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Tuguegarao City


1st Semester
S.Y. 2020-2021


Elective 4: Business Intelligence

Prepared by:

Mr. Louie B. Sayago


Reviewed by:

Mrs. Lily Ann Dela Cruz, MBA

Program Chair/Department Head

Recommended by:

Engr. Victor C. Villaluz, MEE

Academic Dean

Approved by:

Dr. Emmanuel James P. Pattaguan, Ph.D.

VP for Academics

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 1

Duration: Week 1 - August 17 – 20, 2021
Week 2 - August 23 – 27, 2021

I. Introduction

Hi! How are you?

Welcome to the 2021-2022 academic year! I'm Sir Louie B.

Sayago, but you can call me Sir Lou, and I'll be your instructor
for Architecture and Organization this semester. You know, I
enjoy sports, playing badminton and biking is my way of
unwinding when I'm swamped with obligations. I don't know
why, but I always feel refreshed after completing a lap or
round. These activities keep me engaged while I do all of my
work and meet all of my requirements in all of my classes.
Also, I'd like to mention that I do some graphic design on the
side. So, how about you? What activity gives you a boost of

Contact numbers: 0936 - 0367763

Counseling hours:

USL expects you to do the following:

 Read and understand the lesson every week.

 Attend virtual meetings. (For Blended Learning and Full Online Modalities)
 Contact me through LMS messages and the given information above for any query that
you want to make about our lessons or procedures at the given time only.
 Accomplished your learning task, quizzes, project/ requirements and service learning

Attached to this first 2-week module are the following:

1. Syllabus ( Read from your books, internet sources in advance)

a. Architecture and Organization
b. Structure and Function
i. Structure
ii. Function
c. CPU Major Structural Components
i. Control Unit
ii. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
iii. Registers
iv. CPU Interconnection

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 2

2. Computer Evolution and Performance
a. History of Computers
 First generation computers: Vacuum Tube
 Second generation computers: Transistor
 Third generation computers: Integrated Circuit
 Fourth generation computers: VLSI Microprocessor
 Fifth generation computers: ULSI Microprocessor
b. The Computer Level Hierarchy
 Level 6: User Level
 Level 5: High Level Language
 Level 4: Assembly Language
 Level 3: System Software
 Level 2: Machine
 Level 1: Control Level
 Level 0: Digital Logic
c. The von Nuemann Model
d. Non- von Nuemann Model

3. Data Representation and Computer Systems

a. Introduction
b. Positional Number Systems
c. Decimal to Binary Conversions
d. Signed Integer Representation
e. Floating Point Representation

4. Arithmetic and Logic Unit

5. Control Unit
6. Part Memory Design
a. Main Memory (SRAM,DRAM)
b. External Memory (Magnetic and Optical Disk)
c. Bus system
d. I/O
7. CPU Design
a. Register Transfer
b. Data Path
c. Fetch and Execute Phases of instruction processing
d. Control steps
e. CPU – Memory interface circuit

2. Grading System

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 3

Learning Tasks   20%   20%   10%

Quizzes   25%   25%   15%

  5%   5%   5%

Major Examination   50%   50%   50%

Final Requirement/
TOTAL 100% 100% 100%

3. The USL Vision-Mission and Values, Program Outcomes, Course Learning


USL is a global learning community recognized for science and technology
across all disciplines, strong research, and responsive community engagement
grounded on the CICM mission and identity for a distinctive student experience.

USL sustains a Catholic academic community that nurtures persons for
community, church and society anchored on CICM’s Missio et Excellentia.


The University of Saint Louis upholds the philosophy that education is for building
of self and persons for the Church and the Society. Wisdom builds. To these
ends, the following are University of Saint Louis’s core values integral in the
formation of every member of the Louisian community.

