The Light That Makes Things Clear

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The Light That Makes Things Clear

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Post by kalden yungdrung » Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:35 am

Tashi delek,

Very interesting this Sutra about a prediction which would take place very soon, if the time
calculation is correct of course.
This Sutra is a dialogue between The Shakyamuni Buddha and Maitreya, Ananda and
This Sutra would be revealed by Jam-byangs mKhyen-brtse Chos-kyi bLo-gros

I guess this Sutra is very applicable in our time because the predicted events would start soon.

I do not know the Tibetan name as well Sanskrit name of this Sutra.....
Further remarkable that the Mantra is in Tibetan and not in Sanskrit, maybe one of you does
know the Sanskrit Mantra ?

This Sutra and Mantra will protect against the negative influences which will start very soon ,
according the prediction of the Buddha Shakyamuni.

Mutsug Marro

--La luz que aclara las cosas

• Cita

Publicado por kalden yungdrung »dom 06 de noviembre de 2016 7:35 am

Tashi delek

Muy interesante este Sutra sobre una predicción que tendría lugar muy pronto, si el cálculo del
tiempo es correcto, por supuesto.

Este Sutra es un diálogo entre el Buda Shakyamuni y Maitreya, Ananda y Avaloketeshvara.

Este Sutra sería revelado por Jam-byangs mKhyen-brtse Chos-kyi bLo-gros

Supongo que este Sutra es muy aplicable en nuestro tiempo porque los eventos predichos
comenzarían pronto.

No sé el nombre tibetano, así como el nombre sánscrito de este Sutra .....

Además notable que el Mantra está en tibetano y no en sánscrito, ¿tal vez uno de ustedes
conoce el mantra sánscrito?

Este Sutra y Mantra protegerán contra las influencias negativas que comenzarán muy pronto,
según la predicción del Buda Shakyamuni.

Mutsug Marro


The singular work entitled The Light That Makes Things Clear: A Prophecy of Things to Come,
was revealed by the late 'Jam-byangs mKhyen-brtse Chos-kyi bLo-gros (1896-1959), widely
known and celebrated as the "Master of Masters." It was first translated into English in 1988,
by Karma gSungrab rGya-mtsho, with the admonition that it be freely reproduced. We have
elected to publish this work as received, with only slight editorial revision, as the translator
prepared his version with the assistance of the late Khyentse Rinpoche's learned students, and
other qualified commentators. Our revisions cover matters of English expression; not content,
which is unchanged, and basic meaning is left intact.

This work takes the form of a dialogue involving Shakyamuni Buddha, Ananda, Avalokitesvara,
and Maitreya concerning events commencing 2026, and lasting through 2032.

La obra singular titulada La luz que aclara las cosas: una profecía de las cosas por venir, fue
revelada por el difunto 'Jam-byangs mKhyen-brtse Chos-kyi bLo-gros (1896-1959),
ampliamente conocido y celebrado como el "Maestro de los Maestros ". Fue traducido por
primera vez al inglés en 1988, por Karma gSungrab rGya-mtsho, con la advertencia de que se
reproduzca libremente. Elegimos publicar este trabajo tal como lo recibimos, con solo una leve
revisión editorial, ya que el traductor preparó su versión con la ayuda de los sabios estudiantes
de Khyentse Rinpoche y otros comentaristas calificados. Nuestras revisiones cubren asuntos de
expresión en inglés; no contenido, que no cambia, y el significado básico se deja intacto.

Este trabajo toma la forma de un diálogo que involucra al Buda Shakyamuni, Ananda,
Avalokitesvara y Maitreya sobre los eventos que comienzan en 2026 y duran hasta 2032.
Homage to the Three Jewels.
Homenaje a las Tres Joyas.

The Victorious One (Shakyamuni Buddha) once related this teaching applicable to a time when
the evil period would arise. It is like a path because all sentient beings are connected to it.

El Victorioso (Buda Sakiamuni) una vez relató esta enseñanza aplicable a un momento en que
surgiría el período malo. Es como un camino porque todos los seres sintientes están
conectados a él.

