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JOURNAL OF MATERIALS S C I E N C E 4 (1969) 7 9 7 - 8 0 1

The Determination of the Diffusion

Constants of Oxygen in Nickel and -Iron
by an Internal Oxidation Method
R. B A R L O W , P. J. G R U N D Y
Department of Pure and Appfed Physics, University of Salford, Lancs, UK

Received 1 May 1969

The diffusion constants of oxygen in nickel and a-iron are calculated from experimentally
determined internal oxidation rates in dilute silicon-bearing alloys. A single crystal alloy
of composition 0.058 wt ~o silicon in nickel and polycrystalline alloys of composition 0.48 wt
% silicon in nickel and 0.072 wt % silicon in iron were oxidised and allowance is made for
the absorption of oxygen in the reaction with silicon. For nickel the values of activation
energy Q = 73.9 kcal/g atom in the range 800 to 1200~ C and Q = 74.4 kcal/g atom in the
range 900 to 1300~ C are in good agreement with a previous result. The activation energy
required for oxygen diffusion in c~-iron was found to be 39.9 kcal/g atom in the range
700 to 850~ C.

1. Introduction solute is governed by normal diffusion equations

There have been few determinations of the of the form
diffusion constants of oxygen in nickel reported
D = De e - QIRT.
in the literature. The results of Goto et al [1],
appear to be the only recently published values The precipitated oxide acts as a marker and at
for the temperature range of interest, i.e. 800 to sufficiently small concentrations of the solute the
1300 ~ C. Smithells and Ransley [2] give a value effect of the well dispersed oxide product on the
for the activation energy for diffusion and values diffusion of oxygen is negligible. When account is
of the diffusion coefficient in the temperature taken of the absorption of oxygen by the solute,
range 900 to 1050 ~ C but, as pointed out by values of the diffusion constants of oxygen in
Meijering and Druyvesteyn [3], these values are the base metal are obtained.
probably in error. The diffusion constants have
been measured in a lower temperature range (680 2. The Rate of Internal Oxidation
to 830 ~ C) by Messner et al [4]. No data on the If a dilute alloy, in which the solute has a greater
diffusion constants of oxygen in s-iron can be affinity for oxygen than the solvent, is heated in
found in the literature. an oxidising atmosphere, oxygen may diffuse
The experimental technique used to measure into the alloy, react with the solute and cause a
the diffusion constants is the same as that used solute oxide to be precipitated in the parent
by Goto et al, namely exclusive* internal matrix. This process is called internal oxidation.
oxidation. The measurements reported here It is assumed that the distribution of dissolved
form part of an investigation into the structure oxygen and dissolved alloying element at some
and magnetic properties of internally oxidised stage in the internal oxidation of a dilute alloy
ferromagnetic alloys. Internal oxidation provides can be represented by fig. 1. The oxygen is
diffusion data on oxygen that can be applied to supplied to the outside surface at a sufficient
the pure metal because the oxidation is diffusion- rate to maintain saturation of the base metal, and
controlled [5], i.e. the diffusion of both the diffusion inwards occurs along the concentration
interstitial oxygen and the reacting substitutional gradient Co-Cx. Upon precipitation of the solute
*"Exclusive" means that only the solute is oxidised.
R. B A R L O W , P. J. G R U N D Y

DXIDIZEDZONE UNOXIDIZEDALLOY respectively, Co is the oxygen concentration at

the solubility limit, Cs is the original alloy
concentration and O/S is the weight ratio of
oxygen to metal in the oxide precipitated.
zC( The equation is expected to hold to within
_oq 1 ~ as long as

