C k 2
The time constant, C = CReq 2 0.4 s

Solutions Exercise2.1 Level -2

1. (a) V1 + V2 = 10 and V1 2CV2
2 2L
A 2C
V1 V2 5 .(c) Displacement current, id
From t = 0 to 4 s,
On solving, above equations, we get 0.4 106
id = 8.85 ×10–12 × 1 × 6
0.885 A .
V1 = 8V and V2 = 2V. y 10
From t = 4µs to 8µs, id = 8.85 × 10–12×1×0 = 0
A 0 0 AV
2. (c) 6. (b) Initially; C , Q CV .
d d
After removed from the battery,
( – x) b
a 0 kA 0 AV
C kC , Q Q
d d
V , and E .
k k kd

q = CV 0 AV 1
W U f – Ui 1–
2d k
0 l x 0xk V
b b C1V0 0 C1V0
n n
a a 7. (a) Common potential, V
C1 C2 C1 C2
Now i 1
dt C1V02
Ui 2 C1 C2
Now .
dx Uf 1 C1
k 1 V (C1 C2 )V0 2
b dt 2
a 8. (d) The equivalent circuit is shown in figure.

dx 10µF
As depends on the area of the hole, so i in the circuit
depends on area of the hole.
2 4 4 1 2 2 12µF 9µF 8µF
3. (d) Circuit I : C F, R .
2 4 3 1 1 3
4 2 8 1 1 1 1
1 CR s.
3 3 9 C AB 12 24 8
Circuit II : C = 2 + 4 = 6, R = 1 + 2 = 3 . or CAB = 4 F
2 = CR = 6 × 3 = 18 s. Also V1 + V2 + V3 = 60
1 2 2 and 12V1 = 24V2 = 8V3, V2 = 10V
Circuit III : C = 2 + 4 = 6 F, R Now q = 5 × 10 = 50 C.
1 2 3
9. (c) Change stored on capacitor C1, q1 = C1V = 6 × 20 = 120 C.
2 Common potential when switch S2 is closed and S1 is opened,
3 CR 6 4 s.
120 0 120
2 V V
0A 0 (4 L ) 6 3 9
4. (a) A = 4L2, and C
d d
Now, change on C2, q2 = C2V = 3 40 C .
0 (2 L L) 0A/ 2 9
d d

C1 D C2 0A
10. (c) between neighbouring two plates, C .charge on plate
V1 V2
0 AV –2 0 AV
1, q1 = + CV = , and q2 = – 2CV = .
d d
V1 V2

V1' V2' V1 – V2
1 2 3 4 5
and C1V1 = C2 V2 V
On solving above equations, we get
+ ++ +
(V1 – V2 )C2
C1 C2
17. (c) The equivalent circuit is shown in figure.
(V1 – V2 )C2 V1 + V2 = 100
Now V1 – VD
C1 C2 and 2V1 = 6V2

C1V1 C2V2
VD = . 3µF 1µF
C1 C2 B
3µF 1µF
11. (a) The current in 2 resistor, i
P.d. across 2 resistor, V = 2 × 1 = 2V. V2 V1
Charge on the capacitor, q = 10 × 2 = 20 C.
0A A
12. (b) The equivalent capacitance, Ceq = 2C = 2 C
d 20 100 V
–12 –4
2 8.85 10 50 10
On solving above equations, we get
3 10 V1 = 75V, V2 = 25V
= 2.95 × 10–11F
18. (c) Common potential , V – CV 2C 2V
1 V
Now energy stored, U CeqV 2 C 2C
2 Final energy of the system of capacitor,
1 1
2.95 10 –11 122 U (C 2C )V 2
2 2
= 2.1 × 10–9 J.
13. (b) The current in R2, 3
CV 2 .
i 19. (b) The capacitance of condenser A without dielectric will be,
R1 R2
p.d. across capacitor = p.d. across R2 C 1 F.
iR2 . 15 100 1 100
R1 R2 Common potential, V = 800 V.
1 1
Q Q 20. (c) The charges, Q2 = Q3.
14. (b) Common potential, V The potential difference between the plates,
C1 2C1 3C1
Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 – Q3
Q V .
Now charge, Q1 C1V , C 2C 2C
21. (d) Charges on the capacitors will redistribute only when all the
2Q three switches will be closed.
and Q2 C2V
15. (d) To get 1000V from 250V capacitor, we need four capacitors 22. (b) CV 2 ms T
in series. Their capacitance becomes 2 F. To get 16 F, we 2
have to connect 8 series, each of 4 capacitors in parallel. So
2ms t
total number of capacitors is 8 × 4 = 32. V .
16. (c) The charge on the plates are shown in figure. The capacitance
23. (a) 4V1 = 12
or V1 = 3V.

