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Read the writing task below and study the visual carefully:

Now you will need to summarise the visual by completing the following
sentence. Try to paraphrase the language used in the question (when you
can), rather than copying.

Read the writing task below and study the visual carefully:
Now you will need to summarise the visual by completing the following
sentence. Remember, try to paraphrase the language used in the question
(when you can), rather than copying.

Read the writing task below and study the visual carefully:
Now you will need to summarise the visual by completing the following
sentence. Remember, try to paraphrase the language used in the question
(when you can), rather than copying.

Read the writing task below and study the visual carefully:
Now you will need to summarise the visual by completing the following
sentence. Remember, try to paraphrase the language used in the question
(when you can), rather than copying.

The following exercises allow you to practise analysing visual information to

find the main features or trends.

Study the visual below and read the ending of the sentence describing it.

Select from the following drop-down list the best beginning for each
Study the visual below and read the ending of the sentence describing it.

Select from the following drop-down list the best beginning for

each sentence.

Using accurate word combinations (verb + adverb, and adjective + noun) and
being flexible with vocabulary use is important in Task 1. The following
activities will help you to practise these word combinations.

Study the visuals below:

Read the sentences in the following drag and drop activity. For each gap
in the sentences, drag ONE word from the words listed below into the
box provided. 

Using accurate word combinations (verb + adverb, and adjective + noun) and
being flexible with vocabulary use is important in Task 1. The following
activities will help you to practise these word combinations.

Study the visual below:

Now complete the following drag and drop activity.

Study the visual below and read the ending of the sentence describing it.

Select from the following drop-down list the best beginning for each
Study the visual below and read the ending of the sentence describing it.

Select from the following drop-down list the best beginning for

each sentence.

Additional practice related to this is available in the Additional Activities section

at the end of this module, which is for Verified Certificate learners only. IELTS
Extra also enables you to boost your language and other IELTS test-taking
skills with interactive videos, engaging language activities with feedback,
additional test practice materials and a full IELTS practice test.

Read the following writing task and look at the visual:

Study the question rubric and the data carefully. Paraphrase the rubric and identify the
main trends or most significant features.

Now look at the two opening responses (including introducing the topic and an
overview) and answer the question below:
Additional practice related to this is available in the Additional Activities section
at the end of this module, which is for Verified Certificate learners only. IELTS
Extra also enables you to boost your language and other IELTS test-taking
skills with interactive videos, engaging language activities with feedback,
additional test practice materials and a full IELTS practice test.

Read the following writing task carefully.

Now look at the table, focusing on the similarities and differences in
spending between the four countries.

Household spending in four European countries

 Categories Country 1 Country 2 Country 3 Country 4

Food 11% 45.7% 15.7% 15.4%

Alcoholic beverages 2.8% 4.2% 7.8% 2.9%
Clothing and footwear 5.7% 7.7% 6.3% 5.2%
Housing, water, electricity and 31.3% 12.9% 27.3% 26.8%
Furnishings and household 7.6% 4.7% 4.6% 5.0%
Health 3.6% 3.6% 1.6% 3.0%
Transport 13.3% 7.6% 13.3% 13.4%
Communication 2.4% 2.3% 2.5% 2.6%
Recreation and culture 11.9% 3.6% 9.2% 14.6%

Education 0.5% 0.6% 1.4% 0.1%

Restaurants and hotels 4.9% 4.1% 5.2% 3.8%

Other goods and services 5.0% 3.0% 5.0% 7.2%

Now answer the following questions.

Look at the flow chart visual below:

Now complete the following drag and drop activity.

Look at the pie chart visual below:

Now complete the following drag and drop activity.

Look at the example Writing Task and then hover your mouse or click on
the highlighted questions below to see some explanations.

Now ask yourself:

What's the topic?

What's the task?

What are the limits?

Read the following writing task carefully.

Now complete the following drag and drop activity.

Read the following writing task carefully.

Now complete the following drag and drop activity.

Look at the following essay question and complete the drag and drop activity
that follows. 
Look at the following essay question and complete the following drag and
drop activity.

Instructions: Analyse the essay question below and highlight the words
which tell you what the task type is.

Problem 1:


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
A new  education policy has  recently been  proposed by  the government. This policy requires  all stude
nts  to  remain in school  or  at  college until they  are at least 18.

Discuss  the advantages  and/or disadvantages of this policy.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Instructions: Analyse the essay question below and highlight the words
which tell you what the task type is.

