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The Coso Artifact: Mystery from the Depths of Time?

Article · March 2004


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Paul V. Heinrich
Louisiana State University


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The Coso Artifact:

Mystery from the Depths of Time?
Pierre Stromberg and Paul V Heinrich

INTRODUCTION OOPARTS specimen, the Coso inner layer was hexagonal and
Creationists have often been criti- Artifact. seemed to form a casing around
cized for failing to present original The story of the Coso Artifact the hard porcelain cylinder. Within
research and evidence that would has been embellished over the the inner layer, a layer of decom-
overthrow Our contemporary sci- years, but nearly all accounts of the posing copper surrounded the
entific view of human origins. actual discovery are basically the porcelain cylinder.
However, this is not entirely fair. same. On February 13, 1961,
The creation "science" field known Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey, and THE INITIAL INVESTI G ATIONS
as OOPARTS, or "Out Of Place Mike Mikesell were seeking inter-
Very little is known about the ini-
ARTifactS", is a lively area of study esting mineral specimens, particu- tial physical inspections of the arti-
that relies on "anomalous" finds in larly geodes, for their LM&V fact. According to Maxey, a geolo-
the archaeological record to chal- Rockhounds Gem and Gift Shop in gist she consulted who examined
lenge scientific chronologies and Olancha, California. The trio was the fossil shells encrusting the
models of human evolution. In this about 6 miles northeast of specimen said that the nodule had
paper, we will examine one of the Olancha, near the top of a peak taken at least 500 000 years to
most popular and least understood about 4300 feet in elevation and attain its present form . However,
about 340 feet above the dry bed the identity of the first geologist is
of Owens Lake.At lunchtime, after still a mystery, and his findings
Pierre Stromberg is the founder of collecting rocks most of the morn- were never published.
Pacific Northwest Skeptics and has ing, all three placed their speci- Another investigation was con-
been fascinated by origins research mens in the rock sack Mikesell was ducted by creationist Ron Calais.
after he saw PBS Nova's destructive carrying (Steiger 1974: 49).
expose of Erich von Daniken's Chariots
Calais is the only other individual
The next day in the gift shop's known to have physically inspect-
of the Gods. Since then, he has enCOU1'-
workroom, Mikesell ruined a near- ed the artifact, and he was allowed
aged a grassroots movement to com-
bat creationism in the Pacific ly new diamond saw blade while to record images of the nodule
No1'thwest. When he is not battling cre- cutting what he thought was a using both X-ray and natural-light
ationists, he enjoys heat'ing stories geode. Inside the cut nodule, photography. Calais's X-rays
about local haulZtings, alien abduc- Mikesell did not find the cavity brought interest in the artifact to a
tions, and UFO sightings. He has a BS that is typical of geodes, but a per- new level. The X-ray of the upper
in computer science and is currently fectly circular section of very hard, end of the object seemed to reveal
employed as a software quality assur- white material that appeared to be some sort of tiny spring or helix.
ance manager in Redmond,
porcelain. In the center of the INFO Journal editor Ronald J
Washington. Willis (1969) speculated that it
Paul V Heinrich is a geologist and porcelain cylinder was a 2-millime-
ter shaft of bright metal.The metal could actually be "the remains of a
Research Associate at Louisiana State corroded piece of metal with
University. He has an MS in geolOgy shaft responded to a magnet. There
threads."The other half of the arti-
and over 13 years' experience as a were other odd qualities about the
fact revealed a sheath of metal, pre-
geologist. His work experience includes specimen. The outer layer of the sumably copper, covering the
years of research in Quaternary geolo- specimen was encrusted with fos-
gy, geologic mapping, and archaeolog-
porcelain cylinder.
sil shells and their fragments. In The last individual known to

ical geology. He is a registered profes-
addition to shells, the discoverers possess the Coso Artifact was one
MAR- A pR 2004 sional geologist and has been interest-
ed in the "wild side of geoarcbaeology" noticed two nonmagnetic metallic of the original discoverers, Wallace
REPORTS since watching the "Mysterious Origins objects in the crust, resembling a Lane. Lane had the object on dis-
of Man"in 1996. nail and a washer. Stranger still, the play in his home, but he adamantly
- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

