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I. Introduction.

Development education is always an important factor that is focused on leading development

because having a good education will be an extremely important source of capital in the future
in terms of people. Regarding investment in education, it is clear that investment in education
quality is the most important, besides the quality of education, the physical infrastructure of
the university is also very important. It can greatly contribute to the effectiveness of the
teaching of the lecturers and the acquisition of knowledge by the students. However, recent
universities are having problems with facilities, old schools have poor facilities, and new schools
are still incomplete. Therefore, the role of facilities at the university is increasingly important,
the vision to change this issue is to maintain the facilities of university and change the minds of

In this report, some analysis of the problem statement of vision and change will be provided.
Key university stakeholders, resources, opportunities, and barriers will also be provided. In
addition, the report will also provide a stakeholder map and leadership approach that the
report will adopt to address the issue.

II. Vision for change.

The quality of facilities at a university can affect not only the student's learning efficiency, but
also the teaching effectiveness of the faculty. A research by McLaughlin and Faulkner (2012),
found that facilities such as university campuses have an impact on students' learning
experience by providing a variety of positive learning and working environments. Similarly,
another study by Vidalakis et al (2013), they said that the effectiveness of lecturers' teaching
and students' knowledge acquisition is partly affected by the facilities of university. The results
showed that the good management and maintenance of the university facilities creates
satisfaction and value for the faculty and student.

Recently, it seems that the interest in the facilities of the universities has decreased somewhat,
have not met the needs of students and lecturers. The case of the University of Greenwich
Danang, Vietnam. There are many students who complain about factors related to the facilities
at the school that affect their studies. It can be mentioned that the internet connection or Wi-Fi
is quite slow, the classrooms are small, the lack of seats, the quality of the library is not rich and
satisfactory, which also affects the students' ability to absorb. In addition, the problem that
affects many students who go to school away from home is that the school does not have a
Pantry room for students to relax and rest. It is undeniable that the University of Greenwich has
strived to provide very creative and positive learning and working environments, creating
conditions for students as well as faculty to strive. However, with the high tuition fees, most
students agree that they need more support than that.

Pantry is really important for office related environments, universities are no exception. A study
by Wellner (2013), he said that the food pantry model in schools is very important, which can
fill the gap for meals during the day and solve food insecurity. Or in another study about the
harmful effects of food insecurity by Maroto (2013), he suggested that unsafe food can affect
an individual's mental health and well-being. In the study, he mentioned that students
experiencing food insecurity often find it difficult or impossible to concentrate while in class,
completing homework, or studying. Research conducted at two community colleges in
Maryland found that 57% of students with very low levels of food insecurity rate their energy
levels as “poor” or “very poor” (Maroto, 2013). This study demonstrates that reasonable access
to daily meals can improve students' mental and physical health, especially can have a positive
effect on improving academic performance.

The University of Greenwich DaNang, Vietnam also has a lot of students from many other cities,
so a pantry room for students to eat hygienically combined with rest and relaxation is
necessary. University leaders should consider improving campus facilities, specifically the
pantry, so that students find it convenient to reach their full academic potential. According to
the research of Bruening et al. (2018), they stated that food insecurity among students is likely
to cause obstacles such as a decrease in healthy living habits, an increased likelihood of stress,
and an increase in depressed state. Besides, some other studies such as Farahbakhsh et al.
(2017), suggest that less fruit and vegetable intake will lead to higher rates of anxiety and
depression. Similarly, the work of Brennhofer et al. (2016), suggests that eating breakfast less
often has less impact on academic performance and makes it harder to concentrate.
Regarding the project to build a pantry room at the University of Greenwich Danang, Vietnam,
it is expected that a room with a reasonable location will be selected for the students to be able
to come and go easily. The location of the pantry room should be at the school, in that pantry
room will support free drinks such as filtered water, coffee, and may have a vending machine
for water. In addition, there will be a refrigerator or a microwave so that students can better
preserve food and drinks. In addition, there will be a spacious quiet space for students to
discuss lessons or rest after stressful classes. On how to do this project using available
resources such as rooms, decoration, layout, etc.

III. Key Stakeholders and stakeholder mapping.

According to Freeman at el. (2018), they stated that related parties refer to individuals or
organizations that have an impact or are affected by the business activities of the enterprise.
Therefore, universities want to implement any strategy or project need to identify and discuss
with stakeholders, and define their requirements.

