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Linear and nonlinear dust ion acoustic solitary waves in a quantum dusty electron-

positron-ion plasma
E. Emadi and H. Zahed

Citation: Physics of Plasmas 23, 083706 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4960560

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PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 23, 083706 (2016)

Linear and nonlinear dust ion acoustic solitary waves in a quantum dusty
electron-positron-ion plasma
E. Emadi and H. Zahed
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sahand University of Technology, 51335–1996 Tabriz, Iran
(Received 12 April 2016; accepted 23 July 2016; published online 16 August 2016)
The behavior of linear and nonlinear dust ion acoustic (DIA) solitary waves in an unmagnetized
quantum dusty plasma, including inertialess electrons and positrons, ions, and mobile negative dust
grains, are studied. Reductive perturbation and Sagdeev pseudopotential methods are employed for
small and large amplitude DIA solitary waves, respectively. A minimum value of the Mach
number obtained for the existence of solitary waves using the analytical expression of the Sagdeev
potential. It is observed that the variation on the values of the plasma parameters such as different
values of Mach number M, ion to electron Fermi temperature ratio r, and quantum diffraction
parameter H can lead to the creation of compressive solitary waves. Published by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION dusty plasma. Masood et al.17 studied the linear and nonlin-
ear DIA waves by using two fluid quantum hydrodynamic
An interesting aspect among plasma physics is that the
model and found that dust particles have fundamental role in
de Broglie wavelength of the charge carriers
ffi plasma systems. Rouhani et al.18 studied arbitrary amplitude
(kB ¼ 2pmKB Te , where h is the Planck constant, Te is the
DIA solitary waves in a quantum dusty plasma, including
system temperature, m is the mass of charged particle, and
inertialess quantum electrons and positrons, classical ions,
KB is the Boltzmann constant) becomes comparable to the
and stationary dust particles. They showed that increasing
dimensions of the system (such as inter-particle distances);
the dust density leads to the decrease in the existence
therefore, the plasma behaves like a Fermi gas and the quan-
domain of compressive solitons. Additionally, they studied
tum effects start playing an important role in plasma behav-
the effect of quantum diffraction parameter (H), dust density
ior. Since the de Broglie wavelength depends upon the mass (nd), and Mach number (M) on the amplitude and width of
of charge particle, and since the electron mass is less than DIA solitary waves. This paper aims to study the linear and
that of ions, the electrons most importantly become quantum nonlinear structure of DIA solitary waves in a quantum
degenerate. This occurs in many dense astrophysical plas- dusty plasma consisting of inertialess electrons and posi-
mas,1 particularly in the interior of the giant planets such as trons, ions, and mobile negative dust grains by employing
Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune,2–5 neutron stars,6 brown or the QHD model. The paper is organized as follows: In
white dwarf stars,7 and also in the laboratory plasmas such Section II, the basic equations for DIA solitons in a four
as ultra small electronic devices,8 and laser plasmas.9 The component quantum plasma are presented. In Section III,
known mathematical methods such as Schrodinger-Poison the linear behavior of DIA solitons are investigated. In
and Wigner-Poison were widely used for quantum plasmas. Sections IV and V, KdV equation and Sagdeev potential are
The quantum hydrodynamics model (QHD) is a reduced derived, respectively, for nonlinear structure. The results are
model that allows direct investigation of collective dynamics summarized in Sec. VI.
without challenging of complexities in Schrodinger-Poison
and Wigner-Poison models. Using the standard definition of II. BASIC EQUATIONS
averaging macroscopic quantities, both Schrodinger-Poison
and Wigner-Poison models can lead to the same equations We consider an unmagnetized plasma composed of iner-
known as QHD model. Pines10 was the first one to study the tialess quantum electrons and positrons, cold ions, and
properties of plasmons in quantum plasmas. Manfredi and mobile negative dust grains and then assume that the plasma
Haas11 applied the Wigner-Poisson and the Schrodinger- particles in a zero-temperature Fermi gas obey the pressure
mj V 2
Poisson systems in a quantum plasma. It is well known that law pj ¼ 3nj0Fj n3j , where VFj ¼ mj is Fermi speed and nj0
Shukla and Silin12 were the first ones to investigate DIA is the equilibrium number density of the jth species
waves theoretically in an unmagnetized collisionless dusty ðj ¼ e; i; p; dÞ. Plasma components’ neutrality condition is
plasma (particularly in the F-ring of Saturn) and then DIA 1 þ p ¼ e þ d, where p ¼ np0 =n0 , e ¼ ne0 =ni0 , and
waves have been observed in laboratory.13,14 After that d ¼ Zd0 nd0 =ni0 . The dynamic of DIA wave in this plasma
many researchers investigated the role of quantum correc- model is governed by the following normalized QHD
tions on DIA waves. For instance, Khan and Mushtaq15 stud- equations:
ied linear and nonlinear properties of these waves in an
ultracold quantum dusty plasma. Ali and Shukla16 derived a @nd @ ðnd ud Þ
þ ¼ 0; (1)
generalized dielectric constant for an unmagnetized quantum @t @x