refused to allow anyone to exam- [Multinational Investigations ghost-written three-quarters of the

ine it (Willis 1969). However, he Cooperative on Aerial book Secrets of the Lost Races by
had a standing offer to sell it for Phenomena] ", suggested that if it is Rene Noorbergen (1977), which
$25 000. In September 1999, a not simply a spark plug, "My guess has often been cited as a reference
national search to locate any of the would be some sort of antenna. for the Coso Artifact by young-
original discoverers proved fruit- The construction reminds me of earth creationists (Jochmans
less. We suspect that Lane is dead. modern attempts at superconduc- 1999). For example, Carl Baugh, a
Maxey is alive, but is avoiding any tors" (Wood 1999). young-earth creationist whose
public comment, and the where- Joe Held of "Joe's UFOs and claim to fame is the promotion of
abouts of Mikesell remain Space Mysteries" thinks that the the Paluxy River tracks, relies on
unknown. The location and dispo- device "looks similar to a small Noorbergen (1977) in his discus-
sition of the artifact are also capacitor with several different sion of the Coso Artifact in his dis-
unknown. Willis's 1969 article is materials. The object is roughly the sertation (Baugh 1989).
the primary source for information size of an auto spark plug. Since Elsewhere in the Pacific
on this object to date. the formation of geodes can take Northwest, Institute for Creation
millions of years this was a very Research (lCR) adjunct faculty
FANTASTIC SPECULATIONS curious fmd indeed" (Held 1999). member Donald Chittick has been
Ever since the artifact was first dis- heavily promoting the Coso
covered, numerous individuals THE CREATIONISTS AND THE Artifact. In The Puzz le of Ancient
have speculated about its mysteri- ARTIFACT Man, Chittick (1997) presents the
ous origin and possible use. Maxey With such outrageous speculation, Coso Artifact as evidence that
speculated that the specimen may individuals familiar with the cre- ancient civilizations were extreme-
have been no more than 100 years ationism/evolution controversy ly advanced. Presuming that it is an
old after being deposited in a mud might assume that fundamentalist ancient spark plug, Chittick
bed and sun-baked. However, she Christians would stay far away explains his inference that this fmd
also apparently claimed that the from such artifacts and stories. But indicates technological sophistica-
artifact could be at least 500 000 this is far from the case. Numerous tion. He admits that reliable dates
years old, "an instrument as old as creationists have been involved are unlikely, but then goes on to
Mu or Atlantis. Perhaps it is a com- with this artifact since its discov- argue that the plug is old because
munications device or some sort ery. Calais, who was involved with geodes take too long to form.
of directional finder or some sort the Coso Artifact since its initial Chittick's discussion assumes that
of instrument made to utilize discovery, is an active contributor the plug was found inside a natu-
power principles we know noth- to creationist literature (see, for rally occurring geode, which
ing about" (Steiger 1974). example, Calais and Mehlert 1996). would indicate great age and there-
INFO Journal editor Willis spec- He brought the artifact to the fore an "out-of-place" artifact. This,
ulated that the artifact was some attention of the Charles Fort he argues, refutes evolution, since
sort of spark plug. His brother Society, publisher of INFO Journal. evolutionary models fail to explain
found the suggestion extraordi- Creation Outreach, a Spokane, the existence of such sophisticat-
nary: "I was thunderstruck," he Washington-based creationism ed technology so long ago .
wrote, "for suddenly all the parts ministry promotes the artifact on
seemed to fit. The object sliced in its website by reprinting an article THE GEOLOGIC EVIDENCE:

two shows a hexagonal part, a by JR Jochmans which concludes: Is THE COSO ARTIFACT

porcelain or ceramic insulator ENCASED IN A GEODE?

