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Bes ‘ \ a Minotion {Semester Anal Semesierc: Fall- Q0\d R . KoaKon +B. A Shudeny TDN + 1901 02048 Yeone (students)! 424 Semesier(Students): 24 Course Tile : Acinaigles of Courcee No! BBA 1A\ Monogemem Signetuace . Lozina pore of Examination + |4-10- 2040 Scanned with CamScanner 19 0102048 QA \a\ Loziwo- Anstolne Qves No. 2 Q Mention Ane varcrciers to and evexcom\ng Leahniques 6h yal setting ond A) OMNIA, ‘ Mejorc bortre | eres 5 Trapp rropreicte Crook $ Lrapprepriote Yols Come Ty many foreme So lorege dividend to Stok hol dares meq be in approprticle if i comes ad tle ExDdenge oS Keseorteh and developmed brood 5 Moy olss be inapproprecicle if they oe Unadicinatle . Page - 1 Scanned with CamScanner | jo ora 0% BoA yal pe Ww Imprce perc Reword 54 Stem In Some settings an tmproeers est Te wortd System acke ag o BOTUTE *o gon Settle and Planning: I) Dynamia ond comple & nvisconmesd ® The noduste of an orgonizetions Environment is olso a Loonrtre {ext to efeatve Bor settivg and Mlonniing . 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