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Bohol Island State University

Calape Campus
College of Technology and Allied Sciences
ICT Department
San Isidro, Calape, Bohol

Name: Catampongan, Jessel Instructor: Mr. Alain Cubio

Cubio, Mechelle Course: Inferential Statistics
Cusi, Mary Grace
Program, Year, & Block: BSCS – 3A


Research Article #1

A. Title of the Study

Managing Customer Reservations of BulSU Hostel through the Development of Online
Information and Reservation System

B. Author of the Study

Mayleen Dorcas B. Castro and Eunice B. Custodio

C. Year of Publication
August 2016

D. Problem or Objectives of the Study

In order to develop the said system, specific objectives were considered:
1. To develop a system that can perform functionalities like:
1.1. online customer reservation and transaction;
1.2. maintenance features for the user account, prices update, payments,
confirmation thru email after reservation and report generation; and
1.3. create dynamic web content management of the system
2. To identify the information requirements and problems encountered in the existing
3. To determine appropriate security and control measures needed for online reservation
4. To determine the level of acceptability of the developed system as perceived by the
Hostel administrator and staffs, IT experts and prospective clients/end-users in terms
of the following criterions:
4.1. Functionality;
4.2. Accuracy;
4.3. Reliability;
4.4. User-friendliness; and
4.5. Security.

E. Research Procedure
This study is applied research which aims at improving a product or a process and
even producing results of immediate practical application. In this study, the proponents
designed and developed an Online Information System for Bulacan State University
Hostel believing to improve the present customer reservations and record keeping
system. In developing the system, the proponents used Agile model which is one of the
System Development Life Cycle models. Agile is a combination of iterative and
incremental process models with focus on process adaptability and customer satisfaction
by rapid delivery of working software product.

F. Statistical Tests Being Used

In determining the level of acceptability of the developed software, the
administrator and staff of the BulSU Hostel were given an evaluation questionnaire and
asked to evaluate the developed system. IT experts and programmers were also asked
to evaluate the website through the use of the different criterions for software quality
evaluation like Functionality, Accuracy, Reliability, User-friendliness, and Security. The
data analysis was generally descriptive and quantitative. For the results presentation,
analysis and interpretation of data, the following statistical tools were utilized: (1)
frequency and percentage distribution in describing the classification of the respondents;
and (2) weighted mean in determining the level of the system’s acceptability concerning
the different system criteria.

G. Results of the Study

Developing a web site includes web design, web content development, client
cooperation, client-side/server-side scripting, web server, network security configuration,
and e-commerce development [6]. Still, in the proposed online information and
reservation system, the customer can visit the Hostel for reservation and the system will
have the same procedure as with the online transaction 7. shows the illustration of the
walk-in reservation process. For the customer to make reservation, the following steps
must be followed:
Step 1: Customer inquiries at the Hostel Clerk about the room availability.
Step 2: The Hostel clerk will log in to the System Back Office. He will ask for the date of
reservation and what to reserve. Using the System, the clerk can give the availability of
the rooms/function hall and the number of vacant rooms.
Step 3: Once the customer decided to avail the vacant rooms, the clerk will ask the user
the basic information for profiling purposes.
Step 4: The clerk will ask the customer if the payment will be done or not to confirm the
reservation. Once the user decided to pay the down payments it will automatically confirm
the reservation.
Step 5: The system will generate an invoice of the partial payments of the customer.
Reservation Completed. Step 6: Reserved room can be cancelled based on the customer
and the management agreement.

Research Article #2

A. Title of the Study

The Dignity For All Students Act: A Quantitative Study Of One Upstate New York Public
School Implementation

B. Author
Christopher M. Riddell

C. Year of Publication
June 2018

D. Problem or Objectives of the Study

Problem Statement
According to the behaviors displayed online, incivility un schools has increased
(Feldman, 2001; Peck, 2002). According to the Siena (2016) study, more than one-
quarter (26%) of kids in grades 6-12 in Upstate New York and 1,048 online interviews
with parents reported being victims of cyberbullying. Students who are bullied and
ridiculed by their colleagues are more prone to develop behavioral issues such as hurt,
shame, loneliness, and despair (Beran & Lupart, 2009).

Relationships grow less crucial as students begin to involve themselves in online

activities and social media, and etiquettes seem to be non-existent (Wilkinset al., 2010).
Schools must foster an environment devoid of criminal activity (Musu-Gillette et al., 2016).
DASA was the very first New York law enacted to promote school environment by solving
the concerns of harassment and raising student awareness of their needs (Payne &
Smith, 2015).

