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The City of Thieves

La Ville des Voleurs
An Unofficial Source Book for
Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play
By Richard Leon
Jonathan Williamson, Peter Buttersworth, Mark Saunders,
Mitch Cantu, John Foody

In the dark corner of Bretonnia, by the mighty

River Brienne, sits Brionne, city of smugglers,
pirates, slavers, unscrupulous merchants, outlaws
and thieves. Ordinary folk live here but are
subject to the whims of Duc Capucinet and his
corrupt noble court of robbers. Governor Jolensac
and Le Cartel des Poings runs the seven districts
in the city by compulsion and thuggery, controlling
the pirate gangs and numerous guild factions who
thrive in the city. The religion of Ranald is
widespread thru-out the city with most paying
homage to him in word and deed. It is a trading
complex full of illicit goods from around the
globe, stolen by any means necessary. Many shady
characters come to purchase goods here that cannot
be found elsewhere. In Brionne the law is one of
profit and survival, but all laws do get broken.

Table Of Contents
The Life of Claude Part1, Beginnings
History of Brionne and Navarre
A Brief history of Brionne
The City
The River Brienne
The Countryside
Nobility and Taxes
House Capucinet
Levying taxes
The Life of Claude Part 2, On To Brionne
The City of Brionne
The People of the City
Entering the City
City Layout
Districts and Sub-Districts
The Cartel des Poings
Gangs, Guilds and Other Organizations
Smuggling and Other Activities of the Guild
The Game of Knives
Military and the Watch
The Duc’s Army
The Nineteen Thunders
The Governor and his men
Justice of the Duc and his Judges
Plots and Adventures
The High Cost of Elfin Wine
Appendix 1
Ships and Nautical Terms

Early morning in the markets of Quenelles is a busy time for everyone including hungry boys.
Darting around thru leather booths and bakeries, Claude, a young sandy blonde hair boy of ten seasons
steals his morning breakfast. ‘Come here you thief! Give me back my eels!’ said an old hawker of smoked
eels. Slurping down the slippery breakfast, he jogged down an alley looking to get some wine from the old
woman, Marie, who runs a wine shop in the market.
‘Caught you again didn’t I? You little thief!’ Claude was hoisted up in the air by the scruff of his
collar. Zed a tall middle age watchman who had feeling for his widowed mother stood in front of the boy
holding him with one hand. He had the look of a lecture in his eyes. Claude hated Zed’s lectures. Swiftly he
could feel his wooden baton striking his bottom. Pain lanced thru his backside as Zed told him how much
his mother worries about him. He didn’t listen.
‘Boy I’m going to tell you something. Your bad habits will lead to no good. By the grace of
Myrmidia alone you haven’t been killed or maimed by your jaunts. I will tell you something else as well.
BOY LISTEN!’ He pulled Claude’s ear to get his attention. ‘The path you walk is a dangerous one filled
with the presence of the prince of liars, Ranald. You can still change your mind; become someone with
honor and dignity. But going out and taking as you please and telling tall tales will only end you up at the
gallows I swear.’
‘There is a place down river filled with backstabbers and corruption of all kinds. You do not want
to end up there. They kill you with their honeyed words and fill you with dreams of wealth. Anything goes
in that accursed city. I wont even speak its name for it is a name associated with cowards, thieves and liars.
Their own filthy religion is banned here as well.
By Myrmidia’s shield I cannot protect you forever. But I can make you swear an oath on the
goddess. Swear to me young Claude that you will uphold honor and truth. Swear by the goddess!’
The boy holding his tanned bottom stared up at the balding, middle-aged guard. He knew right
then where his destiny lies for he was going to be a prince, like his father.
Holding his fingers crossed in the sign of Ranald on his sore bottom he looked up and said. ‘I
promise by the goddess Myrmidia that I will uphold honor and truth.’
At the end of the alley a man in a dark brown cloak looked at him directly. With a smile and a wink he
disappeared around the corner. The boy smiled on the inside and knew.

Brief History of Brionne
Scholarly Reader,
In this text is the history of Brionne and the Province of Navarre. In no way is it fully detailed or
complete. It is merely a summary of what has transpired since its mysterious founding. Take time to absorb
the information since it might have impact on your future.

The Land of Navarre and the city of weapons by the Dark Elves to overcome their
Brionne have a violent, difficult history full of opposition. This was the bloodiest war ever
passionate struggles against numerous obstacles fought on Navarre soil and several legends
and foes. From the mysterious founding to the persist to this day about the heroes of that war.
crowning of the current Duc, Brionne has gone Even after the war with Bretonnia victorious a
under several transformations. Many banners blockade threatened to stifle trade to Brionne.
have flown from its battlements, including “The Left Hand of Navarre” rose to prominence
Estallian and Araby flags. Plague and famine defeating the blockade and winning the hearts of
have both struck the Region leaving it on the the people. Near the end of the century a virulent
brink of disaster. It is said necessity makes for plague broke out in Brionne and several smaller
strange bedfellows and the Navarre know this towns killing two-thirds of the population of the
well. Alliances ranging from the king of land. Only an army of Shallya clerics could stifle
Bretonnia to Pirate fleets decorate its past. The the Red Pox and cure the devastated land.
owners of the land have changed many times but
the people have stayed the same. During the 1500’s Bretonnia began a
series of crusades against Araby. This was a
The beginning of Navarre starts in a perfect chance to extract revenge on Arabians.
shrouded past that left its mark to this day on the The Capucinets and Orfavrerieors sent many of
province. Four of the seven towers of Nerunis their sons and squires to do battle with the
cu Rothar still stand as evidence. Two of these ancient enemy. The support for the crusades only
towers are of foreign built, shaped like those of lasted twenty years for few came back and the
ancient monoliths in Araby. The other towers ones that did would not talk about their
show Sea Elf craftsmanship at its finest, standing experiences and turned to more peaceful
to this day. If it wasn’t for the war with the Dark ventures. During the end of the crusades, Araby
Elves, High Elves might still occupy the city. ships first docked into Navarre harbors and
The Phoenix King of the Bright Empire began trading to the profit of everyone.
remembers this and other men who later
occupied Navarre as current relations with During the next two centuries small
Bretonnia is cold at best. skirmishes were fought between Navarre and
Estallia. Soon after countless victories for
Navarre has always held significance to Bretonnia, Estallia left Brionne and the province
the Estallian Kingdoms since it was once part of alone. This time of peace became the most trying
the city- states. At first, Estallian tribesman, time for the nobles of Navarre.
called Navarro, went thru the area settling on the
river away from the ancient ruins. Then they The War of Noble Birth became an
established a kingdom and cleared out the City. insidiously long, drawn out war testing the
The land had its own rulers and claimed heritage populous and nobles alike. The birth of this war
with their southern neighbors. But after war came about due to the fact of the Duchy of
broke out between the nations they joined with Navarre left vacant. The Duc Chaumont who
Bretonnia to the anger of all their kin. Ever since ruled till 1865 died leaving no noble heir. Every
Queen Irene married into the line of Bretonnian noble family stated their claim to the province
rulers there has been no lengthy peace with citing various lineages. It was during this time
Estallia. that the king of Bretonnia appointed a governor
of the province to carry out the affairs of the state
The Twelfth century (1300’s) was a till a legitimate Duc could be coroneted. Sides
very active time for Brionne, influencing the were drawn and nobles gathered their armies
developing duchy into a legitimate power. After marching against one another. This lasted almost
Navarre joined Bretonnia plotting began for the a full century and did not come to a conclusion
retaking of Navarre under Estallian control. An until 1940 when the Le Forte family was
alliance was made with Araby, and supplied with executed and all estates seized. The Navaresse

family became impoverished leaving two Four years later “The Left Hand of
families left with legitimate heirs. The Navarre” became a Cartel underneath Governor
Orfavrerieors and Capucinets made a pact Putemonne. Named after one of the Left Hand’s
dividing up the country and sharing the Duchy. founding fathers, Le Cartel des Poings became
Only one was crowned, but each succeeding Duc unofficial rulers of the province thru many
would come from the other family. This settled criminal elements from their days as smugglers
the war but left the lands destitute leaving a and pirates of the high seas. A thieves code
vacuum. called The Game of Knives and establishment of
Ranald as the patron deity of the city cemented
Several years of riots and mass their power base in the city and the province.
upheavals marked the next few centuries. The Pirates from all over were welcomed to the city
people were fed up with the nobility and their bringing a lucrative trade of all sorts of narcotics,
pompous actions. The province was unstable and slaves and other vices. From then on Brionne
bandits roamed about the country freely. Until became known as the City of Thieves. For one
war with Estallia began anew the Duchy was a hundred years the city and the province
hotbed of agitators and unruly mobs. flourished under this new government. The
nobles did not care as long as their cut of the
Once again in 2320 the province wealth was ensured.
becomes overwhelmed with Estallian infantry
and large sea galleons hurling their newfound In the years 2427 to 2439 famine struck
cannon shot. During this war the nobles were all the province of Navarre. The masses went
caught flat-footed. Bretonnia could not send any without and men feared the worst. The river
troops immediately. The province was taken in became low and smaller rivers dried up. People
less than a year with some nobility taken in were dying on the street and out in the working
chains, executed or fleeing in exile. For over fields and vineyards. Nobles were on constant
thirty year the Estallians ruled the land but with guard staying indoors so as not to stir the
much resistance. A freedom movement was peasants. The towns of St. Jacques and Lorda
made from the small smuggling fleet “The Left lose a full half of its populous to the famine in
Hand of Navarre”. The people stood behind these one way or another. No one is sure how it ended
Sea Princes and slowly gained ground on the but many suspect the floods of 2493 offset the
accursed foe. The province was in Estallian parched climate returning the land to normal.
hands till the armies of Bretonnia were sent to
vanquish the foe. The final battle of the war took More recent in the history of Brionne is
place in Brionne with its siege ending the the Dark Elf raids against the ports of Luz and
throttling grip of the enemy. Boucaud. Hundreds of Navarre citizens were
captured and never seen again. Naval ships that
After peace came into the heart of went against the Black Arks of Naggaroth stood
Navarre, news came from the Empire and other no chance. The whole province of Navarre was
nations of a dire catastrophe taking place. The in an uproar. Pirates and smugglers who lost
forces of chaos were on the march to Kislev and loved one asked for letters of Marque to seek out
no one could stand in their way. Upon hearing of the foes. Those who went never made it back and
this plight, the Duchess of Navarre, Delphine a year after the raids the Governor stopped
Orfavrerieor, sent a token force of 50 knights to issuing the letters due to the high mortality rate.
help the troubled people in the far north. Two So another tactic was created.
knights and one squire came back to the province
and recorded their tale with the Duchesses scribe. The Governor along with the King and
other provinces issued a declaration of suffrage
Upon the Duchess deathbed in 2316, against the High Elves stating they were victims
she supervised the marriage of her heir, Chantel of the ancient war with their Dark Elf cousins.
and the Comte Bonard Capucinet. This ensured Every noble agreed in some way it was the High
the two houses stature and strength against the Elves fault. So a year later articles of war were
newer noble families moving up such as the issued to the Phoenix king. No reaction came
Troyes and Boucauds. A new fortress was made from the High Elf Isle. This infuriated King
in Brionne for the newly merged families simply Charles to no end and he sent his ships out to
called Le Château In this act alone the nobility raid any and all Sea elf ships. Six months and
shut themselves out of the affairs of the city, numerous raids later, the challenge of war were
leaving the Governor and other men to run the answered and a battle ground chosen off the
city and the provinces. coast of Brionne. In the Year 2451 the Naval

fleet of Bretonnia was defeated quickly with to all sorts of Pirates and cutthroats. A great fleet
many casualties taken. The king in disgrace was was gathered along with many military troops
forced to sign a treaty with the foe that ensured along the river and coast. Systematically they
no further hostility to any Sea Elf ship. took apart the Estallian fleet till there was
nothing left. Land battles turned to slaughters. In
While the hostilities became apparent 2500 a treat was signed called the Emancipation
between the Bright Empire and the Oisillon of Navarre stating that no longer with Estallians
palace, Le Cartel des Poings made contacts with acknowledge Navarre as ever being a part of
Norse raiders who were on lean times looking for Estallia. Most suspect this treaty will not hold for
a chance to prove their worthyness. After the rumors abound of nobles gathering force to once
Treaty of Mathlann’s Grace was signed, small again take Brionne and Navarre.
raids began against Sea Elf ships further
enraging High Elves. King Charles denied any When the armies pushed into Estallia to
involvement and spent resources hunting down punish them for their attacks, the Duc of Navarre
the supposed Raiders of the North. Using had other plans. He was offered many estates and
ambush tactics, the combined pirate fleet of decided to betray his sovereign. Ambushing the
Brionne harasses Sea Elves and Dark Elves alike army at the battle of La Calzada de los Muertos,
to this day. Tensions are always high between Cedrique took his lands and thumbed his nose at
Bretonnia and Uluthan. the King. But this did not last. For later in 2497
Brionne was besieged and taken by the armies of
In 2481 Bretonnia founded a New King Charles The Second and an agreement was
World colony called Le Grouse. This is mostly a made. This proved to be the most recent
slave farm full of Half Orcs and Southlanders embarrassment of this royal line and diminished
tilling the soil and waiting to be shipped to the their presence at court.
Old world. Some Exotic fruits and spices are
grown there as well. More profit is still made in Currently an uneasy peace has settled
the taking of slaves from the Southlands and on Brionne and the province. After the crowning
Darklands regions of the world. of Richard Capuchinet to the Duchy of Navarre,
things have become stable. The Cartel runs
Most recent in Brionne history is a war Brionne along with Governor Jolensac. It is said
called the Affair of the Black Cloth that dealt war hang on the horizon from nobles challenging
with Estallia. Once again the nobles of Bilbali the Duc to Dark Elves plotting with Estallians to
and Magritta gathered their forces to take back overtake Navarre once again. But that is the way
their lost province. The Cartel des Poings with all sovereign lands are, forever in turmoil and
the Governors backing issued out many Marques plots.