1. Christian Living. We are witnesses to the Gospel values as taught and lived
by Christ thus making God’s love known and experienced by all.
2. Excellence. We seek and maintain uncompromising standard of quality in
teaching, learning, service, and stewardship of school resources.
3. Professional Responsibility. We are committed to efficiently and
responsibly apply the learned principles, values and skills in the chosen field
of discipline, taking initiative and command responsibility in one’s professional
4. Social Awareness and Involvement. We engage ourselves with society by
listening to the prevailing issues and concerns in the society, thereby initiating
and participating in constructive and relevant social activities for the

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 4

promotion of justice, peace and integrity of creation and for people’s wellness
and development consistent with the CICM charism.
5. Innovation, Creativity and Agility. We keep ourselves relevant and
responsive to the changing needs of our stakeholders by being flexible,
solution oriented, and having cutting-edge decisions and practices.


PLO Code
Our students will demonstrate the following upon completion of their degrees:
CSO1 Live out Christian values and foster citizenship and patriotic feeling.
Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, knowledge of a
computing specialization, and mathematics, science, and domain
CSO2 knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the
abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined
problems and requirements.
Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
CSO3 modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an
understanding of the limitations to accomplish a common goal
Apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and computer
science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems
in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in
design choices
Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and
design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet
specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and
safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Communicate effectively with the computing community and with
society at large about complex computing activities by being able to
comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions
Function effectively as a leader or member of a development team
recognizing the different within a team to accomplish a common goal
Recognize the need for and engage in independent learning for
continual development as a computing professional
Assess and respond to local and global impact of computing
CSO9 information technology on individuals, organizations, society and the
Recognize the legal, social, ethical and professional issues involved in
CSO10 the utilization of computer technology and be guided by the adoption of
appropriate professional, ethical and legal practices.
Identify, analyze, formulate, research literature, and solve complex
computing problems and requirements reaching substantiated
conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing
sciences, and relevant domain disciplines
Participate in the generation of new knowledge or in research and
development projects

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 5

Design the basic building blocks of a computer arithmetic and logic unit,
register, central processing unit, and memory
CLO2 Develop logic for assembly language programming

4. Weekly Study and Assessment Guide ( for the succeeding weeks-this will be the
basic attachment)

Date Topic Activities or Tasks

Week 1
August 17 Orientation/ Setting of Read the General Introduction
Expectations part
The USL-Vision-Mission-
Values For LMS,
Post a short informal hello
message in the "Introductions"
discussion forum to briefly
introduce yourself to your fellow
August 18 – 19 Computer Organization vs Read and understand the
Computer Architecture lessons on the Architecture and
Organization and try to
familiarize the common prefixes
associated with Computer
Organization and Architecture
August 20 Learning Task 1
Week 2
August 23-26 Structure and Function Read the topic on the structure
and function and understand
their components.
Computer System Read and Understand the
Hierarchy and Its History lessons on the Computer
Hierarchy specifically, on the
Levels of Computer System
Level Hierarchy
Computer History, von Read and Understand the
Neumann model and non- different generations of
von Neumann model computer, as well as the von
Neumann model and non-von
Neumann model
August 27 Quiz

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 6

For week 1 and week 2, August 17- 27, 2020 of this term, the following shall be your
guide for the different lessons and tasks that you need to accomplish. Be patient and
read it carefully before proceeding to the tasks expected of you. GOOD LUCK!


This course discusses the basic structure of a digital computer and used for
understanding the organization of various units such as control unit, Arithmetic and
Logical unit and Memory unit and I/O unit in a digital computer.

Chapter I:

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions:

 What is the main difference between a Computer architecture compared

to Computer Organization?
 What are the four main structural components of the computer?
 What are the major structural components of central processing unit
 What are the standard setting organizations in computer systems
 How does computer evolved and the computer level hierarchy?
 What are the characteristics of von Neumann Model and non-von
Nuemann models?

This chapter introduces the bases of the course Computer Organization and
Architecture. The structural components of a computer systems and a CPU which will
be dissected on the future chapters, the organizations behind the development of
computer systems, and also presents the evolution of computer systems and the model
it follows.


