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Examination: Somasior Final Semester: Fall -2019 Proogeam: B84 Student ID No: 190101053 Yoo (Student): 14 Couns THile! Principles Of dowase NO: BBA 194 Management ‘Yeas semosjorn: nd Doe of Srmmfnation: 14/4ole0 SGnaruloe : To Scanned with CamScanner {90109053 emia Ads 40 the erate) Managerial roles ome zeae behaviors cegodined with the dase Of management There awe tnner manoseral roles inhenest in tre managers ob. Oxrntaspensonal roles: Trterpensona, oles Oe recles that jnvoWe menacing with othee people inside and ontside the Organization, There are nee wricePerescnot oles inhenen in the managers “Sob. Lame heods Attending rilbbon- AutHing aeremom) for new Plank These adsivities are -bopiCally more aeperronial aod symbole than Substantive. Scanned with CamScanner 190102053 2A 121 Tos @ Leader: Endoueaging @mployees +0 Improve Productivity. A manager who Lowmally 01 infoprnally shows suboiedinake® how to do things amd how to parforin under prosune is leading. Liaison. “‘Qoondinating attivities of twO Pposeat Ohoup. The. wee often mvohes ZERVING OS A AOOVdINEIO! OW link Among people, BROUNS OF onganizoton, Basically, Ho mainly yeelationchip foehween managers ONd workens: @Tnfowmational aes: Trformational noles are. Goneconet pith aohedtina, Pe0ke3iNG ard dissemmating sooremaction. Page no-2 Scanned with CamScanner jaa1non% BH 19! “ose There ane Ineo types of informational poles. OMoniton: BCOMMING imdusiioy reeporls 40 Stay atoreast Of clovelpments. one who aatively seeks information ef rmoy be a} value: OHissominaton: Zendiag incustoy HepoIs fo — Sloy aloreas! of dovelopmenis, hoansmitrng yelovant istowmation back to olhens in the workplace. @shoKespencon' Making a gpeech +0 discuss grooth Plans formally raclays ‘pformation Jo people Outside ne op ovside 4he organization. unt Pageno- ae Scanned with CamScanner 190102083 BGA 121 TOs @Deaisionat: The information agliected -leevdh mentioning 4g dipected owared dizaovening problems, making deaisions hot nose deaigons ane. put into action. Thorne. One syysee, topes of deaisional oles. © Entroepreneun; Developing new ideas Sow jONovodion Th odueing new +echnology ON OMY idea The. voluntary intiotoo ot ahonee. © Distuobonec_handke: Resolving Aonsliet between +wo sywoordinates.The- manages rasponds +o hew pole as disturbance handles by handing suah problem as Shakes, Copy. pigrt inSringements ol Provclems ip) ‘pwalid pelation Of — aowDporate image. page no -4 Scanned with CamScanner eota20H3 BRA 19] dar @ Resouree _allocadew' Reviewing and yevising budael HOF KEQuES+. Als pegOURCE Alloaatow, he manages doddes how Iesonwaes Awe ciistribuled and wih dwhom thes wll work most losely. @iveaoriaton: Reaching agneement witha Key Supplier om labore emion. Doaizional woles is the best moanagarie) woles Jorn Eve!» manegera 5 desina am things. Page no-5 Scanned with CamScanner 120102083 BEA 21 Tes Ans _40 +he GM's to) Hon») Lowel intooduced a geneno 4yeony that can be applied 4o All levels Of management and deparimen: Ae prinelpes af management © Divigion Of work Berge seancting york | the yortdonee amanas+ the worker pol! enone ne quaiiy of ne preduel. @Axivontin ond Rasponsialot Avavonito taailities 4Me management jo work aftidient and wesPponsibilito moves +ren peyponsible or the work dme vedere 4heie loaderaghip. OT de digaipline , Nothing aan be qaaomplished: Page NO-8 Scanned with CamScanner 190102053 Boy J) Taw @unhy ol Qemmand! amployee Should haw On! one bess and follow bis Command. G.unity 8 digection: engaged in the dome aauvily Should have a unidied oot. @ subordination ef {individual aompany should Jowonds the. isienesr Of @ compainy nother dhan personal jrtOnOs! . @ Bem unenation: Motivating the workers o} a aompany: @ Cemiwalizosion:_ An authority pesponsible fon the decision making Process. wonk unfedly pare No-F Scanned with CamScanner 20102053 294 121 = © sdaler_ Abin: should be Strom tne 40P “bk the. lowest (o)ordew: Work onder to hove a Aavornble work @uttune: ! (Equity: | Treated e4ually and | pospe ceuully. @ Sabi’ trey feel Jeeure 16 nei “fob. (gn Hides _ duppoies ard —engounage +ne employees +0 +ake inftiatives ii an ongarizations: Espo de eons: Motivate +heis OmPloyees and pe supportive ot each ONEP nog Ulardy, Page no:8 Scanned with CamScanner 1010903 BPA J21 Be Ans 10 Ane B/N: 2a) Marjo bovetefens: MInappnoprioe Cool Trappnopniate goals aome In many fooms Powing a lange dividend 40. Shoakholdes moy be jn appropniae 4b $4 comes a} the Expense of meseach and development godls. @npnopern Reward system Tn Zome seHings an fmpropere yowand system ads as lonenier Jo ga goal seHing and Planning. @Dynamie and Gomplen Envinonmens: “he najune of an ORAS Zations arvincnment 36 also a barerion to esochy¥e gol geting awd planning, PoaeNno-9 Scanned with CamScanner 010204 BPA 121 Tet @Reluetance +0 _Estobolisn goals! Another bower +o @Heeive Planing fs Zome managers meluctance +o establish goals fon themselves. and then units of pesponsfbilty. &) Resistance +o Qhange! Another barrier +o God ZeHing ond Planning f5 rasistanae to ahange. @ Constants: Gommon Gonghedinis indude a lock Of resources. oneraoming owciens: @ Understanding the PAPPASSS os goals and planning. db gis arr Managers Should Also pecwgnize jyat Tnowee are ims +0 the OHfectveness, Page no~10 ~ Scanned with CamScanner 90102083 BEA 12! cla @eommurivoyion and _petipatins: Although 3o0als ond Plans may be inftioded at high |ovals in the ONQAN zation. @daonsisteney Pevision and LPelocting’ Gwols Should be Consistent both honizonially ond vertically. @ EMoative Reward sysiem: TH genenrdl, people Should be wowarnded bath for astablishing ofiiaive. goals and plans foe Judeesstulhy oaniaving them: Ans to tho @yns2.(b) Gols ave Gritical +o onganizasiona) atfoativeness ANd serve a number O¢ PUMPOSeS. Page nNo-t ~~ Scanned with CamScanner 190101053 apr 121 “Tos. Three kinds af Planning in an oraanization. DStwategie Plan: A oenerad Plan Outlining daaigions 0} allocation, Preforllies and acon ZiOpS necessary fo goeach AHeategie goals. @ Teekay ‘Plan: 2 plan ained at achieving Joction! developed to implement Specilic Pacis ot A sheategie Plan. ~Faation! «Plan Jypidally tsvolve. UPPeP and middie manogemenl and Gompareeel pith shrategie Plans, have a some what Ahorjer -Hme. honizon and Oo Mowe Zpactie and aonenete focus. Page no~l Scanned with CamScanner J201902083 BEA 12) Tas @oparectional plan: A Plan -Hat foexrses Oo” Aarpying ov ache Plons +o achieve Operational 900s. Developed by. middie and jowen level managens openadiono! plans have a& short +erm Joaus and or® nelodtvely narrow im scope. Ane 40 the QN+3ta) An onganizotions styetune is A 4yseom that Outline how Certain activities awe dissected & onder to aahiere the Goals ot On ongpnization