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Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

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Reliability of structural wall shear design for tall reinforced-concrete core

wall buildings
Sunai Kim *, John W Wallace
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles CA 90095, USA


Keywords: The developments of shear design acceptance criterion for structural walls in tall reinforced-concrete core wall
Tall core wall building buildings were reviewed and reliability studies were conducted. Over the past 10 years, the seismic action
Reinforced concrete portion of the shear design acceptance criterion has consistently been in the general format of γFu ≤ ϕFn,e, where
Performance-based design
γ is the demand factor, Fu is the mean shear demand resulting from a suite of ground motions, Fn,e is the nominal
Nonlinear response history analysis
Shear design
shear strength computed from expected material properties, and ϕ is the uncertainty in Fn,e. Between the gov­
Reliability erning code, ASCE7-16, and the tall building guidelines, PEER TBI (2010, 2017) and LATBSDC (2011, 2014,
2017, 2020), there has been a lack of consensus in the recommendations for γ and ϕ factors. Thus, reliability
studies were conducted on the shear design acceptance criterion, with 20- and 30-story case study buildings
designed and analyzed per LATBSDC (2014) guidelines. Using closed-form solutions and Monte Carlo simula­
tions, for the range of f’c considered, the shear design acceptance criterion using γ = 1.5, ϕ = 1.0, and a con­
servative dispersion in shear demand of ρD = 0.50 resulted in at least 94.2% reliability, conditioned upon MCE
hazard level ground shaking, suggesting that the current LATBSDC (2020) recommendations provide adequate
safety. For a reduction in safety (e.g., use of γ < 1.5), further reliability studies including a larger population of
tall buildings will be needed to calibrate γ and ϕ factors.

1. Introduction where Fu is 1.5 times the mean shear demand resulting from a suite of
ground motions, Fn,e is the nominal strength computed using expected
Along the west coast of the United States, reinforced concrete core material properties, and ϕ accounts for uncertainty in Fn,e . Since then,
wall systems are commonly selected as seismic force resisting systems
the acceptance criterion has evolved to include the seismic Importance
for tall buildings. During strong ground shaking, core wall systems are
Factor, Ie, as well as demands caused by loads other than seismic, Qns.
intended to dissipate energy by yielding of coupling beams, followed by
Furthermore, the variables have changed to match the terminology used
flexural yielding at the wall base. Although the wall behavior is gov­
in probability-based limit state design (PBLSD), where load (demand) is
erned by flexure, the wall design is often governed by shear, as the walls
noted as Q and resistance (capacity) is noted as R. The 1.5 factor applied
experience high shear demands (usually up to the ACI318 code limiting
√̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ to the mean shear demand, is noted as γ. The summary of all changes has
shear stress of 0.67∙ f ’ c MPa, [8∙ f ’ c psi]) over a significant height of been documented in Table 1.
the core walls [1]. The high shear demands are due to a lack of redun­ However, despite the developments, there is still a lack of consensus
dant walls in tall buildings, as the lengths of the walls are generally between the governing code ASCE7-16 [4] and the tall building guide­
limited to the perimeter of the elevator core. lines regarding the use of γ and ϕ factors. Accordingly, the advance­
The shear design for tall buildings has been developing over the past ments, as well as limitations and discrepancies of the shear design
10 years; the shear design acceptance criterion per force-controlled ac­ acceptance criterion are summarized in chronological order below. In
tion was first introduced in Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Table 1, to compare the equivalent seismic levels, a Risk Category II (Ie
Center Tall Buildings Initiative and Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural = 1.0) building was assumed, demands caused by loads other than
Design Council guidelines [2,3], as shown on Equation (1) seismic have been excluded in the 4th column, and all factors have been
Fu ≤ ϕFn,e (1) combined to organize the acceptance criterion into γ’⋅Q ≤ R format, to

* Corresponding author at: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Loyola Marymount University, 1 LMU Drive, Los Angeles CA 90045, USA.
E-mail address: (S. Kim).
Received 14 November 2020; Received in revised form 3 September 2021; Accepted 23 October 2021
Available online 13 December 2021
0141-0296/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

Table 1 compare a single, equivalent γ’ in the 5th column. This equivalent γ’ was
Comparison of tall building structural wall shear design acceptance criteria. only compared for cases where nominal strengths were computed from
Ref. Year Document Force-Controlled Action | Seismic γ’⋅Q ≤ expected material properties.
Acceptance Criteria Action R*