0 A
4µF 6 28. (b) Given, 9 pF
2.5 × 10 d
0 k1 A 0 A
C1 (3 3) 9 9 81 pF
d /3 d
3V1 V1
0 k2 A 3 6 0 A
and C2 9 9 81 pF
2d / 3 2 d
12 V C1C2 81
Now C 40.5 pF .
C1 C2 2
Time constant, = CR
= 4 × 10–6 × 2.5 × 106 = 10s 29. (a) The effective circuit is shown in figure.
We have, V = V0 (1 – e–t/ ) 7
or 9 = 12 (1 – e– t/10) C AB F.
or et/10 = 4
or n4
t 10 2 n 2 A B
= 20 × 0.693 = 13.86s 30. (a) The equivalent circuit is shown in figure
24. (c) From the graph, we have
V1 > V2, also q1 = q2 = q 0A
Thus Cab C .
V2 a b

V1 C C
x 31. (a) The equivalent circuit is shown in figure
CAB = 6C = 6 × 2 = 12 F
q q C
Thus C1 and C2
V1 V2
As V1 > V2, C1 < C2.
A 2C 2C B
25. (b) We know that,
i = i0 e–t/ = i0e–t/RC.
t C
or ni n i0 –
RC 32. (b) C1 = 3 F, C2 = 4 F and C3 = 2 F.
V1 + V2 = V
t and 3V1 = 6V2
or ni n – ...(i)
R RC 3µF 6µF
when resistance is doubled, .
t V1 V2
ni n – ...(ii)
2 R 2 RC 2V
V2 = V/3 and V1 = .
Thus Q represents the correct graph. 3
6 12 2
26. (b) The equivalent resistance, Req 2 2 8 . 1 1 V V2
6 12 Energy stored, V1 = C1V12 3 .
2 2 3 6
Now time constant, Ceq Req 8 4 s. 2
2 1 1 2V 4V 2
and V2 (C1 C2 )V22 6 .
27. (c) The change at any time, q = CV 2 2 3 3
= C × 150 (1 – e–20t) 33. (c) When key is on the position BD, the situation is shown in
dq the figure.
Current, i150C[0 – (–2 0)e –20t ]
dt 3V 24 C
or i = 3000 Ce–2t – 24 C
or 1.14 × 10 = 3000 C e– 20 × 0.05
12 C
1.14 10 –3 e 20 6V
–6 – 12 C
or C 1.03 10 F
When key is on the position AD, the situation is shown in 37. (b) The effective circuit is shown in the figure
the figure. C C
– 24 C 4C P/Q
3V A
24 C
O R B S 4C 2C
– 12 C
6V 12 C C C C R S
R/S 2C B
The charge flows to each capacitor is 36 C, and so total A A
charge flows through point O is 72 C.

34. (c) Before closing of the switch, i =

1A, A
2C P/Q 2C A
V1 + V2 = 9 and 3V1 = 6V2, 2C 2C 2C
V1 = 6V, V2= 3V.
Charge q1 = 3 × 6 = 18 C, and q2 = 6 × 3 = 18 C R B S
The charge at the junction x, qi = 18 – 18 = 0.
After closing the switch, 4C 2C 8C
Now CAB = 2 × 4C .
2C 3
i 1A, V = 3 × 1 = 3V and V = 6 × 1 = 6V,
9 1 2 C
38. (b) C
q1 = 3 × 3 = 9 C and q2 = 6 × 6 = 36 C. 2
Now final charge at junction x,
qf = – 9 + 36 = 27 C. Q2 Q2 Q2
W = Uf – Ui = – =
The flow of charge from y to x, 2(C / 2) 2C 2C
q = qf – qi = 27 – 0 = 27 C. 39. (c) The maximum charge delivered to the circuit
q = CV + 2CV = 3CV
35. (b) The effective circuit is shown in figure.
3C 6C
The equivalent capacitance, C = = 2C
1 F F F 3C 6C

q 3CV
A B The external emf , = 1.5V
C ' 2C
40. (a) The effective circuit is shown in figure.
The effective resistance across C is
1 F F F R R