Purpose Statement
The goal of this quantitative study is to determine how public-school instructors
view the usefulness of DASA intervention on classroom civility at one specific public
middle school in Upstate New York. The goal is to investigate the perceived efficacy of a
2012 intervention to combat cyber-harassment and promote civility in the classroom. The
findings of this study will give the District Superintendent with information that can be used
to make adjustments in DASA administration if necessary.
E. Research Procedure
Non-experimental quantitative approaches were used in this study. A survey is a non-
experimental, descriptive research method that is best suited for gathering respondents'
perspectives (Babbie, 1990). Because the researcher had no intention of manipulating any
of the variables or individuals, as is the goal of experimental quantitative methods, the non-
experimental design was used (Muijs, 2011). Quantitative methods for studying variable
relationships express variable relationships through statistical analysis (Grand Canyon
University [GCU], n.d.; Patten, 2014).

Correlations can then be drawn as to the degree and direction of those variables by
quantitatively assessing the link between the variables collected from the survey. The
correlation coefficient (degree) denotes the association between variables, whilst the
direction denotes whether the relationship is positive (+) or negative (-). Correlations near -1
or 1 suggest the strongest association, while those near zero show no relationship.

The relationship between instructors' perceptions of DASA, the behaviors they observe
in their day-to-day interactions with students, and their view on DASA's impact. While the
correlational design is an effective way for understanding quantitative data, it is not without
limits. When using a correlational design, the researcher must remember that while a
relationship between variables can be established, the results must be carefully interpreted.

F. Statistical Tests Being Used

The questionnaires were coded once they were returned. Low frequency or low
disagreement was assigned a numerical value of 1. A value of 1 was allocated to "never" or
"strongly disagree," while a value of 5 was assigned to "often" or "strongly concur." A 5 was
assigned to "always strongly agree," whereas a 0 (null) was given to "do not know."

After that, the survey data was imported into Excel and SPSS for descriptive and Pearson
Correlation analysis. To enable correlation calculations, the data was cleaned by deleting
null responses. Some questions, such as those requiring a quick response, were placed into
an Excel spreadsheet for content analysis.

G. Results of the Study

Children now have the ability to strike other students anonymously because to social
media. The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' lived experiences with DASA.
In response to a survey question about DASA's success in cultivating civility, teachers
indicated an average performance in cultivating decorum in the class and having almost no
influence on reducing cyber-harassment. Furthermore, some teachers indicated that they
never discuss online behavior with their students, while some said that they only do so on an
as-needed basis. One reason teachers stated for not discussing respectful online behavior
with their students is that they believe it is not part of their course.

One possible explanation for DASA's apathy is that teachers are not united in their
management of DASA. Although events do or doesn't occur, they do not see DASA as a
catalyst for change. Teachers agree in the principle of DASA, but not so much in the policy's
mechanics. Teachers may also believe that demonstrating and expecting respect is part of
their normal day-to-day interactions with students, and cyber-harassment, while a new
phrase, refers to an old problem.

Research Article #3

A. Title of the Study


B. Authors
Christopher Schance

C. Year of Publication
May 2012
D. Problem or Objectives of the Study
The proliferation of mobile devices enabled a level of convenience which has not been
experienced before. Many applications produced for these devices have provided ways for
people to utilize their available time more effectively. Simple tasks can now be completed
during moments that were not usable before, while riding a bus, in an elevator, or at a
restaurant waiting for your party to arrive.

For those who manage computer clusters, a mobile application would make it possible to
monitor the cluster while not in the office or in front of a computer terminal. Such an
application could provide simple functionality that would allow one to do simple job
management tasks and be aware of how the cluster is functioning, while away from the office
or lab.

This project produces such an application. The following sections in this chapter provide
background information to set the stage for understanding the details of the project design,
implementation, challenges, and lessons learned.

E. Research Procedure
This project provides a mobile application for monitoring the status of jobs on a cluster
and perform simple job management tasks. The application runs on Android phones, using
operating system version 2.2 or later.

F. Statistical Tests Being Used

Although unit testing is supported by Android and the ADT within Eclipse, there are some
limitations. There is little to no support for object mocking from libraries such as jMock. One
of the main benefits for using mocking libraries such as these is the ability to mock concrete
classes. Unfortunately, the Dalvik VM does not support the type of behavior these packages
rely on.

G. Results of the Study

Computer clusters are used to solve large, computation-intensive problems. These
systems are shared due to a large investment in resources to set up and maintain these
systems. Often, a job queue or batch system, such as a Portable Batch System (PBS) is
used to enable sharing the cluster resources among many researchers. This project provides
a mobile application which allows the user to view the status of the jobs on a cluster. Also,
the ability to perform some simple administrative tasks is included. The application is written
for Android devices, using the Java programming language. This is a good case study for
developing a medium complexity application with performance issues.
Reference List:

Castro, M.D. and Custodio, E. (2016). Managing Customer Reservations of BulSU Hostel through the
Development of Online Information and Reservation System.

Riddell, C. (2018). The Dignity For All Students Act: A Quantitative Study Of One Upstate New York
Public School Implementation.


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