[2] 2010 PEER TBI Fu ≤ ϕFn,e Fu ≤ ϕFn,e γ’ = 1. Initially, a demand factor of γ = 1.5 was empirically established to
2.0 achieve conservatism in shear design [2]. However, there were dis­
[3] 2011 LATBSDC Fu ≤ ϕFn,e Fu ≤ ϕFn,e γ’ = crepancies in ϕ recommendations, where 2010 PEER TBI [2] in
1.5 conjunction with City of San Francisco amendments recommended ϕ
[5] 2014 LATBSDC Fu ≤ κiϕFn,e Fu ≤ κiϕFn,e
= 0.75 and 2011, 2014 LATBSDC [3,5] recommended ϕ = 1.0. Thus,
γ’ =
[4] 2016 ASCE7 Critical Actions tall building designs in Los Angeles and San Francisco were different.
γIe(Qu – Qns) + Qns ≤ Qe γIeQu ≤ Qe γ’ = 2. The 2014 LATBSDC [5] introduced Risk Reduction Factor, κi, which
2.0 is an inverse of the seismic Importance Factor, Ie. However, the
[6] 2017 PEER TBI Actions not limited by a
guidelines only applied κi for deformation-controlled actions, not for
well-defined yield mech. 1.3IeQT ≤ γ’ =
(1.2 + 0.2SMS)D + 1.0L + ϕsBRn 1.3 force-controlled actions, so this factor was initially not utilized for
1.3Ie(QT - Qns) ≤ ϕsBRn 1.3IeQT ≤ γ’ = shear design acceptance criterion.
(0.9–0.2SMS)D + 1.3Ie(QT - ϕsBRn 1.3 3. The changes in ASCE7-16 Chapter 16 Nonlinear Response History
Qns) ≤ ϕsBRn Analysis [4] recommended significantly higher factors for γ, as
[7] 2017 LATBSDC Critical Actions
1.0IeQns + 1.3Ie(QT - Qns) ≤ 1.3IeQT ≤ γ’ =
shown on Table 1. The changes are explained in the commentary and
ϕsBRn ϕsBRn 1.3 there are two reasons for the significant increase: (1) seismic
1.0IeQns + 1.5Ie(QT - Qns) ≤ 1.5IeQT ≤ γ’ = Importance Factors were applied to demands and (2) reliability
ϕsBRnem ϕsBRnem 1.5 studies were conducted with nominal strengths based on expected
[8] 2020 LATBSDC Critical Actions: not γ’ =
material properties without any reserve strengths shown per exper­
sensitive to vert. 1.3IeQT ≤ 1.3
acceleration ϕsBRn γ’ = imental tests. Although the use of this factor Qn,e/Qe is suggested in
1.0Qns + 1.3Ie(QT - Qns) ≤ 1.5IeQT ≤ 1.5 the commentary, it’s not explicitly stated in the code.
ϕsBRn ϕsBRnem 4. The newer editions of tall building guidelines 2017 PEER TBI [6] and
1.0Qns + 1.5Ie(QT - Qns) ≤ 2017, 2020 LATBSDC [7,8] suggest using a lowered ϕs, as specified
in applicable material standard with B to account for overstrength in
Definitions, in order of appearance D – service dead load
Fu – 1.5 times the mean demand (variable γ is not L – service live load, shear capacity. This reproduces γ’ factors that are equivalent to 2014
used, as the load factor is embedded in Fu) load factor is LATBSDC [5]. The guidelines also differ on the strength calculations,
ϕ – strength reduction factor, 0.75 per PEER TBI permitted to be as 2017 PEER TBI [6] recommends using nominal strengths with
(2010) & City of San Francisco amendments and reduced to 0.5 for all
specified material strengths, whereas 2017, 2020 LATBSDC [7,8]
1.0 per LATBSDC (2011, 2014) occupancies in which
Fn,e – nominal strength, based on expected material the unreduced live recommend using nominal strengths with either specified or ex­
properties load is less than or pected material strengths.
κi – Risk Reduction Factor, 1.0 for Risk Categories I equal to 4.79 kN/m2
and II, 0.80 for Risk Category III, and value to be (100 psf) with the Given the importance of structural walls as part of the main seismic
determined by seismic peer review panel for Risk exception of garages or
force resisting system in tall reinforced concrete core wall buildings,
Category IV areas occupied as
γ – load factor, 2.0 for critical force-controlled places of public these limitations and discrepancies have served as a motivation for this
elements, 1.5 for ordinary, and 1.0 for noncritical assembly study. Although shear failure can be catastrophic due to its sudden and
Ie – seismic Importance Factor QT – mean of brittle nature, the reliability of this shear design acceptance criterion has
Qu – mean value of the response parameter maximum values
not yet been thoroughly researched. The basis of this research derives
Qns – demand caused by loads other than seismic ϕs – resistance factor,
Qe – expected component strength for critical force-
from the preliminary studies conducted by Wallace, Segura, and Tran
SMS – MCER, 5% damped, spectral response controlled elements, as [9], where reliabilities of rectangular structural walls were studied.
acceleration parameter at short periods adjusted specified in applicable This research was conducted using 2012 International Building
for site class effects material standard, Code, which was adopted by the 2013 California Building Code (CBC).
ACI318, taken as 0.75
The 2013 CBC references Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
B – factor to account
for conservatism in Other Structures (ASCE7-10) and Building Code Requirements for
nominal resistance Rn, Structural Concrete (ACI318-11) [10–12,1]. The 2014 LATBSDC [5] was
normally taken as referenced for tall building design and for shear design acceptance cri­
having a value of 1.0.
terion reliability studies. Although the terminology used in PBLSD is
Alternatively, it is be
taken as B = 0.9⋅Rne /
based on load (Q) and resistance (R), load is referred to as demand,
Rn = 1.35 resistance is referred to as capacity, and limit states will be referred to as
Rn – nominal strength, acceptance criteria to be consistent with capacity design terminology
calculated with used in LATBSDC [5]. Any updates or changes in code or tall building
specified material
guidelines have been noted throughout the paper.
Rnem – expected value
of component 2. Shear design of tall Reinforced-Concrete structural walls
* A combined γ’ was
For the design of tall structural walls, the component-level accep­
computed for criteria
with nominal tance criteria are set forth in 2014 LATBSDC [5], whereas the specific
strengths based on strength calculations and detailing provisions are set forth in American
expected material Concrete Institute Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
properties (ACI318-11) Sections 21.9.1 through 21.9.6 [1]. In ACI318-11, the
design for flexure and axial loads are accomplished using plane-section
analysis per Section 21.9.5, whereas requirements for development and
splicing of longitudinal reinforcement over the wall height are contained
in Section 21.9.2. More stringent requirements may be incorporated into

S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

Table 2
Minimum and maximum dispersion values (COV).