Problem 2:


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

In  many countries,  the number of teenage drivers who  are involved in car  accidents  is a serious  pro


What  do you think are  the causes  of  this  problem ? What solutions  can  you  suggest?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Instructions: Analyse the essay question below and highlight the words
which tell you what the task type is.

Problem 3:


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people  believe that it is  a  good idea  for  young  people to take  a  year  off  to  travel or work  betwe
en high school  and  university. Others say  that  it  is better  for  students to go  straight  on to university 
after graduating from  high  school.

Discuss  both  views and give  your  opinion  .

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience.

Write at least 250 words.
Instructions: Analyse the essay question below and highlight the words
which tell you what the task type is.

Problem 4:


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

The problem  of  climate change  is causing increasing  concern around  the world. One  proposal  to  add

ress this global problem  is to increase taxes on  aircraft  fuel in order to reduce air pollution. This wo
uld involve  an extra change  for  all domestic  and  international flights.

To  what extent do  you  agree or disagree with  this  proposal?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.
Read the following writing task:
Now look at the brainstorming notes in the next activity and select the
most relevant.

Read the following writing task:

Look at the three different types of candidates' notes about the writing
task and answer the following question:
Read the following writing task and complete the following drag and
drop activity.

Read the following writing task:

Now complete the following activity.

After reading the Task 2 question paper, practice analysing the question,

brainstorming ideas and writing a brief plan for your essay. You will have
five minutes to complete this task.

Read the following writing task:

Now complete the following activity.

Read the following writing task:

Now complete the following drag and drop activity by ordering the
sentences to make a coherent paragraph. 

Hint: the topic of this paragraph is comparing the advantages and

disadvantages of travelling by private car with public transport.

Once you have watched the video, look at the flow chart below that
describes the process in IELTSx of getting feedback on your writing. If
you still have any questions about this process, please raise these questions
with our moderators on the IELTSx Discussion Forum.
Read the following writing task:
Simple Defining Relative Clause Rules
We use relative clauses to define a noun or to make clear which person,
thing or place we are talking about. To do this, we use the following relative
* whose is used to show possession of something.

# do not use where or in which if you need a verb immediately after it. For
example, The country where lived is incorrect.

As you can see in the example sentences in the table, when we are defining a
thing, person or place, we do not use commas (,) to separate the relative
clause from the rest of the sentence. We can tell if a relative clause is
defining by removing that clause from the sentence and if the meaning has
changed a lot, it is probably a defining relative clause.

Below, there are different ways of linking ideas for four different
meanings: opposition, comparison/contrast, addition, and cause/effect.
Hover your mouse over the different colours to see how you make these
Opposition = a difference to what we normally expect
1.  Although he was tired, he was happy.

2.  He was very tired. However, he was happy.

3.  In spite of being very tired, he was happy.

Comparison/contrast = a difference between two things or
1.  The teacher was very tired, whereas the student was full of energy.

2.  The teacher was very tired. On the other hand, the student was full of energy.

Additional information
1.  As well as being tired, he was hungry.

2.  Not only was he tired, but he was also hungry.

3.  He was tired. In addition, he was hungry.

Cause/effect = one action/event producing another

1.  The teacher was very tired because he had worked all day.

2.  The teacher had worked all day. As a result, he was very tired.

3.  The teacher was very tired because of having worked all day.

Read the following writing task carefully:

Now complete the following drag and drop activity.

It is important to spend a minute proofreading your essay to find and

correct mistakes, once you have finished writing your essay. One way you
could proofread and edit is by using the SPLAT technique. 

SPLAT stands for: Spelling, PLurals (singular/plural nouns), Agreement

(subject-verb agreement) and Tense.
These are some of the most common language mistakes that students make
and being able to find and correct these types of mistakes will improve your
essay in terms of Lexical Resource and Grammatical Range and
Accuracy.  Here are some simple steps for SPLAT proofreading and editing. 

1) When you have finished writing your essay,  write down the abbreviation S
PL A T on your planning page. 

2) Then, quickly scan your essay response for each of these types of errors .
begin with looking for spelling (S) mistakes, then move to single/plural (PL) or
countable/uncountable nouns, followed by subject/verb agreement (A) and
finally tense errors (T).

3) Once you have finished proofreading and correcting a specific type of error,
tick (√) or cross off (X) the corresponding letter and move to the next type of

*Remember, these are not the only types of errors which may be in your

writing although they are some of most common. Also try to find other errors
when you proofread, such as problems with incorrect punctuation,
capitalisation, word-form and word-choice. 

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