1070-664X/2016/23(8)/083706/5/$30.00 23, 083706-1 Published by AIP Publishing.

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083706-2 E. Emadi and H. Zahed Phys. Plasmas 23, 083706 (2016)

@ni @ ðni ui Þ
þ ¼ 0; (2)
@t @x
¼ ld ð1  dÞne þ dnd  ni þ ð1  ld Þð1  d Þnp ; (3)
@ud @ud @u
þ ud ¼l ; (4)
@t @x @x
@ui @ui @u @ni
þ ui ¼  rni ; (5)
@t @x @x @x
0 1
@ 2 pffiffiffiffiffi
@u @ne H 2 @ B @@x2
ne C
A ¼ 0;
 ne þ pffiffiffiffiffi (6)
@x @x 2 @x ne
0 1
@ 2 pffiffiffiffiffi FIG. 2. The second order derivative against M for fixed values: d ¼ 0.5,
@u @np H 2 @ B @@x2
np C
A ¼ 0: r ¼ 0:1; l ¼ 103 ; ld ¼ 5, and H ¼ 0.446.
  cnp þ pffiffiffiffiffi (7)
@x @x 2 @x np
The normalization has been made by the following non- AND SMALL AMPLITUDE
dimensional variables: t ! txpi ; x ! x=kd ; uj ! uj =Csi ;
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi We employ the reductive perturbation method to Eqs.
nj ! nj =nj0 ; u ! eu=ð2kb TFi Þ, where xpi ¼ 4pe2 ni0 =mi
is the ion plasma frequency, and kd ¼ sqrt2kb TFe =ð4pe2 nio Þ (1)–(6) to obtain the nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries (KdV)
equation for one-dimensional DIA solitary waves (Fig. 2).
and Csi ¼ sqrt2kb TFe =mi is Debye length and ion acoustic
For this purpose, the plasma parameters can be expanded in
speed, respectively. Further, l ¼ Zd0 mi =md ; ld ¼ 1 þ P=ð1
powers of  as
dÞ, r ¼ TFi =TFe ; c ¼ TFp =TFe , and H ¼ sqrth2 x2pi =me mi C2si
are dimensionless quantum parameters. nj ¼ 1 þ nj1 þ 2 nj2 þ :::; (9)

