Technologies On Personal Safety (Studypool, Pineda)

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Do technologies have a positive or negative effect on personal safety? Support your position with

specific examples.

Technologies can have both the pros and cons. Like everything in this world, anything can be

good or bad for you it will depend on your limitation and self-awareness. Balance is also the key. You

have to make sure you’re not sharing too little too much much of yourself when it comes on presenting

yourself in social media. We’re not getting any younger, we should learn to be responsible and

vigilant about our actions and decisions in life-- whether in social media by using technology or in real

life. Familiarizing with the advantages as well as awareness of the consequences of every action we

does in social media by using technology, will reflect on our sense of maturity and responsibility.

Nevertheless, we should not limit or imprison ourselves to ignorance and deterioration just because

of fear of change. We should always be adaptable to change because in this world, Change is constant

and Humanity is temporary.

Humans are designed for evolution and revolution. God created us to be simple creatures: Free

of greed and ambition. But Adam and Eve decided to disobey Him and ate the The Fruit of

Knowledge of Good and Evil hence, here we are, continuously searching for the naked truth and

various purposes in life. Technology is part of the absolute truth humans have been seeking for since

time immemorial. Technology has it all; Everything has an answer, thanks to this marvelous

contribution of Humanity. It’s human nature to evolve and revolve just like everything in this world, if

not, we might go into existential crisis or worse extinction. With just click or tap of a finger, we can

obtain greatest knowledge, connect with other people, share our creativity and passions in life, and

generate our purpose as humans in an advanced high-tech way. Everything is made easier, faster, and

smarter. It’s like we have to key to all the secrets in the world. Everything looks lighter, accessible,


and attainable. Thanks to Technology, people can perform the dynamics in life hassle-free and

aesthetically creative.

For personal safety reason, Technologies has pros and cons, like I’ve mentioned. Technologies

are advanced now, we have surveillance cameras that can be installed to witness the robbers/ intruders

entering the houses of the rich. We have high-tech door locks that can only be opened through

combinations of codes or finger prints detected by the systems by the sole owners. Government

officials can now track down the criminals through CCTV cameras and optimize high-tech gadgets

and weapons because of technology. Safety isn’t that far-fetched nowadays. For social media use,

every single app has password and strict verification codes for basic “ sign up” for user’s personal

information privacy and security. The problem is, the bad people also found ways to overthrow the

security by upgrading also their technology by hacking and committing other crimes. Humans tend to

create something to overthrow something. Hopefully, the bad doesn’t always prevail. Whether in

personal or virtual, safety isn’t always ensured. We just have always to be vigilant and open-minded to

everything we does; Make sure you’re not intentionally harming yourself by joining illegal recruiters

online or meeting suspicious people or stalkers online, then you can be safe.

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