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What is E-mail???
• E-mail or electronic mail is a way of sending and receiving messages
anywhere in the world using internet.
• It is one of the fastest mode of communication.
Important Features
• E-mail is the fastest and the simplest way of communication.
• It is used for both formal and informal purposes.
• It is environment friendly (paper is not used).
• It is cost effective.
• It reaches the receiver within moments.
• It does not matter if the message is long or short.
• Same message can be sent to any number of people at the same time
without extra effort.
• Signature is not required.
• 1. Self Address
• 2. Enter the address of the receiver.
• 3. Date (expanded)
• 4. Enter the subject.
• 5. Salutation
• 6. Type your message.(BODY)
• 7. Click send.
Informal e-mail
Write a e-mail to your friend Informing him/her about the sports day
event of your school.
Step 1 . From:
Step 2. To:
Step 3. Date: 25 January 2021
Step 4. Subject : Sports day celebration in our school
(Leave a line)
Step 5. Body....
Dear Kanishka
Hope you are in best of your health and spirits. I am fine out here.
Just last week, the annual sports meet was held in our school.
It was a real grand affair. Many events were conducted. It was all class wise. I participated in 200 mtr Sprint. You
will be happy to note, that I secured the first position.
I was also in the relay race, but unfortunately we missed the first position by seconds. The whole day was
enjoyable, and I came back home tired, but happy.
No more for today. Rest when we meet.
Convey my regards to uncle and aunty. With lots of love.
Yours lovingly
Step 6. Click send
Formal e-mail
• You are Rahul/Ruhani . Write an email email to Mrs. SK Narayan,
district education officer, Hauz Khas, requesting to inaugrate a book
fair being organized in your school
To :
Date: 25january 2021
Subject:invitation to inaugrate the book fair at APS Delhi.

Respected Mrs Narayan

I Rahul Pandey beg to request you on behalf of the students and staff of this
school to do the honour of inaugurating the book fair which will be held on
28 th jan 2021 at 5:00 pm in our school premises APS Dhaulakuya.
We the students have a great desire to meet you.
I hope you will very kindly find time to grace the occasion and address the
Hoping to receive confirmation
Yours faithfully
Rahul Pandey
E mail :
Phone no:
Formal e-mail
• Write an email to the police inspector of your area informing about an
theft that took place in your house. You are Sohan / Suhani.

• Subject : Complaint regarding theft
• Salutation: Sir
• Complementary closing: yours truly/
• Yours faithfully/ yours sincerely.

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