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Exercise 27, p. 30. aleg. Wass’. was sudyng ‘Sent har was sleeping ‘was shining was Bowing... were singing wore argung walked ‘opened. found fas reading. Ill..cosed ..sneaked!smuck 1 Did younear wasn istenng was tinking tras snowing. was shining... were shoveling yng exercise 25, p. 51. fe took had areasy gven 90 thas. had stoppes ‘oamed._ became /as become had never saan ..vsted nacianiet looses nage fa. pager seen 10. omgiaind nad never vaveles ‘net. nad aways wares appeared epuowson nae frgoten...oheres ‘dnt recognize nado! ‘seiled grew Exercise 23, p. 72. Tetrive 1 going tobe watng/ wil be waiing 2 Get. isgong lobe ennng witbe shining ae gong See srgng wi be angng is sll gong tbe Ing ‘wa stb ng Exercise 2, p. 76. Is studying alsotaking 2 adatoady eater ik 3. alays oats goes goes 4. calles ..was anending 5. wilbe etenang got...was sleeping. had been sleeping 8 begin witeat 1s gong FStaeng. fel nas been sleeping fate. 1 90491 gO! wll 99. will have eater os 9. stares 10, nas ished ina raad hasnt finished ...has been reading 'sreacing has been reading i has eve! read ends Exercise 9, p. 80. 1 nas experancee 2, wi erperence / going to experience 3. began 5. causes 6. nave coveoped 7. hold: 219 neaing 8 mows 9. waver happened were stg oddeny tune eo colanses ‘he tne next eartnquane ocour/s the ‘oe earthquake going fo occu have ohen plpes aro swayng aso eppes! tn be. are gpg 1 Be Exercise 13, p. 44. Exercise 19, p. 48. Tehesneverseen 4, has Deen wating 2 saw 5. have iked | 3 hag. wont 6. has beon watching 4. haverithad 7. has been teaching /has taught 5. hasbeen 8. have been playing nas been paying has played © was 7, has ust occured occurred 1 have gotten... saw also geting 8. have aieady taker. Y09k 10, nave know 1 kom 4 3 going to erase 5B llmoet A tsee 6. mgoing o meet 7 wonttel 18 wont open Exercise 6,p. 79. ‘got have been tying yhave been havenag! venad has boen staying have been spending have spent ave spending have been wont ‘watcnes have barely hac am stong have been siting loaves /is going 0 eave wil leave eciged eve deciced am ring am gating fam going 0 take / wi take get fre you geting 3 [Thaven' Béan in 25 town vory ong. | eame hove jst two weeks age Dormitory ie is nol quit. Everyone shouts anc makes & Ny inonds wil meat me when 1 arrive a he airport. Hasn't anyone ove told you to knock onthe door atone you enter someone else's room? Didnt your paren {each you ta” ‘The phone rang whe was dong the snes. | dried my ande-and answered When heard ay husbands oe, Iwas very happy have been inthe Untod States forte ast our months ‘During ts te, | have done many things and seen mary places ‘nen te oto man startet walk back oi ht, the Sur hag already hid hidden sof bering ine oun. White | was wring my composition ast ight, somecne knoeked on he door Win oh you write a chron’ book? Frm eal glad you are going to/ wil visit my hometown next year Vinee | was vieting my cousinn Los Angoies, we went to a restaurant and ate Tha ood ‘Wien | nas @ oil, | viewed things irom a much lower height. Many physica objects eround me appeared very large. When! wanted to move something suchas a chai, ‘needed hele Wen fa in my country, was aria to come to he LUnted States. {though could wak ousie a ight because o the tebe erm. But row have a derent ‘opinion, | have lives ts smal town fo" Bee mans ‘ano (have) eared ta here i very ite crime Mere

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