The capacitance of upper series, R R

1 1 1 1 1 C
C 1 3 9 27 R R

2 3R
C µC Req = = 1.5 R
3 2
= CeqReq = 1.5 CR
Now CAB = 2C = F
3 41. (c) At steady state, the current in the resistors are shown in
36. (a) At any time, the level of liquid figure.
x1 – vt , and the thickness of the air C1 = 3 F
3 q 2A
2A 10 V
d 2d
x2 d– – vt vt . 8V
3 3 3
C1C2 0 kA 0A q
Now C ; where C1 , and C2 .
C1 C2 x1 x2
C2 = 6 F
6 0R
Time constant CR If q be the charge on each of the capacitor, then
5d 3vt
q q
8– –2×3– =0
3 6
q=4 C
42. (d) For no current in galvanometer at any time, then 16 10 6
160 / 6 16 10 6 10
1 e A
2 32 /12 e
6 1 If i1 and i2 are the currents in 4 and 8 respectively,,
C then
C= F 10
t t
i1 i2 = … (i)
1 20 e
43. (a) Current in R2, i = e 2 3 = 10 e 6 and 4i1 = 8 i2 … (ii)
2 3 3 After solving above equations, we get

i 2 Rdt 20 10
H= i1 and i2 A.
0 3e 3e
t 47. (d) Charge will flow from higher to lower potential and so it
100 flows from positive terminal of battery towards negative
= e 3 2dt
9 0 terminal of the battery.
48. (b) The potential difference
t Q/2
3 V = V0
200 e C
= 9 1
3 0 = 12 17 V .
2 1

200 1
= J 49. (c) Ui U kCV 2 … (i)
3 2
44. (a) After making a short in place of cell, the circuit is shown After disconnected from the battery and pulling the insulator.
in figure.
k 2CV 2
2 2
Now W Uf Ui

2 k 2CV 2
6 F or 4U U

k 2CV 2
2 or 5U … (ii)
Req = 3 , Ce = 6 F Solving equation (i) and (ii), we get
= CeqReq k 5.
= 6 × 3 = 18 s
50. (d) The charge on the plates are shown in figure. The charge on
The current in R3,
plate 1V will be zero.
i i0e t /
i0 2
or i0e – t /
or t = = 18 s
+ + + + 3
45. (a) Just after closing of switch, capacitors offers zero
– – – –
resistance and , so current + + + + 4
V – – – – 5
i .
6 8 4 6
51. (c) The net charge on the capacitor in between A and B is =
46. (b) CR 6 10 16 10 s 2
8 4
If i is the current in capacitor arm, then Q Q
i i0e t/ 4 4
e t/

Q 1 C1 C2 2
Q U = 2 C C (V1 V2 )
Now 2 1 2
Here, C1 = 2 F, C2 = 8 F, V1= V, V2 = 0
CAB = 2C. 1 2 8 4 2
52. (d) When S and 1 are connected U (V 0) 2 V
2 2 8 5
The 2 F capacitor gets charged. The potential difference
across its plates will be V. U
The potential energy stored in 2 F capacitor The percentage of the energy dissipated = 100
1 1
Ui CV 2 2 V2 V2 4 2
2 2 V
When S and 2 are connected 5 100 80%
The 8 F capacitor also gets charged. During this charging V2
process current flows in the wire and some amount of energy 53. (a) The p.d. across capacitor of 12µF will be,
is dissipated as heat. The energy loss is V = 10 + 10 – 20 = 0.
So change on this capacitor, q = 0.

Solutions Exercise 2.2

1. (b, c) There is a current between the plates of capacitor due to 6q 3q
6. (b, c) In (1), the potential of the capacitors are : VL and
dE 2C C
change in electric field between them, id 0A .
2. (b, d) The initial currents, Ve . As V = V , and so there is no blow of charge in

io1 , and io2 , and so i01= i02. between the capacitors.

