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A group project is successful when you get your work

done efficiently, on time and with the group intact at the

end of the project. It involves a number of issues that
need solutions, peers who need guidance, proper flow of
communication and most importantly, someone to take
the lead. Why is the leader important? Some might ask
and the answer to that is, when there is chaos and
confusion around you about what needs to be done and
how it needs to be done, everyone is just looking for a
light that guides them through the darkness. And that
light, is the leader. Or in this group project, me. It was a
great responsibility to take on but considering my
passion for this project along with my traits of being
confident, understanding, great communicator and
empathy; it just felt right.
We had a great group dynamic, with a compassionate
leader, a combination of creative and knowledgeable
people who knew how to properly communicate with
one another. Group meetings were held, online and
offline where we discussed ideas and shortlisted the
topics we all thought would go well with our project.
With the topics decided, the work was divided amongst
each other by choice so as to the work presented would
be up to the best of our abilities. A deadline was set
when we all had to present our work and compile it
accordingly with constructive criticism and appreciation.
There was a point when one of the members was not
able to comprehend was the l was saying with reference
to how the tone of the project was supposed to be but
another one of us stepped in and explained him in a
much easier way than I did, Hence, solving a problem. I
later realized how I could’ve been more patient while
explaining to him earlier and how I could’ve made him
understand my point easily and took it to notice to be an
improvement for next time.
It was a great experience being part of a small group and
leading it. This experience taught me a number of things
like when you find yourself in a conundrum, you need to
proceed calmly and with patience. Not everyone has the
same thinking like us and so we need to understand
where they’re coming from and respect their ideas and
thought process. I would rate this group project as an 8
out of 10 leaving 2 points as scope for improvement.
It was an amazing learning experience overall.

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