Timeline For Brionne
and the Province of Navarre
Date Event
Possible date for some scholars for the founding of Brionne. Some of the ruins match
-3000 those of ancient Araby providing some evidence. Arabic traders to the city claim this
as well citing an ancient tale. (See legend above)

According to Sea Elf lore and several texts this is the founding date of Nerunis cu
-2921 Rothar or City of the Seven Spires.
Prompted by the recall and the war with the Dark Elves, The City of the Seven
-1579 Spires is abandoned, with only a token force left to guard the city. No one knows
what happened to that small garrison.

-900 Settlement of the Navarre region by Estallian Tribesman.


Founding of the Estallian Kingdom of Navarre. First king of Navarre crowned

154 Ricardo the First.

Rebuilding of the ancient elfin sea fortress by the Estallians. Named Los Myrmidios
227 A great temple to Myrmidia is built there along with temples to other gods.
Gilles le Breton begins his conquest of the lands. The King of Navarre, Raphael the
977 Rampant, lends a portion of his army to help unite the lands. In return, the kings of
Bretonnia give the region immunity from its invading armies.
The first queen of Navarre, Irene, is chosen after the death of her husband Fernando
1285 Navaresse dies. She leads the kingdom in a brief war with other Estallian kingdoms.

Queen Irene marries Enguerrand le Fier, forming an alliance to help the troubled
1301 kingdom.

1302 End of the Estallian/ Navarre war. Navarre part of the Bretonnian Empire.

An alliance of Estallia and Araby brings forth an invasion of Navarre. Numerous

1342 naval battles and land skirmished ensue for the next few years. Brionne falls to the
invading army.
Roland de Chinon, a prominent Smuggler and Pirate gathers the ships of Brionne
1347 turning it into a fleet to throw back the Invading army.

Sir Chinon along with Honoré des Poings found “The Left Hand of Navarre” a
1355 smuggling fleet to bypass the Blockade of Estallia and Araby.

A Plague of Red Pox put Brionne and the Province of Navarre on the brink of
1390 destruction.

1391 A small army of Shallya clerics and priest cleanse Navarre and Brionne.

Several noble families of Navarre take part in the Crusades of Araby. The
1567 Capucinets and Orfavrerieors are major contributors.

The War of Royal Birth breaks out across the province of Navarre. The Capucinets
1865 and Orfavrerieors join forces against the Navaresse and Le Forte.

1940 The War of Royal Birth ends with Le Forte lands taken and the family executed.

A new Estallian War begins. Navarre is conquered once again. “The Left hand of
2232 Navarre” becomes a freedom movement for the province will full support of all the
2267 to Massive counter offensive against the Estallians established. All provinces
2274 participate. Siege of Brionne ends occupation.

The Navaresse and the Capucinets send a token force to help Magnus the Pious
2300 against the forces of Chaos.

2316 Comte Bonard Capucinet becomes Duc of Navarre.

“The Left Hand of Navarre” becomes Le Cartel Des Poings. Governor Putemonne
2320 takes over creating The City of Thieves.

2427 To Famine strikes the land of Navarre. St. Jacques and Lorda are hit the hardest.
Dark Elf Raiders hit the ports of Luz and Port Boucaud. Many are captured and
2446 taken away with both towns set on fire. Navarre nobles and king Charles blame the
Sea Elves.
Great sea battle between a Sea Elf fleet and The Royal navy of Bretonnia. Sea Elves
2451 quickly turn it into a slaughter and leave the fleet in tatters.

Egil Advarison, a Jarl from Norsca, brings his pirate fleet of twenty galleys. Raids
2457 against the Sea Elves begin.

2481 New Coast colony of Le Grouse founded.

War begins anew with Estallia. The Governor calls forth Privateers delivering letters
2495 of Marque to many Pirates and Smugglers. Duc Cedrique betrays Bretonnia in the
Affair of the Black Cloth.
The Estallians are pushed back once again ending the war. Many minor Estallian
2500 nobles take refuge in Brionne from the inquisition.

2502 Richard Trenchant Capucinet Becomes Duc of Navarre.

The City full of dangers such as fierce bandits, ancient
ruins and strange creatures. Situated on the far
Lying at the mouth of the River Brienne side of this gruesome land are the small towns of
upon its north bank, Brionne is a distinctly Port Boucaud and Luz. These port towns have a
featured landmark built upon ancient ruins. well-equipped fighting militia who keep the
Surrounded by marshlands, the city rises up ten small communities from being overtaken by the
feet higher than the ground, with many devils of the swamp. The land itself is filled with
subterranean tunnels and underground canals twisted trees hanging vines and thick fogs filled
lying beneath it. Many ancient ruins pockmark with mist making for a frightening place to get
the city in several places including the famous lost. Many tales of misfortune are told about
three towers. Further ruins can be found along venturing into that foreboding swamp. Strange
the southern bank and in the countryside lights are said to glow within the land luring man
men to their doom. Others tell tales of ominous
Along the bank of the river the city has temples to forgotten gods and vast treasures
a very large wharf with well-fortified walls and hidden in broken towers. No one is quite sure
cannon towers to protect the inhabitants and what to make of the land but any person or thing
supporting the local fishermen. Good fishing of coming from that direction is met with hostile
several saltwater fish can be found here. force from the local town watch.
Wetlands surround the southern side of Brionne
with plenty of waterfoul and other sorts of Roaming bandits and unscrupulous
wetland creatures. People who travel the river pirates thrive among the marshland in vicious
arriving in Brionne will see plethora of hunters in packs of semi-civilized marauders. Estallian
their small canoes and fishermen with their traps bandits are common, some even in hire of the
and nets plying their trade along this bountiful Government of Estallia. A few live as operatives
bank. among the population of the smaller towns.
Some men living in the swamp are escaped
The north side of the city has two gates slaves and prisoners who form ragtag bands of
flanking opposite sides of a large hill where Le outlaws getting by any way they can. A few
Château the residence of the Duc, Governor and Norse pirates who do not wish to call Brionne
their cronies reside. The two gates lead to home use the land as a place of refuge.
different cities in Bretonnia and are notable
landmarks of the city. The hill is elevated over Crumbling towers, strange temples and
100 feet large and sloping sharply to the outer decaying fortresses can be found still standing in
part of the city and gradually leading into the the swamp south of Brionne. Many Bretonnian
main part of the city. On the ramparts of the scholars believe some of the remains belong to
Duc’s fortress one can see the lay of the land an ancient civilization that inhabited the area.
below for several miles. Other structures of the area belong to ruined
Estallian forts and Old Sea Elf Towers and
Facing the sea, Brionne has a large outposts. Rumors have persisted that temples to
seawall built in the bay around the docks that evil gods such as Khain and Stromfels thrive in
cover its sandy shore. Several smaller walls can the swamp. Officials deny any such report. Tomb
be found further out of the bay, slowing down robbers and other adventuring souls do
the irrepressible tides of Mannan. Miles of sandy occasionally brave the swamps but few live to
beach can be found along the coast with caves tell the tale. Those who do make it back
and rocky cliffs. Under the docks of Les Trois somehow mysteriously disappear after arriving
Tours is a small, poor population of beggars and into Brionne.
misfits who live off the excesses of the city. The
tides come in to the city constantly and repairs to Stories of many strange creatures
the wall are made on a daily basis. Behind the hunting in the southern marshlands are told
main harbor are the city walls and Three Towers. mostly to scare little children into obedience. But
there have been reports of monsters lurking
about devouring many men who stand in their
Marshlands way. Over all the Marshland is an area of ill
Situated on the other side of The River repute, earning distrust from all who venture into
Brienne is a vast, largely uninhabited marshland its deadly lands.

parts of the river, freshwater flows from several
The River Brienne spring set in the Grey Mountains, running thru
the Wood Elf settlement down to St-Sauveur.
Rolling mightily thru Bretonnia, The Many freshwater fish reside including Flying
River Brienne is one of the largest rivers in the Trout and Shimmering Salmon. Bears, Elk and
Old World supporting two cities, the elves of other creatures from the mountains often wander
Athel Loren, many towns and villages, lots of to the upper Brienne drinking its smooth waters.
hunting game and many species of fish. The river Further down the stream near Pérignac, Otters,
floods twice a year during two cyclic rainy Stoats and many birds such as Ducks, Geese and
seasons. Its riverbanks are mostly wetlands and several species of Cranes make their home along
marsh filled with a variety of different creatures, the marshy banks. The brackish water holds a lot
some friendly and others no so friendly. of saltwater fish including, Dogfish, Catfish, Red
Hundreds of small rivers, streams and small Snapper, and the occasional Blue Shark.
lakes flow into this river swelling it to an Predators live also in the swampy lands near the
enormous capacity being over a mile wide at its end of the river, including Black Striped
mouth. A few larger rivers leading into Le Alligators, and the deadly Water Amphisbaena.
Brienne are La Niva, Le Gave, L’adoue and La
Neste. Most of these rivers run thru marshlands
and rocky terrain with a few villages living along The Countryside
it. Locals call The River Brienne Grendrel, The The lands north of the River Brienne
Giver of Life, for many depend on her bounty for consist of rolling hills and grassy plains broken
sustenance. up on occasion by a small river or stream. This is
good wine country and many brandies and
There are many communities that cognac is made there as well. Dairy farms full of
depend on The River Brienne, traveling its breath Cows are common sites as well as other livestock
to interact with other cities, towns and villages. such as Sheep, Chickens and Pigs. Goats are rare
Some towns of note include, Pérignac, St- with most living on the southern side of the river
Sauveur and Blaye-Leonine. Riverboats travel where they are bred for the rocky terrain. Wheat
the length of the waterway take passengers back and Oats grow as well in some of the fields
and forth between the provinces of Bretonnia. especially near the towns of Pérignac, St-
All types of ships, from long galleys, many mast Sauveur and Blaye-Leonine. Hunters and
galleons and river barges make their way down Trappers make a good living in the foothills of
the river to Quenelles making for lots of river this part of the Navarre Duchy. The rich soil,
traffic. Smuggled goods make their way along plentiful crops, large amounts of wildlife contrast
the waterway from Brionne arriving in Quenelles sharply with the southern side of Le Brienne.
and other small towns and villages on both sides
of the river. Those going to smaller towns The southern lands of Navarre, past the
usually travel inland with their goods to parts great river, are barren, full of bogs, marshlands,
unknown. Few men travel further than Quenelles rocky hills and clay soil making for a sparse
for the Wood Elves of The Loren Forest do not living. Towns such as St Jacques and Lorda
like visitors and harm foolish mortals who try to struggle to make ends meet. Many bandits live in
row upstream to their abode. Also the river is the hills raiding the locals for the little profit they
much shallower beyond Quenelles allowing only make. Smuggling to and from Estallia is a small
flat bottom barges access to the few small towns time trade keeping some minor nobles in wealth.
lying beyond. A lot of fishermen make a living Shepards can be found wandering the rock-
traveling along the waterway, casting their nets strewn plateaus with their flocks of goats. The
and fishing poles for the river harvest. soil is unforgiving and crops do not grow well
here. The wetlands near the south bank of Le
Numerous varieties of aquatic animals Brienne holds game but birds tend to flock to the
live in and around The Brienne River making for north side of the river where more bugs and
a rich cornucopia of food for a Fisherman, mealworms are in abundance.
Trapper or Hunter to choose from. In the upper