Stakeholders of this project of Greenwich Role and position in project

Students Benefit directly from the project.
Employees (lectures, office of student affairs) Indirectly affected by the project (Easier to
observe and evaluate students).
Suppliers (foods and drinks) Main supplier for pantry room.
School administrations Project owner
Finance department (Owner of building: Joint Sponsor in project
venture partners – FPT & Greenwich UK)
Student's families Indirectly affected by the project (example:
fee, etc.).
Key stakeholder mapping.

Key stakeholders: Student, School Administration.

Leadership Approaches: Ethical Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Negotiation and

Influence Leadership.

IV. Resources, Opportunity and barriers for change.

According to the research of Dubick at el., (2016), they stated that students who often face
food insecurity usually difficult to bring their best performance to graduate. To solve this
problem, many universities are opening pantry room on their campuses (Ex: The University of
Arkansas is setting up campus food pantries on their campuses (CUFBA, 2017)).

Building a Pantry room at university will bring certain barriers. According to the research by El
Zein et al (2018), they stated that the pantry expansion was necessary but it encountered a cost
barrier. However, because of the support for educational development from FPT, along with
the low construction cost, the cost barrier is relatively reduced. That main barriers are many
activities that need to be done in parallel with the construction of a pantry room such as
spreading awareness on campus will be educating student leaders about food insecurity and
programs. Food assistance is available. Student leaders can then disseminate information to
their student organization members through social media and organizational events, expanding
awareness and outreach on campus university. This has to do with management, how to install
and maintain, how to hire staff and how to manage.

University of Greenwich Danang Vietnam is affiliated and managed by FPT in Vietnam. FPT is
one of the key stakeholders and the good news is that they will invest a lot for education in the
future. Besides, graphic design students are also potential resources for pantry design projects.
In addition, the design, decoration, and management department for the pantry room at the
University of Greenwich is available. So, the project of building a pantry room for the university
will be very feasible.

However, if the room is available at the university, the necessary equipment for opening a
pantry room such as electric light, air conditioner, toilet, furniture, and foods and drinks supply
for the pantry room is lacking.


 Greenwich University in Da Nang currently has room left over and has a very convenient
location, which makes it possible that the project of opening a pantry room will not cost
too much for renting and buying premises.
 Graphic design students are very potential for pantry room design and ideas, but also
help students have an interesting real-life work experience.

External opportunities:

After building the pantry, the opportunities and benefits received by the stakeholders are also
quite positive.

 On the part of students and lecturers, they will be able to better control food safety,
relax after hours of study and work. This can lead to much less stress and anxiety and
improved student and faculty satisfaction.
 In addition, helping distant students save a lot of money on outside food or skyrocketing
gas costs.
Barrier and balance:

With the market fluctuating and the prices of all kinds of goods inflationary, finding a stable
supply for the pantry room is really a barrier. Food prices can go up at any time, leaving the
pantry at the University of Greenwich facing some of the following barriers:

 Difficulty in adjusting the appropriate price.

 Constantly changing commodity prices are likely to make the pantry room suffer a loss.
 If the price of goods is pushed up too high and there is no solution, there is a possibility
that the pantry will be short of goods.

To solve the problem and find a stable supply of pantry room at school, some ways that might
work are as follows:

 Cooperating with many suppliers rather than depending on just one, this helps the
pantry department to be more proactive in sourcing, diversifying products and more
 Deal prices and contract with suppliers for a few years to avoid the situation that
commodity prices are pushed up too high and out of control.

V. Selling ideas to key stakeholders.

Selling ideas to key stakeholders:

The project open pantry room for Greenwich University is able to deliver a number of notable
benefits to key stakeholders:

 For students, this pantry room can help students reduce food insecurity, thereby
helping students reduce food anxiety and reduce stress. In addition, it also helps
students save money on buying food from outside, helping students have a lunch break
to save money on fuel for transportation.
 For school administrations, this project helps the university to improve effective
education. In addition, it helps to improve the reputation of the university, students
from many places will be attracted by the completeness and thoughtfulness of the
university and help the school to increase revenue. Finally, university marketing will also
benefit from the strength of having this pantry room.