7, DoCo S
DsCs--------O~> 5 (5)
NN~C x 3. E x p e r i m e n t a l Procedure
L. ' >1 The single crystal alloy (Ni-0.058 wt ~ Si) was
grown by Metals Research Limited from 5 N
Figure 1 Ideal distribution of dissolved oxygen and solute purity materials whilst the polycrystalline alloys
element during the internal oxidation process. used were prepared f r o m Johnson Matthey
Limited spectroscopically pure nickel, iron and
oxide, a solute concentration gradient is Discs of 3 mm diameter and thickness ~ 500
produced and the form of this gradient is /zm, obtained by spark-machining, were intern-
governed by the relative diffusion rates of oxygen ally oxidised for various times and at several
and solute in the base metal [5]. temperatures in a "Rhines pack" [8] in a closed
The growth of the oxidised zone in dilute silica tube. In this "Rhines pack" the partial
alloys has been shown [6, 7] to follow a relation pressure of oxygen is maintained at the dissocia-
of the form tion pressure of the lowest oxide of the base
metal so that only the oxide of the less noble
X 2 oc t (1)
solute element can be formed. For the nickel
where X is the depth of penetration of the alloys the pack was composed of NiO-Ni203, Ni
oxidjsed zone and t is the time of oxidation. This and A120~ powders in the ratio 2:1:1 and for the
time is also dependent upon the temperature of iron alloy F%Oa, Fe and A12Oz powders in the
oxidation T as same ratio.
The penetration depth of the oxidation front
t oc e ~ / ~ ' (2)
was measured using an optical microscope after
where Q is an activation energy. Thus the the discs had been embedded in a plastic
growth rate of the internally oxidised zone can be material, sectioned, mechanically polished and
expressed in the form of the well known diffusion finally electropolished (nickel alloys) or etched in
law as 5 ~ nitric acid-ethanol solution (iron alloy).
X2 4. R e s u l t s
-- = De e- omm (3)
t 4.1. Nickel
where De is a constant of proportionality. As previously reported [7], penetration depths
By a derivation based on Fick's law, Rhines [6] of the internal oxidation front, in a single crystal
showed that the time-dependence of the growth Ni-0.058 wt ~ Si alloy, have been measured for
of the internally oxidised zone at constant varying oxidation times and at several tempera-
temperature can be expressed as tures in the range 800 to 1200 ~ C. It was found
that equation 3 expressed the temperature-
O dependence of the penetration rate of the
X2 2CoDo - 1.68 ~ CsDs oxidation front. Consideration of equation 3
-t = O Co (4) shows that X2/t, the penetration rate, may be
~ cs +-g considered as the "diffusion coefficient" (Dox)
of the oxidation front. The constants (De)ox and
if the oxygen and solute concentration at the (Q)ox for this alloy were computed from a plot of
oxidation front, Cx and Cy respectively, are In XZ/t against 1/T by the method of least
assumed to be zero. Here Do and Ds are the squares as 9.7 q- 1.0 • 10a cm2/sec and 70.9 •
diffusion coefficients of oxygen and solute 2.3 kcal/g atom respectively (table I),

TABLE I Experimentally and theoretically determined internal oxidation constants for the Ni-Si alloys considered,

Alloy Temperature range (De)oxcm~/sec (Q)ox kcal/g atom

Experimental Ni-0.058 wt ~ Si 800-1200 ~ C 9.67 =L 0.95 • 103 70.9a • 2.28
Experimental Ni-0.48 wt ~ Si 900-13000 C 1.51 =~ 0.07 • 103 71.56 • 0.88
Theoretical Ni-0.48 wt ~ Si 900-1300 ~ C 1.46 =L 0.03 x 109 71.51 ~ 0.37
Experimental Ni-0.77 wt ~o Si 1000-1300 ~ C 1.86 • 0.13 x 103 73.27 ~- 1.50
Theoretical Ni--0.77 wt ~ Si 1000-1300 ~ C 1.70 =~ 0.04 x 103 73.40 • 0.84