Rain and darkness covered the activities of the two thieves rummaging about Chevalier Bastien Pascal’s
mansion. On the wealthy side of Quenelles there are many such opulent palaces, but none recently vacated.
Claude, with his long time thieving partner Quentin, staked out the Noble’s house for two weeks to make
sure. With the blessings of the Thieves Guild they went about taking the rich tapestries and well crafted
candlesticks. The whole night has passed with them going back and forth with loot to their hideout in the
poor quarter. But unbeknown to them a man watched them from the shadows, a man who knows of the
young thieves and their wanted status for numerous robberies in Quenelles.
“Did you get the silverware Claude?” Said Quentin, a large rogue who often was used for hired
muscle in the guild. Black hair and dark brown eyes made up his plain round face. His tan skin, short
stature and wide shoulders give him a Tilean look, even thought Quentin’s parents hails from the Province
of Navarre. Other thieves in the gang called him Short Noodle.
“No Quentin I couldn’t fit the pieces into my gunny sack. But it doesn’t matter we got plenty of
loot. One more load should do us in and we can take off.” Claude, now at a bright age of sixteen has
earned himself a reputation as a nimble crook. His sandy blonde hair hung at his thin shoulders. The young
thief was tall and wiry with long legs. He could easily outrun the most able watchman. They called him
“So badger we’re going to that city, eh? Brionne has a nasty reputation and they could take all of
our hard earned money. We should wait till at least tomorrow and maybe go to St-Sauveur or Perignac. My
uncle lives on the outskirts of Perignac. We could stay there awhile.” Quentin nervously stated. He kept
looking over his shoulder but saw nothing but shadows.
“No we will go to Brionne, my father lives there and we will go and see him. When he sees all of
this he will have no choice but to put me and you into his gang.” With a smile Claude walked over to the
small rowboat hidden underneath a bridge.
THUMP…a crossbow bolt lodged itself into Quentin’s back. The thief went down with his sack of
stolen goods, smacking the hard cobblestone street. Jewels and rings scattered thru the street making a
distinct chime thru the rain of the night.
Claude turned to look at his friend and saw him down. The Thief saw a man in a dark overcoat
cocking back a crossbow to shoot again.
“Run Claude! The dream is yours now.”
He took one more look at him and saw that he was not getting up. Then Claude ran.
The Bounty Hunter went to the still alive Quentin. He turned the boy over looking into his shock
filled eyes.
In a cold voice the lawman spoke “Where’s he going boy? Tell me now or I will finish my job.”
“ To- to Brionne sir.”
“Then I will track him there. You will face the Baron’s justice tomorrow and meet Morr in his
realm by the gallows.”
Both men watched as Claude rowed down the river to Brionne The City of Thieves.

Nobility and Taxes
The House of He also loves sports of chance and can be found
on occasion in gabling houses in the city. He has
Capucinet an entourage that floats with him throughout
The most powerful and influential Brionne, often acting on his behalf. Some say he
family in Brionne and the Province of Navarre is has taken up worship of Ranald and forsaken
the Capucinets, who all look upon for patronage. Myrmidia. But you can see the Duc in the
The immediate family consist of Duc Richard Temple of Myrmidia once a week. Always with
Trenchant, his wife Jacotte, two sons, brother a smile on his face Duc Richard Trenchant
Arnaud Alphonse, and the aged, crippled father Capucinet is a very dangerous man to cross and a
Cedrique Olivier. Cedrique’s only brother, Raoul good one to befriend.
Gaspard had three sons and two daughters who
are cousin to the Duc as well. Also included in A good friend of the Duc and personal
this is the joint house of Orfavierr. Three knights contact with King’s court in Oisillion is his
with land outside the city Brionne claim heritage brother Arnaud who struggles with the many
to Orfavierr and one Viscountess with no land. plots and subplots in the royal court. Twice a
Their family estates are in the County of year, the younger brother comes back to Brionne
Capucinet, which includes the large town of St- to visit. Most of Arnaud’s life consists of
Sauveur and Blaye Leonine. The joint house of defending his family honor and making contacts
Orfavierr includes parts of Brionne including throughout the court. He has won fame as a
LeChateu and small farming lands outside of the swordsman and ladies man dealing out personal
city wall. Owning most of the land around the Le justice to any who interferes with his goals. The
Brienne gives the family its power base and house of De Semblance has taken duels with the
ensures their influence for a long time. young noble several times. Arnaud carries a
dueling scar on his eyebrow from a duel with a
The intermediate family of Duc Viscomte whom he slew for the hand of a lady.
Capucinet wields great power and influence in Often it is said Arnaud Alphonse Capucinet can
the province of Navarre but little in the Oisillon be found talking to the house of Granvelle who
Court. Duc Richard can be found most of the Arnaud is now courting one of their noble
time in Brionne at Le Chateu involved in the daughters.
dealing with the Cartel des Poings and other
affairs of that city. His word is law and none Duc Richard Trenchant Capucinet’s
flaunt it. His brother Arnaud represents the wife and children are the crowning jewels of the
province and his elder brother’s will at Oisillon Capucient family. They often stay at the private
Palace. The Duc’s wife stays at the family estates palace in St-Sauveur with their uncle, Comte
in St- Sauveur with her two sons who are Raoul Gaspard. Simone Ofavierr Capucinet
learning the fine arts of nobility from many married the current Duc thru a prearranged
tutors. It is said his younger son is cunning and marriage of the two joint houses. She likes her
takes after the Duc. The elder one is more recluse position, but as most prearranged marriages go
and studious into matters of arcane lore making she loathes her husband’s habits of toying with
the Duc worry about his heir to the throne. The the masses and playing the roulette wheel thru
decaying Cedrique mostly stays indoors and is the night. She does not step foot in Brionne for
constantly sick with bad humors and a missing she hates the filthy city with its open worship of
leg. Time is said to be short for the dying ruler Ranald. She takes her two children to the main
but it was said he was dying several years ago temple of Myrmidia in St-Sauveur often to
when he abdicated the throne to his son Richard. receive instruction and blessings. The two boys
keep out of trouble but the younger one one,
Richard Trenchant Capucinet is one of Marc, has taken a liking for the games of chance
the most cunning, manipulative and colorful Duc like his father. The other boy, Cedrique likes
of Navarre. Unlike most of his family, he studying book and listening to wild tales from
involves himself in the petty affairs of the inner the traveling priest of Myrmidia. He takes after
city pirate gangs and smuggling operations. The his mother.
Cartel des Poings has many dealing with the man
and know that he could snuff them out at any The ailing member of the house of
point in time. It is said Duc Richard thinks of this Capucinet is the old Duc Cedrique who betrayed
as a live action game of pawns to manipulate his sovereign and has earned an evil reputation in
since he has no direct power in the King’s Court. the Courts of Bretonnia. He is nothing like the

images made up by enemy factions but a gentle the Duc as a carrier and henchman. Maynard is
man and a poet. He has a case of the gout and a also know for his overactive hormones as well.
terrible cold that stays with him. He humors the The third son, Gaston, helps his father run St-
chambermaids and others who pass by with his Sauveur and has his hands in a lot of activities,
tales. But many doctors say he doesn’t have long legal and illegal.
to live. For several years since he gave his Duchy
to his son he has suffered. None are sure why he
still lives. Rumor has it the Governor and some
members of the Cartel des Poings visit the dying
man on occasion. No one knows why they visit. Levying Taxes
In the Province of Navarre, there is lots
The Comte of the County of Capucinet of farming land, full of small towns and villages
is the brother of Cedrique Capucinet, Raoul who depend on her armies for protection. The
Gaspard Capucinet. The Comte is a heavyset Duc’s army ensures the towns are protected as
man who deals constantly with the Bourgeoisie long as the taxes are collected in a timely
class of men who come down the River Brienne. manner. Knights of small farming estates collect
He has a love for good food and can be seen from the peasant and merchant class quarterly to
attending many banquets around the city. His give his patron. Taxes usually are collected in the
third son Gaston, who is largely set like his form of goods, such as wine barrels, livestock,
father, often accompanies him. Many rumors fly harvested food, candle wax and animal pelts. A
thru the courts of the king as to his smuggling total of 15% of the farmer/knight/landowner
activities. No one has confirmed this or has had goods go to his baron/count or higher patron.
the opportunity to. But the Comte has many Sometimes the larger towns such as St-Sauveur
slaves including a small gladiatorial pit with and Pérignac will pay Livres or Francs but often
many half orcs who fight to the death. His this is not the case. The barons and counts of
children come to visit him often and can be seen Navarre pay tribute to the Duc of Navarre who in
in the city St-Sauveur. turn gives a percentage of this to the governor
who sends this to the King in gold and other
The Comte’s three sons are very active precious items. This does not include toll taxes
in the political arena taking on roles to ensure the and other licenses. Many a Viscomte or Marquis
power of the Capucinets stays intact. The Eldest becomes angry at the king and the Duc of
son, Sebastian takes an active role in running Navarre, but few openly rebel, for the Duc’s
Blaye Leonine. He has a small keep there and a army is strong and ensures taxes are sent to the
wife with two daughters of his own. The second Kings court.
son, Maynard, is currently working directly for

The City of Brionne
People of Brionne than sea level due to the fact that is has been
built over so many times. A large wall faces the
In Brionne, one can find a plethora of bank of the river to hold back invasion and
people and races populating the coastal city. discourage smuggling. (This measure does not
Navarre Bretonnians make up a vast majority of work for many steal from the duke as well as pay
this metropolis but there are several other races his tariffs.) Four towers still stand with only
that call this place home. Arabians traders from three currently armed and garrisoned with the
the south continents call this place home and Duke’s Men. Two of the towers straddle the river
have their own area of settlement. Estallians who with southern most tower perched among sea elf
immigrated and stayed here during the many ruins and swampland. Three of the towers guard
sieges have a sub-district in the lower class area. the port where ships come in a dock. There is a
Norsemen from far off northern lands call this sea wall in Les Trois Tours to help keep out
place home when they are off from their pirating unwanted guest and hostile powers (such as Sea
escapades. Southlanders some freemen, most Elves and Norse Raiders). A small wall
slaves are subjugated to lower class treatment encompasses the city including the hill where the
here. The only race held more in contempt are Dukes Palace sits fortified in a separate enclosed
the Half- Orcs who are numerous as slaves and keep called Le Château.
none trusted to be freemen. There is also a small
community of gnomes settled here under
sanction by the Duc of Navarre. Occasionally Streets
one might find a dwarf, ogre or halfling here, but
elves stay far away from The City of Thieves. Three main roads run thru the seven districts of
There is bad blood between the isle of Ulthuan Brionne, These are: Rue de Temple or the
and the nobility of Navarre. People of all Temple Street, Rue de L’Orfavrerieor or Street
different walks of life come here, but all who do of Orfavrerieor, and Rue des Pierres Brillantes
are motivated by one thing, money. or Street of the Gleaming Stones.

Entering the City Rue de Temple is a large winding main

There are many ways to enter Brionne, street going thru all of the main districts. All
but all are well guarded. From the river, one can major and minor deities are represented on its
enter by boat into the River Wharf District. Cost serpentine rout. Many statues can be seen along
is two Francs per person. No one needs to have a its rout including the famous “Manann killing the
ticket or licence t enter the city. But those with ill Leviathan” which is located in the Les Trois
intent and involved with outside law enforcement tours district. (Worshippers of Stromfels will spit
agencies are found out by other means. Coming at the statue when they pass by it.) Some of the
in by coach or wagon the cost is the same major temples include ones to Shallya, , Manann,
coming thru the two main gates facing outward Ranald (The only open temple to him in all of the
from the city to the countryside. Cargo is taxed at Old World), Myrmidia, and several open shrines
15% of the total value of the goods. This is often dedicated to patron saints of Bretonnia and
approximated. Permits are often denied coming Brionne.
from other provinces. Glittering gold talks in this
city. Ships coming in from the harbor are subject Rue de L’Orfavrerieor is a street
to a 15% of total good as well. Travelers are running along the sea wall of Les Trois Tours
taxed at 2 Francs as well but any members of district and the Quai De Fleuve district. It is a
ships belonging to harbor are not subject to this major road for all harbor traffic and citizens
tax. This also includes members of any guild of walking along the walls defending the city. Many
the city. People who try to avoid paying the tariff Stevedores and sailors use this road along with
are subject to the Duc’s Laws and court. This people going from the main harbor to travel
usually doesn’t go well for anyone and guilt is along the river Brienne. There are lots of
presumed until innocence is found. brothels, taverns, gambling houses and other
entertainment along this road. Many young
City Layout nobles and sailors live it up along this road
staying up to all hours of the night. Many thieves
Set at the mouth of the River Brienne, Brionne is
in practice can also be found wandering the
a coastal city with three main roads and seven
streets for a sucker so many go around with a
distinct districts. It sits on average ten feet higher
good sharp sword or a hired hand.