As a whole, the "Coso arti-
with a central metallic shaft - the fact" is now believed to be When it comes to the geologic evi-
basic components of any spark something more than a piece dence, the most stunning claim is
plug" (Willis 1969). However, they of machinery: The carefully that the artifact was discovered in
could not reconcile the upper end shaped ceramic, metallic a geode. As Chittick has noted, for-
featuring a "spring", "helix", or shaft and copper compo- mation of a geode requires signifi-
"metal threads" with any contem- nents hint at some form of cant amounts of time. But what is
porary spark plug. So the mystery electrical instrument. The often overlooked is that the Coso
continued. The artifact even closest modern apparatus Artifact possesses no characteris-
appeared briefly at the end of an that researchers have been tics that would classify it as a
In Search Of ... episode hosted by able to equate it with is a geode. The fact that the original
Leonard Nimoy. spark plug. However, there discoverers were looking for geo-
The internet offers a plethora of are certain features - partic- des on the day the artifact was
other opinions on the subject. ularly the spring or helix ter- found is not sufficient evidence
While most writers simply report minal - that does [sic] not that the artifact is a geode.
the mystery as described earlier, correspond to any known Geodes consist of a thin outer
some have taken to speculating on spark plug today (Jochmans shell composed of dense chal-
the purpose and origin of such a 1979). cedonic silica and filled with a
device. Brian Wood, describing layer of quartz crystals. The Coso VOL 24, NR 2 2004
himself as "Co-Producer, ParaNet It should also be noted that accord- Artifact does not possess either
UFO Continuum [and] ing to a letter printed in Atlantis feature . Maxey referred to the REPORTS
International Director of MICAP Rising, Jochmans claims to have material covering the artifact as m
"hardened clay" and noted that it X-ray lies in one of the earliest arti- could identify the particular make
had picked up a miscellaneous col- cles about the artifact.Willis (1969) of the spark plug.Windham replied
lection of pebbles, including a "nail suggested that the upper end of he was certain that it was a 1920s-
and washer". Analysis of the sur- the object "is actually the remains era Champion spark plug. Later,
face material using the standard of a corroded piece of metal with Windham sent 2 identical spark
Mohs scale suggests a hardness of threads." The Willis brothers seri- plugs for comparison. Ten days
Mohs 3, which is much softer than ously suspected the object was a afterWindham's telephone call, Bill
chalcedony. contemporary spark plug, but Bond, founder of the SPCA and
Other arguments regarding the were still unable to explain what curator of a private museum of
ancient source of the Coso Artifact was in the X-ray. Spark plugs of the spark plugs containing more than
focus on the alleged fossil shells 1960s typically terminated with no 2000 specimens, called Stromberg.
encrusted on the surface. If, as visible threading and tapered to a Bond said he thought he knew the
noted earlier, a nail and washer dull pOint. Though many of the identity of the Coso Artifact: "A
were also found on the same sur- interested parties agreed that the 1920s Champion spark plug ."
face as the fossil shells, then the artifact bore a striking resem- Spark plug collectors Mike Healy
power of the inference of an blance to a 20th-century spark and Jeff Bartheld (Vice President of
ancient age for the plug, no one seems to have consid- the SPCA) also concurred with
artifact is seriously ered the idea of evolution - Bond's and Windham's assessment