6q 2q 3q
1 = C1R = 1 × R = R and 2 = C2 × R = 2R. In (2), VL , and VR . As VR > VL, and so
As t2 > t1 and so second capacitor will take more time to 3C C C
discharge for same amount. charge will below towards left capacitor.
3. (a, c) 7. (b, c)
8. (a, b) = CR
qq q q
q q ++ + 0 Ak d
+ + ++ + d A
+ +
= .
(i) (ii)
V q0 q0 q0 q0
4. (b, c) In case of isolated capacitor, charge on it remains same, i .
R CR A d k k
while capacitance decreases with increase in separation k 0 0 0
d A
between the plates, As V , and so V will increase.
C 6 3
9. (a, d) C 2 4 F
The electric field between the plates will not charge and so 6 3
V1 + V2 = 60
1 2
energy density, 0 E remains the change. and 6V1 = 3V2
2 On solving above equations, we get, V 1 = 20V and
5. (a, d) When battery remains connected, the potential difference, V2 = 40V.
V remains the same, while charge and energy on it will

Solutions Exercise-2.3
1. (a) On being negative, second conductor decreases the potential 4. (a) As these is no electric field inside the conductor, and so no
energy inside it.
difference between the conductors. As C , and so C 5. (a) Statement-2 is the correct explanation of statement-1.
increases. 1
6. (c) C = kC, and so, U (kC )V 2 = kU. Also q = C V
2. (c) The capacitance of a capacitor does not depend on its charge 2
given. = kCV = kq, and so charge density increases.
3. (d) Capacitance does not depend on charge only, while charge Q 7. (c) Statement-2 is the correct explanation of statement-1.
is proportional to V.
Q1 Q2 9. (d) Similar charge will reside on outer faces of the plates.
8. (d) The charge on positive conductor is q .
q2 q2
Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 10. (c) C = kC, and U . With the introduction of
2C 2kC
2 2 2 2 dielectric, energy of the system decreases. As charge on the
capacitor remains same, and so force between them remains
11. (a) U CV 2 . In the battery connected capacitor V remains
–Q2 Q2 Q1 Q1 2
2 2 2 2 constant while C increases with the introduction of dielectric
and so U will increase.

S olutions Exercise-2.4
Passage for Q.1 to Q.3 8. (a) The decrease in electrostatic energy
1. (d) When charge is given to inner shell and outer shell is earthed, = Ui – Uf
the charge on inner face of outer shell will be – Q.
2. (b) If (q) is the charge on the inner shell, then 1 1
= 100 10 –6 242 – 100 10 –6 122
2 2
V 0
1 Q q
–q q Q–q = 21.6 × 10–3 J.
4 0 b a
a 9. (c) Work done by battery, W = V ( q)
aQ b = 12 (– 1200)
or q – .
= – 14.4 mJ
ab 2 Now Ui + W = Uf + heat generated
3. (d) C = C1 + C2 = 4 0 4 0 b 4 0 b .
b–a or 28.8 – 14.4 = 7.2 + 4
Passage for Q.4 to Q. 6
H = 7.2mJ.
4. (d) Before closing the switch, the charge on each capacitor is
same and equal to q, where Passage for Q.10 to Q. 12
q=C×2 The simplified connections of the capacitors are shown in fig.

C1 C2
5. (a) When switch is closed, the charge on capacitor C1,
q1 = C1 .
Now flow of charge through section 1.
q1 = q1 – q
C1 –
C1 C2

(C1 – C2 )
C1 C2
6. (b) Similarly flow of charge through section 2,
10 (d) The equivalent capacitance between C and F is 2 F.
q2 C2 –
C1 C2