When the Victorious One was sitting under the Bodhi tree and thinking of all sentient beings of
the world, he saw that at the end of five - hundred years, an evil age would begin. As to the
deeds and thoughts of all these beings, those with great merit would come into contact with
this teaching while those with little merit would not. The pain from conflicting emotions would
be great indeed.

Cuando el Victorioso estaba sentado debajo del árbol Bodhi y pensaba en todos los seres
sintientes del mundo, vio que al final de quinientos años, comenzaría una era malvada. En
cuanto a los hechos y pensamientos de todos estos seres, aquellos con gran mérito entrarían
en contacto con esta enseñanza, mientras que aquellos con poco mérito no lo harían. El dolor
de las emociones en conflicto sería realmente grande.

Because it seemed that humans living on the surface of the earth would be as if cut to pieces
with swords due to this, the venerable Ananda pleaded with the Victorious One:

"Victorious One, because you consider things with great compassion, spare humankind this

Debido a que parecía que los humanos que viven en la superficie de la tierra serían como
cortados en pedazos debido a esto, el venerable Ananda le suplicó al Victorioso:

"Victorioso, porque consideras las cosas con gran compasión, ahorra a la humanidad este

And the Victorious One replied to the venerable Ananda: "I have this to say about it. While I
was residing in the great expanse of space, I was thinking of and gazing on the beings of the
world. So, listen! There is a teaching useful during the time when the - dark age arises. If one
writes of it, propagates it, and practices the "Great Responsiveness Meditation" and recitation,
impurities and obscurations will be quickly purified. If one sincerely makes offerings to this
spiritual text with flowers and incense, all sentient beings will benefit. By propagating this text
and writing about it, one will obtain a good existence throughout all of one's lives."
Y el Victorioso respondió al venerable Ananda: "Tengo esto que decir al respecto. Mientras
vivía en la gran extensión del espacio, estaba pensando y mirando a los seres del mundo. ¡Así
que escucha! Hay una enseñanza útil durante el tiempo en que surge la edad oscura. Si uno
escribe sobre él, lo propaga y practica la "Meditación de Gran Sensibilidad" y la recitación, las
impurezas y oscurecimientos se purificarán rápidamente. Si uno sinceramente hace ofrendas a
este texto espiritual con flores e incienso, todos los seres sintientes se beneficiarán. Al
propagar este texto y escribir sobre él, se obtendrá una buena existencia durante toda la vida".

Then, near the base of a tree, there was a great lake. On its shores sat the Greatly Responsive
One (Avalokitesvara) (in the form) he appears with and for others. While considering all beings
in his responsiveness and compassion, he began to shed copious tears. Then the Victorious
One said:

Entonces, cerca de la base de un árbol, había un gran lago. En sus orillas se sentó el
Grandemente Sensible (Avalokitesvara) (en la forma) aparece con y para otros. Al considerar a
todos los seres en su receptividad y compasión, comenzó a derramar copiosas lágrimas.
Entonces el Victorioso dijo:

"Listen carefully, oh Greatly Responsive One! It is not necessary to shed tears, so heed my
words well. During the month of the Tiger in the new year, I intend to go to many places. At
that time during the evil age all sentient beings will be freed from the ocean of existence's
miseries. All evil conduct will be abandoned and I will lead sentient beings away from evil
states (they have fallen into). At that time, this spiritual text will be well known. Because of this
text and by making it known, all sickness will end. If written about by one person, it will benefit
one city. If proclaimed by one city, it will benefit all states. The merit of humankind will be
increased and secondary evil influences averted. One will be free of hellish torments, and it
will be of benefit for both this life and the next one. This path is desirable for all sentient
beings of the six classes. For example, it is like taking a boat across a river or the ocean. This is
truly a most beneficial text until Maitreya arrives in the world of humans. By writing of this
teaching and spreading it to other areas, in one lifetime, in one embodiment, one's merit will
increase limitlessly. The bloody ocean of life as a (vicious) circle will dry up.