The Willis diminished. Even specifically, spark plug evolution. about the spark plug.To date, there
creationist litera- Investigating the origins of the has been no dissent among the
brothers seriously ture notes how Coso Artifact revealed that mining spark plug collectors as to the
transport, erosion, operations were conducted in the identity of the Coso Artifact.
suspected the or other geological area of discovery early in the 20th Since Windham mentioned that
object was a changes in surface century. If internal combustion spark plug collectors enjoy pulling
materials can lead engines were used in these opera- pranks on one another, the question
contemporary to mistaken tions in the Coso mountain range, of deliberate fraud inevitably crops
assumptions about they would have been a very new up in relation to the Coso Artifact.
spark plug. the true age of technology at the time. So we However, there is little hard evi-
individual objects. extrapolated that spark plug tech- dence that the original discoverers
For example, nology would also have been in its intended to deceive anyone from
Creation Ex Nihilo's June-August infancy. To help us to learn more the start. Furthermore, the Spark
1998 issue features fence wire that about spark-plug technology of a Plug Collectors of America was
had become encased by surface century ago, we enlisted the help formed in 1975, well after the dis-
materials including "fossil " of the Spark Plug Collectors of covery of the artifact, and none of
seashells ([Anonymous) 1998b, America (SPCA). We sent letters to the 3 discoverers was ever affiliated
quotation marks in the original; see four different spark plug collectors with the organization.
also [Anonymous] 1991, 1998a, describing the Coso Artifact,
1999). including Calais's X-rays of the COMPARISONS AND ANALYSIS
object in question. We expected
On September 14, 1999, Stromberg
THE ARTIFACT ITSELF: the SPCA to provide some vague
received a package from Wmdham
WHAT Is IT? hints or no information at all about
containing 2 spark plugs and an
the artifact. The actual answers
As noted earlier, numerous individ- analysis of the specimens.
were stunning.
uals have speculated about the Windham wrote:
On September 9, 1999, Chad
identity of the Coso Artifact. The Windham, President of the SPCA, I am enclosing two spark
most common suggestion is that it called Pierre Stromberg. Windham plugs made by Champion
is some sort of spark plug, initially suspected that Stromberg Spark Plug company circa
designed and manufactured by an was a fellow spark plug collector, 1920s. Plug #1 is 7/8" #18
advanced civilization eons ago for writing incognito, with the motive thread. I have loosely assem-
technological devices equal to or of hoaxing him. His fears were bled the plug, and chipped
surpassing our own. But there is no compounded by the fact that there the "brass hat" off to show
reason to conclude that the artifact is an actual line of spark plugs the configuration of it and
was manufactured thousands of named "Stromberg". Though the porcelain under it. Plug
years ago. Some have half-hearted- Stromberg repeatedly assured #2 is W NPT of same design.
ly suggested that the device could Windham that his intentions were The diameter of the
have been a contemporary spark purely for research, he was puzzled porcelain on Plug #1 is slight-
plug circa 1961. But ancient arti- why Windham was so suspicious ly less than ~" - close to the
fact proponents point to the X-ray and asked him to explain. dimension in your letter. As
of the top half, which indicates Windham replied that it was so you can seeL) the base and
some type of tiny spring or helix obvious to him that the artifact packing nutL) which hold
mechanism. The content of this X- was a contemporary spark plug, the porcelain, are sealed with