III. LINEAR DIA SOLITARY WAVES—DISPERSION uj ¼ uj1 þ 2 uj2 þ :::; (10)

u ¼ u1 þ 2 u2 þ :::; (11)
To study the properties of linear DIA solitary waves,
Fourier transforming the first order perturbed quantities of where  is a small parameter characterizing the strength of
Eqs. (1)–(6), we obtain the dispersion relation in the form of nonlinearity.17 We also introduce the following independent
variables scaled as n ¼ 1=2 ðx  kÞ and s ¼ 3=2 t. Substituting
x4  Ax2 þ B ¼ 0; (8) Eq. (11) into Eqs. (1)–(7) and equating the coefficients of
equal powers of , we obtain the following KdV equation:
where A ¼ k2 ðr þ Hi2 k2 =4Þ þ Sð1 þ ldÞ; B ¼ ldk2 Sðr þ
2 2 2
Hi2 k2 =4Þ and S ¼ ð1dÞð2lk ð1þH k =4Þ
. Note that, we @u1 @u @ 3 u1
þ A2 u1 1 þ A3
2 2 2
d 1Þþk ð1þH k =4Þ A1 ¼ 0; (12)
assume the Fermi temperature of electron and positron to be @s @n @n3
equal (r ¼ c). In Fig. 1, the dispersion relation of DIA soli-
tary waves is plotted. with the coefficients

2ld 2k
A1 ¼  ; (13)
k3 ðk2  rÞ2
ð1ld Þð1d Þ 2l2 4 3k2 þr
A2 ¼ ld ð1d Þ  þ k  : (14)
c2 d ðk2 rÞ3
ld ð1d ÞH 2 ð1ld Þð1dÞH 2 Hi2
A3 ¼  þ 2
1: (15)
4 4c2 4ðk2 rÞ
By imposing boundary conditions u1 ! 0; @u1 @n !
0; @ 2 u1 =@n2 ! 0 at n ! 61, the possible stationary solu-
tion of Eq. (10) can be read as u1 ¼ u0 sec h2 ðn=DsÞ, where
u0 ¼ 3A1 u0 =A2 and Ds ¼ sqrt4A3 =ðA1 u0 Þ. The variation of
the electrostatic potential u1 as a function of g is plotted in
Figs. 3(a)–6(a). Figures 3(a) and 6(a) indicate that an increase
in u0 and l can lead to the increases in electrostatic potential
FIG. 1. Plot of linear dispersion relation DIA solitons for fixed values: amplitude. Figure 4(a) shows that a decrease in r increases
d ¼ 0.5, r ¼ 0:001; l ¼ 103 ; ld ¼ 5, and H ¼ 0.446. the electrostatic potential amplitude. In Fig. 5(a), we could

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083706-3 E. Emadi and H. Zahed Phys. Plasmas 23, 083706 (2016)

FIG. 3. The effect of (a) u0 on the

electrostatic potential and (b) M on the
Sagdeev potential curve for fixed values:
d ¼ 0.5, r ¼ 0:1; l ¼ 103 ; ld ¼ 5,
and H ¼ 0.446.

observe that an increase in H decreases the width of electro- 1

nd ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; (18)
static potential, while the amplitude will be unaffected. 2lu
1þ 2
mþ d 2u
In order to investigate the properties of arbitrary ampli- ni ¼ pffiffiffi 1 pffiffiffi12
tude DIA solitary waves, we consider that dependent varia- 2 d mþ d
bles in Eqs. (2)–(7) depend only on a single variable pffiffiffi !12
n ¼ x  Ms, where n is normalized by kD and M is the Mach m d 2u
 pffiffiffi 1 pffiffiffi12 : (19)
number. It can be shown that Eqs. (2)–(7) yield the normal- 2 d m d
ized densities, given by
" #12 Substituting Eqs. (16)–(18) into the Poisson’s equation, we
@ 2 can obtain the energy integral of this system as
ne ¼ 1 þ 2u þ H 2 ð1 þ 2uÞ1=4 ð1 þ 2uÞ ; (16)
1 du 2
" þ V ðuÞ ¼ 0; (20)
    #12 2 dn
2u H 2 2u 1=4 @ 2 2u 1=4
np ¼ 1  þ 1 1 ; (17)
c c c @n2 c where the Sagdeev quasipotential reads

