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Jackie Hunter Direct

1. Please introduce yourself to members of the jury. (1-6)

a. My name’s Jackie Hunter.
2. What do you do for a living? (1-6)
a. Before being a journalist, I worked at RacheterWorld for four summers: 2017, 2018,
2019, and 2020. But I always wanted to do something more than scrub floors and operate
machines; I’ve always wanted to write headlines and big news articles. My dream came
true in 2020 when I got accepted to work for the Midlands Voice, the top… the top,
circulation-free newspaper in the state. I’m a legendary reporter… allegedly.
3. Mr. Hunter, what were your jobs at RacheterWorld? (7, 17)
a. I was on a cleanup crew in 2017, then got promoted to a floating ride operator in 2018.
4. Can you explain to the jury what a floating ride operator does? (21-23)
a. Being a floating ride operator meant that I filled in whenever one of the regular ride
operators weren’t there. I got to know a lot of rides that way.
Mind eraser/tunnel of terror questions
5. What rides have you operated as a floating ride operator? (23-24)
a. The two big rides I’ve operated are the Mind Eraser and the Tunnel of Terror; I’ve also
worked on a few smaller rides.
6. (enter exhibit 11a, 11b) Mr. Hunter, what were the similarities between operating the Mind Eraser
and the Tunnel of Terror? (24-29) demo needed
a. Well, some buttons are in similar places. The start and stop buttons on the Mind Eraser
and the blue maintenance lever on the Tunnel of Terror are in similar places.
Longstreet and Floyd 2018 2019
7. Now let’s talk about the employees and staff at RacheterWorld. Mr. Hunter, after 4 years of
working at RacheterWorld, can you tell us about your employer, Mr. Longstreet? (30-38)
a. Well, the first thing I can tell you about Longstreet is that he never bought a new ride the
whole time I worked there. The “new rides” were always used rides from other parks; felt
like I was working in a recycling crew when I was operating them.
8. What was the quality of the existing rides? (30-38)
a. All I can tell you are the little kids’ rides were extremely old and outdated, like from the
1920s or 30s. IDK why they’re not in black and white.
9. What other assets, apart from rides, did Longstreet add to RacheterWorld? (30-38)
a. Longstreet set up a huge, not-so-aesthetically pleasing 15-foot chain fence that
surrounded the entire park except for the main gate and a gate behind the Tunnel of
10. How was Longstreet? (54-58)
a. I don’t read minds, but it seemed like Longstreet wasn’t happy the whole summer of
2019. He often yelled at people, even at Floyd, our new accountant who came in 2018.
They yelled at each other and argued a lot that summer.
11. How was your relationship with Floyd? (59-62)
a. We’re not really friends, but I don’t hate her. But once that summer in 2019, she got mad
and shouted at me.
12. Why did Floyd shout at you that summer? (59-62)
a. Well, I saw two full boxes of World Tour bracelets in a dumpster. That was pretty
strange, so I took them to Floyd and asked what happened.
13. What was Floyd’s reaction? (59-62)
a. Well, Floyd suddenly started breathing heavily. After a few seconds of silence, she
coughed and told me to mind my own business and said she and Longstreet would take
care of it.
14. Did you notice anything strange that summer apart from the ticket incident? (63-67)
a. I noticed something strange with the park’s sales.
15. Can you elaborate on what you noticed? (63-67)
a. Well, ever since Floyd joined the park and started running sales, it had been getting more
and more popular. But in 2019, as an employee, I saw fewer people in the park.
Whit Bowman
16. Let’s talk about the defendant, Whit Bowman. Do you know her?
a. Well, I worked with Bowman in 2020 for a while, and I know her quite well.
17. What do you think about Ms. Bowman?
a. I never saw her, ever, play fast and loose with her timecard. She never clocked anyone in
or clocked out late to get overtime. She also seemed really uncomfortable whenever
people made jokes about sneaking cash out or giving free rides to people.
18. Let's fast forward to 2020. Did you find anything worth noticing related to ticket sales that
a. Yeah. One day in early April, I saw boxes of bracelets lying in the office trailer that
weren’t from the regular company the park gets bracelets from. There was also a pile of
expensive plumbing invoices even though I hadn’t seen any plumbers that summer. I also
saw two books lying on Floyd’s desk.
19. Can you briefly describe what these two books contained?
a. Well, both of them had spreadsheets and dollar amounts while one had some letters
written underneath. They also had the same date on the spine. I couldn’t investigate more
because Haley came in. She saw me, yelled at me, and fired me on the spot. Man!
20. Did you reach out to anyone after observing this activity?
a. Well, after seeing what happened, I gave the lead investigator Kimball a call in August.
21. What did you tell the detective in the call?
a. I told her that I had some information about meetings taken among Poole, Longstreet, and
Floyd. I wanted to tell her what I found out when I worked there. I wanted to tell her
what I said here earlier.
22. What was the detective's response?
a. She refused to hear my information on Longstreet’s business practices and told me to tell
her about Whit. I told her that I didn’t have information about Whit, then she ended the
23. Did Kimball ask you anything about Longstreet/Poole/Floyd?
a. No!
24. Did Kimball ask you any questions about any person aside from Ms. Bowman?
a. No; in fact, after telling her that I don’t have information on Whit, she hung up.

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