Topes_O! cnaacfzotional stnuetune; @Fiot Sheuctuwe leads +o highep levels of OmPlovee morate and Productivity. Page no-13 “=""Scanned with CamScanner 190102059 BEA 12) Tot President, YYooram af lat sinuchaoe. WM Tall shouchoes Usually lent Jo he mone expensive Requiring more managens: ‘President | Maaram a} 4all Stoudthure. Mae No- $e aur ae Scanned with CamScanner 190102053 BPA 12) Te ‘a flat Sheuchuwe is mone approP™ 408 AN ARGANIzadION-Hocauce, empPIOYeSsS i O& Slat Shoucture awe endcuraged Jo work together 40 S0lve aanpany 0 ISSURS. Ans +o the ni3tb) The Process of Geoupiow Jobs A88- Aad0RRING +o ome loaiaal oxdroangmen. Oftoational: GROUPING Jobs iwwolWwing +he same OW] Siniloy adiviies. This approach which 16 Most aommoN in Smaliea onganisations has threes Pwimney Advasyiegec. G) both depastmen| G@nbe gaffes by experts 1 trot Ona. @ Supervision is -facilicded beaage any individual mnancser needs JO be Aggriian with Only a set ot Suills. Page m- 5 Scanned with CamScanner 190102083 BBA 12) _ om aor Coordinating Odivities insicle each depmetment fs asia. | Advootising | Ageseo | . 7 \ \=tHdormedion | Sales | SgedOn) | Accountion HR . , ' - | | | Pris | Prok Dep Adyoretting OProcuo} Gwouping activities arousd PROdUCLS OW PROM GHOURS- @ Associdded with O)@ Pwodya op cpRocet grovp can 0e@_ easily jmfegnatecl asd codtedinated . Page no-t6 Scanned with CamScanner 19010205 GRA IL) Te @The speed eh and effechvene Od deaisian maving awe enhanced - @Products group Gan be Assexced mone easily and abyectvely. ' Genenal Electnia Aveord+ _ Applanees Engine hapa! Lighting ZORVICRS jrediont “NBS 2 — BOSTEMS Page no- It ~~" Scanned with CamScanner 19010905 BEA 2) Bs Ars_t0 tne @yns3(a) Poth _goo) theowy: A -theomy OF kadenship Suggestion that +he Primany Sunatons af a loade ave -+o mave Valued On destined feewards ovatlavle ip the workplace. Alawisies don Hot subonclinate dhe. Winds Of behavion that will lead 40 al CAdeomplishment and valued pewoands Frameysonk: “Broordinates leaden Emvinonmenial a behavior —Ahanatevistas Chanae@tenistias | Ofenecived Ovincctive O7agu Shreuctu we abi i+ Osupparive Qwork onoup +6 Foams OF — @Pareticipatian Como '@ Alovievement OnIeNed Page No-7E] wr ee Scanned with CamScanner 19002053 BPA 12] Be leadershiD 3s Sieh as jenpomtatt AREA, manages amd researchers Continue +0 dine jy. Asa result Now ideas, -+theonies and Perspectives ABL Aontingvely being cewelgped. Model? . A Lease | SS \ Subordinate) | Su Jub /)Sub ‘Sub | @® \8 | |®@ > 8 6 Ove QHOUD In anoup, Page. no-19 Scanned with CamScanner lo0102053 BRA 2) Tas Ans +0 the @yn15Iv) Ohio sige: @ Tnitioding -structwwe behavian: Leaders who cbsine Iho jeadéo Subordinate poles 46 that evenyane Krows what 15 Cxpetedl, AStablish Jormal tines OF Commusyaaion amd dejermine_ how asks will be Performed - © Consictowotion behovion! Leaders who Show Condern Soe subordinates and avomps +o establish 0 riendly and supportive alimade - “The leadership airiclt A me4tvod of evaluating JoaclenshiP Siles +o -heatn managen; Page nNO-26 “Scanned with CamScanner 190102082 BDA 12) Toxy USIN9 Op -lechnique 49 that +hed ARE simutaheousy moe conocer! Jo® bolh poopie and Production: Dooncewn Son Prodnction: Peale with the. Gob ogpock OS Paden ehavion: @conecan Joo People. Deals with peyple. aspects o+ leader behavior. Page no-Q) ~ Scanned with CamScanner_

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