Leadership approaches:

Regarding the negotiation and Influence leadership approach, opening a pantry does not mean
that all students will take advantage of it. Therefore, negotiation and influence leadership is
used to convince students of the importance of food safety and to convince students to use the
pantry room. According to the research of Dubick at el., (2016), they stated that students who
often face food insecurity usually difficult to bring their best performance to graduate.

Transactional leadership approach is used to convince BOD that it will be profitable, by ensuring
effectiveness in education, helping students achieve their best performance and graduate. This
will help the university get more and more students enrolled, resulting in increased revenue.

Ethical leadership approach is used to convince the BOD that ensuring food safety at schools,
creating a healthy and clean learning environment for students is essential. Moreover, this
pantry room project also helps to better control the amount of waste that students can

Conflicts between stakeholders:

In the pantry room project, students are the main beneficiaries of the benefits mentioned
above. However, on the investors side, it takes a fair amount of money to build. This causes
conflict between them. But, good news that FPT increase charter capital for FPT Education Co.,
Ltd from VND 600 billion to VND 1,000 billion (UK, 2020). So the conflict between them is partly

If the project to build a pantry room is carried out, it is likely to lead to an increase in student
tuition fees. This causes conflict between the student's parents and the final department.
However, if compared to other campuses in HCM city and Hanoi city, the tuition fee at Da Nang
campus is still 30% lower but the facilities are still not inferior or even superior in some points.
So the conflict between parents and final department is partly resolved.
VI. Conclusion.

VII. References.

Dubick, J., Matthews, B. and Cady, C., 2016. Hunger on Campus: The Challenge of Food Insecurity for
College Students. Retrieved May 29, 2018.McLaughlin, P. and Faulkner, J., 2012. Flexible spaces …
what students expect from university facilities. Journal of Facilities Management, 10(2), pp.140-149.

Vidalakis, C., Sun, M. and Papa, A., 2013. The quality and value of higher education facilities: a
comparative study. Facilities, 31(11/12), pp.489-504.

Wellner, K., 2013. Best Practices for Designing and Implementing a Food Pantry in St. Peter Middle and
High School.

Maroto, M.E., 2013. Food insecurity among community college students: Prevalence and relationship to
GPA, energy, and concentration. Morgan State University.

Bruening, M., Van Woerden, I., Todd, M. and Laska, M.N., 2018. Hungry to learn: the prevalence and
effects of food insecurity on health behaviors and outcomes over time among a diverse sample of
university freshmen. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 15(1), pp.1-10.

Farahbakhsh, J., Hanbazaza, M., Ball, G.D., Farmer, A.P., Maximova, K. and Willows, N.D., 2017. Food
insecure student clients of a university‐based food bank have compromised health, dietary intake and
academic quality. Nutrition & dietetics, 74(1), pp.67-73.

Bruening, M., Brennhofer, S., Van Woerden, I., Todd, M. and Laska, M., 2016. Factors related to the high
rates of food insecurity among diverse, urban college freshmen. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics, 116(9), pp.1450-1457.

Darling, K.E., Fahrenkamp, A.J., Wilson, S.M., D’Auria, A.L. and Sato, A.F., 2017. Physical and mental
health outcomes associated with prior food insecurity among young adults. Journal of health
psychology, 22(5), pp.572-581.

Maroto, M.E., Snelling, A. and Linck, H., 2015. Food insecurity among community college students:
Prevalence and association with grade point average. Community College Journal of Research and
Practice, 39(6), pp.515-526.

Freeman, R.E., Harrison, J.S. and Zyglidopoulos, S., 2018. Stakeholder theory: Concepts and
strategies. Cambridge University Press

El Zein, A., Mathews, A.E., House, L. and Shelnutt, K.P., 2018. Why are hungry college students not
seeking help? Predictors of and barriers to using an on-campus food pantry. Nutrients, 10(9), p.1163.
CUFBA, 2017. Running a Campus Food Pantry: Student Government toolkit. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 20 July 2022].

Comment chung:

1. Phân bổ nội dung phân tích chưa hợp lý, phần cần chú trọng như leadership approach, conflict
thì lại không thấy phân tích kỹ, mà dành thời gian phân tích cho các phần vision for change nhiều
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