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Card Debit ATM for Requisition (‫)دروخاتسرباےئ وص ح لاےیٹامیڈٹبی اک رڈ‬

Applicable) not is which out (Strike ‫ریغہقلعتموصحںوکاکٹدںی‬

Only Use Office For ‫رصفدرتفیاامعتسلےئلیک‬ Date:

ATM Debit Card Request:□ New □ Replace □
(Lost/Damaged) Renew
Name of National Savings Centre: Branch Code:
The Office Incharge, National Savings Center:
I/We hereby apply for the ATM Debit Card as per details given below. In consideration of provided ATM Debit card, I/we hereby agree to
be bound by the TERMS AND CONDITIONS stated overleaf, which I/we declare to have read & understood by me/us.

Applicant of Details ‫دروخاتسددنہہیکالیصفتت‬

1. Type of Account: ‫اھکہتیکمسق‬ □ Individual ‫ارفنادی‬ □ Joint (consent of both persons is required) ‫رتشمہک‬
2. Account Number: 3 ‫اھکہتربمن‬. Title of Account: ‫ونعاناھکہت‬

.Char.) 19 (Max. Card: ATM on Name 4 ‫اےیٹامیرپومنداروہےنواالانم‬

CNIC/ per as Applicant of Details‫دروخاتسددنہہیکالیصفتتاطمبقبانشیتخاکرڈ‬

5. Gender: ‫سنج‬ □ Male ‫رمد‬ □ Female ‫وعرت‬ □ Other ‫وکیئاور‬
6. First Name: 7 ‫الہپانم‬. Last Name: ‫آرخیانم‬
8. Father’s/ Husband’s Name: 9 ‫وادل‬/‫وشرہاکانم‬. Mother Name: ‫وادلہاکانم‬
10. Date of Birth: 11 ‫اترخیدیپاشئ‬. E-mail Address: ‫ایلیم‬
.CNIC/SNIC/NICOP/POC: 12 ‫ویپمکرٹازئڈوقیمانشیتخاکرڈربمن‬
- -
13. Mobile No.: (Registered in your name) ‫ومابلئربمن‬ 14. Resident Tel/Alternative Mobile Number: ‫راہیشئ‬/‫ابتمدلومابلئربمن‬

15. Postal Address: ‫ہتپ اک ڈاک‬

City/Country: ‫رہش‬/‫کلم‬

16. Permanent Address: ‫ہتپ لقتسم‬

City/Country: ‫رہش‬/‫کلم‬

17. Passport Number (only for foreign National): )‫یکرہشیےکےئل رصفریغش(اپوپسرٹربمن‬

Minors For ‫انابوغلںےکےئل‬

The Minor Account will be Operated by Following:-

18. Name of Guardian/ Operator: 19 ‫رسرپتس‬/‫مظتنماکانم‬. Name of Guardian’s Father: ‫رسرپتسےکوادلاکانم‬

.CNIC/SNIC/NICOP/POC: Guardian’s 20 ‫رسرپتساکوقیمانشیتخاکرڈربمن‬

21. Relationship with Minor: ‫انابغلےکاسھترہتش‬
- -
22. Guardian’s Postal Address :‫رسرپتساکڈاکاکہتپ‬
City/Country: 23 ‫رہش‬/‫کلم‬. Signature of Guardian: ‫رسرپتساکدطختس‬
24. Guardian’s Mobile No: ‫رسرپتساکومابل ئربمن‬

Note: Service being offered by National Savings shall be subjected to charges as per schedule of charges which may change time to time.
‫ وقیمتچبےکذرہعیشیپیکاجےنوایلدخامترپاچرزجالوگوہںےگوجواتقوفاتقدبتلیوہےتکسںیہ۔‬:‫ونٹ‬

Signature of Applicant-1: Signature of Joint Applicant-2:

The following terms and conditions shall applying respect of ATM Debit Card:


The following words shall have the meaning stated hereunder, unless the context otherwise requires:

 “Account” means a Rupee savings account which a Cardholder opens individually or jointly and maintains with the NSC and through which Card Transactions are
carried out.