MAR- APR 2004

ray, they argue, runs contrary to
what we know about contempo-
rary spark plugs.
A clue to what is revealed in the
the letter had to be a hoax."I knew
what it was the moment I saw the
X-rays,"Windham wrote.
Stromberg asked Windham if he
a copper and asbestos gas-
ket. This corresponds with
the article. The center elec-
trode of plugs were made of
special alloys which were ing. According to Windham, this nodule probably was hastened by
"... cut in two in 1961 but five design was necessary because the fact that corrosive "mineral
years afterwards had no tar- porcelain and steel have vastly dif- dust" is blown off the dry lake bed
nishing visible." fering expansion rates, so the cop- of Lake Owen and onto the sur-
The sketches included per was used to compensate for rounding uplands where the arti-
clearly show one rib on the some of the problems this differ- fact was discovered.This dust con-
upper end of the porcelain, ence caused. tains salts created by the evapora-
although Champion used Specimen #2 was not disassem- tion of the lake water that are reg-
two ribs in this era - proba- bled by Windham, but also present- ularly blown off the lake bed by
bly just an artist's error. The ed a feature that could explain local windstorms. The US
"top hat["] matches those of why the artifact had not been iden- Geological Survey has conducted
"plug 1 and 2". tified decades ago. Specimen #2, extensive investigations of this
As for the outer shell, it though suffering from severe tar- phenomena (Reheis 1997).
obviously decayed - proba- nish, came with a top nut screwed
bly from salt water (or other into its top hat. Almost all REACTION FROM THE
corrosive substance) [-] Champion spark plug advertise- PARANORMAL COMMUNITY
and the outer crust is merely ments of the first half of the 20th
The embrace of the Coso Artifact
some sort of deposit like sea century showed pictures of their
spark plugs including the top nut by young-earth creationists is truly
shells or other deposits col-
already screwed into place. In puzzling. We asked the ICR's
lected on the deteriorating
some cases, the top nut comes in Donald Chittick why he felt the
surfaces of the spark plug
two forms, one of which closely Coso Artifact was an object worthy
mimics the tip of today's contem- of presentation to the public, and
There is no doubt that
this is merely an old spark porary spark plugs, which have no specifically how he reconciled a
plug. Most probably, it is a threading whatsoever. So it previous age estimate of 500 000
Champion spark plug, similar becomes rather easy to understand years with his young-earth cre-
ationist beliefs. On _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to the two enclosed. why the appearance of threads in
the Coso Artifact seemed so puz- September 29, 1999, Th b f
The most striking aspect of zling to the original investigators. Chittick responded: e em race 0
Windham's description is the brass It should be noted that the cor- The article's specula- the Coso Artifact
"top hat" that has so vexed previ- rosion of the Coso Artifact almost tion that it had taken
ous attempts to provide a rational completely destroyed any of the at least 500 000 by young-earth
explanation for the artifact. But iron-alloy-based components, with years to attain the
other similarities are even more the exception of the metal shaft present form is just creationists is
significant. Because Windham had encased in the porcelain cylinder. that: speculation.
chipped the brass top hat off spec- The samples received from Actual petrifaction
truly puzzling....
imen #1, the spark plug revealed a Windham also revealed corrosion of such objects pro-
metal shaft terminating in a flared of the iron-based components, but
Creation Outreach
ceeds normally quite
end, presumably to help to secure the brass top hats were unscathed, rapidly, as is illustrat- continues to
the top hat to the plug's porcelain except for some tarnishing. If the ed by several other
cylinder. The same sort of flared Coso Artifact is indeed a 1920s-era similar formations . promote the
end also appears in the metal shaft Champion spark plug, the X-ray of See for instance, the
of the Coso Artifact. The shaft in an almost perfectly preserved top note about the petri- spark plug.
the X-ray, just below the flare , also hat is exactly what one would fied miner's hat on
reveals deterioration where it was expect. Brass, a copper-zinc alloy, the back cover of
exposed to the elements above is commonly engineered to resist Creation Ex Nihilo (Vol 17,
where it meets the porcelain cylin- corrosion far better than iron- Nr 3) for June-August, 1995.
der. This, too, is exactly what we based alloys. In harsh environ- See also an article about
would expect from a 1920s-era ments, copper tends to outlast another "fossil" spark plug in
Champion spark plug. An X-ray of iron, but still succumbs fairly Creation Ex Nihilo (Vol 21 ,
the specimen that Windham sent quickly. The rates of decay in the Nr 4) for September-
us reveals a picture very similar to Coso Artifact match the rates of November, 1999 on page 6.
the original X-ray of the Coso decay one would see in a 1920s-era You asked what I thought
Artifact. As with the original arti- Champion spark plug. An excel- about its age. My best guess
fact, the central metal shaft of both lent review (Cronyn 1990) of how is that it is probably early
specimens responds to a magnet. ferrous and non-ferrous alloys post-Flood. I have not yet
Proponents of fantastic stories decay over time includes numer- been able to obtain sufficient
regarding the artifact have made ous photographs, including X-rays, documentation, so I don't say
mention of mysterious copper of contemporary objects that have much publicly. However, there
rings that encase the porcelain. But completely decayed into oxide is evidence that they did in
this too can be easily explained. nodules. Like the Coso Artifact, fact perhaps have internal
Windham provided one complete- these examples also feature empty combustion engines or even VOL 24. NR 2 2004
ly disassembled plug (specimen cavities where the original materi- jet engines way back then.
#1). It revealed a pair of copper als once resided. REPORTS
rings sandwiching an asbestos lin- The formation of the iron oxide Chittick's revelation that he was lEI
already aware of "fossil" spark the artifact in his public lectures. REFERENCES
plugs was startling. We asked in a When Ken Clark of Spokane's Anonymous. 1991. "Fossil" pliers show
follow-up letter how he can posi- Creation Outreach learned that the rock doesn't need millions of years to
tively date the Coso Artifact to the Artifact was a 1920s-era Champion form! Creation Ex Nthilo 14 (1): 20.
Great Flood since he was already spark plug and was offered Anonymous. 1998a. Bell-ieve It: Rapid rock
aware of contemporary spark detailed proof, he ceased to com- formation rings true . Creation Ex Nihilo
plugs that appear to be fossilized. municate with us. Although 20 (2): 6.
In his response on October 23, Creation Outreach continues to Anonymous. 1998b. Fascinating fossil
1999, he commented: promote the spark plug on its web fence-wire. Creation Ex Nihilo 20 (3): 6.