Values o f Dox calculated using these results The accuracy o f e q u a t i o n 4 when applied to
can t h e n be substituted, together with a p p r o p r i - nickel-silicon alloys can be checked by substitu-
ate values for the other constants, into e q u a t i o n 4 tion into the inequality 5. It is f o u n d that the
to give values o f the diffusion coefficient o f inequality holds at 800 ~ C p r o v i d e d Cs ~< 0.57
oxygen in nickel, Do, at several t e m p e r a t u r e s in wt ~ a n d at 1200 ~ C p r o v i d e d Cs ~< 1.75 wt ~ .
the range 800 to 1200 ~ C. The values o f Co used The o x i d a t i o n constants o f the Ni-0.48 wt
in these calculations were those a b s t r a c t e d b y Si alloy a n d a polycrystalline N i - 0 . 7 7 wt ~ Si
Smithells [9 ] while values o f Ds were calculated alloy have been d e t e r m i n e d experimentally a n d
f r o m d a t a given by Swalin et al [10]. It is theoretically, (using the Rhines equation, 4), the
p r o b a b l e t h a t the Co values used were the m a i n results being shown in table I.* It can be seen
source o f error in the calculation because o f t h a t there is g o o d agreement in b o t h cases
i n t e r p o l a t i o n at certain temperatures. The between the experimental a n d calculated values
t e m p e r a t u r e - d e p e n d e n c e o f the diffusion coeffi- which shows that e q u a t i o n 4 is accurate to
cient Do of interstitial oxygen in nickel is given within 1 ~ at these low alloy concentrations. The
by a n o r m a l diffusion equation, so that De a n d Q o x i d a t i o n front p e n e t r a t i o n rate in the N i - 0 . 7 7
can finally be c o m p u t e d f r o m a p l o t o f In Do wt ~ Si was little different f r o m t h a t in the
against 1/T. T h e values so o b t a i n e d are De = Ni-0.48 wt ~ Si alloy, a l t h o u g h occasionally the
7 . 9 ~ 0 . 1 • 104 cm2/sec and Q = 7 3 . 9 - 4 - 0 . 5 oxidation p r o d u c t acts as a b a r r i e r to the diffus-
kcal/g a t o m (table II). ing oxygen, m a k i n g the p e n e t r a t i o n d e p t h
A similar calculation a p p l i e d to the p e n e t r a - m e a s u r e m e n t s m o r e inaccurate. The precipitated
tion rate m e a s u r e m e n t s m a d e on a polycrystalline oxide structure in the Ni-0.77 wt ~ Si alloy was
Ni-0.48 wt ~ Si alloy gives De = 9.5 • 0.1 X similar to that in the Ni-0.48 wt ~ Si, being
10 ~ cm~/sec and Q = 74.4 ~: 0.3 k c a l / g a t o m m a i n l y filamentary in the grains a n d a continu-
(table II). ous film in the g r a i n - b o u n d a r i e s [7], a n d it is this

TABLE II Diffusion constants for oxygen in nickel calculated from measurements on (a) a single crystal Ni-0.058 wt
Si alloy (b) a polycrystalline Ni-0.48 wt ~ Si alloy.

Temperature ~ C Do cm"/sec Dc cm2/sec Q kcal/g atom

(a) Ni-0.058 wt % Si 800 8.38 • 10-zl
850 4.38 • 10-z~
925 3.19 • 10 9
1000 1.78 • 10-8
1075 9.99 • 10-8
1150 4.19 • 10-7
1200 1.00 • 10 6
800-1200 7.9 - - 0.1 • 104 73.9 ~ 0.5
(b) Ni~).48 wt ~ Si 925 3.17 • 10.9
1000 2.00 • 10-8
1075 1.01 x 10-7
1150 4.29 x 10 7
1200 1.03 • 10-9
1250 2.33 • 10-6
1300 4.91 • 10-6
900-I 300 9 . 5 ~ 0.1 • 104 7 4 . 4 ~ 0.3

*The theoretical determination was made by substituting the appropriate value of Do, as determined from the 0.058 wt
Si single crystal alloy, into equation 4 for the 0.48 wt or 0.77 wt ~ alloy.

