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Drying is a mass transfer process consisting of the removal of water or another solvent

by evaporation from a solid, semi-solid or liquid. This process is often used as a final
production step before selling or packaging products. To be considered "dried", the final
product must be solid, in the form of a continuous sheet, long pieces (wood), particles
(cereal grains or corn flakes) or powder sand, salt, washing powder, milk powder). A
source of heat and an agent to remove the vapor produced by the process are often
involved. In bioproducts like food, grains, and pharmaceuticals like vaccines, the solvent
to be removed is almost invariably water. Desiccation may be synonymous with drying
or considered an extreme form of drying.

From this experiment, our group managed to do a drying product which is apple with
sulphitation. By doing the experiment the weight before the fruit is peeled is 105.4g and
the weight after being peeled or diced is 99.5g. To get the %recovery is by (B/A x 100)
which is 99.5g divided by 105.4g and multiply by 100 and the answer our group gets is
94.4 %. For sodium metabisulphite our group got 0.05g while for calcium carbonate it
was 5g. After leaving the fruit in the syrup for 24 hours, the brix we got for the syrup was
53brix. For drying in the oven up to 20-40% the moisture content that we get before
drying is 89.6g while after drying is 35.7g, then the weight after drying divided the
weight before drying and multiply by 100 and the answer is 34%.

To determine the organoleptic properties of drying apple terms of

appearance group 6, group 3, group 5 and group 2 are shrinking compared to group 1,
group 4, group 8 and group 7 retain their original shape and size. In terms of color
group 8, group 7, group 5 and group 2 were brighter than group 1, group 3, group 4 and
group 6 were slightly darker. Next is, for texture group 5, group 4, group 1 and group 2
are soft compared to group 3, group 8, group 6 and group 7 are hard. For chewiness,
the brittle group is group 7, group 8, group 3 and group 2 compared to the chewy group
is group 4, group 6, group 1 and group 5. For sweetness, it was found that the less
sweet group was group 3, group 4 and group 2, while for the very sweet group it was
group 1, group 6, group 7, group 5 and group 8. And lastly for the overall acceptance is
group 6, group 7, group 3 and group 5 are dislike very much while group 2, group 1,
group 4 and group 8 are like very much.
Among the benefits of product drying is the first healthy, the second is inexpensive, the
third is easy to use and save money and the last is to increase the shelf life of whole
foods. For the disadvantages of product drying is firstly, high efficiency of gas cleaning
system is required , secondly is dryer cannot be used for toxic materials. thirdly, not
suitable for lumped materials and lastly is risk of fire and explosion.

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