Rue des Pierres Brillantes runs thru Le Conquering navies and armies have strolled
Château and three other districts to the main down its path to the ancient fortress lying at the
harbor. It is an ancient road paved by strange end. The Duke hires peasants to clean the road
means, for it has many fine examples of gold and constantly. Strange to its nature no one has ever
silver cobblestone bricks that cannot be removed. been able to remove one of its bricks.
The road is a source of pride for the whole city
and many parades are held along its streets.

The Seven Districts and Sub-districts
Seven districts comprise the whole of Brionne, the City of Thieves. Every one of them is
financially tied to the Duke and The Cartel des Poings. These districts are: Les Trois Tours or The Three
Towers District, Quai de Fleuve or The River Wharf District, Le Château or The Fortress District,
Entrepôt, or Warehouse District, Marché des marchandises marquees or The Market of Marked Goods,
toile et cuir or Linen and Leather District and Artisans et Stonemasons or Artisans and Stonemasons

The Three Towers District (Les Trois Tours)

Cut throat sailors, two timing hussies, As mentioned before two of the towers have
big wheeling ship captains and a host of others wide dome shaped tops that come to a point.
who depend on the Privateer fleet of Brionne, Both are the color of wine and reflect the sun and
can be found in the harbor district of Les Trois moon with a metallic finish. The structure is gray
Tours, commonly known as The Three Towers. marble stone streaked with white and dark gray.
Many vices can be sated here along with illicit The third tower is of elfin make with a high
good purchased usually by nefarious merchants. spiraling point and narrow body. The tower
Slaves and spices, drugs and poisons, all are sold deceives the mind and looks as if it will not hold
daily to The Market of Marked Goods. Most its weight. Garrisoned men who climb to the top
sailors stay in one of the many taverns or hostels swear it rocks to and fro in the wind like a kite.
in the area till they ship out to sea again. The Elf Tower is the color of deep sea blue with
Travelers will always find a room in this district. a bluish white base. These towers are armed with
Many a trouble can be found here with footpads cannons and catapults, fully garrisoned with
and ruffians brawling throughout the area. The several score men to man the weapons. Few
only force of control in the district is the duke’s enter the harbor without at least one weapon
watchmen. trained on them. Once a week the duke’s
artillerist and gunners practice their weapon
The famous tower landmarks of proficiency on dummy ships in the harbor.
Brionne are located in this district and are known Accidents have been known to happen.
by other names. Some call them the Towers of Underneath the Towers is a dungeon maze full of
Fate others call them Ranald’s Lock picks. men captured and waiting to be turned into
Visiting Norsemen call them Stromfel’s Teeth. slaves or executed. The City Watch has a station
Any of those names apply to Les Trois Tours. located near the Elf Tower and the sea wall.

Places of Note:

• Madame Odette’s House of Favors

This brothel and vice den is the largest and most famous in Brionne and Bretonnia. The
three-story house sets along Ruelle de Chats or Cat’s Alley, a winding street full of drug dens,
seedy taverns and brothels. Many nobles and famed pirates come in here looking to sate their
lust and desires. Ran by an ousted noble from the region of Flandres, Madam Odette
L’Armoire it prospers on the integrity of its servants and quality of goods sold here. A small
basement room is rumored to exist where games of very high chance take place. Only those
with loose pockets full of gold come here to find an exotic fix.

• Temple of Manann

Set along the docks right at the corner of Rue de L’Orfavrerieor and Rue de Temple The
temple of Mannan is a one story, wide, very functional building catering to the pirates and
smugglers of the city. It is not an opulent building but is kept in repair by the countless

donations to the temple. Once a week mass is given to sailors and other men of the sea to
exhort the message of the deity. Led by a high priest named Daniel Bonapart it holds the
largest audience of commoners in the city even larger than the temple of Shallya. Many ship
captains and pilots come here asking for blessing on vessels, voyages and guidance on
uncharted waters. A large statue stands outside set in a water fountain of Manann killing the

• The Seagull’s Biscuit

Along the Rue de L’Orfavrerieor sits an outside bar full of drunken pirates and thieves. Ran
by an old sea dog named Didier D’Larence who is a quite, sullen fellow that always has an ear
for gossip. His staff includes three barmaids and a half orc cook named Dre-lore. More
information on this bar can be found in the adventure, The High Cost of Elven Wine.

• Garrison of The Nineteen Thunders

The headquarters of this elite group is located and attached to the sea wall of Les Trois Tours.
It is a fortress like building that allows access to the sea wall and the Three Towers where the
cannons are. Holding over 100 men it has a barracks and jail cells for those who violate the
Duc’s Law. Patrols are sent out from this post to scour the city when the law wants a man or
group of men. The Garrison is run by Ecuyer Desmond Portiere a man of few words and
quick to action. This black guard holds a nasty reputation of taking people away not to see the
light of day again, unless it is on a slave block.

• Stevedores Guild

The Stevedores guild is an old worn down warehouse from the early days of Brionne full of
rotted wood and corrupt souls. Many dog like men work here to earn their measly wages from
Guy Vance a small, petty man who also runs a gang of men belonging to the guild as a
separate force. Guy is involved in racketeering schemes of extortion in the Les Trois Tours
district. He belongs as a member of Le Cartel des Poings and works with several Pirates and
Smugglers exclusively. Duc Capucinet sometimes pays him a visit at this location. No one
trust these dregs of society but find them a necessary evil to be tolerated.

• Crow Skull’s Shipyard

In the docks of Brionne there is one shipyard, called Crow Skull, where everyone gets their
ships built and repaired. There are many boat wrights and craftsmen who come down each
morning from the Artisan’s District to work here on the many ships. The yard is run by a very
large, old man named Bonard who has a good disposition and always ready with a joke. He
has several young men who help ship captains and craftsmen get supplies for the ship. Bonard
also makes sure no one tampers with any of the ships being worked on in the yard. By order
of the Duc he has full reign to deal with everyone entering into the yard as he sees fit. Getting
on Bonard’s good side in the Shipyard has its advantages.

The River Wharf (Quai de Fleuve)

The River Wharf or Quai de Fleuve many smugglers working for the Duke and the
holds many local Bretonnians including Cartel and even a few working against them.
fishermen and boatmen who travel the river Some antique shops are located here along with a
Brienne. It is a quiet district full of watchful few noble homes of the Navaresse. A large wall
people. Riverboats and others who travel the protecting the city is located here with a few of
river stay here. Connected by the Rue de the city watch there to collect entrance fees (4
L’Orfavrerieor to Les Trois Tours it traffics francs).

Places of Note:

• Fishermen and Pilot’s Guild

This small, one story house found on the River Wharf is the gathering place for the fishermen
and pilots of Brionne. This house also serves as a drinking pub for all those who belong to the
guild. Outsiders have a tough time getting into the guild and a waiting list does exist. The
Guild is under the Duc’s control as well and is represented in Le Cartel des Poings by a
retired merchant named Yves St Driden. Many smugglers belong to this guild and use the
fishermen as scouts along the river.

• The Silent Partner Tavern

Set further in the district among some of the antique shops, The Silent Partner is a place for
the locals to get something to eat and quench their thirst. It is a respectable place of business
that has earned a good reputation for serving good seafood and excellent wines from the
countryside. Some of the nobles and merchants located in this area frequent the Tavern. A
husband and wife team, Henri and Clarisse Dubois, owns the place. During the weekend and
on holidays entertainment can be found here as well with minstrel making this a frequent spot
as well. It is one of the few places outside of Le Chateau that serves fine cuisine.

• Fernando’s Inn

A popular place among visitors to the city, Fernando’s Inn is a cozy little two-story hostel set
across from the River Wharf. A sign outside proclaim the name of the establishment in
Classical and Old Worlder. The inn is run by a very large family of Estallians who take good
care of their guest. Fernando is the name of the Grandfather of the family and is still alive and
kicking at 72. Often this kind old man can be found on the porch looking out at the river. The
family consists of 15 members who take on various task to ensure the inn runs smoothly. Few
can forget the first time visiting this inn for the family is loud and boisterous often exchanging
swear words with each other.

• Chapel of St. Sauveur

Dedicated to a famous saint of Manann, the Chapel of St. Sauveur can be seen by those
visiting the city by the River Brienne. It is a very tall building with a very steep roof that is
unmistakable to anyone. It lies on the River Wharf by the river wall. Four clerics run the
chapel and dedicate their lives to the safety of those who live by the water. St Sauveur is the
patron of sea travelers and is very popular among coastal cities. The Chapel serves anyone
who travels along the river or the sea. This hospice functions as a place for travelers to stay.
Many who live in Bretonnia finding comfort in the small Chapels that sits in its harbors.

• The Fish Market

Set near the River Wharf, a large fish market with several stalls provides Brionne with
produce from the sea. Many fishermen bring in their haul to this market before mid-morning.
People can be found here during the midday looking for the best deals on many types of
shellfish and saltwater fish. Honest trading can be found here and those who attempt to steal
are whipped on site by the Governor’s men. They guard this district and serve as the
watchmen of Brionne.

The Fortress District (Le Château)

Located on the northeast side of grandfather who started the Cartel Des Poings.
Brionne pearched atop of the only hill in the city Around the dark granite fort are several small
is the Duke’s Palace called Le Château or The noble palaces. Who occupies these pricey
Fortress District. This is an enclosed district domiciles is totally up to the duke. It is a place of
with fortified, armed and well-manned walls. opulent luxury guarded by the Dukes own army.
Inside is the Duke’s massive fortress made of Located near the separated district is one of the
solid granite. People say the old fort was made city gates. This gate is heavily manned with
by elves and tore down by the Duke’s more of the Duke’s men.

Places of Note:

• Le Château

Built over an ancient Sea Elf fortress Le Chateau is a unforgettable site to all those living in
Brionne. The Palace of the Duc sits atop of the hill and is the center of the Fortress District as
well. Made by human hands underneath a well-known Dwarf architect who travels the Old
world, it is a solid granite building of marvel with many frescos and carved scenes along the
wall. Anyone standing atop of the structure can see the whole city and the surrounding
countryside. There are many catacombs leading and coming from this ancient site. Some say
Le Cartel des Poings meet underneath this fort.

The Fort is home to the Capucinets and was made exclusively for this royal family. Duc
Richard Capucinet and his men do stay here, but can be see going back and forth at odd hours
of the night in the company of rough men. The Duc’s wife and children do not stay here and
few of the other Capucinets can been seen here. An army of servants takes care of this
monumental structure seeing to the constant cleaning and maintenance. The Duc does
entertain Royal guest here from time to time pulling out his finest wines on these occasions.
Also during holidays Le Chateau host many fine balls and parties. Those who attend are not
always the more noble of gentlemen.

• The Ducs’ Army Garrison

Near the gate leading into this district is the Duc’s Army garrison. The two-story building is
home to a large portion of the Royal Army who stays here on leave from the field. A portion
of the army is always here doing casual patrols around the city and surrounding countryside.
One field Marshall and a legion of men occupy the barracks. The walls are made of stone
pieces and part of the structure is an old Estallian building left over from centuries. It is a
white washed building under repair constantly. It is clean and efficient serving the needs of
those staying here.

A black cobble stone square set in front of the building serves as the marching area for the
troops. Only on holidays can ordinary people be seen here near the Army barracks. Parades
often start and end here with many revelers using the black marching square. Rue des Pierres
Brillantes ends here with the streets of shining stones turning into black stones. Many
military parades are conducted here too but those parades do not lead out into the city.

• Godfrey’s Prominent Palais

Built near the family estates of the Orfavieres, Godfrey’s Prominent Palais, is an opulent
restaurant exclusively for the well to do. Nobles and prominent merchants (Smugglers and
Pirate Captains) can be seen here dining on fancy cuisine from all over the world. There is
one Halfling and one Arabic cook who work the kitchen. Godfrey himself is a shrew
businessman backed by the house of Orfaviere and this includes the House Capucinet. The
nature of this restaurant is well know with many tapestries and riches from far off lands. The
outside is given an Arabic look with a domed roof of bronze set atop a white two story brick
palace, a miniature version of the Sheik of Araby’s Palace. Everyone who is anyone dines
here once a week minimum. Waiting list are very long as well so reservations should be made
well in advance.

