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XXIV/12 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India - August 2022


Dear Grace Bible Church family,

We are completing 25 years of our exist-
ence this month. The church of Christ
has only one purpose - to worship the
Lord and grow together spiritually. At
the same time, we witness to the people around us and
reach out to them with the grace and salvation of Jesus
Christ. As I look back at the twenty-five years of our
church, I (along with some of you) stand as a witness to
God’s graciousness and faithfulness to His congregation.
In 1997, I was a 20-year-old young boy. I needed a
church where I could grow spiritually with Godly men-
toring. As a family, we became the co-founding mem-
bers of Grace Bible Church. My family had to suffer a lot
because of this decision (my mother in particular).
My mother was tormented by her superiors since she
was the Principal of a school which was run by the church
that we left. But we chose to be a part of Grace Bible
Church despite the oppositions. We have never regretted
our decision. My spiritual life was shaped a lot by the
Biblical sermons and warm fellowship of Grace Bible
Church. My decision to leave my teaching vocation at the
peak of my career and join Union Biblical Seminary was
also influenced and supported by the church. I learnt mu-
sic, songs, hymns, the church discipline, and theology
from Grace Bible Church. I got several outreach opportu-
nities too. Meanwhile, several new families joined GBC
and also had to leave because of transfers. The strength
of our church continues to be Bible based sermons, inter-
cessory prayer and fellowship. In this jubilee year, let us
recommit to make strategic efforts to reach out to more
and more people around us. Let us pledge out time, tal-
ent and resources for this purpose. I wish a joyous Silver
Jubilee Anniversary to the wonderful congregation of
Grace Bible Church.
In His service,
07 Pastor Ashish H. Khan
( Holy Communion Service)
14 Brother I. Shimi Preetham
21 Pastor J.T. Raja
28 Silver Jubilee Celebration

Worship Services at 10:00 a.m.

Bible Study
1 Samuel
04 online on Zoom
18 online on Zoom
Thursday PRAYER at 6.30 p.m.
11 online on Zoom
25 online on Zoom

Ladies - PRAYER
Online on Zoom
Saturday, 20th at 5.00 p.m.

Joys and Concerns

Benaiah Lall had a fistula surgery and dialysis
Mrs. Pushpa Singh waiting for second knee replacement
Shobha Prakash is in New Delhi for treatment
Dorcas, Greg and children have recovered from Covid
Akshay and Anureema are moving to Goa
Anurag has been down with fever
Akansha Khan is waiting for the last dental procedure

The more we let God take us over, the

more truly ourselves we become.
C.S. Lewis
August B’days
03 Usha Antin
07 Shobha Prakash
10 Prabha Prakash
19 Jerusha Antin
24 Shalini Meerza

Receipts July 2021 July 2022

General Offerings 9,123 32,590
Donations 1,100
Pledged Giving 41,250 67,600
Missionary Support 13,850 8, 300

Lent & Christmas offering

New Church Building 1,000
Designated collections
Sunday School
Grace Church in Village
Medical Aid Fund
GRAND TOTAL 65,223 1,10,360

What are the four rivers

listed as flowing out of
Rev. Ashish H. Khan 9648431177
Bro. I. Shimi Preetham 8318069259


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