C2 (C1 – C2 )
C1 C2
Passage for Q.7 to Q. 9
7. (b) The initial charge on the capacitor,
qi = CV = 100 × 24 = 2400 µC.
The final charge on the capacitor,
qf = CV = 100 × 12 = 1200 C.
The flow of charge in the process
q = qf – qi = 1200 – 2400 = – 1200 C.
Capacitors across the arms BJ, CF and DE are in parallel, qi = 6 × 16 – 8 × 12 = 0.
and so their equivalent capacitance is 6 F. Similarly Final charge at the junction a,
capacitors across JH, and FG are in parallel and so, their
equivalent is 6 F. Now 6 F and 6 F are in series across qf = 6 × 18.7 – 8 × 9.3
the battery, so their equivalent is capacitance 3 F. = 37.8 C.
The charge stored on equivalent capacitor 16. If V is the potential applied across the capacitor then p.d. across
Q = Ceq V
= 3 × 20 each capacitor will be . When
= 60 C Ans.
11. (c) The potential of the battery is equally divided between the A- p, s : dielectric is inserted in capacitor B, then
capacitors connected between B and H. Thus potential B- q, s : V1 V2 V
VBJ = VJH = 10 V. C- q, s : and CV1 kCV2
The potential difference across capacitor 1
D-p, s : On solving above equations, we get
V1 = 10 V
and charge Q1 = C1V1 = 3 10 30 C Ans. kV V
V1 and V2 .
12. (b) The potential difference across C2 is also 10 V. Thus charge k 1 k 1
Q 2 = C2V2 Clearly potential of A increases and that of B decreases.
= 2 10 20 C Ans. Initial charges on the capacitors are :
The potential difference across C3 will be 5 V and so charge CV CV
Q3 = C3V3 q1 , q2
2 2
= 4 5 20 C . Ans. Find changes :
Passage for Q.13 to Q. 15
13. (a) V1 + V2 = 28 q1' CV1
k 1
and 6V1 = 8V2
On solving above equations, we get CV
and q2' .
k 1
6µF 8µF Charge on capacitor A will increase, and on B will decrease.
17. See theory of the chapter.
V1 V2
S 1
V3 V4 18. A -r : W.d. by battery A, = 2 C1V12 2 22 8J
4µF b 12µF
B-p : W.d. by battery B, = 2 CV22
28 V 2

V1 = 16V, V2 = 12V 1 4 2
2 42
Also, V3 + V4 = 28 2 4 2
and 4V3 = 12V4
On solving above equations, we get = J
V3 = 21 V, V4 = 7V.
Thus Vab = V2 – V4 = 12 – 7 = 5V. 4 2 16
C-s : q2 CV 4
14. (c) After closing of the switch, 4 2 3

V1 + V2 = 28 2.4µF 4.8µF
D-q : q1 C1V1 2 2 4
and 2.4 V1 = 4.8 V2 v1 v2 19. See theory of the chapter.
V1 = 18.7V
and V2 = 19.3V
28 V
Thus potential of point a, Va = 9.3V.
15. (b) Initial charge on the junction a,

Solutions Exercise-2.5
1. The equivalent capacitance, 5. The equivalent system of capacitors is shown in figure.
C = 5 6 11 F . C
The charge supplied by the battery,
q = CV C/2
= 11 10 = 110 C. Ans.
2. For the equilibrium of the particle, we have
mg = Eq C/4
E = .
q C/8

V If C' is the equivalent capacitance, then

The potential difference across each capacitor is ,
2 C C C
C = C .......
V 2 4 8
E =
2d 1
C 2C 2 F
V mg = 1 Ans.
So, = 1
2d q 2
6. If the equivalent capacitance between A and B is independent of
0 A 0 A the number of sections, then
Given, C = , d
d C 4 F
V mg
Now =
0 A q C
2 C 2 F
2 0A mg
or V = .
Cq 4C
or C = 2
After substituting the values, we get 4 C
V = 43 mV. Ans. C = 4 F. Ans.
3. The given circuit is: 7. For the constant potential,

C1 C1 q' 50 100
K = 3. Ans.
q 50
8. Initial energy stored in the capacitors
1 1
Ui = C1V12 C2V22
2 2
C2 C2
1 1
(a) The equivalent capacitance, C is = 0.1 102 C2 0 5 J
2 2
1 1 1 After connection with identical capacitor, the common poten-
= C1 C2 C1 C2 tial,
C = 5 F. C1V1 0 V1
V' = 5V .
C C 2
(b) Do this part similarly.
4. The equivalent circuit is shown in figure : 1
The final energy stored, Uf = C C V2
10V 2

= CV 2 0.12 52
= 2.5 J.
Uf 2.5 1
= . Ans.
2C 2C Ui 5 2

Let V1 = VA VB
and V2 = VB VC
V1 V2 = 10 V ...(i)
and 2C V1 = 2C V2 ...(ii)
From equations (i) and (ii), we have
V1 = 5V and V2 5V .
As VB = 0, VA 5V and VC 5V .