Regardless of our area of expertise as computer scientist, it is crucial for us to

understand how hardware interacts with software. With the study of computer
organization, we’ll be able to address the issues such as control signals (how computer
is controlled), the methods of signaling and the types of memory. Computer
organization is how operational parts of a computer system are linked together. In short,
it helps us to know the answer of the question: How does a computer work?

Computer Architecture on the other hand is a blueprint for design and

implementation of a computer system. It focuses on the structure and behavior of the
computer systems refers to the logical and abstract aspects of system implementation

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 7

as seen by the programmer. Studying computer architecture helps us to answer the
question: How do I design a computer?
Computer Architecture Computer Organization
Computer Architecture is concerned with the way Computer Organization is concerned with the
hardware components are connected together to structure and behaviour of a computer system
form a computer system. as seen by the user.
It acts as the interface between hardware and It deals with the components of a connection in
software. a system.
Computer Architecture helps us to understand the Computer Organization tells us how exactly all
functionalities of a system. the units in the system are arranged and
A programmer can view architecture in terms of Whereas Organization expresses the realization
instructions, addressing modes and registers. of architecture.

While designing a computer system architecture is An organization is done on the basis of

considered first. architecture.
Computer Architecture deals with high-level Computer Organization deals with low-level
design issues. design issues.
Architecture involves Logic (Instruction sets, Organization involves Physical Components
Addressing modes, Data types, Cache (Circuit design, Adders, Signals, Peripherals)
(Table 1. Comparison table by javatpoint)
Architecture and Organization

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 8

Computer architecture refers to those attributes of a system visible to a programmer
or, put another way, those attributes that have a direct impact on the logical execution of
a program. Computer organization refers to the operational units and their
interconnections that realize the architectural specifications. Examples of architectural
attributes include the instruction set, the number of bits used to represent various data
types (e.g., numbers, characters), I/O mechanisms, and techniques for addressing
memory. Organizational attributes include those hardware details transparent to the
programmer, such as control signals; interfaces between the computer and peripherals;
and the memory technology used.

Historically, and still today, the distinction between architecture and organization has
been an important one. Many computer manufacturers offer a family of computer
models, all with the same architecture but with differences in organization.
Consequently, the different models in the family have different price and performance
characteristics. Furthermore, a particular architecture may span many years and
encompass a number of different computer models, its organization changing with
changing technology.

A prominent example of both these phenomena is the,

IBM System/370 architecture

 Was introduced in 1970
 Included a number of models
 Could upgrade to a more expensive, faster model without having to aban-
don original software
 New models are introduced with improved technology, but retain the same
architecture so that the customer’s software investment is protected
 Architecture has survived to this day as the architecture of IBM’s main-
frame product line

This architecture was first introduced in 1970 and included a number of models. The
customer with modest requirements could buy a cheaper, slower model and, if demand
increased, later upgrade to a more expensive, faster model without having to abandon
software that had already been developed. Over the years, IBM has introduced many
new models with improved technology to replace older models, offering the customer
greater speed, lower cost, or both. These newer models retained the same architecture
so that the customer’s software investment was protected. Remarkably, the System/370
architecture, with a few enhancements, has survived to this day as the architecture of
IBM’s mainframe product line.

An Example System: Wading Through the Jargon

This text will introduce you to some of the vocabulary that is specific to computers. This
jargon can be confusing, imprecise, and intimidating. We believe that with a little
explanation, we can clear the fog. For the sake of discussion, we have provided a
facsimile computer advertisement (see Figure 1.1). The ad is typical of many, in that it

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 9

bombards the reader with phrases such as “32GB DDR4 SDRAM,” “PCIe sound card,”
and “128KB L1 cache.” Without having a handle on such terminology, you would be
hard-pressed to know whether the stated system is a wise choice, or even whether the
system is able to serve your needs. As we progress through this text, you will learn the
concepts behind these terms.

