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Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago


NAME: Lisbeth

LAST NAME: Confesor González.

ENROLLMENT: 1-22-3777.

TEACHER: Raisa Grigorio.

MATTER: English.
Pag. 10 y 11, translate the text into Spanish
For some people, their job is interesting, but their salary is not good. for other people,
their job is boring, but their salary is good. and then for some lucky people, their job is
interesting, and their salary is good.

let’s look some people and their jobs: Peter Elworthy is from New Zealand. he is not a
pilot; he’s farmer! his farm is very big, so he uses an airplane. he says, “I’m happy. my
job is interesting, and also the salary is good. and my dog shep, can come with me in the

Rimii sen is an actress. she is Indian, and she is from Mumbai. “people think an actress’s
life is exciting but is difficult work, and sometimes it is boring. however, the salary is very
Tanya Rogers is a student from Boulder, Colorado, in the United States. she is studying
to be an engineer, but she really wants to be a musician. “school is boring, and I love my
music. for some musicians, the salary is good, but for most musician it id not good.”
engineer o musician? what a decision!

para algunas personas, su trabajo es interesante, pero su salario no es bueno. para

otras personas, su trabajo es aburrido, pero su salario es bueno. y luego, para algunas
personas afortunadas, su trabajo es interesante y su salario es bueno.
veamos algunas personas y sus trabajos:
Peter Elworthy es de Nueva Zelanda. no es piloto; ¡él es agricultor! su granja es muy
grande, así que usa un avión. él dice: “Estoy feliz. mi trabajo es interesante, y también
el salario es bueno. y mi perro shep, pueden venir conmigo en el avión”.
Rimii sen es actriz. ella es india y es de Mumbai. “La gente piensa que la vida de una
actriz es emocionante, pero es un trabajo difícil y, a veces, es aburrido. sin embargo, el
salario es muy bueno.
Tanya Rogers es una estudiante de Boulder, Colorado, en los Estados Unidos. está
estudiando para ser ingeniera, pero realmente quiere ser música. “La escuela es
aburrida, y amo mi música. para algunos músicos, el salario es bajo, pero para la
mayoría de los músicos no es bueno”. ¿ingeniero o músico? ¡Qué decisión!
Pag.10 ex. B

Read the article. Circle T for true and F for false.

1. Peter is a pilot. F T
2. Peter’s salary is good. F T
3. Rimii is from India. F T
4. She says her work is sometimes interesting. F T
5. Tanya is an engineer. F T
6. She says school is difficult. F T

Pag.10 ex. C
Answer de cuestiones.
1. Whats does Peter do?
He is a farmer.
2. Is Peter poor?
No, he is not poor.
3. What does rimii do?
She’s an actress
4. Is her salary good?
Yes, it is
5. Where is Tanya from?
She’s from Boulder, Colorado (United States)
6. Do you think Tanya is Happy?
No, she isn’t
Write a list of 25 English verbs.
1- TO BE.
3- TO DO.
4- TO SAY. Decir
5- TO GET.
7- TO GO.
10- TO SEE.
11- TO COME.
13- TO LOOK.
14- TO WANT.
15- TO GIVE.
16- TO USE.
17- TO FIND.
18- TO TELL.
19- TO ASK.
20- TO WORK.
21- TO EAT.
22- TO WASH.
25- TO CALL.

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