Base Shear ρTotal 0.24 0.27 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.44 0.19
ρRTR 0.23 0.25 0.23 0.24 0.21 0.44 0.17
ρM&D 0.08 0.10 – – 0.09 - 0.08

‘-’ indicates negligible COV.

the design depending on available information.

Per 2014 LATBSDC [5], shear design of a tall structural wall is
evaluated per force-controlled acceptance criterion. It is summarized
using γ = 1.5, ĸ i = 1.0, and ϕ = 1.0 in Equation (2).
1.5∙Fu ≤ Fn,e (2)

As noted on Table 1, there are significant differences in γ and ϕ

factors that warrants further examination of this shear design accep­ Fig. 1. Structural wall Vmax/Vne,ACI versus curvature ductility [9]
tance criterion to determine which factors are appropriate.
from all hazard levels were observed to follow either normal or
lognormal distributions with no clear trend specific to hazard levels.
2.1. Shear demand
Thus, both probability distributions were considered to assess reliability
of shear design and the more conservative case was utilized.
The mean shear demand, Fu , is determined from nonlinear response
history analysis using a suite of ground motions. Since the use of a mean
shear demand would result in half of the design ground motions 2.2. Shear capacity
exceeding the structural design, an empirical factor of 1.5 was utilized in
the tall building guidelines to achieve a greater conservatism in shear Shear capacity of a structural wall is determined from the nominal
design; it represents dispersion in shear responses resulting from shear strength equation, as specified in ACI318-11 (Equation (3)) [1]:
nonlinear response history analysis including record-to-record vari­ [ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]
Vn = Acv αc λ f ’c + ρt fy (3)
ability, modeling uncertainties, and design uncertainties [2].
To assess reliability of current shear design acceptance criterion for
tall buildings, statistical parameters for shear demand were determined where Acv is the cross-sectional area of shear wall, αc varies linearly from
from Kim [13]. In this study, a methodology was developed to quantify 3.0 for walls with aspect ratio hw/lw (height to length of wall) less than
dispersion in 20- and 30-story tall reinforced-concrete core wall building 1.5 to 2.0 for walls with aspect ratio greater than 2.0, λ is the modifi­
engineering demand parameters (EDPs). The project site, as well as 20- cation factor reflecting the reduced mechanical properties of lightweight
and 30-story building plan views, elevations, and the details of the concrete, f’c is the concrete compressive strength, ρt is the horizontal
reinforced concrete core wall cross-sections are shown on Kim [13]. reinforcement ratio, and fy is the reinforcing steel yield strength. Per
Eleven input random variables were selected to represent record-to- ACI318-11, the maximum shear strength on any one wall is limited to
[ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]( [ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ] )
record (RTR) variability, model parameter uncertainties (unconfined Acv 0.83 f’c MPa Acv 10 f’c psi and the average shear strength on
[ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]( [ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ] )
and confined concrete compressive strengths, reinforcing steel yield all walls is limited to Acv 0.67 f’c MPa Acv 8 f’c psi . Using the
strength, shear modulus, coupling beam strength, mass, dead and live
nominal shear strength equation, the expected shear strength (Fn,e ) can
loads, and damping), and design uncertainties (shear wall boundary
be calculated using expected material properties. To examine how well
element design). Given the means and coefficient of variation (COV) of
the ACI318-11 nominal shear strength equation predicts actual strengths
input random variables, Monte Carlo techniques were utilized to
of walls, studies by Wallace et al. [9] are referenced in the following
perform 1000 nonlinear analysis at each of the five hazard levels cor­
responding to return periods of 25 and 43 years (service level earth­
quakes, SLE), 475 years (design basis earthquake, DBE), 2475 years
(maximum considered earthquake, MCE), and 4795 years (noted as 2.3. Wall failure modes and shear capacity
OVE). Once the analyses were complete, the means and COV of four
selected EDPs, namely base shear, roof drift, coupling beam rotations, Wallace et al. [9] examined experimental test data from 40 walls
shear wall axial strains, were quantified. This methodology was applied with height to length aspect ratios between 1 and 3 that were closely
to 30-story models developed in CSI Perform-3D as well as in Opensees, designed to the current U.S. design standards. Relatively well-detailed
and a 20-story model developed in Opensees. As Perform-3D is widely walls were selected with area of boundary transverse reinforcement of
used in the industry and Opensees is more often used for research, both at least half of that required by ACI318-11 [1] and ratio of vertical hoop
platforms were utilized to compare results. The pros and cons of both spacing to vertical boundary bar diameter of less than 8. The examined
platforms are discussed in Kim [13]. The modeling variabilities between cross-sections were rectangular, flanged, barbell, and T-shaped.
CSI Perform-3D and Opensees were not considered as a random variable Compressive strengths ranged from 22.1 MPa (3.2 ksi) to 137.2 MPa
[14,15]. From all nonlinear analyses, the total dispersion (measured in (19.9 ksi) and reinforcing steel yield strengths varied between 429.5
COV) for base shear demand is summarized in Table 2. The total MPa (62.3 ksi) and 1419.6 MPa (205.9 ksi).
dispersion, also noted as ρTOTAL, and the record-to-record variability, For various wall failure modes, the ratios between the actual shear
ρRTR, were determined from nonlinear response history analyses sub­ strength achieved by experimental tests (Vmax) and the predicted shear
jected to 15 or 30 ground motions at all hazard levels. The model strength using expected material properties (Vne,ACI) were evaluated.
parameter and design COV, ρM&D, was calculated as ρM&D = The results are shown in Fig. 1, represented by a relationship between
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ Vmax/Vne,ACI and curvature ductility. Curvature ductility was calculated
ρ2TOTAL − ρ2RTR . Overall, the total measured dispersion for shear de­ as the ratio of ultimate curvature divided by yield curvature; this was
mand ranged between 0.20 and 0.45 (rounded to nearest 0.05). The data used to categorize different wall failure modes as shear-controlled,