• Cathedral of St. Leonidas

Located a hundred paces from Le Chateau, the Cathedral of St. Leonidas is a high domed,
well built blue and white marble structure that stands out as a fine example of Bretonnian
architecture at its finest. It is the second largest building in Brionne next to Le Chateau. Many
nobles and their servants can be found here for mass twice a week. Duc Capucinet can also be
seen here on most occasions. Twelve clerics run the Cathedral and are charged with the well
being of the building and the flock that gathers within. The building is connected to a Temple
to Myrmidia and often the congregations will go from one to the other.

• Temple of Myrmidia

Near the grand Cathedral dedicated to one of this goddesses saint, the Temple of Myrmidia is
a small two-story chapel made in the times before Brionne belonged to Bretonnia. Bits of
Estallian architecture can be found here giving an air of antiquity to the building. Three
clerics run the Temple. Most of the clerics who used to belong here went to the larger
cathedral on the Duc’s orders. The place does not see to many worshipers but has a steady
stream of older generation followers who attend once a week to the services.

• Graveyard & Chapel of Morr

In the shadow of Le Chateau between the fortified wall and the Fortress is the Graveyard set
on the side of the hill. Among the sloping mausoleums and tombstone sits the chapel of Morr.
Six priests run the chapel here holding mass when required for any funeral. It is very unlikely
that anyone not of noble birth or with wealth to their name to be buried here. Two of the
younger priests can be found during the day driving an old cart pulled by two mules
throughout the city. They pick up dead bodies of those too poor to have their own funeral.
Outside of the city in a small village is a massive graveyard for those who cannot afford to be
buried in town. For those too poor for even a grave, a pit, dark and deep is also located there
to welcome the unfortunate.

The Warehouse District (Entrepôt)

Many of the goods coming in and out of protected till they are sold. Some of the more
Brionne are located in Entrepôt, or The loyal crew also call this home and stay in small
Warehouse District. Rows upon rows of large, rooms located inside of the warehouse of their
barn like storage facilities fill the district along Captain. (Many tales are told of crewmen
with places for many of the pirates and betraying their Captain for what they hold in
smugglers to live at when they come in from sea. their warehouse.) Some of the merchants who
The Captain’s home is usually located right next live in “The Market” also live here to be the first
to his warehouse to ensure his goods are to bid on what the pirates bring in to harbor.

Places of Note:

• Chapel of St Antoine de la Peste

The Chapel of St Antoine de la Peste is a well-known place for many bar room brawlers and
scurvy ridden sailors. It is a one story building located right between Les Troys Tours and
Entrepot districts. Four priest of this saint stay here tending to all of those who come to them
injured. Fund from many of the Pirates and bar owners run thru here and make up many of the
offerings. This Chapel also has contact with Ranald Cultist who opposes Le Cartel De Poings.
If the Duc gets word of their sympathy it might be the end of this establishment.

• Regis’ Exchange House

Regis’ Exchange house is a very large warehouse with many doors and outside lots located in
the heart of this district. It is a place where Wholesale goods from the various smugglers and
Pirates are sold to merchants who then take it to The Market of Marked Goods district to be
sold to the public. Large crates filled with all types of contraband come thru this area and are
set up for display. Slaves and others items from all over the world make their way here. Regis
le Putemonnie is the man who owns the wholesale and auction house. An auction is available
one a week for very high valued goods. Many merchants can be seen here but few buyers
come here for everything is sold in bulk. When a ship comes into port, many wait to see what
comes in to be sold here.

• The Golden Galleon

A fine hostel and gambling house, The Golden Galleon is host to many ship captains,
merchants and smugglers who do not like to associate with the high class area of Le Chateau.
Set near the wall of the city, there is no back alley or back door. Many members of the Lower
ranks of Le Cartel des Poings also come here but warily. The Sea Captains hold their own
council and gather in force when the Cartel tries to make unreasonable demands from one of
their kind. The atmosphere is a relaxed one at most times but some tension points happen
when a large portion of Le Cartel des Poings come to visit. Retired Captain Jean Rotierre
owns the bar with two Half Orc and one Southlander acting as bouncers. There is also four
bar maids there as well. This Gambling house and hostel makes a good profit and much
information can be discovered here for those who can pay the hefty entrance fee of ten francs.
Members are usually Sea Captains only.

• Captain Le Feete’s Storage Lot

For those visiting Brionne with cargo, Captain Le Feete’s Storage Lot is a good place to keep
their goods till they get the cargo into market. A fee is charged for those who put their goods
here and there is no set price. Insurances can also be bought for the goods stored here and this
once again can cost a good deal depending on the cargo. He is an old, wiley captain who is
quick to emotional rages and sullen moods. If one catches him on a good day you can rest
assured of proper treatment of the property. Those who are delinquent on payments will have
their property seized. A gang of southlanders stay here making sure no one gets in or out
without Captain Le Feete’s permission.

The Market of Marked Goods (Marché des Marchandises)

Any type of item or goods known to man can be Square where retired sea captains and old
bought or sold in Marché des Marchandises smugglers sell goods with many street hawkers
Marquees or The Market of Marked Goods. and festive entertainers filling the square packed
There are several areas of interest for anyone with people. Surprisingly enough the local food
looking to purchase items of ill repute. There is and fish markets are located here as well. A sub-
one place called “ The Stage” where slaves are district thrives here comprising mostly of
auctioned off and sold to the highest bidder. Half Arabians called Peu d'Araby or Little Araby.
Orcs, Southlanders, People from Lustria and all The more mundane goods that are made local are
over the world can be bought and sold here. also sold here such as ship’s sails and sea leather
Another area is a big mazelike warehouse called boots. These local items are made in the northern
the Bizarre Bazaar. Small booths located inside district of Toile et Cuir or Linen and Leather
comprise the open roofed warehouse with many District.
oddities bought and sold here. The is a Captain’s

Places of Note:

• Temple of St Jacques

Near the Captain’s Square sets an old temple dedicated to a saint of Shallya called St Jacques.
It is a two-story structure with an older design from the early years of architecture in
Bretonnia. Six clerics run the Temple but do not belong to the Goddess of healing. They are
Priest of Ranald and acknowledge it but not openly.

The Cult of Ranald has its heart here and many know this. Underneath the old structure lies a
grand temple dedicated to this god with a large life-like sculpture of this thief god. The
Thieves Guild of St Jacques holds their meetings here and a re represented highly in Le Cartel
des Poings. The main cleric is Jerome Poings a man descended from the original founder of
Le Cartel Des Poings and a high-ranking member of this organization. Currently he is in favor
of the Duc but few others like him. He is a humble man trusting to fate to deliver his flock of
worshipping thieves and people from the current tyranny of Le Cartel des Poings.

• Hajji’s Warehouse of Acquisitions

In Little Araby there is one place where any man looking for strange goods and prime,
pristine slaves of good quality go, Hajji’s. A three-story affair created out of some mad
sultans dreams, it is home to the good of Hajji El Shaddel a high-ranking merchant of the
Araby community. Those coming to this house usually are well to do and have several body
guards in tow. It is also known he is a sorcerer of potent and can curse anyone who trespasses
his property illegally. Those who do not like his haggling practices are escorted out, for he is
also a shrewd businessman.

• Marcel’s Apothecary

Those looking to purchase mass quantities of Ranald’s Delight or any other drug can come
here to get the best. Marcel Marseuo is a sly dealer in illicit goods specializing in drugs and
poison. He often will taint large purchases making them not as strong or potent as a smaller
dose, so he can make more profit. He worships at the Temple of St Jacques and is a member
there. Those of the thieves guild belonging to the temple he makes deals for, but still dilutes
the goods, for he is a miser.

• The Stage

Set near the center of the market district, The Stage is the place for slavers to sell off and
auction their goods. Many nobles and their servants can be seen here during the day buying
and selling Slaves. Half Orcs and southlanders are the most common slaves but prisoners and
the occasional foreigner will become for sale and quickly bought off. The stage itself is a
large wooden platform able to hold many men at once. Underneath this is a cell area where
the “goods” wait to be sold.

• Merle’s Den of Spices

A place of relaxation for the many shoppers of this district, Merle’s den of spices caters to the
rich and noble blood. Merle himself is a well to do ex merchant who made his money in
smuggling and now caters to the rich aristocrats. The house is two stories with merle staying
in the upper part and a den with plush Arabian cushions downstairs. Large glass smoking
bowls of different shape populate the den with many small reeds and hollow tubes to smoke.
A rich smoky atmosphere full of exotic scents welcomes visitors to this place.

Linen and Leather District (Toile et Cuir)

The poor of the city are packed into one here to work in a tanner’s house. Often they wind
rat maze district where common goods are made up in the street looking for revenge or wallowing
and sold called Toile et Cuir or Linen and in their sorrows. There is also a sub district of
Leather District. Many thieves lurk in this area Estallians who makes up a portion of the
and no one trusts anyone here. The smell is one working class in Brionne. Many thieves are also
of the prime factors the poor are shoved into here recruited out of this district to work for the Cartel
for Tanners and linen makers create a nauseating des Poings. It is said one can go from pauper to
stench along with the backed up sewage creating prince and back to pauper in Brionne. There is a
a wholly ill effect on anyone unprepared for the word of truth in that saying and this district is the
smells. People who were once in high power and proving ground of such a statement.
made bad financial moves are usually dragged
Places of Note:

• Temple of Shallya

In the shadows of the linen houses and shacks that make up the district squats a one story
ancient building dedicated to the plight of the poor. The Temple of Shallya serves the poor
giving shelter to the severely ill and feeding the hungry. The seven clerics who run this temple
make a life of piety and humility. They do not associate with the other temples dedicated to
saints of their god. No one who has a real need is turned away, but a lot of “fakers” or beggars
who live in the district are shunned with the temple cleansing its hand of “hoodlums and
robbers”. The temple lives off of contributions from some of the nobility. Duc Capucient is
one of them but no one knows his motivations for this.

• Ignacio’s Winery

In the Estallian district, there is one storehouse of wines from the Estallian Kingdoms.
Ignacio’s is a place for those who want a different type of wine. Few do with most
Bretonnians finding the wines inferior. The truth is the Winery is a front for a spy network of
Estallians trying to get as much information and passion it on to Bilbali. Some suspect this
and Footpads sometimes pay a visit to this establishment. Bretonnian gangs ransack this place
at least once a year, but it is always rebuilt. Le cartel and its members do suspect the
Navarrese nobles have a hand in its placement, but few are vocal on this.

• Great Sails of Brionne

The largest maker of sails in Brionne, Great Sails is an operation partially owned by Bonard
who owns the Shipyard. The other owners comprise a list of members of Le Cartel des
Poings. Many can find employment here but the wages are small and the hours long. Smells
of bleach and treated linen permeate the air, gagging most men. Some workers here belong to
the Thieves Guild Ran by Jerome Poings.

There is also a gang of workers here who rough up anyone getting out of line and not
cooperating. The gang called the Rough Sails control a good portion of this district also.
Racketeering and Spying are their main themes. Most of the gang members are Foremen in
this Sail house and thrive of their brutality. A representative of this gang, Henri de Cloys
belongs to the lower echelon of Le cartel des Poing. Friction between this gang and the thief’s
guild of St Jacques are high and blood shed is common.

• Jules Leatherworks

One of the many leather shops in this district, Jules is a place specializing in Sea Leather
boots. Many ship captains and their crew comes here to get sized and fitted for boots. Jules
Vernes has a great reputation and many clients seek him out. His fares are reasonable and
Jules makes a decent living off of his trade. He has a wife and two kids who live here along
with his two apprentices.

• The Lady’s Basket

One of the few taverns still standing in this district, The Lady’s Basket is a den of footpads,
thugs and Charlatans. No one comes here in their right mind. Ran by a Marienburg sailor,
Weimar Swartz. This is a place for thieves to gather and plot.

A gang of thugs called the Six Skulls gathers here running a racketeering operation on the
citizens of this area and two other districts. They are also represented in Le Cartel des Poing
and are the largest gang in Brionne. Conflicts between The Rough Sails and The Thief’s
Guild of St Jacques happen often. It is only thru Le Cartel des Poings that outright war does
not happen.