S olutions Exercise-2.6
The equivalent capacitance of upper part of the circuit is
1. (a) Let, VA VC = V1 and VC VB V2
4 8
V1 V2 = 50 ...(i) C1 = 4 F.
3 3
and 4V1 = 8V2 The total capacitance, C = 4 4 8 F.
or V1 = 2V2 ...(ii) (b) The effective circuit is :
From equations (i) and (ii), we have
2 F 4 F
100 50
V1 = V and V2 V.
3 3
4 F 8 F
As VB = 0, VC = V.
3 4 F 8 F
Similarly VD = V.
(b) The potential difference,
2 F 4 F
= 0
2. The effective circuit is shown in figure 4 8 8 4
C =
3 F 3 F 3 F 3 3 3 3
a c a
= 8 F.
2 F 2 F 1 F 3 F 5. (a) The given circuit can be drawn as :
b b If V1 and V2 be the p.d. across 2 F and 4 F respectively
3 F 3 F d 3 F
(i) (ii)

(a) Clearly the equivalent capacitance 12 V

C = 1 F. b
(b) The p.d. across each of the capacitors nearest to a and b will
be 300 V. So charge on each one, q 3 300 900 C. 2 F 4 F

(c) The p.d., Vcd = 100 V. Ans. a
24 V
3. (a) The equivalent capacitance is given by
2C1C2 C1C3 C2C3 b
C = C1 C2 2C3
2 F 4 F
Here, C1 = 1 F , C2 3 F and C3 4 F.

2 F 2 F a
12 V

1 F 3 F V1 V2 = 12
4 F
4 F and 2V1 = 4V2

V1 = 8V , V2 4V .
3 F 1 F
As V1 = Vb Va Va Vb 8V .
After substituting these values in above equation, we get (b) As both parts of the circuit are symmetrical, so the charges
11 on then may be :
C = F.
6 As the charge on the capacitor connected between a and b is
11 zero, so Va Vb 0.
(b) The effective circuit is :C = F.
4 2V 2V
4. (a) The given circuit can be redrawn as :
2 F 4 F

ineffective capacitor
5 F
+q –q b +q –q

4 F 8 F

4 F
6. In close loop, abcda, 2R
1 VR
12 2
6 or U = 0 4 r 2 dr
= 0 2 r 2
2 4 R
or q1 2q2 = 24 ...(i) 2
= 0 V R. Ans.
d 6V –q1 q1 (b) Energy stored in electric field of sphere beyond 2R,
1 VR
12V –q2 q2 U' = 0 2
4 r 2 dr
a b 2 r

24V (q +q ) –(q + q ) 2
1 2 1 2 = 0 V R.
e f Thus U = U'.
Now in close loop, abfea, A
0 , and final capacitance
10. (a) Initial capacitance, C =
q2 q1 q2 d
12 24 = 0
2 1
or 2q1 3q2 = 24 ...(ii) 0A
C' =
From equations (i) and (ii), we get d'
24 The charge flown, q = q ' q C 'V CV
q2 = C.
7 1 1
= 0 AV
q d' d
If Vab is the p.d. then Vab = 12 2 10.3V . Ans.
2 = 12 4 1 1
8.86 10 20 10 12
7. If C' is the equivalent capacitance, then 2 10 3
1 103
x C
= 1.06 10 10
(b) Energy absorbed by the battery
C' = W W'
y = CV 2 C 'V 2
1 1 1 1 1
= = 0 AV 2
C' C C C' d d'
C = 0.618C. 12 4 1 1
= 8.86 10 20 10 122 3 3
1 10 2 10

8. The successive solution is shown in figure. = 10

12.7 10 J
A C C C C A C C C (c) The energy stored
1 1 0A 2
C C 3C C 8C U = CV 2 V
C C C 2 2 d
2 C 5
B 1 12 20 10
B C C C = 2 8.86 10 122
1 10
After simplifying, we get C ' 0.38 F . Ans.
= 10
12.7 10 J
1 q
9. (a) Given, V = .
4 R 1
0 and U' = C 'V 2
The electric field due to sphere, at a distance r from the 2
centre of the sphere, r R = 6.35 10 10 J Ans.
1 q R (d) If x is the separation between the plates, then force between
E = =V . them
4 0 r2 r 2
0V A
dr F = 2
d' d'
R r AV 2
The work done, W = Fdx 0 x 2 dx
d d