S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Variation in Vmax/Vn versus reinforcement per (a) Wood [16] and (b) Wallace [17]

flexure-controlled, and flexure-shear controlled. Shear-controlled walls walls. Thus, the mean overstrength for shear capacity should be ob­
are defined as walls with the least amount of ductility, generally less tained from tests where walls have failed in shear and have reached the
than 10. Shear failures are commonly characterized by sudden diagonal full shear capacity.
tension failures or crushing of concrete along diagonal compressive
struts within the wall web. The mean Vmax/Vne,ACI for shear-controlled 2.4. Statistical parameters for shear capacity
walls is approximately 1.5 for curvature ductility less than 5 (see red
line in Fig. 1); it is evident that the nominal shear strength equation per To examine statistical parameters for shear capacity, compilations of
ACI318-11 [1], using expected properties, under-predicts the actual shear-controlled wall test results were referenced from Wood [16] and
shear strength. When walls fail in flexure, curvature ductility is typically Wallace [17]. Wood [16] examined 143 shear-controlled walls with
greater than 10 and Vmax/Vne,ACI is less than 1.0, as full shear capacity concrete compressive strengths between 13.1 MPa (1.9 ksi) and 49.0
cannot be reached once the walls yield in flexure for a quasi-static test MPa (7.1 ksi) and Wallace [17] examined 37 shear-controlled walls with
with a single lateral point load. These walls are more ductile and the concrete compressive strengths greater than 55.2 MPa (8 ksi).
failures are characterized by concrete crushing followed by buckling and
eventual fracture of boundary vertical reinforcement. The transition 2.5. Structural walls with f’c < 55.2 MPa (8 ksi)
region where curvature ductility is greater than 10 and Vmax/Vne,ACI
greater than 1.0 is categorized as flexure-shear failure. The failure Wood [16] studied 143 shear wall test specimens that were reported
mechanism for these walls initially looks similar to flexure-controlled to have failed in shear. All test specimens were isolated walls that were
walls but shear resistance slowly degrades and the walls ultimately either one or two stories high. The cross-sections were symmetric, and
fail in shear (e.g, diagonal tension, diagonal compressive strut crushing, the cross-sections were flanged, barbell, and rectangular. Compressive
lateral instability due to high compression at the wall boundary). strengths ranged from 13.1 MPa (1.9 ksi) to 49.0 MPa (7.1 ksi) and
It is important to note that although tall reinforced concrete shear reinforcing steel yield strengths varied between 271.0 MPa (39.3 ksi)
walls are designed to fail in flexure, the Vmax/Vne,ACI values for flexure- and 571.6 MPa (82.9 ksi). Sixty-four wall tests were from Japan, and
controlled walls should not be used for shear design. This is because other wall tests were from Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and the United
once the walls yield in flexure, the full shear capacity cannot be reached. States.
Flexure-controlled wall tests are useful to obtain flexural capacity of A plot of the maximum average shear strength to the limiting nom­
walls, but they do not provide information on ultimate shear capacity of inal shear strength ratio, Vmax/Vn, versus ρnfy (where ρn is the transverse

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Histogram of Vmax/Vn using data from (a) Wood [16] and (b) Wallace [17]

S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

0 2 3 4 5

(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Probability distribution tests of Vmax/Vn data from (a) Wood [16] and (b) Wallace [17]

[ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]
Acv 0.67 f’c MPa which is within ACI318-11 limits and (2) Vn,e > 1.1∙
Table 3 [ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]
Shear-controlled wall tests separated into two bins [9]. Acv 0.67 f’c MPa which exceeds ACI318-11 limits. The 1.1 factor takes
into account the expected strength properties for high strength concrete.
Data No. of Tests Vmax/Vn,e
The mean and COV for the two bins, as well as for the entire set of data
Mean COV are shown in Table 3 and the results show that there is no significant
[ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]
1. Vn,e ≤ 1.1∙Acv 0.67 f’c MPa 12 1.68 0.22
(within ACI318-11 limits) Overall, a plot of variations in ratio between maximum shear and
[ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]
2. Vn,e > 1.1∙Acv 0.67 f’c MPa 25 1.52 0.19 nominal shear strength, Vmax/Vn,e, versus ρt∙fy/f’c is shown in Fig. 2(b).
(over ACI318-11 limits)
The limiting nominal shear strength was calculated as Vn,e ≤
All 37 1.57 0.20 [ ](
√̅̅̅̅̅̅ [ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ] )
Acv 0.67 f’c MPa Acv 8 f’c psi . Similar to Wood’s trends [16], all