Artisans and Stonemasons District (Artisans et Stonemasons)

A small district located in the southeast class flourishes in Brionne it is here. But many
side of Brionne called Artisans et Stonemasons who live here are the subjects of racketeers who
or Artisans and Stonemasons District holds put a price on keeping their place secure. Those
many Woodcrafters and Stonemasons who work who don’t pay up usually find their domicile
for the Duke and his cronies. Privateers and Ship ransacked by street thugs in employ of the
Captains hire out boat builders who live here as Racketeers. Many cry to the Duke about these
well. A few Wizards who are under close hoodlums. But he turns a deaf ear for they give
scrutiny of the Duke live here as well. Men who money to the Cartel, which he runs. The funny
are looking for good Surgeons or Herbalist can thing is most of the artisans are in the Duke’s
also find them here. If there can be said a middle employ.
Places of Note:

• Nigel’s Rouge Emporium

A beautiful two-story house decorated in turquoise blue and slate black panels, Nigel’s Rouge
Emporium is a place for many to find odd and unusual artifacts. Some are magical and if one
pays attention and has the appropriate skills you can find a magical brooch. But what they do
is often a horror in and of itself. Most of the magical items here are stolen and cursed. Nigel
often makes deals with Pirates to get first picks on the strange goods that come into port.
Stories of patrons spontaneously combusting after leaving the shop or losing all of their

inheritance and title to lands are not uncommon. Nigel also has dealing with the Thief Guild
of St Jacques.

• The Wand of Jade

A three-story tower like building, The Wand of Jade is home to an infamous wizard from the
Empire, Arnwolf Fletcherson. Many men of learning and noble birth come here to get spells
and reference books from his very large and private library. He does not deal with The Cartel,
but little does he know many nobles run the Cartel. Arnwolf belongs to a network of scholars
who live in the area. Most like him have been ostracized from the Empire and other nations.
Many of theses rouge scholars meet here often. Duc Capucinet uses these sorcerers to bolster
his thriving city. The Duc will call upon Arnwolf often for advice. There is no Court wizard,
but if there were a position open, this Imperial wizard would fill the vacancy.

• Armand’s Portrait Studio

Set in the Artisans’ District near the Walls of Le Chateau, Armand’s is a famous studio
known for his life like appearances and still portraits. Many Noblemen not only from Brionne
but also across Navarre come here to get their family portrait. Business is booming for
Armand and the list is very long for Portraits.

Little is know that Armand made a deal with an unscrupulous dark mage of the demonic arts.
His talent level is very high and his fame is large, but few know that his famous brush set is
possessed by demons and every portrait done contains warpstone which is also in the paints as
well. No one knows whom the Sorcerer is or if it is part of a cult. There is no one to stop him
and only two men know of this secret and Arnwolf is one of them.

• Pierre’s Stonemasonry

Constantly in demand and always busy, Pierre’s Stonemasonry is a small one story house full
of cluttered tool and unfinished marble statues. He does not do walls or simple structures, but
he and his crew of three artisans work on art projects, mostly for the Duc and other wealthy
patrons. He often has several sets of portrait bust in the works, but his passion is for mosaics
and floor tiles. There is always a sense of urgency here and it is hard to get any type of
contract with the man for he is always doing something for the Duc, even going to his Castle
in St. Sauveur.

Le Cartel des Poings
A provincial governor runs Brionne and the are collected. Many do hold back of the proper
Province of Navarre by the will of the king. This amount owed to Le Cartel and the Duc, but not
is not actual fact nor does anyone in the province too much. Many men who have been found
believe it. Everyone knows Duc Richard skimming profits wound up facing the court of
Capucinet holds power in the Navarre. In the Duc and his stern justice. Once a month they
Brionne this is slightly changed as the Duc runs meet in an old warehouse in the Entrepôt district
all the riffraff under an organization called Le to discuss matters and settle feuds. Few inter
Cartel des Poings. Many thieving merchants and gang wars are settled in these meetings.
cutthroat pirates submit to the rulings and
“Laws” of this aristocratic organization made up The upper echelon called The House of
of nobles and representatives of all the gangs and Commerce holds the true power in the City
guilds living in Brionne. Small pirate and making lots of decisions to improve their profit
smuggling fleets also have representatives here and lot in life. Not too many projects for city
too. The Cartel is here to ensure an indirect improvements go thru here with those ideas
control of the profitable dealings in The City of going into the hands of Governor Jolensac and
Thieves. No one really likes Cartel des Poings his ill equipped band of ministers. Nobles who
but few like direct control by a monarch any involve themselves with the Cartel including the
better. Ultimately the Duc does control the Navarrese and Orfavieres have a seat here. There
organization by manipulation, coercion and are three pirate captains and two smuggling
bribery. Few are willing to go against the Duc’s captains representing the Five Fleets of Thieves
wishes including Governor Jolensac who also who use this harbor. Also the Brionne merchants
has some influence in Le Cartel, but very little. have a representative here and there is one
foreign diplomat here to represent Araby and the
merchants here. The final member is the head
Hierarchy priest of St. Jacques who is also a descendent of
one of the founding fathers of Le Cartel des
Le Cartel des Poings has a two-fold Poings. The Duc likes to attend most of these
hierarchy with a lower structure called meetings. He says little but knows how the little
Représentants des guildes or the Representatives play of power in the Cartel is going to play out.
of Guilds and an upper hierarchy named
Chambre de commerce or The House of Gangs, Guilds and
Commerce. This structure dates back to elder
days when the organization was called “The Left Other Organizations
Hand of Navarre” an extreme group of All guilds and street gangs belong to Le
Bretonnian smugglers and pirates who thwarted Cartel des Poings and have representatives in the
Estallian blockades and invasion. The Governor Lower house of the Cartel. They hold power over
and Duc Capucinet have an honorary seat in The the common citizens here and few find true
House of Commerce, but it is seldom used by the peace unless they have the capital to bribe the
Governor and quite often by the Duc. In this gangs into leaving them alone. Over ½ of the
large establishment of crooks, there is much City belongs to a Guild or a Gang and so find
wheeling and dealing between everyone sitting at these organizations as a way to have some type
counsel. In effect this is the Government of of meaning to their lives. This is a small list of
Brionne and this organization has direct effect some of the Guilds and Gangs here. The three
upon all who live in the Province of Navarre. pirate fleets and two smuggling fleets have street
gangs who watch out for their interest while the
The lower echelon of Le Cartel des fleets are away. Each guild also has gangs in
Poings called The Representatives of Guilds has them that form a radical element who enforces
a small but well heard voice in the Cartel. This the guilds and Le Cartel’s Justice.
smaller counsel has one total vote in the Guilds in Brionne: The Thieves Guild
Chambre de commerce. Every guild and gang of St. Jacques, Fisherman and Pilots Guild,
has a representative or leader belonging to this Stevedores Guild, Slavers and Merchants Guild,
group. They are in charge of making sure the Linen and Leather Guild.
wishes of Le Cartel take place within the city. Gangs in Brionne: Six Skulls, Rough
Also each representative ensures his or her taxes Sails, Stromfel’s Predators, The Bruisers, Eyes

of Hornus, Smooth Clear Waters, Crow Feet, Everyone is out to better themselves in
The Hidden Tower. Brionne, from social climbing to getting their
next meal. This involves the well-known rules of
social etiquette called The Game of Knives. In
these unwritten rules everyone has the right to
The Game of Knives possession of any property if no one is currently
around to possess it. In other words possession is
Many describe Brionne as a den of the full letter of the law. Cheating to win some
outlaws; a place where many look over their game of chance is only good if the gambling
shoulder and tension runs high. The locals have a house is rigged from the start (And there are
saying of “keep your friends close but your many such places here) or the other person is
enemies closer”. Outsiders think of people from cheating as well (this can be hard to prove
this city no better that a pack of thieving hounds. sometimes, only Ranald and the person cheating
But this is not true. There is honor among thieves knows who is cheating unfair). Slandering
(sort of). For citizens of Brionne play out a game someone to gain social status is also looked well
on all levels of society. It is a game of upon. Tricking someone with spoken words and
backstabbing and treachery done with the utmost agreements is held in high esteem. Sleight of
grace and style. This game is called Le jeu des hand is a well practice skill by most locals.
couteaux or The Game of Knives. (It is called Killing is frowned upon for many believe Ranald
this for most thieves carry knives to slit purses looks upon this game, often participating. (A few
off or quickly backstab others.) say he can be seen staking the streets at night and
the most infamous robberies and swindles can be
attributed to him.)

Military and the Watch
gold buttons. They are feared and respected and
The Duc’s Army the hardiest sailor will think twice to pick a fight
The Duke of Brionne standing army with one of its members.
consists of a full regiment under his control. The
army has two separate battalions one stationed in
the north part of the province of Brionne and a
southern battalion stationed by the city. One The Governor and his
company of troops from the southern battalion is
always garrisoned inside Brionne in the Duke’s Men
fortress or Le Château. The army of the dukes is Much can be said about the Governor’s
in constant motion patrolling the border between Watchmen and few of it good. People tend to
Estallia and Bretonnia, touring the countryside look down on the law but they grudgingly
and quelling riots in smaller towns in the respect the men in Brionne’s livery and colors.
province. Some noblemen belong to the army Most are Simple brutes and thugs looking to
and are proud to serve in it. Others have their thrash someone. Some even work part time as
own Mercenary army garrisoned there and Racketeers or Body Guards for minor Nobles.
sanctioned by the duke. (These warbands are The basic watchman is a man looking out for his
few.) own good first and the people maybe second
Mercenary armies in the province of usually third. These louts are boorish, uncouth
Brionne are few and far between. The ones that and not trusted by most of the population. Those
are inside of its borders would probably make up with cunning minds use this to an advantage to
a full company of the Duke’s army. The get an upper hand on someone they dislike (for
Navaresse family of nobles has a couple of instance making a local racketeer look the other
standing armies in their pay. These armies don’t way on one of his protected houses.) The only
stay in the city but are camped in one of the guards held with respect are the Dukes’ personal
noble’s castles or towns belonging to their Elite guards called The Nineteen Thunders (there
patron. are nineteen cannons watching the harbor).
Justice of the Duc
and his Judges
Convicting someone in the corrupt
courthouse of Brionne for theft is nearly
The Nineteen impossible. Bills of sale usually get thrown out
of court (There are many forgers in the city that
Thunders can make any type of legal document.)
The Nineteen Thunders control Les Trois Tours Trespassing and other minor offences are usually
district and man the Cannons and Ballista thrown out. Drug trafficking and Smuggling
watching the harbor. They are a group of harden charges are unheard of. (If caught smuggling
veterans usually Ex Marines, Gunners and against the duke his men usually send his soul to
Artillerist. They practice often with dummy ships Morr right away.) The only cases even heard are
in the harbor. The group is paid well and ones of killings with the suspect going thru a
contains a mix of Bretonninans and Norsemen. simple but deadly bout with the Judicial
They are loyal to the Duke and swear an Oath of Champion of Brionne. So with this law in place
Fealty to him. Most if not all of the men worship the duke’s corrupt judges rarely see anyone. (He
Myrmidia and carry many types of medallions often promotes this rule among his nobles
and blessed rings. Their colors are different from creating division.) Lawyers have a tough time
the Duke’s house colors but a small shield with a prosecuting most cases and there are three
patch showing his colors is sown on the right known lawyers in all of Brionne.
breast. They wear black with gray trimmings and

Plots and Adventures
The High Cost of Elfin Wine
This is a linear adventure set along the coast of Bretonnia taking the Players into a world of
Thieves, Privateers and an occasional Sea Elf. It is made for beginners or those looking to change to a
nautical career. Starting off in Brionne, The City of Thieves, adventurers find the only good paying work
for strangers can be found along the docks to the main ship harbor called, Les Trois Tours built long ago. In
an open tavern called the Seagull’s Biscuit the party is recruited for work on a small coastal ship by a man
who is currently short of men. The party then is introduced to Captain Jacque Russo also know as Captain
Blackjack a high-ranking smuggler and sea captain in the Cartel Des Poings. Currently on the bad side of
the most powerful thieves guild in the Old World he recruits the player characters to guard and work his
ship on a voyage carrying a special cargo to a noble’s keep located along the upper coast of Bretonnia in
the province of Gascogne, fifty miles west of Bordeleaux. Unbeknown to the adventurers the cargo is
several barrels of Elf Wine Blessed by a cleric of Liandriel and one barrel of grape seeds from the High Elf
Isle of Ulthuan destined for the new world colonies. Others know of this cargo including a Sea Elf Bounty
Hunter named Dorellian Smokewater and several members of an Estallian Thieves Guild called “The
Family” or La Familia.