 Compact Computer
 Intel i& Quad Core, 3.9 Ghz
 2400MHz 32GB DDR4 SDRAM
 128KB L1 Cache , 2MB L2 Cache
 Dual storage (7200RPM SATA 1TB HDD,
128 GB SSD)
 Wireless 802.11 + Bluetooth 4.0
 8 -in1 card reader
 10 USB ports + 1 serial port, 4 PCI
expansion slots (1 PCI, 1 PCIx16, 2 PCIx1),
 24” widescreen LCD Monitor, 16:10 aspect
ratio, 1920 x 1200 WUXGA)
 16x CD/DVD +/- RW drive
 1GB PCIe video card
 PCIE sound card
 Gigabit Ethernet

It seems that every field has its own way of measuring things. The computer field is no
exception. For computer people to tell each other how big something is, or how fast
something is, they must use the same units of measure. The common prefixes used
with computers are given in Table 1.1. Back in the 1960s, someone decided that
because the powers of 2 were close to the powers of 10, the same prefix names could
be used for both.

For example, 2 is close to 10, so kilo is used to refer to them both. The result has been
mass confusion: Does a given prefix refer to a power of 10 or a power of 2? Does “a
kilo” mean 10 of something or 2 of something? Although there is no definitive answer to
this question, there are accepted standards of usage. Power-of-10 prefixes are
ordinarily used for power, electrical voltage, frequency (such as computer clock
speeds), and multiples of bits (such as data speeds in number of bits per second). If
your antiquated modem transmits at 28.8kb/s, then it transmits 28,800 bits per second
(or 28.8 × 10). Note the use of the lowercase “k” to mean 10 and the lowercase “b” to
refer to bit. An uppercase “K” is used to refer to the power-of-2 prefix, or 1024. If a fileis
2KB in size, then it is 2 × 2 or 2048 bytes. Note the uppercase “B” to refer to byte. If a
disk holds 1MB, then it holds 2 bytes (or one megabyte) of information.

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 10

 a byte is one character a small email containing only text might be 1 or
 whereas your four page term paper might be 100KB or more, depending
on the formatting used; and that picture you took on your smartphone
could be 16GB

TABLE 1.1 Common Prefixes Associated with Computer

Organization and Architecture

Now to explain the ad:

The Microprocessor is part of a Computer that actually executes program

instructions: it is the brain of the system. The microprocessor in the ad is an Intel i7
Quad Core processor (which means it is essentially four processors); it belongs to a
category of processors known as multicore processors. This particular processor runs
at 3.9GHz. Every computer system contains a clock (system clock – maintain the
systems timing of operation) that keeps the system synchronized. The clock sends
electrical pulses simultaneously to all main components, ensuring that data and
instructions will be where they’re supposed to be, when they’re supposed to be there.
The number of pulsations emitted each second by the clock is its frequency. Clock
frequencies are measured in cycles per second, or hertz. If computer system clocks
generate millions of pulses per second, we say that they operate in the megahertz
(MHz) range. Most computers today operate in the gigahertz (GHz) range, generating
billions of pulses per second. And because nothing much gets done in a computer
system without microprocessor involvement, the frequency rating of the microprocessor
is crucial to overall system speed. The microprocessor of the system in our
advertisement operates at 3.9 billion cycles per second, so the seller says that it runs at
The next thing we see in the ad is “2400MHz 32GB DDR4 SDRAM.” The
“2400MHz” refers to the speed of the system bus, which is a group of wires that moves
data and instructions to various places within the computer. Like the microprocessor,
the speed of the bus is also measured in MHz or GHz. Many computers have a special
local bus for data that supports very fast transfer speeds (such as those required by
video). This local bus is a high-speed pathway that connects memory directly to the
processor. Bus speed ultimately sets the upper limit on the system’s information-
carrying capability.
The system in our advertisement also boasts a memory capacity of 32 gigabytes
(GBs), or about 32 billion characters. Memory capacity determines not only the size of

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 11

the programs you can run, but also how many programs you can run at the same time
without bogging down the system. Your application or operating system manufacturer
will usually recommend how much memory you’ll need to run its products.
In addition to memory size, our advertised system provides us with a memory
type, SDRAM, short for synchronous dynamic random access memory. SDRAM is
much faster than conventional (nonsynchronous) memory because it can synchronize
itself with a microprocessor’s bus. Although SDRAM modules can still be purchased (for
older machines), most new computers use an improved type of memory called
DDR_SDRAM, a memory module first used in video cards for performance. The system
in our ad has DDR4_SDRAM, or double data rate type four SDRAM. Because this is
dual channel RAM, it requires that memory modules be added in identical pairs.