reinforcement ratio) is shown in Fig. 2(a). For 66% of the walls, Vmax/Vn 37 specimens had Vmax/Vn,e between 1.0 and 2.5, with a mean Vmax/Vn,e
was between 1.0 and 2.0, and approximately 9% of the walls had of 1.57 and coefficient of variation of 0.20. A histogram using 20 bins
maximum strengths less than the nominal shear strengths. The with a probability density function is plotted on Fig. 3(b). The data are
maximum shear strengths of the walls were mostly higher with a mean observed to follow normal distribution, and this assumption was tested
Vmax/Vn of 1.67 and a coefficient of variation of 0.40. A histogram using on normal probability paper, as shown in Fig. 4(b).
30 bins with a probability density function is plotted in Fig. 3(a). The It is important to note that the dispersion (COV) measured from data
data are observed to follow a lognormal distribution and this observa­ presented by Wood [16] and Wallace [17] derives from a combination of
tion was tested using a lognormal probability paper as shown in Fig. 4 uncertainties resulting from nominal shear strength prediction equation,
(a). The probability paper allows for a direct comparison between the material strengths including concrete compressive strengths and rein­
cumulative density function and a model distribution by adjusting the forcing steel yield strengths, construction quality, differences in testing
scales so that the model distribution plots as a straight line. approach, potential errors in test measurements, and other possible er­
rors. However, due to high quality measures required for tall building
design and construction process through Seismic Peer Review Panels [5]
2.6. Structural walls with f’c ≥ 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) and stringent inspections enforced in the United States, no further
dispersion was added to the measured values.
Wallace [17] studied 37 wall specimens with height to length aspect
ratios (hw/lw) less than 2.0 where all walls were expected to fail in shear.
All specimens were constructed with high-strength concrete; concrete 2.7. Context in which shear controlled wall tests were used
compressive strengths ranged from 54.5 MPa (7.9 ksi) to 137.2 MPa
(19.9 ksi) and web reinforcing steel yield strengths ranged from 324.1 It is important to note the context in which the shear controlled wall
MPa (47 ksi) to 1420.3 MPa (206 ksi). Test specimens for high-strength tests were used; a flowchart describing this process is shown in Fig. 5.
concrete walls are relatively scarce and all 37 tests were conducted in When a tall concrete core wall building undergoes a seismic hazard, the
Japan. Although the lowest data point of 54.5 Mpa (7.9 ksi) is less than coupling beams yield first and then the structural walls yield in flexure.
55.2 Mpa (8ksi), since it’s within approximately 1% of 55.2 MPa, all At the time of this study, it was common practice to limit the amount of
data points are included in this set as high-strength concrete typically flexural yielding in walls by restricting the mean tensile and compressive
used in tall building construction. This set includes the 21 shear- axial strains, as shown in Fig. 5. When flexural yielding is limited, there
controlled walls presented in Fig. 1. is no significant shear degradation and full shear capacity can be
It’s important to note that some of the test results from these 37 wall assumed. This is the context in which shear controlled wall tests were
specimens included web reinforcement ratios that significantly excee­ used to conduct reliability studies. On the other hand, when flexural
ded ACI318-11 [1] recommendations. Per ACI318-11, the maximum yielding leads to axial strains that exceed the strain limits shown in
average shear strength on all walls is limited to Vn,e ≤ Fig. 5, shear capacity starts to degrade. Currently, there are limited test
[ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ]( [ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ] ) data that can quantify the rate of shear strength degradation associated
Acv 0.67 f’c MPa Acv 8 f’c psi which sets an upper bound of ρt⋅fy/ with increasing nonlinear flexural yielding. Thus, further dynamic tests
f’c. To examine any potential bias associated with this data, the test are needed to examine shear strength degradation with nonlinear flex­
results were further sorted into two bins, (1) Vn,e ≤ 1.1∙ ural yielding including higher mode contributions. Moreover, core wall

S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

Fig. 5. Context in which shear controlled wall tests were used.

tests in biaxial loading would be helpful to understand how shear ca­ behaviors and determine strength equations. However, to evaluate
pacities may change due to varying shapes of the compressive zones. structural behavior and capacity of reinforced concrete structural walls
When flexural yielding exceeds recommendations provided in Fig. 5, a under high seismic events (when there is increased nonlinear flexural
lower ϕ = 0.75 was generally used to account for the uncertainties in yielding), it will be necessary to perform more nonlinear dynamic tests
shear capacity. These recommendations are further explained in 2020 in the future. Although dynamic tests tend to be more costly, (1) an
LATBSDC [8]. assessment of interactions between various structural wall components,
Furthermore, there are limitations in using the experimental test (2) quantifying shear degradation associated with increasing nonlinear
results compiled from Wood [16] and Wallace [17]. All tests docu­ flexural yielding, as well as (3) measuring initial, ultimate, and residual
mented from the two studies were quasi-static wall tests performed on properties of structural walls during dynamic tests will be beneficial.
reduced-scale specimens under monotonic, repeated, or cyclic loads.
Historically, these test procedures have been utilized to observe wall 3. Reliability methods

In United States, probability-based limit state design (PBLSD) is

Table 4 adopted in many material-specific codes to establish design acceptance
MCE level anticipated reliability and corresponding reliability indexes criteria for structural components. PBLSD examines reliability of a
Risk Anticipated Probability of Probability of Reliability structural component by calculating the probability of component fail­
Category Reliability Failure, Pf Failure, Pf Index, β ure due to demands exceeding the component capacity, C < D. Per
ASCE7-10 [12] ASCE7-10 ASCE7-16 [4] ASCE7-10 PBLSD, failure is defined in Equation (4), as
[12] [12]
∫ +∞
I, II 90% 10% 10% 1.28 Pf = P(C < D) = FC (qi )fD (qi )∙dqi (4)
III 94% 6% 5% 1.56 − ∞
IV 97% 3% 2.5% 1.88

