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Rail Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Member Engineering


It is a matter of pleasure to introduce the 7th edition of the list of Civil Engineering Officers of Indian Railways (Both Gp
‘A’ & Gp ‘B’) officers, being brought out by Shri S.K. Bansal, Retd. Chief Rolling Stock Engineer/N. Rly. Though the fact, that this
list of Civil Engineering Department having the present number of Gazetted Officers almost 1/4th of the total Gazetted cadre
is being brought out by a Mechanical Engg. Officer and that too in the 14th years of his superannuation and with large
information, important, statistics having more than sufficient details of seniority, status, cadre structure, names and with their
latest postings, is by itself remarkable, and turns out to be more important/interesting statistical/ comparative data given in
the books. Despite being non-Government, this publication is awaited by all officers as well as by the people dealing in the
cadre in the Railways administration. This proves its popularity. All these aspects speaks of tremendous, zeal enthusiasm and
passion for which Shri Bansal is still full of, despite his retirement more than 13 years ago.

On this occasion, I congratulate him and wish him success for this endeavour and hope to see many more such
publications in for years to come.

1st April, 2019

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Right from the time of my appointment in Railway, I have been nurturing the hobby of keeping the track of
maintaining the lists/seniority lists and the relative statistics. This has helped me a lot to put across the problems of the
supervisors/officers cadres to the appropriate authorities, which to my mind played a crucial role in solving their
various problems.
Even after becoming a Gazetted Officer, I continued with this hobby of mine. In order to present the problems of
the cadre forcefully, large information/statistics were required to be compiled and maintained. Many Officers who
happened to meet me whether on official or personal issues, appreciated the compilation, seniority lists, also other
related information and statistics of all departments very much. Few also suggested that I should find out ways to ensure that this detailed
information reaches to every one. This was more so in the present times, as information is a real treasure today.
The lists of officers, pertaining to all departments, therefore were published in the year 2003. After that 4 editions have been published
by now, almost every 2 yrs. All these publications have been appreciated very much by everyone, as also by the administration, being very
handy, useful and informative. It is now the 7th edition for Civil Engg. Deptt. (6th edition as on 01.01.17)
My total effort is before you. I know, that there may be many mistakes, which are bound to occur in such a booklet. But an honest effort
has been made and the result is before you. If appreciated, please do convey suggestions, if any, please don't hesitate to point out errors
also, which shall be accepted with thanks. I am of the strong feeling, that belonging to one department inculcates one-ship and finding
the names of all persons at one place with several related details further creates brotherhood, hence this booklet.
Such publications are not possible to be brought out without express help of a very large number of persons, as was in this case too.
This onrous task was taken on my shoulders, on account of widespread appreciation, cooperation and sincere help extented by many
officers, which worked as a motivation for me to continue such publication even in the 14th year of my superannuation. I confess, it would
not have been possible without such contribution, help, support and motivation. It is just not possible to extend my sincere thanks to all
of these persons individually but I do extend my heartfelt thanks to Sh. Pramod Sharma, OSD to ME, Rly. Bd., and also Sh. Praveen Kumar,
Sr. Inspector working under him, who's unconditional help & supply of information, was mainly responsible for enabling me to bring out
this seventh edition. In addition the help extended by S./Sh. B.B.S. Tomar, CEXC/USBRL, Sh. V.K. Tripathi, Dir. TK (M)/RB, Sh. Dinesh Tripathi,
Dir. TK (M/C)/RB, Sh. Surendra Kumar, CEC(P&D)/NR, Sh. Atul Singh, Dy.CE(TS)/NR, Sh. S. Kulshreshtha, Dy.CE(Plg.)/CR, Sh. Bhagwan Malik,
Dy.CE/C/SEB and many others is acknowledged with gratitudes.

1st April, 2019 S.K. Bansal

New Delhi. Chief Rolling Stock Engineer/Freight (Retd.)
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Seniority lists of all the eight departments, were published in the year 2003 for the first time, by the undersigned. The same
were taken with lot of interest by every one concerned. The list in fact, became an integral part of briefcases of all high officials, who
matter most in respect with seniority/promotions etc., despite the fact that this is not an officials publication. This publication though may
lack in official authenticity, but it is still containing most authentical information of the department at a single place, specially for officers
below SA Grade. Second edition, was then published in Oct. 2005, just before my retirement. 3rd edition of the seniority lists took some
longer time, after my retirement and could be brought out by Dec. 2008. Fourth edition started with Mech. Deptt. on 01.01.10 and then
Civil Engg. as on 01.01.11. For the fifth edition it has taken some more time as after 8 yrs. of my retirement it is becoming difficult to get
information, still I am trying to cope with it and the same could be brought out on 01.06.14. The sixth edition as on 01.01.17 and the
seventh edition as on 1st April 2019 is before you.
This booklet is divided into two parts. Part 'A' contains the list of the entire Group 'A' Officers right from the top of the department
to the latest probationer. Also included are Group 'B' officers inducted in Group 'A' at their appropriate place (in bold letters). This list is
as per seniority up to 2012 batch, as seniority has been issued officially upto this batch only (Group 'B' list is updated). The remaining
names have been given batchwise, and do not necessarily indicate actual seniority in their batch.
Part 'B' contains the list of all Group 'B' Officers of on Indian Railways. The seniority of Gp.'B' officers, on all India basis is now
being issued by Rly. Bd. hence this Seniority List has been compiled as such, (upto the year 2006 (part), upto S.No.392 of this list) as
issued by the Board. The balance list has been compiled on the basis of year of entry in Gp.'B' indicating the different Railways
alphabetically in the particular year. Though in each railway, the inter-se-seniority is mentioned, which is relevent for promotion for any
promotion in the zone. It has however little relevence with officers of other railways of the same year.
Though efforts have been made to indicate correct postings station/posts or zone (as available), but it may be appreciated that
it is a very difficult task to keep track of such large number of officers. Therefore, there might be some mistakes and omissions in the
My efforts are before you through this booklet. I would be grateful if you would give me the feedback on this and point out any
mistake which you notice, so that the same could be rectified. If you feel that this is an effort worth appreciating, please do not hesitate
to encourage by writing/calling. Please do not hesitate to point out mistakes or suggestions for improvement, if any.


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3087, IIND FLOOR CRSE, N.Rly. (Retd.)
Ph.: +91-9810118782 Cell: +91-9999310814, 9810777602

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