The next line in the ad, “128KB L1 cache, 2MB L2 cache” also describes a type of
memory. To provide even faster access to data, many systems contain a special
memory called cache.

Level 1 cache (L1)

- a small, fast memory cache
- built into the microprocessor chip and helps speed up access to frequently
used data
- much smaller than main memory,
- capacity of kilobytes (KBs),

Level 2 cache (L2)

- is a collection of fast,
- Built-in memory chips situated between the microprocessor and main
- much smaller than main memory
- capacity of kilobytes (KBs),

Learning Task 1

1. Explain with your own understanding, how Computer System affects your life
and the community? 10 pts
2. Identify and explain the Computer Architecture and Computer Organization in
the computer system? 10 pts

Criteria 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Depth of Writing Writing Writing Writing

Writing demonstrates lack demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates an

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 12

of depth on the minimal depth on general depth on in-depth
topic. the topic. the topic. understanding.
Logical The discussion is The discussion is Some of the The discussion is
Discussion incomplete or inadequate, discussion seems complete and
illogical, and is although if complete and logical; they
missing or present, does not logical; they address the central
unrelated to the necessarily address the central themes.
central themes. address the themes.
central themes.
The page layout is
Organizatio cluttered. The page layout
n & Style Navigation facilitates
between sections understanding of
is unclear. Hard to the narrative.
follow the flow of Navigation
ideas between sections
is clear. Easy to
follow the flow of

Week 2: Learning Content

Structure and Function

A computer is a complex system; contemporary computers contain millions of

Elementary electronic components. How, then, can one clearly describe them?

The hierarchical nature of complex systems is essential to both their design and their
description. The designer need only deal with a particular level of the system at a time.
At each level, the system consists of a set of components and their interrelationships.
The behavior at each level depends only on a simplified, abstracted characterization of
the system at the next lower level. At each level, the designer is concerned with
structure and function:

• Structure: The way in which the components are interrelated.

• Function: The operation of each individual component as part of the structure.

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 13


Both the structure and functioning of a computer are, in

essence, simple. Figure 1.1 depicts the basic functions
that a computer can perform. In general terms, there are
only four basic functions:
 Data processing
 Data storage
 Data movement
 Control
The computer, of course, must be able to process data.
The data may take a wide variety of forms, and the
range of processing requirements is broad. However, we
shall see that there are only a few fundamental methods
or types of data processing.
It is also essential that a computer store data. Even if
the computer is processing data on the fly (i.e., data
come in and get processed, and the results go out
immediately), the computer must temporarily store at
least those pieces of data that are being worked on at
any given moment. Thus, there is at least a short-term
data storage function. Equally important, the computer performs a long-term data
storage function. Files of data are stored on the computer for subsequent retrieval and

The computer must be able to move data between itself and the outside world. The
computer’s operating environment consists of devices that serve as either sources or
destinations of data. When data are received from or delivered to a device that is
directly connected to the computer, the process is known as input– output (I/O), and the
device is referred to as a peripheral. When data are moved over longer distances, to or
from a remote device, the process is known as data communications.

Finally, there must be control of these three functions. Ultimately, this control is
exercised by the individual(s) who provides the computer with instructions. Within the
computer, a control unit manages the computer’s resources and orchestrates the
performance of its functional parts in response to those instructions.