S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

Fig. 6. Flowchart of component reliability assessment using closed form solutions.

where C is capacity, D is demand, FC is cumulative probability distri­ Thus, when the reliability index is known, standard normal tables
bution function of C, and fD is probability density function of D. In can be utilized to evaluate the probability of failure. For a full derivation
practice, rather than using the integral to compute probability of failure, of closed-form solutions, refer to Melchers as well as Ditlevsen and
probability of failure is calculated indirectly with a reliability index, β Madsen [18,19].
through a closed-form solution [18,19]. For seismic events conditioned
upon MCE level ground shaking, the anticipated reliability and corre­
3.2. Lognormal distribution for random variables C and D
sponding reliability indexes per ASCE7-10 [12] are summarized in
Table 4. It should be noted that in ASCE7-16 [4], these values have been
When random variables C and D are jointly lognormal, it is conve­
updated to a slightly more stringent values for Risk Categories III and IV,
nient to consider a safety factor, which is defined in Equation (7).
as noted on Table 4. When closed-form solutions for probability of
failure are not available, Monte Carlo methods can be utilized. Some of C
F= (7)
the key advantages of adopting Monte Carlo method are that there are D
no limitations on the random variable parameters (number of variables, A random variable is defined to be lognormally distributed when its
probability distributions, etc), provided that the necessary computing logarithm is normally distributed. Thus, new normal random variables,
power is available. X = ln(C), Y = ln(D), and Z = ln(F), are introduced and safety factor can
In the following sections, full distribution methods to compute be expressed with a normal random variable Z, where ln(F) = ln(C)/
probability of failure with β are briefly explained for the two cases where ln(D) and Z = X – Y. In this case, a closed-form solution can again be used
random variables C and D follow normal and lognormal distributions, to calculate probability of failure with a reliability index; the reliability
and the Monte Carlo simulation techniques are explained. index is shown on Equation (8)

Z X− Y
3.1. Normal distribution for random variables C and D β= = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
̅ (8)
σZ 2 2
σ X + σY + 2∙ρXY ∙σ X ∙σ Y
When random variables C and D are jointly normal, it is convenient √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
to consider a safety margin, which is defined as F = C – D. Since C and D where standard deviation of Z is σZ = σ 2X + σ 2Y + 2∙ρXY ∙σX ∙σY . The
( )
are normal random variables and F is a linear combination the two, F is expected values of X and Y are X = ln(C) − σ 2X /2 and
also a normal random variable. In this case, a closed-form solution can ( 2 )
be used to calculate probability of failure using a reliability index; the Y = ln(D) − σY /2 , and standard deviations of X and Y are σX =
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
reliability index is defined in Equation (5) ( ) ( )
ln 1 + ρ2C and σY = ln 1 + ρ2D . Again, when reliability index is
F C− D known, standard normal tables can be utilized to find probability of
β= = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
̅ (5)
σF σ 2C + σ2D − 2∙ρCD ∙σC ∙σ D failure as noted on Equation (9).
[ ( ) ] ( )
C 0− Z
where, F, C, D, σF , σ C , σ D are expected values and standard deviations of Pf ln ≤0 =Φ = Φ[− β] (9)
D σZ
safety margin, capacity, and demand, respectively, and ρCD is correlation
between capacity and demand. In the case where the random variables C
and D are statistically independent (ρCD = 0), the probability of failure 3.3. Monte Carlo simulations
can be determined from Equation (6). For simplicity, the correlation
between capacity and demand was assumed to be zero. The basic concept behind Monte Carlo simulation is described for the
Pf [F ≤ 0] = Φ[− β] (6) case where probability of failure is evaluated as demands exceeding the
component capacity, Pf (F = C - D < 0).

S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

(a) (b)
Fig. 7. MCE hazard shear design reliability, f’c < 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) (a) closed-form solutions and (b) comparative results showing Monte Carlo simulation results.

1. Select random variables C and D. of the current structural wall shear design criterion. The MCE level shear
2. Establish probability distributions of selected random variables using demands from Monte Carlo simulations [13] were used; the demands
previous test results. were normalized by their means, and shear capacities were randomly
3. Randomly generate values for all random variables. generated using the statistical parameters shown in Fig. 2. A total of
4. Calculate F = C – D. 1000 simulations were performed. In Kim [13], the total measured
dispersion for base shear demand ranged between 0.20 and 0.45 for all
Repeat steps 1–4 until a sufficient number of samples have been hazard levels. Thus, reliability results were recommended using a real­
generated and confirm that coefficient of variation for the Monte Carlo istic shear dispersion value value of ρD = 0.40 and a conservative shear
Pf estimator is within a specified tolerance. dispersion value of ρD = 0.50.
Estimate probability of failure as shown on Equation (10).
4. Results and discussions
number of times that F < 0
Pf = (10)
total number of simulations
4.1. Shear design reliability | MCE hazard level