It has not been my privilege site by reproducing Jochmans Anonymous. 1999. Sparking interest in
(1979), it adds the editorial note: rapid rocks. Creation Ex Nihilo 21 (4): 6.
to personally examine the
Coso Artifact or location and "Several readers have stated the Baugh CEo 1989.Academic justification for
artifact is indeed a sparkplug from voluntary inclusion of scientific creation
strata where it was found.
the 1920s" (see <http://home.att. in public classroom curricula, supported
There are two reasons I con- by evidence that man and dinosaurs were
sidered the Artifact signifi- netl - creationou treachlpagesl
contemporary [dissertation]. Melbourne,
cant. strange.htm>). Australia, and Poplar Bluff (MO): Pacific
1. It obviously is a man-made Graduate UniverSity. Available on-line at
The Coso Artifact is a remarkable diss/> . Last accessed July 26, 2004.
2. Those who evaluated the
example of how pseudosciences Calais R, MehlertAW. 1996. Slippery phylo-
strata said that it appeared genies: Evolutionary speculations on the
such as "creation science" fail
to be old, not modern stra- origin of frogs . Creation Research Society
when their analyses and conclu-
ta. Those two items are the Quarterly 33 (1): 44-8.
sions are investigated in a real-life
principle basis for my con- Chittick DE. 1997. The Puzzle of Ancient
archaeological situation. Perhaps
clusion that it was worth Man. Tualatin (OR): Precision Graphics.
the most surprising revelation is
study. Certainly it does Cronyn JM. 1990. The Elements of
the stunningly poor research
merit further study in my Archaeological Conservation. London:
Chittick conducted regarding the
judgment. Numerous items Routledge.
Artifact. He persisted in portraying
like that abound, but I Held]. 1999. Joe 's UFO and space myster-
of the Artifact as "ancient" evidence
haven't been able to docu- ies. <http://members.tripod.comI.LKidd/
for advanced technology. (RNCSE
ment them as thoroughly as index.html>. Last accessed September 10,
readers may recall an earlier inci- 1999.
I would like, and so I don't
dent in which Chittick was con-
say too much about them. Jochmans JR. 1979. Strange Relics from
fronted about his erroneous state- the Depths of the Earth [booklet] . Lincoln
As noted earlier, the alleged stra- ments regarding Lucy's knee joint (NE): Forgotten Ages Research Society.
tum where the Coso Artifact was [Stromberg 1998]; his reaction was Jochmans JR. 1999. Comments on partici-
found is unknown since all 3 dis- similar, ignoring warnings and con- pation in Me Noorbergen's work [letter].
coverers had separately searched tinuing to mislead his audiences.) < /letters.
for geodes all morning before con- The Coso Artifact was indeed a html>. Last accessed September 22,1999.
solidating their collections in a sin- remarkable device. It was a 1920s- Noorbergen R. 1977. Secrets of the Lost
gle sack. Even if the exact location era Champion spark plug that Races. Indianapolis (IN): Bobbs-Merrill
were discovered, the artifact was probably powered a Ford engine, Company.
an oxide nodule freely lying on the possibly modified to serve mining Reheis M]. 1997. Dust deposition down-
surface, so the stratum where the operations in the Coso mountain wind of Owens (dry) Lake, 1991-1994:
range of California. To suggest that Preliminary findings. Journal of
item was discovered is irrelevant,
it was a device belonging to an Geophysical Research 102 (022): 25
because surface deposits are an 999-26008.
inconsistent mix of eroded, trans- advanced civilization of the
ancient past could be interpreted Steiger B. 1974. Mysteries of Time and
ported, and generally jumbled-up Space. Englewood Heights (NJ): Prentice-
materials that are out of any mean- as true, but only if we redeflne
ingful geologic or archaeologic "ancient" to mean "the early 20th
Stromberg p. 1998. Lucy and the ICR:
contexts. century".
Bearing false witness against thy neighbor.
Once the investigation revealed Reports of the National Center for
beyond a reasonable doubt the Science Education 18 (5): 28-30.
true nature of the artifact, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Wood B. 1999. [Untitled e-mail message.]
Stromberg notified Chittick via This article is adapted from a longer, more Available on-line at <http://www.ufonet.
postal mail, warning him about the detailed account of the Coso Artifact that it/archivio/500000-year-old.htm>. Last
publication of this paper and urg- appears on the Talk.Origins Archive web accessed July 26, 2004.
ing him to issue a retraction and to site (< Wtllis R].1969.The Coso Artifact. The INFO
paste a disclaimer in his book that coso.html». This paper would not have Journal 1 (4): 4-13.
been possible without the gracious help
the Coso Artifact story is fallacious.
from the following individuals: Chad
Chittick never responded, and the