The electrical energy stored is given by 0 AV 2 1 1

2 d d'
U = 0 E 2 dV = 6.35 10 10 J.
R 11. The force on a dielectric for constant potential is given by,
0 bV 2
F = k 1.
For equilibrium of the slab,
8.86 10 12 1 500
F1 = F2 or i = 11 1 0.001
0 bV12 k1 1 0 bV22 k2 1
or = = 4.425 10 9 A. Ans.
2d 2d
16. (b) When inner sphere is earthed, its potential becomes zero. To
V1 k2 1 make the potential of inner sphere to be zero, some negative
= . Ans.
V2 k1 1 charge must be appear on the inner sphere to cancel the
positive potential of outer sphere. If q2 be the charge on the
12. The initial charge, q1' = CV , inner sphere, then
and final charge, qf = CV . 1 q q2
VA = 0 = 4 b a
The charge flows, q = 2CV .
The heat developed in connecting wire q 8
q2 = a 30 24 nC
b 10
= V q 2CV 2
(a) Capacitance, C = C AB CB
= 2 5 10 6 12 2
= 1.44 mJ Ans. = 4 0 4 0 b
b a
13. If q be the charge of the metal sphere corresponding to the poten-
tial V, then b2
= 4 0 . Ans.
1 q b a
V =
4 0 R 17. The force between the plates of capacitor
or q = 4 0 R V 1 V2
F = 0 A .
2 d2
1 10 3 10 For the balance,
= 1 5.5 10 C
9 109 2 mg = F
q 1 V2
t = 10 19 = 0 A
0.80 6.25 10 1.6 10 2 d2
= 6.95 s Ans.
1 0 AV 2
14. With the dial at 180°, the capacitance C 950 PF m = . Ans.
2 md 2
The corresponding charge, 18. The capacitances of capacitors are :
q = CV
= 0 A 0 A
= 950 10 12
400 C1 , and C2
d1 d2
= 0.38 10 6 C
If V1 and V2 be the potential drop across C1 and C2 , then
(a) For the dial at 0°, capacitance
12 V1 V2 = V ...(i)
C' 50 10 F
The corresponding potential and C1V1 = C2V2 ...(ii)
q 0.38 10 C2V 0 A 1
V' = 12 V1 = V
C' 50 10 C1 C2 d 2
0 A 0 A
= 7600 V Ans. d1 d2
(b) Work needed,
1 1 = V
W = C 'V '2 CV 2 d1 d 2
2 2
The electric field between the plates of capacitor 1,
1 12 1
= 50 10 76002 950 10 12
400 2 V1 V
2 2 E = .
d1 d1 d 2
= 1.368 10 3 J Ans.
If u is the speed of projection, then
15. Suppose at some instant, y is the depth of plate inside oil, then
C = Cair Coil t = , and
0 y k 0 y d1 1 2
= = at
d d 2 2
0 k 1 y 1 Ee 2
= = t
d 2 m
0 V From above equations, we get
Charge on the capacitorq = CV k 1 y
d 2
d1 1 Ee
dq V dy =
0 2 2 m u
The current, i = 0 k 1
dt d dt
1/ 2 –q1 q1 A –q2 q2
Ee 2 1 3
u =
2 1/ 2
V el –(q2–q 1)
= . Ans.
md1 d1 d 2
19. In close loop 1-2-5-6-1 2 B 4
1 2
C1 C1
1 q1 –q1 –q2 q2 3 q1 q2 q1
A A 1 A B 2 I, 1
= 0 ...(i)
2 C1 C3
q1 + q2 –q2 and in close loop, A 3 4 B A
- +