3.4. Summary 4.1.1. Structural walls with f’c < 55.2 MPa (8 ksi)
Shear design reliability was first assessed for structural walls with
The reliability of structural wall shear design criterion was assessed concrete compressive strengths less than 55.2 MPa (8 ksi). Statistical
in two ways, using closed-form solutions and Monte Carlo simulations. parameters for shear capacity were held constant, as shown in Fig. 2(a).
The process of using closed-form solutions is summarized in the flow­ First, using closed-form solutions, the relationship between reli­
chart shown in Fig. 6. The process starts with establishing statistical ability and γ were plotted on Fig. 7(a) for a range of ρD; these were
parameters for the shear demand and capacity. For the shear demands, plotted upon examining normal and lognormal distributions for shear
the following parameters were considered: (1) normal and lognormal demands and the more conservative case was plotted for each combi­
probability distributions, (2) a series of demand factors, γ, varying from nation of γ and ρD. As expected, to achieve the same level of reliability,
1.0 to 2.0, and (3) coefficients of variation (COV, also noted as ρD) demand factors increased as shear demand dispersion increased.
ranging between 0.20 and 0.60, for each γ. The mean shear demand of Furthermore, when examining a fixed demand factor, reliabilities
1.0 was used, assuming that all design requirements per LATBSDC decreased with increasing shear demand dispersion. Using a realistic
(2014) and ACI318-11 were satisfied. Shear capacity parameters were shear dispersion value (ρD = 0.40), γ for 90%, 94%, and 97% reliabilities
separated into two bins, for walls with f’c < 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) and f’c ≥ corresponded to approximately 1.25, 1.40, and 1.70, respectively. Using
55.2 MPa (8 ksi), as described in Sections 2.5 and 2.6. Once the demand a conservative shear dispersion value (ρD = 0.50), γ for 90%, 94%, and
and capacity statistical parameters were defined, closed-form solutions 97% reliabilities corresponded to approximately 1.30, 1.50, and 1.85,
were used to compute probability of failure with the corresponding respectively. These values were rounded up to the nearest 0.05 and were
reliability index, β. summarized in Table 5. Next, reliability results computed directly from
Additionally, Monte Carlo simulations were used to assess reliability

Table 5
Comparison of minimum required γ to achieve anticipated reliability versus LATBSDC (2014) γ.
Structural Wall f’c Risk Category Reliability Minimum required LATBSDC (2014) [5]
ASCE7-10 [12]
γ γ γ
ρD = 0.40 ρD = 0.50 (empirical)
(realistic) (conservative)

f’c < 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) I, II 90% 1.25 1.30 1.50

III 94% 1.40 1.50 1.50
IV 97% 1.70 1.85 –
f’c ≥ 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) I, II 90% 1.10 1.15 1.50
III 94% 1.25 1.35 1.50
IV 97% 1.40 1.55 –

S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

Table 6
Summary of MCE level Monte Carlo simulations.
Analysis Type Ground Motions (no.) from Kim [13] Software Platform Model Random Variable Type Shear demand COV, ρD

Monte Carlo simulations Suite A (15 pairs) Perform-3D 30-Story Independent 0.23
Suite B (30 pairs) 0.33
Suite C (30 single) Opensees 20-Story Independent 0.44
Suite D (30 single) 30-Story 0.42

mator, Pf, the required number of samples can be calculated through

1 − Pf
δ2 ∙Pf

where n is the required number of runs and δ is variation in Pf. This

relationship is further depicted graphically in Fig. 8. Since Monte Carlo
simulations were performed 1000 times, the variations in Pf was less
than 0.10 when Pf was less than 0.10, whereas variations increased as
smaller Pf was considered. For 1000 runs, the variations in Monte Carlo
probability failure estimator was 0.095, 0.125, and 0.179 for Risk Cat­
egories I and II, III, and IV, respectively. Thus, for 10% probability of
failure (Pf = 0.10), variation in Pf is within an appropriate range of δ <
0.10, using any set of 1000 Monte Carlo simulations. For future studies,
a higher number of Monte Carlo simulations is recommended for Pf less
than 0.10, as δ becomes higher.

Fig. 8. Variations in Monte Carlo probability of failure estimator vs. required 4.1.3. Structural walls with f’c ≥ 55.2 MPa (8 ksi)
number of runs. The same procedures were repeated to evaluate structural walls with
f’c ≥ 55 MPa (8 ksi). Statistical parameters for shear capacity were held
Monte Carlo simulations performed from Kim [13] were compared to constant, as shown in Fig. 2(b). First, using closed-form solutions, the
the closed-form solutions and results–see Fig. 7(b). A summary of relationship between reliability and γ were plotted on Fig. 9(a) for a
ground motion suites and models used for Monte Carlo simulations are range of ρD; these were plotted upon examining normal and lognormal
presented in Table 6. As it can be seen, results from Monte Carlo simu­ distributions for shear demands and the more conservative case was
lations provide a fairly close estimation, compared to the closed-form plotted for each combination of γ and ρD. Using a realistic shear
solutions. The differences in the closed-form solutions and Monte dispersion value (ρD = 0.40), γ for 90%, 94%, and 97% reliabilities
Carlo simulations resulted from two main reasons, where (1) the closed- corresponded to approximately 1.10, 1.25, and 1.40, respectively. Using
form solutions were computed from worst-case scenarios resulting from a conservative shear dispersion value (ρD = 0.50), γ for 90%, 94%, and
shear demands following either normal or lognormal distributions, 97% reliabilities corresponded to approximately 1.15, 1.35, and 1.55,
whereas shear demands from Monte Carlo simulations were directly respectively; these values are summarized in Table 5. The comparative
used to calculate reliability results, and (2) since Monte Carlo simula­ results computed from Monte Carlo simulations and closed-form solu­
tions were performed 1000 times, there was a variation in the Monte tions are presented in Fig. 9(b). The reliability results calculated from
Carlo probability of failure estimator, and this is further discussed in the Monte Carlo simulations provide a fairly close estimation, compared to
next section. the closed-form solutions.

