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Fromination: semesien fina semesten: fall-J019 Progam: 8.8.4 Student 1D! 190102053 Yous: £4 semesseo19"4 Course Tele: Ppinciples of ounse no: OBA 4.24 Marketing Tale of exom: 22/40]20 Sanaluce: Tak Scanned with CamScanner 190102083 BBA 124 Tes Ans 40 the @/N: 2la) Produet relens to anwthing Shot aan be olened 4o a market Jor Adention, acquisition , Us2 of consumption thot might satiety a wom or need. Phodvets are a Key element i) the. Overall maka olfenira. mankerng min Planning bealns with bulding ao odfering that bnicas salue to Jonse+ Qusjomers. Reasons dop the dailuwe of NeW Producers: @ re new Produet OP Senvi~e does not dt withthe auslomens mpenceptions OF*hE Cone Capabilities oy ye @ustomen- Page no -| Scanned with CamScanner 190102083 BPA \% oe @ he Prodvetr 35 gold to a AHerent touyer jp the austomern than the aumrent groduer line. @ lock of adequate promotion. @ Failune to understand QS Qonsumer needs amd voants. @ Teracting 4ne vorong mares. @ weak team and imerna Copalcilities. Page no-2 ee ~~ Scanned with CamScanner 120102053 BBA 124 a Ang +o the Q/N+ 9p) A monke| fg a se oS potential Owed AQatno} buyers and marketers who oan some value to donsumer. The Process by which Aompanies Qweate value Jo® Gustomers and doutld Strong austomer welationshiPs in ordele to dapure. value trom auslomees in YoCen. Customen valve ard dodtistaction: OTere is a vOy Caresul balance Jyod O mankelern must donstanty +r» 40 tind: @the Jatislacton of the Ausiomers 15 Veually base on +he -lollowing AanaePt: Soislaction = Reality - ExPeciations. Page no-3 Scanned with CamScanner 19002053 BBA 124 TAK @Mowkesers mus} balance belween Seving high expectations and reasonable. expectations 4o deélivero 4he Woheet Possible Qusiomen value. Marketing management wants to desian strategies that will build. Proditakje yelationghips with +4angey Aon sumeps. Markehng Jvanagement doncep} OTe Production aonaepts The idea that aonsumens pf} tovoe Products +yat awe avotlable and highly Aordable, +tnenedowe the opganizotion should 4oons on IMProving Production aNd clishpitoudioy C+Hiclenary, Scanned with CamScanner IQ0]02053 BBA 124 Ta @Preduey conaepe: The jcleas thet aonsumens will Jovoe Produets tat oe +ne most Qvalrty, Perowmanee and features, tnerelowe ne onganization Shou devote its energy 40 Maing dontinovs Product improvemens. @deliing GonaepH : The_ idea wat Consumers Will hot buy enovgh of the ims Prodvey unless +he firm undertakes a jarge- Alale Bling —Promotion CHort. @ ManKeting concept: Achieving onganizational Qoals depends on working knowing 4ne_neay aod. worls OF danger markets and FRCL. No-w Scanned with CamScanner 190102033 BRA 124 nag delivening -Jhe desire Zotigtachiod beHern Ivan aompe Hors do. @soaietal_Marolketina concept! 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Mapkelion: “Me Sloe of now. produrt clevelopmenm i which fro Proaclu} and is Proposed marketing progiem One 1ested im Pealistio marked Zetions. Test morlacling gives tv marpke-ler experience with mayweling A PRoduel loGlore going lo +he gneal oxpense OF dull ttroduetion i+ lets jhe. Goran fest +n© ep Rocha aid j45 enviee marketicg Program - Jorrgesioa ands Positioning irate, advertising dish bution pricing , prandira Onc Peaaging and budge} jevels: Poe No~\tr ee a a SR ree er eee Scanned with CamScanner J90\ 02083 BBA 124 TH, se amount of Jest monketios needed varies With each new Product Test marketing aosts dan be hish, ord. + dake3 Hime trot may allow Competiiees 4o 9ain advantages: odueing “re. cost of developing and inte dhe Product ane bw Of when management is. crlpgocy condiclesrt Product, ne aloout +he new nm HO Company may do Site ° fest marketing: # Tp dae, test mankeriod by aongumer- goods Aipms ha yyEaRs: Gomponies marred simple competitors Sue line extensions 6 PR Page no-18 (a TE ik @ Scanned with CamScanner ~¢ een declining $y reecen} odien do not test £ eecsful = products, ja102082 PPA 24 ee Ans Jo the ON.) 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