Remedial Kelas 8 - Recount & Narrative Reading Test

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Remedial Grade 8 : Recount & Narrative

To answer questions number 1 to 5, please read the following text.

There was a boy standing at the gate of a farm. He was brave and honest. He had to guard the crop. In those days,
people, men, liked to hunt in the fields and this was often make a great damage to the crops. Therefore, his master
told him not to allow anyone to come in the field.

Some men riding on horseback came near, one of them said, “Open the gate!”

The boy shook his head and answered, “No Sir, my master said that no one could come in.” The horseman
threatened to beat the boy with a whip, but in vain.

Another man showed up and showed the boy lots of money and spoke politely, “Here’s some for you. It’s not much.
But please, open the gate and let us through.” The boy, however, would not receive the money or obey the man’s

A third man came near and said, “I’m the Duke of Wellington and everyone should obey my order. Now i order you
to open the gate!”. Again, the boy shook his head and said, “My Lord, a Duke of Wellington would never ask a man
to disobey the order of his master.”

The Duke smiled, and said. “Now I believe what the people have been rumouring about.” He continued, “Please call
your master to me.”

“What for, my Lord?”, the boy asked.

“I would like to take you from him.”, the Duke answered. “Why?”, the boy asked again.

“I’m hiring you as my personal guard, a young man that cannot be bribed or threatened in order to obey and honour
his master.”

1. The text is about a boy ...

A. Obeyed his master’s order to guard the crop bravely and sincerely.
B. Received bribery sincerely when he had to guard his master’s crop.
C. Did his job to protect the Duke of Wellington from his master.
D. Ordered the Duke of Wellington to disobey his master.

2. Why did the boy guard the crop?

A. The owner of the crop was the well-known Duke of Wellington.
B. Animals often came to eat and damage the crop.
C. The crop was being sale at the time.
D. Hunters often damage the crop.

3. The text shows that the Duke of Wellington was.... by the boy.
A. Threatened
B. Tricked

C. Offended
D. Amazed

4. Dsd Therefore, his master told him not to allow anyone to come in the field.” (paragraph
What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. Permit
B. Obey
C. Forbid
D. Enter

5. “The horseman threatened to beat the boy with a whip, but in vain.”
The sentence above similarly means ...
A. The horseman threatened to beat the boy, but it didn’t work.
B. The horseman threatened to beat the boy, but he did it by himself.
C. The horseman threatened to beat the boy, but he finally forgive the boy.
D. The horseman threatened to beat the boy, but he didn’t have any weapons.

Read the text to answer questions number 6 to 10!

The Fox and the Crow

A black crow perched on the branch of a tree. She had stolen a tasty piece of cheese and
was about to enjoy her meal.
Just then, a hungry fox passed by and saw the food in the sight, so he thought of a clever
plan to get the cheese for himself.
Looking up at the crow, he said, “I have always admired your beauty with your soft,
shiny feathers and well-curved beak. If your voice is as fine as your looks, you could be the
Queen of the Birds!”
Now the crow wanted to be the queen. So in order to prove that she could sing, she
opened her beak and made a loud voice, “Caw!” the piece of cheese fell from her beak to the
ground before she realized her mistake.
As the fox snatched up the cheese, he laughed, “My dear crow, your voice is fine, but
your judgment is not! You shouldn’t believe everything you hear!”

6. “As the fox snatched up the cheese, ...” (last paragraph)

The underlined word refers to ...

A. Took off C. Got rid of

B. Grabbed D. Tore up

7. What did the fox use to fool the crow?

A. Judgment C. Flattery
B. Insult D. Sarcasm

8. “If your voice is as fine as your looks, ...” (paragraph 3)

The word your in the sentence refers to ...

A. Bird’s C. Queen’s
B. Fox’s D. Crow’s

9. Which of the following is not the crow’s possible reaction after hearing the fox’s
A. Suspicious
B. Flattered
C. Blushed
D. Proud

10. What is the moral value of the story?

A. You may cheat on your friend to get something you desire
B. People may trick you to get something from you.
C. You should be generous to share food
D. Be humble when you have something that other people don’t.

The following text is for questions number 11 to 15!

Yesterday my classmates and I went to the coutryside to have a picnic. Before leaving, we made
some sandwiches for lunch. We left quite early to avoid the traffic jam.
After driving for two hours, we arrived at a very nice place. It was near a river with some big
trees around it. The driver parked the car under the tree. Seeing the clear and cool water of the river, my
friends and I decided to swim. After having lunch together, we went around the area to enjoy the scenery.
We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies.
After walking for about an hour, we decided to return to the car and go home. Unfortunately, we
could not ignite the car. Finally after sometime, we could make it after pushing it. We were happy
although we felt a bit tired when we got home.

Source : Ujian Nasional 2015/2016

11. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. The writer made sandwiches for lunch.
B. The writer did some fun activities during their picnic.
C. After doing some activities, the writer went home by car.
D. Yesterday the writer prepared to have a picnic in the countryside.

12. Why did the writer and his friends decide to swim in the river?
A. They felt the heat after having lunch.
B. They felt tired after having a walk.
C. The water was cool and clear.
D. It was a tiring day.

13. Because of the trouble they had at the end of their picnic, they probably ...
A. Got home a bit late.
B. Decided to swim again.
C. Had to spend the night there.
D. Had enough with picnic.

14. “After having lunch together, we went around the area to enjoy the scenery.”
The underlined word is not closely similar to ...
A. View
B. Surroundings
C. Time
D. Terrain

15. “Unfortunately, we could not ignite the car. Finally after sometime, we could make it after pushing
What does the underlined sentence probably mean?
A. The car finally stopped for good.
B. The car was finally pushed.
C. The car could finally start up.
D. The car was finally made.

Read the text to answer questions number 16 to 20!

Last holiday, I was in Mexico City with my dad. It was a fascinating place and the people were friendly.
The strangest thing happened to me when I was looking for the Paseo de la Reforma. It is a street with
beautiful trees, plants and statues. During that gloomy and lonely night, I was nearly lost and studying my
map when I saw a man with colorful and unsual clothes. I asked him, “Can you tell me where the Paseo
de la Reforma is?” He smiled and answered, “It is only two blocks away from here.”

I thought I took the wrong street because I did not find the Paseo de la Reforma. Just when I was thinking
about going back to my hotel, the man appeared again and showed me the way. As we were walking
down the street, I saw the statue of Cuauhtemoc, the last Aztec leader. I was going to take the photo of the
statue when I realized something unusual. It looked like the man who accompanied me. He was wearing
the same clothes. Even his smile was similar. But when I turned my face to the man, he disappeared. I
tried to find him here and there, but I could not find him. Weird.

16. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text above?

A. To tell the writer’s experience in Mexico.
B. To describe how Paseo de la Reforma looks like.
C. To entertain the reader with a valuable moral value of a story.
D. To describe about Mexico City.

17. Where did the writer want to go when he was nearly lost?
A. Back to the hotel
B. The cathedral
C. To the city of Mexico
D. To Paseo de la Reforma

18. It can be said that the man who looked like Cuauhtemoc was ...
A. Weird
B. Strange
C. Helpful

D. Grumpy

19. “It looked like the man who accompanied me.” (Paragraph 2, line 4)
The word it in the sentence refers to ...
A. The man
B. Paseo de la Reforma
C. The last Aztec leader
D. The statue

20. When did the writer go to find Paseo de la Reforma?

A. Last holiday
B. In the afternoon
C. In the crowded night
D. At night

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