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Chapter 2


This chapter deals with the review of publication and study of the proposed system. By

the use of this study the researches can easily understand and have more knowledge on how to

create the proposed system that can be effectively used by the Kabankalan Catholic College.

Orange Human Resource Management System (OHRM)

Orange Human Resource Management System is a powerhouse human resources tool

that any small or midsize business can benefit from using. With Orange Human Resource

Management, the user has options: He/she can download and install the system on his/her own

hardware, he/she can purchase a hosted solution. To get prices for the hosted solution, you have

to contact them from their request a quote page.

Orange Human Resource Management System’s features include: fully modular, add-ons

(e.g., benefits, employee self-service, training, budget, job and salary history, etc.) for purchase,

all standard HR functions (employees, leave, benefits, performance, etc.), and more. The

installation is fairly straight-forward. With a self-extracting Windows installer or full-source

installations for Windows, Mac, and Linux, the user can get Orange Human Resource

Management System up and running on nearly every platform. The user does not have the

hardware or the skills to set up Orange onsite, the user can request a quote for a hosted instance

of Orange Human Resource Management System The user can also purchase support plans and

customizations (Saparamadu, 2005).

The Orange Human Resource Management System is a web based system that supports

all of the Human Resource services. The feature of organizing the employee information and the
applying of leave for the employees. The concept from this features will be added to the KCC-

EIMS for this will be a great help at managing all of the HR works thus this will save time and

effort for all of the employee.

Simple Human Resource Management System (SHRM)

Simple Human Resource Management System offers an open source version of its

professional platform. This version offers time management, and it can be installed on either a

WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) or LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) server. Once

installed, Simple Human Resource Management System offers every feature the user need to

solidify the HRM department: employee information, leave management, travel management,

expense management, benefit management, and task reporting. Simple Human Resource

Management System allows you to assign a CV to an employee and define eligibility for rehire.

Each major module offers plenty of granular control, and the user interface is well laid out

(Cetim, 2010).

The above mentioned features of the Simple Human Resource Management System is

applying and assigning of leave of an employee. The said features will be added on to the KCC-

EIMS. This is to easily manage employee leaves, and paper works will be less time consuming.

Employee Management System

Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major

role in deciding the success of an organization. Employees Management Software makes it easy

for the employer to keep track of all records. This software allows the administrator to edit

employees, add new employees, transfer/promote/terminate employees. Each employee in the

database associated with a position can be added and edited when need arises. Employees can be
transferred between positions easily without having to retype back their information in the

database. The user can check to see if there are duplicate positions/employees in the database.

Most of all, the employer can assign tasks to employees and assess their progress in order to keep

track of employee performance.

A flexible and easy to use, Employee Management software solution for small and

medium sized companies provides modules for personnel information management thereby

organization and companies are able to manage the crucial organization asset – people. The

combination of these modules into one application assures the perfect platform for re-

engineering and aligning Human Resource processes along with the organizational goals. This

system brings about an easy way of maintaining the details of employees working in any

organization. It is simple to understand and can be used by anyone who is not even familiar with

simple employees system. It is user friendly and just asks the user to follow step by step

operations by giving easy to follow options. It is fast and can perform many operations for a

company. The goal of this project is to design and develop an employee management system to

fill existing gaps in the electronic management of employees (Simaanya, 2014).

With the above mentioned description of the Employee Management System, the

researchers got the concept of the managing employee information’s and stored it on a

centralized database to make less of paper work and to save time and effort.

Employee Information System (The University of Texas at Austin)

This Web-based information system was designed to allow the user to view and maintain

your employee information throughout the year. He/she should use this system to maintain the

biographical information on the employee record. Changes made on the Employee Information
System will not update any other university biographical information such as student or applicant

information (Schoolar, 2011).

The Employee Information System (The University of Texas at Austin) has this feature

the researchers got this concept of maintaining the information of employees which is very

helpful in our system to be more reliable and to ensure employees information security.

Employee Information Management System (EIMS)

The EIMS is the Office of Human Resources' web-based employee information system.

Direct-hire employees can access and review their USAID personnel information, such as

personal locator, employee data records, FS performance report cards, FS assignments, and

incentive awards. Employees can also update their emergency contact information. EIMS is a

single sign-on intranet application containing seven sub-systems: Emergency Locator system,

Biographic Register system, Foreign Service Report Card system, Foreign Service Assignment

system, Annual Evaluation Tracking system, Incentive Awards system, Employee Data Record

(EDR) reporting. EIMS is an Oracle Database providing HR personnel data from the prior

Agency Personnel System and the National Finance Center (NFC) (Pustejovsky, 2010).

The EIMS has this feature of Employee Data record reporting that tracks the work of

employees and generates report to view their performance. So the researchers decided to put this

in the KCC-EIMS.

Human Resource Development Employee Inventory System

The Human Resource Development employee Inventory System is made by Visual Basic

2008 using Microsoft Access 2007 for info support. This project is user-friendly and is

manageable enough for college students to be used often. The system has this following features
Employee and Student Information System, Employee Behavior Evaluation Test. Evaluation test

results with a corresponding average grade for each subject and employee. Subject

Information’s. (Subject Code, Subject Description, Unit, Schedule, etc.) Printing evaluation reports

(Villanueva, 2017).

With the said description of Human Resource Development employee Inventory System

the researchers got the concept of employee information system. For storing of employee

information will be safe and secure.

Kabankalan Catholic College – Financial Management Information System (KCC-FMIS)

This research aims to develop the Kabankalan Catholic College – Financial Management

Information System (KCC-FMIS) that supports the processes and procedures for cashiering and

accounting. This study is limited only within Kabankalan Catholic College.

During the annual planning last April 2016 for academic year 2016-2017, together with

the KCC school administrators, one of the plans to adopt and implement budget transparency,

accountability and good management towards balance sheet and net revenues. They are

expecting a good, flexible financial reporting which will become a part of the mission outcome.

This brings up an important point to have the Kabankalan Catholic College – Financial

Management Information System (KCC-FMIS) which will upgrade financial reporting system

and projections. Through this path it is easy to convince boards of any opportunity even to the

point of spending or investing. Because having KCC-FMIS, the school can think strategically,

having the ability to track expenses, income and cash flow in details.

As school finances grows in complexity, KCC-FMIS provide a solution that makes things

easier and helps to stretch budget. It provides a comprehensive overview on the school’s finances
to help ensure that resources are put to the best possible use and enables busy finance staff to

complete day-to-day financial tasks quickly. Moreover, the system support effective

management to the school key financial processes. An integrated accounting system (Batuto,


The Kabankalan Catholic College – Financial Management Information System (KCC-

FMIS) is a management system that helps store information and ease the work in the cashier of

Kabankalan Catholic College. With this the researchers came up to the idea of usisng the same

features of storing information and to secure it and to ease the paper work in the HR Office.

Noceco Employee Information System

NOCECO Employee Information System with Leave Monitoring System is made by the

fourth year Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students for their capstone project.

This automated system is used in tracking records of the employees and monitoring their leave of

absence. It was created in Visual Basic 2008, MySQL database and Crystal Report for printing

reports. These are the following features of the system Employees (add, Update, List), Leave of

Absence, Manage User (add, Update, List), Maintenance (Position, Department), Reports, Login

and Logout (Palacious, 2016).

The above mentioned features of the NOCECO Employee Information System, the

researchers got the concept of the leaving monitoring system that focuses on applying for leave

of the employee and checks their leave status.

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