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Euphorbia Hirta( tawa-
tawa) is also called SIGNIFICANCE
Gatas-gatas because of
the healing properties
All species of Euphorbia
exude a milky juice
of its milky juice. It is a
when broken, and the
slender-stemmed, Euphorbia hirta's local
annual hairy plant with name "gatas-gatas" is
many branches from the derive from this. It isa
base to the top, the the pan tropical weed,
Howdocsit worksor
branches simple or originating from
forked and ascending, tropical regions of thePresaralion of Tawa-
up to 40 centimeter,
It is a hairy herb that
tall, reddish or purplish
5 to 6 full whole tawa-tawa plants. Cut
grows, in an open
in color.
grasslands, roadsides and offthe
roots;wash and Cean.
-Fill a boiling pot with clean water
pathways. It is widely used
-Boil the tawa-tawa for 1 minute in a slou
in traditional herbal
roiling boil,cool Let the denguefever patient
medicine across many
drink only tawa-tawa water for 24 hours.
culture, particularly for
2). Cut roots off 5-6 gatas-gatas piants
asthma, skin ailments and
-Rinse Put tawa-tawa into a pot of boiling
hypertension. It is glso
iter for one minute. Cool. Drink the
Consume in herbal tea
decoctim 1 to 1/2 glasses every hour for 24
form as folk medicine forKhours.
Leaves are opposite, elliptic- oblong to fevers in the Philippines 3) Prepare 100 granis of jresh whole plant
oblong lanceolate, distichous, 1 to 2.5 cm particularly for dengue ircluding root. Wash and boil in 500 cc of waten
long, usually blotched with purple in the fever gnd malaria. for 15 minutes. Cool and paper-filtrate. Drink a
middle, toothed the margin
glassful every hour until fever subsides.

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