Part One: Brionne

The party enters The City of Thieves The party should be steered in this direction for
with a lot of hassle getting the full treatment of they can earn some much-needed cash.
the unwritten law (Le jeu des couteaux). The Upon entering this district the
Adventurers can come by boat, land or by adventurers find all sorts of gaming houses, drug
another ship. Once they land it will cost 4 Francs dens, brothels and taverns. Many foreigners can
to enter the city by either way. The Duke’s men be found here along with many Bretonnian
greet any who enters the city with many sailors. The most common foreigners are
questions including employment and what they Norseman who hire out as Mercenaries and
will be doing once they enter. Gm’s should Marines to serve on board privateer’s galleons
convey the fact that unless they are here on and brigs. Other foreigners include Southlanders
business or belong to the Duke they are not who also serve aboard some of the ships and the
welcomed. Upon entering the city they can travel occasional dwarf who come in serve for a time in
to any of the taverns or inns in the town. The the Dukes fleet of privateers. Some Half-Orcs
locals will harass them for money and will try to can be seen but usually in chains for they are
get it any way they can. Even then they will look sold here along with some of the foreign
down on them for they are not of the city and do tribesman as slaves. Sea Elves are not seen at all
not know about their code of life. Anyone trying in Brionne since there is a silent trade war going
to earn a few bucks or practicing thievery not on between Ulthuan and Brionne. Two districts
belonging to one of the Duke’s Guilds will be flank Les Trois Tours, one called the
caught and punished severely. (This is one of the Blackmarket Square where illegal good from
few crimes that will be tried in the Duke’s court.) around the world are bought and sold. The other
Outsiders who are not here to purchase is the Warehouse district where the men from the
something are treated with full disdain. Players fleet are garrisoned and many a Privateer owns a
might want to disguise themselves as merchants house.
if they have the money to do so.
Prices for strangers should be doubled The Seagull’s Biscuit
in the city. Everyone is in a foul mood and wants The largest open tavern in the area is the
someone to take it out on. The players will soon Seagull’s Biscuit. It is an open building with
find themselves broke if they aren’t already. strong oak beams supporting the wooden roof.
Then some of the townsmen will suggest to The floor is dirt but the rest is made from oak
players who ask that there is a lot of work down including the bar. Many benches are here along
in the docks. The district is known as for the with wide tables that hold many scars and stains
huge, well armed, towers that flank the harbor. from the constant fighting that goes on here.
Some benches are cracked and laid to the side for

later repair. There is one bar area in the center There are several truths, rumors and
that the bartender stands behind serving honey gossip floating about that the Gm can give to
mead and spiced wine. The bar is famed for inquiring players.
having the best drinks in town and many dwarfs Talking to the bartender the player
who come here flock to this bar just for the character will find out about Captain Black Jack
drinks. Sometimes stew is served here with a and how he lost several men due to a skirmish in
white thick bread. The capacity for this bar is a northern port town. The bartender knows you
well over 200 men and often several crews can need to talk to a privateer or his first mate to get
be found here at one time usually to induce a on board on of their ships for work. He also
brawl. Fighting is encouraged as long as no knows that the Stevedores here belong to the
weapons are drawn. This is a bar with many Duke along with most of the town. The pay is
patrons and never a dull moment. lousy and the taxes are high here in town. Some
Players should be directed here for stevedores are actually slaves bought by the
employment. Many of the ship captains come Duke.
here with their crew to show off and have a few The serving maids know him well and
drinks and brawls before going to their local den one has entered his embrace several times. They
of vice. So there is a good chance of finding know he has luck about him and is not one for
someone from one of the crews. too much trouble. If ask other things they will
know about a rumor that some of the Norsemen
Meeting Captain Black Jack have been seen meeting along the cliffs near the
north part of the city.
Once inside and settled down for a nice Norsemen don’t like to talk too much
pint of brew the players should note who is in the but will recommend one of the characters is they
bar. They will see a table of Norseman singing in prove themselves in a fight or some competition.
their strange tongue along with the occasional Norsemen make fast friends.
arm wrestling bout. Several tables should be The Bretonnian sailors have lots of
filled with Bretonnia sailors coming for a night stories about the sea and hear many rumors. The
of carousing and a few serving girls can also be Gm should feel free to embellish and tell wild
seen going in-between tables dodging stray tales of sea adventure. One of the most
hands and lust filled looks. prominent rumors that has a lot of truth about is a
One table stands out with a small card special cargo that was captured three months ago
game going one. One man dressed in a white from a Sea Elf Merchant ship. Many of the
billowy shirt with dark blue trousers and black sailors like to brag about it since they do not like
boots is sitting at the head of the table. He is Sea Elves. Some have said it is spices from the
wearing a black scarf around his neck and three new world. Others say a rare magic was taken
hoop rings in his left ear. He is a handsome and now the Duke has a wizard studying it. The
fellow in his mid thirties who has not shown the truth of the matter is a lot was taken but the most
signs of the sea yet. His gray-green eyes are valuable is the twenty cask of Elfin wine and one
piercing and he has an aura of charisma about cask of grape seeds used to make Elfin wine.
him. His dark brown hair is done up in a ponytail It should be noted that Captain Black
and hangs half way down his back. The other Jack is the only privateer currently in the bar. His
four at the table look Bretonnian as well except only crew -member is a southlander named
for the big southlander sitting to the right of the Dikembe who is his first mate. Currently Captain
black scarf man. Russo has been told by the Cartel des Poing to
Player should feel free to mingle about take a shipment of Elfin wine and the one cask of
and get involved. If they don’t get involve the grape seeds to a Viscomte D’arcy located in the
Gm should push them in the right direction. province of Gascogne. He lost his crew along
Several things can happen here in this with the shipment to a Saratosan Pirate on the
bar including a fistfight. One can ask for rumors last smuggling mission. The Cartel has given
from the Bartender or serving maids. One can him notice and told the Captain he has to leave
engage the Norsemen in an arm-wrestling by tomorrow with a crew. Not too many sailors
competition or in a drinking bout. This one might are keen on sailing with Captain Black Jack
turn up a fight. Or one can talk to a local saying his luck ran out. They won’t tell the PC’s
Bretonnian sailor about work. There are other about him or getting a job aboard a vessel.
options and a Gm should feel free to improvise Eventually the Player Characters should
here. make their way over to Captain Russo with or
without difficulty. This is a good opportunity to
role-play your characters out. A small discussion

should come forth with questions and enquiries. One thing of note, players with sixth
Captain Russo is a tolerant man and slow to sense should have the feeling that they are being
violence. He will show interest in them since he watched and a crossbow bolt could plant itself in
needs a crew so badly and the other sailors are between their shoulder blades. Players will
avoiding him like the plague. Players who make notice the Captain look around to see who is
good Observation checks will notice the bad watching every once in a while.
feelings the Bretonnian sailors have about him. Right on top of a roof several yards
After the party agrees the Captain will say “ away is a Sea Elf in a dark gray cloak with a
Good I will see you at the break of dawn on my crossbow watching the tavern. If spotted he will
ship The Water’s Edge. Whatever you don’t vanish behind the roof. Players shouldn’t be able
know about sailing we can show you. You will to find him by any means. Afterwards one of the
get paid according to your experience. As long as serving girls will approach the party trying to get
you are willing to work hard you’ll be fine.” some information. She will go after Captain
With that he smiles and gets back to the card Russo first but he will cut her short and give her
game that is in session. Player now have late no time. She is new and working as an agent for
night opportunities and a chance to get some rest. the Sea Elf in Brionne. Also several Bretonnian
Poor PC’s can stay at the Hospice of Shallya sailors will engage the party after the
nearby in this district. If they want to they can conversation to try and find out where they are
feel free to enter the card game. But Captain going and what they are doing, not mentioning
Black Jack is one of the best card players in anything about why they wouldn’t hire with him.
Brionne and will prove it. (Using his Gambling These sailors are compromised and selling
and Luck skills.) information to La Familia an Estallian

Part Two: Setting Sail

At the Harbor Taking off

Once the characters have a chance to The ship will set off by midmorning
get rested up they should find the captain and his with the players already working up a sweat.
ship at the docks. He will be hard at work Some of the Characters will be hanging off the
patching holes and taking care of inventory for booms to work the rigging. Ship sailing is
the trip. The first mate will be fixing the sails and teamwork and synchronicity with everyone
working the mast. Once they party comes aboard working off the Captain’s orders. The first mate
they will be put quickly to work. Those with soft will be up on the main mast to guide the new
hands will find blisters at the end of the first day. sailors. A good amount of time should be spent
This is a good opportunity to switch careers for working the ship so the players will know what
those who can to sailor, smuggler or marine. is going on. Use relevant test like dexterity,
Those who are already in this career can advance strength and initiative to simulate sailing.
to navigator or boson (use mate stats). Players The voyage takes a little over a week to
should get a feel for this boat. Given here is a get to the Viscomte’s keep. The Ship will be
brief description of the ship and nautical terms taking a water-jet stream that runs along the
you can share with your party. More information coast of Bretonnia going north. The winds will
lies in good books and GM’s should feel free to be blowing out of the north during the summer
embellish on these descriptions. months. (Spring is when the Cargo was taken.)
Before setting off those who have sixth The Voyage back will be out in deeper waters to
sense have a chance to find a couple of avoid the jet stream.
Bretonnian Sailors keeping an eye on the ship. During the first few days player should
They are working for La Familia and will be make test against toughness for Sea Sickness.
informing agents in the city when the ship Failure will affect all % stats by –10.
departs. The PC who is in the Crow’s Nest will
The serving girl from the night before is see glimpses of people on horseback following
also watching the ship for takeoff. She is hiding along the shoreline. These are Estallian
among some crates aboard a ship sitting next to horsemen who are following the ship along the
The Water’s Edge. coastline. Also lookouts with excellent vision
using a telescope (provided by the captain) can

see a ship following them along the horizon. The the docks in the Coastal tavern called Watered-
prospect of someone following should distress down ship.
everyone including the captain. He will then
order everyone on the lookout and wait looking At Watered-Down Ship
nervous since the current and jet stream is taking Docking in the afternoon with clear
him as fast as he can go. He will nervously rub skies, the crew of The Water’s Edge is in need of
his two rings on his right hand. They look good sails and spirits. The City of Thyme is
magical and engraved with runes and precious located by the sea cliffs in a cove, hidden from
stones. These are magical rings taken on past obvious view. The town thrives on fishing and
adventures. One is a Breath Underwater ring. the occasional trade with ships that comes in to
The other is a Wind Blast ring. Closer inspection harbor. The Duke owns the town since it is in his
by a wizard shows they are Elfin made. province. But his lasse faire policies toward the
smaller towns give the local mayor a lot of
Storms at Sea leeway as long as they pay their taxes on time.
After the third day at sea, characters The town has seen better days but construction
should be adjusted to sea life. During the evening has begun on several houses in the town and
the lookout (Whoever is on duty) spots a storm trade has picked up.
out a sea. It looks to be getting closer. Clouds The harbor is full of fishermen and
gather blocking out Mannslieb from view. fishing boats. One other ship is docked in town
Waves will pick up and lightning flashes out at and looks to be of Bretonnian origin. After the
sea. This is another test of the crew on how to anchor is put down and the ship is tied to the
work as a team. Fastening down the sails takes dock, Captain Russo is greeted by a very
some time. One man should head below to man overweight lady with rosy cheeks and a
the bilge pump. This is a dramatic time and billowing dress. She goes by Mama Cass and
emphasis should be put on how fickle the sea can give Captain Black Jack a huge hug. One of her
be. Prayers to Manann are encourage. All the sons is down on the docks with her. She talks to
hatches will be fastened and everyone finds a him like an old friend and give a few flirtatious
place to hang on during the storm. passes, which the captain tactfully avoids.
The rage of the sea is something to call The Tavern/inn is a replica of a large
home about. The captain will be manning the galleon belonging to the Bretonnian Fleet. The
helm (steering wheel) and tied off by rope to the owner Mama Cass is widowed to a famous sea
ship. Others who want to stay on deck to help the captain named George Elliot who has retired
captain should be tied off. Sails have a 55% here to be with his eleven sons and two
chance of ripping off during this rough storm. To daughters. During the conversation she tells the
prevent this, characters can try and hold on to the Captain that someone was just here asking for
rigging tied to the sails to keep the sails from him. “An old friend’ he said. He had a slicked
being lost at sea. This storm will test their hairdo and a goatee. Looked Estallian. I told him
fortitude and characters walking on the deck of I haven’t seen you since last year. He said he
the ship will do an Initiative check at –30. The would return.”
person working the bilge pump will be working After that he whispers to his first mate
with the first mate Dikembe. A toughness check to keep his eyes peeled. Dikembe tell the PC’s to
should be made for fatigue of operation. The “Stay sharp and don’t dose off. We will be
bottom cargo hull will be flooded and much leaving dock as soon a repairs are done.”
work will have to be done to get rid of the water. The Captain recommends a double
Players might want to relieve one another during watch on the ship so two PC’s are assigned to
this especially those who fail toughness checks. guard the ship while the rest go into town and get
The storm last the night taking a toll on the sails repaired.
everyone. Daybreak finds the storm vanishing
but several sails ripped. One boom is broken and During the Night
repairs are needed. Fortunately, after checking As everyone winds down and gets some
the charts and seeing they are on course Captain rest from the days long journey, the Estallians
Black Jack knows a small costal town friendly to move in to the harbor looking to take the ship by
their cause. After a half day of sailing at half any means necessary. Alchemical smoke fills the
speed the ship makes it into the small port town harbor like an unnatural fog clouding everyone’s
of Thyme. Unknown to the party the Estallians vision. (-20 to Ws no long range Bs and Vision is
know the storm will drive them to port. This limited to five yards.) The two PC’s on guard
gives them time to prepare a warm welcome at duty hear the sounds of footsteps coming closer.
Five Estallian Outlaws along with their leader