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 14


a. Data Movement
At this general level of discussion, the number of possible operations that
can be performed is few. Figure 1.2 depicts the four possible types of
operations. The computer can function as a data movement device (Figure
1.2a), simply transferring data from one peripheral or communication line to

b. Data Storage
It can also function as a data storage device (Figure 1.2b), with data
transferred from the external environment to computer storage (read) and vice
versa (write).

c. Data Processing
The final two diagrams show operations involving data processing, on
data either in storage (Figure 1.2c)

d. Control
The diagrams shows the route between storage and the external
environment (Figure 1.2d).

The Computer

Figure 1.3 is the simplest possible

depiction of a computer. The
computer interacts in some fashion
with its external environment. In
general, all of its linkages to the
external environment can be
classified as peripheral devices or
communication lines. We will have
something to say about both types
of linkages.

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 15

A look inside a computer:

If you remove the cover on your computer, you will no doubt first notice a big
metal box with a fan attached. This is the power supply. You will also see various
drives, including a hard drive and a DVD drive (or perhaps an older floppy or CD drive).
There are many integrated circuits—small, black rectangular boxes with legs attached.
You will also notice electrical pathways, or buses, in the system.

There are printed circuit boards (expansion cards) that plug into sockets on the
motherboard, which is the large board at the bottom of a standard desktop PC or on the
side of a PC configured as a tower or mini-tower.

The motherboard is the printed circuit board that connects all the components in
the computer, including the CPU, RAM, and ROM, as well as an assortment of other
essential components. The components on the motherboard tend to be the most difficult
to identify. Above, you see an Acer E360 motherboard with the more important
components labeled.

The Chipset

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 16

The southbridge, an integrated
circuit that controls the hard disk and
I/O (including sound and video cards),
is a hub that connects slower I/O
devices to the system bus. These
devices connect via the I/O ports at
the bottom of the board. The PCI slots
allow for expansion boards belonging
to various PCI devices. This
motherboard also has PS/2 and
Firewire connectors. It has serial and
parallel ports, in addition to four USB
ports. This motherboard has two IDE
connector slots, four SATA connector
slots, and one floppy disk controller.
The super I/O chip is a type of I/O
controller that controls the floppy disk,
both the parallel and serial ports, and
the keyboard and mouse. The
motherboard also has an integrated
audio chip, as well as an integrated
Ethernet chip and an integrated
graphics processor. There are three
RAM memory banks. There is no
processor currently plugged into this
motherboard, but we see the socket
where the CPU is to be placed. All
computers have an internal battery, as
seen in the top middle of the picture.
The power supply plugs into the power connector. The BIOS flash chip contains the
instructions in ROM that your computer uses when it is first powered up.

The Storage
On the other hand, everyone agrees that the more fixed disk capacity you have,
the better off you are. This particular drive is a 1TB hard disk drive (HDD), which
means that it stores information magnetically and spins around to provide access to
various segments. It also has a 128GB solid-state drive. Solid-state drives (SSDs) use
memory chips (similar to what you might find in a thumb drive). HDDs are typically
larger and less expensive than SDDs, but SDDs provide faster access and thus better
performance while requiring less power.

The storage capacity of a hard disk is not the only thing to consider, however. A large
disk isn’t very helpful if it is too slow for its host system. The computer in our ad has a
hard drive that rotates at 7200 revolutions per minute (RPMs). To the knowledgeable
reader, this indicates (but does not state outright) that this is a fairly fast drive. Usually,
disk speeds are stated in terms of the number of milliseconds required (on average) to

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 17

access data on the disk, in addition to how fast the disk rotates. There is no RPM value
listed for the SSD because there are no moving parts.

The Buses
What is Computer Bus:
The electrically conducting path
along which data is tansmitted inside
any digital electronic device.

A Computer bus consists of a set of

parallel conductors, which may be
conventional wires, copper tracks on
or microscopic aluminum trails on the
surface of a silicon chip. Each wire
carries just one bit, so the number of
wires determines the largest data
WORD the bus can transmit: a bus
with eight wires can carry only 8-bit
data words, and hence defines the device as an 8-bit device. The illustration shows the
different types of computer buses and how they connect devices on the motherboard.

