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Charlie Kaminsky Direct

1. Please introduce yourself to members of the jury. (1-13)

a. Good morning/evening! My name is Charlie Kaminsky. My father gave me the name
Cheslav Kaminsky in mother Russia, but now I come to America I changed my name
because it was so hard to pronounce.
2. What did you do for a living? (1-13)
a. My father was a Russian truck driver, so I wanted to follow in his footsteps; sadly, I don’t
have the courage or the build to wrestle a bear nor to drive a truck. So, I became a
transportation entrepreneur; now I own my own luxury transportation company, AAAA
Luxury Transportation. I drive limos because I want to bring higher-end services to
Midlands… and to pay rent.
3. Let’s first talk about your relationship with RacheterWorld and its staff. Do you often visit
RacheterWorld? (19)
a. Of course! When I was young, I always wanted to go on rides and coasters to relax, but
all I had were ice and snow, antique music boxes, peter the great, russian dolls, and
cabbage soup. Now, I often visit RacheterWorld when I don’t really have much work to
4. Do you know anyone working in RacheterWorld?
a. I know Whit Bowman; love going on his rides.

Now let's talk about what happened on August 30, 2020.

5. Where were you that day? (51)

a. I spent the whole day at RacheterWorld.
6. Did anything happen during your time at RacheterWorld?
a. Actually yes, someone texted me and asked me to pick up a client that night in a grocery
store/parking lot a mile away from RacheterWorld.
7. What did you do in response? (54)
a. Well, I didn’t really want to drive him until the person offered me at least $300 in cash if
I went to the parking lot 20 minutes after they asked.
8. Did you accept the offer?
a. Yes, I didn’t have a reason to decline.
9. What did you do after accepting the offer? (65)
a. Well, I waited for a few hours until the client texted me at 8 PM. I was told to be at the
grocery store in 15 minutes.
10. What did you do after receiving the text? (70)
a. As much as I love RacheterWorld, I left the line I was in and headed for the exit.
11. Did you notice anything strange on your way out? (71)
a. I saw Cameron running from the front gate towards the Tunnel of terror. I also saw a
security guard chasing after him. It looked like the security guard was holding a gun, like
one of those American cops in the movies.
12. Did any of them say anything or do anything apart from running? (74)
a. Well, the security guard yelled, sorry for my rusty impersonation, but he yelled “I’m
going to end you, Poole” as he was running”. Then I left the park because I remembered I
had a job to do.
13. Did you see anyone else apart from Cameron Poole and the security guard? (78)
a. No.
14. After you picked up your client, did you recognize him? (80)
a. Well, to my surprise, Cameron was my client!
15. Did you hear anything from your client on the car ride? (90-101)
a. Cameron called someone shortly but he wasn’t on the speakerphone.
16. What did you hear from the call? (102-108)
a. Well, I remember hearing Cameron telling the person that he’ll stay out of sight until they
meet up at the bar

How much money did you earn in total from this client?
- I received $400 upright. He also gave me $500 and told me not tell anyone about this ride. It
seemed like a good deal to me until the police found me and told me about this entire thing. But
I’m still here because I’m not a man you can buy with money. We need to listen to the law, and
stand with the law.

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