"Escucha con atención, ¡oh, Grandemente Receptivo! No es necesario derramar lágrimas, así
que presta atención a mis palabras. Durante el mes del Tigre en el año nuevo, tengo la
intención de ir a muchos lugares. En ese momento, durante la era del mal, todos los seres
sintientes serán liberados del océano de las miserias de la existencia. Toda conducta malvada
será abandonada y conduciré a los seres sintientes lejos de los estados malvados (en el que
han caído). En ese momento, este texto espiritual será bien conocido. Debido a este texto y al
darlo a conocer, toda enfermedad terminará. Si lo escribe una persona, beneficiará a una
ciudad. Si es proclamado por una ciudad, beneficiará a todos los estados. Se incrementará el
mérito de la humanidad y se evitarán las influencias malignas secundarias. Uno estará libre de
tormentos infernales, y será beneficioso tanto para esta vida como para la próxima. Este
camino es deseable para todos los seres sensibles de las seis clases. Por ejemplo, es como
tomar un bote a través de un río o el océano. Este es realmente un texto muy beneficioso
hasta que Maitreya llegue al mundo de los humanos. . Al escribir esta enseñanza y difundirla a
otras áreas, en una vida, en una realización, el mérito de uno aumentará ilimitadamente. El
océano sangriento de la vida como un círculo (vicioso) se secará.

First, because of the ten impure practices, sentient beings will come under the power of
conflicting emotions. Oh, pity on these sentient beings! After this, an area (valley) in the
human realm will be (as if) filled with blood. Three, when it comes to reaping your own merits
you will be powerless to do so. Four, human suffering will become very great. Five, people
won't be able to perceive the "path." Six, cities will become filled with carnivorous animals.
Seven, the residences of politicians will become deserted. Eight, individuals will be unable to
cope with one another. Nine, hungry ghosts will be seen wandering about the cities.

Primero, debido a las diez prácticas impuras, los seres sintientes estarán bajo el poder de
emociones conflictivas. ¡Oh, lástima de estos seres sintientes! Después de esto, un área (valle)
en el reino humano se llenará (como si) de sangre. Tres, cuando se trata de cosechar tus
propios méritos, serás incapaz de hacerlo. Cuatro, el sufrimiento humano se volverá muy
grande. Cinco, las personas no podrán percibir el "camino". Seis, las ciudades se llenarán de
animales carnívoros. Siete, las residencias de los políticos quedarán desiertas. Ocho, las
personas no podrán enfrentarse entre sí. Se verán nueve fantasmas hambrientos
deambulando por las ciudades.

Things will be like this as a result of ten impure practices. One will not compliment or praise
another person; there will only be praise of oneself and putting down others. There will
basically be four social groups: the politicians, the rich, common people, and the well-
educated. If all of these peoples have confidence in this text and devotion toward it, a good
time period will result.

Las cosas serán así como resultado de diez prácticas impuras. Uno no cumplirá ni alabará a
otra persona; solo habrá elogios de uno mismo y menospreciar a los demás. Básicamente
habrá cuatro grupos sociales: los políticos, los ricos, la gente común y los bien educados. Si
todos estos pueblos tienen confianza en este texto y devoción hacia él, resultará en un buen
período de tiempo.

"But," the Victorious One said, "If people have an irrational trust in it, they will follow one
another and fall straight into the most intolerable of hells. The earth and heavens will be filled
with the cries of those who have not heard this teaching. A time of epidemics will result. But as
soon as one hears this spiritual message and then writes it down and distributes it, these
epidemics will be brought under control. All famine that might exist will be pacified and people
will achieve a good existence.
"Pero", dijo el Victorioso, "si las personas tienen una confianza irracional en él, se seguirán y
caerán directamente en los infiernos más intolerables. La tierra y los cielos se llenarán de los
gritos de aquellos que no han escuchado esta enseñanza. Se producirá un tiempo de
epidemias. Pero tan pronto como uno escuche este mensaje espiritual y luego lo escriba y lo
distribuya, estas epidemias serán controladas. Toda hambruna que pueda existir será
pacificada y la gente logrará una buena existencia.