- +

C2 C2 q2
–(q1 + q2) q2 q2 q1
2 = 0 ...(ii)
C2 C3
6 5 4
2C2 1C1
q1 (q1 q2 ) From above equations, we get q2 q1 = C2 C1
– 0 1
C1 C2 C3 C3
and in close loop 1-2-3-4-5-6
q q2 q2 q2 q1 2 C2 1C1
– 1 0 The potential difference, VA VB = C3 = C1 C 2 C3
C1 C1 C2
Solving above equations for q2 . V AB 24. In close loop ABDEA–
1 (q1+q2)
q q q q E
5.0 ; V1 V2 –(q1+q2) D
20. C1 C2 C1 & C2 1
21. Charge on each capacitor will be same, let it is q, 2
C1 F q2 –q2 C
q q
1 2 0 2
C1 C2 3
[ 1 2 ]C1C 2 – – q1 –q1
q 1 2 3
C1 C2 + +
q q1 q1 q2
V1 q 3 1 = 0 ...(i)
& V2 C3 C1
C1 C2 C2
In close loop CDEFC
22. If V1 and V2 be the p.d. across capacitors C1 and C2 , then
q1 q2 q2
1 2 = 0 ...(ii)
V1 V2 = C1 C2
and C1V1 = C2V2 From equations (i) and (ii), we get

C2 C1
V1 = , V2 2C2 1C2 1C3 3C3
C1 C2 C1 C2 q1 q2 =
C3 C2
Similarly if V3 and V4 be the p.d. across the capacitors C3 and C1 C1
C4 respectively, then Given, V0 = VC 0
C4 C3 C2 C3
V3 = , V4 q1 q2 1 2C2 3C3
C3 C4 C3 C4 V1 =
C1 C1 C2 C3
The potential difference VA VB = V1 V3
Similarly V2 and V3 can be obtained.
C2 C4
= 25. When switch Sw is opened, the capacitors are in series. Thus, the
C1 C2 C3 C4
charge on each of the capacitor is
C2C3 C1C4 C1C2
= q = ...(i)
C1 C2 C3 C4 C1 C2
23. In close loop, After closing of the switch Sw , the charges on the capacitors are
shown in figure.
Initially charge of capacitors joining at B = q q 0. 0 A2 1
and C2 = F
After shortening of switch the charge on then are d2 300 108
= q1 q2 0 C 2 (i) The equivalent capacitance
= C 2. C1C2
C = 17 PF
Therefore flow of charge through section 1. C1 C2
(ii) The energy stored in capacitors
= q1 q2 q q
1 1
= C 2. Ans. U = CV 2 17 10 12
120 2
2 2
The flow of charge through section 2, 7
= 1.224 10 J. Ans.
= q1 q
28. (i) The capacitance of capacitor A,
C1C2 A1
= . Ans. K
C1 C2 A1 0
CA = 0
26. If C1 and C2 be the capacities of S1 and S2, then d d

r 0 A1 1 K
C1 =
= 2d
C2 R
8.85 10 0.04
(a) If q1 is the charge acquired by S2 in first contact, then = 4
1 9
2 8.85 10
q1 C2 R
Q q1 = C1 r = 2 10 9 F
R Energy stored in A, U A = C AV 2
or q1 = Q 2
R r
1 9 2
= 2 10 110
Before second contact the charge of S1 becomes Q and so in 2
second contact, the total charge on S1 and S2 together = 1.21 10 5
R (ii) The charge stored in capacitor A,
= Q q1 Q 1
R r 9
qA = C AV 2 10 110
The charge again distributed in the ratio of their capacitances,
and so = 2.2 10 7 C.
Q 1
R R When battery is disconnected, the charge on the capacitor
q2 = remains same. When dielectric is removed, the new
R r R r
capacitance of A,
= Q 0 A C
R r R r CA ' =
d K
2 n
qn = Q
R = 0.4 10 9 F .
R r R r R r
q A2
n Final energy stored, U A ' = 2C A '
= Q 1
r R r
7 2
The electrostatic energy stored in S2, 2.2 10
= 9
2 2 0.4 10
qn 2 qn qn 2
Un = = 2 4 .
2C2 0 R 8 0 R = 6.05 10 9 J
Work done by external agency
(b) q = . W = UA ' UA
= 4.84 10 5 J
Q2 R
U = Ans.
8 0 r2 (iii) The capacitance of B,
27. The given circuit may be redrawn as : KA2 12
0 9 8.85 10 0.02
CB = 4
d 8.85 10
C1 C2
= 1.8 10 9 F .
qA 0
Common potential, V = C A ' CB
120 V = 100 V
0 A1 1
108 F Net energy stored, U = C A ' CB V 2
C1 = d1 288 2
= 1.1 10 J Ans.

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