The system bus is responsible for all data movement internal to the computer, ports
allow movement of data to and from devices external to the computer. Our ad speaks of
two different ports with the line, “10 USB ports, 1 serial port.” Serial ports transfer data
by sending a series of electrical pulses across one or two data lines. Another type of
port some computers have is a parallel port. Parallel ports use at least eight data lines,
which are energized simultaneously to transmit data. Many new computers no longer
come with serial or parallel ports, but instead have only USB ports. USB (universal
serial bus) is a popular external bus that supports plug-and-play installation (the ability
to configure devices automatically) as well as hot plugging (the ability to add and
remove devices while the computer is running).

Expansion slots are openings on the motherboard where various boards can be
plugged in to add new capabilities to a computer. These slots can be used for such
things as additional memory, video cards, sound cards, network cards, and modems.
Some systems augment their main bus with dedicated I/O buses using these expansion
slots. Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) is one such I/O bus standard
that supports the connection of multiple peripheral devices. PCI, developed by Intel,
operates at high speeds and also supports plug-and-play.

Some computers have integrated graphics, which means that the computer’s processor
is responsible for doing this translation, causing a large workload on this processor;
therefore, many computers have slots for graphics cards, allowing the processor on the

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 18

graphics card (called a graphics processing unit, or GPU) to perform this translation

The computer system components are link to each other as if it’s a rubik's cube, it is a
package for data processing, machine to work with the desire of user and a assistance
to people development on any aspects applied.

Points To Remember:
As a user, you need to be aware of the strengths and limitations of your computer
system so you can make informed decisions about +plications and thus use your
system more effectively
As a programmer, you need to understand exactly how your system hardware
functions so you can write effective and efficient programs

Things as simple as the algorithm your hardware uses to map main memory to cache
and the method used for memory interleaving can have a tremendous effect on your
decision to access array elements in row- versus column-major order

Standards Organizations

Some standards organizations have formal charters and are recognized internationally
as the definitive authority in certain areas of electronics and computers. As you continue
your studies in computer organization and architecture, you will encounter specifications
formulated by these groups, so you should know something about them.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is an organization dedicated

to the advancement of the professions of electronic and computer engineering.

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is based in Geneva formerly the

International Consultative Committee on Telephony and Telegraphy.

USA- United StatesAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Great Britain - British Standards Institution (BSI)

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the entity that coordinates
worldwide standards development

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 19


The internal structure of the

itself, which is shown in Figure 1.4.
There are four main structural
• Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• Main Memory
• I/O
• System Interconnection

CPU – controls the operation of the

computer and performs its data
processing functions

Main Memory – stores data

I/O – moves data between the computer

and its external environment

System Interconnection – some

mechanism that provides for
communication among CPU, main
memory, and I/O

A common example of system interconnection is by means of a system bus, consisting

of a number of conducting wires to which all the other components attach.


• Control unit: Controls the operation of the CPU and hence the computer.
• Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU): Performs the computer’s data processing
• Registers: Provides storage internal to the CPU.
• CPU interconnection: Some mechanism that provides for communication
among the control unit, ALU, and registers.

There may be one or more of each of the aforementioned components.

Traditionally, there has been just a single processor. In recent years, there has been
increasing use of multiple processors in a single computer. Some design issues relating
to multiple processors crop up and are discussed as the text proceeds; Part Five
focuses on such computers.

Each of these components will be examined in some detail in Part Two.

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 20

Quiz 1: Multiple Choice 25 points
(to follow)



CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 21

 William, S. (2010) Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for
Performance (8th Edition)
 Linda, N. and Julia, L. (2006) The Essentials of Computer Organization and
Architecture (2nd Edition)
 John, C. (2001) Computer Systems Organization and Architecture
 Alan, C. (2014) Computer Organization and Architecture: Themes and
Variations (International Edition)

Electronic Resources

 William, S. (2010) Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for

Performance (9th Edition)
 Computer Architecture Tutorial. Retrieve January 2018 from
 Computer Architecture. Retrieve January 2018 from
 Teach Computer Science, 2020,

CSCI 1053 – Architecture and Organization I | 22

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