come on board the ship and will take it by force. harbor down below. This is where the Sea Elf
Confusion is the key here and the players have to ship strikes.
prevent the bandits from taking the ship for that The lookout should now spot a ship
is what they plan to do is sail the ship out of coming off the horizon and approaching fast.
harbor to Bilbali where they are from. Wizards will know a wind elemental is pushing
This situation can go many ways and the ship and the players can feel the breeze from
should make for trouble for the PC’s. The the constant windblast.
Captain and his first mate will come in only if an There is no way the ship can out run the Sea Elf
alarm is shouted out. The other PC’s and the Cog. The Captain gives orders to load the
Captain will come into the scene in about one cannons and prepare to fight. The First mate will
turn. The two on watch have their work cut out be giving the PC’s orders on how to load and
for them. If they do not do something the ship such. Once the ship comes within view but out of
will take off out of harbor by the time the cannon shot a voice can be heard after the wind
Captain and the rest catch up (About four elemental dissipates. “Surrender your Cargo in
rounds). Feel free to work the situation out the name of the Phoenix king or else be prepared
anyway you feel is necessary but everything to be boarded.” This should be a dramatic
should be convoluted and many things can go moment with the players feeling helpless.
wrong. The Captain gives orders to “Be quiet
After the Ship takes off or the Estallians and let them come. We shall fire on them when
are subdued or captured everyone should be they get in range.” The Sea Elf Captain/Bounty
regrouped to assess the situation. If they captured Hunter gives the Order again. Then he fires a
the ship the Players are in for a lot longer warning shot of the Naphtha fireball across the
session. This is where improvisation comes in starboard bow. Dorellian Smokewater moves his
and many questions will have to be answered ship in with his crew of seven sailors armed and
like how to catch them and will I get paid. If they ready to board the ship with rope.
held off the thieves, and are well then two days Captain Black Jack gives the order to
are spent in harbor to fix the sails and get back fire and a shot goes out high above the ship but
on the seas. Players injured can find a local hits one of the booms of the ship and takes down
hedge wizard who serves the town in a small their sail. The Ship moves in closer and the crew
cave in the cliffs near by. is then hustled up to take on the Intruders.
Ship combat can get very tricky and one
Back at Sea can only move short distance for charges. The
After the ship leaves the harbor, it is a fight can last however long you want. If the PC’s
five-day sail to the Viscomte’s keep. Leaving the make too quick work of the Sea Elves You can
port and entering the waterway the Player make the Sea Elf First mate cast a spell to help
Character in the Crow’s Nest should do a regular his side. (Usually a cause fear or steal mind on a
observation check (+20 with telescope) to spot a powerful PC). Once the combat is over there can
one mast Sea Elf ship coming over the horizon be one victor. If the Sea Elves win then the
but soon falling back. They get out of normal gallows await them or possibly a keel haul awaits
view and follow just off the horizon (Sea Elves their fate. If Captain Black Jack wins he loads
can do this with their excellent vision.) they can the cannon and fires on the ship sinking it after
only be spotted again with another Observation collecting any valuables.
check with a telescope and Excellent vision as a After this the crew either makes it to
skill. port or dies at the hand of the Sea Elves.
It is smooth sailing all the way up the This Scenario can be made into a
coast and the mood turns cheery even the dour Campaign with several other encounters and
southlander cracks a smile. Players should be different ports of call. Experience points should
lured into a false sense of security if they have no be given for good role-play in the bars and
one with excellent vision. On the Fifth day the during the battle for creative plans of attack.
crew spots The Viscomte’s keep up high on the Many more adventure can be done using this
jagged cliffs overlooking the water and the character and he can be a major NPC to the
Party. He will always call Brionne home so the
players should get familiar with the city too.

The major NPCs:

Captain Jacque “Black Jack” Russo/ Smuggler and Sea Captain for the Cartel des Poings
(Ex Marine, Navigator, Gambler, Mate)

M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

4 65 43 4 4 11 68 3 51 68 54 61 49 54

Skills: Luck, Read/Write, Ambidextrous, Sixth Sense, Swim, Row, Sailing, Cartography, Street Fighter,
Dodge Blow, Specialist Weapon Fencing , Cannon, Gunpowder, Bombs, Strike mighty Blow, Astronomy,
Numismatics, Boat Building, Gambling, Scale Sheer Surface, Story telling, Charm, Speak Additional
Language, Norse, Palm Object, Spot Trap, Concealment Urban, Silent Move Urban.
Trappings: Ship-The Water’s Edge, Two sabers, one unused Dueling pistol, Several sets of clothes, Black
leather Sea boots, Telescope, Captains journal, Ships log, Various charts and maps along with inks and
Quills, Black Scarf around neck, Two Spell rings one is a Ring of Breathing Underwater, Second one is a
Wind Blast Ring both rings have three charges.
Description Standing at a full six feel Captain Russo is a handsome man full of roguish charm. His dark
hair and gray-green eyes attract many woman along with his good physique. One notable scar is around his
neck and that is why he wears his black scarf. He has a hanging scar from Sea Elves when he was a young
marine. He does not like to show anyone this.
History From the time he was born he was taught how to fight and sail from his father who was a Marine
captain for a Comte Privateer. He joined the fleet serving under his father and earning a reputation the hard
way. Till one day Sea Elves captured his father’s boarding party. One by one they were hanged. He was the
last to hang but luckily he escaped by the luck of fate (The rope broke from so many hangings). Instead of
swearing revenge he went underground to become a smuggler. That day still haunts him and he does not
like combat but likes Sea Elves even less.
Beliefs and Quotes Captain Black Jack is a firm believer in using violence as a last resort. He will try to
use reason unless he is provoked to anger (it takes a lot to do that). He keeps a cool head most of the time in
his travels. Captain Russo holds Manann the god of seas, and Ranald the god of trickery in most of his
prayers (and swears). He does not like any of the High Elves and barley respect the Sea Elves for their
“By Manann’s Beard! Get that sail into place!” “Only fools believe in fate. Life is a chance and I hold the
dice.” “I love it when Ranald looks my way!”

First Mate Dikembe (Ex Slave, Marine, Marine Sgt.)

M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

5 54 47 5* 5* 9 56 2 44 52 34 41 48 34

Skills: Very Strong*, Very Resilient*, Cook, Prepare Poisons Herbal, Charm Animal, Animal Care, Row,
Dodge blow, Strike Mighty Blow, Swim, Specialist Weapon Cannon, Consume Alcohol, Street fighter,
Fish, Speak Additional language Zula, Arabic
Trappings: Two sets of clothes (white shirt tan pants), Brown Leather Sea boots, several spears and a one
handed ax, Buckler on left hand.
Description: Dikembe is a strong muscular Southlander with very dark skin. He stands six and a half feet
tall and towers over most Old Worlders. His face is round with a kind disposition and his smile is wide with
white large teeth. Children instantly trust him and animals like him.

History: Sold into slavery as a child, Dikembe was made a house servant to a Bretonnian Duke. He took
care of the animals in the Duke’s Sables. But the Duke’s lands were taken in an uprising and he was again
sold off to work as a marine on a Tilean Ship. He met Captain Black Jack while the Captain was sneaking
on the ship to steal a priceless necklace. Agreeing to not say a word if he could escape with him the two
have not parted for the last five years.
Beliefs and Quotes: Manann is his primary god but other gods are prayed to. He makes friends fast and for
a lifetime. First impressions are important to him and some say he can see thru lies.
“I don’t think you are walking away from this.” “Hello little one. *With a bright smile* How are you

Dorellian Smokewater Sea Elf Bounty Hunter and Sea Captain

(Ex Sailor, Mate, Merchant)

M WS BS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

5 67 49 4 3 10 77 3 64 72 54 56 67 54

Skills: Swim, Row, Strike Mighty Blow, Street Fighter, Excellent Vision, Sailing , Boat Building,
Cartography, Astronomy, Specialist Weapon Fencing/ Torsion Catapult, Stealth, Silent Move Urban/ Rural,
Concealment Urban/ Rural, Marksmanship, Torture, Read/ Write, Speak additional language, OLD
Worlder/ Riekspeil/ Bretonnian/ Tilean, Arabic.
Trappings: Ship/ Mathlann’ Trnesunn, Several Sets of fine Elfin Clothes (White shirts light blue pants),
Enchanted Saber, Amulet of Jade, dark blue sea leather boots, Set of maps, Two log books, Other books on
Foreign Lore, Crew of six men and one First Mate who is a level one Elementalist.

Any other NPC’s can be used from Marienburg: Sold Down the River, or feel free to make up
additional stats.

Ship Description and Some Basic Nautical Terms

The Water’s Edge is a two-mast Brigantine ship (meaning her foremast fully square rigged and her
mainmast rigged with both a fore-and-aft mainsail (usually a gaff sail) and square topsails (and possibly
topgallant sails). She is sleek in design and set up for high wind speeds. It is a very maneuverable ship with
a very narrow hull. There are only two cannon one on port and starboard sides. The cannons don’t see too
much action for the Captain prefers to outrun other ships. The ship flies the Dukes banner but Captain
Russo has other flags from different countries in his collection that he is willing to hoist up. He usually
flies this banner only when coming in to Brionne. The wood is a dark color consisting of Black Oak from
the upper parts of Bretonnia. There is a maiden on the prow of the ship holding a sword in both hands in a
chopping stance. The ship is over 45 feet in length with a small hull that is set up to hold the cargo and the
crew quarters (mostly hammocks). There is no galley but one can eat in the Cargo bay the rations of dried
apricots, limes and smoked meat with hardened bread. Fresh water along with Bretonnian wine is stored
down here as well. The Captain’s Quarters is located on top of the ship near the aft (rear) of the ship. It is
enclosed and contains his collection of flags and a small amount of gold and precious gems.
The Sea Elf ship Diadem Mathlann or in Sea Elf is a one mast cog that is very sleek in design and
just as fast if not faster than The Water’s Edge. It has several triangular sails and a thin hull made for quick
maneuvering. A torsion catapult is used in this ship one on each side that flings a tightly wrapped package
of Alchemical fire or Naphtha lit coming out like a big ball of fire. There is a Level 4 water elemental
bound to the ship to help keep it buoyant during the roughest storms. There is a Crew/Captains Quarters
shared by all and a small Cargo area.
Some nautical terms before you set sail on your voyage. If you still don’t feel comfortable read a
book on sailing or just wing it and not worry (unless one of them has sailed before).

Boom: Wooden horizontal spar/beam that the sail attaches too. The sail is attached to it when not
in use.
Mast: Upright, round tapered timber beam rising up from the keel of the ship thru the decks. It
supports the boom, and the rigging. Sometimes a Crow’s Nest is place atop of one.
Fore-and-aft: Length wise of a vessel, fore being the front and aft being the rear.

Port side: The left side of a ship
Starboard side: The right side of a ship
Crow’s nest: A small stand usually partially encase in wood located on top of one of the main
mast. This is where sailors perform lookout for the ship.
Prow: The bow/front nose of a ship usually where decorative motifs are placed.
Stern: The rear of a ship
Keel: The lengthwise beam that is the foundation of a ship extending from stem to stern. The term
Keelhaul applies to a torment used to execute men on a ship. This is where the man being executed is throw
off the prow of the ship and literally ran over by the ship. Usually the keel is full of barnacles that have
grown on there. Upon contact with the skin it will rip flesh and bone.
Bilge Pump: A devise used to pump water out of the hull or the bottom of the ship.


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