Furthermore, there are seven miseries that humans might suffer. First there is the misery like
that of a denizen in hell. Second, the misery of hunger and thirst for a hungry ghost. Third, the
misery of disputes and warfare as an anti-god might experience. Fourth, the frustration
resulting from having no leisure, and constant hunger and want. Fifth, the misery of having
erroneous views. Sixth, the misery of having a long life like a god, and seventh, the misery in
potential existence when in the after-death state. This text is of benefit for these (situations),
for if one trusts in it, one will achieve success in all that one may strive for. All diseases will be
destroyed, and there will be a return to good times. If one is to ask how these will come about
[it is like this]:

Además, hay siete miserias que los humanos podrían sufrir. Primero está la miseria como la de
un ciudadano en el infierno. En segundo lugar, la miseria del hambre y la sed de un fantasma
hambriento. Tercero, la miseria de las disputas y la guerra que un anti-dios podría
experimentar. Cuarto, la frustración resultante de no tener tiempo libre, y el hambre y la
necesidad constantes. Quinto, la miseria de tener puntos de vista erróneos. Sexto, la miseria
de tener una vida larga como un dios, y séptimo, la miseria en la existencia potencial en el
estado posterior a la muerte. Este texto es beneficioso para estas (situaciones), ya que si uno
confía en él, logrará el éxito en todo lo que uno pueda luchar. Todas las enfermedades serán
destruidas, y habrá un regreso a los buenos tiempos. Si uno se pregunta cómo sucederán [es

Out of deep space, in the Fire-Male-Horse year (2026), a large meteor will strike down on the
shores of a large body of water. This spiritual text will appear when the meteor cracks open.
Having appeared, it is very important, when teaching this document, that there are no secret
or hidden meanings. There is but one, no secondary meaning. It has been put together for the
benefit of all sentient beings. May all the torments of existence end!

Fuera del espacio profundo, en el año Fuego-Macho-Caballo (2026), un gran meteorito

golpeará las costas de un gran cuerpo de agua. Este texto espiritual aparecerá cuando se abra
el meteorito. Habiendo aparecido, es muy importante, al enseñar este documento, que no
haya significados secretos u ocultos. Solo hay uno, sin significado secundario. Se ha elaborado
en beneficio de todos los seres sintientes. ¡Que terminen todos los tormentos de la existencia!

After 500 years will be a time when the teachings of the Spiritually Awakened One will be on
the decline and monks' ethics and general conduct will become corrupted. When evil thoughts
will occupy the mind, and food supplies will be contaminated. A time when the ten
unwholesome deeds will be practiced and practitioners of advanced spiritual techniques will
recite only evil mantras, and the five poisons will overwhelm one's perceptions. It will be a
time when body and speech acts will be perverted; teaching of spiritual values will deteriorate.
A time when feathers will grow on mountains (sic!), and a person will travel about in wooden
and metal vehicles. All of one's actions will merely contribute to evil happenings, a time of
fearfulness when evil will manifest most definitely. This text will reverse the contributory evil
causes of this time. By so much as seeing it, writing of it, proclaiming it, there is no doubt that
these evil times will end. It is sufficient to see what is true and what is not true. And to say
what one knows to be the truth. In those people who say it is untrue, from the tops of their
heads to the bottom of their feet, signs that they will be seized by sickness will appear."

Después de 500 años será un momento en que las enseñanzas del Despierto Espiritual estarán
en decadencia y la ética y la conducta general de los monjes se corromperán. Cuando los
malos pensamientos ocuparán la mente, y los suministros de alimentos se contaminarán. Un
tiempo en el que se practicarán las diez acciones nocivas y los practicantes de técnicas
espirituales avanzadas recitarán solo mantras malvados, y los cinco venenos abrumarán las
percepciones de uno. Será un momento en que los actos del cuerpo y del habla serán
pervertidos; La enseñanza de los valores espirituales se deteriorará.

