Food Security Research Questions

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Research Questions

Use the information posters around your classroom to answer the questions in as much detail as possible. Do not copy all the information directly from
the posters.

What is meant by ‘food security’?

Food security, as defined by the United Nations' Committee on World Food

Security, means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic
access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences
and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
List the different factors which
have a negative effect on food Deforestation , overgrazing and over-cultivation expose the soil and make it
security. vulnerable to wind and water erosion. Rising prices - when there is less food
available, the prices of food increase - since the year 2000 prices have risen.
Poorer countries are more vulnerable to increasing food prices.

How does the human birth rate

affect food security? The increase in human population , as birth rates are increasing and many
people have better access to medical care. Changing diets eg people starting to
eat more meat in newly developed countries like China. This means that food
resources are transported to be sold from areas which need them, especially
meat and fish.
How do war and conflict affect
availability of food and water?
Warring parties may plunder an enemy's food supply, deliberately destroying
farms, livestock, and other civilian infrastructure. Conflict can cause food
shortages and the severe disruption of economic activities, threatening the
means of survival of entire populations

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Research Questions

What techniques are used in

livestock farming to increase the Most livestock is sold as commodity. With commodities, there is little difference — as far as
efficiency of food production?
the market is concerned — between the same grade of livestock from one farmer to the next
farmer. Because there are many farmers and farmers must sell livestock within a certain time
frame, an individual farmer has very little control over the price they can charge at market.
The difference between the market price and the cost of production is the profit. Because
profit is necessary to stay

Why do some people disagree

with modern intensive farming Crops are often sown, treated and harvested by machines which create
methods? pollution, and fertilisers are added to fields in larger amounts which can cause
eutrophication .

What fishing techniques are

used to help keep fish stocks at a Spearfishing is a popular recreational activity in some areas of the United States,
sustainable level? including Florida and Hawaii. This fishing method is considered sustainable
because it targets one fish at a time and results in very little by catch.

Predict what the world might

be like in 100 years’ time if the It will be harder for us to live due to overpopulation,global warming and more
human population continues to people means more competiton to everything.

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