"  32 #1

ld ð1  d ÞH 2 3 ð 1  l Þ ð 1  d Þ H 2
V ðuÞ ¼ 1 þ ð1 þ 2uÞ2  d
4 4c2 c
l d ð1  d Þ 3=2 ld ð1  d Þ ð1  ld Þð1  dÞc M2 d 2lu 2 M2 d
 ð1 þ 2uÞ   þ 1þ 2 
3 3 3 l M l
 pffiffiffi3 !32  pffiffiffi3  pffiffiffi3 !32  pffiffiffi3 1
mþ d 2u mþ d m d 2u m d A
þ pffiffiffi 1 pffiffiffi2  pffiffiffi  pffiffiffi 1 pffiffiffi2 þ pffiffiffi : (21)
6 d mþ d 6 d 6 d m d 6 d

Note that according to stationary soliton solutions, it is VI. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
assumed that at n ! 61, the potential and its first and sec-
ond order derivatives are vanished, and for simplicity, the The pseudo potential VðuÞ plays an important role in
small value of quantum diffraction parameter are considered. the formation of solitary waves, so that it is necessary to
The necessary conditions for the existence of solitary wave investigate the dynamics of solitons as a function of plasma
solutions are (i) VðuÞ ¼ 0 at u ¼ 0 and um , (ii) dVðuÞ
du ¼ 0 and parameters ðM; r; H; and lÞ. To realize the following figures,
d2 VðuÞ
du 2  0 at u ¼ 0, (iii) VðuÞ  0 when 0  u  uþ
m and we have first calculated the minimum value of M and then
0  u  um , where um ¼ c=2 and um ¼ 1=2. These con- the Sagdeev potential is plotted for several different values
ditions lead to a lower limit for Mach number, as we could of M above this minimum value. It can be seen from Figs.
see in Fig. 2. 3–6 that both rarefactive and compressive solitons are

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083706-4 E. Emadi and H. Zahed Phys. Plasmas 23, 083706 (2016)

FIG. 4. The effect of r on (a) the elec-

trostatic potential and (b) the Sagdeev
potential curve for fixed values:
d ¼ 0.5, M ¼ 0.6; l ¼ 103 ; ld ¼ 5,
and H ¼ 0.446.

FIG. 5. The effect of H on (a) the elec-

trostatic potential and (b) the Sagdeev
potential curve for fixed values:
d ¼ 0.5, M ¼ 0.6, r ¼ 0:1; l ¼ 103 ;
and ld ¼ 5.

created. Figures 3 and 4 show the plot of VðuÞ against u for also find that if l decreases, the amplitude of solitons will
different values of M and r, respectively. It is found that rar- increase and the compressive solitons are created.
efactive solitons are created, but compressive solitons tend
to exist, and the amplitude of rarefactive solitons increases VII. CONCLUSIONS
as M and r increase. Figure 4 shows the plot of VðuÞ against
u for different values of r. It is found that the rarefactive sol- In this paper by employing the QHD model, the properties
itons are created. As r increases, the amplitude of the soli- of linear and nonlinear DIA solitary waves are investigated.
tary waves will increase and the compressive solitons tend to For small and arbitrary amplitude nonlinear waves, KdV equa-
exist. Figure 5 shows the effect of quantum diffraction tion and Sagdeev potential are derived, respectively. The varia-
parameter (H) on the Sagdeev potential. It is seen that the tion of the normalized electrostatic potential u1 is plotted as a
depth of Sagdeev potential will increase as H increases, and function of g. It has been observed that an increase in u0 and l
for compressive solitons, as H decreases, the width of the and a decrease in r lead to the increase in the amplitude of
solitary wave increases. As shown in Fig. 6, the variation of electrostatic potential. It is also found that the increase in H
l has a small effect on the amplitude of solitons. We could decreases the width of electrostatic potential, while its

FIG. 6. The effect of l on (a) the elec-

trostatic potential and (b) the Sagdeev
potential curve for fixed values:
d ¼ 0.5, M ¼ 0.6; r ¼ 0:1; ld ¼ 5, and
H ¼ 0.446.

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083706-5 E. Emadi and H. Zahed Phys. Plasmas 23, 083706 (2016)

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