After the Victorious One had spoken these words, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya, Ananda, gods,
anti-gods, humans, and spirits who live on odors, all rejoiced and offered great praise of his
words. The Victorious One touched his right hand, marked with certain signs and
characteristics, to the earth, and (by this act) conquered the dark forces of spiritual death,
along with their retinue. I experienced an unbelievable happiness and joy and decided to
(always) engage myself with this discriminative appreciation that goes beyond itself, that
tames (beings) by pacifying all sickness and evil. Then the Spiritually Awakened One, the
Victorious One, after remaining in meditative enstasis, uttered this summary of his discourses,
as part of the teachings (as a whole). Again, Ananda asked of theVictorious One:

Después de que el Victorioso pronunció estas palabras, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya, Ananda,

dioses, antidioses, humanos y espíritus que viven de los olores, todos se regocijaron y
ofrecieron grandes elogios por sus palabras. El Victorioso tocó su mano derecha, marcada con
ciertos signos y características, a la tierra, y (por este acto) conquistó las fuerzas oscuras de la
muerte espiritual, junto con su séquito. Experimenté una increíble felicidad y alegría y decidí
(siempre) comprometerme con esta apreciación discriminativa que va más allá de sí misma,
que domestica (seres) al apaciguar toda enfermedad y maldad. Luego, el Despierto
Espiritualmente, el Victorioso, después de permanecer en un enstasis meditativo, pronunció
este resumen de sus discursos, como parte de las enseñanzas (como un todo). Nuevamente,
Ananda le preguntó al Victorioso:

"Victorious One, since you have delivered this teaching, turn around the obstacles and evil
conditions within existence. In the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028) an epidemic will occur and
its impact will be very profound. If all sentient beings do not think that this is true and have no
confidence in this letter and are not able to propagate it, then the dark evil forces of spiritual
death will be satisfied. If there is confidence and they do publish this, then great well-being will
arise. Great benefit will come from this spiritual text. That's it! Great! That's for sure! May you
always teach it! May most excellent good and wholesomeness arise! May capabilities and
merits always increase! This has been taught by all of the Spiritually Awakened Ones. You
yourself are energetic to this truth, of benefit to beings. At the end of a future time, the
qualities of this will be beyond imagination. For the person who is confident in this, all desires
will be fulfilled. Evil conditions and obstacles will be diverted. The person who is confident in
the teachings of a spiritually awakened person should make offerings of flowers and incense."

"Victorioso, ya que has entregado esta enseñanza, da la vuelta a los obstáculos y las malas
condiciones existentes. En el año Tierra-Hombre-Mono (2028) ocurrirá una epidemia y su
impacto será muy profundo. Si todos los seres sintientes no lo hacen piensen que esto es
cierto y no confían en esta carta y no son capaces de propagarla, entonces las fuerzas malignas
oscuras de la muerte espiritual estarán satisfechas. Si hay confianza y publican esto, surgirá un
gran bienestar. Gran beneficio vendrá de este texto espiritual. ¡Eso es! ¡Excelente! ¡Eso es
seguro! ¡Que siempre lo enseñes! ¡Que surja el bien y la salud más excelentes! Esto ha sido
enseñado por todos los Despiertos Espiritualmente. Tú mismo eres enérgico a esta verdad, de
beneficio para los seres. Al final de un tiempo futuro, las cualidades de esto estarán más allá
de la imaginación. Para la persona que confía en esto, todos los deseos se cumplirán. Las malas
condiciones y los obstáculos serán desviados. La persona que confía en las enseñanzas de una
persona espiritualmente despierta debe hacer ofrendas de flores e incienso".

Then Maitreya looked back from the expanse of space. He saw blood coming from the eyes of
humans so he went to the Victorious One and asked:

"Victorious One, I pray that you give a teaching of great sustaining power as to what is to
come, gathering the meaning in (only) a few words."

Entonces Maitreya miró hacia atrás desde la extensión del espacio. Vio sangre saliendo de los
ojos de los humanos, así que fue al Victorioso y le preguntó:

"Victorioso, te pido que des una enseñanza de gran poder de sostenimiento sobre lo que está
por venir, recogiendo el significado en (solo) unas pocas palabras".

