Tennyson Dunes Field Report

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Tennyson Dunes Coastal Field


- Introduction and annotated map secondary resources
- Methodology
- Analysis, recommendations, and reflection and references

The Tennyson dunes has a high significance because of its geographical and cultural
importance. It is one of the last remaining three tiered dune system (primary, secondary, and
tertiary dunes) that originally covered more than 30 kilometres of Adelaide's coastline. Dune
systems similar to the Tennyson have played a vital role in defending inland communities
from storm-caused sea intrusions and erosion. The Kaurna people spent their summers here
feeding on waterbirds, fish, and shellfish, and a place where Kaurna Elders passed on stories
to the next generation about their people and their Country. Tennyson Dunes is regarded as
Adelaide's fourth botanic garden, with 52 plant species, 16 of which are of conservation

Annotated map and secondary resources

Fieldwork Type Purpose of Fieldwork Time to Execute Limitations of this Fieldwork
Human use assessment The purpose of the human use Approximately 45 The limitations to this fieldwork are time
assessment is to identify hazards minutes to 1 hour limit and area. The time limit is a huge
such as litter and humans (cause limitation as we can’t accurately be able
of litter). It additionally servers to count how many pieces of rubbish
the purpose of evaluation of the there are and how many people walk
hazards, then potential removal through the area. The scope of the area is
of hazard or minimize the level another limitation because we were
of its risk by adding control limited by the walkways and were unable
measures, as necessary. to walk through the dunes to see the
entire area.

Bipolar qualitative analysis The purpose of the bipolar Approximately 10 The limitation again was the scope of the
qualitative analysis is it minutes area is another limitation because we
determines the area's quality were limited by the walkways and were
depending on your viewpoint. unable to walk through the dunes to see
the entire area. An additional limitation is
that it is based on a single individual’s
viewpoint, which limits the quality of

Annotated sketch The purpose of the annotated Approximately 20 The limitation of the annotated sketch is
sketch is that it is a visual picture minutes It does not accurately depict everything
of the study area and what is that is present at the location. Another
available. The labels help limitation is that we did have all the
determine the different aspects of drawing equipment for a precise
the area. annotated map

Photos It demonstrates the current area Approximately 45 The camera quality is a limitation as it
and has potential for examination minutes to 1 hour constrains many things such as view,
to increase sustainability in the photo quality and aerial views.

Flora line transect The purpose of the flora line Approximately 10 The limitations is the scope of the area is
transect is to demonstrate the minutes. because we were limited by the walkways
number of different species of and were unable pick a very biodiverse
plants and the areas biodiversity. area to indicate the biodiversity of the
area. Another limitation was the size of
the area we were able to analyse, A
bigger area the more accurate the data.

On site Observations The purpose of the on-site Approximately 45 The limitations of the scope of the area is
observations was to determine minutes to 1 hour another limitation because we were
the different natural processes, limited by the walkways and were unable
human interference, and to walk through the dunes to observe the
management of the area. entire area which hindered the data.

Some observations of various natural qualities, including vegetation, dunes, and the ocean. Human
involvement can be seen in the form of signs, fences, paths, carparks, residential structures, habitat
deterioration, the introduction of new species, and pollution. The majority of the vegetation along the
trail through Tennyson Dunes was lush and robust, although there were a few dead trees and bushes
spread around. The annotated sketch and line transect demonstrate the diversity and abundance of
plants in a given area. I noticed fewer trees and more plants, bushes, and weeds as I moved deeper
into the dune system. There are numerous different plants and bushes, showing a high level of
biodiversity in this area. My Flora Transect took me past an area where I noticed a lot of dead plants,
and I was intrigued as to why they were dead. The fact that the dunes are so close to the salt water is
perhaps the main factor contributing to their deterioration. It was also evident that humans have had a
negative impact on the dunes systems leaving around twenty pieces of noticeable rubbish and highly
possible for many other pieces of rubbish that went unnoticed. This significantly impacts the health of
the different species of flora.  

The first improvement that I would install would be bins and other facilities to accommodate humans
walking through the dunes. It would help mitigate the risk that humans pose on the dunes while allowing
us to walk through without causing harm.
The second improvement is that I would add some freshwater irrigation. I would not disrupt the dune
system but add a fresh water supply to help maintain the flora without disrupting the dune system.
The third improvement would be to the walking trails and fences. I would introduce improve the fences
to make them actually effective as they weren’t useful in protecting the dunes. The walkways are old and
were creaking and breaking. I would replace the walking ways and would add soft engineering to help
improve the walkways to bring attraction and awareness.

From this excursion and the preparation of this field report grew my understanding of Tennyson
Dunes and why it is such an important Australian site. Following my research and trail walk, I noticed
a few things about the plants and obtained a better understanding of Tennyson Dunes management,
including why different management strategies are utilised.



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