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Communications in Algebra

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Growth of groups and graded algebras: Erratum

Nicholas Billington

To cite this article: Nicholas Billington (1985) Growth of groups and graded algebras: Erratum,
Communications in Algebra, 13:3, 753-755, DOI: 10.1080/00927878508823189

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COMMUNICATIONS I N ALGEBRA, 1 3 ( 3 ) , 753-755 (1985)


Nicholas Billington

Department of Mathematics
La Trobe University
Victoria 3083 Australia

In [litheorem 31 we proposed that the growth,

(') )

of a stratified finitely generated abelian group (G,S) is a rational

function. This is incorrect as it stands : the associated commutative

graded algebra grk(G,S) may not have a rational Hilbert-Poincar6

series since it may not be Noetherian. This is because grk(G,S) may
not be finitely generated as a graded algebra if the stratification S

is not defined by length from a finite generating set.

For example, the group Z x Z regarded as the set of

lattice points whose Euclidean coordinates are integers has a

stratification T = (Tn)n20 defined by T = {(x,y) E X x X : - S n}.

The associated graded algebra grk(X X Z,T) is not finitely generated,

and the series g(ZxZ (2) is not a rational function; in fact the

problem of determining this series is equivalent to Gauss's problem of

counting the number of lattice points inside the circle with centre at

the origin and radius n. (See [21).

Copyright O 1985 by Marcel Dekker, Inc


The graded algebra grk(G,S) obtained from a stratified

abelian group (G,S) is finitely generated, and so Noetherian, if the

stratification S is defined by length from a finite generating set.

Therefore, that a Noetherian commutative graded algebra has a rational

~ilbert-Poincar6 series leads to the following result, which replaces

theorem 3 in I11 :

PROPOSITION If G is a finitely generated abelian group and S is

a stratification of G defined by length from a finite generating set

then (2) is a rational function.



[l] Nicholas Billington, Growth of groups and graded algebras,

Communications in Algebra, (20) 12, 1984, 2579-2588.

121 Chen Jing-run, The lattice points in a circle, Sci. Sinica

12 (1963), 633-649.


VOL. 12, NO. 20

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