The Victorious One replied: "Very well, Maitreya. Listen to what I say. I choose this for the
benefit of all sentient beings as well as Brahma, Indra, and so on. I will convey my words and
their meaning for the sake of beings. It is certainly very positive to be energetically devoted to
this. In the autumn of the Fire-Female-Horse year (2026), and in the year of the Earth-Male-
Monkey (2028), all of those evil persons who have no confidence in this teaching will die. But,
if one writes of it and propagates it, then one will live for a long time, without sickness, and
merit will become very great. All the harmful forces of this evil time will quickly gather in the
cities. They will run and hide themselves so that humans will not be able to see where they
are. At that time, the power of this spiritual text will scatter those noxious demons and they
will run away. So it is important to spread this text to all areas. One should not entertain any
doubts and think that it is not true. The Spiritually Awakened One, incomparable teacher of
gods and men, is the tamer of beings, sensitive to the world, gone into well-being, head of the
spiritually aware 'family.'
Those persons who do not have any confidence in this teaching will experience a great
earthquake in the year of the Fire-Horse (2026). When the evil times come in the Fire-Female-
Sheep year (2027), there will be death due to overcrowding. Some will die on the road; some
from heart (disease). In the year of the Earth-Male-Monkey (2028), there will be terrible
floods. In the summer, death will come from famine-induced epidemics. At that time, demons
will be all over the place. If one writes of and propagates this text, there will be no harm from
obstructions or demons.

In the Earth-Female-Bird year (2029), there will be no harm. Nonetheless, it will be very
important to guard one's discipline and not eat red meat. In the Iron-Male-Dog year (2030), all
cities and surrounding areas will be filled with carnivorous animals such as tigers, bears, wild
dogs, wolves, and the like. At that time it will be very important to write of and propagate this
text as a method for liberating humans. In the Iron-Female-Pig year (2031), all sentient beings
will lose self- control, and will be like paper blown about in the wind, or as if carried off in a
flood. Then, those who lack belief in this text will die."

Then the Victorious One said to the Greatly Responsive One: "During the year of the Mouse
(2032-?), a sound with spiritual qualities will be heard coming out of the depths of space. And,
like the light of the sun and moon, because of the strength in the sustaining power of the
Spiritually Awakened One, if one writes of and propagates this text which illuminates all of the
four directions and eight points in between, then it will be of benefit until Maitreya comes. If
one writes of and propagates this, one will obtain merit like a mountain (in size). In the palace
at Potala, a transformative form of the Spiritually Awakened One's communication dwells,
surrounded by a retinue of those in whom pure and total mind has taken over. All sentient
beings, above and below, in all the ten directions, are placed in well-being. This well-being is
intensified for the sake of all sentient beings on account of the compassionate intentions of
the Greatly Responsive One for all humans. By thinking that this is untrue, or if one entertains
doubts, a period of plagues will become widespread in the middle of summer. People will die
from dawn to dusk. At that time, calculating from when the evil period of time increases, all
the forest (ecosystems) will collapse. All the rocky mountains will crumble at their bases. One
will not be able to bear the leveling (process) of the earth's (mountains). For every ten persons,
only one will be left. If one thinks that this is not so, it is the word of the Victorious One. Oh,
pity sentient beings!

In the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), and in the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028), the evil "five
hundred time" will emerge. This disruption will come from every direction and the - eight
subdivisions as well. People will be defiled by quarrels and restlessness. This spiritual text will
liberate one from these omens of the evil time merely if one has confidence in it, sees, writes
about it, propagates it. Agitation will thereby be pacified. If one does this, limitless good will
come about. May beings be free of all terror and fear! This spiritual work which has one, no
secondary meaning, has been composed for the benefit of all sentient beings. This spiritual
text will spread fully to all realms and all humans will be happy. May virtuous sentient beings
be free of misery! If one is not energetic in making the text an object of sustained attention for
five or six months, then a period of sickness and diseases will come. Some will die from fever;
some from chills; some from stomach ailments; some from madness; some from skin diseases.
Some from heart disease, others from liver disease. There is a remedy for these harms. When
impermanence (begins to show its mark) in the body, if men and women tie this [mantra],
which will protect them, to their bodies, this protecting mantra will free them from all plagues
and the harms of demons, water spirits, and gods. [It is:]

E-ma-ho pen-no pen-no so-ha!

Mantra 00.jpg (22.04 KiB) Viewed 1243 times

It should be worn on the right side of the body for a man and on the left for a woman.

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