4.1.2. Variations in Monte Carlo probability of failure estimator 4.1.4. Summary

Using the properties of the Monte Carlo probability of failure esti­ A summary of reliability results from closed-form solutions is shown

(a) (b)
Fig. 9. MCE hazard shear design reliability, f’c ≥ 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) (a) closed-form solutions and (b) comparative results showing Monte Carlo simulation results.

S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

Table 7
Shear design reliability (%) | MCE hazard based on various values of γ, ρD, and ρC.
f’c < 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) f’c ≥ 55.2 MPa (8ksi)

Capacity COV, ρC γ ρD ρD γ Capacity COV, ρC

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0.40 (Measured) 1.0 85.3 83.4 81.4 79.2 77.2 93.6 90.4 86.7 83.3 80.1 1.0 0.20 (Measured)
1.5 97.6 96.7 95.5 94.2 92.7 99.6 99.0 97.9 96.5 95.1 1.5
2.0 99.6 99.2 98.7 98.0 97.3 99.9 99.8 99.5 99.0 98.3 2.0
0.50 1.0 79.3 78.3 76.8 75.3 74.0 86.7 84.4 82.0 79.3 77.4 1.0 0.30
1.5 94.6 93.6 92.5 91.0 89.6 96.8 95.9 94.9 93.7 92.7 1.5
2.0 98.4 97.9 97.2 96.4 95.6 98.7 98.4 98.0 97.4 96.7 2.0
0.60 1.0 73.7 73.2 72.5 71.7 70.7 80.6 79.5 77.8 76.3 74.4 1.0 0.40
1.5 90.6 89.8 88.6 87.5 86.4 92.0 91.4 90.7 89.8 88.7 1.5
2.0 96.5 95.9 95.2 94.3 93.3 95.4 95.0 94.6 94.1 93.6 2.0

(a) (b)
Fig. 10. Shear design reliability at various ground motion intensities for walls with (a) f’c < 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) (b) f’c ≥ 55.2 MPa (8 ksi).

on Table 7. In addition to using measured ρC for shear capacity, reli­ 5. Conclusions

ability results from more conservative ρC values were computed for
comparison. Linear interpolations of γ provide conservative estimates of A methodology was developed to assess reliability of structural wall
shear design reliability. shear design for tall reinforced-concrete core wall buildings. Given
statistical parameters for shear demand and capacity, closed-form so­
4.2. Shear design reliability | all hazard levels lutions and Monte Carlo simulations were utilized to evaluate reliability
of the current shear design acceptance criterion set forth by LATBSDC
In addition to MCE hazard results, shear design reliability was (2014) [5]: γ ∙Fu ≤ κi⋅ϕ∙Fn,e where γ = 1.5, ϕ = 1.0, κi = 1.0. Reliabilities
computed at all hazard levels using mean shear demand ratios for were computed with various parameters for shear demand and capacity.
SLE25, SLE43, DBE, MCE and OVE hazard levels as 0.38, 0.44, 0.81, 1.0, Based on the findings, the following conclusions were reached:
and 1.07, respectively. These mean shear demand ratios were normal­
ized at the MCE level, and were referenced from Kim [13]. Using these 1. For realistic reliability recommendations, dispersion in shear de­
means, reliability values were computed and presented as a function of mand of ρD = 0.40 was used. For all ranges of f’c considered, γ = 1.25
ground motion intensity, denoted as spectral acceleration at first mode is required to achieve 90% reliability, γ = 1.4 is required to achieve
period, Sa(T1). The results are presented in Fig. 10. The single-hatched 94% reliability, and γ = 1.7 is required to achieve 97% reliability.
region indicates reliability using γ = 1.5, the speckled region indicates 2. For conservative reliability recommendations, dispersion in shear
reliability using γ = 1.3, and the cross-hatched region indicates reli­ demand of ρD = 0.50 was used. For all ranges of f’c considered, γ =
ability using γ = 1.0; all regions were computed with ρD between 0.20 1.3 is required to achieve 90% reliability, γ = 1.5 is required to
and 0.60. The data points were fitted with maximum likelihood esti­ achieve 94% reliability, and γ = 1.85 is required to achieve 97%
mation method by Baker [20]. It is apparent that using the current reliability.
recommendations of 1.5⋅ Fuc for shear demand results in over 90% 3. Using a conservative dispersion in shear demand of ρD = 0.50, the
reliability for ground motion intensities up to Sa(T1) = 0.40 g and 0.50 g reliability computed with γ = 1.5, ϕ = 1.0, and κi = 1.0, resulted in
for structural walls with f’c < 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) and f’c ≥ 55.2 MPa (8 ksi), 94.2% for structural walls with f’c < 55.2 MPa (8ksi) and 96.5%
respectively. However, because the values shown in Fig. 10 were reliability for structural walls with f’c ≥ 55.2 MPa (8 ksi), condi­
computed based on a case study 30-story building, further studies will be tioned upon MCE hazard level ground shaking, for the 20- and 30-
necessary to normalize these results for tall reinforced-concrete core story buildings studied.
wall buildings and to make any recommendations. However, the results 4. Using 1.5⋅Fu for shear demand on a case study 30-story building
do indicate that the current approach likely provides an adequate resulted in over 90% reliability for ground motion intensities up to Sa
margin against shear failure. (T1) = 0.40 g for structural walls with f’c < 55.2 MPa (8 ksi) and for

S. Kim and J.W. Wallace Engineering Structures 252 (2022) 113492

ground motion intensities up to Sa(T1) = 0.50 g for structural walls References

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