grain-boundary precipitation that produces the normal diffusion equation, so that the constants
barrier to diffusing oxygen. De and Q can be computed from a plot of In Do
against 1/I". This computation yields the results
4.2. Iron De = 0.4 4- 0.1 cm2/sec and Q = 39.9 • 0.3
The penetration depths of the internal oxidation kcal/g atom. The sizeable difference between the
front were measured in a polycrystalline Fe-0.072 activation energy values for the alloy and pure
wt ~ Si alloy for varying oxidation times and at metal is a result of the large increase in oxygen
several temperatures in the range 700 to 850 ~ C. solubility in the temperature range considered.
The temperature range is limited because below In fact the solubility increases by a factor of 3,
700 ~ C the oxidation rate is extremely slow, while being 0.008 wt ~ at 700 ~ C and 0.023 wt ~ at
above 850 ~ C enhanced grain-boundary precipi- 850 ~ C. Equation 5 should hold to within 1 ~ for
tation begins to take place, causing uncertainty in the iron alloy in the temperature range
the penetration depth measurements, The con- considered, provided that Do/Ds >i 50. The value
stants (De)ox and (Q)ox were computed from a of Ds is unknown, but this ratio governs the
plot of In X~/t against 1/T by the method of dispersion of the oxide product, and electron
least squares as 90 • 20 cm2/sec and 53.6 • 2.5 microscopy has shown that the degree of disper-
kcal/g atom respectively. Unfortunately values of sion of the oxide in the iron alloy is similar to that
Ds in a-iron in the temperature range considered obtained in the most dilute nickel alloy where
cannot be found in the literature. However, the Do/Ds ~ 650. Thus it can be assumed that
diffusion coefficients of substitutional alloying equation 5 is applicable to the iron alloy con-
elements are consistently two orders of magni- sidered here.
tude less than those of the interstitial oxygen, so
that the Rhines equation can be modified for use 5. Discussion
on iron alloys without the introduction of any The determined values of activation energy Q for
appreciable error. The equation thus becomes. interstitial oxygen diffusion in nickel are in
reasonable agreement with the value given by
00= 5 - 9
Goto, i.e. 73.9 and 74.4 compared to 72.0 kcal/g
atom. However our diffusion coefficients Do in
Several values of XZ/t and Co can then be the temperature range 900 to 1300 ~ C are con-
substituted to give values of the diffusion sistently a factor of three higher than those of
coefficient of oxygen Do in a-iron in the tempera- Goto. An explanation of this could be found in
ture range 700 to 850 ~ C. The values of Xe/t used the fact that he used nickel-chromium alloys
in these calculations were determined by using with a large solute content, ~ 0.6 to 4.0 wt ~ .
the (De)ox and (Q)ox values given above, while It is probable that at these concentrations the
the values of Co were those given by Seybolt precipitated oxide will have an impeding effect on
[11 ]. The values of Do so calculated are shown in the diffusing oxygen, thus reducing the diffusion
table III. coefficient Do. The difference in the activation
energies determined here is within the experi-
TABLE III Diffusion constants for oxygen in cMron mental error, while the values of De are such that
calculated from measurements on a poly- calculation of the diffusion coefficient Do with
crystalline 0,079 wt ~o Si-Fe Alloy. both sets of data gives results which are in
Temperature Do cm2/sec Dc cm2/sec Q kcal/g atom excellent agreement. Comparison of the Do
~ values in table II shows the order of this
700 5.26 • 10 -~~
725 8.97 • 10 - a ~
The values of the diffusion coefficient Do in
750 1.37 • 10 . 9 a-iron shown in table III are consistently a factor
775 2.28 • 10 -9 of four higher than those given by Schenck et al
800 3.40 • 10 . 9 [t2]. The experimental technique use by Schenck
825 5.28 • 10 -9 et al to determine the diffusion coefficients was
850 7.67 • 10 - a the same as that used in this work, namely
700-850 0.4 • 0.1 39.9 • 0.3 exclusive internal oxidation of dilute Si-Fe
alloys, but the alloy concentration was never less
The temperature dependence of the diffusion than 0.24 wt ~ Si. The difference in alloy
coefficient of interstitial oxygen is given by the concentration used in the determinations may

a c c o u n t for the difference in diffusion coefficients 3. J. s. MEIJER1NG and M. J. DRUYVESTEYN, Philips

obtained. The alloy activation energy deter- Res. Rep. 2 (1947) 81.
m i n e d here is in reasonable agreement with 4. A. MESSNER~ R. BENSON~ and J. E. D O R N , Trans.
values given by Schenck e t al [12]. A S M 53 (1961) 227.
5. R. A. RAPP~ Corrosion 21 (1965) 382.
6. F. N. RHINES~ W. A. JOHNSON, and w. A.
ANDERSON, Trans. A I M E Tech. Publ. No. 1382
A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s are due to the S R C for the (1941).
award of a Research Studentship (R. B.) a n d to 7. R. B A R L O W , P. J. G R U N D Y , and B. J O H N S O N , jr.
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for Materials Sei. 4 (1969) 352.
support through the E u r o p e a n Office of Aero- 8. F. N. R~INES, Trans. A I M E 137 (1940) 246.
space Research, O A R United States Air Force 9. c. J. SMITHELLS, "Metals Ref. Book" (Butter-
under G r a n t E O O A R - 6 8 - 0 0 5 . worths, London, 1967) p. 63l.
10. R. A. S W A L I N , A. M A R T I N , ana R. O L S O N , J. Metals
References Trans. A I M E 207 (1957) 936.
and s. K O D A , J. Japan Inst.
1. S. G O T O , K . N O M A K I , 11. A . U . S E Y B O L T , J . Metals Trans. A l M E 6 ( 1 9 5 4 ) 641.
Met. 31 (1967) 600. 12. H. SCHENCK, E. SCHMIDTMANN,and H . MLrLLER,
(Abstracted from Diffusion Data 1 (1967) 39.) Arch. Eisenhiittenw, 31 (1960) 121.
2. C.J. SMITHELLSand C. E. R A N S L E Y , Proc. Roy. Soe.
A155 (1936) 195.


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