Windham, Bill Bond, Mike Healy, Jeff CORRESPONDING AUTHOR'S ADDRESS
second edition of The Puzzle of Bartheld, Arnie VOigt, David Q King, Ken Pierre Stromberg
MAR- APR 2004
Ancient Man promotes the Artifact Atkins, Gary L Bennett, Alan Bowes, Linda 20143 218thAvenue NE
REPORTS with no disclaimer, but Chittick Safarli, Casey Doyle, Paul Cook, and Ross Woodinville WA 98077
seems to have stopped mentioning Langerak .

4 "Intelligent Design' in the Bitterroot Valley 26 The Coso Artifact: Mystery From the
Skip Evans and Glenn Branch Depths of Time?
A local minister proposed teaching" intelligent design", and Pierre Stromberg and Paul V Heinrich
then the action began ... When a crusty old thing is picked up from an
eroded surface, creationists speculate about the dire
6 "Objective Origins' Policy will be Challenged implications for evolutionary theory. If only this 1920s
Rod Miner and Martha Stromberg spark plug were an ancient artifact.
Two parents object to the "objective origins' policy and
warn the Darby, Montana, School Board that its adoption 31 The Antiquity of Man: Reviewing Hindu
will not go unopposed. Creationism
Michael Brass
10 Shall We Let Our Children Think? The work of Cremo and Thompson continues the
Victoria Clark creationist tradition of quoting old, outdated, or
An educator and long-time re~ident of Darby. Montana, preliminary studies and ignormg up-to-date research
reflects on the town 's e:\:perience with the 'objecti"e and modem methods.
origins" policy.

12 Evolution Back in Italian Schools .,' Marbe M EMBERS ' PAGES

Carla Castellacci 19 Statement on Evolution and Creationism
Recent changes in the Italian midJIe-<;chool curriculum saw American Anthropological Association
the elimination of evolution. The \finister of Education The umbrella association for anthropologists in North
responded to a public outcry by appointiog a commission America urges that creationism be studied in its proper
that recommended restoring the study of evolution. place in the curriculum and not as a scientific theory.

14 Updates 20 Stones , Bones, and Groans

News from A1abama,Arizona, California, Florida, Books for those interested in archaeology, human
Minnesota. Missouri. ~1ontana , Oklahoma, Texas, and beyond. paleontology, and pseudoscientific versions thereof.
Your purchases benefit NCSE.

NCSE NEWS 22 NCSE On the Road

18 NCSE Honors "Friends of Darwin " for 2002
Glenn Branch
Acknowledging the efforts of those who help to promote
and extend NCSE's work. 36 Review of Human Paleobiology
by Robert B Eckhardt
18 Farewell, Skip Reviewed by Richard J Sherwood
Glenn Branch
37 Review of Origin of the Human Species
Skip Evans moves on.
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23 Donating Stock to NCSE
Phtlip Spieth
38 Review of A Devil's Chaplain: Reflections on
Another way to support NCSE and its mission, and Hope, Lies, Science, and Love
one with added benefits to both donor and redpient. by Richard Dawkins
Reviewed by Michael Ruse
23 Stretching the limits of Evolutionary Biology:
A Proftle of George Williams
Carl Zimmer
A gathering of scientists from diverse fields demonstrates
the range and breadth of the impact of Williams's work on
evolutionary biology.



Volume 24, Number 2 MAR/ApR,2004



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