 "'Account Holder"' means a person(s) maintaining one or more Savings Accounts with the NSC.

 Application means any request, instruction or application submitted by an Account Holder through an application form in respect of the Card or such form or
means as may be prescribed by the NS from to time.

 ATM means Automated Teller Machines, installed and operated by the NS in Pakistan and/or abroad and/or Automated Teller Machines of Banks participating in
the Linked Network and/or the Automated Teller Machines of banks or financial institutions in Pakistan and/or abroad where UNION PAY Cards are accepted.

 "Institution” means National Savings (NS), constituted under the National Savings of Pakistan Ordinance, 1949 having its Head Office situated in Sector G-6,

 "Card" means the ATM Debit Card compatible with Chip and PIN Technology issued by the financial institution to the Card holder and bearing the UNION PAY
logos on the Card and the terms and conditions contained herein.

 “Chip and PIN Technology'" means a Card that contains data embedded in a microchip and requires the Cardholder to enter a personal identification number
("PIN'") at POS Terminals to complete the transaction.

 "Cardholder/ Basic Cardholder” means an Account Holder maintaining a Savings Account with the NSC and to whom a Card is issued.

 "Card Transaction’" means a cash withdrawal, fund transfer or payment made by a cardholder via card, fees and other charges debited by the NSC in against of
providing the fund transfer facilities to the card holder.

 "Linked Network" means 1-LINK Network which honors the Card and/or any other networks who’s NS becomes a member.

 "Merchant Service/ Retail Outlet means any service or retail outlet of merchants, located in Pakistan or abroad which accepts UNION PAY/ PAYPAK and honor
the Card(s).

 "Pakistan" means the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

 "PIN '" means confidential Personal Identification Number allocated to the cardholder by the NS or chosen by the Cardholder time to time, which enables the
Cardholder to withdraw cash from ATMs, to make purchases without signing sale receipts at Merchant Service/Retail Outlet(s) having POS terminals which are
equipped with PIN pads, and avail such other Services offered through ATMs from time to time.

 "POS Terminals'" means Point Of Sale which are electronic terminals at Merchant Service/Retail Outlet(s), enabling the Cardholder to use the Card to access the
Savings Account, held with the NS, to make payments against purchases.

 "Rupees" means the lawful monetary unit of currency of Pakistan.

 "Services'" means services availed by using Card on ATMs, POS, Net Banking, or for any other additional services that NS may provide from time to time, at its
sole discretion.

 "Schedule of Charges" means the document which includes the prescribed fees, charges and levies for the use of cards, and which may be modified or amended
by the NS at its sole discretion. The Schedule of Charges are available at branches of National Savings and on the following website of the Institution:

 "Tap and Pay" means a contactless payment method that allows a Cardholder to tap a Card against a POS Terminal to complete the transaction rather than
swiping or inserting the Card and entering the PIN.

 'Terms and Conditions'" means the terms and conditions governing the use of the Card and availing the different Services via card.


2.1. A Card will only be issued where a new Savings Account is opened or where there is an existing Account of an Account Holder.

2.2. An Account Holder's Application for a Card shall be an offer that the NS in its sole discretion may accept or reject and shall be subjected to the Terms and

2.3. The Card may be collected by the customer from NSC, or couriered directly to the Cardholder’s address which is in the record of the NS, decided on sole
discretion of NS. In the event of the card being sent by courier, the same shall be at the sole risk of the customer. All renewed or replaced Cards thereafter will be
sent by courier to the respective NSC.

2.4. A Card must be signed immediately on receipt and the space provided for signature by cardholder. The retention of the Card shall be deemed as confirmation and
acceptance of the cardholder.

Signature of Applicant-1: Signature of Joint Applicant-2:
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