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Date of Examination: 14/10/2020


School of Business
BBA Program
Semester Final Examination: Fall 2019
1st Year 2nd Semester
Course Number: BBA 121
Course Name: Principles of Management
Time: 2 (Two) Hours Full Marks: 60

Instructions: i) Answer script should be hand written and should be written in A4 white

ii) Write down Student ID, Course number, and put your signature on top of
every single page of the answer script

iii) Write down page number at the bottom of every page of the answer script.

iv) Upload the scan copy of your answer script in PDF format at the respective
site of the course at Google classroom using institutional email within the
allocated time. Uploading clear and readable scan copy is your
responsibility and must be covered the full page of your answer script.

v) Before uploading rename the PDF file as

CourseNo_StudentID.pdf [single manuscript]

For example

vi) You must avoid plagiarism, maintain academic integrity and ethics. You
are not allowed to take any help from another individual and if taken so
can result in stern disciplinary actions from the university authority

vii) There are6 (Five) Questions, Answer any 4 (Four)

viii) Marks allotted are indicated in the right margin

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Date of Examination: 14/10/2020

1. a. Discuss in brief ten basic managerial roles with proper examples. 8

Which managerial role is more required for every manager? Write
your view.
b. Explain 14 principles of management. Do you think all principles are 7
important for management or not and why?
2. a. Mention the barriers to and overcoming techniques of goal setting and 8
b. Briefly explain the various kinds of planning in an organization. 7
3. a. Define organization structure. Explain the types of organization 8
structure along with their diagrams. Which type of organizational
structure is more appropriate for an organization and why?
b. Describe the various kinds of departmentalization with proper 7
4. a. Exhibit the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. Write your positive 7
or negative opinion about the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory.
b. Describe the motivational process along with appropriate figure. 8
5. a. Mention the Path Goal Theory with the diagram. 7
b. Briefly explain the Ohio State Leadership Studies. Do you think this 8
leadership theory is helping to improve the employees’ performance
and how?
6. a. Suppose, you are a manager in an organization, you would like to 8
develop a process for controlling your employees. How would you do
that? Explain.
b. Describe in brief the forms of operational control with diagram. 7

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